• Published 30th Mar 2021
  • 1,058 Views, 187 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Civil War - Masterob

An internal battle between The Avengers and The Elements of Harmony threaten Equestria's future.

  • ...

Getting Tangled

It was a shameful night for Johnny Storm, his wife got hurt, his allies were endangered, and a building was partially destroyed, many ponies having been injured, or worse. He felt like he failed.

He didn't know why Mr. Negative showed up, he didn't know what he wanted from this place. It could have been him trying to steal some technology, maybe he just wanted to send a message or at the very least, lure the Manehattan heroes into a trap.

He had to stop him, there was no more hiding. He would get any hero he could down here, especially Peter, given his own past with Martin and the Demons.

For now it was time to let Tony Stark and Spitfire know of his progress, and all the unfortunate damage caused by these villains. First chance he got, he flew on to Canterlot, where Luna was out watching over the night.

The Princess had spotted Johnny flying in, and she could tell he was in a hurry, "Johnny Storm!"

"Luna?" Johnny halted in his tracks, "Hey I'd love to chat, but I really gotta find Tony."

"I believe Tony Stark has returned to Earth for business, what's so urgent that you must see him right now?" Luna asked.

"There was trouble in Manehattan, his building was invaded by a gang of ponies," Johnny explained.

Luna's eyes widened a moment in surprise, "That is rather alarming, is anypony hurt?"

"A lot of ponies are hurt, including Rainbow Dash," Johnny said. "Truthfully, it's probably worse than just a few injuries."

"I am sorry to hear about Rainbow Dash, I hope it is nothing serious," Luna said. "I shall contact Tony right away."

As Luna flew to find Tony, Johnny took a deep breath, almost dreading the upcoming explanation. "Something tells me Tony's gonna be ticked."

As expected, Tony was indeed displeased when he heard about this, and had called an immediate meeting that also brought over Steve, Spitfire and Princess Celestia.

"I can't believe this! So my building got wrecked!?" Tony shouted “How!? Like how did this happen!?"

"We'll get answers Tony, right now getting worked up won't resolve the matter," Steve said.

"Those poor innocent ponies," Celestia commented to herself. "This is exactly what I have feared."

"Don't worry Celestia, we'll get to the bottom of this," Steve said.

"Oh we better, I'm ready to crack some heads," Tony said, still feeling a bit livid.

"I'm sorry this happened Mr. Stark, especially with two of my Wonderbolts present," Spitfire said. "They should have prevented this from happening."

"They likely did their best," Steve said. "This could have happened to anyone."

"The Wonderbolts are not just anyone, Captain," Spitfire said. "They're an elite group of warriors who should have handled this mess before it even began. I expected more from Johnny Storm and Rainbow Dash."

"Same here, might need to have a word or two with them, along with the three I trusted Manehattan's safety to," Tony said.

"Everyone has off days Tony," Steve said.

"An off day!?" Tony said, almost in disbelief. "Steve, an off day striking out during a little league game! Or forgetting your paperwork during the day of a board meeting! This...is beyond an off day!"

"Tony, I get this is frustrating, I'm worried too but we all mess up, even me and you," Steve said.

"Well I'm about to rectify some things," Tony said. "Anyway where is Johnny?"

"He'll be back, he just had to fly out to Manehattan to check on his wife," Luna said. "With his speed, it shouldn't take too long."

"Here he comes now," Celestia said, gesturing to the oncoming Torch.

"Hey Royals, Avengers, chief," Johnny greeted, landing down before them.

"Johnny, I need answers, what exactly happened in the city?" Celestia asked.

"Some ponies raided Tony's building and started wrecking it," Johnny explained. "Dash and I teamed up with Daredevil, Elektra and Night Thrasher to stop them but they had gotten the upper hand on us."

"Tony what's in your building that they could have wanted anyway?" Steve asked.

"Technology that would have been the future of Equestria," Tony said, this concerning Celestia a bit.

"You do not have portals there, do you?" Celestia asked.

"No Princess, the only active portal is right here in this castle, and it only goes to my Earth," Tony reassured, then focused back on Johnny. "Did they steal anything? Like what was their goal here?"

"Something was broken into on the 16th floor, we're not entirely sure what it was," Johnny said.

"I gotta look into that," Tony said, somewhat worried, then focused back on Johnny. "Anything else?"

"Well my best guess is that for the most part, Mr. Negative wanted you out of business," Johnny explained.

"Hold on, Mr. Negative?" Tony asked.

"You got a name?" Spitfire inquired.

"More than that, I saw him," Johnny said. "He held your assistant Coco hostage."

"Pardon me, but who is Mr. Negative?" Luna asked.

"A crime lord from Earth, he ran a gang called The Demons and they terrorized New York City along with a couple of other gangs," Johnny explained. "Peter usually dealt with them himself."

"So, another one of Spider-Mane's enemies came to Equestria?" Spitfire asked.

"I don't know how, but yes," Johnny said. "He's very dangerous too, he has the ability to manipulate emotions into making you a complete opposite of yourself. The nicer you are, the eviler the effects make you."

"That's rather alarming..." Luna said, worried about the possibility of that happening to anyone in this room, or any of their other allies.

"It's possible he was at the Buck Ball game the other day, Peter said he saw someone who looked familiar, and he seemed to be associated with a woman named Suri Polomare," Johnny said.

"Suri Polomare?" Tony said. "I know her, she's Coco's old boss."

"I don't know her involvement with The Demons, according to Elektra, she's been questioned constantly but she always denies knowing about anything like that," Johnny said. "Unfortunately, we can't prove if she's being honest or trying to pull one over on us."

"We'll leave that to the Manehattan heroes," Tony said. "For now, it looks like I'm going to have to assign a few more heroes there, clearly they need it the most if a villain is stationed there."

"I'll do what I can to help too," Johnny said.

"I think you've done enough Matchstick," Spitfire said. "You and Crash should stay put at the Academy for a while, we got some recruits you should train."

"That sounds important and all Spitfire, but I think finding Martin Li is a higher priority," Johnny said.

"Yes, and you're off that mission," Spitfire said. "You and your wife are staying put at the Academy until further notice."

"If you're worried about Rainbow Dash's health, I appreciate that, but I don't think she's going to want to sit back while Manehattan is under the thumb of The Demons," Johnny said. "Plus I'm itching for a little redemption after Martin tried making a fool of me."

"It's honestly not even about me being worried about Dash's health," Spitfire said. "To be blunt, I'm more worried about either of you causing anymore damage to the buildings of Manehattan. Sorry to say, but being part of the reason a building got hit with explosions is not exactly good for the image of a Wonderbolt, and I can't really have either of you going back out there and making things worse."

"Whoa, hold up there," Johnny said. "Are you saying that I'm a danger to the public or something?"

"What I'm saying is that maybe you should take some time off, control your fire a little better," Spitfire said.

"...You know who you're talking to, right chief?" Johnny asked. "I'm The Human Torch, Johnny Storm, I've had my powers for years, I have full control over what I can do. What happened earlier was just the result of an accident."

"Yes, and we want to avoid more accidents, especially to a high-profile building like Stark Industries" Spitfire said. "So until further notice, you're off duty and relegated to The Academy."

"Is this a joke?" Johnny asked.

Spitfire slowly removed her shades, looking Johnny in the eyes as she put it to him straight, "I'm one hundred percent serious Torch."

Johnny scowled at the Wonderbolts leader, turning away from her, "Fine, have it your way. See how well you do without my help."

Johnny sped off in a flash, leaving a slight fire trail behind him as he flew back to Manehattan, his main goal to be to check on the damage and his wife.

"He took that well," Tony said. "Anyway thanks for handling that Spitfire."

"Sure thing Tony, I'll whip him back into shape, and this little disaster will not happen again," Spitfire said.

"Spitfire, is it necessary to pull Johnny off for one mistake?" Steve asked.

"I know what I'm doing Cap," Spitfire said.

"Yeah, leave Spitfire to deal with The Wonderbolts," Tony said. "Meanwhile I gotta head to the city and see what needs fixing."

"I shall join you, Nighttime is my responsibility after all," Luna said.

"Appreciate the help," Tony said, gearing up his suit. "Let's fly."

The two started enroute to Manehattan to survey the damage and fix what needs fixing, and hopefully calm down any pony in distress.

"Gotta admire how hard of a worker Tony is," Spitfire said. "Well, I have my own reports to file, and some Wonderbolt Schedules to rearrange."

"Spitfire," Steve said, getting her attention. "Do what you must, but remember that Johnny Storm does more good than harm."

"Sure thing Cap, see you next meeting," Spitfire said, dashing off.

In spite of everything, Steve knew this was a really bad situation, the destruction of a Manehattan building is cause for alarm, he could only imagine what the damage was, and the innocents that have suffered because of this. What's more is that he could see this was really bothering Celestia.

"Are you fine Princess?" Steve asked, gently stroking her shoulder.

"I can't say that I am, I just don't know what's happening anymore," Celestia said. "For almost a thousand years, Equestria has seen peace, now lately it feels like the safety of my citizens is no longer a guarantee."

"I'm sorry you feel this way, I wish I could promise you that this won't happen again but...I'd be a fool to assume that," Steve said.

"Sometimes tragedy cannot be avoided, truth be told, I expected some dark times," Celestia said. "That's why I started molding Twilight to becoming a powerful Princess, I hoped she could become my successor someday. I knew she would have to one day stop Nightmare Moon, I knew one day she may have had to encounter King Sombra, and Discord. I knew there would even be danger that I wasn't aware of, such as Queen Chrysalis, or even The Storm King. But, I was not prepared for the danger that came from other worlds, even though I should have been."

"Not everyone can be prepared when it comes to invasions from other realms, Earth was not prepared for the likes of Loki or The Skrulls," Steve said.

"But I was aware of these other dimensions, I remember forbidding Sunset Shimmer from studying them out of fear of what they could bring," Celestia said. "I never imagined Twilight would summon a hero to this dimension."

"Peter mentioned it was a spell that was supposed to summon the greatest hero in the multiverse," Steve said. "He of course doubts that he's worthy of that title, as any humble man would do."

"I am curious about that spell, as much as I value Peter and I would never think less of him but, it does surprise me that he was chosen over actual Gods like Thor," Celestia said. "Maybe I can look into that spell myself, something about that night he was summoned here just does not sit well with me."

"When Peter and Twilight were on Earth years back, Twilight mentioned summoning Peter to fight a dragon," Steve said. "But shortly after Peter arrived, that dragon just left, Twilight even mentioned that book coming from seemingly nowhere."

"Are you theorizing anything?" Celestia asked.

"Perhaps...it may even tie into Discord," Steve said. "That creature's the one who has been summoning these villains to Equestria, but what is his ultimate agenda? Why is he so fascinated Earth? Is there a link between our worlds?"

"Discord is very hard to figure out I'm afraid," Celestia said. "A lot of his actions can be described as him just wanting to enjoy himself."

"Can it really be that simple?" Steve asked. "He seems to be going through a lot of trouble for the sake of having fun."

"That's Discord I'm afraid, he's always been trouble," Celestia said. "It took forever for me and my sister to do away with him, fortunately we had found The Elements of Harmony that allowed us to turn him into stone."

"Where did those Elements come from?" Steve asked.

"An old tree, if my memory serves me correctly, it is somewhere within the Everfree Forest," Celestia said

"Does Twilight know about it?" Steve asked.

"I doubt it, she's never had any reason to go there," Celestia said. "I don't think anyone has seen the tree in a thousand years."

"A thousand years? That's quite a long time," Steve said.

"For most ponies, yes, for me, it doesn't feel as long," Celestia said. "Time moves differently for me than it does for you."

"Thor has told me something similar," Steve said. "Immortal beings probably see the average mortal life as a quick blip in the radar."

"I try not to see it that way, whenever I meet a pony, I always do my best to make my time with them count," Celestia said. "I may have outlived many good friends, but I will always treasure their memory."

"Memories, that's all we can keep of those closest to us," Steve said. "Being frozen for decades, there are a lot of friends from my childhood that have gotten old, some have even passed on."

"It must have been quite a shock to go through that, to exist in one time period and wake up in another," Celestia said.

"Oh it was, I felt like a fish out of water," Steve said. "Everything was so new; I just couldn't believe it. I almost felt like an old man at times, I felt so out of touch with society. Thankfully Tony and the other Avengers helped me out, but the new era took some getting used to."

"Tony's a good friend," Celestia said.

"He is, his heart's always in the right place," Steve said. "Can't say the same for his mind half the time."

"Huh? What does that mean?" Celestia asked.

"Tony is a very intelligent man but, he's too much of a big picture guy, he looks too far into the future that he doesn't always see what's in front of him," Steve said. "He's a visionary to the extreme. Not a terrible quality, but it comes with its own risks."

