• Published 30th Mar 2021
  • 1,058 Views, 187 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Civil War - Masterob

An internal battle between The Avengers and The Elements of Harmony threaten Equestria's future.

  • ...

Cracks and Flaws

The following morning, Peter had just gotten up from bed. This time he was alone though since Twilight was admitted to the hospital, her baby likely to be due very soon, hopefully that same day.

He had gone downstairs where everyone else was either eating breakfast or had just finished.

"Hey Peter, food's ready," Janet said, gesturing to some flapjacks. "Hopefully I cooked enough for your giant appetite."

"That looks good, thanks Jan," Peter said, taking a seat. "Got any plans today?"

"Spike and I are taking the day to ourselves, tomorrow we gotta report to Ember in the Dragon Lands," Janet said.

"Spike's pretty much done with his training, isn't he?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, it was hell, but he pulled through," Janet said. "What about you? Got anything you gotta do?"

"Tony needs to see me about something, says it can lead to some information about The Storm King," Peter said.

"Oh right, that guy's still out there, not in this dimension though," Janet said. "I'm hoping Thor can deal with him if he finds Loki."

"Well, if he doesn't and ends up back here, we gotta be ready," Peter said.

"Actually, speaking of The Storm King, Trixie mentioned overhearing something about some Unicorn he was with, one that had a broken horn," Janet said.

"Broken horn?" Peter remembered Tempest Shadow, somepony he did battle with that day. "Oh yeah, she tried turning ponies into stone. Took forever to turn Lyra back, Bon Bon was not happy."

"She said that while she was in town, two ponies who were apparently from Canterlot were talking about her, saying how she looked like somepony they once knew and figured it could be her," Janet said. "Not a lot of Unicorns have a broken horn after all."

"Did she get any names?" Peter asked.

"No, I don't think she did," Janet said. "Might need to ask around."

"If anything, I can ask my friends too," Peter said, digging in.

"Think Susan and Derpy will be here?" Janet asked.

"Susan, probably, Derpy, not sure," Peter said. "She had a big scare yesterday with Dinky, Thunderlane and Quibble were also worried about Rumble and Wind Sprint."

"Well it's not the first time Rumble's been in a messy situation," Janet joked.

"Something's up with that kid though, he's gotten way too arrogant lately," Peter said. "I should have a nice chat with him, make sure everything's alright."

"It's probably puberty, I mean Rumble's gonna be 18 soon isn't he?" Janet asked. "He's transitioning into adulthood."

"That is a rough time for boys," Peter said. "I'll never forget puberty, having spider powers certainly made it unique too. Still, seems pretty late for this, I mean The Crusaders already went through something like this when they were a bit younger."

"Girls mature faster than boys," Janet reminded. "So you're likely to experience this early with Mayday and later once your son is born."

"I hope I can handle Mayday when that day comes," Peter lamented. "She's already kind of feisty as it is."

"You'll be fine, you're a great father, and Mayday really loves and respects you," Janet said. "All a daughter needs the most is her father by her side through whatever troubles she's going through. Plus how bad can it get with Mayday?"

"Don't jinx it," Peter teased. "But you're right, I'm worrying too much, guess it's kind of my thing."

"We can't predict the futue Peter, it's one big mystery," Janet said. "We just have to hope for the best."

"Not to be that guy, but time travel does exist," Peter said. "Strange has used the Time Stone to look into the future."

"Well even so, even Strange admits there's tons of possibilities, it's still up to us which comes true," Janet said.

That did give Peter quite a bit to think about, of course he knows about the branching timelines. Given the fact that he had been to an alternate future ruled by Chrysalis that is obviously not going to come true. Goku himself had mentioned his world having multiple timelines as a result of a boy time traveling to stop some Androids, or technically Cyborgs.

Later on in the day, Peter had made his way to Canterlot, having arrived in the castle throne room where Tony, Hank, Spitfire, Luna and Celestia were working on some plans, and confirming more Accord information.

Given the disaster yesterday, and the irreparable damage caused, they needed to fix things up and fast.

"Have you obtained more allies Tony?" Luna asked. "More heroes for our cause?"

"Sure have, I just got into contact with an old ally named Tigra," Tony said. "She's fully on board with helping out the Accords, she's hoping it could benefit our home world too."

"This ally of yours, is she powerful?" Luna asked.

"Well she's not like The Hulk or anything, but she's very capable," Tony explained.

"As long as she can fight, I'm fine with her," Spitfire said.

"What helps is that since she's originally from Chicago, she might put in a word to another ally of ours, Moon Knight," Tony said. "Bit of a long shot though, he's a very capable warrior, but he is not too well in the head."

"If that's so, wouldn't it be a bad idea to recruit him?" Spitfire asked.

"Hey we need all the help we can get, I'm even willing to give Deadpool a chance," Tony said. "At the very least, I just want enough until we can perfect the defense here, the heroes protect Equestria while we properly train ponies here to protect this world, same with the other creatures, once that happens, we can slowly send the other heroes back."

"How long would that take?" Spitfire asked.

"Can't say, so I'm gonna keep trying," Tony said. "Hopefully we'll have plenty at our disposal."

"Too bad some of those guys we captured are evil," Spitfire said. "Imagine if that Taskmaster guy was on our side, I heard he can mimic any move he sees."

"He can," Tony said. "But unfortunately, he wouldn't want to join us, not that we could even trust him or any other villain."

"What if we mind controlled them?" Hank asked.

"That sounds a bit immoral," Celestia said. "Evil or not, they are still living beings, controlling them would make us no better than them."

"Plus Steve would kick my ass if I even considered that," Tony said. "He's still not too happy about some stuff regarding yesterday."

"Is he that upset about the invasion?" Spitfire asked.

"More like he's upset because I had to get tough with those kids, again, as well as Nightcrawler, Jubilee and Gambit," Tony said. "I'm trying to be nice too, this is the second time I've warned them about not violating the Accords, if they do so again, I may need to take action."

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that," Celestia said.

"Well speaking of Steve, is Falcon joining or not?" Hank asked. "Seems like he's been back and forth on a decision."

"I'll get him to answer today, same with Bucky," Tony said.

"It's fine if they don't want to, they can at least continue training our potential recruits," Celestia said.

"Exactly," Tony said, then took note of Peter, who had stepped into the throne room. "Hey Peter, glad you could join us!"

Spitfire turned her head to the hero, "Sup Pete? Been a while."

"Hi everyone," Peter said. "So, getting more prepped up for the Accords? Everything going smoothly?"

"Smoothly as they can," Tony said. "At the very least, Tigra is coming. You remember her right?"

"Yeah, we went on quite a few missions together, I remember that one time we teamed up with Logan and Luke Cage to find The Leader," Peter said. "Fun times."

"I figured we'd get her stationed in Baltimare," Tony said. "Jen Walters agreed to be of assistance, she'll be staying in Fillydelphia."

"That's neat, hope they don't mind coming here," Peter said.

"They're fine with it, they can take shifts too, that way if they get homesick, they can leave Equestria for a few days and come back when they're ready," Tony said. "Maybe if things go really well, they can get their own portals."

"Big maybe," Celestia said. "Remember, opening too many portals will weaken the dimensional barrier, making more invasions easier."

"Seems like it's still weak enough that villains from Earth are still showing up," Spitfire said.

"Unfortunately that is correct," Celestia said. "To make matters worse, I cannot pinpoint the exact location. If this is Discord's doing, it looks like he's being extra cautious about it."

"Where exactly does this guy live?" Tony asked.

"His own dimension, as you may know, he is capable of traveling through various planes of existence," Celestia said. "Pinpointing and tracking him down is almost impossible."

"You could ask Doctor Strange to help, this seems like his area of expertise," Peter said.

"He has tried before, even he admits that Discord is slippery," Celestia said. "But he continues to offer assistance."

"Sweet, oh is he going to sign with The Accords?" Peter asked.

"No, he told me he has more important things to worry about," Tony said. "If he doesn't sign though, technically I can't allow him to do hero work here. I mean I know the sorcerers are their own thing, but rules are rules."

"You can bend them, can't you?" Peter asked.

"If I bend the rules for Strange, I have to bend them for everyone," Tony explained.

"He's not wrong Peter, we cannot allow too many exceptions," Celestia said.

"I get that, but finding Discord is important," Peter said. "Plus this is less hero work and more sorcerer work."

"It's still a pain in the neck, I mean it's not hard to sign a piece of paper promising you'll follow a few rules," Tony said. "You're still able to do hero work, but this ensures that everything is in order and things are easy to keep track of."

"It's just a change for some of the heroes, give them time and they'll soften up," Peter said. "Anyway is there a reason you needed to see me today?"

"Yes, uh question, are you familiar with Klugetown?" Tony asked.

"I remember Felicia mentioning it once," Peter said, thinking back to a prior conversation with the cat burglar.

"Apparently there are rumors about some allies of The Storm King around there, I was hoping you and Luna could go and check it out," Tony said.

"Me and Luna huh? That sounds neat," Peter said. "Is that alright though?"

"Of course, remember, you're deputized for any town," Tony said. "It's easier sending you than most of the town registered heroes, that would require more paperwork."

"Don't rule it out though Tony," Celestia said. "If this is a chance to get information on The Storm King, it is worth sending a few extra heroes if we can spare any."

"Alright, I think we can work something out," Tony said. "Alright, let's-"

"Hold on Mr. Stark, wouldn't it be a problem given that Klugetown hasn't exactly signed on for this?" Spitfire asked. "They're technically not in Equestria, this could be seen as an invasion of sorts."

"Uh...yeah you're right about that," Tony said. "If Peter and Luna get their covers blown, things could really go down the drain for us."

"Just do what you did with Felicia," Peter said.

"That was before the Accords, back when we could take that chance," Tony said. "Hey Celestia, who runs that place anyway?"

"Truthfully even I am not sure, Klugetown is not a typical city, there are hardly any laws. I wouldn't be surprised if it did not have any governing officials at all," Celestia said.

"Well this is a pickle," Tony said. "So what do you think we should do then?"

Celestia took a moment to think things over, hoping to come up with a rational solution. "I could try to get into contact with the Governing officials there, but even I can't make any promises. Klugetown is beyond my jurisdiction."

"Why do you even have one? You're literally a Goddess, you raise the sun every morning," Peter said.

"Well I do not really consider myself much of a Goddess, but regardless it is not my duty to control Klugetown, or any Kingdom outside of Equestria," Celestia said.

"That'd probably be like if Thor went to our realm and started barking orders," Tony said. "Or Hercules for that matter."

"Thinking about it, trying to even talk to them about getting some help in would be risky," Spitfire said. "Place could be pretty corrupt, the whole town could be in league with The Storm King."

"Alright, we might not have a choice here then," Tony said. "Peter, Luna, you two are going to have to go under cover and get the information we need."

"Wait, like some secret infiltration?" Peter asked. "That sounds really shady Tony, like Nick Fury level shady. You want me and Luna to do what The Avengers did going to Latveria?"

"I know that was risky, and I don't want to have to ask this of you, but if this helps us figure out anything regarding The Storm King, it would be a big help," Tony said.

"I mean, I get it, but what if I get recognized?" Peter asked. "What if this somehow endangers people?"

"Ponies are not common in Klugetown," Luna pointed out. "Someone's bound to get suspicious of our presence."

"You're making this really difficult," Tony lamented. "Peter, why don't you go talk with Felicia, see how she handled it."

"Great idea, I wouldn't mind her joining the mission either," Peter said.

"Excuse me Peter, but wouldn't Twilight be displeased by that notion?" Luna asked.

Peter groaned in annoyance, "Yeah that's right, but Felicia could really help us out if she came along."

"I'm with Luna on this Peter, leave Black Cat out of this mission, if something goes wrong that's an even bigger headache," Tony said. "Sending you and Luna is enough of a gamble right now."

"Luna is more my gamble than yours, Mr. Stark," Celestia said. "Regardless, it is the same risk. Peter, consult with Felicia, but leave this mission to you and my sister."

"Alright, if you say so," Peter said. "So is that all you need from me?"

