• Published 30th Mar 2021
  • 1,059 Views, 187 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Civil War - Masterob

An internal battle between The Avengers and The Elements of Harmony threaten Equestria's future.

  • ...

Godly Tensions

A bad situation loomed for Steve and his team. They were faced off with a potential tough battle against Hercules and his squad.

"Steve, what do we do?" Bucky asked.

Cap had to quickly assess his chances here if he wanted any chance of victory, or at least a chance to escape uncaptured. "Five Dragons, that's better than a whole lair at least. Three of them are known for being more muscle than brain, if anything I'm more worried about Dragon Lord Ember and Spike. Ember's quick wits is what allowed her to be Dragon Lord in the first place, and Spike has had intense training for years with these dragons." He scanned the rest of the opposing squad, "Janet's here too, she wouldn't be an Avenger if she wasn't a force to be reckoned with. The real problem is Hercules, I don't think even I can beat him, or anyone on my squad, unless we get lucky."

"Uh...Steve, did you hear me?" Bucky asked.

"He's probably analyzing in his head or something," Sam theorized.

"Hercules...can we talk this out?" Steve asked.

"Hm? You wish to speak?" Hercules asked.

"Talk is weak, let's crush these losers!" Garble said.

"Ember," Hercules said, the dragon knowing what to do.

"Hey, let Hercules handle this, he knows Captain Equestria better than we do," Ember ordered.

"Except me, we're both Avengers after all," Janet said.

"Not the time," Spike reminded.

"You have the floor Captain, speak," Hercules said.

"Thank you," Steve said. "Now, I know you're under orders from Tony to capture us, I know why he wants me captured, but do you know why I am leading this crusade?"

"That is what we all wish to know," Hercules said.

"A long time ago, I believed in Tony Stark when he created the Earth/Equestria Allegiance Accords, I knew he wanted to help in a way that was low cost and danger free," Steve said. "But, in time I grew to realize that was merely a myth. What Tony has done is not protect Equestria, but rather placed it under oppression disguised by good faith. The system is broken, restrictive and honestly, pointless. There is no such thing as danger free, taking too much precaution is just as hazardous as taking little to none at all."

"So, is this why you rebelled?" Ember asked. "I mean, couldn't you have talked this out?"

"I've tried, many times," Steve said. “I did everything I could to handle this with words alone. When these heroes were arrested and about to be placed in Canterlot's dungeon, that's when I knew I had to act. If this continued, who knows what else could have happened? How long before any of you could have been poorly affected by the flaws in Tony's design?"

"You know, he does have a point," Janet said. "Even Peter's been a bit concerned about the way Tony's handling things."

"I wouldn't be surprised, he spent so long trying to get Felicia Hardy out of the Dungeon," Steve said.

"I got sent there over something that was the fault of a pirate bird, Celaeno," Felicia bitterly said.

"But you do understand where I'm coming from, don't you Hercules?" Steve asked.

"I do, Captain, I understand that you are a man who must fulfil his duty," Hercules said. "But I did make a promise to Tony Stark to bring you in. I do not wish to fight you however, if you are willing to surrender, I can help you plead your case to Tony Stark. You certainly have his attention by this point, surely talking things out will work better this time."

"I'd like to believe that Hercules, but I am not quite ready to surrender, not until I see Tony directly," Steve said. "Plus, somehow I doubt that even if you were to back up my claims, it would not work. Your best bet is to firmly stand against Tony Stark."

"Steve, I get what you're saying, but standing against Tony might not be the best idea," Janet said. "I mean, he's still in charge of The Accords, plus he's got Spitfire and Luna by his side."

"What about Celestia? Ever think about where she's been?" Steve said.

"Come to think of it, even Peter wasn't sure," Spike said.

"Tony convinced Celestia to, 'Go on Vacation' while he and Luna handled the country, this shortly after Carol attempted to have her power usurped," Steve explained.

"Huh? Are you sure you have your facts straight on that Steve?" Janet asked. "Carol wouldn't do anything like that."

"I've seen it for myself Janet," Steve said.

"But Carol's not the type of person to exploit power," Janet said. "She's a superhero Steve, beyond that, she's a solider, just like you!"

"One who disgraced her country, and this one," Steve said. "Janet, I know you and Carol are friends, but that means recognizing when she's wrong."

Garble groaned in annoyance, "There's way too much talking, let's get to the fighting already!"

"Oh you wanna go?" Taskmaster shouted, getting his sword and shield ready. "Bring it on!"

"Hold it Taskmaster, this isn't a wise move," Steve said.

"Sounds like he's too chicken to fight us," Garble said. "Ember, we got the advantage here, let's just round up these nobodies and be done with it!"

"Who's he calling a 'nobody'?" Johnny said. "Like really, who the hell is this guy?"

"I'm your worst nightmare," Garble said, stepping forward.

"Garble, don't!" Ember warned, to no avail as Garble flew in, ready to fight.

"Burn!" Garble sent his fire at Team Cap, seemingly covering the area in flame.

"Hey stupid! We're supposed to catch them alive! Not burn them to a crisp!" Janet shouted in annoyance.

Garble turned back to Janet, a look of ego on his face, "I don't take orders from you, pony-human."

"Well you take orders from me!" Ember said. "That was not ok! You can't just rush in and do whatever you want!"

"Whatever, it got the job done," Garble said, looking back to Team Cap. To his surprise, not only were they still standing, but it almost looked like Garble didn't even use his fire. In addition, Johnny was now standing front and center.

"That all you got?" Johnny asked, dusting himself off. "I've felt hotter at a dying campfire."

"Why you!" Garble tried his fire again, point blank at Johnny, the hero just absorbing it like nothing.

"I'd say I'll get a tan, but I'd have better luck with a tiny lantern," Johnny taunted. "Hey keep this up, and you might actually fry an egg."

Garble turned to his friends, "Come help me toast this guy!"

Just as they were about to help, one took a giant punch from Sandman while the other took a massive punch from Bucky, stunning him long enough for Sam to swoop in and kick him to tumble him over.

"Uh..." Garble wasn't sure what to do now, his friends were taken out faster than he could have anticipated.

"You fold mon ami?" Remy taunted.

"I'll fold you!" Garble shouted, about to go for Gambit, but the card user leapt up, throwing a couple of cards in the dragon's face as Applejack ran for a headbutt to Garble's stomach, following up with a buck kick to his face that knocked him over.

"That the best you got?" Taskmaster taunted, stepping toward Ember. "I thought dragons were fierce and mighty, but we took down your biggest guys in seconds!"

"Fierce is not limited to size," Ember said, immediately dashing in and using her trident to whack Taskmaster in the face. She went to attack again but found herself dodging a punch from Bucky.

"Show me what you got!" Bucky went for another punch that Ember evaded and used the end of her trident to whack him in the head. He immediately turned around for an uppercut that she blocked with her trident, losing grip of it immediately.

Falcon flew in to grab her by the shoulders, lifting her up into the air, "I'll give you a first-class flight back to the throne, Your Highness."

"Ember!" Spike flew over and attempted to blast Falcon out the sky, but the Avenger threw Ember up and kicked Spike down before any attack could be made. This is when Johnny flew up and kicked Ember down himself.

"Alright, that is NOT ok!" Janet shouted, flying after Falcon in particular. "I'm gonna remind you how stubbornly annoying a wasp can be!"

Falcon tried to whack Janet but her small agile Breezie body made it hard for her to pinpoint, the hero girl getting a few shots to his face with her stinger blasts.

"Janet! Not cool!" Johnny flew in to help, hoping to grab Janet. The girl moved out the way in time for the flame hero to collide into Falcon.

"Watch it Torch!" Falcon scolded.

"Hey I was trying to help you out dude," Johnny said, then took a blast to his head.

Ember stood up, ready to attack again when she found herself face to face with Applejack and Remy.

"Really think you can do much without your bodyguards?" Remy taunted.

"I don't need bodyguards," Ember said, getting into a fighting stance.

"Remember, dragons are tough," Applejack reminded.

"Well if they're tough," Remy rushed in, placing his hoof on Ember's armor. "She ain't gonna need this then!"

Using his powers, he activated her armor, the dragon quickly slipping out but got caught in the explosion, sending her flying back.

"Uh, Remy, that seemed like too much," Applejack said.

"She'll be fine, Dragons are tough, even the smaller ones," Remy said.

"You got that right," Spike said, calling the two from behind. "I don't want to fight either of you, please just turn yourselves in."

"Spike, you know what will happen if we do," Applejack said.

"You know Peter and Twilight will get you out of any punishment you get, or at least lessen it," Spike said. "I mean, don't you want to go back home? Imagine how Apple Bloom feels right now, she's expecting a baby and probably wants her family by her side."

Applejack couldn't argue that, part of her wondered if it would be easier to just surrender, trust in Peter's word. But another part worried what would happen if she did return to Canterlot, and if she had to face Carol again. Plus even if she got leeway, she couldn't tell if Remy would too.

"Spike, even if Peter and Twilight did want to help, and I don't doubt that they do," Remy said. "It's too risky to turn back now, plus we'd be letting our team down. Cap's trying to make a change, and it's one I agree with. These Accords, they just ain't right. It starts with these restrictions, but how long before it gets worse? How long before this begins to affect my own kids? Laws like these just get worse for the likes of us, if I have a chance to change things, I'm sticking to it."

"Remy's right," Applejack said. "Ah believe in what Steve's saying. I'm standing by his side."

"Applejack..." Spike took his sword out. "Don't make me have to fight you!"

"Sorry Spike, ah hope you can forgive me fer this," Applejack said.

Immediately she threw a lasso, hoping to tie up Spike, the dragon cutting the rope immediately, but left him open long enough for Remy to toss an explosive card at his face to momentarily blind him, allowing Gambit the opening to whack Spike with his staff, and Applejack a chance to rush in with a buck kick that sent him flying.

"That hurt to do," Applejack said.

"Gonna have to endure, right now we're on opposite sides of The Accords, make it up to him by making him a large tray of Apple Brown Betties," Remy said.

Ember tried attacking from behind with her trident, but Taskmaster immediately rushed in to block the strike for the Apple couple. "Don't say I never had any of your backs." Ember pulled back to strike again, but this time Taskmaster was ready as he knocked the trident away and did an uppercut. "Yeah, I know your moves now!"

Meanwhile Hercules found himself surrounded by Bucky, Babs, Sugar Belle, Lizard and Dwayne, the five of them considering their options against a God of Olympus.

"I would really rather not have to fight any of you," Hercules said.

"Then grab your cronies and take a hike," Bucky said.

"You know I can't do that," Hercules said. "I must fulfil my duty."

"And we must fulfil ours," Lizard said. "If you stand in our way, you are our enemy."

"We ain't going down without a fight!" Babs said, rushing in to attack with a punch to his face, one that barely phased him. "What the?"

"Do not take this to heart, that was quite a punch for a civilian, but I am a fair deal out of your level," Hercules said.

"Try this!" Bucky rushed in with a metal punch, one Hercules grabbed with ease. "The hell!?"

Hercules then slammed Bucky into Babs, knocking them both aside. Lizard leapt on him to claw the God, but he was grabbed by his tail and slammed a couple of times before being flung off.

"This ain't good," Dwayne said. "Sugar girl, you got any ideas?"

"It's Sugar Belle, and yes I do," the baker said. She used some magic to lift a nearby rock and flung it at Hercules, the rock immediately breaking to pieces upon landing on the God. "Alright, that didn't go so well."

"The hell with it!" Dwayne rushed in and on his skateboard, sending some tasers at Hercules.