Celestia grew a little worried, "This really does not make me feel too confident in The Accords. I mean, I apologize if this is pessimistic sounding but, sometimes it does seem like Tony is treating this more like an experiment rather than anything serious. I would rather he not use Equestria as some type of test run."

"Tony wouldn't do that," Steve reassured, though part of his began to wonder. "Would he?"

"I suppose he wouldn't actually do such a thing, I should try to have more faith in him, he's a good man after all," Celestia said. "Truthfully though, the idea of Equestria being a technology thriving place does worry me. I don't know how my little ponies will acclimate to Earth technology."

"Hopefully at a slow pace, it's rather refreshing to come here and see the same amount of technology I had growing up," Steve said. "Nowadays cellphones have turned into little TV sets! Ones people are now obsessed with, and they keep putting a number sign before every word."

"It sounds quite unusual," Celestia said. Truthfully she didn't really know too much of what Steve was talking about, but she imagined it's part of his own future shock.

"It is, I mean...maybe I'm just being and old man but I do worry people have gotten way too attatched to technology," Steve said. "I just hope Tony doesn't do the same with these ponies."

"I'll do my best not to allow that, of course I probably don't have many years left as a ruler," Celestia said. "I should hope that when Twilight succeeds me, she and Peter will keep Equestria on a proper path."

"How much longer until your retirement?" Steve asked.

"Maybe in a couple more years, Luna and I will pass Equestria down to Peter and Twilight," Celestia said.

"It's a big responsibility, I hope Peter and Twilight are ready for it," Steve said.

"In time, they will be," Celestia said. "For now, I must continue to guide them, the future of Equestria rests with them."

In the city, both Tony and Luna were surveying the damage caused by the Demon gang, the fires were being put out and many ponies were carefully evacuated from the area, but the damage was bad, and Tony knew that some ponies were not as lucky as others.

"I can't believe this," Tony commented, worried not for his building, but for the ponies who were affected, ponies who called him 'boss'. "How could it get this bad?"

"Our world is still not safe from the threat of villains," Luna commented.

"Mr. Stark! Princess Luna!" Came the voice of Coco Pommel, the pony quickly making her way toward Tony and Luna.

"Coco?" Tony quickly checked on the mare, looking for any possible sign of injury. "You don't seem hurt."

"I'm fine, I did feel a bit funny before, one minute I'm staring at this scary looking pony, the next...I have vague memories of attacking Equine Torch," Coco said, rubbing her head. "It was all so strange."

"Wait, scary pony?" Tony asked. "What exactly did he look like?"

"He was as black as a void with a bright white mane, pupils and outline," Coco explained. "He had this really weird blade too."

"Was he called 'Mister Negative' by any chance?" Tony asked.

"Uh, yeah, that's what Equine Torch called him, he accused him of being somepony named Lee," Coco said.

"Well Johnny's story checks out then, Mr. Negative is somewhere in Equestria," Tony said.

"Miss Pommel!" Came Daredevil's voice, the hero trotting over to the mare. "You shouldn't run off like that, everyone needs to stay together for just a bit longer."

"Sorry, I figured I'd let my boss know that I'm safe," Coco explained.

Daredevil could sense the presence of Tony and Luna, very curious by their sudden arrival. Of course Tony would come to check on his building, he figured Johnny explained everything to him, "I'll have a word, go and stay with the others."

"Yes sir," Coco said, trotting back to the group of worker ponies.

"Nice mare, hope she'll be alright," Daredevil commented, then focused his attention on Tony. "Quite a night this was."

"Bet it was, luckily for you, Johnny already gave me the run down, so I know what happened," Tony said. "What I would like to know is how this got so bad! I trusted you along with Elektra and Night Thrasher to keep this town safe! This is the opposite of safe!"

"We did what we could to stop them, but this attack was more planned out than we thought," Daredevil said.

"Do you at least know why these ponies showed up and annihilated my building!?" Tony asked.

"Unfortunately no," Daredevil said, this answer not sitting well with Tony. "This is probably the biggest thing I've seen this newly formed gang do."

"Did you at least capture some of their guys? Like hopefully they can tell us something, anything to confirm this rumor that Mr. Negative was behind this," Tony said, still feeling a bit irritated.

"I have no doubts that he is, a lot of the ponies here bear a similar mark to the Demons back in New York, they were definitely affected by Mr. Negative," Daredevil confirmed.

"Is there a reason you haven't caught on sooner?" Luna asked. "Haven't you captured any of these ponies before?"

"That's the strange thing, it's like once they're in our custody, their memory is mostly wiped, the only thing they can recall is some sinister pony giving them orders," Daredevil explained. "Mr. Negative did not want to leave any traces."

"Well he left one hell of a trace tonight," Tony said.

"We'll put a stop to this Tony, we already had one lead prior to tonight, and it looks like it's gotten stronger," Daredevil said. "If this Lee pony is Martin in disguise, we should be able to track him to his newly formed business and apprehend him there."

"Do you believe you can get him to admit such a thing?" Luna asked.

"This isn't the first time I've dealt with a crime lord, plus no one can hide the truth from me," Daredevil said. "I'm quite good at telling if someone's being honest or not just from the sound of their heartbeat."

"It's true, he's like a living lie detector," Tony explained to Luna.

"Wow, that’s quite fascinating," Luna said. "Is it that easy for you?"

"Sometimes people can be good at deception, but everyone slips up sooner or later," Daredevil said. "I will admit though, Mr. Negative is a bit unusual compared to other crime lords, but I have the confidence to put a stop to him."

"Just make it fast, I don't want another incident like this happening again, I'm trying to prove to Celestia that the Accords can keep ponies safe and letting these things happen is the complete opposite of my plan," Tony said.

"I will work as fast as I can Tony," Daredevil said. "Justice will be served."

"I hope so, otherwise I'll find someone else who can," Tony said. "Lives are at stake Daredevil, I need the ponies of this town to be safe, especially those under my employment."

"Everyone will be kept safe, we’ll try harder," Daredevil said. "With Elektra and Night Thrasher by my side too, we'll get the job done."

"We'll leave it to you Daredevil," Luna said, then turned her attention to Tony. "We should go back to Canterlot."

"Hey, any chance you can get Johnny to come back? We could use his help again," Daredevil said.

"Don't count on it, Spitfire was pretty pissed that this happened, Johnny's off duty for a bit and relegated to training new recruits at the academy," Tony said.

"Huh? Over one mistake?" Daredevil asked.

"This is one massive mistake, be glad she's not your supervisor," Tony said. "Same with Rainbow Dash I think, you should probably let her know when you see her."

"Tony, that doesn't make any sense, Johnny Storm and Rainbow Dash are more useful to us here than he is at an Academy!" Daredevil said.

"Rules are rules," Tony said, activating his suit again. "Remember, I'm trying to be the nice guy here, so I want to give you another chance, but that's all I can give you. This isn't New York, things are different now.”

Tony then flew off, Luna flying right behind him while leaving Daredevil in a state of disbelief. "This is ridiculous. I'll need a word with this Spitfire lady."

The following morning, word of what happened in Manehattan began to spread, this information reaching the Parker-Sparkle home with Peter having just been informed by Johnny himself.

"So Mr. Negative is here," Peter commented, the hero looking worried. "I was afraid of that."

"He caused big time damage at Tony's Manehattan building," Johnny explained. "A lot of ponies did not get out unscathed, for some it was worse."

"Still, why would Martin come here? Is he after me? Or is this just one of Discord's strange plans?" Peter wondered.

"Daredevil's gonna look into that with Elektra and Night Thrasher, they could use your help on this," Johnny said. "Tony deputized you to go to any town you want, so feel free to pass by."

"I will, first thing's first though, I gotta find Felicia and get some information from her," Peter said. "Tony wants me and Luna to go to someplace called Klugetown, but it's risky since it's not technically an Equestrian nation, sending an Equestrian Princess and an Equestrian hero who happens to be a Prince may raise some eyebrows. We'll need Felicia's help to be sneaky."

"Sounds like you're gonna be busy, same with me given that I'm relegated to training at the Academy," Johnny lamented.

"Huh? What happened?" Peter asked.

"Since I technically failed my mission, Dash and I got demoted, total bullshit," Johnny said.

"Demoted? You are two of her best flyers and heroes, that doesn't sound like Spitfire to demote you," Peter said.

"Tell her that," Johnny said. "I'm gonna raise hell about this but for now I gotta play it nice and safe."

"Sorry to hear about that," Peter said, then took note of some oncoming company. "Here comes your sister."

Johnny turned to see Susan along with Derpy and Franklin, "Hey sis."

"Johnny, didn't expect to see you here," Susan said.

"I had to let Peter know about an incident in the city," Johnny said. "Truthfully, I'm kind of worried about what might be happening in Equestria, so be extra careful Sue."

"I can take care of myself Johnny, don't you worry," Susan reassured.

"Yeah, guess you can keep a lookout," Johnny said, then turned his attention to his nephew. "Sup Franklin, having fun with Peter's daughter?"

"A little, she's at least talking to me more," Franklin said.

"Just keep at it, show her the joys of socialization," Johnny said.

"Hey Peter, are you ever going to send Mayday to the School of Friendship?" Derpy asked.

"Maybe when she's a bit older, right now Twilight and I are doing fine with her education," Peter said. "And Franklin covers the socialization at least."

"You might need a bit more, so I was thinking we invite the Cake Twins over," Derpy said. "That way she gets to hang out with more kids."

"If you say so," Peter said. "Well I should go now, gotta find Felicia, plus I want to visit Twilight, see how she's coming along."

"Tell her 'hi' from me," Johnny said, extending his wings. "I gotta head back to Manehattan to check on Dash."

Both heroes sped off in different directions, leaving Susan, Franklin and Derpy to themselves for the moment.

"Things have really gotten busy lately," Susan said. "For better or worse."

"I'm not worried about the worse, we have Peter and the other heroes keeping this world safe, plus with the help of both your husband and mine, I think we'll be fine," Derpy said.

"It's good to be optimistic, but too much could cause a being to lower their guard," Susan said. "Of course, too much of the opposite leads to extreme measures taken, the middle ground is often hard to find."

"I wish Mayday had more of a middle ground," Franklin said.

"She's getting there, go and find her,” Susan said.

"Sure thing mom," Franklin said, going inside to find the girl he hoped to befriend, a task difficult in its own right.

Meanwhile Peter had gotten close to the hospital, but on the way there, he spotted Rumble trotting with Wind Sprint and Dinky, the trio walking in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres, likely to at the very least see Apple Bloom.

"Hey kids!" Peter called.

"Huh?" Rumble turned around and spotted the hero he so idolized. "Hey it's Peter, neat." He led the mares over, "Hey Peter, what's up?"

"I'm off to see Twilight at the hospital, and hopefully find Felicia afterward," Peter said.

"Felicia usually patrols near the Carousel Boutique, mainly so she can window shop on the side," Rumble said. "But what's this about Twilight being in the hospital?"

"She's going into labor, it's taking a lot out of her since she's been super busy despite being pregnant," Peter explained.

"Hope she’s going alright," Rumble said, feeling worried for the mare.

"She'll be fine, Princess Twilight is the strongest pony in Eqestria after all, aside from Celestia," Dinky said. "At least among ponies born in Equestria, but she's still stronger than a lot of heroes."

"That's a bold claim," Peter said. "You have a lot of faith in Twilight."

"Well I've looked up to her for a few years, I never went all fangirl crazy like Scootaloo does with Rainbow Dash, but I still hold Twilight in high regard," Dinky said. "She's one of five Alicorn Princesses and has a lot more battle experience. Cadance isn't much of a fighter, Flurry is a toddler, and she surpassed Luna a few times, first time being when she was Nightmare Moon."

"Remember, Twilight had help from her friends on that one," Peter said.

"Yes, but she did well despite being just a Unicorn at the time, now she's an Alicorn, a strong one too," Dinky said. "I heard about her fight with that Saiyan guy, Goku. He defeated Luna but he fought Twilight to a draw, and I heard he had to power up just to match against her, I wouldn't be surprised if Twilight surpasses Princess Celestia one day, even Doc believes she has the latent power to do so. I remember him discussing that with Professor Richards."

"You're not wrong on that Dinky, I mean Luna and Celestia could barely take on those Capcom villains, while Twilight held her own against them, same with the mind-controlled Avengers," Rumble said. "And when that big fight against The Green Goblin was broadcast, Twilight was the one who dealt the final blow after Luna lost. So yeah, Twilight's definitely the strongest."

"Oh yeah, that was not a pretty fight, especially when..." Dinky remembered Peter was right there, not a good moment to bring up him going Nightmare mode after hearing about what happened to Gwen Stacy. "Well you get the point."

"You two know so much about them, I'm kind of jealous," Wind Sprint said.

"You're new, and you have plenty of chances to see awesome stuff when you're with us," Rumble said. "You already saw a villain up close, stick with us and you'll see some pretty amazing stuff."

"Well I was at Canterlot when those other villains showed up, so I guess I had a good start," Wind Sprint said.

