• Published 30th Mar 2021
  • 1,053 Views, 187 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Civil War - Masterob

An internal battle between The Avengers and The Elements of Harmony threaten Equestria's future.

  • ...

Final Conflict of The Accords

In Equestria, Mayday was seen staring out the Balcony, wondering what was going to happen. She knows her dad's out there, ready to end the conflict, and hopefully bring everyone home. She wanted to see for herself how this was going to go down.

Downstairs she heard what sounded like her uncle talking to Starlight, "I have to do something, I don't trust that woman with my wife!"

"Sounds like something Peter's said, not to mention that Apple Bloom would wholeheartedly agree," Starlight was heard saying. "Anyway we'll be happy to watch over your daughter for the moment."

"I have to make this fast, my Kingdom is unattended, but if I don't do something, all of Equestria will be in danger," Shining Armor said. "I'll be back later."

"Bye daddy," She heard Flurry say as he dashed out of the house.

Mayday called to him back from the Balcony," Uncle Shining!"

Shining Armor turned to Mayday, "Hi Mayday! I'd love to talk but I have to go help your mom and aunt!"

"Be careful! That Captain Marvel mare is really mean!" Mayday said.

"I know! I'll be fine, don't worry about a thing!" Shining Armor said, dashing off.

She heard a knock on her door, it was Franklin, "Mayday, your cousin's here."

"I heard," Mayday said, making her way to the door and downstairs. She spotted her cousin Flurry Heart speaking with Starlight.

"Your daddy won't take long, he’s just assisting in a...Friendship Problem," Starlight said. "A really long and complicated Friendship Problem."

"Okay Miss Glimmer," Flurry said, taking the explanation well.

"Why don't you go play with Mayday? She's here with a friend," Starlight said. "Meanwhile I still have to check things regarding Twilight's school."

"Wow, I'm surprised she even has a friend given how much of a loner she is," Flurry said, Mayday furrowing her brow.

"We'll keep a close eye on Flurry, that way the school thing won't be too much of a burden," Apple Bloom said.

"I appreciate that," Starlight said. "I gotta go check now, and make sure the students are doing fine."

"We'll keep things in order here," Apple Bloom said. "See you in a bit."

As Starlight left, Flurry took note of her cousin, "Oh, Mayday's here!"

"Hi Flurry," Mayday said, still a bit crossed by Flurry's prior remark.

"Perfect timing, Mayday, you don't mind entertaining Flurry do ya?" Apple Bloom asked. "Ah gotta adjust some meal plans."

"Sure, I'd be fine with that," Mayday said. "Frankie and I can entertain her."

"Wow, you're actually being hospitable, are you the real Mayday Parker-Sparkle?" Flurry teased.

"Don't sass me, come on," Mayday said, going upstairs with Flurry following.

"Such a good kid, now with Scootaloo and Dinky getting some supplies, Trixie and Autumn watching over Benjy and Aunt May taking care of Hope, this will give me, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara more time to cook," Apple Bloom said, then heard a ruckus in the kitchen.

"Apple Bloom! Something went wrong!" Diamond Tiara said, much to Apple Bloom's annoyance.

"The downside to servants is that you never learn to do nothing for yerself," Apple Bloom said, making her way into the kitchen.

Upstairs, Flurry had gone into Mayday's room with Franklin, taking a quick look around, "Your room's always so tidy."

"Thank my mom for that," Mayday said. "So, Uncle Shining's off to Canterlot?"

"Yeah, he's mad at Ms. Danvers for some reason," Flurry said. "I mean, they don't normally talk to each other, but each time it always seems like she's giving him a look, and I think my dad hates that look."

"Well who wouldn't, that Carol lady just isn't nice," Mayday said.

"Really? She seemed nice to me, and to my mom," Flurry said.

"She hurt Rumble and Au...pple Bloom, she's mean!" Mayday said.

"Even my parents don't seem too fond of her," Franklin said. "Uncle Johnny thinks the real Carol's been replaced by a Skrull."

"You know, daddy and the others are out there, ready to fight, and I kind of want to see what happens," Mayday said. "I hate staying here and not knowing."

"Well not much we can do about it," Flurry said.

Mayday's eyes widened, a devilish smirk etching across her face, "Or is there?"

"Mayday...what are you planning," Franklin cautiously asked.

The young filly leapt onto her bed, triumphantly posing , "Alright lackeys, who's ready for a trip to Canterlot?"

"First off, don't call us your 'lackeys'," Franklin said. "Second, what are you even going on about?"

"We can fly down to Canterlot and see the heroes meet up!" Mayday said. "We'll be able to know for sure what's happening!"

"But why though?" Flurry asked. "We'd be safer here."

"My daddy could be in danger, I have to be there in case he needs me," Mayday said.

"Mayday, that's nice, but what can you do?" Franklin asked. "You're only eight."

"There's plenty I can do, with this," Mayday said, pressing a button. Within seconds, her glider her appeared out her window, surprising the two kids.

"Your Spider Glider?" Franklin asked.

"Eh, not sure if I'll use spider, my dad uses that name so much it gets tiring," Mayday said.

"Well, he's called 'Spider-Mane', spiders are kind of his thing," Flurry said.

"I know, but does it have to only be spiders?" Mayday asked. "I'm thinking...Arachna-Glider."

"Well, whatever you wanna call it, how is it gonna help?" Franklin asked.

"It has some webbing built into it, I'm hoping to add more like fire, ice and kinetic energy, like Johnny, Bobby and Remy, make it a combination of my dad's abilities and all of his friends," Mayday said. "With this, we can easily go to Canterlot, and check up on my daddy, and provide help if he needs it. Plus...he's using his new suit and I really wanna see him kick butt with it."

"You can't fight Mayday, it's against the rules," Flurry said. "Carol said one day she's gonna throw all rule breakers into Tartarus."

"You really think any of them will send a little girl into Tartarus? No one's that cruel," Mayday said. "But all the more reason my dad should win, to end that silly rule. Heroes are supposed to use their powers to keep the world safe, getting mad at that is just plain silly."

"Well, some powers are dangerous, so I kind of understand why Mr. Stark made these rules," Franklin said.

"Frankie, level with me on this," Mayday said. "If someone knows their powers are dangerous, and they're good, they'll try to control it. If it's an evil person and their powers are dangerous, you think a few silly laws will stop them from using those dangerous powers?"

"Uh..." Franklin scratched his head. "I mean...wow, that's a good point."

"It's common sense, which according to Deadpool, is the greatest superpower in the world," Mayday said. "Anyway, enough dawdling, I'm flying to Canterlot, which one of you are coming with me?"

"I'll go, if to keep you from doing something stupid," Franklin said.

"I'll go too, it sounds fun," Flurry said.

"Give me a second," Mayday said, grabbing a pen and paper, writing something down quickly.

"What is that?" Franklin asked.

"A note for my foalsitters, just so that they know where I'm going and don't have to worry," Mayday said.

"Wow, that's considerate of you," Flurry said as Mayday finished writing.

"Alright, let's get flying then," Mayday said, hopping on her glider, Franklin and Flurry doing the same. "Hang on tight!"

The girl flew her glider out the balcony and in the direction of Canterlot. However, she immediately ran into a small problem.

"Halt!" Came the voice of a Patroller Robot. "Remove yourselves from that mechanical device immediately."

"Ugh, not this piece of junk again," Mayday said. "Hey, move out the way, we have a showdown to catch."

"Return to your home, failure to comply will result in action," the robot said.

"What, you're gonna beat us up or something?" Mayday asked. "Do you know who I am?"

"A spoiled rotten little filly who best be getting back home," the robot said.

Mayday furrowed her brow at the robot, "What was that?"

"Get back home this instant, you little shrimp," the robot said.

"Shrimp!?" Mayday shouted in annoyance.

"Uh, why is this robot being mean?" Flurry asked.

"Probably Tony Stark's programming, no way my dad would have done this," Franklin said.

"Look you, move out our way, this is your last warning," Mayday said. The robot immediately wrapped the three in a net and dropped them down below.

"Ow!" Mayday shouted in agony. "Stupid robot!"

"Good thing the ground was close," Franklin said.

"This is no way to treat a Princess," Flurry said.

The robot lowered down to the trio, "What now, flesh beings?"

"This robot's ticking me off," Franklin said.

"Go home puny foals, or I'll tell yo mamas!" the robot said.

Mayday glared at the metallic being, "Look you, my daddy's out and about to be part of what could be one of the biggest battles in Equestria, I need to be there, because he's using this super awesome suit that he's been building for the last few days, and I need to see it out in the field, preferably using it to beat the snot out of some miserable old lady who thinks she's the best hero in the world! Newsflash lady, you're nothing compared to daddy, and I'm going to be there to see it, now MOVE!"

The robot then shot a paintball in Mayday's face, "Take that runt." Mayday completely lost her temper and punched the robot hard to knock it over, then grabbed a wrench and completely wailed on it, the robot calling out pain. "Danger! Danger! Robot in need of assistance!"

"AIN'T NO ONE HELPING YOU OUT! BITCH!" Mayday continued assaulting the robot, to the terror of Franklin and Flurry.

"I've never seen her this violent!" Franklin said. "Have you?"

"Not me, she usually talks tough, I've never seen her back it up," Flurry said, turning away from the destruction.

Mayday was seen huffing and puffing afterwards, then found herself getting dizzy, "What's happening...?" Suddenly she could some ringing in her head, almost as if the adrenaline rush was too much for her and she nearly fell over.

"Mayday!" Franklin caught her before she fell. "Hey, are you alright?"

"I'm...fine," Mayday insisted. "Come on, lets get back on the glider."

"Are you sure about that, seems like what happened took a lot out of you," Franklin said.

"I'm fine! Don't worry about me, just get on the glider," Mayday ordered.

"Gee wilikers!", came Cozy Glow's voice. "What could have happened here?"

"Not you..." Mayday lamented.

"Aw, I thought you liked me, don't you remember the fun times together?" Cozy Glow asked.

"Hey, take a hike," Franklin said. "We don't need you causing trouble."

"Franklin, that's not very nice," Flurry said. "She's just being friendly."

"Oh golly! Are you...Princess Flurry Heart!?" Cozy Glow asked.

"That's me, the daughter of Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor, Princess Flurry Heart of The Crystal Empire," the filly said.

"It's such an honor to meet the only known pony to be born an Alicorn," Cozy Glow said. "Oh, I wish I were an Alicorn, I could do such neat things."

"Well you can, just make lots of friends, it worked for Auntie Twilight," Flurry Heart said.

"Oh I plan on it, I already have six good friends whom I love very much," Cozy Glow said.

"Pretty sure they all hate you," Mayday said. "Even the ones nice to you probably hate you, I mean, you're kind of annoying."

"Mayday! Cut that out!" Flurry scolded. "You're gonna hurt her feelings."

"It's fine, it's just her way of venting, your poor cousin doesn't have a lot of friends, and it makes me sad because her mom runs a Friendship school, but how can she be a teacher and the Princess of Friendship if her own daughter isn't the friendliest pony possible," Cozy Glow said.

"I have Franklin," Mayday said. "I don't need to be surrounded by a bunch of fakes like you are, you and the rest of the students in this school can buzz off for all I care, if you neophytes need a school to make friends then I worry for the future of Equestria."

"Neophytes!?" came the voice of Toola Roola, alongside Coconut Cream. "Did you call us 'Neophytes'?"

"That's so mean!" Coconut Cream said.

"Do you even know what that means?" Mayday asked.

"No, but it sounds mean," Toola Roola said.

Mayday rolled her eyes in annoyance, "This is why I don't like talking to ponies, or any creature for that matter. Too much drama."

"Now we're dramatic? How can you be so mean!" Toola Roola said. "Hey, everypony, this filly's being mean and insulting our school!"

"Someone's being mean?"

"That isn't nice."

"She needs to learn Friendship."

"Oh, lets teach her, just like Princess Twilight would!"

Many ponies began coming over, this getting the attention of Sandbar, Gallus and Yona.

"What's going on?" Gallus asked.

"Not sure, but we should check it out before things get bad," Sandbar said. "Let’s hurry."

Many of the ponies began surrounding the trio of foals, much to their discomfort, especially Mayday.

"Alright, all of you really need to step off!" Mayday warned. "Don't you know who I am!?"

"Should we?" a magenta looking stallion asked.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle's daughter!" Mayday shouted.

"Oh yeah, she is," Rainbow Harmony said. "Wow, and you're not friendly? That's a bit strange."

"Well I'm sure we can help her," a turquoise mare with a blue mane said. "Come on, let's teach her about Friendship."

"Not interested!" Mayday said.

"Oh come now, everyone's interested in Friendship, what type of pony wouldn't be?" Toola Roola asked.

"One who's free to make her own choices, I don't need help from a bunch of second-rate dilettantes!" Mayday said.

"Golly she uses big words," Cozy Glow said, then used this moment to sneak away. "Still, perfect distraction, now to go and see if Martin is still nearby."

All the ponies began to surround Mayday, all of them talking to her at once, trying to get her to come with them to teach her about Friendship. The filly's heart began pounding fast, sweat forming on her head as she began to hold it in pain. For some reason the buzzing in her head was getting worse, all the voices turning into echoes as she started to visibly panic.

Flurry noticed that Mayday looked bothered, so she blinded everyone with her light, allowing the kids to leave. Once everyone recovered, they looked around in confusion.

"Where did Mayday go?" a yellow filly asked.

"There," Yona said, gesturing to the distance.

"Wow, we really did freak her out, didn't we," Rainbow Harmony said.

"That girl's such a weirdo sometimes, I mean even I wouldn't panic when talking to people," Gallus said.

"This could explain why she doesn't go to school, she's just really unsocial," Sandbar said.

"So, no friend for us?" Yona asked.

"Guess not," Sandbar said.

"That girl's going to end up really lonely," Gallus said. "Still, it is a shame. How can a very hi-profile superhero and a Princess of Friendship raise such an anti-social daughter?"

"No offense dude, but isn't Griffonstone full of anti-social griffons?" Sandbar asked.

"That's been our culture for years because we didn't have a Princess of Friendship reaching out to us," Gallus said. "Mayday is a pony who not only has parents who are good at making friends, but personally knows the teachers, so what's her excuse? That little panic moment?"

"She probably got claustrophobic, like you get," Sandbar said.

"That was not claustrophobia, that was friendship-phobia," Gallus said.

"That's not even a real thing," Sandbar said.

"Hey, what's happening out here!?" Jubilee asked, making her way over with Kitty and Hisako.

"A little run in with Mayday Parker-Sparkle," Gallus said.

"I really hope none of you caused trouble for her," Jubilee said. "You know she's sensitive."

"Yeah, that's obvious," Gallus said.

"Alright, back to the school dorms," Kitty instructed, leading everyone back to the School of Friendship.

Meanwhile Apple Bloom had come upstairs, "Hey kids, ah made something for ya." She looked around the room, "Kids, where'd y'all go?" She saw the note Mayday left and read it, "Dear Apple Bloom, off to Canterlot to see daddy fight, be back later, save me some pancakes. Love, Mayday." She put the paper down, "Alright well if they'll be back later then...wait a minute!" She looked back at the paper. "THEY'RE GONE!?"

Next came a scream so loud that it startled half the town, and especially everyone in the house.

"That can't be good," Scootaloo said.

Trixie came out of the kitchen with Autumn Blaze, the unicorn looking a bit annoyed, "What's with all the yelling?"

Apple Bloom rushed downstairs, "Big problem, Mayday left with the kids!"

"Come again!?" Trixie asked.

"She did WHAT!?" Scootaloo asked.

"That's terrible!" Silver Spoon said.

"So, they're not going to be eating?" Diamond Tiara asked, getting some glares. "What? I literally just cooked for them, I have a right to ask!"

"We gotta find them!" Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah, and quick, if Peter finds out his daughter left, we we're probably not gonna get paid!" Dinky said, now being her turn to be on the receiving end of some glares. "Oh come on, I need bits!"

"I will tear you apart!" Apple Bloom warned, freaking out Dinky.

"Wow, if she were a Kirin, she'd be pretty scary," Autumn Blaze said, much to Trixie's annoyance.

"Whoa, easy there Apple Bloom, try not to lose your cool," Scootaloo said, calming her friend. "Let's just hurry and see if they're at the train station."

"Good idea, hopefully Mayday could not have gotten far," Trixie said. "Unless...she took that glider of hers."

"Glider?" Autumn asked.

"This is a bit troubling, I'm going to let Starlight know, you stay here Autumn," Trixie said. "The rest of you girls try to find Mayday."

"Let's hurry!" Apple Bloom said, rushing outside, her friends quickly following.

Trixie sighed in annoyance as she left, "That filly can be such a headache."

"So, I guess I'm holding down the fort...cool," Autumn said, awkwardly looking around. "Wonder if one of the little kids need me?"

Apple Bloom and her friends immediately dashed toward the train station, figuring that the foals would have used that to get to Canterlot. When they got there, they spotted Tender Taps showing off his dance moves for four other old classmates of theres, those being Skedaddle, Kettle Corn, Carrot Crunch and Lily Longsocks.