"Come on, this barely feels like that electric tough you get when someone walks on a rug," Hercules said. Suddenly a tree was slammed on his head, again barely phasing him.

"Shoot, I really thought that would work," Sugar Belle said, disappointed her magic wasn't enough.

"Let me handle this, ma'am," Steve said, walking past her with his shield on her back. "Go stay close to Daredevil, Black Cat and Stygian."

"Go get'em Cap," Sugar Belle said, making her retreat.

"Now you approach me, Captain?" Hercules asked.

"I have to, I've come too far to give up," Steve said. "I really don't want it to come to this."

"Same, but that is the burden of men like us, we are bound by our DUTY!" Hercules threw a punch that immediately bent Steve's shield back.

"That's not good!" Steve shouted, then immediately leapt back to avoid another punch, tossing his dented shield at Hercules's face, going for a punch right after, one that barely registered with the God.

Steve threw a few more punches, hitting Hercules in the face a few times, the God eventually blocking and punching Steve hard in the stomach, sending him flying back.

"Steve!" Sam left his fight with Janet and tried going for Hercules. "Taking you down, big fella!"

Hercules whacked away Falcon as if he were swatting away a fly as he marched toward Steve, the solider standing back up and attempting to tackle down the son of Zeus.

Steve was then lifted and punched to the side, sending him flying past Remy. "You around Mon Capitan!?

"Watch out!" Applejack said, gesturing toward an advanced Hercules.

"You two help Cap!" Taskmaster said, fending off Ember. "I got this!"

"I'll see what I can do," Remy said, pulling out a deck of cards.

"Think we got a chance? He looks kind of strong," Applejack said.

"Then let's fight smart," Remy said, charging up his cards. "He can't hit what he can't see."

Remy threw his cards at the ground below, the smoke temporarily blinding Hercules. Applejack grabbed her lasso, attempting to wrap up Hercules, but the god flexed once to break her rope. Remy still managed to get a sneak attack, whacking his bow over the head of the God, though it broke upon impact.

"Aw damn," Remy said, quickly dodging Hercules's attempt to grab him and grabbing the other piece, holding the two pieces like dual batons. "Gonna have to try a different tactic."

Hercules focused his attention on Remy but took a buck kick to the face from Applejack, unfortunately for the mare, it felt like kicking a brick wall. "Ow! Dang how sturdy is this guy!?"

"That's the God of Strength for ya," Remy said. "Like Thor, Hercules is mythology come to life for mortal men like me."

"Can we even beat this guy?" Applejack asked.

"We gotta try, Cap fought hard so we gotta as well," Remy said.

In the air, Johnny had finally whacked away Janet long enough to focus on the Greek God below, "Yo! Hercules!" Once the God has his attention, Johnny fired a big flame blast at him, hoping to knock him back while Remy and Applejack kept their distance. "Tell Apollo there's a new God of the Sun, the hero with the Supernova!"

"Cute, but Apollo is not the God of the Sun!" Hercules said, unaffected by the fire. "That title goes to Helios! But it's an easy mistake to make, no one seems to appreciate Helios these days. Though I suppose Princess Celestia would, I know he would adore her presence."

"I figured it wouldn't be that easy, Hercules is pretty damn enduring, but I can get hotter, and my powers are even stronger in Equestria!" Johnny said, readying his fire. "Taste the power of my flames!"

Johnny sent more which Hercules endured, the God merely glaring up at the fire hero.

"Doesn't feel so good, does it!" Garble shouted, taking a blast to the face from Johnny.

"Who the hell asked you!?" Johnny turned his attention to Hercules. "You know, he's starting to piss me off," Johnny began amping up the heat, though the fire still wasn't doing much. "This close to going Super Nova pal!"

"Torch! Ease up!" Taskmaster called, nearly letting himself get distracted in his fight against Ember.

"Gotta keep this up...still, I don't think Hercules is budging, this guy is the real deal," Johnny saw that Steve was slowly making his way back toward the God. "If I can't beat Herc, then I can at least give Cap and opening. Just gotta keep an eye out for the others."

Fortunately for Johnny, Sandman was getting the other dragons at bay, Matt and Sugar Belle rushing in to help, the former using her magic to send zaps and the latter maneuvering around and confusing the dragons.

"Enough Human Torch!" Hercules shouted, punching the ground hard enough to sent a large piece of rock out and following up with another punch towards Johnny.

"Holy crap!" Johnny immediately dodged to the side, glaring down at Hercules a moment before seeing another piece of ground flying up at him. Johnny quickly blasted in and sent more fire down at Hercules.

"Do you not tire of this!?" Hercules asked. The moment Johnny stopped his fire though, Steve stepped in and kicked Hercules' hind leg, hit a backhoof to the face, a knee to the stomach and finally hit the God with a sweep takedown slam.

"Great move Cap!" Johnny cheered.

Steve looked relieved himself, but saw that Hercules was already getting back on his feet. Applejack tried ramming him but got knocked back for her effort. Remy whacked him in the face a few times with his newly made batons, but that too did little to stun Hercules and got him whacked back, though not without leaving a charged card on the God, leaving it to explode near his face.

"Dirty trick!" Hercules shouted, wiping his face, though this gave an opening for Bucky to make his comeback and hit the God in the face with a couple of punches.

"Stand back Winter Solider!" Sandman warned, gathering a lot of sand, hardening his fist into a hammer and slamming it down on Hercules while Bucky took his distance.

"Good job Marko!" Bucky said.

This feeling was short lived as Hercules powered out of the sand hammer and jumped in to punch Sandman through his head and jumped again to punch a hole through his chest, knocking the sand user into particles.

"That didn't kill him, did it!?" A worried Sugar Belle asked.

"He’ll be fine," Felicia said.

"Can't we do anything?" Sugar Belle asked.

"Not against Hercules," Felicia said, then noticed two of the oncoming dragons. "Plus, it looks like we have our own problems."

"Let's fry these ponies," the purple dragon Fume said.

"I say we squash them," his friend Baff said.

"Oh, I know, let's do both!" Fume suggested, suddenly Matt jumped over and landed on his back, using his rod to grab him by the neck.

"Hey! Get off him!" Baff said, then took a zap to the face from Sugar Belle, allowing Felicia to run up and hit him with an uppercut.

"Are these really the best dragons they could have gotten?" Felicia said. "Or are they all this weak?"

Fume tried tossing Daredevil off, but the hero landed on his hooves and rushed over with a whack to the face with his billy rod. This is when Dwayne was able to skate in and leap into a skateboard kick to the face to knock Fume over.

"I can't believe we're casually fighting dragons," Dwayne said. "Not as tough as I thought it'd be either."

"Stay on top of your game," Matt said. "We still have more to fight."

"Yeah," Garble said, stepping forward, like me.

"Oh my, he seems rather angry," Stygian said.

"Luckily he doesn't seem that smart," Felicia said. "Lets go boys, and Sugar Belle."

The fights nearby continued, with Ember clashing with Taskmaster, Janet now clashing with Remy and Spike going against The Lizard.

"Hold still!" Spike said, trying to blast the Lizard with fire.

"Now that would be counterproductive for me, wouldn't it?" Lizard said, whacking Spike back with his tail. He turned to see that Steve and Bucky were now teaming up against Hercules, a fight Sam eventually joined in again. "Strong as they are, if we don't do something fast, we could lose this battle."

Ember knocked Taskmaster away but found herself tackled down by Applejack. "These dragons sure are tough to keep down."

"Got that right!" Ember said, grabbing her trident and trying to whack Applejack in the head, though Babs took this opportunity to headbutt Ember in the side, as Applejack rushed in and buck kicked the dragon princess towards Spike, knocking him over.

"Sorry Spike!" Applejack called.

"Applejack!" Janet tried flying in after the farmer girl, but Remy rushed in and whacked her down.

"Shouldn't have taken your eyes off me," Remy said.

"Great teamwork everyone, but one problem," Lizard said, gesturing to the fight against Hercules. "I'm afraid our opponent there is not budging."

Babs turned to a recovering Taskmaster, "You the one who can read moves right? Can't you do anything?"

"I can copy fighting styles, not powers," Taskmaster said. "Knowing how Hercules fights don't mean a damn if I don't have the strength to counterattack."

"Let's just rush him then," Babs said.

"Take it from me, group attacks are not always guaranteed to work," Lizard said. "I'm afraid we are simply outmatched here; it'd be best if we run but getting away from someone like Hercules is a monumental task."

"Plus, you still have us to deal with," Ember warned, aiming her trident. "Don't think for a second that we're letting you escape."

"Applejack, come on," Spike said, standing up as well. "I don't want to keep having to fight you."

"Ah don't want to fight either, but we're all in too deep to surrender now," Applejack said.

"If you keep fighting, you'll just make things worse for yourselves," Ember warned as Janet turned back into her pony form.

"We're giving you one more chance, surrender now, and we'll make sure Tony goes easy on you," Janet said.

"Too risky," Remy said. "If any of us could trust Tony, we wouldn't be doing this."

"Imagine being in our situation, and you were treated like scum just fer trying to help others, does that sound fair to you? Is that the type of law you would stand fer?" Applejack said.

"Exactly," Johnny said, hovering over. "I got taken in for protecting the town from the Pony of Shadows because I was on probation, over a mistake. I know what happened to Tony's building was bad, and I can't make excuses for anyone who was personally affected by that, but to take me out when I can do so much better was poor judgement."

"I got arrested just for helping to protect Ponyville, the town your family lives in Spike," Remy said. "You really want to side with Tony after he condoned something like that?"

"Yer a smart guy Spike, in fact all of you are smart enough to see the flaws," Applejack said. "Why fight us when you can join us? Convince Tony that this is all a bad idea."

Spike and Janet had some mixed feelings, between this and still remembering the worries Peter had.

"Steve wouldn't do this without reason..." Janet reasoned.

"Got that right, when it came down to it, Cap knew more about being a hero than most of the guys back home," Taskmaster said. "Even I can see something like that."

"How do we know this isn't a trick to get us to lower our guard?" Ember asked.

"That depends on how much you really trust us," Applejack said. "Spike, it's yer call."

"Mine? What for?" Spike asked.

"You know us better than everyone here, aside from Janet," Johnny said. "At least think about this, what do you think Twilight would want?"

"Here's a better question for ya," Taskmaster said. "Do you think this is worth trying to earn the trust of a group who's all about total control? How long before someone like you becomes expendable to them? Take it from me kid, I've had a lot of employers, I can tell who values their workers and who don't."

While Spike was thinking about this, Garble continued trying to squash his opponents, everyone trying to dodge out of the way.

"Wow he's mad, guess we really riled him up," Felicia said, then took a whack to the face from Garble.

"I got you now!" the dragon said, about to attack again when Matt and Dwayne jumped in for a double kick to his chest. Right after he immediately grabbed the two, chuckling to himself. "Fell right into that one!"

Suddenly a spark of magic hit his back, the dragon turning around to see Stygian, the scrawny unicorn looking concerned, "Oh dear."

"Just for that, you're next," Garble said. Suddenly a huge rock appeared overhead via Sugar Belle's magic and was dropped on his head, stunning him a bit. Meanwhile Sandman had recovered from Hercules's attack and did a hammer punch to the dragon to knock him back down.

"That guy does not know when to quit," Sandman said.

"Great work," Matt said, then sensed the nearby battle. "We should help Cap now."

"Easier said than done," Dwayne said, looking over to Hercules.

Steve, Sam and Bucky each took turns attacking Hercules, doing their best to evade, dodge and strike, the God eventually knocking the three away with one hit.

"Have you had enough now!?" Hercules asked.

Steve stood back up, with Bucky and Sam by his side, "We can do this all day."