"It gets so much better, I missed some stuff myself but all the cool things I did see, out of this world, literally," Dinky said.

"Wow, hearing you kids talk about stuff like this, you sound like comic book fans," Peter said.

"We have talks like this all the time, apparently Wind Sprint here is very much used to it," Rumble said.

"Quibble talks like this when it comes to the Power Ponies, and sometimes with Daring Do as well," Wind Sprint said. "That reminds me, I think he was hoping to have some comics from your world."

"I can work that out for you," Peter said.

"He'd like that, I would too actually," Wind Sprint said. "I mean, I'm more into sports than books, but you heroes are like athletes yourselves, if nothing else, I'd love to hear more about your rivalry with Capcom. My mom actually took me to see your Tournament a few years back, I think it was the first time I really saw you in action."

"Wind Sprint has a lot of theories already based on who's truly the strongest in Capcom," Rumble said.

"My money is on Dante, he just hits harder," Wind Sprint said.

"You want hard hitting, that's where Chun-Li comes in," Dinky said.

"But Ryu actually made Peter sweat," Rumble said.

"Wait, wasn't one of them a literal Goddess?" Dinky asked. "Kind of hard to be stronger than a God."

"Well Hulk comes close," Peter said.

"Oh yeah, The Hulk!" Rumble said, flexing his arm to imitate the hero in question. "Surprised he's not around as much, I bet he could take out so many bad guys."

"Well most of his strength comes from his anger, but that also means he loses control a lot," Peter pointed out. "A lot of us heroes actually have trading cards and comics that detail our abilities if you want to check for yourselves."

"That'd be awesome!" Rumble said. "Wait about Capcom though? Oh, has Twilight and her friends gotten any?"

"Aren't there heroes from other worlds too?" Dinky asked.

"I don't know much outside of Capcom, except for the world Superman is from," Peter said. "I'm not sure if any of you remember Cloud Strife, but he's pretty strong himself. Of course power isn't everything. It's like Chun-Li says, 'There's more to fighting than Brute Strength'."

"Chun-Li's so awesome," Dinky said, trying to get into a fighting stance. "I wish I could kick like that."

She tried one kick and fell over, Rumble quickly catching her. "Whoa there Dinky."

"Thanks Rumble," Dinky said, getting back on her hooves. "One day, I'll be just as cool."

"With training from Laura, you could be on your way," Rumble said.

"You start like a Crouching Tiger, then you find your Hidden Dragon," Peter said, getting a confused reaction from the trio.

"Huh? Crouching Tiger? What Dragon is hidden?" Rumble asked.

"Never mind, point is if you're serious about training, just take your time. Seems like you already found your teacher, not sure how you got Laura to agree, but she seems to be good when it comes to kids so it's not that surprising," Peter said. "Even Shang Chi wasn't an expert in a day."

"I don't know who that is, but I bet he's cool," Dinky said.

"He is," Peter replied. "I guess I should leave you to what you were doing."

"It's all good, always happy to chat with you Peter," Rumble said, about to trot off.

"Oh, before I forget Rumble," Peter said. "I've noticed you haven't been on the friendliest terms with Sandbar's friends."

Rumble groaned in annoyance, his two friends doing the same as the colt looked back to Peter, "What about it?"

"Is there like a reason you don't like him?" Peter asked. "I mean, I'm not saying you have to be friends with him but I am gonna need you to try and not antagonize him or his friends."

"I'm just reminding them that I exist, along with my own team," Rumble said. "They did kind of show up and assert themselves."

"How exactly?" Peter asked. "They're just students at the School of Friendship. Is this because I compared them to Twilight and her friends?"

"Yeah, it made them feel superior to all of us, we had to deflate their ego," Rumble said.

"Meanwhile you developed your own ego," Peter seemed a bit disappointed with Rumble's actions. "I'm sorry if anything said made you feel like you're less than you are, but I never meant anything serious about it. You need to worry about being yourself rather than trying to be like someone else, because he best thing anyone can be, is themselves, so you gotta figure out your own path. No more of this rivalry with Sandbar and this whole, you'll be the next Elements thing."

Rumble briefly turned to the two mares beside him, getting a shrug from the two of them before turning back to Peter, "Alright, we'll back off a bit."

"That's my dude, I'll catch you later," Peter said, quickly making his way to the hospital.

After he was gone, Wind Sprint turned back to Rumble, "So what now?"

"We go to Sweet Apple Acres," Rumble said. "Let's not even worry about Sandbar, I mean we beat him at the Buck Ball game, so we're already better."

"Got a good point there," Dinky said. "Anyway, so here's a good one. How strong is Peter compared to Superman?"

"He said he wouldn't even try fighting him, his world is so strong that even Capcom wouldn't dare challenge them," Rumble said.

"Wow, that's amazing," Wind Sprint said, following her friends to Sweet Apple Acres.

It wasn't long before Peter arrived at the Hospital, where he was immediately greeted by a friendly voice, "Hi Peter!"

Turning to the side he saw Fluttershy, alongside Logan, the two sitting together in the waiting room. "Didn't expect to see you two here."

"We're here to check on Twilight," Fluttershy explained. "Logan already came by yesterday but his visit was cut short."

"I'm hoping she made better progress today," Logan said. "Kind of worried about her, she's been in that room fer a while."

"I appreciate your concern, I'm actually worried about her myself, I'm gonna try to get in there," Peter said.

"Doctor said they're running some tests, once they're done we should be able to go inside," Logan said, then took notice of Redheart trotting over. "Guess she's ready now."

"Oh Spider-Mane, it's great that you're here," Red Heart said. "Your wife's about to have her baby!"

"Wait really!?" Peter said in disbelief.

"Now!?" Logan asked, standing up alongside Fluttershy.

"She's in the process right now! Your baby is coming!" Red Heart said.

"Oh boy, um..." Peter looked around in panic. "Uh...what should I do!?"

"You should know! This is your second child!" Logan said.

"I fainted the first time, so I don't remember," Peter explained, getting a look of pity from Logan.

"Seriously! Just come with me Parker!" Logan said, leading both Peter and Fluttershy into the back to find Twilight.

"Hey wait, Mr. Wolverine! You technically can't just go back there!" Red Heart called. "Mr. Wol...oh forget it." She quickly rushed to the back to check on Twilight as well, wanting to make sure the baby was properly delivered.

It wasn't long before the miracle of birth took place, Twilight had given birth to a healthy baby colt, little Benjy Parker-Sparkle. Twilight held the colt in her forelegs while Peter laid beside her, keeping his wife and son close.

"He looks just like you," Twilight said. "Our little Benjy."

"He really is a sweet little guy," Peter said, gently touching his son's mane. "Hey Benjy, recognize us yet?"

"Peter, he's asleep," Twilight playfully reminded.

"Silly me, got caught up in the moment," Peter said. "Wow, our first son. I can't wait til we can bring him home. Mayday and Trixie are going to love him. So is Aunt May."

"Spike and Janet will be happy too," Twilight said. "Same with all of our friends."

"Of course, they're all family too," Peter said, still gawking at seeing his son. "Amazing, we made this guy, together. He exists because of us."

"Being parents is an amazing experience, to know that we bring life into this world, and this is our second time doing do," Twilight said.

"Would you consider more?" Peter asked.

"Maybe after I recover from this one," Twilight said. "Being pregnant is great but quite limiting and exhausting."

"At least next time you want to uncover the past, you can do so without losing your breath," Peter joked.

"Excuse me," Red Heart said, getting their attention. "Wolverine and Fluttershy wish to see you."

"Send them back in," Peter said.

Within seconds, the couple had returned to the room per Red Heart informing them of their permission. Earlier they had left after Twilight finished giving birth to give the parents alone time with their son, now they want to see this baby boy for themselves.

"Fluttershy, Logan, meet Benjy," Peter introduced, gesturing to his sleeping son.

"Aw, he's adorable," Fluttershy said, leaning in, not too close, but just enough to get a better look at him.

"Really takes after the two of ya," Logan said. "Congrats on yer second kid, I know you'll raise him right, just like yer doing with Mayday."

"Thanks Logan, I still can't believe I have two kids, one son and one daughter," Peter said. "Just like Reed and Sue."

"That's just more foals to love, you're a lucky Pony Peter, you too Twilight," Fluttershy said.

"I feel lucky because I had two good friends keeping an eye on my wife while I was helping with The Accords," Peter said. "I really appreciate you two being here for Twilight."

"Twilight is one of my dearest friends, it's no trouble at all," Fluttershy said.

"Someone's gotta have yer back Parker, and helping Twilight is a pleasure all its own," Logan said. "Remember Twilight, myself, Janet and the other guys owe you a big debt fer giving a chance at happiness in this world."

"It was my pleasure," Twilight said, then turned to Peter. "That reminds me, has anything of interest come up regarding the Accords? Or anything regarding The Avengers?"

"Well Cap's friend Bucky is training those four villagers we met at Starlight's village, and Tony recently got more heroes to come on over," Peter said.

"That's nice, good progress," Twilight said.

"Also, I may be going on a mission with Luna to some place called Klugetown," Peter said.

"Klugetown? Isn't that where Felicia went a couple of years back?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, I actually have to consult with her about it," Peter said. "Mostly since Luna and I might be breaking a few rules going there."

"Seriously? So Stark, who's trying to establish order, wants to break a few rules in the process," Logan said. "This is why I never bothered with this Accords nonsense, in the end even Stark himself would violate his own rules just to do whatever he feels like doing, and I ain't getting mixed up in that. Give it time and soon he'll forget all about this Accords stuff."

"But if he doesn't try, what would that mean for the heroes?" Peter asked. "He's doing this so Celestia won't send anyone back to Earth."

"Peter, be real, you think Celestia would actually do that?" Logan asked. "I know she's worried because of all the villains but I can't see her being that rash. The heroes just gotta keep stepping up to the plate whenever there's trouble, because the villains aren't just from Earth, we've seen a couple of native ones."

"Still, I'm gonna keep giving these Accords a chance, I just want to make sure everyone's happy," Peter said. "Celestia already sealed away Capcom and Square, so we know she is somewhat serious about all this."

"I think that was mostly done to make any portal Discord makes a lot easier to spot," Twilight said.

"Lot of good that's doing, Wizard still got into this world, and now Mr. Negative is somewhere in Manehattan," Peter said.

"Mr. Negative?" Fluttershy asked.

"A guy who can manipulate emotions, potentially turn you into the complete opposite of what you are," Peter explained.

"Oh, that sounds kind of like what Discord did to me and our friends, huh Twilight," Fluttershy said.

"Yes, that is quite similar," Twilight agreed.

"He may have already struck at the Buck Ball game where Wizard and Scorcher showed up, that's how I got the hunch he was here," Peter said. "I saw a pony who looked almost like Martin Li, really set off my spider sense, so I asked Johnny to look into it. He confirmed it last night when Martin and his Demon Gang struck Stark Industries, Johnny spotted Mr. Negative holding Coco Pommel hostage, then he got away."

"Is Coco alright?" Fluttershy asked.

"She is, Johnny confirmed she got hit with Negative's powers but she's not hurt," Peter reassured. "I might need to look into that myself, after I talk with Felicia and set up for Klugetown."

"Sounds like you're gonna be busy," Fluttershy said.

"It's not a lot, just gotta manage time, did that a lot on Earth, juggling school, friends and superhero work, I wasn't perfect but it's gotta be done," Peter said.

"Well don't push yourself too hard, powers or not, you're not Superman," Twilight said.

"Even Superman can't do everything by himself, that's why he formed The Justice League," Logan said.

"Look, I'm not gonna go overboard if that's what everyone's worried about, I trust that until I sort out this Mr. Negative situation that Daredevil and his team will keep things as safe as possible," Peter said. "He's got plenty of experience with this stuff, in fact he helped me out big time when dealing with The Kingpin. Truthfully I'm grateful that he and The Hood aren't in Equestria as well."

"For now, keep an eye out," Logan said. "Not to worry you but if Martin Li can pop up out of nowhere, so could those two."

"I'm fully aware of that," Peter said.

"Why don't you contact Tony later and see if he could check on Earth, see which villains are present so we have less to worry about," Twilight said.

"Good call, that should keep things in order," Peter said.

"You worry about that later, right now maybe we should focus less on what's happening and be grateful for this moment," Logan said. "You two are parents again, enjoy yourselves while the rest of us keep an eye on things."

"We will, I should be able to bring Benjy home tomorrow, we'll have a housewarming party," Twilight said. "We'll invite our friends, you two can bring Laura, Lightning Dust and Rina."

"Wouldn't miss it for anything Twilight," Fluttershy said.

"Peter, let Luna know as soon as possible about Benjy, she'll want to see him too, Twilight said.

"Is she going to be the baby's Godmother like she is with Mayday?" Fluttershy asked.