"It takes practice, but with hard work in can be pulled off at a whim, second nature," Tender Taps said. "Dancing is a good way to express yourself, I'd be more than happy to help anyone interested learn how to be great at it. Maybe Briddleway will give you a call. So, what do you make of my proposal?"

"Well...it's nice, and I would definitely consider it in the future," Kettle Corn said.

"Not sure if I really want to try dancing in front of others, it seems embarrassing," Skedaddle said.

"Stage Fright is tough, I've been through it, but once you get past it, then it's a huge relief," Tender Taps said.

"Yeah but..." Kettle Corn noticed the Crusaders. "Apple Bloom! Scootaloo! And you other girls!"

"Other girls? Do you not know who I am!?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Not now, Dia," Apple Bloom said, then focused on the others. "Hey, any of y'all seen a little girl come through here?"

"Specifically Spider-Mane's daughter," Scootaloo said.

"I haven't seen her, why?" Tender Taps asked.

"We were supposed to foalsit her, Princess Flurry Heart and a boy named Franklin Richards, but they somehow escaped and are on their way to Canterlot, where a big fight might happen," Apple Bloom said.

"Oh wow, that sounds serious," Tender Taps said. "Wait, how do you know a fight's gonna happen?"

"Remember what Spider-Mane said the other day about the conflict between Captain Equestria and The Iron Stallion?" Scootaloo said. "It might lead to a massive showdown."

"So like, Superhero vs Superhero?" Skedaddle asked. "Wow, that sounds cool! I wonder who would win?"

"Cool? What could be cool about superheroes fighting each other!?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Eh, in a way it can be pretty entertaining to see the heroes duking it out," Dinky said.

"Not when Mayday's going to be nearby!" Apple Bloom said. "We need a train to Canterlot."

"I'll go too, for support," Skeddadle said. "And to see who would win in a fight."

"I'll go too, if to keep Skedaddle out of trouble," Kettle Corn said.

"When do I get into trouble?" Skedaddle asked.

"We couldn't ask any of you to come," Apple Bloom said.

"I have no problems coming too," Tender Taps, affectionately stroking Apple Bloom's chin. "If at least to keep you safe, Apple Bloom."

The filly smacked away the colt's hoof, "Ah have a boyfriend, remember!?"

"Can't blame me for trying," Tender Taps said. "Well at least you got three others to help."

"Carrot, Lily, what about you two?" Scootaloo asked.

"Uh...I don't mind, but Lily might not be interested," Carrot said.

"Lily should come, she can be our muscle," Diamond Tiara said. "If worse comes to worse, she can beat up any of the lousy heroes."

Lily shook her head in denial, Scootaloo quickly coming to her defense, "You know she doesn't like showing off her super strength."

"Hey isn't Spider-Mane all about 'Great Power, Great Responsibility'," Diamond Tiara said. "If she has the power, it's her responsibility to use it."

"Pretty sure that's not the point of his quote!" Scootaloo said.

The train arrived at the station, Apple Bloom immediately boarding it, "Whoever's coming, come, just stay out of trouble!"

"To Canterlot!" Tender Taps said, boarding alongside Kettle Corn and Skedaddle.

Dinky followed next, with Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon right behind them. Eventually both Lily and Carrot decided to join as well, and the train was enroute to Canterlot.

Meanwhile at the edge of the Crown City of Equestria, Cap's Team was seen marching toward the city, ready to fight for freedom, for the end of The Accords, and to change Equestria back to normal.

"Today's the day team," Steve said. "If we pull this off, we can put an end to The Accords. If we fail, then we risk terrible consequences. Banishment, Imprisonment, anything Tony or Luna can think of."

"Really adds to the pressure," Sam said. "But that's always how it's been for us. Otherwise we wouldn't be The Avengers."

"I thought you were The Avengers because you 'Avenge' people," Taskmaster said. "Which has always been weird, it implies you wait till something bad happens before you take action, your name implies that tragedy is a necessity."

"You serious?" Sam asked.

"I mean, at least with Spider-Man, annoying as that kid is, he works his ass off to prevent the bad shit from happening, you'se guys don't do much until it actually happens," Taskmaster said.

"Tony, who's side are you on?" Sandman asked.

"I'm just pointing it out, hoping to get you guys to realize that maybe don't wait for anything really bad to happen in the fight before you go all 'Avenger', just go in and do what you can before it escalates," Taskmaster said.

"Weird hearing a villain say this," Janet said.

"Oh sure, label me, that's teamwork," Taskmaster said.

"Enough!" Steve shouted. "Let's not fall apart, otherwise Tony's side will pick us off. But to Taskmaster's point, he's right about one thing, take this as serious as you can, because it is. Go in ready to fight and ready to push back."

"I'm always ready fer that," Logan said.

"We go in, stop Tony however we can, and end the Accords," Steve said.

"And how do you plan to 'stop' him?" Taskmaster asked. "Like, give us something to work with, you do have a plan, don't you?"

"Just leave Tony to me, everyone else, try to keep the others away from us," Steve said.

"Eh, bettah than nothin'. What about you, Sun Princess, you got something in mind?" Taskmaster asked Celestia, the mare just staring off into the distance, seemingly confused and worried about what lay ahead. "Uh, hellooooooo, Earth to Sun Princess!"

"We're not on Earth," Sam said.

"Not the point" Taskmaster said. "Wait, what is the name of this planet anyway?"

"Uh, Equus I think," Steve said.

"You think? We've been on some unnamed planet for how long now?" Taskmaster asked.

"Hey until last year, I honestly thought it was called 'Equestria'," Janet said. "Then again, this could just be Earth, just in like the far future where ponies replaced humans. I mean it would explain a lot of the city names like Manehattan and Baltimare."

"That's just plain weird," Taskmaster said, then focused on Celestia. "Yo! Sun Princess!"

"Huh?" Celestia finally snapped out of her daze. "Sorry, I was lost in thought. Were you saying something?"

"Wow you're distracted, but you got a plan to take down the other side?" Taskmaster asked.

"I'm afraid I lack any type of tactic right now, I just know I need to subdue my sister before terrrible things happen," Celestia said.

"Terrible things?" Taskmaster asked. "What terrible things?"

"Worry about that later, Masters," Logan said, hoping to diverge the conversation before it got too personal. "Trust Steve and Celestia, they got this." "Granted, if they really did have this, they would have fixed this before it got out of hand. In a way, Taskmaster is right about the 'Avenging part', but it's better to wait until after the fight before I chew them out on this."

Nearby, Rumble looked ahead, somewhat worried about what was to come. He always wanted to be a superhero, he wanted to be just like Peter and Johnny, the two he admired most. Johnny for his charisma and style, and Peter for his heart and responsibility. He was so determined to be a hero, he would surpass anything in his way. Now, instead of going to fight bad guys, he's fighting other heroes. This is not what he signed up for.

"Rumble?" Came Silverstream's voice.

"Need something Silver?" Rumble asked.

"I'm just making sure you're fine, you look tense," Silverstream said.

"I'm about to fight Iron Stallion, Princess Luna, even Captain Spitfire," Runble said. "I still don't get it, why are we fighting the good guys? We're supposed to be the good guys. I wanted to fight villains, not heroes."

"Same, I never thought I'd have to turn against other heroes, what's worse is that I'm pretty much risking the security of Mount Aris by doing this, but I want to protect Equestria too," Silverstream said. "I just hope this is the right choice."

"Peter always says that being a hero means making tough choices," Rumble said. "Times like these, I see what he means."

"Peter's still with Tony Stark's side, right?" Silverstream asked. "Will we have to fight him?"

"...I really don't know," Rumble said.

"Well, you're not alone out there, I'll be right by your side," Silverstream said.

"Thanks, you're a great partner," Rumble said. "Ironic how close we’ve gotten.

Kurt himself seemed to be praying to himself in preparation of what was to come, "Father...Forgive me for what I must do. I wish not to fight, but I also wish to protect those dear to me. Please, allow us to do what we must to stop this regime. I wish to make them see the light, to know there are better ways. Please, help us find the strength within ourselves to see this through."

"Very heartfelt," Matt said, getting Kurt's attention.

"Forgive me, prayer alleviates my worry," Kurt said.

"I get that, grew up Catholic myself, but you know that," Matt said. "Got me through some tough times, though it wasn't easy."

"Tough times are when we need God the most, that does not mean we will not suffer, it just means we must find the strength to endure, and trust God that it's all for something," Kurt said. "I'd like to think that even in the midst of unnecessary conflict, God is trying to make us see something. But, the answer is never a clear one."

"Not how God works, after all, we as humans need to put in the work, God is Father for a reason, fathers guide their children, they do not tell them everything because then we can never learn," Matt said. "The Freedom to make our choices is what makes us human, or at least sentient."

"Freedom, it is what we are fighting for," Kurt said. "I want the ponies to feel free once again, for that we must be their saviors, their heroes. That goes beyond religion, it is the duty of a good man or woman. I want my friends to feel free, especially Ocellus. Her fellow Changelings have been through so much, I shudder to think what someone like Carol Danvers would do to her just to be spiteful."

"Ocellus, is that a friend of yours?" Matt asked.

"Yes, one of the students at Princess Twilight's school," Kurt said. "A kind young Changeling, who's always thinking of others before herself. She's even helped me overcome personal conflict, one I should have been able to overcome myself."

"Nothing wrong with help from friends, even I know that," Matt said. "I still thank God for bringing me a friend like Peter Parker, when I needed one the most."

"I thank the lord for many of my friends, such as Kitty Pride, and Logan," Kurt said. "I am lucky to have Logan on our side in this unfortunately conflict, but...what about Peter Parker? Far as we know, he is with Tony Stark."

"Somehow, I don't think we have to worry about that," Matt said. "If I know Peter, I know he does not think like Tony Stark. He does what's right, even if people think it's wrong. He stands for justice more than his own reputation."

"That takes true bravery," Kurt said. "To be good for goodness sake, that is a fact of life many should follow, and I know Peter Parker will be the one to lead such a fine example."

Also nearby was a concerned Sugar Belle, not only was she likely to battle against Night Glider again, but this fight would likely extend to her two other friends, Double Diamond and Party Favor. Not to mention that now she was worried about Applejack, Remy and especially Bucky.

"You alright Sugar Belle? "Big Macintosh asked.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine," Sugar Belle sadly insisted, but she knew she couldn't keep that facade up. "Actually, I'm really not fine, I'm actually very worried. One of my friends thinks I'm a traitor, and my other two friends probably feel the same way. I know I'm not the only one worried about this but I don't have that grit to power through on my own. Remy would help me out, but he got caught with Applejack and Bucky, plus everyone else that got captured too."

"Wish ah could offer advice, truth be told this has even me a bit worried," Big Macintosh said. "But Cap's doing this not to drive away our enemies, but hopefully make amends. Though, that would be quite troubling to pull off. Ah believe he knows that too, that won't stop him from trying, because good friends are worth it."

"I guess, if Cap can potentially make peace with Tony Stark, then I can make peace with my friends," Sugar Belle said. "I really don't want to hurt any of them, I love them all dearly. I did this to try my hoof at being a superhero, mainly since all my friends were inspired by Spider-Mane and his friends. But times like these, I feel like I overstepped a little. Part of me wants to quit, but another part would feel ashamed for doing so."

"Well, you gotta ask yourself, what makes you happy," Big Macintosh said. "Being a hero is a good thing, but not something everyone can do, it is a very difficult profession. But yer good at other things, like baking. You seemed really happy working at mah family's farm too."

"I like the simple life, Party Favor's all about socializing and getting people together like Pinkie Pie does, both Night Glider and Double Diamond are a bit more extreme, I'm just fine being a humble baker," Sugar Belle said. "I actually considered working with the Cakes at one point, but training with Remy on your farm just brought me closer to farm life. Honestly, I do like training with him, he's a nice man and husband.”

"Remy's become a true Apple, even he took a while to figure out where he belonged too, so he might understand yer struggles," Big Mac said.

"Probably, I never told him this because I didn't want to stop training, and I didn't want him to feel like he was wasting his time," Sugar Belle said.

"If ah know Remy, you were not a waste of his time, he always seemed happy to train you," Big Mac said. "And you don't need to be a hero to train anyway, knowing basic self defense skills is good too, at least you'd be able to protect yerself and yer loved ones."

"That's true, thanks Big Mac, it's always a pleasure hearing you speak, at least more than a few words," Sugar Belle said.

"Ah know I'm not the most talkative pony, but ah am willing to help friends and family," Big Mac said. "And you, Sugar Belle, well you feel like family. Ah didn't join just to help Applejack and Remy, ah came to help you too."

"Aw...you know it's funny, I used to have a bit of a crush on you, then I found out you were already married and it bummed me out," Sugar Belle said. "But, you've still been so kind to me, and I think Cheerilee is lucky to have you. I hope I can get lucky enough to find a stallion."

"Anyone you got yer eye on? I'm not good with romance, but mah wife and sisters, especially the little one, might be willing to keep a watch for ya and help you out," Big Mac said.

"Well...and don't tell anyone yet but..." Sugar Belle leaned in to whisper. "I think Bucky's kind of cute, think I got a chance with him?"

"Bucky? The fellow with the metal limb?" Big Mac asked. "Ah don't know him well, for that you might need to ask Cap. But if he's as good of a man as Cap is, then ah think you'd be just fine trying to court him."

"Thanks Big Mac," Sugar Belle said.

"Also, ah do apologize if ah did anything to lead you on, it was not my intention," Big Mac said.

"No it's fine, Night Glider's the one who encouraged me to go for it, which surprsed me because she thought you were cute too," Sugar Belle said. "She was so supportive afterwards, such a good friend."

Big Mac saw Sugar Belle wiping her eyes, the poor mare still worried about her friendship. At this point, Big Mac knew the best thing to do was to just let let her figure things out from here."

"Almost there," Rainbow Dash said, the girl looking just as pumped up. "Johnny, Gilda, Sue, you three ready?"

"I am," Gilda said. "Gonna take these punks down."

"I'm a bit worried," Johnny said. "I mean, Reed's on the other side of this, isn't he?"

"Oh yeah, you got your brother-in-law to think about," Rainbow Dash said. "And Sue, Reed's your husband, will you be fine going against him?"

"We'll just have to find out," Sue said, trying to maintain her own composure.

"Hey, we'll get by just fine," Rainbow Dash said. "Just have faith."

"Right, faith," Sue said, almost with a hint of sarcasm.

"Sue, if you don't want to fight, no one's making you," Johnny said. "I'm not thrilled about this either."

"Just...let me be, I'll be fine," Sue admitted.

"Alright, but you know we're here if you need us," Johnny said.

"Yeah, you're family, we got your back too," Rainbow Dash said.

"I know..." Susan said.

Spike also had his worries, not just himself, but for his wife, "Janet, Hank's with Tony too, right?"

"Yeah, guess so..." Janet said.

"Will you be able to go against him?" Spike asked. "Or would that be too much for you."

"I don't know Spike, there's so much I wanted to talk to Hank about, but until this conflict resolves, I won't be able to," Janet said. "Hell, I don't even know if I will at all. I really want to put all that behind me, and rekindle our bond."

"Rekindle?" Spike asked.

"In a friendly way of course, I'm your wife now," Janet said, a hint of worry seeping through.

"Uh, sure," Spike said. "Just remember, I'm here for you whenever you need me, even in the middle of a battle. Because I love you."

"Yeah, love you too," Janet said.

From Canterlot, the heroes there have begun making their way out of the city, knowing full well that a fight inside would likely cause a lot of damage, and of all the cities they needed to keep safe, The Crown City was among them.

"Today's the day," Bobby said. "Time to end this."

"I'm a bit nervous about this, dear," Rarity said. "What's going to happen after the battle concludes?"

"I can't say for sure," Bobby said. "Honestly the anticipation makes me a little anxious."

"We're all worried, Bobby," She-Hulk said. "I don't want to hurt any of them either, but we do have jobs to do. Letting our emotions get in the way of that won't do any favors."

"But Jen, imagine if someone you really cared about was on the other side?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah, imagine if you had to fight Bruce," Bobby said.

She-Hulk grew concerned, truth be told, she wouldn't be comfortable if she had to fight someone she really cared about. That did extend to many of The Avengers too, she's fought by their side a lot, and she doesn't want to see them as enemies, "I really wish things could be different. Look, if you're worried about anyone, I’ll do what I can to help. I am a lawyer after all."

Suddenly a whistle blew, courtesy of Kamala, "Get moving everyone! Go, go, go!"

"Where the hell did she get a whistle?" Bobby wondered.

"Carol appointed me official deputy, so I have authority now," Kamala said.

"Can she even do that? Tony's the leader here, not Carol," Bobby said.

"Carol's the strongest Avenger, she can do whatever she wants," Kamala said.

"Uh, I think Bruce might have a thing or two to say about that," She-Hulk said. "But I know better than to try and talk rationally with Carol."

"What's happened to her the last couple of years? She seems different," Bobby said.

"I wish I knew," She-Hulk said. "She just started changing, talking about being a strong leader, being the best female superhero, she's just developed this rude and condescending personality, then expects respect from everyone, even solidarity from other women. Like, I'm not going to respect a woman like that, heroes like us need to set better examples for the public, and she is setting a lousy example."