"I will admit, I find your warrior spirit very admirable, you truly are a Captain," Hercules said, powering himself up. He leapt into the air and struck the ground hard, sending a shockwave that knocked the three back, along with Sugar Belle, Felicia, Matt, Dwayne, Stygian and Sandman. Even Garble got sent flying.

"Holy crap!" Johnny shouted in disbelief.

"Come on, we gotta help!" Applejack said, rushing in with her teammates. Hercules noticed them and hit the ground again to stumble them, except Johnny who flew in and tackled into Hercules, trying to push him back.

Steve recovered quickly and rushed over to tackle Hercules, trying to help Johnny bring him down. Both heroes started dishing out punches to his face, taking turns and not relenting on their offense, Johnny ending with a fire punch to the jaw and Steve jumping in with a mighty kick to stumble Hercules back.

"Hope that got him," Johnny said.

Unfortunately for them, Hercules was still standing, though noticed the god wiping blood from his mouth, "Not bad..."

"Looks like he bleeds after all," Johnny said. "Took everything we had though."

"So, Captain, can you still keep this up?" Hercules asked. "Will you not bow?"

"I don't know the meaning of the word 'surrender'," Steve said.

Hercules got a chuckle out of that, "You would do so well as a warrior of Olympus, I admire your bravery and persistence. Lesser men would have given up by now, but I can tell, your talk of continuing the fight is not mere bravado. No, you intend to fight until your last breath if need be."

"I made a promise to bring justice," Steve said. "What I'm doing may seem like treachery, but I do it for the betterment of this world. It's not just the ponies I want to fight for. I want to fight for the Dragons, The Changelings, The Yaks, all creatures of this world. I want to ensure proper safety and security, the right way."

"I do believe you Captain America," Hercules said. "You know, I do tire of this fighting, this should be handled with words. Perhaps we can come to an agreement."

Steve's eyes widened, "No tricks?"

"You have my honest word," Hercules said.

"Good, that's all I need," Steve said, turning to his allies. "Cease combat!"

"We're already ceased!" Applejack said, the girl out of it from Hercules's attack.

"I do hope I didn't hurt anyone too badly," Hercules said.

"They're strong, they'll be fine," Steve said. "Now, I must-"

"Watch out!" Johnny stood before Steve, blocking an ice attack.

"What in the world?" Hercules turned to see that Bobby had finally arrived with both his team and She-Hulk's.

"We'll take it from here, Herc!" Bobby said, blasting some more ice, hitting Bucky, Taskmaster, Matt, Dwayne, Sugar Belle and Babs. Afterwards he created walls to prevent them from escaping.

"So much for talking things out," Sam said.

"I bet he was pulling our legs!" Taskmaster said. "Hercules set us up!"

"I swear on my word I did no such thing!" Hercules said, then turned to Bobby. "Stand down, there is no need for a confrontation."

"Sure seems like it," She-Hulk said. "You really messed them up good. Real proud of you Herc."

"We'll take it from here though," Night Glider said, the entire group landing before Team Cap.

"Finally caught up to us?" Steve asked.

"It's the end of the road, Cap, turn yourself in," Bobby ordered.

"Oh, what, you're a big decision maker now, Bobby? "Johnny asked.

"Real cute Johnny, this is serious though, you and your team gotta come back with us to Canterlot," Bobby said.

"Now, let us not be rash," Hercules said. "Have any of you considered hearing out the Captain?"

"We tried, Hercules, but the law is the law," She-Hulk said. "This isn't easy for any of us, but if we bend the rules for Cap, then we have to bend them for everyone."

"But this can be resolved without the need for more combat," Hercules said.

"True, we don't need to fight," She-Hulk said. "That's only if Steve cooperates."

"Just say the word Cap, and it ends," Tigra said. "Do the right thing for your squad."

"I am," Steve said. "And that includes not surrendering. If we need to fight again, then so be it."

She-Hulk groaned in annoyance, "Look, Steve, normally I respect this confidence, but this is getting ridiculous. We're trying to give you a chance to do the right thing here."

"Selling out my team is not the right thing to me," Steve said. "Jen, you're a smart woman, you should know that what Tony is doing will just hurt this world in the end. If he succeeds here, he's going to bring this to Earth, do you really want that?"

"Do I want order? Yes, I do," She-Hulk said. "The more order we have, the less we have to worry about innocent lives being lost because of incompetence."

Steve groaned in disappointment, then turned his attention to Bobby, "What about you, Iceman. These laws aren't so different from the Mutant Registration Act, are you comfortable fighting for this?"

"I'm trying to do what's right for me and my family," Bobby said.

"Are you really?" Remy said, stepping forward with Applejack. "Or are you just that desperate to be the big-time superhero?"

"And what are you doing with your life, huh?" Bobby asked. "What are you doing with your powers?”

"Applejack, Remy," came the voice of Rarity as she stepped forward. "You must both understand, Bobby just wants to help bring peace to the world which gave him happiness. He loves Equestria, that's why he joined Tony's Accords, because it was less about him registering his powers, and more about him being able to do the right thing."

"Rarity, ah know you have to stick by yer husband, just like ah stick by mine," Applejack said. "But, he's on the wrong side right now, and so are you."

"Please dear, think of your family, do what's right for their sake," Rarity said.

"I don't want to hurt either of you, I could never face Sweetie Belle if I did," Bobby said. "Our families are close, no need for conflict."

"I don't want to be opposed to you, but you have to be cooperative!" Rarity insisted.

"Why can't you cooperate with us?" Remy asked, earning Bobby's frustration.

"Dammit, we're trying to help you!" Bobby shouted. "If you don't make the right choice now, then we're not going to have a choice ourselves!"

"You'd be smart to listen!" Came the voice of Fleetfoot, the mare finally arriving with her team. "You're all completely surrounded! You lose!"

Steve shook his head in defiance, "You're gonna have to drag us back."

"Fine, have it your way!" Bobby was about to send in his ice again but Hercules blocked the attack.

"Stand down," Hercules warned.

"Dude, who's side are you on!?" Bobby asked.

The ice user's question was answered with a smirk from the son of Zeus, "Not yours." Hercules then punched Bobby away, surprising both sides.

"How, DARE YOU!" Rarity shouted, blasting the god in the face. "This is for my husband!"

Hercules stomped the ground, sending a piece of rock up and knocking Rarity into the air, where she was caught by Cloudchaser.

"I got you Rares," the mare said.

"Once again, a Wonderbolt saves my life," Rarity said. "Thank you dear."

"Thank you for not knocking me unconscious," Cloudchaser said, winking at the now sheepish mare.

"She-Hulk, what do we do!?" Wind Sprint asked.

"You and The Wonderbolts round up Team Cap, I'll take down Hercules!" She-Hulk said, going for a punch to the god that he managed to block.

"Almost felt that one," Hercules said, parrying and whacking She-Hulk back, engaging her in battle.

Night Glider stepped forward, "Wind, Pickle, Barley, Vapor, Stinger, let's fly!"

"Let's give the assist team!" Fleetfoot said. Cloudchaser placed Rarity safely down as all the Wonderbolts began to circle the opposing team, trying to knock them all off balance by engaging them in battle.

Bucky managed to catch Pizzelle with a punch from his metal arm, knocking her into the Barley while Babs headbutted Pickle in the sides, knocking him off flight.

Misty Fly used her speed to zip around and confuse Felicia, the thief unable to keep up and then got a kick to her head. "Got ya."

Sugar Belle blasted her from behind, then sent a blast to knock down Cloudchaser, but took a kick of her own from Night Glider.

"That's enough out of you!" the mare warned.

Sugar Belle stood back up, glaring at her friend, "It's really come to this, huh?"

"You're not giving me a choice here! Just come back to us!" Night Glider said.

"I'm not going back to a side where I can't do the right thing without first getting permission," Sugar Belle said.

"You knew the rules, you could train with Gambit but you couldn't go out and fight, especially with someone unregistered!" Night Glider said. "Now quit being stubborn and-"

Felicia jumped up with a kick to Night Glider's back, Sugar Belle then zapping her friend away, though it pained her to do so. "I hope this ends soon, I hate being opposed to Night Glider."

"That's life Sugar Belle," Felicia said. "Come on, we gotta stop The Wonderbolts."

Meanwhile Garble had gotten up, joined by his friends as they saw the conflict, "Seems like the back-up's here, not that we need it. Fume, Baff, turn up the heat!"

The three dragons began shooting fire into the fields, trying to hit anyone on Team Cap, though some of their fire hit members on their side, including blasting Tigra as she leapt toward Taskmaster.

"Ha, lucky her," Taskmaster said, then took a blast of his own, another blast hitting both Remy and Applejack.

"Watch where you're firing!" Fleetfoot shouted, not that it mattered since Garble was too into it, even hitting Sky Stringer out of the air by mistake.

"No!" Vapor Trails immediately went to check on her friend.

Garble kept blasting as Johnny fought Angel Wings nearby, the mare trying to bring down the legendary hero.

"You know, I always thought you were pretty talented, shame Sky Stinger and Vapor Trails kind of showed everyone up, but I think you have what it takes to make it big," Johnny said.

"You're just trying to distract me," Angel Wings said, trying to go for a punch. "Well it's not gonna-"

"Watch out!" Johnny immediately grabbed Angel Wings and blocked an oncoming fire blast from Garble. "That was close, are you alright?"

"You saved me!?" Angel Wings asked.

"Well yeah, it's my job as a hero to-" Johnny's explanation was cut short when Garble punched him in the back, then used his tail to send him flying.

"Finally got you Torch!" Garble said.

"Hey you clutz, you nearly burned me a second ago!" Angel Wings said.

"Well, you're fine..." Garble said. "I have a job to do, if you're not gonna help then stay out of the way."

Suddenly Johnny flew in with a kick to Garble's face, "That's no way to talk to a lady."

Garble punched Johnny out of the air, sending more fire at the fire powered hero, leaving Angel Wings feeling a bit annoyed. "Some teammate."

In the distance, Rumble and Silverstream were finally about to fly into the battle, the Pegasus catching sight of the battle up ahead.

"There they are," Rumble turned to Silverstream. "Ready to do this?"

"Yeah, I think so," Silverstream said.

"Don't worry, we got this under control," Rumble said. "Plus your father should be joining us soon, with a bunch of Hippogriff Royal Guards. That should be more than enough to take down the opposition."

"I hope so," Silverstream said. "I mean, Captain Equestria is an Avenger, one of the leaders in fact. It won't be an easy fight."

"We're not going at it alone, looks like we'll have plenty of back-up," Rumble said. "Come on, let's hurry."

The two flew in, finally arriving in the middle of the battle scene, both making dramatic poses as they landed.

"Beware opposition!" Silverstream said.

"For we, the star Wonderbolts, have finally-" Rumble's part was interrupted by a whack to the head by Taskmaster's shield, who then proceeded to use that item to whack Silverstream in the face.

"Just took down two more of those superhero wannabes!" Taskmaster declared, this catching Cloudchaser's attention.

"Oh, you just crossed a line there buddy, no one hurts Rumble on my watch!" Cloudchaser flew in and punched Taskmaster across the jaw, then hit the villain with an uppercut to knock him back, dropping his weapons in the progress.

Rumble stood up, shaking off the whack to his head when he noticed his former foalsitter, "Oh, hey CC. You're here to fight too?"

"I flew in with Fleetfoot and some other mares," Cloudchaser said, then took notice of Silverstream. "Oh I know you, the Hippogriff Wonderbolt."

"Yeah," Silverstream said, shaking off her own hit. "I'm Silverstream, Rumble's partner."