"It seems only fitting," Twilight said. "Of course Johnny expressed interest in being a Godfather to Benjy and Mayday."

"You two would make pretty good Godparents yourselves," Peter said.

"We're flattered, but I think it would mean more to Luna if you stuck with her," Fluttershy said.

"Not that we won't be around to help guide your son like we do with Mayday," Logan said. "Because we know you'll do the same fer Rina."

"Excuse me," Red Heart said, getting their attention. "I need to take the baby in for some tests."

"Sure," Twilight said, giving the baby in her forelegs to Red Heart, albeit hesitantly.

"We should be going ourselves; I have to start preparing dinner for everyone," Fluttershy said.

"Dinner? I still haven't even had lunch yet, kind of hungry," Logan commented.

"The nurse offered you food though, why didn't you take any?" Fluttershy asked.

"I ain't eating hospital food, I need real food," Logan said.

"There's nothing wrong with hospital food, don't be so picky with what you eat," Fluttershy said.

"It's not about being picky, I just need something that's actually filling and doesn't taste like shit," Logan said.

"Watch your mouth in front of Benjy!" Fluttershy scolded.

"He doesn't understand what I'm saying!" Logan argued.

"He could, babies can develop early," Fluttershy said.

"Not when that baby was literally just born," Logan insisted.

While the two bickered for a bit, Peter awkwardly shifted close to Twilight, almost unable to keep his eyes off the two. "Will you be alright? I need to see Felicia but I can wait if you need me to."

"No that's fine, go do what you need to do for Tony, I could use a nap honestly," Twilight said.

"Good, I'll be back as soon as I can," Peter said, about to leave.

"Oh, if you do, can you bring me a hayburger...or three," Twilight said. "Kind of feeling a crave."

"See, she probably hates the hospital food too," Logan said.

Fluttershy turned away in annoyance, "You're such a pain sometimes Lolo."

"Don't call me that in public!" Logan almost pleaded.

"I'm leaving now..." Peter said, awkwardly shifting to the window and thwipping away, leaving Logan and Fluttershy to bicker a bit more as Twilight shifted off to sleep, too tired to be bothered by the couple, figuring it best to let them resolve this.

Peter was still in a state of pleasure, his second son had just been born, he's a father again, and his family continued to grow. He wanted to tell his friends, but first thing was first, he had to find Felicia, and just like he was told, she was standing near The Carousel Boutique, conversing with three of Rarity's apprentices, Lily Lace, Starstreak and Inky Rose.

"So like, do you get discounts because you work with Rarity or..." Felicia spotted Peter as he landed nearby. "Hey stud!"

The three fashion ponies turned to Peter's direction, Lily being the first to comment, "Oh wow, it's Spider-Mane!"

"Hey ponies, I need to talk to Felicia, it's urgent business," Peter said.

"That's like, totally good with us," Lily said, then turned back to Felicia. "We'll give you two a moment, we gotta help Rarity anyway. Apparently Tony Stark commissioned a bunch of outfits from her, I think it's for all the heroes, she could use all the help she can get."

"We're hoping for Miss Pommel to join us as well," Starstreak said. "But, rumor is that she ran into some unfortunate trouble last night."

"Those rumors are true, she was taken hostage by a villain," Peter said. "Johnny Storm saved her so she's fine, but she won't be around to help today."

"Poor girl, we should like, totally send her a card, she literally could use some cheering up," Lily said.

"Yes, I agree, we fashionists must look out for one another," Starstreak said. "Come along now."

As two of them went inside, Inky Rose stopped to briefly check over Peter's outfit, "Hey, have you tried a black color scheme?"

"I already did once, not my finest memory," Peter said.

"Aw, but you looked so cute," Felicia teased. "And so dangerous."

"Felicia..." Peter scolded, then turned to Lily. "If you want to talk black color schemes, there's a few heroes who specialize in that, some that seem your speed too, assuming they even come to Equestria."

"Alright, shame though, black would suit you pretty well," Inky Rose said as she made her way inside the Boutique.

"Come to see me handsome?" Felicia asked.

Peter rolled his eyes, even with Felicia' so-called sudden interest in the female sex, she still made time to be flirty with him, "Yeah, it's about your mission in Klugetown a couple of years back."

"Want to hear more about my daring escapade?" Felicia asked.

"Something like that, I have a mission to do there but Tony wants me to be as discreet as possible about it," Peter said.

"A discreet mission?" Felicia asked, getting eager. "Ooh, can I come?"

"Ask Tony, but I'm pretty sure he just wants it to be me and Luna," Peter said.

"Oh, what a shame, I'd hate to miss out, after all, being sneaky is a specialty of mine," Felicia got in close, smiling seductively. "Really comes in handy when it comes to getting what I want."

Peter took a step back, cautiously eyeing Felicia. "Let's not do this, can you just help me out for a second?"

"Sure, I'll play along," Felicia said, winking at Peter.

"Also, don't do anything that might upset Twilight, she does not need the stress right now, and neither do I," Peter said.

"Oh you worry too much, it's not like I'm into stallions after all," Felicia said in a flirty tone.

"When you say stuff like that, then act the way you do, it's really hard to tell if you're being for real or not," Peter said.

"Oh I'm just teasing, you always were so susceptible to that," Felicia said. "Now, what did you want to ask me?"

Things went slow the rest of the day, aside from the rumblings in Manehattan, many ponies still shaken up over the battle at Stark Industries. Martin stood in his office, staring out the window as he saw Suri yelling at the trio of Daredevil, Elektra and Night Thrasher, all of whom wanted to question Martin.

"I told you that my partner had nothing to do with what happened to Tony Stark's building!" Suri argued.

"Ma'am, we understand that this is a frustrating situation for you, but we do have reason to believe this friend of yours could be connected to the gang that is threatening the ponies of this city," Daredevil said.

"I bet Rarity put you up to this, probably convinced Spider-Mane to send his hero buddies to destroy what I am trying to build," Suri said.

"We're running out of patience, move by choice or be moved by force!" Elektra warned.

"Touch me and I'll make you regret it!" Suri warned.

"Elektra, let me," Daredevil said, moving his partner aside. "Miss Polomare, you have to move aside and let us see your partner."

"The sooner you cooperate, the sooner we'll leave," Night Thrasher reassured.

"Assuming we don't bust your partner first," Elektra warned.

Suri groaned in annoyance, "Fine, but after today, I don't want to see any of you near my business, otherwise I will take it up straight with Tony Stark himself!"

Elektra looked infuriated; this mare certainly had a lot of nerve. "Just step aside."

Martin awaited their arrival, knowing he would have to try and explain things to them in a way that diverts their suspicion. Fortunately, Suri seems to know a couple of good lawyers.

A day had passed, it was time for Twilight to go home with Benjy, and what a welcome home it was. Pinkie had gathered a bunch of Twilight's friends for a little birthday party for the newborn baby colt.

Pinkie was there of course along with Deadpool, Lil Cheese, Elanor and the Cake Twins, the latter going to play with Mayday, or rather watch her work while they mostly played with Franklin. The boy had come once again with his mother and Derpy, this time the two mares bringing gifts for Twilight and her son. Dinky was there too, accompanying Derpy, and hoping to see her friends.

Of course, at the party were the other residents of the home, those being Trixie, Aunt May, Spike, Janet, Hope, and occasionally Starlight. Scott Lang had gone by as well, hoping to chat with some friends there. Firestar also stopped by for a moment, seeing the baby quickly and leaving to resume her patrol.

Fluttershy had come over with Logan, Lightning Dust and Rina, Applejack had come over with Remy, Oliver, Rebecca, Big Macintosh, Cheerilee, Little Macintosh and Apple Bloom, Rarity had come over with Bobby, their daughter Snow Gem as well as Sweetie Belle. Even the family of Lyra and Bon Bon had made it to see Benjy.

The only ones late were Johnny and Rainbow Dash, the two still busy at the Academy, though Scootaloo stopped by with Firefly. There was hope that they would be able to stop by whenever they could, for now everyone just enjoyed themselves as they took turns seeing Benjy.

"What a dear," Rarity said as she came outside the room with Bobby and their daughter. "He looks so much like his father, but I dare say he has his mother's eyes."

"He's gonna grow up to be one attractive guy, I can already see the girls surrounding him," Bobby said. "I just gotta help him be less dense than Peter."

"Oh Bobby, you're such a card," Rarity said. "Alright, who's next!?"

"That's us," Applejack said, turning to Remy. "Get the kids."

"Sure thing," Remy said, leading his family to Benjy's room, passing by Scott as he chatted with Janet and Spike.

"So Hank never said anything about wanting the suit back, did he?"

"No, not a thing," Janet said. "Though should it even matter? You're not signed up with Tony's Accords, so you can't be Ant Man anyway."

Remy stopped a moment as he glanced at Scott's direction, the hero continuing the conversation, "Seems kind of silly, I mean what if there's an emergency? You can't expect a hero to sit back and do nothing while things go bad, can you?"

"He's got a point, I doubt any law in the world would stop anyone from helping if they had the power too," Spike said.

"Yeah I guess that's true, still, you don't want to risk getting in trouble with Equestrian Law," Janet said.

"Not the first time I've been in trouble with the law," Scott joked. "Still, I'd like to hold onto the suit, just in case."

"As long as you're careful," Janet said. "I doubt Hank wants the suit back anyway, so you're good."

As Remy continued to listen, Applejack eventually got his attention, "Remy?"

This snapped the card using mutant out of it, focusing back on Applejack, "Right sorry."

Applejack could tell Remy had something on his mind, and given what she briefly overheard, she had an idea, "Still unhappy about what happened a couple of days ago?"

"A little, I admit what I did wasn't the smartest thing but, it goes beyond Flim and Flam," Remy said.

"Hey if yer worried, you and I can go to Canterlot and talk this over with Princess Celestia," Applejack said. "Let her know what yer worried about and see if we can reach an agreement."

"That don't sound too bad, but I'm gonna give it a bit longer and see where things go from there," Remy said. "After what happened last night, maybe Tony Stark's mindset will improve."

Not too long later, there was a knock on the door, Peter answering it to reveal his former critic, "Hey Thunderlane."

"Sup Peter, I brought some friends and family," Thunderlane said, gesturing to Felicity, Flitter, Cloudchaser, Quibble, Clear Skies and Wind Sprint.

"Congrats on the new baby! I bet he's cute!" Flitter said.

"Not to brag but, he is," Peter said. "Takes after his old man."

"Can't wait to see him," Rumble said, trotting inside with Wind Sprint. "He's going to love his big brother Rumble."

"Hope he likes me too," Wind Sprint said.

"What's not to like about you?" Rumble asked, looking around and spotting the rest of his friends. "Hey Crusaders! We're here!"

Peter focused his attention back to Thunderlane and co, "Well come on inside."

As they stepped in, Cloudchaser took a moment briefly update Peter, "Hey Johnny and Rainbow Dash will be here too, they might bring their apprentices if you don't mind."

"The more the merrier, as long as the house doesn't get too crowded, but it is a lot roomier than it looks on the outside," Peter said.

"No doubt about that," Flitter said as everypony stepped in.

Mayday found herself the subject of attention from a couple of ponies, given her status as an older sister now, something that hasn't fully dawned on Mayday yet.

"Big sister Mayday," Logan said, taking his turn to get her attention. "How's it going kid?"

"It's going well Uncle Logan," Mayday said. "Lot of ponies here today to see my little brother."

"Yeah, big day," Logan said, kneeling beside Mayday. "I know a lot of the others already brought this up to you today, but this is a big deal. Yer an older sister now, and that title comes with responsibility."

"Responsibility?" Mayday asked.

"As the older sibling, that means yer gonna have to set a good example fer the younger sibling, and help out yer parents if you can," Logan said.

"Oh yeah, of course," Mayday said. "I'm always willing to help my parents. Plus Benjy is my little brother, and from I've seen with Auntie Applejack, Auntie Rarity and Auntie Rainbow Dash, being an older sibling is a huge deal. Luckily I have experience being a younger sister, thanks to Rumble, who has experience being a younger brother. So I think I got this in the bag."

"Franklin's an older brother too," Logan said, gesturing to the boy, who was talking with the Crusaders team. "I haven't seen his little sister much, though I heard she's quite the prodigy, despite her young age."

"Franklin doesn't really like talking about his sister much, I'm not sure why though," Mayday said. "But I won't let that be a problem for me and Benjy."

"Just do yer best," Logan said, ruffling her mane. "Yer a great kid Mayday, I know yer gonna make an amazing older sister."

"Thanks Uncle Logan," Mayday said.

"Hey May!" Rumble called.

"Rumble wants me, see you later Uncle Logan," Mayday said, flying toward Rumble.

Logan looked happy for Mayday, and all the Parker-Sparkle family for that matter. He was glad that Peter at least would have the love of his children and would not have to deal with what he had gone through with some of his own kids.