"She certainly doesn't present herself like a hero, that's for sure," Rarity said.

"Hey! Pick it up everyone!" Kamala said.

"Chill the beans, kid," Bobby said.

Up front, Tony was seen side by side with Spitfire and Luna, "Alright, as you all know, we're expecting a run-in with Steve Rogers, to those native, he's Captain Equestria, but to us on Earth, he's Captain America. Top Avenger, Beloved Hero, and a friend of mine, at least until recently. It still disappoints me that Steve is doing what he is, so hopefully after today, we'll put an end to that. It pains me that we may need exile him from Equestria, same with those on his side, but we created The Accords for a reason, to protect Equestria and Earth. We stand by our rules, without them, there is only anarchy. I know a few of you have friends on the enemy's side, I know this is hard for you, but part of being a hero means making tough choices."

"Tony Stark is doing his best to make sure our world is safe," Spitfire said. "Any measures he's taken is for the betterment of Equestria, and eventually Earth. It's on you today to fight for that and keep peace for our land."

"It is understandable if you do not wish to terribly injure our enemies," Luna said. "But that does not mean you hold back too much, you must fight like your livelihood depends on it."

"Because it will," Carol said, flying in, with Kamala cheering her presence.

"Steve Rogers means to destroy everything we in The Accords have worked so hard to build, with no remorse for his actions," Carol said. "He's torn apart Friendships and Families for the sake of his own vision. He's even gone to far as to recruit villains, a man like that deserves no mercy from any of us."

Tony furrowed his brow, each day he regrets getting Carol in on this, feeling she's become worse as the months passed. "Still, go in expecting a fight, but if you can avoid one, that's all the better."

"Of course there's going to be a fight, no way he'll stop his rampage now," Carol said. "With Princess Celestia by his side, no doubt he'll try to take over. Isn't that right Cadance?"

The love Princess nodded her head, "Right, we need to put an end to this."

"Really hate that chick..." Spitfire lamented.

"Did you say something, Spitfire?" Carol asked.

"Nothing you need to be concerned with, Carol," Spitfire said, turning back to the heroes and Wonderbolts. "Get ready to march."

Reed himself was on his way out the castle when Ben called him, "Come on Stretch, you're not really going out there, are you?"

"I have to Ben, I know you're concerned but I promised Tony that I would help the Equestrian citizens, plus think about how well this can work for Earth," Reed said. "We can each keep our families safe."

"Meanwhile your wife and brother-in-law are with Cap, aren't they?" Ben asked. "How is that keeping your family safe?"

Reed lowered his head in shame, realizing Ben might have a point, right now Reed doesn't even know why he's fighting, he's just going through the motions, "Just let me figure this out!"

Ben shook his head in annoyance, then turned to Hank, as he too was making his way out of the castle, "Hank, is this really how you want to do things too?"

"I have to help maintain some order," Hank insisted.

"Indeed," Came the voice of Doctor Hooves, the pony sporting a strange backpack. "It is about time we put a stop to all of this humdingery, but with the most care as possible."

"I still say you're all making a big mistake," Ben said. "Sorry Stretch, but this is one thing I can't bail you out of."

"We'll be fine," Reed said. "Hurry up gentlemen, we must meet with our allies."

Reed left with the two scientists, Ben standing back in worry. He spent the last day or so trying to get all the info he could from his friend, and hoped to talk sense into him. But it seems like Reed found himself way to deep into this mess.

"Eh, gotta do something, off his rocker or not, Stretch needs my help, he's always there for me, I gotta be there for him too," Ben began following after Reed. "I just hope I can figure out how to fix this crap without it tearing the family apart."

As Cap's team got closer to Canterlot, it didn't take too long for Tony's team to meet him just outside the city's outskirts, the two sides facing off.

"Tony..." Steve greeted.

"Hey Steve...nice little group of friends you have there," Tony said.

"Same goes for you," Steve said. "Carol...nice to see you."

"It's Captain Marvel to you, Steve," Carol said.

"Pleasant as always," Steve jested. "Natasha, I see you as well."

"Shame to see you on the other side," Natasha said.

"That's my line," Steve said. "Surprised Bruce isn't here."

"He's...busy," Tony said, not wanting to get into the whole space thing.

"Rainbow Dash..." Spitfire said, acknowledging her former flyer. "I finally give you a chance to join The Wonderbolts after years of begging, and this is how you repay my kindness?"

"You didn't give me much of a choice, the line was crossed when my husband got arrested," Rainbow Dash said. "I still love The Wonderbolts, but it needs to be fixed."

"Sister..." Luna greeted. "After all this time, I honestly did not expect to see you returning like this, turning against your own Kingdom."

"Is it really my Kingdom? Seems like you and Tony would rather me off the throne," Celestia said.

"That was not my idea," Tony said. "I wanted you to take a break from the throne to think things over, but it's obvious you came to the wrong conclusion."

"The only wrong conclusion I've came to was trusting The Accords, your rules are tearing my country apart,"" Celestia said.

"Uh, overreacting much?" Tony said. "You're acting like ponies are miserable. If anything this pointless rivalry is more upsetting to them than the actual Accords."

"Tony, since these Accords started, situations have only become worse, considering that incident in Manehattan along with the destruction of Las Pegasus," Steve said.

"Those were from violations of The Accords," Tony said.

"What violations?" Johnny asked, stepping forward. "All Dash and I did was save people in YOUR building, including Coco Pommel...who from what I can see, is actually among you today."

Tony turned to the mare in question, still using his armor, though adjusted for what Tony call easy mode. Not as powerful or efficient, but works well enough, "I'm sure Coco appreciates you saving her."

"I really do," Coco said.

"But your tactics were sloppy, I blame Daredevil, Elektra and Night Thrasher just as much," Tony said.

"Tony, you can't fault us for what Mr. Negative did," Matt said. "I know The Accords were to reduce accidents but they can't be completely prevented. Your need for control did not help things that day, and if that was a sign of things to come, it was only a matter of time before so much more damage could have been done."

"Like what happened in Las Pegasus," Luke Cage said.

"Hey, that was Felicia's fault," Tony said.

"Wow, rude much?" Felicia asked, before noticing a familiar pony. "Hey Thunder, how's it going?"

"Felicia," Thunderlane said, making his way up front, alongside Lightning Dust, the mare winking at Logan. "I'm a bit disappointed you're causing trouble again."

"You know me, I'm attracted to excitement," Felicia said.

Thunderlane rolled his eyes, though in that moment, he spotted another familiar pony, "Rumble!?"

"Thunderlane, so you're with The Accords?" Rumble asked.

"Well, yeah...but what about you? Aren't you with The Wonderbolts!?" Thunderlane asked.

"I was...until Carol Danvers crossed the line," Rumble said, glaring at the hero. "You have some nerve putting your hooves on my girlfriend like that."

"It was self-defense," Carol insisted, much to Rumble's annoyance.

"Don't even start with that nonsense!" Rumble shouted. "You're no hero! You're a bully!"

"Some guys are just intimidated by a strong woman, I guess," Carol said, shrugging off Rumble's concerns.

"Strong women don't hurt others like you hurt both of mah sisters," Big Mac said.

"Carol, what exactly happened in Ponyville?" Tony asked.

"I did my job, ask Cadance and Kamala, they were there," Carol said.

"It's true, she had to get a little tough with some of the ponies, but I'm pretty sure that was to stop a riot from happening," Kamala said.

"Great heroes you picked Tony," Steve remarked.

"Can it! You're the one who overreacted while I was still working out some kinks!" Tony said.

"What type of kinks let heroes get arrested for saving a town!?" Steve said. "And then arrest someone who was clearly possessed."

"He allowed himself to be possessed," Came Starswirl's voice, making his way over with The Pillars and eyeing Stygian. "He formed a deal with the Pony of Shadows, all because he wanted our power."

"You're wrong, Starswirl," Stygian said. "It wasn't your powers I desired; it was your respect. No matter what I did, I was never considered truly one of you, I did the work of bringing you all together because I wanted to protect Equestria, I helped you plan your attacks But no matter what, I was never good enough to be your equal."

"Is it glory you wanted then?" Starswirl asked.

"No...I wanted Friendship," Stygian said.

Starswirl's eyes widened a moment, part of him wanted to believe that, but another part worried it was mere deception.

"Look, some guys are meant to be on a lower scale, you should have just accepted that," Carol said. "In fact, all of you should have accepted your roles! Those on top know what's best, those on the bottom are just there to essentially be our servants, it is the roles you are best suited for."

"My goodness, do you ever shut that mouth of yours!?" Came a familiar voice. Swinging in was Peter, landing beside Steve and his team, wearing his new suit. "You are such a disappointment."

"Spider-Man?" Carol said in surprise.

"Wow Peter! You're here!" Rumble said.

"Hey everyone," Peter waved.

"Interesting suit," Steve said. "Is that metal?"

"Yeah, it's a new suit I've been working on, should increase my speed," Peter said. "I call it my Velocity suit, you see-"

"Peter! What's going on?" Tony asked, interrupting as both Luna and Spitfire looking equally as concerned.

"Tony, I'm sorry, but I quit," Peter said, this revelation causing not only stress to Tony, but also heartbreak for Luna. "I can't condone anything The Avengers have done lately; this whole system is oppressive. What you're doing isn't uniting the world, it's dividing it!"

"Peter, you can't turn against us too!" Luna pleaded. "The Accords can work! We just need a little more time!"

"How much more time do you need!?" Peter asked. "This feels less like some security improvement and more like a social experiment! Ponies aren't happy, those robots are annoying, the rules are frustrating, everyone's been so worried about Celestia. Tony, if we don't end this, ponies are going to rebel."

"Peter, don't do this," Tony said, the man nearly at his wit's end. "Don't make me have to hurt you."

"You're the last pony we want to fight," Spitfire said.

"There doesn't need to be a fight, just surrender," Peter said.

"He's right," Twilight said, flying in and standing by her husband. "We can resolve this with Friendship, not a fight."

"You as well, Twilight Sparkle?" Luna asked. "Figures you wouldn't turn against my sister."

"I don't want to turn against you either, Luna," Twilight said. "I just want Equestria to go back to the way things used to be."

"Twilight, Peter, understand this," Tony said, his patience finally running low. "I did these Accords, for you! I helped change the rules, I worked hard to show Celestia what our world can offer! Because I seem to recall Celestia wanting to shut the portals down, because of dear of my world, and those other worlds! I did this for all of you! So that you don't need to worry about any of your friends having to go home! And now Celestia wants to turn against my idea!? If it wasn't for me, most of you probably wouldn't been sent home by now!"

Celestia nodded his confirmation, "It's true, I had thought about sealing the portals. That was wrong, instead of trying to figure out how to keep us all living in peace, I was willing to take the easy route. I never imagined it would lead to all of this."

"We'll fix this, after Tony agrees to surrender," Steve said.

"I am not giving up on this," Tony said. "I worked to damn hard, I am not just throwing it all away because Celestia can't make up her damn mind!"

"Clearly that millennia without me has damaged her ability to rule too much, there truly is no fixing this," Luna said. "She's used to making her own choices, but that's too much power for one pony."

"Sister, we must not fight again, last time you were banished to the moon," Celestia said.

"I won't make the same mistake twice..." Luna said, her eyes briefly glowing green, this caught by Celestia as well as Twilight.

"No...Nightmare Moon can't return," Twilight muttered to herself.

"I'm done with this, Steve, if you will not surrender, that means you choose to fight!" Carol said.

"If that's what it's going to come to," Steve readied his shield. "Then that's what I'm going to have to do!"

"How disappointing," Tony said, completely covered in his armor as he readied his repulsors. "Avengers..."

"Assemble!" Steve finished, sending in his forces against Tony's as the First Avenger himself clashed his shield against Tony's repulsors.

Many on both sides picked a target to fight, Spitfire clashing against Rainbow Dash, Bobby clashing against Johnny, She-Hulk clashing against Hercules and even Luna clashing with Celestia.

"Just like a thousand years ago sister," Luna said. "But this time, I am not the one losing!"

"Have you truly lost your way again, Luna?" Celestia said, deflecting Luna back.

"On the contrary, I am seeing much clearly now," Luna said. "Indeed, you are not meant to rule!"

"Is this you talking? Or The Nightmare?" Celestia asked.

"I have complete control!" Luna shouted, blasting Celestia.

Doc readied his device, "Time to show off what I can truly do." With a press of a button, four large robotic legs came out, taking their stance on the ground. "Peter Parker isn't the only spider here now!"

"Head's up!" Came Dwayne's voice, the skater coming by and kicking Doctor Hooves after leaping off his board and then landing back on.

Carol was the first to notice Dwayne riding in, "You! But I had you locked up!"

"You had us all locked up," Applejack said, showing up with everyone else. "Couldn't keep us in fer long."

"How did you escape?" Carol asked.

"Ahem!" Clint was seen aiming his arrow at Carol. "Your reign has gone on a bit too long."

"Why you!" Carol sent a blast down, nearly hitting Clint, the archer rolling out the way in time as Carol began shooting beams at the others. "I'll teach you all to be defiant!"

Suddenly some webs latched onto her and Carol was sent crashing down, courtesy of Peter. "Time to bring you to our level for a bit."

"Nice work Peter!" Applejack said, then turned to her friends. "Come on y'all, let's liberate Equestria! Yeehaw!"

Everyone else rushed into battle against the forces of The Accords.

Carol pulled herself up, glaring at Peter, "You..."

"Don't you give me that look, you're the one who's forgotten what it's like to be an Avenger," Peter said.

"Oh Peter, always so naive," Carol said, charging her energy while Peter fully activated his Velocity Suit. "When I'm done with you..." Suddenly Carol had taken several quick punches, knocking her across the fields with Peter immediately giving chase.

As Applejack rushed into battle, she came across one of her best friends, "Rarity..."

"Applejack, so it's come to this, has it?" Rarity asked.

"Ah don't suppose it's pointless asking you to stand down," Applejack theorized.

"I was just about to ask something similar," Rarity said. "But, here we are, clearly on opposite sides of a conflict. No Harmony in that, is there?"

"Afraid not," Applejack said. "Sorry to say, but standing aside means putting mah husband in danger. Ah can't afford to do that."

Rarity stood in hesitation for a bit, while she wanted to turn tail and leave, she couldn't let The Accords lose either, especially for Bobby, who found his place within them. "I'm fighting for my husband too."

Rarity immediately sent a blast Applejack's way, the Earth Pony rolling and using her lasso to tie up Rarity, but to no avail as Rarity was too slippery. "If ah can, ah gotta tie her up without hurting her much, if at all."

Sugar Belle was zapping away some oncoming Wonderbolts, when she found herself face to face with the one Wonderbolt she hoped to avoid, "Night Glider!"

"This ends Sugar Belle!" Night Glider was about to apprehend her friend but Sugar Belle put up a shield to protect herself. "You're just making things worse!"

"Can't we talk this out? We're friends!" Sugar Belle said.

"You lost the chance to talk this out during that fight in Manehatten," Night Glider said. "I'm sorry Sugar Belle, but I have a job to do."

"Do you hear yourself? You sound like a drone doing what she's told and not thinking for yourself!" Sugar Belle said. "How is this any different than what Starlight did to us when she took our Cutie Marks?"

"Tony Stark let me have mine, he's allowing me my freedom at least," Night Glider said.

"Is he? Because you sure don't sound free!" Sugar Belle said. "You may still have your Cutie Mark, but you traded away your soul to keep it!"

Night Glider's eyes widened a moment, before shaking it away, "That's a lie! I'm still me!"

"Not from where I'm standing," Sugar Belle said, before taking a blast from the side, courtesy of Party Favor.

"Sorry Sugar Belle, I don't mean to hurt you," Party Favor said.

Double Diamond walked up by his side, "But, you're in our way."

"Party Favor? Double Diamond?" Sugar Belle looked hurt to see her three closest friends turned against her. "I don't understand this though, are The Accords worth more than our Friendship?"

"It's not that simple, I mean it's not like we wanted to turn against you, but you did break the rules, had you stayed put, the three of us could have helped you out," Double Diamond said. "Then you ran off with Captain Equestria and put us in a really tough spot."

"If you had just come back with me when you did, then we wouldn't be fighting," Night Glider said.

"But if I did, then I'd have to hunt down my friends. Remy, The Apples...Bucky," Sugar Belle turned away in shame. "I couldn't bear to do that."

"But you could bear to turn against friends you've known longer? That kind of hurts, Sugar Belle," Night Glider said. "We've always been there for you, especially me. When you had your heart broken because you couldn't be with your crush, I was the one consoling you. When you were heartbroken because of Starlight deceiving us, we all were there to comfort you and each other! You're the one who turned against us Sugar Belle, not the other way around."

"That wasn't my intention, I wanted to liberate everypony from The Accords for the sake of their own Freedom!" Sugar Belle insisted.

"Well, you failed, and now you have to pay the price," Night Glider said.

Before anything could happen, Bucky jumped in front of Sugar Belle, taking the mare by surprise, "Bucky! You're here!?"

"Hey Sugar, you're not hurt are you?" Bucky asked, turning his attention to the mare.