"Business wise, yes," Tony said. "But since you came all the way out there, there's no reason for you to leave right away. Why don't you come into the courtyard, Steve's training some recruits, and I'd like you to see our four rising stars."

"Sure, sound fun," Peter said. "Lead the way."

Tony and Luna led Peter away, Hank, Spitfire and Celestia following right afterwards. The group made their way to the Balcony over the courtyard where Steve was running some drills with the four mentioned stars.

Starlight's village residents of Double Diamond, Party Favor, Sugar Belle and Night Glider. The two unicorns were practicing their magic while Night Glider did some flight drills, and Double Diamond did some combat training with Bucky.

"There they are," Tony said. "For a group of random villagers from Starlight's old village, they turned out to have a lot of great potential. Double Diamond is quick and agile, helps that he was big into skiing, which attributed to his mobility."

"Night Glider is talented in the skies, she'd make for a great Wonderbolt," Spitfire said.

"Sugar Belle and Party Favor, while having rough starts, really improved their magical capabilities," Luna said. "While nowhere near the level of Twilight Sparkle, or Starlight Glimmer, their unique talents with magic can come in handy, even if a bit unorthodox."

"I'm still surprised they even wanted to become Avengers," Peter said. "They seemed like such ordinary ponies."

"We all start out ordinary Peter, I wasn't born as Iron Man," Tony said.

"And I wasn't born Captain of The Wonderbolts," Spitfire said. "Sometimes it just takes a little motivation to really reach new heights."

"After that showdown in Starlight's village, these four decided they did not want to be in a position like they were, at the mercy of someone else," Tony said.

"So they focused that energy in becoming capable warriors," Luna said. "Very admirable."

"Yeah, totally," Peter said. "It's amazing to see them step up like this."

As Sugar Belle continued to train, she noticed Peter observing from the balcony. "Hey everypony! It's Spider-Mane!"

"Whoa really!?" Night Glider said as she came to a halt in her flying. "So cool!"

"Don't get distracted!" Steve ordered. "Night Glider, keep practicing your formations! Sugar Belle, concentrate on your magic!"

"Yes sir!" both mares said as they continued their training.

"Someone's popular," Hank said to Peter.

"Guess my presence is a bit distracting," Peter said. "I should leave."

"It's not that bad, might be good training for them too, practice keeping focus," Tony said.

"Couldn't help but notice that only the mares seemed distracted," Spitfire said. "You really are quite the stud, aren't you Peter?"

"Come on, I get enough of that from Johnny," Peter said. "How has he been lately? Not causing too much trouble is he?"

"Of course not, though he could stand to be a little less sarcastic and cool it with the snarky remarks," Spitfire said. "But Matchstick isn't too bad, he and Crash make for great recruits."

"Right, the nicknames," Peter said. "I'm still more partial to Skittles as far as Rainbow Dash goes, since she hates Crash."

"She's a grown mare, she can handle it," Spitfire said.

"Hey Spider-Man!" Bucky called. "Want to come down and spar with me and Double Diamond?"

"Hey Jimmy! Ready to sign the Accords?" Tony asked.

Bucky was quite bemused by Tony Stark, for several reasons, "Do not call me 'Jimmy'!"

"Doesn't Logan have a son named Jimmy?" Peter said.

"Probably, Logan has more kids than a pair of bunny parents," Tony quipped. "Anyway, looks like you were offered a challenge, do you accept?"

"Sure, why not," Peter said, leaping onto the courtyard, coming face to face with Bucky and Double Diamond.

"Uh, Bucky, cool as it is to see Spider-Mane up close, he's probably out of my level," Double Diamond said.

"Are you saying you're in my level?" Bucky asked, freaking Double Diamond out.

"Sorry, I didn't mean-" Double Diamond's apology was cut short by Bucky's laugh.

"Sorry, pulling your leg," Bucky said. "Spidey here will hold back."

"Of course, I always hold back, otherwise I could seriously hurt someone," Peter said.

"Let's make this interesting," Bucky said. "Night Glider, Sugar Belle, Party Favor! Time for all of you to get in on this."

"Bucky, that might not be a wise move," Steve warned.

"It's good training for them, I mean at least I'm not sending them against Wolverine or anything," Bucky said.

"Whoa, are we gonna fight Spider-Mane!?" Night Glider asked, excitedly flying in. "Awesome!"

"Not awesome," Sugar Belle said. "What if we get hurt? He's really strong remember."

"He said he would hold back, so maybe it won't be so bad," Party Favor said.

"Yeah come on, this is a big moment for us, a chance to move up the ladder toward being Avengers!" Night Glider said.

"Great enthusiasm, you're gonna need it," Bucky said. "Alright Web-Head, show them what you can do."

"Yeah! Go all out!" Night Glider said, landing before Peter. "Show us why you're the Amazing Spider-Mane!"

"You're really full of life, you almost remind me of Rainbow Dash, must be the competitive Pegasus spirit," Peter said, then got into his spider stance. "Well if you think you're ready, then go for it."

Party Favor trotted beside Sugar Belle, "Let's try to surprise him with our magic."

"Think it will be that easy?" Sugar Belle asked.

"Worth a shot," Party Favor said. "We just need an opening."

Almost on cue, Night Glider started circling around Peter, trying to move fast enough to surprising him with a sneak attack. Once she felt like she had enough speed, she made her move and went for a kick, but Peter had seen her flying in, immediately blocking her strike, then webbed and flung her aside.

This is when Party Favor and Sugar Belle tried restraining Peter with their magic, hoping to give an opening to Double Diamond.

"I got this!" The skier had tried punching Peter, but the hero stiffened up enough to at least cause some pain to Double Diamond's hoof without breaking it. "Ow!"

"Not a good idea to attack Spider-Man head on, I know from experience," Bucky said.

"Let's slam him!" Party Favor said, he and Sugar Belle lifting Peter up, but the hero quickly webbed them both in the face, causing them to drop their magic. In one swift movement, he knocked the two Unicorns over, careful not to hurt them.

Double Diamond shook off his injury and tried to attack Peter from behind, the hero quickly grabbing his foreleg and flipping the Earth Pony over.

"That's three, just one left," Peter said, eyeing a recovered Night Glider.

"You won't get lucky again!" She flew into attack, going for several strikes that Peter nimbly dodged and then elbowed the Pegasus in her gut, not too hard but enough to make her feel it. He then webbed her back, leaving her stuck against a wall.

"Alright, I think we're done here," Bucky said. "Thanks for the assistance Spidey."

"Sure thing," Peter said, surveying the field. "Hope I didn't rough them up too bad."

"I think they're good, should toughen them up a bit," Bucky said. "They have potential, but they need a bit more battle training. Would help if you or your buddies from Ponyville would stop by more often."

"Oh, could we go to Ponyville some time?" Sugar Belle asked. "We haven't really been there much, and it seems like such a nice place."

"It is, decent town with friendly ponies," Peter said. "I think you'd like it there."

"Might be cheaper than moving to Canterlot," Double Diamond said. "We're already commuting from our village here, staying in Ponyville can give us easier access to Canterlot for our training."

"Hey I thought we were going to get registered as Avengers to protect Our Town?" Party Favor asked.

"You really want to stay there?" Double Diamond asked. "I mean, you do you, but it just reminds me of the time we lived under Starlight's rule, I kind of want to start fresh again somewhere."

"Me too," Sugar Belle said. "I think we can get a better start in Ponyville, or Canterlot, whichever works for us."

"Doesn't Starlight live in Ponyville right now?" Night Glider asked.

"Yeah, she usually bunks with me and Twilight, or she stays at the School of Friendship's dorms," Peter said. "But, Double Diamond, she really is regretful of what she's done, I hope you're not holding a grudge."

"Well..." Double Diamond scratched his head. "It's just...I felt so lied to, for so long I really thought she had my best interest in mind. To tell you the truth, I once had a thing for her, I thought we could have hit it off."

"Hey the option's still open, for now," Peter said. "She gets awfully chummy with Sunburst, and there seems to be more than just a friendship brewing."

"I'll think about it, but right now, I need to adjust," Double Diamond said. "Anyway, I can handle living in town with Starlight, mainly since she has no control over me there, and in time I can come to forgive what she's done."

"Forgiveness is hard, take all the time you need," Bucky said. "Anyway we can talk more about you all visiting Ponyville later, I still want to run a few drills with you. You showed some promise in your, very brief spar with Spider-Man, you just need to work some kinks out."

"I'll stick around a bit longer, but I have to be back in Ponyville soon, Twilight's in the hospital, she might be giving birth soon," Peter said.

"That's so sweet, congratulations," Sugar Belle said.

"Must be nice being a father," Party Favor said. "I hope I can meet the right mare someday."

"I know that feeling, I hope I can settle down with the right pony too," Sugar Belle said.

"Keep at it," Peter said, webbing back onto the balcony. "See ya soon!"

"What a nice guy," Night Glider said. "Really humble despite his strength."

"That's how a hero should be," Steve said, trotting over. "A good hero is a friend to all, something Peter strives for. It is hardly any wonder how he adapted so well into this world. He set an example for all heroes coming here to follow."

"That's amazing," Sugar Belle said.

"Now let's get you four readied up for more," Bucky said.

Meanwhile at Sugarcube Corner, Jubilee had taken Yona, Smolder, Ocellus and Cozy Glow for some milkshakes, ones delivered to their table by Pinkie Pie.

"Enjoy!" Pinkie said, trotting back to the kitchen area.

"Thanks Pinkie," Jubilee said, taking the shake. "Nothing like a girl's day out to clear your mind."

"You said it, it's good to finally have a chance to enjoy ourselves again, especially after how chaotic yesterday was," Silverstream said.

"You mean the Buck Ball game or the villain invasion?" Smolder asked.

"You're not still mad about losing are you?" Jubilee asked. "You did your best, nothing to be ashamed of."

"We should have won though," Smolder said, then held out her claws a centimeter apart. "We were this close to winning too!"

"Winning isn't that important," Jubilee said. "What matters is that you tried your best."

"Exactly, we did what we could and we came up short," Ocellus said. "On the bright side, they only beat us by one point."

"Yeah, it would have been super embarrassing if they got ten to zero on us," Silverstream said.

"But still, what could have made Gallus sick?" Smolder asked.

"According to the doctor there, he just had a really bad stomachache," Jubilee said. "Doctor said he had something his stomach didn't agree with."

Silverstream turned her attention to Cozy Glow, "That really was water you gave Gallus right? Not something else you grabbed by mistake?"

"I gave Gallus the same thing gave Sandy," Cozy Glow insisted.

"Are you sure? I mean, where did you even get those water bottles?" Smolder asked. "Did you even check if they were water?"

"Of course I did, I wouldn't risk giving Sandy something that could make him sick," Cozy said. "Whatever I gave him, I gave to Gallus. You can ask Sandy himself, he'll tell you it was only water, so I don't know what made Gallus sick."

"Maybe he's allergic to water," Ocellus suggested. This got her weird looks from Yona, Smolder and Silverstream. "It's possible."

"Not likely," Smolder said.

"Let's just wait and see, Gallus promised he would keep track of what he eats and let us know if he got sick," Jubilee said.

"I really hope it's nothing severe," Silverstream said. "He's not hiding some illness he never told us about is he?"

"If he was sick, the doctor would have told us," Jubilee said. "Or rather the doctor would have told Kurt, and he said there wasn't anything to worry about."

"Well if Kurt says it's nothing to worry about, then we shouldn't worry," Ocellus said, taking a sip from her milkshake

"Well said bestie," Cozy Glow agreed, sipping her own milkshake. "Let's just move on and stop worrying over nothing."

"So, now that we're all here, there's something that's been on my mind for a while now..." Jubilee said. Her serious demeanor did unsettle the other girls at the table, each of them wondering what the X-Man had in mind to say.

"What is it?" Yona nervously asked.

Jubilee's serious demeanor quickly turned into a cheerful one, "Which boys do you think are the cutest?"

This was a bad time for Silverstream to have taken a sip from her milkshake, as the shock of the question caused her to spit it out, getting it all over her friends.

"Silverstream!" Yona shouted in annoyance.

"What the heck are you doing!?" Smolder shouted.