The door rang again, Peter opened it to reveal Sandbar and his six friends, the leader pony greeting the new father with a wave, "Hey Peter, congrats on you and Professor Sparkle having that new baby."

"Thanks Sandbar, come in and enjoy yourselves," Peter said, allowing the seven into his home. "Are Nightcrawler and Jubilee here?"

"They'll be by later, they're working on some curriculum stuff," Sandbar said.

"How much longer will Professor Sparkle be away?" Silverstream asked.

"Knowing her, probably a week, at most," Peter said. "Twilight lets almost nothing slow her down when it comes to work. But Starlight's been a good sub at least."

"Oh yes, she's very helpful," Ocellus said. "So where is your baby?"

"In his room, but everyone's taking turns to see him, we try not to let more than three at a time go into the room to not overwhelm him, except on some occasions," Peter said. "Remy just went in with Applejack and his two kids."

"That makes sense, we can wait our turn then, we'd like to see Professor Sparkle," Sandbar said.

"She's over there," Peter said, gesturing to Twilight conversing with Thunderlane.

"Is that Rumble's older brother?" Smolder said, looking around, "Does that mean?"

Of course she eventually spotted Rumble, the boy and his friends were conversing with Mayday and Franklin. Smolder was not pleased to see any of them.

"Hey I know you're not exactly friends, but I gave Rumble a nice talking to, and he agreed to lighten up around the lot of you," Peter said. "Or rather, he gave me the impression he would try."

"It's fine, we don't even have to go see Rumble yet if you don't want to," Sandbar said. "Let's just go see Professor Sparkle and-"

"Rumble!" Cozy Glow called, immediately flying toward the boy and giving the boy a nice hug.

"Cozy Glow? Didn't expect to see you here," Rumble said as the filly released her grip.

"I came with Sandy and the others so we could see the new baby," Cozy Glow said.

"Sandy?" Rumble looked aside and spotted the Student Six, "Oh, they're here too now?"

"Rumble be nice," Apple Bloom warned, then waved to the Student Six. "Howdy!"

"Hey Apple Bloom," Sandbar said, awkwardly walking over with his friends.

"Y'all here to see little Benjy?" Apple Bloom asked. "Mah sister and Remy went in a little bit ago, soon it can be our turn."

"Not everyone at once though, daddy's rules," Mayday said.

"Right, of course, we'll go in by the pairs," Apple Bloom said.

"You and I will be going in, since you know, one day it could be us with our own little bundle of joy," Rumble said.

Cozy Glow glared hard at Apple Bloom, "You are so lucky..."

"Hehe...yeah, I am, aren't I?" Apple Bloom said, sounding almost unsure.

"Guess we should decide how we're going in," Sandbar said.

"Daddy says two or three at a time, four if it's a couple with more than one kid, but since none of you are married, you can just go three at a maximum," Mayday said.

Cozy Glow hugged onto Sandbar's foreleg, "I'll go with Sandy!"

"Uh, sure Cozy, I don't mind going in with you," Sandbar said.

Cozy then immediately latched onto Ocellus, "Can Celly come too?"

"Sure, it can be the three of us if you want," Sandbar said.

"Pfft, Sandy and Celly," Dinky said, finding humor in the nicknames.

"Dinky..." Apple Bloom scolded.

"It's fine, I like the nickname," Sandbar said. "It signifies how close we are."

"Exactly," Cozy Glow said, holding both Sandbar and Ocellus close to her. "The three of us are the best of friends."

"Hey, don't forget us!" Gallus said.

Cozy Glow turned to Gallus with a scowl on her face, "Golly, I thought you didn't like me, we can't be best friends if you don't like me."

"Oh, right, gee, what was I thinking?" Gallus sarcastically remarked.

Mayday gestured to Gallus, "How does he have friends? He's always in such a bad mood."

"It's easy Mayday, it's because he's a lot nicer than ponies give him credit for," Sandbar said. "Kind of like how Wolverine seems mean but is really nice."

"Oh what, so he's the 'Wolverine' of your group?" Rumble asked.

"Don't start with that, we're each our own pony, or creature," Apple Bloom said. "Gallus is not the Rainbow Dash or Wolverine of Sandbar's ground, he's the Gallus of their group, just like yer the Rumble of ours."

"You're really smart Apple Bloom, we could use a pony like you in our group," Cozy Glow said, then gestured to Smolder and Gallus. "You're way friendly than some creatures I know."

"Why do we let her hang out with us?" Smolder asked, Gallus getting a shrug.

"I don't blame you for wanting her Cozy Glow," Rumble said, placing his hoof around her in a possessive way. "But she's with me, and I wouldn't give up my sweet apple for anything. But, you're more than welcome to join us if you get bored of your friends."

"I could never get bored of Sandy or Celly," Cozy Glow said. "But, joining you is really tempting."

"Why don't you merge groups?" Franklin suggested. "No reason all thirteen of you can't be friends."

"Great idea Franklin, we should all be friends with one another," Apple Bloom suggested.

"Thirteen seems like a lot though," Scootaloo said. "Plus we'd never get along."

"For once I agree with you," Gallus said. "Let's keep it the way it is, you have your six, and we have ours."

"Golly, I didn't know you were incapable of counting Gallus," Cozy Glow sassed.

"Cozy! Enough of that," Sandbar scolded. "And Gallus, I hope that wasn't a jab at Cozy."

"I can't confirm or deny it," Gallus said.

"Dude, you really gotta grow up, I like hanging out with you, but I like Cozy Glow too, you're gonna have to figure out how to co-exist," Sandbar said.

"It does make me a little uncomfortable when you're mean to Cozy Glow," Ocellus admitted, rubbing her mane. "She's really a nice girl and she's just trying to fit in. She's been through a lot, just like a lot of us have."

"Hey we'll lighten up, but she's gotta cool it with her sassy attitude," Smolder said.

"She is a bit snarky," Silverstream admitted.

"Look, figure this out later, we're not here to fight with each other, we're just here to see Benjy," Sandbar said. "Kurt and Jubilee are gonna be here soon, they don't need to know we've been arguing."

"Who's next!" Came Applejack's voice as she walked out the room with Remy.

"That would be us!" Cheerilee said, then turned to her husband and son. "Let's go boys." The two followed the schoolteacher into the room where they got to see Benjy.

"We should go next Apple Bloom," Rumble said.

"Uh, sure," Apple Bloom said. "That'd be great."

"Me, Sandy and Celly can go after you two," Cozy Glow said.

"I'll go with Sweetie Belle then right after," Scootaloo said.

"And I'll go with Dinky," Wind Sprint said.

"Smolder, you and I should go as well," Gallus said.

"That leave me and Silverstream," Yona said.

"See, harmony," Franklin said. "You all can be the best of friends."

"Franklin, stop being weird," Mayday said. "You sound like my mom."

"Mayday, be friendly when talking to Franklin," Apple Bloom scolded.

"It's fine, at least she's being honest with me," Franklin said.

"Did you already see the baby Frankie?” Scootaloo asked.

"I went with my mom earlier, so I got to see him," Franklin said. "I was even telling Mayday earlier that I hope he doesn't end up being like my sister."

"What's wrong with your sister?" Sandbar asked.

"She's really bratty, and I swear she's in communication with Doctor Doom," Franklin said. "I saw a letter she was writing; it was addressed to Latveria."

"Who's Doctor Doom?" Sandbar asked.

"My family's arch nemesis," Franklin said.

"Franklin, that's silly, yer sister is really young, no way a little girl like that would have contact with a villain," Apple Bloom said. "Aint' that right everyone?"

"Kind of agree with Apple Bloom on that one," Scootaloo said.

"Same here, kind of out there," Sandbar said, then turned to the little Pegasus beside him. "Right Cozy Glow?"

"Right...sure...really silly," Cozy Glow replied, trying to calm her nerves.

"Maybe I am overreacting, but I just know my sister is up to something," Franklin said.

"It's probably nothing dude," Sandbar said.

"I hope it's nothing," Franklin said.

Cozy Glow seemed curious by this whole thing, and who Doctor Doom was. She would have to ask Discord when she got the chance to, of course if he does have quest plans for her, then that would be her moment.

"Hey Mayday..." Came the voice of an oncoming Pound Cake. "Ever wonder what our baby would look like?" Mayday rolled her eyes and trotted away, leaving Pound confused. "Was it something I said?"

Later on Rainbow Dash and Johnny finally arrived, joined by their recruits Pickle and Barley Barrel.
"Peter! We made it!" Johnny called.

"Hey Johnny, Dashie, glad you could come," Peter said, taking note of the extra ponies. "These the recruits?"

"Yeah, meet the Barrel Twins, Pickle and Barley," Johnny introduced.

"Hi Spider-Mane," both greeted.

"Hey, nice to see ya," Peter said. These two kids looked to be about the same age as The Cutie Mark Crusaders, Peter amazed at them becoming Wonderbolts at their age. Seems to show their talent.

"These two are our best recruits since Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail," Rainbow Dash said. "They're incredibly talented."

"That's awesome, you kids must be so proud," Peter said.

"Sure are Mr. Spider-Mane, sir," Pickle said.

"Call me Peter, sir sounds weird," Peter said.

"Hey Peter, can we see your son?" Barley asked.

"Sure, um but other guests are kind of in line right now," Peter said, looking to see who was left. "I'll get back to you on that, I gotta ask around."

"We'll be patient," Johnny said.

"By the way Rainbow Dash, how are you physically feeling?" Peter asked.

"I'm fine, better than before, just a bump to the head," Rainbow Dash said. "We're sorry we couldn't stop Mr. Negative."

"Last we heard, Daredevil and his team confronted that pony you thought was Martin Li, but he denied involvement, and there isn't a lot of evidence suggesting he and Negative are one in the same," Johnny said. "But we both know that when it involves Daredevil, the great Lawyer Matt Murdoch will save the day."

"Yeah, I trust Matt to handle it, but I'll try to do what I can myself," Peter said.

"Just be careful out there, you screw up and you earn the wrath of Tony Stark, the Princesses and Spitfire," Johnny said. This caught not only Remy's attention, but Scott, both were pretty close by and could hear the flame hero.

"Hey they'll reinstate you soon, hopefully," Peter said.

"I hope so too," Johnny said, gesturing to his company. "Let's head inside."

As Peter was about to close the door, he heard a voice calling out to him, "Hey! Are you-Spider-Mane!?"

"Huh?" Peter turned to see a Kirin. "Uh, yeah, that's me."

"Hi, I'm Autumn Blaze, I'm a Kirin representative, I'm here to see if Equestria is worth working with on the Accords," the kirin said.

"Oh, well, hi, I'm Spider-Mane as you know, but you can call me Peter," the hero said.

"That's neat! Say are you throwing a party or something!?" Autumn Blaze asked. Peter could tell she was very excitable.

"Yeah, I am, my son was born yesterday so we're celebrating," Peter said.

"Your son!? Aw, I bet he's cute! Mind if I join the party?" Autumn Blaze asked.

"Sure, sounds great," Peter said. "Come on in."

"Oh you are so nice! I can't wait to tell our leader Rain Shine now nice you are!" Autumn Blaze said, heading inside, not waiting too long before seeing Benjy herself. Just another reason she enjoyed her visit today.

The festivities didn't end there, for later came some of the last few guests. Upon hearing a door knocking, Peter answered to see Tony Stark, Princess Luna, Spitfire and the Village Four.

"Hey Peter! Second time father, congrats!" Tony greeted.

"Hi Tony, glad you could come," Peter said. "You too Luna, and the rest of you."

"Where is Benjy? I wish to greet him," Luna asked.

"He's in his bedroom, I don't think anyone's seeing him right now so you can just go ahead and say hello," Peter said.

"I will do just that," Luna said, trotting over to where Benjy was.

"She was eager to see Benjy all day," Tony said. "So are our four friends here."

"Bucky wishes he could make it, but he Cap and Falcon had to go back to Earth to deal with a situation," Sugar Belle said.

"That Zemo guy was causing trouble, so Bucky, Steve and Sam went to go stop him," Tony said.

"Is it anything concerning?" Peter asked.

"Oh no, we're good, completely unrelated to Equestria," Tony said.

"Well anyway it's fine, I mean I know Twilight wishes Shining Armor, Cadance and Flurry could be here," Peter said. "But Twilight's planning to take Benjy there soon, I'd go but it seems like there's a lot for me to do right now, what with the Manehattan situation and this planned trip to Klugetown."

"Did you talk to Felicia?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, but she wants in," Peter said.

"Oh well tough shit, it's just gonna be you and Luna, too many ponies are going to jeopardize this mission," Tony said.

"I kind of wanted to go myself," Double Diamond said, the others agreeing.

"Love your enthusiasm, but let's keep things simple for now," Tony said, then turned back to Peter. "I'm gonna need you to head, I would have you do it tomorrow but given that your son was just born, I'll give you three days so you could spend a little time with him."

"Thanks Tony," Peter said. "Is that alright though?"