"No, not physically at least," Sugar Belle said.

"How'd you break out of jail? Didn't Captain Marvel throw you in?" Night Glider asked.

"I had a friend on the inside, someone who unlike you, could see through Tony Stark's bullshit," Bucky said.

"Well...you're still outnumbered!" Night Glider said.

"I'm pretty sure I can take all three of you on, I mean I'm the one who handled most of your training," Bucky said. "Though, you might be a bit of a wild card Night Glider, since you also trained with The Wonderbolts."

Suddenly Sam landed nearby, "It's still nothing compared to what me and Bucky went through when training with The Avengers."

Party Favor leaned to speak to his friends, "Uh...can we take them on?"

"Don't got a choice," Night Glider said. "You go for Sugar Belle, I'll go for Falcon."

"Winter Soldier’s mine then," Double Diamond said. Truthfully he wasn't too sure if he could beat him, but he also refused to back down.

"Let's bring it to them," Sam said, the three clashing against each other.

Meanwhile Rumble was flying through he battlefield. When the fight started, he lost track of where his brother was, and his worry took hold. It was then he ran into one of his newer friends, "Wind Sprint?"

"Rumble..." Wind Sprint greeted.

"Well, this is awkward," Rumble said. "You're still a Wonderbolt."

"Of course, that was our plan, to become Wonderbolts together," Wind Sprint said.

"Yeah, really hoped you'd be my Wing Pony too, instead I got saddled with Silverstream," Rumble said. "Which is fine, she's actually really cool, much better than her boring friends."

"I really would have liked that too," Wind Sprint said, the girl blushing a bit. "Guess we have to fight now..."

"I mean, we don't need to really fight, do we?" Rumble asked. "You can just choose not to fight. Me, I have to fight now, because I've seen just how bad the Accords can be. Or, at least, I just really dislike Captain Marvel. If the world is built in her vision, then I fear for that world, I'm not letting it come to pass. I will fight to bring her down at least, but I'd really rather not hurt you."

"I don't want to hurt you either," Wind Sprint said. "Still, I'll feel bad if I just leave, everyone's counting on me. We're supposed to be heroes right? Heroes can't just stand aside."

"Does this look like the work of heroes?" Rumble asked. "Everyone's fighting against each other, heroes are supposed to fight villains, and I don't think Cap's a villain, but I do know that Carol is. If you want to be a hero, you need to make a change for the better."

"I...well..." Wind Sprint was understandably confused, though in the midst of this, two more Wonderbolts made their presence known.

"Hold it right there," came the voice of Pickle Barrel.

"Your days of freedom are numbered, traitor," came the voice of Barley Barrel.

"Huh? Oh, you're those twins from Hope Hollow," Rumble said.

"That's right, The Barrel Twins, greatest rookie Wonderbolts and the fastest rising flyers in the group," Pickle said.

"Uh-huh, sure you are," Rumble said. "Look, you two seem new to all this, so let me give you a bit of advice-"

"Advice? We were in The Wonderbolts longer than you! We got our towns before you did! Don't act like you know more than us!" Barley said.

"I know you've been with The Wonderbolts longer than me, but one difference between me and the two of you is that I personally know Spider-Mane, I've known him for about four years now, he's been like a mentor to me and I've picked up a few things from the time I've spent with him," Rumble said. "It's thanks to him that I have a better eye of what's true justice and what's a false reality, what it truly means to have Power and Responsibility."

"You know, that'd be cool if Spider-Mane didn't betray Tony Stark," Pickle said. "You're just following the path of a traitor."

"So cute yet so rebellious," Barley said.

"You two can't be serious," Rumble said. "I hope you got good training from Spitfire if you think you can take me. I can take you both on so-"

Without warning, Wind Sprint tackled Rumble down from behind, trying to restrain him, "Stop moving and surrender!"

"Wind Sprint!? What in the world are you doing!? You're my friend!" Rumble said.

"I'm sorry, I can't just turn away from this!" Wind Sprint said, still trying to restrain Rumble.

"You're gonna turn against me!? After I took you into my group of friends when you were all alone!?" Rumble shouted in annoyance, breaking free of Wind Sprint. "I am SO disappointed in you!"

"Get him!" Pickle and Barley were about to fly in when Thunderlane flew over and blocked their path.

"Big Bro?" Rumble said in surprise.

"Hey, what are you doing!?" Pickle asked.

"You want my brother, you'll have to go through me," Thunderlane said.

Wind Sprint looked a bit surprised, the girl contemplating another sneak attack, but Silverstream landed right in front of her, glaring at the filly. "Don't even try it."

"You!" Wind Sprint went for a punch but Silverstream dodged and delivered a kick to her head.

"Wind Sprint!" Barely went to help but Rumble flew in front of her.

"Going somewhere toots?" the colt cheekily asked.

"Your charms won't work on me, no matter how cute you are!" Barley said, going for a punch that Rumble parried, the colt then chopping at her neck, knocking her forward.

"Normally I don't like fighting fillies, but that doesn't mean I won't," Rumble said.

"Hey you!" Pickle was about to strike but Thunderlane yanked him by the tail and slammed him down.

"Nice try rookie," Thunderlane taunted.

"So, no Equestrian Avenger role?" Rumble asked.

"You know me, I'm a rebel," Thunderlane joked. "Plus, if Peter sees something wrong with this, then I know I shouldn't put my faith in it either."

"Well put," Rumble said as the Barrel twins readied for more. "Time to show who the dominant siblings are!"

Nearby Rainbow Dash and Spitfire were doing battle in the air, the Element using her speed to her advantage. Spitfire was fast, but even she had trouble keeping an eye on her opponent.

However Spitfire was able to detect a pattern in Dash's attacks, she seemed to strike and fly around before going for another strike, likely an attempt to get Spitfire dizzy.

As Rainbow Dash went for another strike, Spitfire got a kick to her head, knocking the speedy Pegasus for a loop and allowed Spitfire to strike again with rapid fire punches and kicked Rainbow Dash down once more.

Remy from below grabbed some cards and prepared to attack Spitfire, when he barely found himself dodging an attack from Soarin, using those cards on him instead, while not directly hitting the Pegasus, the dust from the explosion did briefly obscure his vision, allowing Remy to whack him in the head with his bo staff.

"Wings ain't gonna do you much good if you can't get off the ground," Remy said. As he turned to see who was next, he came across a familiar face. "Reed?"

"Gambit...so it's come to this," Reed said. "You know, I'm not thrilled to be battling against you."

"But you will, aren't ya?" Remy asked.

"It's nothing personal..." Reed said, bringing out some mini orb droids, all of them aiming their laser sights at Remy. "Surrender, and you won't need to get hurt."

"Well, ain't this a damn shame," Remy said. "Sorry mon ami, but I have a family to think of."

"So do I," Reed said, using his orbs to send out laser zaps at Remy, the mutant effectively dodging and throwing some of his cards to destroy the machines, saving one for Reed in particular, who stretched out the way.

"How annoyingly persistent," Reed said, activating something for the Patroller Bots nearby, gaining them some extra shielding and weapons as they were deployed. "This should cover any time wasted on pointless battles."

"Don't take your eyes off me!" Remy rushed through the orbs to attack Reed directly, resulting in a stretch punch from the scientist that knocked him yards back.

"I'm coming Remy!" Gilda called from nearby, the griffon girl flying in to help when suddenly she was blocked by an unfamiliar face. "What the? Who are you?"

"Call me Darkhawk," the ponified metallic suit hero said. "So, you're one of the rebels that Iron Man mentioned, never seen anything like you before."

"I take it you're an Earthling, well I'm a Griffon," Gilda explained. "You're about to see how dangerous we griffons can be!"

The two began to clash, Darkhawk's tech going against Gilda's natural speed and strength, the two battling it out in the skies, doing their best to one up the other.

Many of the other Wonderbolts went for Sandman, who generated enough power to increase his size and bat many of the Pegasus ponies away, though they continued to swarm around him, trying to disorient him.

"Let's send this guy flying! Tornado time!" Misty Fly said.

Sandman was not making this easy, though the Bolts were about to gain a surprise assistance in the form of Daisy Johnson, hero name, Quake.

"I got this!" using her powers, Quake rattled the ground around Sandman, making it difficult for the part time villain to maintain his form as many of the Wonderbolts flew around and punched holes through him to weaken him.

"Marko!" Lizard rushed to assist his comrade, though found himself blocked by Bon Bon.

"You never should have left your cell!" Bon Bon immediately went to strike, Lizard doing his best to fend her off, almost surprised by her abilities to fight.

"Not bad ma'am, but I'm no stranger to battling strong enemies," Lizard said, wrapping his tail around her neck and flinging her away, focusing once again on helping Sandman. "If I can take down their group leader, the rest should-"

Bon Bon rushed in and tackled Lizard hard, "Don't you ignore me!" She continued fighting him, desperate to bring him down.

Johnny and Bobby were battling in the air, Johnny keeping his distance and sending fire Bobby's direction while the ice user was able to block and push back against Bobby's heat.

"You've been practicing, haven't you?" Johnny asked.

"Like I needed practice to defeat you, your fire's about as effective as a campfire in The Arctic!" Bobby said, creating some ice balls and sending them at the fire user.

"I'm no campfire, I'm an almighty volcano!" Johnny created a wall to stop the ice, then generated a massive fireball to blast Bobby and flew in to pursue, the two exchanging blows to overpower the other.

Logan and Fluttershy found themselves surrounded by some Patroller Robots, the mechanical beings taking the form of Tony Stark's armor. "Surrender is your only option."

"Wow, these robots are dumber than I thought," Logan said, using his speed to slice through the robots in seconds.

"I almost feel sorry for those robots," Fluttershy said. She noticed one attempting to sneak up on her, reeling her hind legs, she kicked it into a bunch of other robots, knocking them over like pins.

"Nice kick," Logan said, taking down another robot.

"I'm just glad I can use my training," Fluttershy said. "Well, not too glad, I'm not much of a fighter, but knowing that I can fight if I need to is reassuring. Though, I still might need more training, that kick is nowhere near what Applejack can do."

"Don't worry about what others can do, focus on yer own progress," Logan said.

"Logan!" Called Deadpool, the ninja making his way over and landing near the duo. "I bet you thought you'd never see me again."

"Why wouldn't I? We both live in Ponyville," Logan said. "Plus it was obvious you were gonna find me here, I'd be more surprised if you didn't show up."

"Dude! You're ruining my dramatic moment!" Deadpool said, pulling out his swords. "Eh whatever, we both know why I'm here. You are in MAJOR violation of The Accords. Going rogue, teaming with Cap, attacking Canterlot Castle."

"Bit of an exaggeration on that last part," Logan said. "Seriously though, do you honestly believe in The Accords? You've always been a bit of a free spirit, why sell your soul to Stark? Is this really about proving yourself or is there more to it than that?"

"Look, Logan, we've known each other a long time, haven't we?" Deadpool said. "From our Weapon X days, our adventures with the X-Men, and the last several years living in Equestria. You and I married our respective wives all in the same week."

"Yeah, what about it?" Logan asked.

"In all that time, how do you think I've been viewed by others?" Deadpool asked. "Do they take me seriously? Or as a joke? I mean, considering I helped bail them out about a year ago when our fellow Weapon X buddies came by, I figured that would put me in a better light with them. But I never felt that way, it just seems like old Deadpool's just good for a few laughs."

"So you thought joining The Accords would make us take you seriously," Logan theorized. "Honestly it just makes it seem like you joined up with Stark for superficial reasons, are you that worried about yer image that you took part in something as flawed as this?"

"I'm doing what I can to be better, I'm a father now, just like you, and I don't want my kids growing up ashamed of me," Deadpool said. "If I can make it as a hero, those kid now have a proper role model to look up to and I don't risk them going down the path I went."

"Wade, the best thing you can do for yer kids is not join Stark's pitiful Crusade, the best thing you can do is love them and be there for them," Logan said. "All a kid wants is to be loved by his or her parents, honestly joining Stark is going to have the opposite affect, if he gains too much control, the Equestria we know will take a dumpster dive, and your kid will just end up in a regime."

"Sorry Logan, but I am not risking turning traitor now," Deadpool said, both katanas in hand. "I've put too much into this, you say regime, I say safety, and all I want is for my family to be safe, and I want to be part of that. I will become my kids' hero!"

Deadpool lunged into strike, Logan blocking with his claws. "I tried to be nice, but if you want to fight, then let's see what yer made of!"

"Oh my, this is troubling, they shouldn't be fighting like this," Fluttershy said. For some reason, she felt like she was in immediate danger, so she turned to see that Pinkie Pie was sneaking up on her, looking ready to strike. "Uh...what are you doing?"

"Oooh, wasn't quick enough," Pinkie said, sheepishly backing away.

"Were you about to karate chop me!?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well...kind of," Pinkie admitted. "But I had to, see you're on the enemy's side, so I figured if I knock you out now, we won't need to fight! Everyone wins!" Pinkie had to rethink that, "Well not everyone, Cap's team would need to lose, but at least it'd be over fast."

"I am so disappointed in you, we’re supposed to be friends," Fluttershy said. "Bad enough our husbands are fighting each other, I didn't think you'd stooped to such a thing."

"Hey now, you're making me feel lousy, I didn't want to hurt you," Pinkie insisted. "I just needed to-"

"Lightning Kick!" Lightning Dust flew in and kicked Pinkie away. "Yeah! Take that enemy! No one messes with the Wolverine Family!"

Fluttershy furrowed her brow in annoyance, she hoped to get through to Pinkie Pie without violence, though it looked it couldn't be helped, "Uh, thanks Lightning Dust. Also, did you just shout your attack name?"

"Pretty dope right, fitting for a girl like me," Lightning Dust said, then noticed a nearby fight. "Logan's fighting Deadpool?"

"He is, it's a bit concerning," Fluttershy said.

"Nothing to be concerned about, Logan can whoop him," Lightning Dust said.

"I'm more concerned about the fact that they're fighting, not whether or not Logan can win," Fluttershy said.

"Halt!" This time some Royal Guard ponies came at the two.

"Guess we'll worry about that later, time to kick some flank!" Lightning Dust sped in to attack the guards, leaving Fluttershy still a bit concerned.

"Really wish it wasn't coming to any of this," Fluttershy went to assist how she could.

Doctor Hooves was currently busy against Dwayne, using his newly formed limbs to battle against the skateboarding hero, who whizzed past and fired some electric tasers that Doc blocked.

"You and that confound mobile contraption of yours," Doc said.

"It's called a skateboard gramps, I know these exist in Equestria, I've seen skateparks in Manehattan," Dwayne said, skating around.

"Whatever it’s called, it feels highly illogical to be using such a device in the middle of battle," Doc said, trying to attack again.

"Anything is good for battle," Dwayne plopped up his skateboard to block Doc's strike. "It's all about how you use it!"

He went to attack again, when another new opponent showed up, a mare with white and pink hair, "Night Thrasher..."

"Wait, is that you, Songbird?" Dwayne asked. He barely got an answer as he was immediately whacked away by her incredible strength.

"Thank you ma'am," Doc said, following in Dwayne's direction. "Let us apprehend the ruffian."

As Songbird was about to follow, she could spot the Heroes for Hire nearby fighting some guards. "You do that, I have others to assist."

"Luke, check it out, Songbird," Iron Fist said, Luke turning his attention to the woman.

"Looks like Stark's really called for reinforcements," Luke slammed his fists together. "No matter, we can take whoever gets thrown at us."

Nearby Clint is seen firing his arrows at the Patroller Robots, taking out as many as he could, though it was a lot tougher than he thought it'd be. "What the hell kind of upgrades did Richards and his Ponyville friend give these machines?"

"Clint!" Came the voice of Rhodey, better known as War Machine.

"Rhodey, you know I was thinking you'd never show up in Equestria, I mean we've been doing this Accords thing for how long now?" Clint said.

"Save it," Rhodey flew in to attack but Clint evaded back and fired an arrow at Rhodey's machine, causing a minor explosion. "Gonna need more than that to crack this armor!"

"I look forward to the challenge," Clint said, sending more arrows at his new opponent.

In the middle of battle, Stygian looked rather confused, not sure what he should do at this point. He wasn't much of a fighter, but he also couldn't bring himself to run, especially given the support his new friends had given him.

"What do to...what to do..." Stygian tried thinking over his situation.

"Stygian..." came the voice of Mage Meadowbrook, the mare making her presence known alongside two of her allies.

"Meadowbrook, Rockhoof, Mistmane," Stygian greeted.

"What you said before, about wanting respect and our friendship," Meadowbrook began. "What was that about? Haven't we always been kind to you?"

"I don't deny that, you've all treated me well for the most part, but I also felt like I wasn't appreciated, it made me feel a tad bit useless," Stygian said. "I did not mean to cause trouble with The Pony of Shadows, that was an unfortunate side effect. That power is gone, and I no longer care for the desire to be stronger. I just want to fix things."

"You should have told us how you were feeling," Mistmane said.

"Yes, we would have gladly helped ye," Rockhoof said. "I know how ya feel, laddy. When you want to help but you don't have the power to, that's when you do what you must to prove yourself. Sounds like you just wanted your own journey of self-worth, I can respect that."