"Come on..." Ocellus said, wiping herself off.

Cozy Glow just looked infuriated, fortunately for Silverstream, she maintained her composure, at least for now.

"Sorry girls, that just took me by surprise," Silverstream said, turning the X-Men member. "Did you really just ask that Jubilee?"

"Sure did, I want to know what boys have caught your eyes recently," Jubilee said.

"Uh...well..." Silverstream nervously turned to her friends. "Girls? Anything?"

"This is so embarrassing, no boy has caught my eye," Smolder said. "I don't even think I like boys much."

"Oh, do you prefer girls?" Jubilee asked.

"N-no, not saying that!" Smolder said, hiding an angry blush. "I'm just not into this romance stuff."

"Come on now, you seemed really flattered by what Sandbar said yesterday, about you being really pretty," Jubilee said.

"Come on, I don't want to be pretty, I'm a dragon!" Smolder said.

"Dragons can be pretty too," Jubilee said. "I bet a lot of dragons think you're pretty."

"You really shouldn't be afraid to show your more feminine side," Silverstream said. "I mean, tough or not, you are a girl, it's alright to be called pretty."

"I just don't like pretty things," Smolder said, trying to hide her blush. "I'm not a sissy."

"Alright, if you don't want to take part, then that's fine, I won't make you," Jubilee said. "Though I would kind of like hearing your opinion on Sandbar."

"He's, alright," Smolder said. "Really nice guy, great friend to have."

"He's way more than alright to me," Cozy Glow said. "He's really charming and so friendly, if I were a bit older I wouldn't mind being his marefriend. But I'll settle for being like his little sister."

"So, you seem to have a crush on him, but you want to be his little sister," Smolder said. "That's a bit of a weird thing to say."

"Golly Smolder, I thought you didn't want any part of this," Cozy Glow playfully sassed.

"You know what, you do you," Smolder said. "I'm not gonna try figuring out how your brain works."

"Be nice Smolder," Jubilee politely warned, unaware of Cozy's brief yet smug grin.

"I think Sandbar is really nice too, wouldn't call him a coltfriend, not that he wouldn't make a good one," Silverstream said. "But I would proudly call him my friend."

"Sandbar really nice, and handsome," Yona said, trying to hold back her own blush. "Sometimes Yona wonder about him."

"Ooh, now this sounds interesting," Jubilee said. "What about you Ocellus?"

"I never really thought about it," Ocellus said. "Boys are kind of a weakness for me too, not the same reason as Smolder but...it's difficult to talk about."

"You should have the least to worry about when it comes to boys, being a Changeling, you can take any form you want to look pretty," Smolder said. "Ideally, you're the perfect girlfriend."

"Oh, you really think so?" Ocellus asked.

"Sorry, but I have to disagree here," Cozy Glow said, earning some curious glares. "Ocellus transforming into a pretty girl is kind of useless."

"Wow...that was harsh," Smolder said. "Here I thought you liked Ocellus."

"Well clearly, I like her more than you," Cozy Glow said. "Ocellus doesn't need to transform to be pretty, because she's already really pretty. She's the prettiest Changeling in existence, she's even prettier than a lot of ponies."

Ocellus blushed at Cozy Glow's compliment, "Wow, uh, thanks Cozy..."

"That was really nice of you to say Cozy," Jubilee said.

"I agree too, Ocellus looks fine as she is, no changing required," Silverstream said.

"Now that we've established that, maybe I can get more opinions now," Jubilee said. "So let's talk Gallus, what are your opinions on him?"

"He's not bad on the eyes," Silverstream said.

"Yeah, good looking Griffon," Yona said.

"He's alright, but he really needs to work on his personality," Cozy Glow said. "It doesn't matter how handsome you are if you're not being as nice as you can be."

"I don't disagree," Jubilee said. "But I think Gallus is a really nice guy, he's a little moody sometimes, but we all have bad days."

"He did take some getting used to, but I admire his willingness to speak his mind," Smolder said. "Plus you can't blame him too much for being this way, he did have a rough life growing up."

"Too bad he doesn't like talking too much about it, opening up would really help," Ocellus said.

"These things take time, sometimes it's hard to talk about such things, brings back painful memories," Jubilee said. "Kurt can relate, he had a hard life too, spending his childhood criticized for looking like a demon, thankfully he met that nice man who saw Kurt not as a monster, but a child who needed comfort."

"It's terrible how humans like you and Kurt were treated, just because you were born with powers," Silverstream said. "I mean, shouldn't that be a good thing? Don't humans like Superheroes?"

"Usually, I mean, there are those who don't mind mutants, and treat them like they would treat anyone else, some even advocate for mutant rights, so it's not all that bad," Jubilee said. "It's just that we were an unknown to them, if we're not using our powers to actively do good, some might think we're up to no good. It's very easy for a mutant to say, rob a bank, because with our powers, it's hard to stop us."

"I can imagine," Smolder said.

"As kids, we have to register as mutants and let society know who we are and what our powers can do, basically putting ourselves in the public eye, even trying to limit what we can do, just to make us fit in with society, like a bunch of equals" Jubilee said. "The main reason I don't want to sign up for Tony Stark's Accords is because I don't believe I should be limited in how I use my powers, it's a natural part of me, like breathing, seeing or hearing. Being told I can't use my powers freely to protect my friends in whatever town I want and only with permission is not how I want to utilize my gifts."

"So you're against The Accords?" Silverstream asked.

"Put simply, yes, I am, I don't think they're a good idea," Jubilee said. "I imagine most of the X-Men feel the same way."

"Isn't Professor Rarity's husband one of the X-Men?" Ocellus asked. "He signed up for The Accords."

"That surprised me, could be a few reasons why," Jubilee said. "My main guess is that Rarity talked him into it. That or Bobby just wants to be a Superhero the same way Peter is, and try to gain a little respect."

"He always struck me as the show-off type, maybe he just wants to brag about being part of The Avengers or something," Smolder said. "I always wondered what Professor Rarity saw in him, he seems like a goof."

"He is a goof, but he's a really nice guy, it's not too hard to figure out why Rarity had a thing for him, one that led to their marriage," Jubilee said. "Speaking of which, let's try to get back on topic when it comes to boys."

"Who else do you have in mind?" Silverstream asked.

"Well...how about Rumble?" Jubilee asked.

"Hard pass," Smolder said.

"No like," Yona said.

"He's physically attractive but not really a nice pony," Silverstream said.

"He could be a bit better personality wise," Ocellus said.

"I think he's dreamy," Cozy said.

"Dreamy? He's a total jerk!" Smolder said. "Major whiner too!"

"Oh he's not so bad, besides with looks like those, we could ignore his minor personality flaws," Cozy Glow said.

"Excuse me!? You complained about Gallus having personality flaws yet you're fine with Rumble's?" Smolder asked.

"Of course, I mean Rumble is much more handsome than Gallus, it's not even a contest," Cozy Glow said. "Plus he knows Spider-Mane on a personal level, they're practically best friends."

Smolder shook her head in shame, "You're so hypocritical."

"I kind of have to agree with Smolder Cozy, your reasoning is a little...flawed," Silverstream said. "Plus saying Rumble is that much more handsome than Gallus seems like an overstatement too."

"Yes, Gallus handsome griffon, like Sandbar handsome pony," Yona said.

"You're only siding with Rumble because he's only nice to you, probably wants you in this herd he's building," Smolder said.

"Come on Smolder, let's not spread rumors," Jubilee said.

"Hey you've seen how he parades around with those fillies who are practically at his hooves," Smolder said. "Rumble's the type of guy who would want as many girls to mess around with as possible."

"Doesn't he have a marefriend though?" Ocellus asked. "He's dating Apple Bloom."

"Didn't stop Sweetie Belle from sneaking a kiss on him yesterday," Smolder said.

"To be fair, they were being mind controlled," Ocellus pointed out.

"To what extent?" Smolder said. "Face it, Rumble's just some hero wannabe who uses fillies as a form of pleasure."

"That's enough now, it's terrible to assume such a thing, not just for Rumble, but for his friends," Jubilee said.

"Hey his friends are just as bad, that Dinky girl really ticks me off with her smug attitude, and then there's Wind Sprint, who came out of nowhere and is acting like she belongs," Smolder said.

"I think she and her family recently settled in Ponyville, she was probably a bit too eager to fit in somewhere," Silverstream said. "It's probably no real surprise she made friends with Rumble since her step-father knows Rainbow Dash and Rumble has a lot of interaction with her given his desire to be a Wonderbolt. Plus Rainbow Dash has been helping with Rumble's older brother getting settled back into Ponyville life."

"Wasn't his brother a troublemaker too?" Smolder asked.

"I don't think I know the full story; we'd need to ask one of the Professors, or Peter," Silverstream said.

"Ask them what?" Came Deadpool's voice, the ninja merc appearing beside the, startling them for a moment.

"Please don't sneak up on us like that," Jubilee said.

"Sorry, couldn't help but overhear some stuff," Deadpool said. "Sounds like you all still hate Rumble and his friends for beating you in that Buck Ball game."

"He got lucky, Gallus got queasy, and Sandbar made the choice to put our worst player in out of sympathy," Smolder said.

That of course offended Cozy Glow, "Hey!"

"I don't know why you're so mad, it's just a game, it didn't really decide who the new Elements were gonna be," Deadpool said. "Seriously, how the hell does winning a Buck Ball game make you the new Elements of Harmony? That'd be like deciding the new Avengers in a Hockey Game. And why did it get so much advertisement? I'm just amazed by how much attention some random game got, Rumble's team isn't special and you six are just regular students from Twilight's school, an event like that could have been held at a nearby field or something."

"Rainbow Dash and The Equine Torch were the ones who hyped it up," Smolder said. "Probably because of Scootaloo."

"Makes a little more sense, I'm guessing even Dashie and Torchie thought this would help Scootaloo, so ridiculous. I mean, I can probably buy that the original CMC trio were going to be big but Rumble lately just serves to get his ass whooped by villains, Dinky has not done anything remarkable the last few years and Wind Sprint just showed up and asserted herself, not that impressive." Deadpool said, then checked the watch. "Oh, I should get going, I have a meeting with Iron Man."

"You're meeting with Iron Man? What for?" Jubilee asked.

"Oh, I'm signing up for The Accords," Deadpool nonchalantly explained, surprising Jubilee and the girls.

"Mind running that by me again, because it sounded like you said that you're signing up for The Accords," Jubilee said.

"You heard me right," Deadpool said. "I'm going to join The Accords and protect this town."

"It's just...you never seemed like the type to abide by laws, I can't see you joining The Accords," Jubilee said.

"Well, I thought about it, and the fact is that I have a family to protect, I don't want anything bad happening to my wife or my kids," Deadpool said. "Plus there's also my in-laws and The Cake Family to protect as well, plus I never get to do much these days and I'm bored as hell, so I want to sign up and be something."

"That's very admirable of you Mr. Deadpool," Ocellus said.

"Please, call me Wade," Deadpool said. "Well I should be off, let Pinkie know if you want any refills, or holler at the Cakes. Peace."

Deadpool trotted off, leaving the girls is a state of surprise, especially Jubilee. "Deadpool is going to be part of The Accords, he's going to be officially responsible for keeping people safe."

"Maybe it won't be so bad," Silverstream said. "I mean, he'll probably take this job seriously."

"Or we're all doomed," Smolder said.

As they thought this over, more guests had arrived, and to the dismay of some of the girls at the table, it was the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The first to notice this group was Apple Bloom, who politely waved at the girls. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle took note, but did not seem too thrilled given Scootaloo's smug scowl and Sweetie Belle rolling her eyes, something the farmer filly took note of.

"Hey come on, be a bit friendlier," the girl pleaded.

Reluctantly the two girls waved but with barely any enthusiasm, a point of annoyance for the girls at the table.

"Aren't they friendly?" Smolder sarcastically remarked.

"Seriously, what is with them?" Silverstream asked. "I normally don't like to be negative but this is really getting on my nerves."

"Well at least Apple Bloom is friendly," Ocellus said. "Maybe we can see if she can help figure out this rivalry business."

"Good idea," Silverstream said. "We should give it a go later. I just hope this plan works."