"I've seen you around Ponyville a few times, you're part of Princess Twilight's School of Friendship," Cloudchaser said, then suddenly ducked a fireball, remembering that there's a battle going on. "Hey I'd love to talk more but we should-"

Suddenly Cloudchaser was flung away by Sugar Belle, the mare then catching note of Rumble and Silverstream, "Oh there's two more now."

"Yes, and one of them is my ex's little brother," Felicia said.

"Felicia?" Rumble said, noticing the mother of his niece.

"Hey there Rumble, so glad you can finally join us," Felicia teased. "Here to take me off to Canterlot?"

"Well, yeah, if I have to," Rumble said. "I mean, you did break out of Canterlot's dungeon, and you're in major violation of The Accords."

"So the rules say we have to arrest all of you," Silverstream said.

"Well you can try, but I doubt ether of you could catch me, or my team," Felicia taunted.

"You know the two of us are much faster than you, we can round you up in seconds," Rumble said. "Don't think just because you had a baby with my brother doesn't mean I'm going to take it easy on you."

"Well I do like it rough, can you help me with that handsome?" Felicia said, grossing out Rumble.

"Ew, no!" Rumble shouted. "I'm not getting it on with my brother's ex, or Peter's ex for that matter."

"Enough of your mind games, you need to surrender," Silverstream said. "I am prepared to use force if necessary, as is Rumble."

"Felicia, we do need to be careful, they're Wonderbolts," Sugar Belle said. "Plus, I'm not too comfortable fighting Rumble, he is Apple Bloom's boyfriend and I am friends with The Apples."

"Remember, anyone on Tony's side isn't a friend right now," Felicia said. "I'm not too thrilled to fight Rumble but we might not have a choice."

Suddenly Johnny landed nearby, surprising the two sides as he stood up, "Freaking Garble." He turned and saw that Rumble and Silverstream were now here, "Wait, when did they get here?"

"Just now," Felicia said.

"Rumble, Silverstream, aren't you two supposed to be stationed at Mount Aris?" Johnny asked.

"Fleetfoot called us over to stop you, so that's what we're here to do," Rumble said.

"Man, how desperate was Tony being?" Johnny said, then blocked a fire blast from Garble.

"I'm not done with you!" Garble stomped toward Johnny, Sugar Belle standing in the way and blasting him in the face. "Ow, stupid pony!" He immediately kicked her away, sending her flying.

"Sugar Belle!" Felicia shouted in worry, then focused her attention to Garble. "You're quite the thorn at our sides!"

"Uh, no, I'm a dragon, not a thorn," Garble said.

Felicia furrowed her brow at the dragon, "Wow you're dumb."

"You're the one calling me a thorn," Garble said, then noticed Rumble and Silverstream, "How many of you Pegasus ponies did they send over?"

"I'm a Hippogriff, not a Pegasus," Silverstream said.

"A Hippogriff? That's funny, my sister's friends with a Hippogriff," Garble said.

"If your sister's named Smolder, then I'm that friend, I'm Silverstream," the hippogriff introduced.

"Oooooh," Garble turned to the Pegasus. "Then who's this guy?"

"I'm Rumble, Honorary Member of the Parker-Sparkle Family, and fastest rising Wonderbolt star," the boy greeted.

"Rumble...wait, why does your name sound familiar?" Garble asked.

"Let's...not worry about that right now," Silverstream said. "Look, we're here to provide you backup."

"Do I look like I need backup?" Garble said. "I can take these losers on by my-"

Johnny flew in with a double punch to Garble's back, giving Felicia the opening to jump up and kick him in the face.

Baff and Fume noticed this situation, and rushed over to shoot fire, nearly hitting everyone surrounding Garble.

"Watch where you're aiming!" Rumble shouted.

"Maybe we should find Hercules or She-Hulk, see if they need help," Silverstream suggested.

"That would be a good idea, but..." Rumble gestured to the two heroes, both fighting against one another.

"Huh? Wait, aren't they supposed to be on the same side!?" Silverstream asked. "This is weird and confusing."

Hercules had knocked away She-Hulk, then an oncoming Tigra, even whacking away Fleetfoot, the God looking ready to take on all comers, "Anyone else!?"

"Hercules," Steve said. "Focus less on fighting and more on retreating, our goal is Canterlot."

"Yes, of course," Hercules said, this catching the attention of a nearby Rarity, the mare just about ready to strike.

"Hercules!" Janet called, making her way over with Spike, the sight of the dragon immediately causing Rarity to shift gears. "Are you really siding with Cap?"

"Yes, I think I've heard enough to know that these Accords just aren't what this world needs," Hercules said. "I want to do things the right way. The proper way."

"He might be right," Spike said. "Maybe The Accords could do with a change, I don't like having to hunt down my friends over stuff that could be properly resolved."

"Well, in that case," Janet turned to Steve. "Got room for two more?"

"Of course," Steve said. "What about Ember and the three dragons?"

"Burn!" Garble started spreading a lot of fire, doing his best to hit anyone he can.

"Garble! Enough!" Hercules shouted. "We're retreating now!"

"Are you serious!?" Garble shouted. "No way!"

"Hercules!" Ember said, getting his attention. "You get going, I'll make sure Garble joins us."

"Good to have you on board Princess," Steve said.

"Luna is not going to like this, but honestly, I never cared much for The Accords, I only went through with it out of respect for heroes like you, and friends like Spike, and a great man like Hercules," Ember said. "I couldn't care less about Tony Stark."

Rarity seemed a bit disappointed, but regardless had to change her attack plans, though not without Bobby's help.

"I'll clear a path," Hercules said. "You round up your allies."

Steve whistled loud to get his team's attention, "Everyone on Team Cap! Onward west!"

"Looks like Cap's finally calling the fight off," Sam said, whacking away Sky Stinger.

"Let's hurry everyone!" Matt called, fending off Pickle and Barley as he began to make his escape, everyone doing their best to fight the enemies off.

Spike and Janet did their best to help, blasting everyone on the side of The Accords to clear a path, the others tried making their escape.

Misty Fly was engaged in battle with Bucky, trying to knock him off balance, "I'm not letting you get away!"

"Take this!" Sugar Belle blasted Misty Fly away, keeping her away from Bucky.

"Thanks Sugar Belle, owe you for that," Bucky said.

"You already helped me, not that it's about being even, teammates help each other out regardless," Sugar Belle said.

"Got that right," Bucky said, then called over. "Sandman! Make a wall!"

"Sure thing Bucky!" Sandman said, using his powers to block everyone off, though the Wonderbolts used their speed to destroy the sand walls as fast as he put them up.

"That won't hold them for long, everyone keep moving! Quickly!" Lizard ordered.

She-Hulk had regained composure and leapt after the enemies, but in a quick second, got hit in the face with Remy's card, Applejack rushing over for one more buck kick, rather two more after that to really knock She-Hulk off balance and out of the way.

"Applejack!" Rumble called, getting her attention, the Pegasus flying over and knocking her over. "Come on! Stop making this hard! I need to bring you back home! For Apple Bloom's sake!"

"Let me give you some advice Rumble," Applejack said. "You wanna be a hero? Think about what that means fer you! Not what it means from someone else!"

"Huh? What does that-" his question was interrupted when Applejack headbutted him, leaving him in a daze.

"Sorry about that, but hopefully you make the right choice soon," Applejack said.

"Professor Applejack! Wait up!" Silverstream called. However Remy took the moment to whack her with his staff baton, knocking her into a daze as well.

"You got a lot to learn too, Silverstream," Remy said, following Team Cap.

"Is this everyone!?" Dwayne asked.

Steve did a quick count, factoring in the new recruits, "Ember and her three dragons aren't here."

Hercules turned around, "Ember!"

"Just go!" Ember called, the dragon doing battle against several Wonderbolts at once, holding her own well until she was frozen in a block of ice by an even more infuriated Bobby, having made his return to the battlefield.

"That should cool you off," Bobby said, readying more ice. "You're not getting away this time!"

"Hercules! Run!" Ember called.

"But..." Hercules was reluctant to leave her behind.

"Herc, we gotta go, if we go back we're just going to get overwhelmed," Sam said.

"It's over!" Bobby charged up and sent a flurry of more ice at Steve's group, Johnny quickly flying in and using as much heat as he could to block the ice, melting it on impact. Spike rushed in to help with his own fire to give Johnny an extra advantage as the flames began to reach the other side.

"Watch out!" Tigra called.

Bobby put up a massive ice wall to stop the fire, though the blast did knock everyone back as the combination of extreme cold and heat created a mighty gust, giving Team Cap more than enough time to escape and put a distance.

"To Appaloosa!" Steve said. "Hurry!"

Hercules kept looking back, feeling ashamed of abandoning his friend, "Ember..."

"I know it's hard to leave a teammate behind," Bucky said. "But staying would have resulted in more fighting."

"She'll be fine, enemies or not, Tony's side won't actually hurt her," Steve said. "At least, I hope they don't."

Team Stark had recovered eventually from the massive windstorm, looking ahead to see that everyone was gone, needless to say, Bobby was not happy. "Dammit! They got away!"

"They couldn't have gone that far, let's follow them!" Fleetfoot said.

"Hold on, first thing's first," She-Hulk said, gesturing to Ember. "What do we do with her?"

"Right, the Dragon Lord," Bobby said. "Gotta say, this does not look good for Equestria's relationship with Dragons."

"Is it really a surprise? I kind of suspected our alliance would be temporary," Fleetfoot said. "Dragons have always been enemies to ponies."

"At least dragons are more united than ponies, or humans for that matter," Ember said.

"Yeah, united in burning everything to the ground," Bobby said, gesturing to a dazed Garble. "Like that dumbass over there!"

"Who are you calling a dumbass!?" Garble was about to breath fire when Bobby froze his head.

"We got your back Garble!" Fume said, about to attack when Sky Stinger and Vapor Trails flew in and kicked him in the face, with Night Glider kicking him in the stomach, following up with an uppercut.

Baff was about to attack but Fleetfoot flew in, quickly creating a mini tornado alongside Misty Fly and Pizzelle, one that lifted the dragon up, the three immediately following up with a kick to bring him down.

Garble stumbled a bit, using a combination of his fire and nearby rocks to break the ice that was around his head, taking a moment to breathe again. "That's it, I am really going to make this hurt! Accords! Rebels! It doesn't matter to me now! I'm just ready to unleash chaos!"

"Watch out!" Came a voice. Garble turned around and took a huge clonk to his head, courtesy of an iron suit that finally crashed near the members of The Accords.

"What in the world?" Fleetfoot said, raising her eyebrow as Garble finally fell over, the clonk to his head being enough to render him immobile.

Bobby cautiously checked on the suit, curious to see who this was. Suddenly the suit stood up, the pony desperately removing the helmet, that pony being Coco Pommel.

"Finally!" the mare shouted. "I'm free!"

"Coco?" Rarity said, getting her attention.

"Miss Rarity!" Coco trotted over to the mare, embracing her in a relieved hug. "I'm so happy to see you!"

"Coco dear, what in the world happened?" Rarity asked.

"I'll be happy to explain, but first get me out of this suit!" Coco shouted in worry. "It's so hot in here, and I don't want to risk flying for an unforeseen amount of time!"

"Oh sure, let me..." Rarity looked over the suit. "Uh...how does this come off?"

"We should just tear it off," Sky Stinger said.

"Do that and you'll tick off Tony Stark," Bobby said, using his powers to cool the mare. "Just stick with it a bit longer Coco, we'll talk to Tony and see if we can get this suit off properly."

"Oh no, we can't do that!" Coco said. "What if I get fired!?"

"He's gonna find out, especially since he has a tracking device for his suits, he'll know it got used," Bobby said. "Just be honest with him, it's your best option."