"But dear, you were most certainly not useless to us, if it wasn't for you, we probably wouldn't have won a majority of our battles," Mistmane said.

"We should have noticed how you were feeling, and we're really sorry for that," Meadowbrook said. "You're an important part of our team Stygian, and a good friend."

"Do you really mean that?" Stygian asked.

"Of course, what say we put this behind us and grab a few rounds on me!" Rockhoof said.

"Uh, Rockhoof, we're still in the middle of a battle," Meadbowbrook said.

"Uh...right," Rockhoof sheepishly replied. "We should end this somehow, heroes should not be fighting amonst each other."

"What is going on here?" Starswirl asked, making his way over with Magnus and Somnambula.

"Oh hey Starswirl, we've patched things up with Stygian here," Rockhoof said. "Now might be a good time for ye to do the same."

"I really am sorry for the trouble I've caused you Starswirl," Stygian said.

"I see...well unfortunately for you, being sorry isn't enough," Starswirl said. "You willingly went off with traitors and willingly took part in the overtaking of Canterlot."

"Captain Equestria isn't trying to overtake Canterlot, he's trying to liberate Equestria from The Accords, he believes they are a detriment to our society," Stygian said. "This whole thing has caused even the Royal Sisters to collide with one another."

Starswirl looked up to see Celestia and Luna battling in the skies, it was a heartbreaking sight, and a worrying one too, especially after what he's learned about Princess Luna. "Even if Captain Equestria disagreed, he did not handle this the proper way. Fighting just leads to more trouble."

"It was the only way he could get Tony Stark's attention," Stygian said. "All he wants is Freedom."

"Well that pursuit is going to doom this country," Starswirl said. "I will put a stop to him myself, and reconcile things between Celestia and Luna, and hopefully deal with The Nightmare. For now Stygian, I suggest you come with me."

"Hold it," Rockhoof said. "Ye can't be seriously still considering Stygian here an enemy, poor lad just wanted respect. When's the last time you showed him any appreciation?"

"Now isn't the time," Starswirl said.

"He's right, Starswirl," Mistmane said. "You get too focused on your duty that you tend to ignore issues right under your nose."

"We don't want to do anymore wrong by Stygian," Meadowbrook said.

"You betray me as well?" Starswirl asked, glaring at the trio.

"No, we have no wish to betray you, as long as you don't betray us," Rockhoof warned.

"We can use our power to stop the fighting, but you must put your pride behind you," Mistmane said. "Think of Equestria's future."

"And what it could do to Earth," Meadowbrook said.

"Earth...I had hoped we'd never have to worry about that Realm again," Starswirl said. "I do want some more answers, especially from Princess Twilight and that husband of hers. So for now, I will put my faith in you that Stygian will not betray us, but this is not over between us."

"Starswirl, how will we put an end to this fighting?" Somnambula asked.

"Try to go for either leader, get them to stand down," Starswirl said. As he said, this, She-Hulk was thrown right by the group, with Hercules making his way over.

"Stygian, do these ponies mean you harm?" Hercules asked.

"No, not at the moment," Stygian said. "They just want to end the conflict."

"We all do, but the aftermath of the conflict is what's most important," Hercules said. "How do you plan to-"

"Watch out!" Meadowbrook warned as a beam came right at Hercules, the God leaping and the shockwave of the beam hitting the ground scattering the Pillars.

Looking up, Hercules could see yet another that Tony Stark seems to have brought from Earth, "Sentry?"

"Hercules," the hero Sentry said, landing down.

"Well now, Tony Stark really has been busy," Hercules said. "You wish to combat against me?"

"Well, out of all of us, he specifically seemed to want me to defeat you," Sentry said.

"I'm honored that Stark considers me that much of a threat to seek you out," Hercules said, cracking his hooves like knuckles. "I couldn't help but hold back a wee bit with She-Hulk, not that she isn't strong. But you, I feel like I can hold back even less."

"If I were you, I wouldn't hold back at all!" Sentry shouted, the two mighty warriors throwing punches at each other, creating a massive shockwave.

Nearby Elektra, Felicia, Matt, Taskmaster and Kurt were fending off some oncoming guards, robots and Wonderbolts, the four sticking close together, hoping to avoid getting overwhelmed by their opponents.

"Wow, Tony must have a really great budget to be able to afford this much help," Felicia said.

"Makes me wonder if I chose the wrong side," Taskmaster said, immediately earning some glares. "What I can't make a joke!?"

"Really not the time for it," Elektra said. "Just keep fighting, put an end to The Accords."

"Not a permanent end," Matt reminded.

"Yeah, yeah," Elektra said, knocking an enemy out.

"We have trouble," Kurt said, gesturing to the group of Natasha, Tigra, Kamala, Sky Stinger and Vapor Trails.

"Look who decided to show up," Felicia said.

"It's over fiends, today you finally fall to The Accords," Kamala declared. "Don't even try to escape."

"We're not...we're actually anticipating a fight," Taskmaster said.

"Well...good, because you couldn't escape even if you tried," Kamala said, getting some side eyes from her teammates. "For we, the warriors of The Accords, shall reign victorious and soon all shall be right in the world."

"Kid, how old are you?" Felicia asked.

"Don't call me 'kid', I'm old enough to drive," Kamala said.

"Uh-huh..." Felicia said. "Look, this isn't a game, you're fighting an actual battle. You're lucky you're not against supervillains, otherwise that attitude might get you killed."

"You five are supervillains!" Kamala said. "You broke the law, that automatically makes you villains."

"Wow, if breaking the law makes you a villain, then everyone here must be a villain because I'm pretty most of ya's broke at least one law," Taskmaster said.

"Not me, I'm a good girl," Kamala said, earning a facepalm from her teammates.

"Put a sock in it," Natasha focused on the enemies ahead. "To her point, you five need to be brought in."

"Not happening," Taskmaster said.

"Plus, even if we did, that won't magically make the fight stop," Felicia said. "So we might as well fight until there's a decisive winner."

"Just try it, you can't beat us!" Kamala said. "Girl power!"

"Oh God..." Natasha lamented.

"Look, maybe we don't need to fight at all," Kurt said. "Fighting won't solve anything, if we can avoid it, that would be all the better."

"Careful, his mom's a shapeshifter, she probably taught him to deceive," Kamala warned.

Kurt furrowed his brow, but refused to let that get to him, "As I was saying. Natasha, why do you side with Tony Stark? If Steve Rogers and Clint Barton could see he was in the wrong, couldn't you? Don't you trust their judgement too."

"I get why they feel this needs to be done, but that doesn't change the fact that this is against Tony's law," Natasha said.

"Tony's law? He is not ruler of Equestria," Kurt said. "The actual ruler is against this, at this point, what are you even fighting for?"

"He might have a point, what are we fighting for?" Tigra asked.

"For order of course!" Kamala said. "Yeah Cap's lost his mind, yeah Hawkeye's a dirty traitor, but that doesn't mean we have to be. Carol says this is worth fighting for, and she's the strongest Avenger."

"Wasn't she getting whooped by Hercules though?" Taskmaster said.

"Alright, that's it!" Kamala sent a stretch punch that knocked Taskmaster back and proceeded to attack while the allies on both sides acted quickly, Natasha doing battle against Elektra, the two having a rematch from days prior, with Sky Stinger, Vapor Trails and Tigra going for Matt, Kurt and Felicia respectively.

Not too far off, Angel Wings looked ready to find someone to do battle with, starting with a newly arrived combatant wearing full armor who was going against Coco in her suit.

"Whoever you are, you're no match for my newly evolved form!" Coco said, aiming her palm. "Now face my-"

The mystery fighter used a trident to whack the palm away, sending a large blast that incapacitated many of the nearby guards. Using another strike, Coco got whacked into the air, falling down.

"Oh that's it!" Coco tried activating something else, but found herself being levitated off the ground, "Wait that's the wrong-AH!"

Coco was sent flying off back toward the castle, crashing through the roof. This mystery knight how had attention focused on Angel Wings.

"Uh...reveal yourself!" Angel Wings said. The Knight began removing the helmet. "Oh, that was easy."

To her surprise, the knight in question was Dragon Lord Ember, the female grinning in satisfaction, "Like I was going to sit out the chance to bring down Tony Stark's empire. I'll add you to those I defeat on that path!"

She shot some fire at Angel Wings, with Laura rushing in and being fast enough to pull her out the way, "Whoa, she's ticked off."

"Hey thanks," Angel Wings said. "Um, who are you?"

"Name's Laura, I'm a friend of Lightning Dust. Now listen, do you still want to do this?" the girl asked, to Angel's confusion. "Do you still want to fight? Because something tells me you'd rather not be part of this."

"I mean, no but it's my duty," Angel Wings said.

"Pfft, fuck duty, this is corrupted nonsense, neither me nor anyone are going to take this," Laura said. "You can help me bring Stark down from within, or you can fly home, make a choice but I won't allow you to continue fighting for The Accords to take over, because you know that's a bad call."

"But...how do you know you can trust me? What if I betray you after this?" Angel Wings asked.

"I can tell you're a nice girl, I got a nose for this stuff," Laura said, then showed off her claws. "Plus, even if you tried to betray me, I'd kill you on the spot."

Angel Wings nervously gulped, "Fair point. So how do we do this?"

Nearby Spike and Janet were also locked in battle against others, trying to fend off all foes, including some oncoming Hippogriff Guards. Janet was hard to catch given her short stature while Spike kept them at bay with fire, careful not to hurt anyone.

Scott himself was flying around attacking people with several punches, taking everyone by surprise, "Boom! Can't hit what you can't see!"

"I got you!" Cloudchaser sped in to attack but lost sight really quickly and took a punch to her stomach and a kick to her head to send her flying. Her ally Pizzelle tried to attack but Scott was too fast for her too.

Next came Misty Fly, who was a bit faster and managed to nail Scott with a kick that knocked him over. "Ha, not so fast now are you."

"Scott, you alright!?" Spike asked.

Scott returned to normal size, "I'm fine, I'm...whoa!" Cloudchaser and Pizzelle tried to attack but Scott was quick to dodge, though his luck was running low when the captain of the Hippogriffs Sky Beak made his presence known.

"That's enough out of you," Sky Beak said.

"Oh, you're still on their side, must be awkward for Silverstream," Scott said.

"I don't know how you brainwashed my daughter, but once I defeat all on your side, I will bring her back to her senses!" Sky Beak said.

"Wait! Mr. Sky Beak! Don't make any mistakes!" Spike said.

"I will not be deterred!" Sky Beak rushed to attack with The Wonderbolts by his side, all of them trying to take out Scott.

"Hold on! I'm coming!" As Janet zipped around, she came across her ex-husband, "Hank?"

"Huh?" Spike noticed Hank in the corner of his eye. "Oh boy."

"Janet, I'm glad I found you before someone else did," Hank said. "Well, I guess someone else did find you, but you fought them off. What I mean is, I'm happy I found you before someone competent enough did."

"No one's competent compared to me," Janet boasted, getting a laugh from Hank.

"You've still got that spunk," Hank said. "I'd ask if you'd surrender, but I get the feeling you won't go down so easily."

"You know me well," Janet said. "And I know you're going to fight yourself, if you can. Scott has your suit. Wait, Scott!"

The second Ant Man found himself in a seemingly bad position, but all was not lost yet. "I have one little trick up my sleeve." Using a button, he immediately grew several times bigger, matching the size of even Canterlot Castle, startling anyone who noticed.

"Holy shit!" Spike shouted in surprise.

"Hahahahaha!" Scott triumphantly laughed. " No one can stop me now!"

"Hold on a second, Janet," Hank said, activating his own suit and growing that big as well, matching Scott's size.

"Uh, since when can heroes turn giant?" Misty Fly asked.

"I mean, they can do just about everything else," Cloudchaser said. "This is probably nothing to them."

"Hank?" Scott said, surprised to see his predecessor.

"Scott, you're very talented as Ant Man, but...you've got nothing on Yellowjacket," Hank said.

"Wait, Yellowjacket? Like a Bee?" Scott asked. "How'd you go from being an Ant to being a Bee?"

"Because this is going to sting!" Hank said, hitting and uppercut on Scott, stumbling him back as everyone did their best to steer clear of the giant hoof steps.

"Oh it's on now!" Scott said, lunging in and attacking, the two giant heroes clashing in an epic battle of titans.

Observing from the distance was the trio of Sweetie Belle, Smolder and Ocellus. The sole pony of the group as well as the Changeling were both horrified by the fighting while Smolder stood there in disbelief.

"I can't believe they're actually fighting like this," Sweetie Belle said. "Couldn't they have come up with a better solution?"

"Guess not, everyone here was just ready for a fight and that's what was gonna happen," Smolder said.

"What is it going to accomplish?" Sweetie Belle wondered out loud. "At this rate, what if one of them gets killed!?"

"They wouldn't go that far, would they?" Ocellus said.

"Can't be sure, one or both sides might start to get desperate," Smolder said.

Sweetie Belle groaned in frustration, quickly scouring the battlefield for any sign of her sister or brother-in-law, "I hope Rarity and Bobby are doing alright. I'm still a little peeved that they're even in a fight like this in the first place."

"I honestly expected better from Rarity," Smolder said. "Bobby, not so much."

"Come on Smolder, don't say that, Bobby's a great guy, he's just trying to find his place," Sweetie Belle said. "Not that I condone what he's doing here but-"

"Kurt!" Ocellus shouted, gesturing to the hero. "I see Kurt!"

Smolder could see Kurt in battle against Vapor Trail, the mutant easily using his teleporting abilities to outmatch his opponent. "Whoa, Kurt's an awesome fighter. Not bad for a guy who's all about peace."

"This is terrible, Kurt shouldn't be fighting, what if he loses and has to go back home!?" Ocellus shouted in worry.

"He'll be fine, he's winning," Smolder said. "I knew Kurt was awesome, he already looks like a beast."

"Don't say that!" Ocellus shouted. "Kurt's not a beast, and he shouldn't have to fight!"

"Are you even surprised? This dumb Accords rule is affecting countries outside of Equestria now, given Dragons are banned and Hippogriffs got sucked into this battle," Smolder said. "Kurt's fighting to free everyone, it makes sense, he's all about freedom and stuff."

"Oooh, but I'm really worried," Ocellus said, still thinking over the bad possibilities. "If Kurt goes, that's one less friend. I really felt a special connection to him, a sense of security if you will. I don't know if it's his religion or just who he is but-"

"Ocellus," Smolder said, placing her claw on her friend's back. "You're worried, that's fine. I don't want him to leave either, I really like Kurt too. But he's probably tired of this nonsense, and he is technically a hero back home with the X-Men.”

"Well, the X-Men won't turn away from injustice but they're not as proactive as Peter would be," Sweetie Belle said. "Bobby's trying to change that about himself but he's doing so in a lousy way."

"Well point is, Kurt's about helping others, I mean that's what people of his religion do, they help," Smolder said. "Sometimes, you gotta be tough, and Kurt's got super awesome powers, he can handle this."

"I hope so," Ocellus said.

"You really care about him, that's so sweet," Sweetie Belle said. "He seems really nice too, so its understandable."

"...Should I...do something?" Ocellus asked. "Maybe I can help him fight!"

"Bad idea, you might make things worse for him," Smolder said. "Let him handle this."

"Ugh, of course this had to happen," Came the voice of Blueblood, the stallion making his way over with Vision by his side. "Is there really a need for them to do battle with one another? There's so many other ways they can resolve this, how immature."

"Blueblood!?" Sweetie Belle said, the girl mildly annoyed. "What are you doing here!?"

"Sweetie Belle, he's a Prince, don't talk to him like that," Ocellus said.

"I know he's a Prince, but not a very sophisticated one," Sweetie Belle said.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Blueblood asked. "Actually, you do look familiar, were you at the wedding of my cousin Cadance?"

"Maybe..." Sweetie Belle said. "My sister was there too, you know, Rarity, your date at the Grand Galloping Gala years back?"

"Oh yes, Miss Rarity," Blueblood said, recalling that night. "That night did not go so well for either of us I suppose."

"It sure didn't," Sweetie Belle said. "Not that it matters, she moved on to a better guy."

"Yes, that same guy has eyeballed me a few times since being here," Blueblood said. "Even though I've apologized to Miss Rarity and she's apologized to me, but it seems like petty grudges can still be held, something Fancypants warned me about, given his own altercation with that ice-themed so-called superhero."

"So-called!?" Sweetie Belle shouted in annoyance. "Don't you disrespect my big brother!"

"Sweetie Belle, please, compose yourself," Ocellus said, then turned to Blueblood. "Forgive her."

"It's fine dear, not the first time this has happened to me, comes with the territory," Blueblood said. "What matters here is that there's a massive brawl that could be disastrous if it continues, I mean thankfully they're outside the city, but all it takes is one mistake, like the last time there was a big fight here involving that horrid Storm King and his pitiful allies."

"Tony Stark should have known this could happen, the signs were everywhere," Vision said. "Steve Rogers was dissatisfied with The Accords, many signed on were, but few said anything regarding it."