As the Crusaders placed their order, Apple Bloom took a moment to speak up, "So why don't you two like them girls again? They're really nice and I think we could all be friends with them."

"You heard Rumble, they're our rivals," Scootaloo said.

"Rivals how? You mean in this whole Elements of Harmony thing?" Apple Bloom asked. "We've literally never cared about that before, why start now? We're already our own thing, The Cutie Mark Crusaders. We specialize in helping ponies with their Cutie Marks, leave the Elements thing to somepony else."

"But Apple Bloom, they're getting more attention than us, all our years of hard work and we're being ignored in favor of them," Sweetie Belle said.

"What? Ignored by who!?" Apple Bloom asked. "Y'all are confusing me. Nopony has ignored us or treated Sandbar and his friends better than us."

"Well tell me, who's in the School of Friendship?" Scootaloo asked. "They are."

"And who's not in?" Sweetie Belle asked. "We are."

"Well, yeah it'd be nice to join but there's lots of other ponies at that school, it's not like they took up the last six spots or anything," Apple Bloom said. "Besides, that school is about Friendship, which we already kind of figured out."

"But it's so much more fun than regular school," Scootaloo said.

"Regular school ain't so bad," Apple Bloom said.

"You're just saying that because Miss Cheerilee is your sister-in-law, she probably turned you into an egghead," Scootaloo said.

"First off, you both wanted her to hook up with mah brother as much as I did, you were happy enough to be flower fillies at their wedding, much like a bunch of other weddings we've been to," Apple Bloom said. "Second that has nothing to do with this, being in the School of Friendship would be neat but it's not a requirement, we were happy before Rumble filled our heads with this nonsense, we can be happy after."

"Rumble's your coltfriend though, shouldn't you be on his side?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Just because we're dating, don't mean ah have to agree with everything he says, it's actually mah job as his marefriend to point out when he's wrong about something," Apple Bloom said.

"Sounds bossy," Scootaloo said, offending Apple Bloom.

"Uh, no! It just means ah care enough to make sure he don't do anything stupid, just like Twilight does with Peter and what Applejack does with Remy," Apple Bloom said.

"My sister pretty much goes along with what Bobby wants," Sweetie Belle said.

"Well good fer her, maybe Bobby don't do as many stupid things, or the roles are reversed in that relationship," Apple Bloom said.

"Just what's that supposed to mean?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"This is getting out of hoof, ah just want everypony...ah mean, every creature, to get along and be friends," Apple Bloom said.

"We'll do that once Peter takes back what he said about that one pony being like Rainbow Dash, what makes him more of a Rainbow Dash successor than me?" Scootaloo asked.

Apple Bloom face planted on the counter, she was really worried about how ridiculous her friends were being, pulling herself up, she glared at her friend "Scootaloo...that, don't, MATTER!"

"You're fine with not being the 'Applejack' of our generation?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yes! Because I am not mah sister! I am mah own mare!" Apple Bloom said. "Look ponies, creatures, everyone gets compared to someone else, don't mean they're who that someone else is! Peter probably got compared to Tony Stark in his time, don't mean he's Tony Stark though, he's Peter Parker! Granny Smith told me that Applejack acted as tough as her hero Rockhoof, probably got compared to him too, but she grew up to be Applejack. Do y'all really want yer identities to be the next Rainbow Dash and Rarity? Or the first Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle?"

Scootaloo tapped her chin, really thinking it over, "You know...you have a really good point Apple Bloom. I mean, if those losers need to be compared to our sisters and friends just to feel important, than that makes us so much better than them!"

"You're right Scootaloo, I don't need to be my sister, I need to be better, meanwhile Smolder can try but there's no way a moody dragon like her can be generous," Sweetie Belle said.

"And Gallus would probably ditch his friends the first chance he gets, bet he faked that stomach ache yesterday just to avoid looking like a fool," Scootaloo said.

Apple Bloom shook her head in shame. She grabbed her sweets the moment they arrived and began leaving, to her friends' concern.

"Where are you going!?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Ah gotta be away from you two," Apple Bloom said. "Y'all for sure ain't acting like the next Rarity and Rainbow Dash, yer more like the next Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon."

The two fillies looked a little bothered by that statement, unable to believe what their friend just said.

"Us? Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"There's no freaking way we're anything like those two were," Scootaloo said. "They picked on everypony that crossed their eyesight, we just don't tolerate disrespect from those other six."

"Yeah, exactly!" Sweetie Belle said, then started thinking things over. "But, what if we are being a little unfriendly, I mean, we got mad at Babs once and nearly became bullies, what if it's happening again?"

"Come on, don't you remember what Johnny and Bobby said about that?" Scootaloo asked. "A couple of years ago?"

Flashback to two years ago at a picnic hosted by Peter and Twilight, the Elements, their husbands and a few friends were present.

"I don't think you were bullies, you were just standing up for yourselves," Johnny said. "Just maybe not in the best way, but Babs shouldn't have treated you like that."

"Yeah, even if how you went about it wasn't correct, that's not what makes you a bully, Babs started it by picking on you, but next time it is better to either tell an adult, or just stand up to her," Bobby said. "It's three against one, bullies tend to cower the moment they feel threatened, especially when they're outnumbered. So you girls are good."

End Flashback, return to Sugarcube Corner Present.

"We weren't being bullies, we were just standing up for ourselves," Scootaloo said. "It only felt that way because Applejack said Babs got bullied too, not that it makes what she did right."

"But what about what Remy said?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Flashback again

"Just make sure you don't let your anger get the better of you, it could turn you into something you're not," Remy said. "Even if you weren't technically being 'bullies', it could have led you on that path if you really did retaliate that way. I'm proud of you girls for doing the right thing in the end, and I'm glad Peter further straightened our Babs after that whole ordeal, really did sound like she got off too easy. I'm surprised even Applejack didn't say much, guess she felt too sorry for Babs. Just promise you won't act like terrible ponies."

"Sure thing Remy," The Crusaders said.

Present again

"Remy told us not to behave like this, and maybe we are going a bit too far," Sweetie Belle said.

"Hey you do what you want, but I'm not taking anyone's crap," Scootaloo said, grabbing her treat and leaving. "See you later."

"Sure," Sweetie Belle said, after thinking things over a bit, she too started to leave, not before passing one final glance in the direction of the girls. Part of her did feel bad about making enemies, but she also felt like they were starting to take a lot from her, a spot in the school, her sister's legacy, even Peter's attention. Maybe she needed to think things over a bit.

Cozy Glow noticed some uncertainty with Sweetie Belle, whatever just happened with the Crusaders seemed like some shaken resolve, and that piqued Cozy's curiosity.

Elsewhere Nightcrawler is strolling through the park with Gallus and Sandbar, the former looking to be in a not so pleasant mood.

"Hey, you feeling alright there Gallus?" Sandbar asked.

"You're not still feeling sick are you?" Nightcrawler asked.

"No, not totally at least," Gallus said. "I'm just still trying to wrap my head around how I could have gotten sick. I know the doctor said it's nothing to worry about and maybe I just had an upset stomach but it's still so confusing."

"Just keep tabs on what you eat, that's the first step," Nightcrawler said.

"Already on it since last night," Gallus said. "Of course it was still hard to keep anything down, thankfully it was better this morning."

"That's good to know," Nightcrawler said. "I trust your friends were there to keep an eye on you."

"Yeah, I stuck around for him, we all did," Sandbar said.

"Silverstream practically hovered over me," Gallus said.

"She was just worried, all the girls were," Sandbar said. "Smolder kept to herself about it, but the others were there and ready for anything, especially Cozy Glow."

"I still say she had something to do with this," Gallus said.

"Come on Gallus, you gotta let that go," Sandbar said. "If you keep on it, you're going to end up hurting Cozy's feelings."

"Right, wouldn't want any more of her fake tears," Gallus said, this statement earning a disappointed glare from Sandbar.

"Why do you think Cozy would do that anyway?" Sandbar asked.

"I don't know, maybe because she can't handle a little teasing?" Gallus said. "I mean Kurt, what do you make of this?"

"I will admit, teasing isn't always kind, but it is something friends do," Nightcrawler said. "I've seen it a lot during my time the X-Men, especially if Bobby Drake is involved."

"Exactly! It's all in good humor," Gallus said.

"Teasing isn't for everyone though, and Cozy Glow seems to be a bit more sensitive to the subject, I know you meant no harm but she may not see it that way," Nightcrawler said. "I doubt she'd let it get to the point where she would get you sick but she probably is pretty bothered by how you've been treating her."

"Alright fine, I'll lighten up on her," Gallus said. "I mean, much of a pain she is, I'd definitely take her over Rumble and his goons."

"I've already had a nice chat with Rumble's brother about his behavior last night, same with the other foals' siblings, parents and guardians," Nightcrawler said. "But there lies a lesson that all thirteen of you need to remember."

"What would that be?" Sandbar said.

"You are your own selves," Nightcrawler said. "I know this all started because Peter compared you seven kids to Twilight Sparkle and her friends, and Rumble desired that comparison. However you must not strive to be a copy of another person, rather you must find your own identity. Rumble should not focus on being the next Twilight Sparkle, or Rainbow Dash, or even Spider-Man, he needs to be his own pony, forge his own identity."

"This feels like something that could be a good lesson for the school," Sandbar said. "Set the fact straight with other ponies and creatures who are struggling with being themselves."

"That is a great idea Sandbar," Nightcrawler said. "Might even make time to explain this to Rumble and his friends."

"Speaking of which, there they are," Gallus said, gesturing to Rumble as he walked by with Dinky and Wind Sprint, the trio talking among themselves.

"What is Doc doing anyway?" Rumble asked.

"You know I can't tell you, he barely tells me anyway, I have to see for myself," Dinky said. "He and Dr. Richards are working on some top secret stuff for Tony Stark."

"I would so love to see it for myself," Rumble said.

"Me too," Wind Sprint said.

"Hey how you adjusting to Ponyville, really nice place right?" Dinky asked.

"Very nice place, I can see why Rainbow Dash likes it here," Wind Sprint said.

"It's great living above it, just a quick fly down here and-" Rumble noticed Gallus, Sandbar and Nightcrawler. "Oh it's them."

"Ignore them," Dinky said. "They're not worth talking to."

"Yeah, we beat them yesterday, we've got nothing to prove to them," Rumble said, trotting off with the two mares.

Nightcrawler could sense the brief tension a moment ago, he knows this can't continue, he had to do something and soon.

"Glad we didn't have to hear their mouths," Gallus said.

"For now at least," Sandbar said.

"I'd be fine never hearing their mouths again, especially Rumble," Gallus said.

"Come on now, don't assume you will always be at odds," Nightcrawler said. "With luck, perhaps you can put your differences aside."

"A lot of luck," Gallus said.

"Hey should we head back? I kind of miss the girls," Sandbar said.

"You mean you miss Cozy Glow," Gallus teased. "Or is it Jubilee?"

"Hey I like all the girls equally!" Sandbar insisted, trying to hide his blush.

"Yeah, because they're all pretty," Gallus said, earning a glare from Sandbar. "Heh, too bad Yona can't keep a secret, I just wish I could have heard that personally."

"Grow up dude," Sandbar said, getting a laugh from his friend and a slight chuckle from Nightcrawler.

In the city of Manehattan, Suri was putting up some signs for her store's Grand Opening, eagerly anticipating all the profit she would make with her hard work, and assistance from her entrepreneur partner.

She finished up and made her way back toward her store when she spotted Elektra across the street, the mare leaning against the wall and keeping an eye on everything while holding out her sai, much to the annoyance of Suri.

"Don't these so-called heroes have anything better to do than wait outside my business?" Suri muttered to herself as she went inside.

Elektra placed her sai away, trotting away from the store, but still keeping an eye out. She knew there was something suspicious, especially after the warning from Johnny the previous night when he stopped by Manehattan after the events of yesterday.

Speaking of whom, the hero had landed nearby, getting Elektra's attention. "So you came."

"Yeah, I talked to Spitfire, she's cool with Dash and I patrolling around here for a bit, If at least to assist you" Johnny said.