"Uh, alright..." Coco said.

"Plus, you did just knock out that stubborn dragon, so that's a plus," Wind Sprint said.

"Oh, I did?" Coco turned to face Garble, the dragon still knocked out. "Wait, is that a violation of The Accords?"

"Eh...we'll leave that part out, I mean it was just an accident after all, don't want to risk you getting banished to Earth over an accident," Bobby said.

"B-b-banished!?" Coco shouted in worry.

"You'll be fine, like we said, we got you covered," Fleetfoot said.

"Wow, so compassionate," Ember mocked.

"You be quiet," Fleetfoot warned. "You may have doomed your own race with your choices.”

"Silverstream!" Came Terramar's voice, the boy flying in with his father and some guards. "Finally caught up to you."

"Terramar? Dad?" Silverstream said.

"General Sky Beak?" Fleetfoot said.

"Looks like the battle is over," Sky Beak said. "What happened if I may ask."

"Cap's team escaped, after Hercules and his squad turned on us," Fleetfoot said, gesturing to Ember. "We captured the Dragon Lord and three of her dragons, but a fourth along with Hercules and another hero got away."

"I see, how unfortunate," Sky Beak said. "What will you do with these Dragons then?"

"We should hear what Tony Stark has to say," Fleetfoot said.

"I'll call him," Bobby said, grabbing his radio.

At Canterlot, Tony was still checking his pad for all registered towns, through the eyes and lenses of the Patroller Bots. "Maybe I should have Reed and Hank make more of these to check the other towns."

"Is that a good idea?" Spitfire asked. "I mean, The Accords don't even reach all of the towns."

"Even if there's no hero assigned, Luna can easily decree that there must be robots there, if at least until we find Cap," Tony said. "Equestria is still her country."

"That it is," Luna said, making her presence known.

"Any luck with whatever you were doing with your magic?" Tony asked.

"It was of no use, I could not detect any significant magical signatures, and the Dream World offers little information," Luna said.

"Well that sucks," Tony replied.

"Also, I should inform you that Peter just contacted me, he's going to pursue Captain Equestria himself," Luna said.

"That's great, does he know where he is?" Tony asked.

"No, but he and Twilight will set out to do their best, at least after Twilight attends to personal matters," Luna said.

"Well that's better than nothing," Tony said. "Now, about those robots, you gave the all-clear, right?"

"Yes, you may do what you must, I will personally ensure that there is no issue," Luna said.

"That's great," Tony said, then heard his radio. "Yeah?"

"Tony, it's Bobby," the ice user greeted.

"Hey Bobby, tell me you have some good news for me," Tony said.

"Uh...well..." Bobby awkwardly began, causing frustration for Tony.

"What happened?" the Avenger asked.

"For starters, we couldn't capture Cap's team," Bobby said. "To make matters worse, Hercules and his allies took their side."

"He what!?" Tony shouted in annoyance. "That’s the second time this happened!"

"Well, we managed to capture the dragons he was with, except for Spike, he got away," Bobby said.

Tony sighed in relief, "At least we don't have that to worry about, aside from a potential incident with the Dragons now."

"If the Dragons betrayed us, the incident is on them," Luna said.

"One of the dragons we captured was Ember, the Dragon Lord," Bobby said. "Not sure if that works to our advantage or not."

"It might," Luna said. "Of course we will need to play our cards carefully."

"Alright, Bobby, send me the coordinates so I can get them,” Tony said.

"Actually, you might be able to find another way, but it will require someone else to explain what that means" Bobby said.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Tony asked.

"Um...hello Mr. Stark, nice hearing your voice," Coco said.

"Coco? What are you doing out there?" Tony asked.

"Oh it's a funny story, I kind of accidentally flew one of your suits out into battle," Coco admitted.

"I'm sorry, you did what!?" Tony asked, checking his tracker signal and GPS. Indeed one of his suits was indeed far away from Manehattan and around the area Bobby's team was suspected to be. "Wow, you're not pulling my leg, you really did fly one of my suits."

"Wait I just realized, you flew all the way here from Manehattan," Bobby said. "That is not a short distance."

"Yeah, I was stuck like that for...honestly I lost track of time due to all the screaming," Coco said.

"Oh you poor dear, that must have been terrifying for you," Rarity said.

"I don't know how Mr. Stark can keep himself composed in a suit like that," Coco said.

"It takes practice," Tony said. "Anyway, I'll deal with what you did later, for now I'm heading over there to pick up the captives and hopefully figure out this Dragon situation."

"What about Cap?" Bobby asked. "He just went west toward Appaloosa."

"That's just one stop," Rarity said. "His main goal is Canterlot, I think he's coming after you Tony, right after he rounds up an army."

"Figured as much," Tony said, checking his database. "Of course he's running low on options. Aside from some Wonderbolts in spare towns, and The Crystal Empire which is way up north, the only other major city that has heroes is Las Pegasus, at the moment they're still rebuilding from the big crash a few weeks back. Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Jessica Jones are all currently stationed there."

"Las Pegasus is West of Appaloosa," Fleetfoot said. "But, for all we know, they might try going by Ponyville instead since it's closer and enroute toward Canterlot, bypassing Las Pegasus completely."

"Alright, since we have an idea of what Steve's pattern is, we'll change our strategy," Tony said. "For now, I'll be sending some heroes to Las Pegasus to make sure nothing screwy happens. The rest of you stay put for the moment, I don't want any of you losing track of those dragons."

"So, you're alright with letting Cap go on ahead?" She-Hulk asked.

"If you pursue him, he's just going to expect it, we might need to change up some strategy," Stark said. "Plus, we know where his end point is at, might as well let him come here and we'll end it there."

"Taking a huge risk Tony, but I suppose that's what makes you top dog," Bobby said. "Alright, we'll hang back for now."

"Be there in a few," Tony said, turning his radio off.

"If you're going, then I should as well," Luna said. "Especially if this is going to involve conflict with The Dragons."

"I can come too, just to provide extra backup," Spitfire said.

"Fine by me, but who's gonna watch over the castle?" Tony asked.

As if on cue, Vision had made his presence known, "Tony, a guest is here, he calls himself a Prince."

"Prince Blueblood to be exact," came the pony in question.

"Blueblood? What brings you here?" Luna asked of her distant nephew.

"It's those robots, they are proving to be quite bothersome, I cannot go five feet without bumping into one lately and having it scan me," Blueblood said.

"Yeah, sorry about that, I had to beef up security in some places, hopefully it's not too bad," Tony said.

Meanwhile in Manehattan.

"Halt, I must scan you," A Patroller Bot said.

"Will you get away from me!" Came the voice of fleeing Aunt Orange.

Back in Canterlot, Blueblood still seemed less than thrilled, "Well please do fix it, I am not against the idea of these things if they're meant to keep us safe but there is such a thing as going overboard Mr. Stark."

"I'll work on it," Tony said. "Right now, I gotta check in on a battle."

"A battle? Does this have to do with Captain Equestria and his treachery?" Blueblood asked.

"Yeah, I have to find Steve and talk some sense into him," Tony said. "Or beat it into him, whichever works."

"I'm good with beating it into him," Spitfire said.

"Blueblood, would you mind watching over the city while we're gone?" Luna asked.

"Me? Wait, what about Aunt Celestia? Where has she been?" Blueblood asked.

"On vacation, you should know this, we let you know the week she left," Luna said.

"But it has been such a long time, Aunt Celestia is not one to stay away for so long," Blueblood said.

"I can handle Equestria until she gets back, I've done a good job of raising both the sun and moon just like she has," Luna said.

"Have I ever vocalized how weird that was? Like is this world Geocentric or something? Do you not revolve around the sun?" Tony asked. "Also does the moon not revolve around this planet?"

"Tony, I've told you before, our Astronomy is different than yours, Celestia and I control the sun and moon, it's that simple," Luna said.

"But it's just...you know, kind of weird," Tony said. "I mean, even with all the mythology in my world, at least we're still a Heliocentric Solar System."

"Can we discuss this later?" Luna asked.

"Or we can discuss it on the way, good to pass the time," Tony said.

Luna groaned in annoyance, "Whatever tickles your fancy. Blueblood, please keep watch, we won't be gone long."

"If you need help, Vision's here to guide you," Tony said.

"See ya," Spitfire said, the three finally flying off.

"That was odd," Blueblood said, then turned to Vision. "What exactly is happening?"

"Tony Stark is trying to implement change to this world, he hopes to improve upon it and make it a better living place for all residents," Vision explained. "Then he hopes to bring this to our world."

"I see, and do you think he's doing a good job?" Blueblood asked.

"I have my worries, Tony Stark means well but he does seem to focus too much on the long term and barely sees what's in front of his eyes," Vision said. "If he listened to Steve, the one you call 'Captain Equestria', then I feel like this could have been avoided."

"What about Aunt Celestia? Why isn't she in power like she should be?" Blueblood asked.

"A woman named Carol Danvers planted doubt in her rule," Vision said. "She believed she should not have all the power."

"Carol Danvers...Captain Marvel," Blueblood remembered. "I believe she is at my cousin's Kingdom of The Crystal Empire. I do hope nothing happens to Cadance, or her lovely daughter. Now, you...uh, I do not recall your name."

"I am known as Vision," the robot said.

"Vision, tell me all you can about these Accords," Blueblood said. "Maybe while I'm at it, I can call a meeting with Starswirl and his Pillars, once they've returned from The School of Magic."

It was around this time, Twilight arrived at the EEA HQ, "Alright, here's hoping things go well, for the sake of my School." She went inside, ready to explain everything to a hopefully understanding Neighsay.

Tony, Luna and Spitfire soared through the skies at incredible speed, all of them doing their best to keep at pace with one another as they made their way to the location East of Appaloosa. Their flight did not go unnoticed by the likes of Logan's group, who had by this point left Deadpool and Pinkie Pie in the dust.

"Where do you think they're heading in such a hurry?" Laura wondered.

"You think they found Cap?" Fluttershy asked.

"Hope not, still, it must be something big if Stark, Luna and Spitfire are all flying over in a hurry," Logan said.

"We should hurry, Cap might need our help," Laura said.

"Wait, hold on, what if there's a fight?" Thunderlane asked.

"Even better," Lightning Dust said. "I'm ready to kick some flank."

"Let's hope we don't have to fight though, we're in this to resolve the conflict, not make it worse," Fluttershy said.

"Come on Thunder, if you get scared, I'll hold your hoof," Lightning Dust said, winking at the stallion.

"Don't be cute," Thunderlane said.

"Eh, can't help it," Lightning Dust insisted, earning an eyeroll from Thunderlane.

"Let's try to focus here," Logan said. "Move foward."

In addition to Logan's group, the passing trio were noticed by Rainbow Dash and Gilda.

"Tony, Luna and Spitfire must have found Cap's team, I bet that's why they're all together," Rainbow Dash said.

"Should we follow them?" Gilda asked.

"Yeah, but keep a distance, fly low and avoid their detection," Rainbow Dash said, the two following after the trio.

It wasn't long before Tony, Luna and Spitfire had made it to the coordinates from the suit Coco had on, the entirety of the opposition still waiting.

"Wow, that was fast," Bobby said.

"You sound surprised, "Tony said, removing his helmet and gazing upon the four dragons. "Ember..."

"Stark..." Ember greeted.

Luna, alongside Spitfire, landed down as well, looking much more irritated, "Ember, I am very disappointed in you. After all we've done to help you and your Dragons feel included, you go and betray us?”

"I did what I had to do," Ember said. "Tony Stark's plan had flaws, all of The Accords had flaws."