"Is there anything you can do Mr. Robot, sir?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"It's Vision, young one," the android corrected. "And I'm afraid not. Tony Stark is not keen on listening to reason, and Steve Rogers will not stop until those in power comply. Logically speaking as well, picking a side is not without its consequences."

"How so?" Smolder asked.

"If Tony Stark wins, those on the side of Steve Rogers will face consequences, spanning from imprisonment to banishment," Vision said. "Even if Steve Rogers wins, it will still split The Avengers apart. In truth, both men are correct in their own way. There must be order, but there must also be flexibility. Picking one side of either extreme will result in catastrophe."

"So, what you're saying is that, no matter who wins, this land is pretty much screwed?" Smolder asked.

"That sounds like an overreaction," Sweetie Belle said. "I say Cap winning would be more beneficial than Tony winning, especially if Peter's on Cap's side."

"Peter?" Blueblood said. "Oh, you mean Spider-Mane. So, he's sided against Tony Stark? That's rather surprising."

"Indeed, Tony Stark saw a lot of value in Spider-Man," Vision said.

"No, not that. It's Aunt Luna, she greatly admires Peter Parker, they're really close," Blueblood said. "I've heard talk that if not for Twilight Sparkle, then Aunt Luna would have been top choice to marry Spider-Mane."

"Uh, isn't she like thousands of years older than him?" Smolder asked. "That's kind of weird."

"I mean, Logan is much older than Fluttershy, and they go together really well," Sweetie Belle said.

"Not to mention that Aunt Celestia has had her eyes on a, certain hero, from what I've seen," Blueblood said. "I highly doubt Spider-Mane would have minded my Aunt's age."

"Well, kind of glad he went with Twilight, I think they go together well, I feel like Luna wouldn't be able to handle Peter's...charm," Sweetie Belle said. "Of course, if given the chance, I wish it were me that Peter was with, though my luck with romance has been zero to two."

"Rumble was your second crush, right?" Smolder asked. "I mean honestly, I think you lucked out there, he's not that charming. With your looks you can find any guy you want."

"Aw, do you think I'm pretty?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Smolder angrily turned away, hiding a faint blush, "I'm just speaking objectively. Never mind that, right now both your former crushes are down there fighting, you should probably be thinking of ways to end the conflict if you're that worried."

"I don't think there's much I can do, I'm not a fighter, unlike my future self," Sweetie Belle said. "I mean two of them just turned giant!"

"Oh yeah, still not as big as Dragon Lord Torch but pretty dang big nonetheless," Smolder said.

"This where the audience is?" Came the voice of Ben Grimm.

"Oh, you're The Thing from The Fantastic Four," Sweetie Belle said. "How long were you in Equestria?"

"Since yesterday, I came to talk things out with Stretch, I mean Reed, but no luck," Ben said, taking note of the fight. "It hurts seeing friends duke it out like this. Even more knowing that Johnny and Susie are fighting against Reed's side. This type of thing could destroy a family."

"It's already endangering my family's friendship," Sweetie Belle said. "Rarity is fighting Applejack, Bobby is fighting Johnny, can they even come back from something like this?"

"I hope to God they can," Ben said. "I don't want to pick sides, but if things get out of hand, I might need to go down there and take action of my own."

"I am in compliance with that statement," Vision said. "I fear that our interference may be inevitable."

Meanwhile Carol was still engaged in combat with Peter, the hero doing his best to dodge each strike. Of course it wasn't too hard, Carol was fast but Peter could read her moves well.

"After everything Tony did for you, after how good of a mentor he was, you turn against him," Carol said. "But I suppose it can't be helped, it's an alpha male thing, all the guys want to be on top. You're like a little boy who got a taste of manhood and you're grasping for it."

"I got my taste of manhood when I became a father," Peter said. "Given your haircut, I'd say you're more desperate for manhood right now than I am."

"Oh real mature," an annoyed Carol said. "For your information, the long hair gets in my eyes."

"I've never seen that happen to you, or a lot of the women heroes I've seen, like Sue," Peter said.

"Don't compare me to Sue, all that power she has and she still stays in her husband's shadow," Carol said. "Weak woman."

"That weak woman has gone against Doctor Doom," Peter said. "Also, her husband's shadow? The group is called 'The Fantastic Four', as in they're each Fantastic."

"If they're all so Fantastic, how come only one of them is even bothering to do the right thing?" Carol asked. "Susan's too foolish to understand which is the superior side, Johnny's too ignorant to know what true justice is, and Ben Grimm won't even fight like a man."

"Does putting down others make you feel better about yourself? Because I can just feel the lack of self-esteem oozing from you," Peter said. "I mean, I'm here if you need to talk out your problems."

"Pfft, talking out problems, I'm not some old sensitive degenerate, I don't let my emotions get in the way of anything I do," Carol said.

"No duh, you don't seem to have much emotion these days," Peter said. "Where's the Carol Danvers I used to know? The nice woman who always thought of others, the inspiring woman who never let troubles weight her down."

"I'm still that same Carol, I'm just not going to be so nice that I let people walk all over me," Carol said, charging up her power. "And I'm certainly not weighed down by anything!"

She sent a massive blast at Peter, ready to put him out of commission when suddenly, Peter fully activated his suit. Seconds suddenly became minutes and the blast coming towards him seemed to come to a complete stop.

He casually strolled over to her side, looking at the fury in this woman's eyes, "What did this to you? What took away the Carol Danvers I called a friend? The one who was a true Avenger? The original Ms. Marvel."

Peter reeled back and punched Carol in the jaw, time resuming and the woman feeling startled by the sudden attack.

"How...?" Carol asked.

"You're not going to be able to catch me," Peter said. "My speed is leagues above yours."

"Pfft, you just got lucky," Carol shouted, and then began flying in. "When I'm done-"

Peter activated his suit again, the woman looking frozen in place, "You have such a massive chip on your shoulder, it's so sad to see." He then hit an uppercut that knocked her back, just as time resumed.

"What the hell is going on!?" Carol shouted in annoyance. "Is this some weird type of magic?"

"The power of science," Peter said, gesturing to his suit. "And a little magic. It's Earth science mixed with Kryptonian science and some magic orbs from other worlds. A little something I spent the last year building, with help from my daughter."

"Your daughter?" Carol asked.

"You remember that I have a daughter right? Cute little girl, no scratch that, THE cutest little girl in the world with those adorable curious eyes and a smile that can melt the hardest of hearts," Peter said. "She gets Logan to smile, that says something. She's going to be a great scientist one day, she might come up with things even I never thought of, or Tony, or anyone. She's got potential and I will be there to make sure it flourishes. This suit is just the start."

"Here I thought Celestia hated tech, does your daughter even know that? Or are you having her follow a dream that will never come true?" Carol asked. "If Celestia takes back the throne, then everything goes backwards for this world, and your daughter will be left sad and disappointed. But I suppose it is like a father to fail his daughter, most men can't handle a strong woman, especially when that strong woman is his daughter, and everything he knows he can't be."

"Crossing the line there, Carol," Peter said. "I would never mislead my daughter, she wants to change the world, and I damn well will support that. I know ponies may not be ready for certain things but that's why you ease into it. It's like training wheels on a bike, or babies taking their first steps. That's an issue I have with The Accords, Tony's going from crawling to track with these rules, it took me a while to realize that but I'm there. I just wish you were."

"Oh I'm aware of the trouble Tony's causing, I'm just waiting for him and that emotionally vulnerable Princess of the Night to let their guards down enough so I can take over," Carol said.

"Excuse me?" Peter said.

"Tony Stark doesn't know what he's doing, he's a fool, like any man in power. All those tools and he can't use them to their full potential, like most men, he lets his ego think he's better than he actually is," Carol said. "Normally I'd hope for Luna to help me usurp him, but she's one of the weaker women, who feels her feelings and emotions can only be vindicated by a man, be it Tony Stark, or you, Peter."

"Me?" Peter asked.

"Not sure you can tell since you're usually dense, but Luna has really strong feelings for you, I mean it's like she's miserable you picked Twilight Sparkle and not her," Carol said, relishing in this moment. "Oh I can only imagine that love story. You're quite the heartbreaker Peter Parker."

"That...is just one big misunderstanding," Peter said. "I know Luna might have felt certain things but she's always been respectful of my relationship with Twilight, and I welcome her as an honorary member of my family with open arms. She's not weak, she's a happy mare."

"Because you only see what's on the outside," Carol said. "Honestly, she must have loved going on that mission with you to Klugetown, too bad Felicia Hardy screwed things up, would have made a nice date."

"Date? I'm married, I'm not dating a girl," Peter said.

"Eh, what's one girl or a hundred to a guy like you?" Carol said.

"You're getting on my nerves a little, what's the point of all this?" Peter asked. "That things didn't work out between me and Luna? We've come to terms on that."

"You, maybe, but Luna? Not so much," Carol said. "I mean, what concern is it of yours anyway? You're not the one who's heart was trampled on. That's the problem with Luna, she's letting her obsession with a guy like you dictate her emotions. Even Spitfire is down that path, it's shameful how giddy she gets when she's talking about that annoying boyfriend of hers. How can such a strong mare be so weak around a guy?"

"Because she loves him, and it's not a weakness, love is strength," Peter said. "A girl letting herself be emotionally vulnerable with a guy she cares about is a precious thing. Men like me, we love our significant others, we take care of them, and in turn they take care of us. We provide them security, they provide us comfort. Maybe if you found someone to love, you'd understand. And if you're not into men, that's fine, you can find a woman instead, whatever makes you happy. Hopefully then you'll have a better understanding, because right now you're really lacking information."

"Ha, think you're so intelligent now? All because you have a wife and daughter you think you understand others? Especially women?" Carol asked.

"I will never understand women, but I do my best, and my wife and daughter appreciate that," Peter said. "Also, I have a son as well."

"How nice..." Carol sarcastically remarked. "You know, Luna's talked about your daughter a few times, she agrees that she's a very bright girl, but she isn't very social, is she? Apparently she doesn't know how to interact with others? I certainly hope that's not some master plan of yours for you to keep her to yourself and utilize her smarts for your own profit. Or are you just ashamed because you truly have failed as a father? Knowing that your daughter can't bear to be out in public and-"

Peter activated his speed once again, the world moving in slow motion as he casually trotted over to Carol.


Once he was done, time resumed and once again Carol was knocked around, the woman looking dazed with a bit of blood coming down her mouth.

"Alright, how about keeping my daughter out of this conversation," Peter warned.

Carol wiped some blood from her mouth, she hates to admit it, but Peter punches a lot harder than she expected. Getting in his head hasn't proven to be an easy task either, he's got resiliency for sure.

"What is your main goal anyway? Overthrow Tony as leader and oust Luna so you can rule?" Peter asked.

"I'm just trying to find the best course of action when it comes leadership in Equestria," Carol said. "Celestia is too weak willed to be trusted, Luna is too emotional and I dare not leave this world in the care of your wife, so I choose the only one I could mold into the ideal leader."

"Only one?" Peter said. "Wait, do you mean-"

Suddenly he was frozen in place, courtesy of Princess Cadance, and to the delight of Carol, "Great timing Cadance."

"Cadance!?" Peter shouted in surprise. "What are you doing!?"

"Forgive me Peter, but I need to make sure The Accords come out on top," Cadance said.

"Smart girl," Carol said. "See Peter, Cadance is the type of pony that would be perfect for Equestria. Smart woman, knows what her subjects need, and isn't guided by emotions, if anything she controls them more than they control her, plus she has a daughter worthy of being an heir, with some proper educating of course. The only thing weighing her down is her incompetent husband but as long as she keeps him in line, then it's all good. I'd say ditch him but she doesn't want to."

"Cadance, are you alright with this woman disrespecting Shining Armor? Your husband and the father of your daughter?" Peter asked.

"Well...I mean Shining Armor does mean well, but he could stand to be a bit more...useful I guess?" Cadance said.

"Wow..." Peter turned to Carol, a look of disappointment in her eyes. "Is your goal also to tear a family apart? I'm willing to bet you wanted this war to happen to drive not only Luna and Celestia apart, but also drive a wedge between Cap and Tony."

"I was hoping more that Cap would fall into line but he's too stubborn," Carol said, flying towards Peter. "But this works out too, and soon, all of you will be at my mercy."

"Are you really Carol? Or did you get replaced by a Skrull and no one noticed?" Peter asked. "There's no way you're this cruel."

"Cruel? I prefer to see it as...enlightened!" Carol then punched Peter hard in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. She then started throwing punch after punch, paying him back in kindness for what he did earlier.

Cadance looked a bit distraught, while she wanted to believe Carol had the right idea, she did not like seeing Peter getting hurt. She was very tempted to release the spell and talk this over with Carol, or anything that didn't involve Peter getting hurt.

"Here's a big one for you Peter," Carol said, winding up her punch, charging a massive amount of energy.

"Uh, Carol, that might kill him," Cadance said.

"He'll live, but he won't be moving for a while," Carol said, about to throw her punch when she took a blast from the side, courtesy of Shining Armor.

"I've been waiting to do that," the knight said, sending another blast at Carol's direction, but she dodged and used her charged energy to send a blast of her own towards Shining Armor, the stallion putting up a shield but getting knocked back by the force.

"That will teach you," Carol said, then suddenly found herself dodging more magic blasts. "What now!?"

Now it was Twilight's turn to attack, "You stay away from my brother and husband!" She sent more magic down at her, Carol quickly dodging and flying up to punch Twilight, the alicorn blocking with her magic. "That all you got!?" Twilight then zapped Carol once again.

"Cadance, get her off me!" Carol ordered.

Reluctantly, Cadance had used her magic blast to hit Twilights' wing, causing her to lose balance long enough for Carol to punch her towards the ground, right next to her very surprised brother.

"Cadance! Why would you do that to Twilight!?" Shining Armor said in disbelief.

"Sorry, I had to," Cadance said.

"Has this woman corrupted you this-" Shining's question was interrupted when Carol blasted him once again, knocking him away.

"That's enough from you," Carol said, then focused back on Peter. "Now then-"

Peter lunged in and tackled Carol out of the air, the two rolling across the ground. Cadance went to help but Twilight stood in her path.

"Cadance, tell me you're not actually siding with Carol Danvers!" an angry Twilight shouted. "This woman is tearing Equestria apart, why are you helping her!?"

"She told me it was for the betterment of our future," Cadance said. "She said Celestia and Luna can't handle the responsibility, so she's entrusting it to me."

"That's not her call, this isn't her country! Her job was to protect it, not conquer it!" Twilight shouted.

"Twilight, you just don't understand Carol, I've had a chance to talk to her many times the last few months, she's a great leader and teacher," Cadance said.

"She's a manipulator, and you're letting her get inside your head," Twilight said. "I am not letting you do anything to help her."

"Twilight, don't make me have to fight you," Cadance said. "I will if I must."

At this point, Twilight could only feel betrayal and disappointment, a look of melancholy in her eyes, "So...you choose a woman you've only known a short time, over the family you've built for the last several years. I looked up to you Cadance, you were my foalsitter!"

"Hey if you looked up to me, you wouldn't have been so quick to think I was evil when Shining Armor and I were getting married," Cadance pointed out.

"Are you kidding me!?" Twilight shouted, her magical aura flaring up. "You're gonna throw that in my face!? After everything else I've done for you!?" In her anger, Twilight blasted Cadance across the fields, flying in after her, not quite done yet.

Meanwhile, Mayday and her friends had shown up on her glider, close enough to see the fighting, but far enough to be safe from it.

"Whoa, that's a lot of superheroes," Flurry said. "Too bad they're all fighting each other, makes it really hard to root for a winner."

"Things really have gotten bad between Team Iron Man and Team Captain America," Franklin said, the boy feeling a bit worried for both sides.

"They should have just settled things in a tournament, that's more civilized," Flurry said. "I mean, superheroes fighting each other does sound entertaining."

"I mean, you're not wrong but..." Franklin grew even more worried. "I just hope no one gets hurt."

Mayday scoured the battlefield, "Uh, where is daddy? I can't...wait, there he is!" The girl gestured to Peter facing off against Carol.

"I know her, that's Captain Marvel, she protects my mommy's Kingdom," Flurry said. "Wait, why is she fighting Uncle Peter?"

"Guess Spider-Man ended up siding with Captain America," Franklin said. "What do you make of this Mayday?"

"I mean why wouldn't he? Captain Marvel's mean, she hurt Apple Bloom and she just seems like a bully," Mayday said. "I'm glad daddy's fighting her, he'll beat her up."

Carol went to attack Peter again, but the hero had appeared beside her and punched her sides. She went for an uppercut, Peter appearing behind her and punching her back. She tried for a kick but Peter responded with one of his own with a kick to her head.

Carol stood up to dust herself off, looking to strike again when she heard a voice, "Manipulator." She turned to strike but found no one there, then took a punch to the jaw. She then heard another voice. "Home wrecker." She looked around, trying to find any sign of Peter. "I won't forgive this."

She sent a blast behind her, knocking out some nearby Wonderbolts accidentally. "Shit!" She sent out more blasts, almost uncaring of who she hit but that ended when Peter punched her in the stomach, then charged up some electric energy to zap her while throwing another punch.