"The information you gave us could be of great help," Elektra said. "It could lead us to whoever is behind this newly formed gang."

"The sooner the better, that way the ponies here can continue to live in peace," Johnny said. "Can't believe a gang formed here, just like back on Earth when The Kingpin was running business, hope that guy didn't show up in this world."

"Someone like that might be hard to miss," Elektra said. "But what about the one pony Spider-Man mentioned? You think he might be an Earth villain in disguise, or just some pony that rose to power?"

"I might have a few theories, but I'm gonna need to explore this city more and get some intel from these ponies before I draw a conclusion," Johnny said.

"Alright, why don't you come with me and I'll show you the places they seem to gather the most," Elektra said. "According to Night Thrasher, they seem to usually be around Stark tower, he worries they might be keeping an eye on a mare that works there."

"Do you know her name?" Johnny asked.

"Coco Pommel, apparently she's one of Tony Stark's best assistants," Elektra said.

"Oh I think I recognize that girl, she's one of Rarity's friends, I've seen her in Ponyville a few times," Johnny said. "I think she helped Rarity open a store here too. Looks like she's doing well here."

"According to Night Thrasher, she's the building's manager, and the first time she was targeted, she mentioned having gotten an offer from a pony named 'Lee'," Elektra said.

"Lee huh? That might put a few more pieces together," Johnny said.

"You can explain everything once we catch up to Night Thrasher, Daredevil and Rainbow Dash," Elektra said. "Assuming she's on her way."

"She'll be here, she had to check in with some new recruits she's going to be training, with her speed she'll be here lickety-split," Johnny said. Suddenly the two heard someone yelling and saw some of the gangster ponies causing trouble for a young couple. "That ain't good, let's hurry!"

Johnny and Elektra made their way to put a stop to the troubles, but their presence did not go unnoticed by Martin, who had been observing from his building.

"Looks like The Human Torch has graced us with his presence, or is it Equine Torch now?" Martin said.

"He should have realized, leave a fire too close to a fuse, and things go out with a bang," Mr. Negative said.

Back in Tartarus, Discord is seen going over a checklist with members of his team, who have officially elected to call themselves, The Sinister Squadron, much to Discord's disappointment, but they will always be his deviants.

"Alright, we're just about one year away from our grand debut, and now would be a good opportunity to make the final preparations," Discord said. "First off, you're going to need power, a lot of it, especially seeing as how there are many other superheroes to consider."

"How do we get this so-called power?" Adagio asked.

"You're going to find it," Discord said. "Somewhere hidden in this world, you will find an artifact known as Grogar's Bell."

"Who is this Grogar?" Wizard asked.

"This fine creature right here," Discord said, creating an astral projection image of the creature.

"...Is that goat?" Shocker asked, some of the other villains looking confused as well.

"Yes, but he's also a legendary evil who has plagued Equestria eons ago," Discord said. "He was defeated by an ancient group of heroic ponies, and has not been seen since then. Only his legendary Bell remains."

"This is interesting and all, but why do we need his bell?" Electro asked.

"Much of his power remains in that bell, and it can be used to make all of you much stronger," Discord said. "Tirek especially needs that power, to get closer to reaching his full glory."

"Soon you will see why I was once Equestria's great evil," Tirek said. "Even Grogar couldn't compare."

"Hey you already look more intimidating than a goat, I mean...how?" Shocker asked.

"Oh your world has strange things as well, besides Doctor Strange himself," Discord said. "Why, Grogar actually resembles an old legendary evil from The Dragon World."

Shocker shuddered a bit, "Just hearing about that place freaks me out."

"That's a shame, because I was hoping to send a few of you there," Discord said. "There's someone I've been hoping to recruit for our little Crusade."

"Who exactly?" Shocker asked, feeling a little unease.

"Wait, is it that Kai person or whatever?" Adagio asked.

"Yes and no, he's gone through a few changes and right now he's recently started some plan of his," Discord said. "Of course, I did consider him back when I thought Thor would be trouble, or anyone from the other worlds, including The Dragon World itself, but if Celestia has locked the portals, we may not even need him. However, I like to take just a tiny bit of precaution, just to keep the playing field even."

"Alright then, what's your plan?" Shocker asked.

"I was hoping The Dazzlings could recruit him," Discord said.

"Wait, us?" Adagio asked.

"Precisely, he's going to need real convincing and you lovely sirens are the best when it comes to that particular talent," Discord said.

"A chance to go to a human world? To be human again, even if for a bit?" Sonata asked. "Sounds fun!"

"Wait hold on, is this safe?" Shocker asked.

"If you're worried, you can join them," Shocker said. "Though given his dislike of mortals, you might not be able to protect yourself, at least not as well as The Dazzlings."

"First off, never said I was worried," Shocker insisted. "Second, what dislike of mortals? Third, is this guy even trustworthy!?"

"If he becomes too much trouble, I can send him away," Discord said. "You have my word on that."

"You sound confident, if you expected him to help us against the likes of Thor, that must mean he's pretty strong," Shocker said.

"Actually, I was more hoping for his healing properties, truth be told, Zamasu really isn't that strong, I'm willing to bet a full powered Tirek could take him down, though I am no power scaler," Discord said. "Of course, he has gone through some changes, so he could indeed help us power wise."

"You're being too cryptic, we need details," Shocker said.

"You'll get them soon, right now I still have my list," Discord said. "We're also going to need the Alicorn Amulet."

"The Alicorn what-now?" Electro asked.

"Powerful artifact, it can really boost the magic of a pony, especially a Unicorn," Discord said. "For example Electro, someone like you could really benefit from having something like that to make your electric powers stronger."

"Stronger is good," Electro said, sparking some electricity.

"Or it could theoretically make Mysterio into an actual wizard," Discord said.

"I'm already a Wizard, regardless of the status of my abilities," Mysterio insisted.

"Someone's cocky," Discord said. "Well that's two, I will confess, having something like The Crystal Heart or Queen Novo's Pearl would also do wonders, getting either one would be a chore however."

"When we start our invasion, we can pick those up personally," Adagio said.

"Excellent," Discord said. "The only other thing that would make this world well is if we still had Queen Chrysalis's throne."

Wizard turned to Chrysalis, "What's special about your throne?"

"It's capable of cancelling out magic, aside from a Changeling's abilities to transform," Chrysalis said.

"Impressive," Wizard said. "Would you know if that includes magic on Earth?"

"I have not had the opportunity to test it, it may work just the same but I cannot promise that," Chrysalis said.

"Is this everything Discord?" Goblin asked.

"Mostly, I am still hoping for some extra recruits," Discord said. "I mean, I think we're fine at the moment, we have some incredibly powerful allies. With someone like you Norman, along with Octavius and your old Sinister Six buddies, we have plenty who can go against Spider-Man. With allies like Annihilus and Wizard, we have an advantage over The Fantastic Four, with Chrysalis, that's our advantage over Twilight and the Elements of Harmony. Plus the unknown threat of The Dazzlings and Lord Tirek, perhaps this is enough for our invasion."

"I'd say it is," Adagio said.

"Hell yeah," Electro added.

"We shall bring them to their knees," Wizard said.

"But...having an ally like Doctor Doom could prove useful," Discord said. "He has powerful abilities in his own right, and would be an even greater help against The Fantastic Four."

"Doom is a very prideful man, but I believe I can try to convince him to join our side," Wizard said.

"Then there's Dormammu, with his experience fighting Doctor Strange, and with said doctor around, we're going to need someone like him who is used to magical abilities," Discord said.

"I don't think this is a wise move Discord," Octavius said.

"I'm with the doctor here, some guys are better suited for their own realm," Annihilus said. "Though, if you can offer something of value to him, he may consider joining our side, having his forces would help, but I would also practice extreme caution."

"Noted," Discord said. "Oooh, and then there's Ultron, a powerful entity indeed."

"I believe I can possibly convince him, but I may require back-up," Mysterio said.

"I got you on that, Beck," Electro said.

"I would also like to check on Loki and his team, but until Ragnarök is over, I'd rather not bother him," Discord said. "I just hope he and his allies survive."

"Even that Storm King guy?" Shocker asked. "He seems so useless, wouldn't be surprised if he bites it out there."

"What a shame," Discord said. "Also, last but not least, there's our friends from the Capcom world, oh how they would love a chance at revenge."

"Those guys are up to something, aren't they?" Adagio said.

"Yes, and they won't let me in on their plan, so terrible," Discord said.

"If you find their location, tell me," Goblin said. "Perhaps I can convince them, after all, they and I do have one big thing in common. Our dislike for Spider-Man."

"Then it's settled, first thing's first, we must find the magical artifacts, in a few days time, I will be sending out groups," Discord said. "Practice extreme caution though, do not draw attention to yourselves."

"Sure thing Discord," Sonata said.

"I might even ask Martin for help, along with our little friend in Ponyville, let her prove her true loyalty to our mission," Discord said.

Shocker looked a bit unsure about this, he knows who Discord means and something about this just didn't seem right to him, "Hey, do we really need her? I mean, this just feels...immoral."

"Immoral? We're villains Herman," Adagio said.

"Even villains have a code, and I just don't feel comfortable dragging that filly into this," Shocker said.

"I'm actually on Herman's side," Sonata said. "Why are we contacting her again?"

"Hey, she wrote to me first," Tirek said. "I don't know how she found out about my existence though, no one has heard of me in about a thousand years."

"She probably read your name in a book or something," Chrysalis said. "But that little filly seems to desire power."

"And now you get to meet her up close, this should be fun, such budding friendships," Discord said.

Shocker and Sonata exchanged worried glances, this was not sitting well with either of them, even Octavius seemed a bit uncertain, but he wasn't going to get too into that bit of trouble. The villains' plans were moving forward, the countdown to their arrival was ticking.

Back in Ponyville, later in the day, Peter is seen walking around with Bucky and the Village Four, the hero playing tour guide.

"Over there is Sugarcube Corner, one of the best bakeries in Equestria, and the home of my friend Pinkie Pie," Peter said. "Oh, and Deadpool lives there too."

"Deadpool lives in a bakery?" Bucky asked.

"Well he has to, his wife lives there," Peter said. "I don't know why they didn't move, maybe it was easier for Pinkie to live where she worked, maybe Deadpool just liked living there, never really asked him. The family who runs it love Pinkie Pie though and they're happy to have her around, and they seem to like Deadpool as well, at least their children do."

"Deadpool seems nice, plus he seemed to be on the way to the castle to sign up for The Accords," Sugar Belle said.

"Guess having a family changed him," Bucky said.

"For the most part it did, Deadpool's not as bad as he once was, maybe he did just need to find true love," Peter said. The group continued their tour as Peter passed by another familiar stop.

"There's the Carousel Boutique, where my friend Rarity works," Peter said. "She's a seamstress, she actually helped design my suits, and the suits of my friends, including her husband Bobby."

"Bobby's the guy with the ice powers right?" Double Diamond asked.

"Yes, he's also a member of the X-Men," Peter said. "Actually, he and I along with our friend Angel did hero work together for a while, mostly toward the end of high school and my first year in college."

"That sounds Amazing," Night Glider said.

"Sure was," Bobby called, stepping onto the railing. "Hey Peter, I see you have some friends."

"Yeah, I'm showing them around Ponyville, along with The Winter Solider," Peter said.

"Yo Solider, we should team up some time, I mean I have ice powers, you're named after winter, it works so well," Bobby said.

Bucky whispered to Peter, "Is he for real?"

"Probably not," Peter replied.

"Bobby right?" Double Diamond asked, getting a confirming nod. "Have you signed up for The Accords?"

"Sure did, it was my wife's idea, I got this amazing power, I think I could use it to save the world," Bobby said. "I mean, not to brag but um, I'm pretty dang strong. Plus it'd be nice to do hero work alongside Peter and Angel again."

"I hear about you three, but where does The Human Torch fit in?" Bucky asked. "Aren't you guys friends too?"

"We are, Johnny's a close buddy of ours, but Angel and I were the first to bond with Peter, Johnny came a bit later," Bobby explained. "He could always join with us, be a new Fantastic Four."

"Gonna be hard to live up to the original, even with Johnny," Peter said.