"Is that a conclusion you came to on your own? Or did Steve Rogers just tell you this?" Luna asked.

"Capturing Steve Rogers to you feels more like you wanting to win, rather than doing the right thing," Ember said. "Personally I never cared for your rules, but I wanted to play nice for the time being, for the sake of Spike, his wife, his daughter and Smolder. But there's only so much nonsense I can take, and with Hercules deciding against your silly rules, the decision was easy for me."

"Well, I hope you're proud of yourself Ember, but know this, your choice could effectively make life hard for your Dragon subjects," Tony said. "But, I am a reasonable man, if you agree to cooperate from here on out, we can forgive your mistake and all will be forgiven."

"And if I don't?" Ember asked. "You gonna banish me to Earth? I'm not a citizen of Equestria, nor am I a superhero from Earth working here, your rules don't affect me."

"Wait, does she have Diplomatic Immunity? Like Doctor Doom?" Bobby asked.

"She might actually," She-Hulk said. "I know when Grandpa Gruff signed with The Accords, he noticed that the Griffons could not be punished by Equestrian Law, any violation would be handled by their own law. The same applies to The Hippogriffs, and especially The Dragons. Ember cannot be punished by Equestrian Law, and neither can her three Dragons. Only ponies and Earth heroes can, even ones that were assigned to lands outside of Equestria."

"This isn't fair though, she brought the dragons into battle and turned her back on us, she needs a brand of punishment," Bobby said.

"This was an oversight on our part, Bobby," Luna said. "We did not consider The Leaders betraying us. However, this is still a violation of our contract agreement, and there will be consequences regardless."

"Ember, we can't banish you out of this world, but we can prevent you and your dragons from stepping foot on Equestrian Land," Tony said. "If you're not going to cooperate, then you're not welcome in this country."

"Exactly," Luna said. "Ember, you are no longer allowed in Equestria for the foreseeable future, and that includes your subjects. Violation is grounds for war, push us hard enough and we will kick you out of this world."

"Um, excuse me, Princess Luna, Mr. Stark, Captain Spitfire," Silverstream said, getting their attention. "Are all dragons going to be banished? Because one of my friends attends Princess Twilight's school."

"Also, what about Spike?" Rarity asked. "I know he's opposed to us but, would he be banished to the Dragon Lair too? I was hoping we could resolve that issue."

"Well, Spike is a resident of Ponyville, thus out of Ember's rule," Luna said. "But that means he's under our mercy, so his punishment will be reflected by how much trouble he gives us."

"Well, alright," Rarity said, a bit concerned for the dragon. "There is a chance he'll listen to reason, I know Spike, and I know when it comes down to it, he will make the right choice in the end."

"We'll trust your judgement," Tony said.

"As for the student at Twilight Sparkle's school though," Luna said, thinking it over. "I hate to have to do this but, given that she is one of Ember's subjects, I may have to include her in the Dragon banishment."

"Wait don't!" Silverstream said. "What if she moves to Ponyville? Or she can move to Mount Aris! You can't take her from Ponyville, she's really happy there!"

"Yeah, leave my sister out of this!" Garble shouted.

"You be quiet!" Fleetfoot warned.

"Make me!" Garble shouted, then took a blast to the face from Tony's Repulsor.

"Wow he's obnoxious," Tony said. "Anyway, Luna, I think the fair thing would be to give this girl a chance. She is one of Twilight's students, and technically didn't do anything wrong."

"Tony, if we bend the rules for her, then we have to bend them for a lot of other creatures," Luna said.

"Eh, it shouldn't be too bad, I mean she's technically living in Ponyville," Spitfire said.

Luna shook her head, "I know what you're saying, but-"

"Let me try something," Tony said, then turned to Ember. "Tell me, do you care about this girl?"

Ember thought about denying it, but she didn't have the heart to do so, "What if I do?"

"If you do, then you'll honor your banishment from our world," Tony said. "If you promise not to cause any more trouble, then this girl can stay in Ponyville. Break your promise, and she's going back home. But know this, if she breaks the law herself for your sake, then she'll be punished by OUR law, deal?"

"Huh? You can't punish her by your law," Ember said.

"Spitfire said it herself, she's technically living in Ponyville, so she's under our mercy too," Tony said. "Now, I promise nothing will happen to her, she won't be mistreated by any heroes for being a dragon, I'm not one for discrimination, and I trust no one else is either."

"She'll be safe in Ponyville, I'll keep an eye on her myself if need be," Rarity said.

"This is up to you Ember. Make the right choice." Ember was reluctant to answer, this annoying Tony. Don’t try my patience. I'm doing you a favor and I'm doing a favor for that girl. You brought this on yourself for betraying us."

"Make an actual good choice today!" Spitfire said. "Or if you want, I'll fly down to Ponyville and get rid of her myself!"

"Don't!" Ember shouted in a pleading tone, her sudden reaction getting everyone on edge and ready to fight. Reluctantly, she agreed to these terms. "Fine...just don't do anything to Smolder."

"Good, I'm glad we could avoid any more trouble," Tony said, trying to regain his calm demeanor. "Now, I'm going to escort you and your dragons back home and explain this development to your father."

"I will accompany you Tony, you'll need assistance with these dragons," Luna said.

"I'm coming as well," Spitfire said. "In case things go wrong and you need assistance."

"What should we do?" Bobby asked.

"Should we intercept Steve in Ponyville?" Jen asked.

"Actually, all of you go to Canterlot," Tony said. "Wait there, since that's where Steve's gonna be, it'd be better if we were all ready to ambush him. I'm going to send some heroes to Las Pegasus to let Luke, Danny and Jessica know about the plan."

"What about Ponyville?" Bobby asked. "Cap's team might pass through there to meet up with Peter and the heroes there too."

"Who's assigned to Ponyville?" Tigra asked.

"Peter, Firestar and Deadpool," Tony said. "Peter's not in town though, but I can contact him and see if he can head back."

"Even if he does, is he enough against Cap?" Bobby asked.

"If his wife's with him, totally," Spitfire said. "She's an Equestrian Princess, making her one of this world's strongest."

"But Cap has Hercules now," Tigra said. "Can she match that? Or Spider-Man for that matter?"

Tony groaned in annoyance, "Why? Why must you make us worry?"

"It is important to consider all possibilities," She-Hulk said.

"If anything we'll send Carol down there," Luna said.

"Or her sidekick," Spitfire said.

"Alright, good, back on track," Tony said. "There's still the matter of guarding that Crystal Heart though."

"If you need assistance at The Crystal Empire, I'd be happy to lend my assistance," Sky Beak said.

"That would be great, assuming Cadance is alright with it," Tony said.

"She should be," Luna said.

"Alright, we'll set something up, for now, would you mind coming with me, Luna and Spitfire?" Tony asked. That way we can fly over with you and plan your team's settlement."

"Sure, that's fine with me," Sky Beak said.

"Hey Tony, what about Logan?" Bobby asked. "Suppose he gets mixed up in this?"

"Again with the worries," Tony said.

"It'll be fine, we can stay on standby in case our assistance is needed," Fleetfoot said.

"I can send a couple of my Bolts to Ponyville if you want," Spitfire said.

"I volunteer!" Silverstream said, raising her hand. "Send me and Rumble Captain Spitfire!"

"Alright, Silverstream and Rumble, you two fly off to Ponyville and keep an eye on things," Spitfire said. "Make sure everyone calls for back-up if things really start to look bad."

"You got it," Rumble said.

"Also, Rumble, you're Thunderlane's little brother, right?" Tony asked.

"Sure am," Rumble said.

"Keep an eye on him too, he offered to find Cap's team, mostly for Felicia," Tony said.

"You got it," Rumble said. "Ready to fly Silver?"

"Wait up," Ember said, getting the attention of everyone present. "Silverstream...if you see Smolder, tell her to stay out of trouble, and that I'm sorry for any hardship she might endure."

"Sure, I will Ember," Silverstream said, flying off with her partner.

"Come on," Tony said, leading the Dragon Lord away with his team, Luna using her magic to grab the other three dragons.

"Alright, the rest of us should get going too," Bobby said. "Onward to Canterlot."

As everyone else made their move, Rainbow Dash and Gilda popped out of a bush, taking not of the situation.

"That looked troubling," Gilda said.

"No doubt, come on, let's head towards Appaloosa, Johnny's probably there," Rainbow Dash said, the two flying off.

They weren't the only ones to take notice, making herself visible was Susan, "Now we know where Johnny is, and what Tony's planning."

Growing back to normal size beside her was Scott, "So how do we use this to our advantage?"

"Follow Rainbow Dash's lead, fly us to Appaloosa," Susan said, turning invisible again.

"You got it," Scott said, shrinking down and grabbing Susan to fly her off.

Meanwhile in Ponyville, a group of teen fillies were seen modeling some clothes they borrowed from Rarity's Boutique, that of course being Apple Bloom Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Dinky, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, alongside the Student trio of Smolder, Ocellus and Cozy Glow.

"Aren't these clothes fabulous?" Sweetie Belle said, modeling a dress. "I prefer the line that Lily Lace made, she has the modern style all ponies need."

"I like Starstreak," Dinky said, modeling her own sci-fi look. "I bet he could make something for Doc."

"Inky Rose has a unique flair to her as well," Silver Spoon said, modeling something gothic looking.

"Ew, you are not wearing that in my presence," Diamond Tiara said.

"Have a little fun, Dia," Apple Bloom said. "It's all about finding your style."

"I found mine," Scootaloo said, wearing a Fantastic Four type jumpsuit. "Can't believe Rarity actually has one of these."

"My sister has a bunch of clothes in reserves for some heroes here," Sweetie Belle said. “She has several for Peter alone."

"Think she'll mind if I hold onto this one?" Scootaloo asked.

"Actually, we should put them back, we're trying out the clothes, not taking them," Apple Bloom said.

"Tell that to Cozy Glow," Sweetie Belle said, gesturing to the filly modeling in front of a mirror. "She seems adamant on that one."

"Hey Celly, how about this? Would Sandy like it?" Cozy Glow asked.

"Sandbar would like anything you're in, you're already a pretty filly, Cozy," Ocellus said.

"Aw thanks," Cozy Glow said. "Are you having fun Smoldy?"

"Don't call me that!" Smolder said, the dragon wearing a nice dress and some make-up. "I feel silly."

"Come on, you look nice," Ocellus said, gesturing to The Crusaders. "Doesn't she look nice?"

"Yeah, you look great Smolder," Apple Bloom said.

"Not bad," Silver Spoon said. "Right Dia?"

"Yeah, sure," Diamond Tiara said. "Not as pretty as me, but she's alright."

"Kind of hard to match you in style, Dia," Sweetie Belle said, taking a good look at Smolder. "But, even I have to admit it, you look well Smolder."

The dragon seemed doubtful, "Come on, you don't mean that."

"No, I do," Sweetie Belle said. "The dress really brings out your eyes, and you look great with that make-up. You really should show this side of you more often, you really pull the look off, I feel like anypony could swoon over you."

Smolder turned away to hide her blush, "Like I care, I just did this because Ocellus wanted me to."

"It's your choice, but I really do think you look very pretty," Sweetie Belle said.

"Don't sweet talk me, we're rivals remember?" Smolder said.

"Well yeah, I guess we are, but we can put it aside once in a while," Sweetie Belle said.

“We can be friendly Rivals,” Ocellus said. "I really do like the idea of being friends with The Cutie Mark Crusaders after all."

"And me too, you better want to be my friend, I'm rich!" Diamond Tiara said.

"Dia..." Apple Bloom said in annoyance, then turned to Ocellus. "Forgive her, she's really nice, but she's still learning social cues."