"Spider-Man's moving really fast now!" Franklin said. "That suit of his is really working well."

"Is it any surprise at all?" Mayday boasted. "Daddy and I made that suit together. It is the result of our combined genius levels. Mixed with some technology from other worlds."

"Like Superman's Kryptonian technology, right?" Franklin asked.

"You've been paying attention, of course I know you're a big fan of Superman," Mayday said. "That tech is what allows the suit to be durable and it adds to the speed. The Materia he got from a girl named Tifa gives the suit it's electric spark, daddy doesn't know how to really use its magic yet but he'll get there eventually. The bohdi blastia he got from a girl named Rita gives the suit energy like a magical battery, plus it has some slight shielding capabilities to make the suit more durable."

"Seems like he's pulled from other worlds," Franklin said.

"Well yeah, daddy always pulls from those around him," Mayday said. "He still remembers some of the moves he learned from Miss Chun Li, like those kicks. Plus daddy's motivation is to be as strong if not stronger than Goku. Not for the same reason Mr. Ryu would, but to make sure he's always strong enough to protect someone. He's going to continue being a great hero and I'm going to be right by his side."

"Like a sidekick?" Franklin asked.

"Sort of, I'm not going to fight," Mayday said. "Though...I wouldn't mind making myself a weapon to protect myself, and my dad if I needed to. Between you and me, I've been working on a version of the Mega Buster that Mega Man uses. He's my favorite Capcom guy, if you can't tell."

"Of course you like the robot," Flurry teased. "Personally, I think the best one is Guile, he reminds me so much of my daddy, I bet he's a family man too."

"Wait, where is your dad?" Franklin asked.

"I see him...and he's hurt," Mayday said.

"Hurt!?" Flurry asked, seeing her dad struggling to stand. "What meanie hurt my dad!?"

"Uh...I see something else you should probably be worrying about," Franklin said, gesturing to the fight between Twilight and Cadance.

"Mayday...why is my mom fighting yours!?" Flurry asked. "Like, what the heck is going on anymore!?"

"I have no idea..." Mayday said, the girl growing concerned. "Wow, these Accords have ruined everything! The sooner my daddy's team wins, the better!"

"Well he's doing great now," Franklin said, gesturing to Peter standing over an injured Carol.

"Had enough yet? Carl?" Peter mocked.

"You can't beat me, you will never surpass me Spider-Man!" Carol angrily shouted.

"Wow, must have hit you a bit too hard, you're delusional," Peter said. Suddenly he had an arm wrapped around his body. "Hey what gives!"

"Got you now Spider-Man!" Kamala bragged. "Try to escape, it won't-"

Suddenly Kamala took a hit to the head, courtesy of Matt's club, causing her to release her grip. "Sorry about that Spider-Man, she gave us the slip!"

"Get him!" Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail flew in to attack but Kurt had teleported beside them and kicked them into each other.

"Thanks Kurt," Matt said.

"It is no trouble," Kurt said, going in to attack again.

"You!" Kamala went to attack but Matt sidestepped and swept kicked her.

"That's enough kid, you're way out of your league, you aren't ready for something like this," Matt said.

"Hey, don't you talk down to my sidekick!" Carol warned.

"Yeah, I'm strong!" Kamala said. "I won't lose to the likes of you!"

"Wow Carol, you really like molding these girls into what you think they should be, sounds like projection," Peter said.

"Hey Carol helped me when no one would, you have no idea how hard my life was before I met her," Kamala said. "I was a very lonely girl with little to no friends, all I was good for was some pranks or teasing, my life isn't as good as the one you two have with your big, famous hero reputations, like I bet you couldn't even imagine my struggles."

Peter and Matt exchanged glances at each other, in spite of Matt's inability to see through his eyes, before the two focused back on Kamala.

"Sorry if you had a hard life," Peter said.

"But that's no excuse to side with a woman like Carol to make other lives harder," Matt said.

"I don't like being talked down too!" Kamala said.

"We're not talking down to you, we just want to make sure you turn out better than what Carol is teaching you," Peter said. "I mean-" Peter's Spider Sense went off and he leapt over an energy blast, glaring right at Carol. "You have no sense of honor, do you!"

Matt felt his own Radar Sense blip as he dodged out of the way of Kamala's punch, "Guess we need to do this the hard way."

Flurry could see this from her location as well, "So Kamala's fighting too, against some creepy guy in red."

"That's Daredevil, I think he's friends with my daddy," Mayday said. "They were both street level heroes that protected different parts New York."

"Oh yeah, while Spider-Man mostly handled Queens and Midtown Manhattan, Daredevil mainly stuck to Hell's Kitchen," Franklin said. "Different heroes working together, the way it should be."

"Daddy and Daredevil made it work, they had the right idea, too bad Tony Stark doesn't see it that way," Mayday said. "Where is he anyway? Any of you see him?"

"No, but I see Rumble," Flurry said, gesturing to the colt. "He's fighting that Pegasus girl that was on his Buckball team."

"Wait really?" Mayday said, taking note of Rumble's fight with Wind Sprint, with both Silverstream and Barley Barrel helping their respective teammates. "Wow, that's terrible, now that Friendship is in danger."

"Lots of them are," Franklin said. "I can see my uncle Johnny fighting Iceman."

True to his word, Mayday spotted the duo clashing in the skies above. "Eh, I mean I don't like Bobby but, I know he and Johnny are friends too."

"Applejack is fighting Miss Rarity," Flurry said, gesturing to the two brawling on the ground, Rarity sticking to her magic to keep Applejack from getting too close.

"Oh no...mommy's friends shouldn't be hurting each other," Mayday said. "They love each other, this just isn't right!"

"My dad's fighting Gambit..." Franklin said, gesturing to the nearby fight. "Gambit's a nice man, why is my dad fighting him?"

"If it's a mean hero, that's fine, but so many of them are friends with each other," Mayday said, the girl feeling a bit letdown. "This is why I'm glad I don't have many friends, Friendship isn't as magical as mommy says it is if this could happen."

"How could you say that? Friendship IS Magic," Flurry said. "Just because they're fighting doesn't make it less true."

"Come on, you see what I see, if Friendship really is magic, then no one would be fighting their friends out there," Mayday said. "Applejack wouldn't be fighting Rarity, Bobby wouldn't be fighting Johnny, Rumble wouldn't be fighting Wind Sprint. Even sisters like Celestia and Luna, and best friends like Iron Man and Captain America are fighting. Friendship is just an illusion."

"But what about us?" Franklin asked. "We're friends, is that an illusion?"

"Well, no, you actually make me feel safe," Mayday said. "But what about them!?"

"You said yourself, your dad is friends with Daredevil, and they're helping each other out," Franklin said. "One of Rainbow Dash's friends helped her out too when she needed it, Friendship is still a good thing, but I guess some friends just forgot that."

"You never will, right Frankie?" Mayday asked.

"Absolutely not, no power on Earth or Equestria could make me want to fight you," Franklin said. He turned back to the battle, "I wish the same could be said for all of them."

"I don't think all hope is lost," Flurry said. "The spark of Friendship can overcome even the darkest of times."

Rainbow Dash continued battling against Spitifre, ramming into her, knocking the wind out of Spitfire, but the mare still had the strength to headbutt Rainbow Dash.

"Is this because I called you 'Crash!?" Spitfire asked, punching Rainbow Dash.

"Please, I'm not a sensitive little filly," Rainbow Dash said, punching back. "This is about the lack of respect you've shown me and my husband!"

"Lack of respect? What are you talking about!?" Spitfire kneed Dash's stomach. "I had all the respect in the world for you two! You were my top flyers!"

Rainbow Dash elbowed Spitfire's back and followed up with a kick, "Then why did you undermine us any chance you got? Put us on probation over one accident and relegate us to the academy!?"

"I was trying to look out for you!" Spitfire said, raising Rainbow Dash's curiosity. "Things were changing, and I wanted to make sure you two stayed out of trouble as much as possible. Tony was mad when his building got destroyed so I did what I had to do to make it seem like I had your antics under control. I never meant to disrespect you."

"Why didn't you tell us this before!?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I didn't think it mattered, I mean you've screwed up before and always took your repercussions with stride, you always admitted to your mistakes when most Bolts would have tried covering it up!" Spitfire said. "But, maybe I was being too harsh, I don't even remember the last time I complimented you on a job well done."

Rainbow Dash hesitantly dropped her guard, sheepishly rubbing her head, "Maybe I did overreact myself, but given what happened with Johnny, and all this other piled on frustration..."

"You couldn't help but rebel," Spitfire finished. "You know, you're right about one thing. Carol was out of line, I should have stood up for you and Johnny more. I was just trying to help Tony with his idea, he's a good man and I think he had a lot of great points. Not to mention he's a really chill boss when he wants to be."

"Yeah, I remember how cool he was before all this," Rainbow Dash said.

"Dang it, we shouldn't be fighting," Spitfire said. "But, calling this off now, it's next to impossible."

"We gotta figure something out," Rainbow Dash said. "Otherwise, we'll tear each other apart."

"I'll go find my friends, you find yours," Spitfire ordered.

"Yes ma'am," Rainbow Dash said, speeding off.

"Heh, after all that, she still calls me 'ma'am'," Spitfire commented. "She's a good mare, better than I ever was."

Meanwhile Applejack was still dodging Rarity's blasts, doing her best to maneuver in. Though she couldn't help but notice that Rarity didn't seem to be putting her all into her attacks, she's even seen hesitation in her actions, and not to mention, it seemed remarkably easy to dodge as well.

Applejack tried rushing in again, Rarity sending her blasts, some seemed to be missing on purpose as well, further proving Applejack's theory. Once she got in close enough, she stood before Rarity, looking ready to strike.

Rarity readied her magic to protect herself, though to her surprise, Applejack held her hoof out in a state of surrender. "Rarity, this is ridiculous. Ah don't want to fight you. Ah can't, you mean too much to me, and-"

Almost to her surprise, Rarity brought Applejack in for a hug, the girl loudly sobbing, "I don't want to fight you either! This is so silly, you and I are best friends! I can't let some silly rule tear us apart!"

"Whoa, easy Rares," Applejack said as Rarity accidentally squeezed tighter.

"Could you ever forgive me for being so foolish!?" Rarity asked.

"Ah can, now can you please...lighten up the grip?" Applejack said, Rarity immediately obliging.

"Sorry dear," Rarity said.

"Look, we should stop this fighting, lets find our friends, family and husbands, see if we can talk some sense into them," Applejack said.

"Yes, of course," Rarity said, the two now looking to find others to stop the fighting.

Logan and Deadpool continued their brawl, Deadpool doing his best to knock Logan off balance, but he knows that this is a man with decades of experience. Logan in turn knew that Deadpool would be very difficult to defeat.

"Wilson, let’s say Stark wins, what do you think is going to come of that?" Logan asked, leaping back.

"Well I'll get to be a hero and be taken seriously, it's that simple," Deadpool said, going to attack again.

"Is it really that simple?" Logan asked.

"I'll make it work, I just want to be more than the funny guy of the group," Deadpool said. "No one ever takes me seriously, and I get that I've done and said stupid stuff before, but I still crave a little respect. I'm capable of change, I've had to do so to be able to be with Pinkie Pie."

"You? Change for Pinkie Pie?" Logan asked.

"Pinkie Pie, she knows when to take things seriously, and that's something even I struggled with. There was even a time where she herself found my actions annoying, if I didn't want to lose her as my girlfriend, I had to put in an effort," Deadpool said. "I'm glad I did, because I really did love her, and now she's the mother of my twins. Now it's their turn. Like I said before, I want to change, so my kids don't have to grow up with the shame of having a dad like me. All the love in the world won't mean anything if I can't be a good influence."

"Wilson, look around, are you proud to be part of this fighting?" Logan asked. "What would yer kids say? Knowing you found other heroes for something so petty? Is that really something to be proud of?"

Deadpool tensed up, hesitantly turning to the battle and seeing all the terrible things. Slowly but surely, Wade removed his mask, almost ashamed of what he's witnessing. "I...didn't even think of that part."

"You want to be better, that's a good thing, but this is not how it's supposed to be done," Logan said. "Fighting isn't a good way to solve a problem. You can still do the right thing, you owe it to yer wife and kids."

Wade looked at his mask, something he wanted his kids to think of when they think of the symbol of heroes. This is more like his old mercenary days, and that's not the message he wants to send for his kids, "What should I do then?"

"We stop this fighting, but do it more like our wives would," Logan said. "Remind everyone of their Friendship with one another."

"Yeah, sure," Wade said, placing his mask back on. "Let’s do this."

The heroes continued fighting across the battlefields, Elektra clashing hard against Natasha, the two making the most of their martial arts skills to outdo one another.

Quake continued using her powers to keep Sandman at bay, vibrating him and the ground around him while he slammed his fist down in an attempt to stop her.

Gilda and Darkhawk flying through the air, clashing against one another, Darkhawk making the most of his technology while Gilda stuck closer to her raw power.

Sentry and Hercules fighting hard enough to avoid causing too much damage around them, thinking of their teams, both focusing more on ways to incapacitate the other without getting too carried away.

Hank and Scott continued to battle, everyone steering clear of the two giants as they exchanged blows, trying their best to knock the other over.

Bobby and Johnny were across from one another, one hardening up his ice, the other readying his fire, neither willing to stop. Both charged in, ready to strike when Rarity and Rainbow Dash appeared in the middle, the two immediately stopping in their tracks.

"Rarity, are you nuts!? You could have gotten hurt!" Bobby said.

"Dash, you gave me a scare," Johnny said.

"This needs to stop," Rarity said. "No more fighting."

"This isn't taking us anywhere," Rainbow Dash said.

"But...the rules," Bobby said. "Rarity, you know we have to fight to keep Tony's rules in order."

"Are those rules worth losing so many Friendships?" Rarity asked. "Everyone's fighting each other over nothing! How could you be okay with that!?"

"I...I mean..." Bobby was conflicted.

"Johnny, I know we need to stop The Accords from taking over, but this is not the way to do it," Rainbow Dash said. "We gotta work this out peacefully before things get worse."

"It's...really not going to be that easy," Johnny said. "Stopping a fight like this is damn near impossible."

"It's better than not trying at all," Rainbow Dash said. "You know this is the right thing to do, don't you?"

"Please Bobby, make the right call," Rarity pleaded, both husbands now reconsidering things.

Meanwhile Peter continued to fend off against Carol, seemingly dancing in place as time just moved in a funky way for him. Carol was furious, no matter what she did, she couldn't stop him no matter how hard he tried.

"I...will NOT...lose to you," Carol insisted, throwing all the energy balls she could at Peter.

Peter sped right by her side, "You just sound like a villain now."

Carol immediately leapt back, sending more energy beams at Peter. Immediately using his speed and strength, Peter dodged all the blasts to deliver a series of strikes, using his speed to knock her off balance.

"Stop...moving..." Carol said, trying to catch Peter. No matter what she did, she couldn't keep up, Peter was just too fast for her. "I can't lose to you! I refuse!"

The hero eventually did stop, but not before dealing a final blow that finally brough Carol down. Peter wiped a bit of sweat from his head, then took a look around, seeing the rest of the fighting that was happening nearby.

Using his speed, he made his way around the battlefield, seeing so many hurt or injured. Cloudchaser, Luke Cage, Lizard, Bon Bon, Sugar Belle, Night Glider, Bucky, a lot of them fighting hard and some just not holding back.

He could see the showdown between Tigra and Felicia, Tigra with a few bruises on her face while Felicia was cut up a bit. He could see the blows that Thunderlane took and returned to Pickle Barrel. He could see Silverstream engaged in a fight with Barley Barrel, the former with some cuts and bruises, the latter with a black eye.

He could spot a now recovered Shining Armor facing off against Fleetfoot, as well as an injured Babs being tended to by Big Macintosh.

What really bothered him were the three big fights. Twilight against Cadance, Luna and Celestia and Tony and Steve. All this fighting only reminded him of his time in Sweetie Belle's future, seeing all his friends dying. All it takes is one mistake, and this war could get even more violent.

Flashes went through his mind, recalling the future versions of Dinky, Rainbow Dash and Applejack, as well as the injury that Pinkie Pie received. He could remember seeing the last bit of Luna's lifeforce, his inability to save Trixie, knowing what terrible fate fell on Apple Bloom, Twilight and Mayday. He could remember all the trauma he endured, leading him to that sinful night with Sweetie Belle. Everything rushed back to him, no matter what he did, no matter how much he tried to move in, he could never erase the trauma.

He hoped to do something the day the Changelings came like planned, to make peace with them, instead that ended in disaster with random rebels attacking the Changelings. One of the many things that likely led to The Accords. Now once again Equestria was in war, among heroes who should be protecting others, not fighting themselves.

He looked up at the battle between Scott and Hank, the boy trying to force a smile, "Heh...like Godzilla and King Kong, that's...that's..." It was pointless, despite his attempt at humor, hoping to alleviate his own stress, he just couldn't do it. "Why am I cracking jokes now? I gotta end this, now!"

As he resumed time, the battles continued, Celestia and Luna clashing in the skies above.

"Luna, one thousand years ago you challenged me, it resulted in banishment, why are you risking that again!?" Celestia angrily shouted.