"Well speaking of Four," Bobby gestured to the village four. "I seem to remember you being from Starlight Glimmer's village."

"We're training to be Avengers," Night Glider said. "We're gonna help save the world."

"Awesome, could use more heroes, I think Tony's running out," Bobby said.

"He is, I don't think he can bring anyone else over," Bucky said. "Plus a lot of them gotta stay back on Earth, myself included. I come by to train recruits but duty remains on Earth."

"Too bad most of the X-Men don't care for this, they'd make great allies," Bobby said. "Feels like I'm the only one who considered."

"Maybe we can at least get Logan to join," Peter said.

"Logan? You mean Wolverine?" Bucky asked. "He doesn't seem like the type to want to join, too rebellious."

"Maybe you can convince him?" Double Diamond suggested.

"We don't get along too well, plus Logan is not one to follow orders anyway," Bucky said.

"We'll figure something out, right now I gotta keep showing them around and get them back to Canterlot, hopefully Stark will have that mission for me sorted out then," Peter said.

"Oh! Going on a mission? Need help? I'd totally have your back," Bobby said. "I could even see if Angel wants to join, reunion time!"

"That's fine, Luna's coming with me," Peter said.

"Luna? Wait, is it just you two?" Bobby asked.

"Yeah, why?" Peter replied.

"Uh, no reason," Bobby said. "Anyway if Angel and I could come along, would you be against it?"

"No, but you'd need to ask Tony, he makes the calls," Peter explained.

"You got it, see you later," Bobby said as he slid off on his ice.

"Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends making a comeback huh? Sounds pretty neat," Peter said, leading his group away.

"That guy's pretty cool, not just because he has ice powers either," Party Favor said.

"I bet he could create some wicked slopes with that ice," Double Diamond said, imagining the jumps he could make on his skis.

Peter led his group further towards the market area where he spotted two more friends, "Applejack! Remy!"

"Here comes Peter," Remy said, having noticed the hero. "And he brought some friends along."

Applejack turned their direction, "Ah remember them, the four ponies from Starlight's village."

"Hey you two," Peter greeted. "Working hard or hardly working?"

"You'll never find one of us hardly working," Applejack said with a smirk. "Hey y'all, been a while since I've seen ya."

"You too Applejack," Party Favor said. "Looks like you're selling some apples."

"Sure are, it's our family business after all," Applejack said. "Not just apples either, sometimes we sell pies, tarts, and brown betties."

"Apple pie sounds good," Bucky said.

"Ah don't have any on me right now, but I can put you down for an order," Applejack said.

"You should try it Bucky, it's amazing," Peter said.

"Well Steve talks fondly about it, so why not," Bucky said.

"Great, also you mentioned Steve right?" Applejack asked. "You're Steve Rogers's best friend."

"Yeah, I'm Bucky Barnes," the hero said.

"It's an honor to treat a friend of Steve Rogers to some pie," Applejack said. "Our way of repaying you fer yer hero work."

"That's nice, but I don't mind buying it off you," Bucky said.

"Just think of it as a friend helping a friend, I'll send the pie to Canterlot and you can share it with Steve," Applejack said.

"I bet Sam would like it too," Peter said.

"All this talk of pie is making me hungry," Night Glider said.

"We can make you one too, just place it as an order," Applejack said. "Baking is our pleasure, we like doing it as much as Pinkie and The Cakes."

"As a baker myself, I can agree," Sugar Belle said.

Applejack turned to the side, "There's mah brother with some more apples."

"Do we really need more? It's nearly evening time," Remy said.

"It's just a small crate, plus it's not totally slow, ah could see Lyra and Bon Bon," Applejack said.

Bucky turned toward the two, recognizing the latter, "I saw one of those mares in Canterlot, though her name doesn't sound familiar."

Peter whispered to Bucky, "She's off duty, so she goes by Bon Bon when she's not with S.M.I.L.E. Don't bring too much attention."

"Hi Peter, hi everyone!" Lyra greeted.

"Hey Lyra, you're looking a lot better these days," Peter said.

"Thanks to Twilight and the Princesses," Lyra said. "Boy was that nerve wracking."

"What happened exactly?" Double Diamond asked.

"She got turned into stone by that Tempest Shadow mare, using some weird bomb thing," Peter said. "Twilight and The Princesses were able to reverse it with help from Doctor Strange, but it was harder than we thought."

"I've never been so worried in my life," Bon Bon said.

"Hey ladies, here fer an order?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, could we get a dozen? Should be enough to last almost a week," Bon Bon said.

"You got it," Applejack said, grabbing a bunch.

Big Macintosh had placed down the crate, "This should be good enough." He turned his attention to Remy, "Has business stayed consistent?"

"It wasn't too busy but I'd say just about average," Remy said. "I can't see us finishing our stock today."

"That's fine, we seem to be making good profit as always, with any luck, Mr. Filthy Rich could end up needing a large supply, like he usually does," Big Macintosh said.

"That pony and his apples, but his family has been loyal to the Apples for generations, they're the reason his family has such a good life," Remy said.

"Eeyup," Big Macintosh said.

Night Glider looked kind of interested in what she saw, the mare nudged Sugar Belle, "That's quite a hunk of a stallion, wouldn't you say?"

"Uh-huh," Sugar Belle agreed, the mare blushing a bit.

"So, what brings you to Ponyville?" Lyra asked Double Diamond.

"Spider-Mane's showing us around," Double Diamond said.

"Oh you're friends with Peter? Awesome," Lyra said.

"Yeah, we're training to be Avengers and he's helping us out, same with The Winter Solider," Double Diamond said, gesturing to Bucky.

"Always good to have more Avengers," Lyra said. "That means you'll be signing with The Accords."

"That's the plan," Double Diamond said.

"Bonnie is really for The Accords," Lyra said, then turned to her significant other. "Aren't you Bonnie?"

"Yeah sure, we could have used something like that ages ago," Bon Bon said. "Good way to keep disasters under control."

"Well it hasn't been that bad, especially thanks to Peter," Lyra said. "The world has always been safe."

"Uh-huh, sure Lyra," Bon Bon said, taking the last of the apples and paying the farmer. "Thanks Applejack."

"Y'all come back now," Applejack said.

"Sure," Bon Bon trotted off. "Come on Lyra."

"Bye everypony!" Lyra said, trotting off with Bon Bon.

Remy looked very distrusting of Bon Bon, "Is it me, or did she not seem to confident about what Lyra said about Peter?"

"Bon Bon's always been a bit uneasy since this whole superhero thing started," Applejack said. "But she'll come around, hopefully. Ah mean, Thunderlane came around eventually."

"Never understood why he never liked Peter, was it really jealousy?" Remy asked. "You ever ask him Peter?"

"I never thought to, I was just grateful we became friends," Peter said. "He does seem really sorry for how he's acted, guess being a father changed him too."

"Then it gives us hope for Bon Bon," Applejack said.

"So, Remy," Double Diamond said, getting the hero's attention. "You've got superpowers too right? Are you with The Accords?"

"No, and it's staying that way, I ain't never signing up," Remy said. "Truthfully, I don't even know if the four of you should, Peter definitely never should have."

"Remy..." Applejack began.

"Hey you know as well as I do that this is gonna fail," Remy said. "So many heroes and Stark tells most of us to stand aside?"

"Well he had a point, you don't need that many heroes out there fighting, it becomes clustered," Applejack said.

"Even so, what if it gets worse?" Remy asked. "What if there's a dangerous villain and we're told to stand aside and 'Let the official heroes' handle it?"

Double Diamond turned to Peter, "Did something happen?"

"Yeah, the Wizard happened," Peter said.

"Some guy shows up and Stark tells me and a few others not to fight because we're not registered," Remy said. "Some other guy and starts setting everything on fire and we ain't allowed to stop him either. Two of my friends fought him anyway despite not being registered and they nearly got in trouble."

"I know it seems strange Remy, but it worked," Peter said. "Tony, Cap and I were able to take down The Wizard."

"Yeah, who ended up getting away," Remy said.

"That was beyond our control," Peter said. "Tony is just doing what's best for Equestria, we're aiming toward a better world with The Accords."

"Even if Wizard was stopped, why did it matter whether or not Jubilee and Nightcrawler took down Scorcher?" Remy asked. "Then there's them varmints, Flim and Flam."

"You were acting a bit out of line on that one, I mean didn't you threaten them?" Peter asked.

"I did no such thing," Remy said. "I questioned them without the need for violence and they kept denying until they were found out. Then they ran off with their tail between their legs."

"But what about their destroyed cart?" Peter asked.

"They were using it to sell stolen goods, I had a right to destroy it," Remy said. "Not like anyone got hurt. Point is I didn't threaten them, that's probably what they told Carol Danvers though."

"I can vouch for Remy, aside from the cart...which still has some of our apples by the way," Big Mac said, getting an awkward reaction from Remy. "My brother-in-law here did not do anything he should have, he handled it professionally. Ah don't think Tony Stark has a right not to tell Remy to confront those con artists about taking my family's products."

"And ah do appreciate you doing that fer me Remy," Applejack said. "But honestly, you should have told somepony official and let them handle it."

"Applejack, as your husband, it's my duty to defend your honor," Remy said.

"Ah know you feel that way, but consider it at least, more than anything ah don't want you doing something that's gonna get you taken away from me," Applejack said.

"I'd like to see Iron Man try to lock me up," Remy said.

"Dude, don't try your luck," Peter said. "Just listen to Applejack."

"Uh-huh, sure thing," Remy said, trotting off. "I'm going for a walk."

"Sure thing, sugar cube," Applejack said, then turned back to Peter. "He's still pretty upset, best to let him work it out, but I'm helping with that."

"I just hope he doesn't make any more foolish mistakes," Peter said. "I mean, if I knew Flim and Flam were there, I would have stopped them myself, save Remy the trouble."

"Ah appreciate you saying that," Applejack said. "Truth be told, I'm kind of happy he confronted them, it shows how much he loves me and mah family, and that ain't anything to be sorry fer. A husband defends his wife's honor, something you're quite familiar with."

"Still, rules are rules," Peter said.

"Would you have done anything different if you were in Remy's horseshoes?" Big Macintosh asked.

That did get Peter thinking, "Well...maybe not in that exact way..."

"Remy did nothing wrong," Bucky said. "The Accords are a bit flawed, but I trust Steve to help Tony sort them out, so hopefully these four ponies could find success in them."

"Right, The Accords are a work in progress," Peter said. "We'll figure it out, sooner rather than later."

"Yeah, ah trust you Peter," Applejack said.

"We'll get out of your mane, see you around," Peter said.

"Bye Applejack, I look forward to that pie," Bucky said.

"Ah look forward to you enjoying that pie," Applejack said.

"Bye Big Macintosh," Sugar Belle said, waving at the stallion with a flirty smile. "I hope I can see you around some more."

"Have a good day ma'am," Big Macintosh said as the group left.

"Huh, she sounded awfully enamored with you," Applejack said. "Think she's got a thing fer ya?"

"Shouldn't jump to conclusions, it don't matter anyway, this Apple if off the market," Big Macintosh said.

Applejack got a good laugh off that, "Yer too funny big brother. Anyway why don't you head back, I'll finish up here and wait fer Remy. Probably won't be long, it's starting to get a bit chilly."

"It's fine, ah don't mind waiting, there is something ah wanna discuss, it's about Apple Bloom, she seems to be in a less than thrilling mood," Big Macintosh said.

"Oh boy," Applejack said, having a feeling as to what's bothering her.

At Ponyville hospital, Twilight is still laying in her room, awaiting the birth of her child. Thought things were going a lot slower than she expected.

Upon hearing a knock, she saw that Logan was entering the room, the X-Man veteran having flowers, "Hey Twilight."

"Logan, this is a nice surprise," Twilight said. "Are those for me?"

"Yeah, Fluttershy says these are your favorite," Logan said, placing the flowers nearby.

"Thanks...uh, silly question but...these are for display, not eating right?" Twilight asked.

"I mean, I got them fer display but if yer hungry, I won't stop you from eating them," Logan said.

"I am a bit hungry but..." Twilight placed them aside. "I'd rather have them for decoration, thank you Logan."