"She probably needs the School of Friendship," Cozy Glow said.

"Pfft, I go to a Private School, I don't need a Friendship School," Diamond Tiara said.

"Too bad we never got to go," Sweetie Belle said. "But it's fine, I guess since I already have the girls, I don't need to worry about making friends."

“That’s a great mindset Sweetie Belle,” Ocellus said. “You girls would make for good Friendship Examples.”

"That sounds nice," Apple Bloom said, then noticed the time. "Hey girls, we should probably be leaving, we got a filly to foalsit."

"Do we really need to?" Scootaloo asked. "Trixie’s probably home."

"Ah want to get a head start, plus ah figured we could organize a sleepover," Apple Bloom said. "Good chance to bond with Mayday."

"She doesn't seem to like us much though," Scootaloo said.

"Come on, she likes us, at least a little," Apple Bloom said. "Sure, she was jealous once because she wanted to spend time with Rumble, and she basically had to compete with us to get that, but ah feel like things are different now."

"I'm not sure, she didn't seem too thrilled about us foalsitting her," Sweetie Belle said.

"Let's just give it a go, ah promised Peter and ah want to keep that promise," Apple Bloom said. "Ah want to do more than keep it actually, ah want to make it worth something. I'm gonna be a mom in less than a year, the more practice around kids, the better. Thankfully ah have some practice with mah two nephews and mah niece, and Mayday's like family to me too so ah want to be there fer her."

"That's very admirable of you Apple Bloom, you're going to be a great mother," Ocellus said.

"Thanks, mighty kind of ya," Apple Bloom said, removing her dress. "Come on girls."

"You three can stay a bit longer, just don't mess anything up," Sweetie Belle said, removing hers as well, same with the other girls. "Lily, Star and Inky should be here soon to close this place up, don't create more work for them."

"Hey if we're spending the night at Princess Twilight's house, let me go home and get some stuff so I can be comfortable," Diamond Tiara said, leaving with her friends.

"They're really nice when they're not rivalling us," Ocellus said.

"Eh, I still don't trust them, plus they did some trashy things to us that I'm not ready to just let slide," Smolder said.

"We have to learn to forgive, it's what Kurt would want us to do," Ocellus said.

"I'm not a Saint like Kurt, I don't just forgive things," Smolder said. "Honestly I don't know how he can go his life without getting angry at stuff."

"He does get angry Smolder, he just manages his emotions," Ocellus said. "He's not always perfect about it, but no one's perfect. That's why we have to be tolerant and forgiving."

"Golly, seems like you take his preaching to heart," Cozy Glow said.

"When you spend time with him in the Church, and hear him discuss his Religion, you pick up on a few things," Ocellus said. "I've learned a lot about the God he worships, and I wonder if that same God watches over us too."

"Eh, maybe," Smolder said. "I respect Kurt, but I don't really find this Religion stuff that fascinating."

"He's aware that not everyone's religious, and we don't need to be," Ocellus said. "We don't need to be religious to be good creatures, and that's honestly all he wants from us, to be good to others and to be happy, each in our own way."

"I do like the idea of being happy," Cozy Glow said. "One day, I want to spread that happiness to others in my own special way."

"I can respect that," Smolder said. "You know, ever since he told us about being a Changeling, he's felt even more relieved than normal."

"Because he's not hiding a part of himself that he was once ashamed of, he's learned to embrace it," Ocellus said. "Something you need to do Smolder, if you need Kurt's help, just tell him, that's what he's there for, to help us."

"I'll think about it," Smolder said. "Anyway, we should probably head back to the school, let's get out of these clothes."

"Too bad, I really liked this dress," Cozy Glow said, looking back to the skirt. "I feel like Sandy would like it too."

"Another time maybe," Ocellus said, to Cozy's disappointment. "Come on, let's hurry on out of here."

Later at the Parker-Sparkle home, the teen fillies had arrived at the Library, knocking on the door and awaiting an answer.

"How much luggage did you bring?" Scootaloo asked, gesturing to Diamond's large bag.

"I like to be prepared," Diamond Tiara said.

"That you do, Dia," Apple Bloom said. Eventually the door finally answered. "Howdy Trixie, we're here to watch over Mayday, and possibly spend the night."

"Spend the night? Peter didn't mention anything like that," Trixie said. "But, I'm not opposed to it, the extra help would be nice. Starlight's doing a lot of paperwork and I did need some time to map out my next tour spots."

"Is Autumn Blaze here?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"She's entertaining Benjy and Hope while Aunt May cooks some dinner," Trixie said. "Come on in."

The six fillies went inside, the Library didn't look too different than normal, despite the renovations it's had to fit more ponies living inside. For the core Crusaders, it brought back memories of the time Twilight used to give them personal tutoring.

"I forgot how much I used to like spending time here," Sweetie Belle said. "Having Twilight teach me magic is one of my fondest memories."

"Same with me and the potions, ah mean I still like doing those with Zecora from time to time, even if life's been keeping us busy," Apple Bloom said.

"Well we are Cutie Mark Crusaders, and we have a duty to help ponies find their Cutie Marks or understand them," Scootaloo said. "Still, repairing stuff like a mechanic was definitely fun."

"So, where's Mayday?" Dinky asked.

"In the lab downstairs with Franklin," Trixie said, making her way to the door and opening it. "Mayday! Franklin! The Crusaders are here!"

"Good for them!" Mayday said.

Trixie furrowed her brow, "You could at least come greet them, they came here to watch over you."

"Come on Mayday, just a few minutes wouldn't hurt," Franklin said.

"Ugh, fine Frankie," Mayday said, dropping whatever it was she was doing.

"What's down there I wonder?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Just some stuff Peter and Mayday invented," Trixie said. "Things like the Twilight Arms, which are blaster gauntlets."

"Ooh, somehow I'm getting unpleasant memories," Apple Bloom said.

"Hey those memories are unpleasant for Peter too, but according to Peter, those came in handy in that dystopian future," Trixie said.

"Where I was a rebel leader," Sweetie Belle said. "Honestly, if I wanted to, I could join the Equestrian Avengers thing and be a kick-butt agent."

"Not a good time to consider joining The Avengers," Apple Bloom said. "Anyway, what else is down there?"

"I know he has a car that he never uses," Trixie said. "Mainly since Celestia would prefer he didn't use one."

"Which my daddy agreed to for some reason," Mayday said, coming upstairs with Franklin. "There's a lot of stuff down there, including my glider, which those stupid robots won't let me fly."

"You mean those Patroller Robots?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Those things are kind of weird."

"Doc's pride and joy," Dinky said. "Well sort of, Mr. Richards helped with them too."

"Mah family don't like them much, but from what I've seen, if you don't do nothing bad, they don't bother you," Apple Bloom said.

"I think they're kind of cute," Silver Spoon said, earning a few glares. "What, they are."

"You have weird tastes," Mayday said, to Silver Spoon's annoyance. "Anyway, there's plenty down there, including tech my daddy got from other worlds, like Blastia, Materia and Kryptonian Tech. He's implementing everything he can into a top-secret project that according to daddy, will make him stronger than ever to protect everyone."

"Can we see?" Dinky asked.

"No, it's Top Secret, only trusted family members can know," Mayday said, then placed her arm around Franklin. "And my best friend."

"He's your only friend," Trixie said.

"Oh quality over quantity," Mayday said.

"Also, Apple Bloom here is like family to your dad, and she's Rumble's girlfriend, I think she has a right to know," Trixie said.

Mayday groaned in annoyance, "Fine...All of you come with me, do NOT break anything in the lab or I will break you."

"You're like half our size, how are you gonna break us?" Diamond Tiara said.

"I have my ways," Mayday said. "Follow me."

"Mayday, you have to be a bit nicer," Franklin said as he followed his friend down.

"I am nice, I'm showing them aren't I?" Mayday asked.

Diamond Tiara groaned, "What a brat."

"Are you in any position to talk?" Dinky asked.

"At least I have more than one friend," Diamond Tiara said.

"She's eight, don't let her get to you," Silver Spoon said.

Down in the lab below, the teens could see everything, it was a large bunker with several gadgets, test tubes, chemistry kits, webbing. Even his Spider Mobile, which was kept really clean despite it never being used.

There were even extra suits that Peter had, amazing the girls

"So many suits," Sweetie Belle said.

"My dad likes to keep extra in stock, he usually just sticks to what he has but he does have plenty in reserves," Mayday said. "Some suits are for stealth, some are hi-tech similar to stuff that Mr. Stark has, he even has a Fantastic Four suit with a paper bag next to it for some reason."

"Oh there's a reason, just ask my uncle," Franklin said.

"Hey that suit looks like the one he has now, but with a white spider mark," Sweetie Belle said.

"Oh yeah, he mentioned wanting that to be a new design," Mayday said. "Personally I think the white is an eyesore and clashes with the design."

"Do you really? I think it looks fine, I mean it almost resembles the American Flag, Red White and Blue," Franklin said. "With a hint of black."

"That suit has a nice green glow," Apple Bloom said.

"He calls that his 'Big Time' suit," Mayday said.

"Did my sister make these?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"She helped a little, but my dad handled most of the designs on his own," Mayday said, then gestured to the one suit they all wanted to see. "And this...is the Coup De Grace, which means something in another language, but I don't know what."

From what the Crusaders could see, the suit was red with blue, glowing cyan light and a metallic structure.

"What is it?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"This...is the Velocity Suit," Mayday said. "After my dad's last armored suit got destroyed while fighting Goku, he started work on this suit to not just increase his power, but also his speed. This suit can turn seconds into minutes, maybe even hours. It's my daddy's proudest achievement."

"Looks dope for sure," Scootaloo said.

"Me and my daddy are still working out some kinks, it should be ready soon," Mayday said. "I can't wait to see him use it."

"Certainly could use it now to find Captain Equestria," Scootaloo said.

"Or my uncle," Franklin said.

"Auntie Rainbow Dash is helping too, she can find your uncle and everyone else and sort this thing out," Mayday said. "Plus isn't your mom looking for Uncle Johnny too?"

"She is, I don't know if my dad is, but The Fantastic Four are tight knit, so Uncle Johnny must be on my dad's mind," Franklin said. "Kind of wish Uncle Ben was here to help too, hopefully he's on his way."

"Anyway, that's all I have for today," Mayday said. "Everyone back upstairs, I have more work to do."

"Alright, well, if you need something, we're not too far away," Apple Bloom said. "Yer a really clever girl Mayday, Peter's lucky to have such a smart daughter."

"Uh...thanks, Apple Bloom" Mayday said, feeling a bit flustered.

"Come on girls," Apple Bloom said, leading her friends upstairs as the two kids remained downstairs.

"Really nice girls, huh?" Franklin said.

"I guess so," Mayday said, looking at some notes. "I think daddy was working on a time machine once, maybe I can try something like that."

"Bad idea, messing with time is dangerous," Franklin said. "You mentioned before that your dad got stuck in that future."

"Oh yeah...really hate that my daddy went through that," Mayday said. "Sometimes I wonder how he pulls it off, always smiling despite everything he's been through."

"Heroes have to look strong, to keep everyone else from getting worried," Franklin said.

"A hero's job is to help others, but who helps the heroes when they need it?" Mayday asked. "Who's helping my daddy when he's going through all this trauma just to keep everyone safe? He did so much good on Earth, he went through torture to make sure people are safe, and he still gets slandered and treated like garbage!"

"Yeah, I've noticed," Franklin said.