"Last time I was corrupted by the Nightmare, it left me weak and vulnerable!" Luna said. "This time it's me! It's all me!" Luna's eyes briefly glowed during that, the mare holding her head in pain. "Stay out of this!"

"Luna, you're still being manipulated!" Celestia said. "You have to-"

"Silence!" Luna shouted, blasting Celestia. "I will not allow you to get in my head!"

"Luna, please, I just got you back!" Celestia tearfully pleaded. "I don't want to lose you again!"

Briefly hesitant, Luna held back on her next attack, thinking things over. But her rage just took over, "I...am not losing again!"

She sent more magic as Celestia blocked the attack. Last time she had to banish Luna, but truth be told, she could not do so again, not without The Elements of Harmony. Even if they were around, by this point, she feels like she could no longer use them anyway, she barely feels any connection to them, wondering how such a thing came to be. Perhaps it was her own anger and fault, as the last time she used them, she did so out of anger.

Mayday looked heartbroken the sight ahead of her, "This is bad, Luna shouldn't be fighting like this!"

"This is going to tear Equestria apart, somepony has to stop this," Flurry said.

Twilight and Cadance continued fighting nearby, but with less heart put into it. Neither of them really wanted to hurt the other after all.

"Cadance," Twilight leapt back, looking to her foalsitter. "We shouldn't be fighting, you're like a sister to me, I can't hurt you!"

"I don't want to hurt you either, you're precious to me," Cadance said, feeling remorseful. "I don't know what to think anymore, Carol just told me so many things and some of them made sense, but...I don't know, she made me feel like I'd only be of use if I followed her advice, I don't have the confidence to think for myself."

"Cadance, you're a great ruler and a wise mare, you taught me so much and you helped me become the mare that I am," Twilight said. "You're one of the reasons I have such a loving relationship with my husband, you're a smart mare, don't think less of yourself just because of some miserable woman."

"All those things she said about Shining Armor, I just took it, I couldn't even stand up for my own husband," Cadance said, the mare tearing up. "I'm a failure of a Princess."

"You're not a failure, don't talk like that!" Twilight shouted. "You're Princess Mi Amore Cadenza! You're an Alicorn, that's something you earned with your own hard work! Nopony can take that away from you! Not even that...that...THOT!"

"Thot?" Cadance asked.

"I heard Scott Lang say it once," Twilight said. "Look, we can end this properly, starting with Celestia and Luna before anything bad happens."

"Right...and Twilight," Cadance said. "I'm sorry about throwing that wedding thing in your face, that was uncalled for. I don't blame you for worrying about your brother, it's sweet how much you love him."

"I'm just glad you weren't evil, it would have broken my heart," Twilight said.

"Aw, you're the sweetest," Cadance said, extending her wings. "Lets hurry."

In the middle of it all, Tony and Steve were fighting the hardest. Tony sending his replulsor blasts at Steve, the first Avenger deflecting everything and rushing in to punch Tony in the jaw with his shield, then hitting him with an uppercut

Tony flew up, blasting down at Steve again, who once again tried deflecting but his shield was briefly knocked away and he took a blast to his chest.

Taking the opportunity, Tony flew in to attack but Steve punched him back, then rolled to grab his shield and charged in.

Tony sent more blasts, aiming near Steve's feet to make him stumble, but the Avenger rolled through, tossing his shield at Tony's head, stunning him long enough to jump in with a kick to knock the iron hero back again.

Tony used his thrusters to reel back in with a punch to Steve's face, then threw several more strikes at The First Avenger and blasted him across the field.

"Just give up!" Tony shouted.

Steve stood up, smirking at Tony as he wiped some blood off his face, "I can do-"

"This all day, yeah, I know," Tony said, finishing the sentence in annoyance. "Honestly does that make you feel cool or something?"

"I'm just being honest," Steve said. "I will fight you to the end if I have do."

Tony groaned in annoyance, he of all people know how stubborn Steve can be, it's usually admirable as an ally, not so much as an enemy. "You are not making this easy."

"Neither are you!" Steve shouted, rushing in with his shield just as Tony sent out his blast that parried the shield.

Tony reeled back and punched Steve across the jaw, Steve doing the same, the two taking turns trading blows, though Steve got in a knee to Tony's stomach, then hit him with an uppercut.

Tony rolled through, sending some smart bombs that Steve immediately blocked with his shield, but it did push him back more, allowing Tony to fly in with a punch that knocked the shield out of his hands and another uppercut.

Steve rolled back and shoulder rammed Tony, then leapt for his shield, rolling through to avoid another blast as he ran in with a shield uppercut, immediately following with some hard strikes, that began to damage Tony's suit.

"Suit levels, overloading," his computer said. "Risk of shut down."

"Not happening!" Tony shouted, sending an Ion Chest beam that sent Steve flying back, Tony struggling over to his former ally and delivering some massive blows to his face and stomach, headbutting him a few times and hitting an elbow to knock him over. "I worked...TOO HARD to make it here! I am not giving up on everything!"

Steve blocked a strike and returned one of his own across Tony's jaw, knocking him for a loop, but that didn't deter Tony as he hit an uppercut, knocking Cap over. "Why are you making me do this!? Your inept fighting is just going to drive this world into a spiral that it won't come back from! I mean really, what's the worst thing that can happen with a few laws to keep heroes in order!? To keep ponies in order!" Tony blasted Steve again, knocking him over, "What do you think you're saving by doing this!?"

"Our...Friendship..." Steve said, glancing up at Tony. "I'm trying to save our Friendship. I've seen what money and power can do, how it can corrupt! Dammit Tony, I'm doing this to protect you! Because I am not losing a friend to this bullshit!"

Tony's eyes widened in shock, trying to process this, not knowing what Steve could be talking about. "I'm...I'm not corrupt, I'm the good guy here! Dammit, I'm trying to keep the world safe! How is that corrupt!?"

"Hey look...I can see Captain America and Iron Man," Franklin said, gesturing to the two in the center of the conflict. "Are they done fighting?"

"Tony," Steve said, hesitantly making his way over to his friend.

"Get back," Tony warned, stepping away.

"Tony, come on, please," Steve said, trying to comfort his friend.

"I said get back!" Tony fired a beam that Steve dodged, that same beam going toward Mayday's glider, the vehicle taking a hit and all three kids crashing toward the ground, in the middle of the fighting. Tony realized only a few seconds too late, "Wait, were those...kids!?"

"Kids!?" Steve turned to where the glider may have crashed, making his way through the battle with Tony right behind him.

Mayday began standing up, trying to process what happened when she nearly got tramped on by some of the heroes, many of them still fighting, sending blasts at each other. Mayday frantically began moving around, trying to find her way out of this. "Frankie!? Flurry!?"

More beams came crashing down around her, magical or tech, explosions everywhere, too much to take in. Her senses were going off like crazy, trying her best to process what was happening, but it was going too fast. Her heart began pounding, the girl sweating, her breathing becoming abnormal, she couldn't handle this.

She curled into a ball, trying to drown out the noises of the fighting, the blasting, the nearby explosions, the tremors on the ground, especially from the two giants in the area, not to mention the battle between Sentry and Hercules, so much happening at once, so much ringing going on in her head, it was excruciating for her.

Before long, she began screaming in terror, crying out to be saved, "DADDY!!!!"

Peter's eyes widened in shock the moment he heard his daughter, "Mayday!?"

It was at that point that the fighting began to slow, many of the heroes taking note of the now scared and crying little girl.

"Is that Mayday!?" Johnny asked, flying over.

"Oh sweet heavens!" Applejack said, quickly making her way over.

"Mayday!" Rumble shouted.

"Oh damn..." Taskmaster said.

Everyone began to surround Mayday, trying to check on her, making sure she wasn't hurt. It was difficult since she was scared and crying.

"Mayday! It's me, Uncle Johnny!" the Flame hero said. "Don't worry, we're here for you!"

"Are you hurt!?" Rarity asked.

Mayday was still in a ball, trying to comfort herself, and while the other heroes meant well, they were not making things easier for the panicking girl.

"Mayday! Mayday!" Pinkie called. "Can you hear me!?"

"Of course she can, don't shout, you're going to make her more nervous!" Remy said.

"But we gotta do something!" Pinkie said.

"She's probably scared, she got caught in the middle of a fight!" Bucky said.

"No kidding," Rumble said.

"Mayday dear, it's Auntie Luna," the Night Princess said. "Say something to me."

"Someone find her dad already, that's who she wants right now!" Sam shouted.

Peter rushed over to the group, trying to get in, "Mayday! Mayday! Daddy's here!"

"Hey her dad's here! Move out the way!" Sandman said, using his powers to create space. "Go on Spidey."

"Thanks Flint," Peter said, rushing to check on her daughter. "Mayday! It's alright, daddy's here."

The moment Mayday saw her dad, she latched onto him, still crying from what happened, "Daddy!"

"I'm here, don't worry," Peter said, hugging his daughter.

"Daddy, my head hurts!" Mayday said. "It was too loud! I hated it!"

"I know, it's alright," Peter said, comforting his daughter. He knew what happened, from the sounds of things, Matt had an idea what was happening as well. Within seconds everyone moving in close again to check on her, much to Peter's annoyance. "Hey, too close."

"But we're worried," Rarity said.

"He said yer too close!" Logan shouted, getting their attention. "Back off from them! Let Parker do his job."

"Mayday!" Twilight said, making her way over.

"Her mother is coming now, please make room everyone," Kurt asked, everyone obliging.

"Oh Mayday," Twilight said, stroking her head while Peter continued to comfort her.

"Mayday!" Came Franklin's voice, his mother immediately noticing.

"Franklin? What are you doing here?" Susan asked.

"Why is Flurry here too?" Shining Armor asked. "What's going on!"

"This way!" the group heard. Coming in from the distance was Apple Bloom along with her friends. They came across everyone, by this point the fighting was done. "Uh, what happened?"

"Apple Bloom, why is Mayday here!?" Twilight asked. "You and your friends were supposed to be watching her."

"Sorry Twilight, she snuck away from us," Apple Bloom said. "Ah think she was worried about you."

"Well your lack of attentiveness nearly caused trouble for her!" Twilight scolded. "How could you be so careless, we trusted you to watch her!"

"It was an accident, we didn't mean to lose her," Scootaloo said.

"Yeah, we did our best," Dinky said.

"Well your best wasn't good enough," Twilight said. "I knew I should have asked Sandbar, he's a bit more responsible for his age."

"Hey, we're better that that piece of-OW!" Scootaloo hit Dinky's side before she could finish.

"Don't make this worse!" Scootaloo said.

"Twilight, I'm not happy either, but we can focus on that later," Peter said. "Right now, we need to get Mayday home."

"Wait, weren't you all just fighting right now though?" Diamond Tiara asked, earning some glares. "Sure seems like there was a fight."

"Yes, there was, thank you," an annoyed Peter said. "Look we need to-"

"Peter! Watch out!" Sweetie Belle called from the distance.

Too later, suddenly Peter took a blast from behind, courtesy of Carol, "Shouldn't have dropped your guard!"

"Peter!" Apple Bloom shouted in worry.

"Carol! What the hell are you doing!?" Tony shouted in anger. "This isn't the time to-"

"Shut up!" Carol blasted Tony as well. "This fight is not over!"

"Alright, I'm messing you up!" Rumble flew in to attack but he took a punch to the jaw. Silverstream tried as well but Carol dodged and kicked her aside. Johnny then flew in and sent a fire blast at her to distract her long enough for Steve to toss a shield at her head, Spitfire flying in to kick Carol to the ground.

Sandman generated a hammer and whacked Carol a few times, Bucky taking the opportunity to punch her with his metallic arm. Vision flew over and blasted Carol from behind with his laser while She-Hulk delivered a massive punch to her jaw.

Rumble and Silverstream flew in again, this time connecting blows to Carol while Tony blasted her a few times with his repulsors.

Luna and Celestia used their magic to latch onto Carol and sent waves of it to bring pain to the former pilot, with Cadance stepping in and helping with that. Twilight was the last, using her magic the harshest.

"This for everything you've done! I will NEVER forgive you, Carol Danvers!" Twilight shouted, then proceeded to us her magic slam her a few times before blasting her hard with her magic, leaving the woman unconscious.

Luna trapped her in a magical cage immediately, finally done with Carol's nonsense as she went to check on the hero she once loved, "Peter...are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Peter said. "Mayday?"

"I'm ok," Mayday said, wiping her nose.

"Mayday, what happened to you exactly?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know, so much was happening and it just hurt my head," Mayday said. "So many loud noises, so many people..."

"It's fine Mayday, we'll talk about this later," Peter said.

"Is there something wrong with me?" Mayday asked.

Peter shook his head, "No...There's nothing wrong with you, because I know exactly how you feel."

"Same here," Matt said. "It'll be alright Mayday, you're no longer in any danger."

"That's right..." Tony said, getting everyone's attention. With Luna and Spitfire by his side, he spoke up with words that surprised everyone, "I surrender...you win. I'm done pushing this."

"Tony..." Twilight said in surprise.

"Seeing your daughter crying like that, all because of my pride, and irresponsibleness...that's not the hero I'm supposed to be," Tony said. "I am not going to be responsible for any other little girl's grief if I can help it. Heroes make kids feel safe, I failed, so I'm done."

"You guys win, we'll concede to your demands," Spitfire said.

"Tony...listen," Steve said. "You're not the only one at fault here, we've all made mistakes, and I feel just as responsible for what happened just now. We don't hate your idea, it just needs a bit of work. I know you want to help, and maybe I could have handled this better."

"But, we can help now," Twilight said. "Tony, in spite of everything, we do want to give this a chance, you just need to be willing to listen, and be flexible."

"And perhaps, this is my fault," Celestia said. "Tony, if I hadn't worried you with my own fears, if I too had been more open minded, maybe things would not have gotten this far. I failed as a Princess, perhaps I am no longer suited to be Equestria's ruler if I allowed a war like this to break out."

"Princess Celestia, don't say that," Twilight said. "You're a great Princess, we can fix this."

"I want to fix this, I'm open to any ideas you might have," Tony said.

"I might have some," Blueblood said, having made his way over with the others. "I've been reading over these laws, and researching how things were handled before by this S.H.I.E.L.D. company. I may not have all the answers you need, but I am more than willing to give you my input."

"Oh, wow, thanks Blueblood," Peter said.

"Oh don't mention it, it's the least I can do," Blueblood said, unaware of a portal opening nearby. "Last thing I want is another war in this Kingdom I call a home, I mean can you imagine losing all that?"

"War?" Came the voice of Sunset Shimmer. Everyone turned to see the distraught Unicorn alongside Ryu, Cloud, Goku, Doctor Strange and Thor.

"Sunset? You're back," Twilight said.

"Twilight, what happened," an unhappy Sunset asked.

"Oh, just a little disagreement," Twilight nervously insisted.

"They went to war," Smolder said.

"Big mouth!" Rumble shouted.

Thor groaned in annoyance, "I can't leave you mortals alone for five seconds."

Tony pointed to Steve, "He started it." That got him a few glares, "Worth a shot."

Unbeknownst to them, things were not looking good in Ponyville, as ponies were now under the control of Martin Li, with Cozy Glow overlooking the town from the school.

"It's all going according to plan, soon I'll have all the Friendship Power I need to become Princess," Cozy Glow said, her intensity rising. "With all that power, and my sweet Sandy by my side, I will be unstoppable! Finally, I can have it all, friends, family, no longer just that pitiful little Pegasus. No one will look down on me! Anyone who does I'll just crush!"

Taking a moment to catch her breath, Cozy Glow calmed her mind, trying to regain some composure.

"Guess I got a teensy bit angry there, it happens to the best of us, right Starlight?" Cozy turned to see Starlight, seemingly under control.

"Y-yes Headmare Cozy..." Starlight was struggling to break free.

"Ugh, you and your resiliency, maybe I'll just imprison you or something if Marty can't keep you under control," Cozy Glow said, looking over the school. "Now, where's my sweet Sandy?"

At the Parker-Sparkle home in the lab below, Trixie along with Autumn Blaze, Gallus and Sandbar were in hiding with Hope and Benjy.

"Great, the moment the heroes leave town, a villain shows up," Trixie lamented. "Stupid Accords!"

"We're on our own for now, unless those heroes come back in time," Sandbar said. "Guess we'll just have to stop that villain ourselves, and rescue our friends."

"Right, Starlight's at the school still," Trixie said.

"So is Yona," Gallus said.

"And Jubilee," Autumn Blaze said.

"And Cozy Glow..." Sandbar said, worried for the girl. "We gotta get her back, I'm not letting anyone hurt her."

Meanwhile, at Capcom.

Wesker, Vergil, Juri and Tron were all standing before their own portals.

"You each know what to do," Wesker said. "Find the top spider of your timeline, and see what that spider can do."

"Yes sir," the three said.

"Make sure you come back with plenty of research data," the Researcher woman said.

"We certainly will, Vomi," Wesker said, leading his troops through the portals.

Many dangers still lurked as bigger trouble rose around the current situation. The war between The Accords was over, but one mission remained, to liberate Ponyville.