"If yer hungry I can go get you a snack," Logan said.

"It's fine, doctor should be bringing me food," Twilight said.

Logan pulled a chair up beside Twilight, "How are you feeling?"

"Exhausted, I thought I was going into labor but the doctor told me that I'm having delays," Twilight said. "He said it's nothing to worry about, and that there's nothing wrong with my baby, but it's not making this situation any better for me."

"I think you'll be fine, at least you're in good company at this hospital," Logan said. "Did the doctors say anything more?"

"According to him, my body is completely exhausted, likely from all the excitement the last few days, plus some high stress levels," Twilight said. "Also, something about this baby really takes a lot of energy, something similar happened with Mayday. It's like they need more nutrients and energy, I don't know if it's because they're half human or because they're Peter's kids, Peter definitely needs to eat a lot."

"Yeah, I'm aware of that," Logan said. "I'm the same way after all. Fluttershy went through something similar to this, so I know you're not alone here."

"Is Fluttershy here by the way?" Twilight asked.

"No, she's back home training with Laura," Logan said.

"Oh right, I forgot she's training," Twilight said. "How is that coming along?"

"Slow, Fluttershy is not the fighting type," Logan said. "We asked her if she wants to call it quits but she's determined to get stronger. Seeing my old Weapon X buddies really fueled her desire to get stronger."

"How is Laura as a trainer?" Twilight asked.

Logan cringed at the question, "She really did not know how to hold back at first, remember that black eye Fluttershy had a while back?"

"Yeah, she said she got it trying to tame a bear," Twilight said.

"It was Laura, granted she didn't mean to but it did show her own lack of restraint," Logan said. "What has me worried is that she mentioned wanting to train Rumble and his friends."

"Rumble...Oh boy," Twilight said.

"What is with him and this whole Elements of Harmony thing?" Logan asked.

"I have no idea, seems like he and Sandbar's friends had one big misunderstanding," Twilight said.

"Well it resulted in one hell of a Buck Ball game at least, both sides did really well," Logan said.

"Yes, they both showed incredible teamwork," Twilight said. "Plus it's a good way to resolve conflict."

"Something tells me they'll need to resolve it more," Logan said.

"They'll figure something out, hopefully something that won't escalate to physical conflict," Twilight said.

"Ahem," came the voice of Nurse Redheart. "Sorry to interrupt but I have to check on Twilight's condition."

"Sure thing nurse," Logan said, he then gave a quick hug to Twilight. "Feel better."

"Thank you for being there for me," Twilight said, returning the hug. "You're the best."

"It's nothing," Logan said, trotting out of the room, leaving the nurse to do her job.

"You two seem rather close," Redheart said.

"Yes, I love Logan, he's like an older brother to me," Twilight said.

"That's sweet, it's good to have friends that close," Redheart said.

"Yeah, it really is," Twilight said.

Later on in the evening, Peter had led his group toward the gate, "Last stop on the tour, Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship."

"Such a pretty school," Sugar Belle said.

"Does it really just teach Friendship?" Bucky asked.

"Totally, among a few other things, but mainly Friendship," Peter said. "It's a school of Harmony, teaches others to be close. This school also brings countries close since we have residents from The Dragon Lands, The Changeling Hive, Mount Aris, Griffonstone and Yakyakistan. With any luck we may get students from Farasi and Kirin village. Actually the Kirin leader Rain Shine was suppose to send someone here to check out Ponyville. I think it's sometime this week actually, I look forward to seeing him or her."

"Well you're still off to a good start," Sugar Belle said.

"Thanks, it wasn't easy though," Peter said. "Some guy had issue with the idea of these other creatures here."

"That was a huge mess, Steve was really annoyed about what happened, especially seeing how much it upset your wife," Bucky said.

"The X-Men were pretty upset too, reminded them about the harsh times they went through on Earth," Peter said.

"It's still surprising though, Equestria seems like such an accepting place," Bucky said.

"It wasn't always, according to Twilight, even the Unicorns, Pegusai and Earth Ponies were separated into different tribes, and it got really bad when their hatred led to the arrival of the Windigoes," Peter said. "Thankfully one day, six ponies came together, those ponies being two Unicorns, Princess Platinum, Clover the Clever; two Pegusai Commander Hurricane, Private Pansy; and two Earth Ponies, Chancellor Puddinghead and Smart Cookie. They were the Six Founders of Equestria, and they're the ones who brought everypony together as one."

"I love hearing that, knowing that ponies put aside their differences," Sugar Belle said. "I hope we never separate."

"Oh I can't see that happening," Peter said. "I mean, after all we've been through together, the idea of Equestria breaking up into three tribes again, separated for who knows how long, and even assuming each other to be enemies, I can't even imagine something that silly happening. That'd be like if Shang Chi suddenly got a sense of humor."

"Still, to hear that the three tribes got together and created an amazing country," Bucky said. "Reminds me of the origins of Wakanda, how several tribes got together and created the country."

"Wakanda? Is that one of your world's countries?" Double Diamond asked.

"Is there where you're from? Sugar Belle asked.

"No, I'm from America, but I've been to Wakanda, it's a nice place and I know their King, he's a strong hero named T'Challa, The Black Panther," Bucky said.

"He's a super cool guy, he's been to Equestria a few times himself, maybe one day you can formally meet him," Peter said.

"There's a lot of great heroes we hope you can meet, very inspirational ones," Bucky said. "So keep working hard until you're Avengers and maybe those heroes can help guide you and others who wish to keep the world safe."

"We will Bucky," Night Glider said.

"Hopefully we can hear more about your world too," Sugar Belle said.

"Yeah, maybe we can learn more about your Kings and other rulers too," Party Favor said.

"Are any of them as powerful as Celestia?" Double Diamond asked. "Is Thor as powerful as Celestia?"

"Well, yeah, he is," Peter said. "Thor's a God after all, and Celestia is like a Goddess."

"Who's stronger?" Night Glider asked.

"I'd...rather not answer that," Peter said, preferring not to say his opinion out loud. He knew the answer. He once dueled Celestia to a draw, yet had trouble against a guy that Thor beat within minutes. Of course things change over time but this was Peter's current hypothesis. "Thor is definitely stronger than Celestia."

"It's really hard to say anyway, I mean they're both strong," Bucky said. "I haven't seen Celestia fight, so I can't speak for her strength, but Thor has gone against very powerful beings. He might be able to go against Superman for all we know."

"Think he can beat any of The Eternals?" Peter asked.

"I know he can beat The Eternals, including Ikaris," Bucky said.

"Who are The Eternals?" Double Diamond asked.

"Beings who were supposed to protect Earth, their work can be disputed however," Bucky said. "I'll tell you what I can about them."

Not too far from Peter, Ocellus and Cozy Glow were taking a stroll together, enjoying the sights of the school, not without a few chills though.

"It feels cold," Cozy Glow said.

"I heard it's going to snow soon, we probably shouldn't stay out too long," Ocellus said.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," Cozy Glow said. "Hey Celly, question."

"What is it?" Ocellus asked.

"The other students, do they not like me?" Cozy Glow asked.

Ocellus's eyes widened a second, "Is it because of Smolder and Gallus?"

"They're usually not very nice to me, and I sometimes feel like Yona and Silverstream are starting to not like me either," Cozy Glow said. "It kind of hurts my feelings."

"Silverstream and Yona like you Cozy, and I know Gallus and Smolder have mixed opinions, but I think they can like you too, but you need to put in an effort on your end," Ocellus said. "Sometimes you do say things you shouldn't."

"I know, but they make me mad sometimes," Cozy Glow said.

"It's fine to be mad, it's how you get mad that matters," Ocellus said. "Just be the good filly that you are with me."

"It's easier with you though, you're really nice and you don't make me feel so lonely," Cozy Glow said. "Maybe I'm just not cut out to be friends with all of you."

"Don't stay that, I think you are," Ocellus said, rubbing Cozy's head. "Just keep smiling, you have a smile that warms my heart."

"Aw, you're the best," Cozy Glow said, hugging the Changeling. "I'm glad we're friends, truthfully I was afraid of being alone like I was back home."

"Alone?" Ocellus asked. "Come to think of it Cozy, you never really told us where you're from or what your home life is like."

"It's nothing special," Cozy Glow said.

"Well I'd like to know more about my best friend," Ocellus said. "Could you tell me?"

"It's really sad, I don't like telling many ponies, I'd probably only tell you or Sandbar though," Cozy Glow said.

"Tell me what?" Came Sandbar's voice as he trotted to the girls.

"Sandbar, didn't expect to see you out here," Ocellus said.

"It's getting late, and kind of cold, so Kurt sent me to check on you two," Sandbar said.

"That's nice of you, I was just asking Cozy about her upbringing," Ocellus said. "She seems reluctant to tell me."

"If she doesn't want to, that's fine," Sandbar said. "Maybe its bad memories."

Ocellus knelt beside Cozy Glow, "No one was mean to you, were they?"

Cozy barely answered, this worried Sandbar, "Cozy?"

"Well, the caretakers at the orphanage where I lived were nice but the other orphans, not so much," Cozy Glow said.

"Wait, you're an orphan!?" Sandbar asked. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"It was...too sad for me," Cozy Glow said, holding back a tear. "I don't remember my parents, I just remember living in an orphanage where a lot of the other foals were just not really kind, I tried to keep smiling and being positive but, it just felt hard for me."

"I'm...I'm so sorry Cozy," Sandbar said, rubbing her mane. "I had no idea."

"Nopony did," Cozy Glow said. "It's really hard to talk about."

"I can't believe anypony would be mean to you," Ocellus said, feeling irritated. "It just makes me so angry, I hope the caretakers did something."

"Sometimes, but it wasn't enough," Cozy Glow said. "I made due, I found, other means, to vent my frustrations, usually in the form of reading old books and writing letters."

"That's good, get your anger out in a proper way," Sandbar said.

"Were those letters addressed to anyone?" Ocellus asked.

"No one in particular..." Cozy said, looking to the side. "But like I said, it really helped, in fact, it motivated me to coming to this school. I was still kind of scared during my first day, mostly because I thought I would meet more bullies. Silly to worry about since this is a school of Friendship but that's what my mind was telling me. Thankfully I met Peter and he helped me feel better."

"Is this why you get so bothered when Gallus teases you?" Ocellus asked.

"A little, he reminds me of some of the old bullies," Cozy Glow said.

"Well, know that Gallus doesn't mean to upset you like that, he's a really nice guy, he just hides it under his moodiness," Sandbar said. "Maybe if you opened up to the others, you can make peace with them, how does that sound?"

"I think that'd be neat," Cozy said.

"Alright, we should head inside now, I don't want you getting too cold out here," Sandbar said.

"Sure, also one thing Sandy," Cozy Glow flew over to kiss his cheek. "Thank you."

"Heh, sure," Sandbar said, blushing a bit.

Cozy flew over to kiss Ocellus on the cheek as well. "You too Celly."

"Aw, you're so cute Cozy," Ocellus said, returning the kiss to her friend's cheek.

Cozy bashfully flew off, super happy about this exchange as Sandbar trotted toward Ocellus. "Think she'll be alright?"

"I think so, we just have to be there for her," Ocellus said.

"Yeah, I really like Cozy Glow, she's really adorable," Sandbar said. "She reminds me of my little sister."

"I know that feeling, Cozy makes me think of my little brother and sister as well," Ocellus said.

"Helps being older siblings I guess," Sandbar said. "That makes the two of us perfect for the job."

"Well we're not the only one with siblings," Ocellus said. "Yona, Silverstream and Smolder know about that subject too."

"That could be our key to helping Cozy Glow bond with them," Sandbar said. "Alright, this is our Friendship Mission, make a bond as strong as say...The Professors."

"Peter did compare us to our professors," Ocellus said. "Even if that did lead to trouble."

"Speaking of Peter, I think I see him," Sandbar said, gesturing to Peter, Bucky and his group.

"So that's pretty much what I know about The Eternals, they're just as flawed as the humans they were meant to protect," Peter said.

"Hearing about them reminds me of why I don't care to join The Accords, I don't want to be some puppet," Bucky said.