"I wouldn't let you do this if it wasn't," Tony said. "Now, let's party."

The Village four went inside with Tony, Spitfire staying at the door, "Hey Peter, I've been meaning to ask you. Is Rumble here?"

"Yeah, he should be with his girlfriend," Peter said.

"I thought about offering him a spot in the Wonderbolts," Spitfire said. "Given how well Pickle and Barley have progressed despite their young age and seeing just how talented Rumble was at the Buck Ball game, I think he'd make a great recruit."

"That'd be great, he does want to be an Avenger, being in The Wonderbolts could help him work alongside them," Peter said.

"That's great, I'll go ask him about it now," Spitfire said, trotting inside.

While inside, Night Glider had spotted Big Macintosh chatting with Fluttershy and Logan, the Pegasus alerting Sugar Belle. "Hey, it's that handsome stallion, let's go say 'hello'."

"Way ahead of you," Sugar Belle said, following her friend to greet Big Macintosh.

"You ever wonder if you'll see your other kids again?" Big Macintosh asked.

"It's hard honestly, Daken is a lost cause, gonna take a miracle fer him not to hate me, plus he and Laura won't last in the same room," Logan said. "Then there's Jimmy, he's pretty happy where he is, and I don't want to pull him away."

"You should still see him, you are his father," Fluttershy said.

"I have so many other kids though, and I wasn't around fer a lot of them, bringing them together is gonna be nothing short of a miracle," Logan said.

"Gotta say Fluttershy, you're handling this pretty well," Big Macintosh said. "Knowing about the other kids ah mean."

"Logan's been around for a while, it's understandable he's had other wives," Fluttershy said. "I mean, it is a little weird for me but it's beyond my control. If Logan loves me like I love him, then I can accept this."

"Yer a good wife, it's thanks to you I have a better start, and hopefully Rina doesn't have to go through the same seperation that my other kids went through," Logan said. "Seeing Peter with his son, it just makes me happy that he was able to find love, find a good family to have."

"Peter went through heartbreak too though," Fluttershy reminded.

"Yeah, Gwen Stacy..." Logan remembered that as well, he's never seen Peter so depressed after that night. "Peter did not deserve that trauma. But, in a way, it made him stronger, more determined. He's gotten a second chance with Twilight, and he's made full use of it."

"Peter and Twilight make fer a lovely couple, makes me happy to-" Big Macintosh noticed the two mares. "Oh, howdy."

Logan turned to Sugar Belle and Night Glider, "Oh it's you two, the ones from Starlight's village."

"Hi girls, here to see Benjy?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh yes, I think babies are adorable," Sugar Belle said.

"Sugar Belle and I hope to be moms one day ourselves, we just need to find the right stallion," Night Glider eyed Big Macintosh. "And I say there's a lot to choose from."

"Ponyville has a lot of great single stallions, if y'all are interested," Big Macintosh said.

"I'm certainly interested," Sugar Belle said, bashfully eyeing Big Macintosh. "In fact, I thought that...maybe, you and I...if you're not busy, we could-"

"Sorry I'm late," Cheerilee said, trotting over with some drinks. "I just saw the Cake Twins running around, they seemed to have had too much sugar, so I helped calm them both down."

"Good skills, befitting a mother and a teacher," Fluttershy said.

"Thank you dear," Cheerilee said, then saw Sugar Belle and Night Glider. "Oh, nice to meet you ladies."

"Hi, I'm Night Glider, and this is Sugar Belle," The pegasus introduced.

"I'm Cheerilee, the local schoolteacher," the mare introduced.

"It's really nice to meet you," Sugar Belle said. "So, are you friends with Logan and Fluttershy?"

"Why yes, and I know my husband here is fond of them too, despite earlier troubles," Cheerilee said.

"We only fought once, a long time ago," Logan said. "I let myself get jealous, but it won't happen again."

"Sure won't," Big Macintosh said.

Sugar Belle looked really confused now, "Your...husband?"

"Yes, Big Macintosh is my husband, made it official a few years ago," Cheerilee said. "We even have a son together. He's off playing with his cousins, right over there in fact."

Sugar Belle reluctantly looked over to see the young colt with the two cousins of his, under the watchful gaze of Trixie and Starlight. "How nice..."

"Uh, what was it you ladies wanted to ask me?" Big Macintosh asked.

"Oh...just...if you see a nice...single guy..." Sugar Belle did her best to hold back her disappointment. "Just let me know."

"Same here..." Night Glider said, the two awkwardly walked off.

"Oh, playing matchmaker Big Macintosh?" Cheerilee asked.

"Not quite," Big Macintosh said. "Ah just let them know that Ponyville is a good place to find someone nice to spend your life with."

"They seemed kind of sad," Fluttershy said.

"Something tells me they had their eye on a stallion already, but not an available one" Logan said. "Oh well, plenty of fish in the sea, smart ladies like them will figure that out soon."

Cheerilee tapped on her chin a second, something about Sugar Belle made her think of something, "Oh...that mare, doesn't she look a bit like your mother Big Mac?"

"Huh, ah could see a resemblance," Big Macintosh said.

"Maybe she’s a relative,” Cheerilee said. "She seems really nice; we should invite her back home."

"She is a baker, she could work with us, if Granny's alright with it," Big Macintosh said.

"Oh I love get togethers, you make so many friends," Cheerilee said.

Meanwhile Night Glider was feeling awkward, but she felt worse for Sugar Belle, she was crushing hard the last couple of days, and really hoped to act on it. "I'm gonna get some punch, you want anything?"

"No thanks," Sugar Belle said.

Night Glider stroked her mane, hoping to soothe her, "Hey, this stuff happens. It'll be fine."

"I know, I just...really thought I had a chance, if I couldn't be an Avenger, I could at least settle down, but that's not gonna happen," Sugar Belle said.

"Hey I know training's hard but you can pull it off, the four of us can be an amazing team, just like The Fantastic Four!" Night Glider said.

"Yeah, maybe," Sugar Belle said.

"Hey, I know it's not much, but you're my best friend, and at the very least, I still love you," Night Glider said.

Sugar Belle pulled her friend into a strong hug, "That meant plenty, thank you."

"No problem," Night Glider said, returning the hug.

The party continued a little bit longer, both Jubilee and Kurt finally making it and seeing Benjy for themselves. The sight of the boy did stir things in others, Rumble's desires to be closer to Peter's family, Sandbar seeing just what the love of two ponies can produce, Sugar Belle's desire to settle down, Luna's determination toward being a good aunt figure to Peter's kids and Tony's resolve to keep the Accords strong, to make sure kids like Benjy had a future.

Interesting things developed over the next few days, while Daredevil continued to find any type of proof of Mr. Negative's identity, Tony had deployed more heroes across Equestria. Tigra had been assigned to Baltimare, She-Hulk would patrol the recently allied Griffonstone, and the duo of Sky Stinger and Vapor Trails were officially assigned to protect Fillydelphia.

The Barrel Twins' training was going along great as well, there were hopes the two could go on active patrol soon, despite some concern regarding their ages. Skilled or not, they were still teenagers, in the end, it may fall on Spitfire and what she wants to do.

Rumble had plans of his own one day, the boy flew over to Sweet Apple Acres, knocking on Apple Bloom's window.

"Rumble?" Apple Bloom asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Hey, just came to see you, I missed you a lot after all," Rumble said, shifting his eyebrows.

"You just saw me yesterday," Apple Bloom said.

"That's way too long for me, you mean everything to me Apple Bloom," Rumble said, stroking her cheek. "After all, you are my girlfriend, and I love you very much."

"That's sweet of-hey!" Apple Bloom backed away when Rumble flew into the room, looking her in the eyes.

"Seeing Peter's baby makes me think of the love he has for Twilight, it reminds me of how I feel about you, and it got me thinking...are you ready to do, you know, that with me?" Rumble asked.

"You mean...that thing couples do in bed?" Apple Bloom asked, blushing a bit. "Gee, ah don't know if ah am..."

"We've been dating a few years, we've made out a lot, we've done a lot for each other, but I want more from us," Rumble said. "I...I want you be my first time, and I want to be your first time."

"I...well..." Apple Bloom wasn't sure what to think, it didn't help that her body started feeling weird, like she instinctively wanted this. She then found herself placed in a kiss by Rumble, the boy charming the girl with his affection.

Pulling away the boy continuously stroked her mane, "I want to make you happy, what do you say?"

Apple Bloom thought a second, then made a choice that would be quite impactful on her, "Let's do it."

Curious things did happen in the other worlds in these days however, starting with Loki, the God of Mischief having a very curious encounter out in space. His station had come across one belonging to the Mad Titan Thanos, the God finding himself in an abrupt meeting.

Loki stood before Thanos, who was sitting on his Throne surrounded by members of the Black Order, those being Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive on opposite sides of his throne, Cull Obsidian behind on the right hand side, and Ebony Maw closer to the visiting guests.

Loki bowed before Thanos, encouraging Mystique, Storm King, Tempest and Sephiroth to do the same. Mystique knew better than to cross Thanos, and while Storm King didn't like bowing to another, he figure that maybe it would not be a good idea to cross Thanos while Tempest just went along with things. Sephiroth however, refused at first to bow before the Mad Titan.

"Why is that one not bowing before the mighty Thanos?" Ebony Maw asked.

"Oh, he's just a little shy," Loki insisted, then turned to Sephiroth. "You may bow at any moment."

Sephiroth still seemed reluctant, he did not care who Thanos was, he would not bow to just about anyone.

"Is your hearing deficient? You were told, to bow!" Using his telekinesis, Ebony Maw forced Sephiroth to bow, the former Shinra solider resisting the urge to retaliate. "Much better."

Loki was grateful that was resolved soon, "It is so great to see you again Lord Thanos, it has been much too long."

"Not long enough," Thanos said. "Have you located the other Infinity Stones?"

"No sir, I have been quite sidetracked lately," Loki said. "What with my brother, some alternate realms, the impending Ragnarök..." Suddenly Loki was lifted over by Ebony Maw, Thanos glaring a hole through Loki.

"I am not interested in your personal problems, you were given a task and I expect it complete," Thanos said. "I did not lend you my army just so you can play games."

"Yes sir, of course," Loki insisted. "I shall have them for you, just let me finish up my business in Asgard, I mean you wouldn't want to worry about Thor, would you?"

"Do I look like I am worried about your pitiful brother?" Thanos said. "Get busy!"

Ebony Maw flung Loki away, the God caught by Sephiroth with one hand. "Thanks for that."

"By the way," Thanos gestured to the guests. "Who are they?"

"Well, this here is Mystique, you might know her from our realm's Earth," Loki said. "Those two, are Storm King and Tempest Shadow, they come from another realm."

"You're a king?" Thanos asked to the male visitor.

"Uh, yeah, I even got a crown," Storm King said, gesturing to the crown. "I'm also super powerful, like, I can totally lead an Invasion, I even have some henchmen back on our ship. I went toe-to-toe with Spider-Mane!"

"Spider-what?" Thanos asked.

"He means Spider-Man, from our realm," Loki said. "In another realm he is...Spider-Mane."

"So he's still alive?" Thanos asked. "He seems to have slipped my sights on occasion; I still have unresolved issues with that boy."

"And if you let me do what I must, I can bring him to you," Loki said.

Thanos gestured to Sephiroth, "Who is he then?"

"This is Sephiroth of Square, powerful warrior, their world's Super Solider, just like Captain America," Loki said.

"Just as defiant too," Thanos said.

"I see no one as my Ruler," Sephiroth said.

"Oh forgive him, things are just different where he's from," Loki said, quickly making his way to Sephiroth. "Please, I implore that you tolerate Thanos a bit longer."

Sephiroth turned away in annoyance, Thanos rubbing his chin in curiosity, "He is quite defiant, but given the power that I sense from him, I suppose it's no surprise."

"Well if that's all, we should be leaving," Loki said. "If that's alright with you sir."

"Very well, do what you must, but I will be checking on you Loki," Thanos warned.

"Yes sir, of course sir," Loki said, turning away to hide his look of disgust as he left with his allies.

"So many surprises, the multiverse sure is grand," Thanos said. "Let us resume our own work."

"Of course sir," Ebony Maw said. "Resume course to Planet Hala."

Meanwhile Loki had returned to his ship, bitterly muttering to himself, "Oversized King, he shall rue the day he treated me like some commoner."

"He doesn't even respect another King, also where's his crown!? Some ruler," Storm King said.

"Thanos is incredibly powerful, it is always better to mind your step around him," Mystique said. "Let us be grateful that Akuma was not on board with us, he likely would have gotten us all killed."

"Loki, is Thanos someone we should be worried about in regard to our plan?" Sephiroth asked.

"For now, no, he has a lot to worry about himself," Loki said.

"Do you think he'll come to Equestria?" Tempest asked.