"People are selfish, ponies are selfish, all creatures are selfish! Then mom asks why I don't make friends, I don't care about friends because I know what others are like, selfish individuals who only serve to kick you to the curb the moment your usefulness expires!" Mayday exemplified her point with a whack to the side of a wall. "It's not fair, my daddy does more than anyone, and he asks for nothing in return, why are others such jerks!?"

"Mayday, I know you're frustrated, but not everyone's bad, you remember the rally today, more ponies love your dad than hate him, it's just that the ones who disliked him were the loudest," Franklin said. "Your dad's amazing, and I know more who would agree than disagree. You just have to let yourself be open enough to accept it. Don't distance yourself from others just because you think they can be not nice. You might miss out on amazing Friendships."

"I'm just not a social pony," Mayday said. "My dislike of others certainly doesn't help but at my core, I like things small."

"Then keep them small," Franklin said. "I mean, one or two more friends shouldn't be bad. We discussed this before, try again with The Cake Twins, I think they like you for you and you should gift them with your presence. I mean, I think you're amazing and I love spending time with you, others should have that option."

Mayday began to blush, a strange feeling coming over her, "You really think so?"

"I know so, it's not just for them, it's for you. Make friends because you want to, and keep it as comfortable as you'd like," Franklin said, taking her hoof. "If all else fails, I'm here for you, and I'm never kicking you to the curb."

"You're so sweet Frankie..." Mayday said, then leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. "Thank you. I'll do better, if at least for me more than anyone."

"That's great," Franklin said, blushing from the kiss.

"I'll ask Starlight and see if she knows anypony, even if it's from mom's school," Mayday said. "Could be a good chance to see if it's any good or not."

"Uh...that sounds great, I guess," Franklin said, then led Mayday upstairs. "Come on, science can wait."

"Oof, that hurt to hear," Mayday said, earning a playful head shake from Franklin.

Peter continued to search the south-eastern part of Equestria, specifically ending up in Dodge City. He considered continuing but he wanted to wait for Twilight to catch up with him, though it was taking much longer than he would have liked.

"Well hello there," came the voice of an Earth Pony with a red mane and a cherry Cutie Mark.

"Oh hi...you look familiar," Peter said. "Have I seen you around Sweet Apple Acres once or twice?"

"I'm Cherry Jubilee, I commute to Sweet Apple Acres to trade cherries for apples and catch up with Applejack," Cherry said.

"Oh right, you own Cherry Hill Ranch Peter said. “Funny, I know someone named Jubilee, she's a really nice girl, guess that name just comes with nice ladies.”

"Well I'm flattered you think my name's so nice," Cherry said, a hint of a blush on her face. "So, what brings a fine hero like yourself all the way out here?"

"I'm looking for Captain Equestria, there's been an incident and I need to find him," Peter said. "Not sure if you know the details though."

"I have heard talk, word of mouth gets around, plus the papers are all over it," Cherry said.

"Things are not good, so I want to fix it and get everything back to normal, but it's gonna be difficult," Peter said. "Right now I'm waiting for my wife, you remember Twilight Sparkle, right?"

"Oh yes, the mare who became Princess," Cherry said.

"We were supposed to go together, but she got worried about her school and went to Canterlot," Peter said.

"Is it that fancy Friendship School I heard about?" Cherry asked.

"Yeah, it's a nice place, but it's a bit flawed in design," Peter said. "I mean, you can't teach Friendship in a classroom, you need to learn it organically. Any friend I had wasn't from a school, and if you try teaching it in a classroom, it's going to come off as restrictive. Plus learning about what Friendship is means nothing if you can't apply the skills. It also kind of assumes everyone is outgoing and wants to make friends, very difficult for introvert types."

"Have you told your wife this?" Cherry asked.

"I did, she was mad at first but she's listening to reason now," Peter said. "I told her more how I felt, I think she wants to change it a little, make things more recreational, but she can be a bit stubborn. She thinks the school is fine as is and doesn't want to change it too much, otherwise to her, it's just another school.”

"Well keep at it, some mares need a bit more than one conversation," Cherry said. "It's not easy being honest with another pony, especially one you're in a relationship with, but Honesty is important, something Applejack would attest to."

"Oh I will, I want the best for Twilight," Peter said. "Thanks for hearing me out."

"It's my pleasure talking to such a handsome stallion like yourself," Cherry said, earning a blush from Peter. "Now I have to get back to my duties. If you need a place to stay, I can help you out, and your lovely wife.”

"Thanks," Peter said, looking to the distance as Cherry left. He checked his radio, dialing a frequency. "Hurry up Twilight, I'm waiting for you in Dodge City, we gotta keep moving."

In the distance, Twilight was indeed flying in Peter's direction. She could hear Peter's voice but wasn't in the mood to talk. Neighsay was not too happy when he found out about Applejack and the situation regarding Steve. The future of her school was in jeopardy, and she really needed this whole situation resolved. She had to stop the conflict, otherwise everything she worked for would be for naught.

All of this was being carefully observed by Discord, the Draconquess looking through a crystal ball. "So much conflict, if this keeps up, the world will fall apart before we really have a chance to have fun."

"Hey Discord..." Came a female voice. "It's me!"

"Eris?" Discord looked around. Suddenly the female draconequess appeared beside him, "Sup?"

"Sup?" Discord said. "You're awfully casual."

"Sorry, should I have worn a tie?" Eris asked, poofing one into existence. "Actually I look good in a tie."

"Well, it's great to see you, but you're early, this part of the plan isn't until later," Discord said. "Right now is an especially bad time to do it."

"Didn't take you for much of a plan guy, you're usually much more sporadic," Eris said.

"Well it's a team effort, Tirek and Norman are the ones doing a lot of the work too, plus I am still hoping to recruit a bit more, but no one here seems to want more allies," Discord said.

"If you get that one guy, Goku Black, do you need any more allies?" Eris asked.

"Yes, that's true," Discord said. "Otto's conversations with him are going quite well, we're just trying to find a compromise between our goals and his."

"And you're doing all this, to mess with one guy?" Eris asked.

"Not just him, his friends and family too, they're quite entertaining," Discord said. "Though, I do feel for some of the ponies who've been caught in this crossfire but, accidents happen."

"Hey Discord!" Came Shocker's voice, the grunt making his way over alongside Sonata. "Chrysalis wants to know if you're sending anyone out to find that bell in the near...Huh?"

Eris waved at the two. "Hello."

"Oh...are you Discord's sister?" Sonata asked.

"Crap, now there's two of them!?" Shocker asked.

"Don't worry, I'm not his sister, I just come from a dimension where genders are reversed for you," Eris said. "I'm Discord's female counterpart."

"Female...counterpart?" Shocker asked.

"Yes, there's a whole different alternate reality," Eris said. "So for example, there's a female Shocker in that dimension, and a male Sonata."

“Alright, I’m out of here,” Shocker said, dragging Sonata off.

“But I had questions!” Sonata said, getting dragged off by her friend.

“Interesting allies,” Eris said.

"That they are," Discord said. "So, on to more planning."

In the Capcom world, Goku was practicing some of his techniques while the warriors of that world, along with Sunset Shimmer, were preparing for their eventual arrival in Asgard.

Goku charged up and fired a massive Kamehameha into the skies, somehow feeling unsatisfied, "I need to do better than that."

"Son Goku..." Came the voice of Ryu, the martial artist standing nearby with Chris and Dante.

"Ryu?” Goku said. “And your two friends.”

“Name’s Dante,” the demon said.

"Chris Redfield," the agent said.

"What brings you guys here?" Goku asked. "And where's Cloud?"

"Cloud's in his world, looking for allies," Ryu said. "Sunset contacted us, saying we're going to Asgard to help Thor, I was surprised when she said you were here."

"It's part of my training, I'm traveling the multiverse," Goku said. "I'm going to make myself stronger than before."

"Amazing since you're already very strong," Ryu said.

"Well, I have people I want to surpass, namely Beerus and Thor," Goku said. "I trust you’re all training hard too.”

"Of course, I never stop training," Ryu said. "I train to surpass my limits."

"Happy to hear, who knows, one day maybe we can do battle," Goku said. "I can sense a lot of latent potential in you. Reminds me of my son, his potential even surpassed my own many times.”

“Impressive, maybe your son can come by one day,” Ryu said. “Invite him along with Sunset to spar.”

"I just thought of something, one day Capcom should fight Equestria, that'd be something," Dante said.

"Testing how strong Spider-Man's wife is would be a treat," Ryu said. "If Sunset is any indication, the ponies of Equestria could be more powerful than even we thought."

"I hope they put up a better fight than those Dragons or Diamond Dogs," Dante joked. "Those things were complete fodder."

"We only fought teen Dragons, an adult Dragon would be a whole different story," Chris said.

"Hitting my Shoryuken on a full-sized dragon would be oddly satisfying," Ryu said.

"I think we can handle dragons; we beat up an Ursa Minor," Chris said.

"You mean Peter's pet?" Dante asked. "Did anyone find out where he keeps that thing?"

"Sunset said it lives in the Forest near their village," Ryu said.

"Why did you beat up Peter's pet?" Goku asked.

"It was a misunderstanding, we thought it was endangering his daughter and some other foals," Ryu said. "It was foolish and I regret hurting it."

"What's done is done, Peter moved on, so we can to," Dante said. "Anyway let's go find Sunset, Chun-Li and our other buddies. Maybe we can check on our little backup squad."

As everyone left, Chris brought up another point, "Think that bear could be potentially violent? Is it right for Peter to have it as a pet?"

"It's fine," Ryu said. "I don't think it would harm another for no reason."

Meanwhile on a ship in Marvel's space, Tempest was seen placing her hand over her scar, as if it ached.

"Something bothering you?" Sephiroth asked.

"It's nothing, just a painful memory," Tempest said.

"Memories are only as painful as you allow them to be, focus your mental strength to overcome that pain, and use it to make you stronger," Sephiroth said.

"Yes sir, I will," Tempest said. "Loki! How much longer until we arrive?"

"Not long now, probably another Asgardian day or two," Loki said. "Oh how I eagerly await to see my dear brother again."

As if sensing danger, Thor looked to the distance on Asgard, "Loki..."

"Is everything alright Thor?" Lady Sif asked, accompanied by the Warriors Three; Volstagg, Hogun and Fandral.

"Loki should be here soon," Thor said. "Sif, find Valkryie, tell her to round up her squad and to be prepared for battle."

"On it," Sif said, making her leave.

"What of us Thor?" Volstagg asked.

"Ready our troops, war is coming," Thor said. "Make sure the Allfather is protected."

"As you command," Fandral said.

"Beta Ray Bill should be here soon, see to it that he comes to me the moment he arrives," Thor said.

"What of that other warrior," Hogun said. "The one called Goku?"

"Right, he wished to be of assistance..." Thor seemed a bit reluctant of course, not that he didn't trust Goku's strength, but he was hesitant to let others potentially die for Asgard. However with these other unknown threats, including The Storm King and Sephiroth, plus any trick Loki had up his sleeve, he needed to be well prepared.

"Thor? Is anything wrong?" Hogun asked.

"Forgive me, I was lost in thought," Thor said. "I shall contact the Angel Whis, see if he is willing to bring Goku."

"Hey while you're at it, what about those Avengers friends of yours?" Volstagg asked.

Thor shook his head, "Leave them to Equestria, they have their duties there."

"Should we also prepare a feast?" Fandral asked. "For that Angel and the God he serves."

Thor groaned in annoyance, just thinking about Beerus frustrated him, "Very well, if to keep that so-called God out of my face."

"Alright, we have our jobs, let's get to it!" Volstagg said, everyone spreading out to prepare for battle.

Thor clenched his Mjolnir, ready for the oncoming battle for Asgard. Ragnarök wasn't too far away and he was just about ready.