"Puppet seems harsh, I mean they meant well, it's just that-" Peter noticed Sandbar and Ocellus. "Hey, good to see you both."

"Hi Peter, we were just heading inside," Ocellus said.

"Good idea, it's getting a bit cold, snow's coming, and according to Rainbow Dash, it should be in about three days, or four, she wasn't sure what the Pegasus schedule was, too busy being a Wonderbolt," Peter said.

"Controlling weather like that just seems kind of strange," Bucky said.

"You get used to it," Peter said. "Wish we could do that on Earth, then we'd always have a White Christmas."

"What's Christmas?" Ocellus asked.

"Earth's version of Hearth's Warming," Peter said. "Except instead of celebrating the unity of tribes, we're celebrating a very special birthday."

"That sounds fun," Sandbar said.

"Well I won't keep you if you're busy," Peter said. "Tell the others I said 'hi', and I hope Gallus is doing well."

"He's fine, still mad at Cozy Glow since he blames her but I'm working that out," Sandbar said.

"Cozy just confided some troubles with us, we're working to make sure she feels at home here," Ocellus said.

"That's really kind of you, and if you need help, just let me know, maybe you seven can come by for dinner one day and we'll work this out," Peter said. "Maybe my daughter will pick up some social skills from you, maybe it'd shut Johnny up about her social awkwardness."

"Will do Peter," Sandbar said.

"And, just to clarify something," Peter began. "I hope you're not taking me comparing you to Twilight and her friends too seriously, I mean you are as kind as them, but know that you're your own selves."

"Nightcrawler gave me this talk, but thanks Peter," Sandbar said. "It really was an honor to be compared to Twilight."

"You deserve it, keep it up and one day, people might be compared to you as the kind hearted stallion who helped a timid young Pegasus," Peter said. "Same with the cute as a button Changeling who didn't need her powers to take the form of a loving creature."

"You're so sweet," Ocellus said. "Professor Sparkle is so lucky to have a guy as nice as you as her husband, I hope I can meet someone with your charm."

"He might be closer than you think," Peter said, briefly eyeing Sandbar with a smug smile.

"Uh...we're just friends," Sandbar said, trying to hide his blush, same with Ocellus.

"That's how it always starts bud," Peter said. "Anyway I'm glad you're smart enough to know what I meant, looks like Rumble's the one who needs that pounded into his head. Can't help but feel like this is my fault, maybe he got spoiled too much when he lived with me and the family."

"Maybe he'll turn around," Ocellus said.

"Yeah, just use your Spider-Mane charm to help guide him," Sandbar said.

"Will do, see you both later," Peter said as the two groups went their separate ways.

Meanwhile in the Friendship Dorms, Cozy Glow happily jumped on her bed, thinking about the two friends dear to her heart. "I love Sandbar and Ocellus so much, I want to be with them forever. Add Rumble to that and I have my perfect group of friends, my best friends and my lover. Maybe I'll let Rumble's filly friends hang out with me too, I'd be surrounded by Friendship, and all the power that comes with it! That's just the start, soon I'll grow from being the true successor to the Element of Magic, to being head mare of this school, to being the new Princess of Friendship. I will have it all!"

"Cozy Glow?" Came a voice that belonged to Starlight Glimmer. "Is everything alright? I thought I heard you yelling."

"Uh...I'm reading a book! Guess I read too loud!" Cozy Glow said.

"I know that feeling! Try to keep it down, it might bother all the students, but have fun!" Starlight said, then left Cozy Glow to her business.

Cozy sighed in relief, "That was close, note to self, keep monologues of power to a lower volume." Suddenly a letter popped into the room, Cozy Glow opening it up, recognizing who it's from. "A mission to find some old bell? When am I gonna have time to do that!? Also who's Grogar?" She quickly began writing her own letter in response, hoping to get some answers.

Ponyville was having a peaceful night, and the citizens there seemed satisfied, however things were not going too well in Manehattan.

Daredevil, Elektra, Night Thrasher, Johnny and Rainbow Dash were on the rooftop across from the Stark Industries building across the street, the Fantastic Four member deducing what could be happening.

"That stallion who was with Suri, if my guess is correct, he might be Martin Li, leader of the Demon gang back in New York," Johnny said.

"The Demon Gang? Doesn't Mr. Negative lead them?" Night Thrasher asked. "He's here in Equestria?"

"It adds up, the way some of these ponies were behaving is similar the way the ponies yesterday were behaving during Wizard's arrival. It reminds me of how strange people acted when they encountered Mr. Negative and his mind control abilities. I knew it wasn't Wizard, his method of mind control is different than what Martin Li did," Johnny said. "It even adds up to how strange The Winter Soldier was acting not too long ago, Martin did something to make him act strange."

"So now we have Mr. Negative to worry about," Daredevil said. "He caused a lot of trouble back in New York when he, along with The Kingpin and The Hood were fighting for control of the city."

"Guess he doesn't have that worry here, before he showed up, there weren't really any gangs at all to rival him," Elektra said.

"You think Suri Polomare knows who he is?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I can't say for sure, he could be controlling her too, looks like we're gonna have to go and expose him ourselves," Johnny said.

"We have to be smart about it though, it may be difficult to prove who he is given his pony form," Daredevil said.

"Hey Stark should trust our word, we just gotta catch the guy in action," Johnny said. "Let's just stand by and-"

Suddenly there was a ruckus down below, many of the Demon gang ponies were causing trouble as they began forcing their way into Stark Industries.

"Looks like they're going full scale this time around!" Elektra said.

"We have to stop them!" Daredevil said.

Before he could move, Rainbow Dash called out, "Wait, something doesn't add up, why would they suddenly do something so big tonight, especially after the commotion yesterday?"

"Hard to say, but we have to act now otherwise ponies could get hurt," Daredevil said.

"Better hurry, I think they know we're here," Night Thrasher said, gesturing to a large number Pegasus ponies flying up to their location.

Once at the top, they attempted to attack the heroes, Elektra using her martial arts to knock a couple out, Daredevil fighting with his rod, Night Thrasher using a combination of his skills and skateboard melee attacks, Rainbow Dash fighting with her speed and Johnny using some heat powered punches.

"We gotta get to the building!" Daredevil used the rope from his rod to swing over to Stark Industries, crashing through a window on the first second floor, starling the ponies there. "Everyone clear out!" He rushed to the stairs where the Demon Gang were coming up, trying to fight them off.

"Daredevil's got the right idea," Night Thrasher said. "Let's go do what we gotta do!"

It wasn't long before Elektra and Night Thrasher were brough to the ground level, fighting off as many Demons as possible to make room for the others to safely evacuate.

Johnny and Rainbow Dash flew into the middle floor to intercept some Pegasus Demons. Dash used her speed to hit as many places as she could while Johnny saw to it that ponies were able to escape.

"Thankfully there aren't that many, maybe fifty at max," Johnny said. "Still, it's amazing how many ponies Mr. Negative has at his disposal." Suddenly he heard a pony screaming for help, "Oh crap!"

As Johnny went to find the pony, the other heroes were battling across the first floor, many of the Unicorn Demons trying to blast them with their magic. Night Thrasher rushed in and knocked a few out and kept going. "I'll try upstairs!"

"Be careful!" Daredevil said.

One of them tried to attack a couple of mares, but Elektra quickly elbowed him in the stomach and knocked him over. She spotted one trying to make a run for it, so she readied her sai, "You're not going anywhere!"

"Elektra!" Daredevil rushed in to deflect the sai toward a pipe with his rod just as she threw it, "We do not need to go that far!"

"You're too soft sometimes Matt," Elektra said, making her way toward the sai. "Have it your way."

Daredevil shook his head in shame, "I'm going to find Duane, you stay here, and don't kill anyone!"

Daredevil ran upstairs, unaware of the danger that lurked from another nearby Demon Unicorn.

Night Thrasher continued to fight off the Demons, using some tech to zap a few of the ponies, though one of the ponies he zapped got knocked toward a large computer, the circuit sparks starting a fire. "Crap, I gotta fix-"

One unicorn zapped a gas line, causing an explosion, knocking Night Thrasher back, nearly unconscious. As he sat up, he could see the damage caused, to make things worse, he could spot some ponies trying to run for safety. "I'll save you!" He had to move quickly, before it was too late.

Meanwhile on a higher floor, Johnny, unaware of some of the damage on the earlier floors, was running past a few ponies that were trying to escape enroute to the yell he heard earlier.

"Someone's got Miss Pommel hostage in her office, please save her Equine Torch!" a pony warned.

"Will do!" Johnny insisted. He finally made his way to where the yell originated, a fancy office run by Coco Pommel. The mare in question was cowering on the ground as a pony with a large naginata aimed at her stood tall.

"Mr. Negative!" Johnny called.

Indeed Martin was fully voided as his alter ego, Mr. Negative, "Johnathan Storm, what a pleasure to see you. It's been a while."

"So you're here in Equestria too, looks like Peter was right about you," Johnny said. "You're really that Lee guy from yesterday, guess the name should have given it away, not very creative."

"Lee? I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about," Martin said.

"Don't bullshit me dude, I know you two are one in the same," Johnny said.

"Hm, ma'am?" Martin turned to Coco. "Have you seen me before at all."

"Uh..." Truthfully Coco wasn't sure, he looked and sounded familiar, but she couldn't confirm if it truly was that Lee pony from before. "I..."

"It's fine, I suppose it is a silly question," Martin said.

"Look, whether you're Lee or not, it doesn't matter, I'm here to stop you, when I knock you out, then I'll expose who you truly are," Johnny said.

"I know you have no problems fighting me, Mr. Storm," Martin then used his powers on Coco. "But would you hurt a civilian?"

Suddenly she lunged to attack Johnny, the hero quickly playing defense, "Hey! Snap out of it!"

"I will fight for you Mr. Negative!" Coco said, throwing some punches, trying to get Johnny.

"Dammit, I guess I have no choice," Johnny parried a punch and karate chopped the back of her neck hard enough to knock her out. "Sorry about that, I owe you a drink or something." He looked around and saw that Martin was gone. "Hey get back here!"

He turned outside the room and threw some fire, unaware that Martin had burst a gas pipe, causing a big explosion, knocking Johnny back a bit.

That wasn't the only one, more huge explosions began to occur at different parts of the building, many of the ponies under Martin's control had used their powers to hit some gas lines, or used some of Tony's tech as makeshift explosions, in addition to the fires caused by Elektra's sais bursting pipes and Night Thrasher's accidental mishaps with his tech.

"This is terrible!" Johnny said. Moving quick, he picked Coco up from the floor and flew her to safety, placing her gently outside the building as he went back in to rescue other ponies, having gotten several out in the span of a minute.

One of the ponies he found in danger was his wife Rainbow Dash, an explosion had knocked her out and bent her wing. He picked her up, using his fire as a shield to protect them, before one final explosion shoved them out the building, landing hard on the ground.

Down below, Elektra, Daredevil and Night Thrasher had escaped, with a few ponies themselves in tow, but the damage to the building increased by the second. They weren't even sure if all the ponies were safely evacuated or not, but one thing they knew is that their plan seems to have failed. They didn't stop destruction, they caused it, it was truly a shameful moment for them.

Meanwhile Mr. Negative had safely exited the building by jumping a window onto another nearby building, using his weapon to safely travel across the sides until it was safe to land down. He looked up at the damage, feeling proud of himself and his work. This should be a good lesson to those heroes who dared to go against him.

Fading away back into Martin Li, his opinions had shifted, ponies were in danger now, and deep down, he felt remorse for his actions. He quickly got out of there as fire ponies quickly made their way to the scene.

Johnny slowly sat up, seeing the fires caused by the explosions as fire ponies quickly rushed to put them out. He turned to the side and saw his unconscious wife. "I still got work to do Dashie." He moved her to a sidewalk before flying back and trying to absorb as much fire as he could.

While many in Equestria did not know about this event yet, Discord did, having observed most of it from his crystal ball, joined by a few of the villains.

"Looks like Martin has made a really big impact," Discord said. "I am curious as to how The Avengers and Princess Celestia react to this, and the interesting developments that could emerge."