"I cannot say for sure," Loki said. "Look, Thanos will be off our backs for a bit, hopefully he'll find further distractions once his actions earn the attention of either The Nova Force or The Guardians of the Galaxy, for now let us do what we need to do. Once we conquer Asgard and drive away Ragnarök, we can return to Equestria and conquer that world as well, all their magic will be ours."

"Sounds good to me, and then Seph here can take his planet's life stream or something," Storm King said.

"What is your goal exactly Sephiroth?" Tempest asked.

"To become a God, by traveling the Universe with Earth as my vessle, giving me an infinite supply of power from Mako energy alone," Sephiroth said. "Just as my mother intended to do herself."

"You sound like a mama's boy now," Storm King joked, then found the edge of Sephiroth's sword against his neck. "Not that it's a bad thing!"

"Let us just resume our business," Sephiroth said, placing his sword away. "I have my own plans, plus I am curious how my good friend Cloud is doing.”

"And I am curious about my dear brother Thor," Loki sinisterly stated. "I shall pay him a visit soon."

Elsewhere in the world of SNK, Sunset Shimmer was taking a selfie with top fight Terry Bogard, the girl having made several friends in this world that she's grateful for.

"Thanks Terry," Sunset said, looking at the picture. "It came out amazing!"

"No prob, happy to have met you," Terry said, giving a thumbs up.

"She really appreciates this opportunity," Ryu said, getting Terry's attention. "As do I."

"We all did, everyone seems to like her, including Andy and Joe," Terry said.

"Portal's ready!" Chun-Li called.

"Where you off to next?" Terry asked.

"To show Sunset the King of The Iron Fist tournament," Ryu explained.

"Awesome, have fun!" Terry said, offering a thumbs up.

As Sunset approached the portal, she turned back to Terry once more, "Keep getting stronger Terry!"

"Okay!" Terry said, waving with his hat. "Bye Sunset!"

Sunset followed the Capcom group into the Namco world, everyone taking a quick look around to see where they were.

"Rock, did you set the coordinates right?" Chun-Li asked, seeing that they were at the edge of a small town.

"I think so, let me check," Mega Man said.

Everyone waited around, waiting for the situation to be resolved, but Sunset got curious, so she started wandering off, taking in the sights of this new world.

"At first glance, most of the Earths seem to be the same, but there's always at least once difference," Sunset said. "Something unique to this world, something..." As she walked, she came across a native, he seemed to be dressed in a really nice suit with slick back hair leaning against a wall. "Oh, maybe this guy can help with our situation, excuse me?"

The man turned to Sunset, left eye immediately began glowing, much to her concern, "What do you want?"

Sunset leapt back in worry, "Sorry, I just wanted to know if...I mean...me and my friends, we're kind of lost and..." the man's glare did not help Sunset's worries, something about it was very ominous too. "What I'm saying is-"

"Sunset!" Ryu said, running over to the girl. "We need to..."

"Ryu..." the man said, glaring at the martial artist.

"Kazuya..." Ryu replied.

"Wait, Kazuya?" Sunset asked, trying to think. "You mentioned that name before."

"Know about me huh?" Kazuya asked, getting off the wall and walking closer to Sunset, though Ryu blocked their path. "Don't trust me huh? I don't blame you."

"You'd be smart to stay back Kazuya, don't do anything you'll regret," Ryu warned.

"That sounds like a challenge," Kazuya taunted.

"Ryu! Sunset!" Ken called, running over to the encounter.

"You brought Ken Masters too, is it a Capcom field trip?" Kazuya asked.

"We're just showing a friend of mine around," Ryu said. "What are you even doing here?"

"There's a few fights nearby, gonna warm up before I find that useless son of mine and my equally useless father," Kazuya said. "Feel free to join in, if you want to experience pain."

With that, Kazuya walked off, laughing to himself as Ryu glared a hole through his rival, "We'll see about that."

Sunset turned her attention to Ken, "So, is he the son of that Heihachi guy that Ryu mentioned?"

"Yeah, that's Kazuya Mishima, one bad guy," Ken said. "You've actually met his son Jin once though; he was a guest at the Marvel vs Capcom Tournament a few years ago."

"Yeah, I remember Jin," Sunset said.

"We should go, Mega Man has picked the location up," Ryu said, leading both friends back to the group.

Cloud was the first to notice their arrival, waving to them, "I see them, here they come."

"Sorry! I wandered off," Sunset said, bowing in respect the moment she got close enough.

"It's fine, you're just curious, but try to stay close, these worlds are not always safe," Chun-Li said.

"I sure learned that the hard way, I ran into Kazuya Mishima," Sunset said, this startling the others.

"Wait, Kazuya's here!?" Chun-Li asked.

"He said there's a few fights nearby, probably what Rock detected," Ryu explained.

"Not even five minutes in this world and we already ran into potential trouble," Cloud said. "Probably what Sora feels when he travels."

"Just stay close everyone, watch out for G Corporation, and the Mishima Zaibatsu," Chun-Li said, everyone agreeing with those terms.

"I'm sorry if I caused any trouble," Sunset said.

"You didn't do anything wrong, don't worry," Cloud said.

"Cloud's right, no harm done," Ryu said. "Let's get going."

A new world to explore, filled with the chance to make new friends, or new enemies. Unbeknownst to them, Kazuya had stuck around, quickly flying to a nearby roof to keep an eye on all of them.

"That girl, she seems unusual... I wonder if she's from that world I heard about from Juri Han and Albert Wesker?" Kazuya wondered. "Next meeting should be an interesting one."

By the end of the week in Equestria, Peter had gone to Canterlot to embark on his trip to Klugetown, meeting Luna at the train station with Tony, Steve, Celestia and Spitfire by her side.

"Alright Peter, this shouldn't take long, make your way to Klugetown, get the information you need, then vamoose," Tony said.

"Try to avoid unneeded conflict if possible," Celestia said.

"If you have to, bail out the moment things really get bad," Spitfire said.

"We will," Peter reassured, then turned to his partner. "Ready Luna?"

Luna nodded, "Yes, I am."

The two boarded the train that would take them as close as they could to Klugetown, from there stop they would have to walk. Unbeknownst to them, they were going to have a little extra assistance in the form of a sneaky little cat.

As the train took off, Celestia still could not help but worry, "Is this the best idea?"

"It'll be fine Princess," Tony reassured. "Peter and Luna are very capable of doing what needs to be done."

In time the train reached its destination, and after a quick stroll through a dessert, or quick as a hero with decent stamina and a magical alicorn could make it, the two finally arrived in Klugetown.

"Hey, couldn't you have teleported us?" Peter asked, wiping some sweat.

"Couldn't you have swung us?" Luna replied.

"With what building? I swear it feels like people think I swing from the clouds or something," Peter said.

"Let's focus," Luna said, covering them both up with their disguise cloaks. "So according to Black Cat, there is a pier at the other end of town, if we try not to draw too much attention, we should be fine. Apparently these folks are quick to sell you useless items."

"So is this a town or the perfume department at the mall?" Peter joked, getting an annoyed glare from Luna. "I can see you smiling at the corner of your mouth."

"Oh shut up," Luna said, turning away in annoyance, and to hide her smile. "What else did Felicia say?"

"To look for a guy named Capper, she said he's a large cat," Peter said.

"You mean an Abyssinian? What could one be doing in a town like this?" Luna asked.

"Beats me, let's just hurry," Peter said, quickly making his way through town with Luna, unaware of the fact that they were being followed.

The two strolled through town, staying close to the shade, and hoping no one there spotted them. Luna felt a bit disgusted at the way the town looked, "Such a mess, this place could use some better direction."

"I'll say," Peter said, taking note of the residents. "Feels like we're in some dirty aquarium."

Suddenly a vendor began pushing one of his products to them, "Care to buy?"

"Out of my way," Luna said, trying to hide her face.

"Sorry dude, on a budget, I'm saving for Ballet School," Peter joked, quickly stepping aside.

"Get your fresh scraps here! High quality stuff from Equestrian Cruise Zeppelins!" a guy shouted.

"Hey I've been on one of those with Twilight and her family, it was pretty neat," Peter said. "Velvet had so much fun, Mayday and Flurry actually played together for more than five minutes, Shining Armor kept vomiting, that one stallion was too much of a Twilight fanboy but he was pretty nice despite that, the head Minotaur though was way too greedy, and Fluttershy insists he's such a nice guy, I mean I get she sees the good in others but-"

"Peter, I know about your cruise, you tried getting me a ticket remember?" Luna said.

"Oh right, they were completely sold out, plus Velvet did get them for free, only because Iron Will wanted me and Twilight there to make more money for himself," Peter said. "I still had fun though."

"That's nice, but focus, I'm actually more concerned that he got scraps, I mean they could be fake, but he also could have stolen them," Luna said.

"Good point, wish we could look into that, but we don't have jurisdiction, besides even if we knew who to go to, we don't know that that someone could help," Peter said.

"We must find a way to clean up this town," Peter said.

"Fully on board there," Peter said, the two continuing their mission. Peter kept an eye out for an Abyssinian, but came across no luck, the boy losing his patience a bit. "Where is this Capper guy?"

"He's right over there," Came Felicia's voice, gesturing near a kiosk where Capper was trying to swindle away someone's customer.

"Oh thanks Feli...wait a minute!" Peter turned to face the cat-based thief who herself was fully disguised. "What in the world are you doing here!?"

"I came by to see if I could lend a hand, or a hoof..." Felicia thought it over. "Maybe a claw."

"Felicia, how..when...why!?" Peter couldn't think of what to ask first.

"Well the how is that snuck on board the train, the when is earlier on in the day, the why is because I care about you and I don't want anything bad happening to that handsome face of yours," Felicia said.

"Didn't you break up with your daughter's father because of your so-called newfound interest in mares?" Luna asked.

"I can still find Peter handsome, can't I?" Felicia said. "Also, what's with everyone bringing up my sexuality, there's more to me than that after all."

"Not diving into that cesspool," Peter muttered, then spoke out loud. "But still, are you even allowed to be here?"

"I may have taken a bit of initiative," Felicia admitted.

"That is a violation of the Accords!" Luna said. "If Tony Stark finds out about this-"

"First off, I work for your sister, not Tony Stark, the only reason I'm assigned to Ponyville is through Celestia rather than your silly Accords," Felicia said. "Second, you two need me, I know this town pretty well."

"But Tony didn't want you coming here," Peter said.

"That's his problem, now do you want this situation dealt with or not?" Felicia asked.

Peter knew his hooves were tied here, the best thing was to go along with it, "Alright fine."

"That's my good boy," Felicia said, patting Peter on the head.

"Please don't treat me like a dog," Peter said.

"Sorry, you did use to chase after me like one," Felicia said, trotting off.

"That girl is so infuriating," Luna commented, following Felicia.

Back with Capper, the large cat was seen walking away from an angry vendor, "Gee, you offer an alternative and people lose their minds over it, not my fault if your products ain't as good as the competitor’s."

"Capper!" Felicia called, getting his attention.

"Hey, how's my favorite kitty-cat?" Capper said, hoof-fist bumping the burglar.

"Capper, mind helping with a top-secret assignment?" Felicia asked.

"Whoa now, sticking my neck out for you last time was risky enough, what's the catch here?" Capper asked, Felicia then tossing a bit to him.

"Hey, where'd you get that?" Peter asked.

"Don't worry Peter, it's not dirty money," Felicia said, then turned away. "Not all of it is at least."

Capper bit down on the coin to make sure it wasn't fake, "Hm, seems legit."

"There's more if you just tell us one bit if information," Felicia said. "When is Calaeno's next drop off due?"

"Calaeno, picking around the Storm King's business again? You are one bold cat," Capper said.

"He caused destruction in Canterlot, any chance we have to bring him down is one we're going to take," Luna said.

"Say, who are those two anyway?" Capper asked.

"Oh right, that lady is Princess Luna and the boy here is Spider-Mane," Felicia said.

"Princess Luna? Spider-Mane?" Capper asked. "You brought Equestrian Royalty and a Superhero to these parts?"

"No, they were coming on their own, I followed them here," Felicia explained. "They're the ones who wanted information on the Storm King."

"You are awfully chatty, this is supposed to be a secret mission," Peter said.

"Tell that to Luna, she's the one who gave away your reasoning," Felicia said. "Besides, if you want Capper to trust us, you gotta be a bit honest, like your friend Applejack."

"Yeah, like Applejack...wait who's she?" Capper asked.

"Never mind, so can you tell me?" Felicia asked.

Capper put the coin away, looking around to make sure no one was overhearing, "One hour, some little hedgehog usually picks it up."

"Hedgehog?" Peter remembered Grubber during the Invasion. "Wait, didn't he leave with Loki? Was he sent back?"

"I don't know a Loki, but take what you will of what I told you," Capper said. "Just be careful out there."

"Thanks," Felicia said, tossing a bag of bits. "Don't spend it all in one place."

Capper opened it up, his eyes glowing in excitement, "No promises kitty-cat."

"Good, now get out of here, make a run if things go south," Felicia said.

"Appreciate the tip," Capper said, putting the money in his jacket, "Later."

"He was interesting," Peter said.

"He's a nice guy, he actually let me stay over at his place when I first came here," Felicia said. "Let's go wait for Calaeno."

Meanwhile at the Crystal Empire, while Flurry was attempting to bond with Mayday under the watchful eye of Kamala, Twilight was showing off Benjy to Cadance and Shing Armor.

"Isn't he precious?" Twilight said. "Such a darling little fellow."

"He sure is," Cadance said. "You and Peter must be so proud."

"That goes without saying," Twilight said.

"Well it's great that you have a second child, Cadance and I have considered giving Flurry a chance to be a big sister, but things get so busy at times that I don't know if we have time for another kid," Shining Armor said.

"I know how you feel, I almost wasn't sure myself, I pretty much worked throughout my pregnancy, and I'm planning to go back to the school next week, there's just so much to do and I can't afford to take a vacation right now," Twilight said.

"Don't get too carried away," Cadance said. "If you overwork yourself, you're going to collapse."

"I'll try winding down, but I'm already eager to go on my next journey, and figure out what happened to Starswirl and his Pillars," Twilight said. "Now that I'm not pregnant, it's easier to move around, and I can go to each town the Pillars have visited and see what I can find out. Who knows, maybe they're still around."

"Twilight, they existed eons ago, I doubt they're still around," Shining Armor said.

"Maybe, but I do have my theories," Twilight said. "I have to learn as much as I can about them, it could help Equestria's future."

"Speaking of Equstria's future, I've been meaning to ask," Cadacne said. "What are your thoughts on Tony Stark's Accords?"

"Oh they're great, he, Steve Rogers, Spitfire, Luna and Celestia are working really hard to ensure safety for the future," Twilight said. "I mean, it has a few flaws now but even Tony mentioned he had to rework his suit a lot, mainly since he built it from scraps originally. That man sure is intelligent."

"He is, and I do agree, I think he has the right idea," Cadance said. "Ever since Captain Marvel and her sidekick came here, they have been so vigilant that I don't fear for my citizens. I just would prefer if she were a bit nicer, she can be a bit too intimidating when expecting everyone to follow the law."

"Hey it's fine by me, the more ponies listen, the less trouble we'll have," Shining Armor said. "Besides it's tough love."

"Not wrong there," Cadance said.

"Well I think we can trust her to keep everyone safe," Twilight said, taking note of Kamala acting as a trampoline for the two fillies, Mayday actually smiling and having fun. "Kamala is really nice."

"She's pretty new to being a superhero, apparently she started a couple of years ago, but she's catching on well," Shining Armor said. "She's admitted to thinking that Peter is pretty cool, and he's kind of an inspiration to her. I mean she likes a lot of superheroes, but she relates to Peter."

"I think she has a fine future ahead of her then," Twilight said.

Back in Klugetown, Peter, Luna and Felicia were hiding at the dock inside a boat covered in a tarp. Right as Capper said, Celaeno's ship had docked after an hour, a parrot lady in rags stepping off and delivering some packages to Storm King's right-hand man, Grubber.

"Great work, the boss will be pleased when he gets back," Grubber said. "With these scraps, we're one step closer to building stronger weapons and finally taking over!"

"That's nice, now where's the payment," Celaeno asked, holding out her talon.

"Sure, here's for the shipment," Grubber said, giving her some currency. "And a little extra for a delivery I need you to make."

"Is it more of those silly action figures?" Celaeno asked.

"First off, they're not silly," Grubber said. "Second, no, they're actually explosives. Some guy in Manehattan wanted them, called himself Negative or something."

"Crap..." Peter whispered.

"Negative? As in Martin Li?" Felicia asked. "Wait, does this have to do with what I heard about Manehattan?"

"Sure does, we gotta do something," Peter said.

"Yes, let's hurry," Luna said.

Celeano's guys began loading the explosives, the bird woman got curious, "Where is The Storm King?"

"With a God named Loki, apparently he's so strong he regularly slaps around those heroes from Earth," Grubber said. "I was gonna go with them, but the boss told me to stay put in this world and keep an eye on his operation."

"Those Earth Heroes, I've heard of them, especially Spider-Mane," Celaeno said.

"Oh yeah, I saw him a couple of weeks ago, he's a great fighter," Grubber said. "Tempest whooped him though, almost had it won until some weirdo with pointy hair showed up, then he trashed the city was trying to save with some huge magic beam or something."

"Sounds fun, wish we were there," Celeano said. "Would love to see Spider-Mane up close."

"Ask and you shall receive!" Peter shouted, rushing in and webbing up Grubber. He nearly webbed Celaeno but the parrot woman was quick to dodge out the way.

"Spider-Mane!?" Grubber asked.

"This is interesting," Celaeno said, tossing away her rags, revealing a pirate suit. Donning her hat she whipped out her sword. "A chance to face off against Spider-Mane himself. Didn't expect to see you in some run downtown."

"Life's full of surprises," Peter said.

"Well then, en guarde!" Celaeno began swinging her sword at Peter, the boy dodging and trying to kick, but the woman turned out to be more agile than he expected. He attempted to sweep her legs but she leapt over and swung her sword down, Peter carefully catching it and then kicking her back toward the ship.

"Let's help the Captain!" came the voice of the muscle Boyle. He rushed to attack Peter but Luna appeared and zapped him aside as Felicia jumped in, kicking one of them into another and upper cutting a fourth.

"Princess Luna!? Oh I gotta jet!" Grubber began to run off the best he could but being tied up was not helping much as he jumped toward his nearby ship.

Celano quicky boarded her ship and cast off, making it's way toward the intended destination. "Sorry! You won't be ruining my business today!"

"She's escaping!" Felicia rushed in and leapt onto the ship before it fully left, Peter doing the same.

"Luna, you can take care of those other guys! Felicia and I will find their Captain!" Peter called.

"Of course!" Luna said, focusing on the other pirates. "You're all coming with me!"

Back on the ship, Celaeno found herself surrounded by Peter and Felicia, the woman keeping her sword drawn. "I figured it wouldn't be that easy to get away from you, but now you're on my turf."

"Let's make this quick," Peter said. He quickly lunged toward Celaeno but she side-stepped and kicked a oncoming Felicia toward the deck.

Peter webbed Celaeno's sword away and jumped in for a kick that knocked her near Felicia. The parrot woman quickly stood up and dashed toward a barrel, throwing it in Peter's direction, which Peter caught and carefully placed down.

Celaeno kept tossing a few, though at the last one, she tossed it right at Felicia, nearly knocking her off the ship. Fortunately Peter had caught her, but this did leave him open for Celaeno to tackle him down.

Peter kicked Celaeno off and webbed her talon hand. He kicked her against a wall and got it stuck there, but she pulled away and rolled toward her sword again, aiming at Peter.

"You're quite persistent," Celaeno said, going for another jab, but Peter dodged and flipped her over.

"Just doing my job, keeping people safe," Peter said.

"You're wasting your time," Celano said, leaping up and swining her sword at the hero. "You have no idea what The Storm King is capable of, especially with the connections he has now."

"Why are you working with this guy? What's in it for you?" Peter asked, dodging the attacks.

"Well it sure isn't by choice," Calaeno said, leaping back to plan her next attack. "He just came in one day and overtook my operation. So my choices were to serve him or perish. For the safety of my crew, the answer seemed really clear."

"You seem pretty tough, couldn't you fight back?" Peter asked.

"Don't be stupid!" Celeano said, lunging at Peter. "There's five of us against an army, we would get demolished," Calaeno said. "Not like we could for help, we're pirates after all, who'd risk their necks for us?"

"Hey the Storm King probably made a lot of enemies," Peter said. "You don't have to side with him."

"I'm not taking any chances!" Celaeno said, attacking again. Felicia jumped in to kick Celaeno, knocking her sword away, cutting a string from the sail in the process. "Oh no!"

"Whoops..." Felicia awkwardly stated.

"Oh crap, not good!" Peter said, trying to think of options. "Can you steer the ship!?"

"I'll try!" Celaeno said, the tow having an unofficial truce to fix the problem before it gets worse.

Felicia nearly got flung from the ship, but Peter's quick thinking saved her from falling, unfortunately it looked like the ship was losing control, the wind pattern not helping matters.

"We gotta get of the ship!" Peter said.

"How exactly?" Felicia asked.

Peter quickly turned to Celaeno, "Hey I don't suppose-"

"Sorry!" Celaeno said, using a piece of sail as a makeshift parachute. "I can't stick around."

"Hey wait!" Peter said, too late, the pirate leader was gone. "Crap...Wait, she gave me an idea."

"What idea?" Felicia asked.

Peter latched onto a sail with his web on each corner, tied it all up and grabbed Felicia in his forelegs, "Hold on right."

"Don't gotta tell me twice," Felicia said as Peter parachuted off the ship as it flew off out of control into the distance. "There it goes."

"Does that count as a mission failure?" Peter asked.

"Hey we stopped them from delivering those explosives to Manehattan, plus this probably put a damper in their operations," Felicia said. "I saw we did a pretty good job here."

Unfortunately for them, things were going to get bad. In the city of Las Pegasus, the Flim Flam brothers were discussing their next choice of action.

"I say we open our own school of Friendship, pass it off as free, but charge ponies for all the equipment," Flim said. "They'll be so happy to think they have a free education that they'll gladly pay 'tip bits' for books."

"I like the way you think...oh boy," Flam said, looking into the distance.

"What's wrong?" Flim turned around and saw Celaeno's ship incoming. "Oh boy..."

The ship continued spiraling out of control towards the city, something that was noticed first by Iron Fist. "Luke!"

Luke Cage saw the ship heading down fast, so he quickly began clearing the streets, "Everyone move!"

The ponies quickly moved aside as the ship came down hard, some of the barrels on board explosion and destroying part of the city, leaving all the residents in a panic.

As Luke did his best to try and calm all the ponies, all Iron Fist could wonder was what had happened here and what led to it, "Well, Tony's not gonna like this."

In Tartarus, Discord had continued his own plans during all this chaos. He opened a portal that he showed off to The Dazzlings, Mysterio, Electro, Shocker, "In you go."

"Where does that lead?" Shocker asked.

"Why it leads to the Dragon World, where Goku's from," Discord explained.

"Wait, why are we going there!?" Shocker asked.

"I'd like to know myself," Adagio said.

"I need you to find a man dressed in a black gi and deliver a message for me," Discord said, poofing a letter into Adagio's hands. "I'm sending you as a group so you'd feel safer."

"Wow, how thoughtful," Adagio sarcastically remarked.

"I know..." Discord said, almost oblivious to the sarcasm. "Now go, and hurry. The longer I keep this open, the likelier that Princess Celestia will detect it."

"Let's hustle then," Adagio said, leading her squad through the portal as Discord closed it.

"What are you planning?" Octavius asked, the doctor standing beside Discord.

"My ultimate weapon, even if I never get Doctor Doom, Dormammu or Ultron on our side, I will be pretty content with this," Discord said. "It should be fun."

"Sounds amusing," Octavius said.

"Well while they're doing that, perhaps you can help me with something soon," Discord said. "How familiar are you with a man named Albert Wesker?"

"I know who he is," Octavius said.

"I actually managed to get into contact with him not too long ago, and he may or may not assist our plans in about a year but I need an answer from him soon, and I figured a man of you charisma could help him warm up to my ideas, what do you say?" Discord asked.

"Perhaps, let me hear what you have in mind," Octavius said.

Meanwhile in the Dragon World, Adagio and her team began looking for the man in question that Discord mentioned.

"Is this guy even going to be easy to find?" Shocker asked.

Suddenly a boy with a sword and golden spikey hair had gotten knocked into a building, startling the villains. He pulled away and focused on the person who attacked him. "I won't let you win Black! I'll keep this world safe!"

"Foolish..." came the voice of the man in question. To the surprise of the six nearby villains, this man looked exactly like Goku. "I thought you'd be a bit stronger Trunks, maybe you need to work on your strength a bit more before I am satisfied enough to destroy you."

"Is this some game to you? Lives are in danger! You can't just cause havoc like this on innocent people!" Trunks said.

"You call them innocent? Foolish boy, they brought this on themselves!" Black blasted Trunks again, sending him flying off. "I'll leave him be for now, he's the closest thing I have to worthy competition. Now then," He turned his attention to the six villains. "Is there something you need from me?"

Adagio gulped, feeling just as worried as her team, but she had a mission to complete. "I bring you a message, from Discord."

"Discord?" Black remembered the name, feeling a sense of curiosity. "This should be interesting then."

What many in Equestria hoped would be a bright future was already showing signs of dark clouds, and the biggest troubles are starting within. The destruction of Las Pegasus could only be yet another forewarning to what's to come.

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas!