• Published 30th Mar 2021
  • 1,059 Views, 187 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Civil War - Masterob

An internal battle between The Avengers and The Elements of Harmony threaten Equestria's future.

  • ...

Troubling Consequences

The moment Tony got word of what happened to Las Pegasus, he was quite displeased. Once again, a mission assigned by The Accords did not go according to plan. He took it upon himself to travel to the city to survey the damage.

It looked bad in the city itself, a good portion of it got destroyed, fires had started as a result and the city needed to be evacuated if there might have been a villain involved in this. Luke Cage and Iron Fist worked double time to help any surviving citizen, with assistance from Peter.

"Here I thought things could not get any worse, but I guess I was wrong," Tony lamented. "Celestia is going to have a fit too."

"Tony!" Peter called, getting the attention of the founding Avenger.

"Peter, what happened out here!?" Tony asked. "How and why did a ship crash land in this town!? Whose ship is this anyway!?"

"It's a pirate ship, the same pirates that were working for The Storm King," Peter explained. "The ship crashed when a fight with their captain went wrong."

"Well where is the captain?" Tony asked.

"She...kind of got away," Peter shamefully admitted. "I tried controlling the ship to prevent it from crashing, but the sails were out of control, unfortunately I had no choice but make my exit. I hoped the ship would drift more toward the sea but just my luck it ended up in a town like this."

Tony still looked displeased of course, this was a lot of damage over what was a stealth mission, but he knows Peter did his best, he always does, "What's done is done, only thing left is to clean up the mess here, and find that captain. Did you get a name? What does this captain look like? Was it a pony?"

"The captain's name is Celeano," Peter said. "And she's not a pony, she's a walking, talking bird."

"...A bird?" Tony asked. "That's new."

"Yeah that town had a lot of odd creatures, some looked like fish, some looked like pigs, there was even a cat," Peter said.

"A cat? You mean an Abyssinian?" Tony asked. "That Kingdom still hasn't answered Celestia's invitation to the castle."

"I can't help there, I barely know the guy," Peter said. "Just another scummy lowlife, like everyone else in that town. Celestia wasn't kidding when she said laws barely exist there."

"That bad huh?" Tony said. "Hey where's Luna? Is she here?"

"Last I saw her, she went after that little hedgehog guy from the Storm King's Invasion weeks ago," Peter said.

"Hope she had better luck then," Tony said. "What were these guys up to anyway? The pirates I mean?"

"Delivering explosives to Mr. Negative," Peter explained.

"So, now our pal Martin is in contact with The Storm King, like if things weren’t frustrating enough," Tony said. "Anyway, you can keep helping Luke and Iron Fist clean up."

"You got it boss," Peter said, thwipping away.

Tony continued to survey the damage, still feeling frustrated from the destruction, wondering if this could have been prevented.

"Tony!" Called Luna's voice, the mare flying in with some Storm King soldiers as prisoners, along with Celeano's allies.

"Hey Luna, you've been busy," Tony said.

"I have most of the party we were after," Luna said.

"The ones trying to sell to Mr. Negative?" Tony asked.

"Yes, unfortunately I could not capture a top general in The Storm King's army," Luna said. "He's a rather slippery one."

"Ah well, you still did good," Tony said, taking note of the crashed ship once again. "Too bad this couldn't be prevented. That Celeano woman must have been pretty crafty."

"I wish I could have been on board to help, perhaps I should have just left these thugs to Felicia Hardy," Luna said.

"Felicia Hardy?" Tony asked, turning to Luna.

"Oh right, you should probably know that she took it upon herself to accompany myself and Peter on this mission," Luna explained. "The Accords mean nothing to her because she, and I loosely quote, 'Works for my sister, not you', which apparently entitles her to do what she pleases."

Tony grumbled in annoyance, the idea of Felicia finding a loophole through his Accords did not sit well with him, "I need to have a word with your sister. Let Peter and Felicia know to see me once clean up here winds down, I have a few changes to make."

"I trust they will be for the better," Luna said. "The last thing we need is anypony, Equestrian or Earthling, to think that all they have to do is go over our heads to do whatever they want."

"You read my mind," Tony said, about to take off when a thought occurred to him. "Wait, can you actually read my mind?"

"Well, technically I can since I can go into the Dream World," Luna said. "But I wasn't reading your mind for real now, I'm not one to randomly breach someone's privacy."

"Oh, alright then..." Tony said, about to take off again. "Hey, have you been in my dreams by chance?"

"No...should I?" Luna asked.

"I'd rather you not," Tony said, turning away to hide an awkward blush. "It's just...random guy stuff, nothing of interest. Gotta go!"

Tony quickly sped off, leaving a confused Luna behind, "Sometimes it's easy to see why Peter admires Tony so much. They're both quite odd, but at least have a strong sense of justice.”

Peter overlooked the city, seeing all the destruction and injuries filled him with deep regret, the hero wondering what he could have done to prevent this. Just the sight reminded him of his time in Future Equestria, the boy shuddering at the thought of similar events coming to pass.

"Spider-Man," Luke said, getting his attention.

"Sorry, did I zone out?" Peter asked.

"A little, you feeling alright there?" Luke asked. Probably a foolish question, given what just happened, of course the hero would be shaken up.

"I'm so sorry about all this. I can't believe all this happened, I thought I had everything under control," Peter said.

"This can't be undone, the best we can do is move forward," Luke said. "We'll make this right."

"I'm supposed to protect this world, it's my duty, not just as it's hero, but as it's Knight and Prince," Peter said.

"Heroes like us can't save everyone, but we can do our best to," Luke said. "I know how you feel, I'm no prince, but I was assigned to protect this city, so I share some responsibility."

"Nothing you could have done to prevent this, you're strong but this ship would have been too much for you," Peter said.

"Too much? I think you're underestimating me a bit," Luke joked, hoping to lighten the mood with some humor, Peter at least cracking a smile. "We'll make this right, count on it."

"Yeah, sure," Peter said. "We just have to find Captan Celaeno."

"Tell me all you know, Danny and I will keep a lookout," Luke Cage said.

"Thanks, I appreciate that," Peter said.

The following day in Canterlot Castle, Peter and Felicia had gone to Canterlot Castle where they had granted Celestia her audience, one overlooked by Spitfire, Steve, Tony and Luna.

"Peter, Felicia, it has come to my understanding that there was a bit of an unfortunate incident that resulted from complications regarding your mission," Celestia began.

"We're sorry, things just went wrong real fast," Peter said. "I never would have imagined losing control of that ship would result in that much catastrophe."

"I know you did not intend this Peter, and I know you did your best, your success far out classes any slip ups you may encounter," Celestia reassured.

"See Peter? Celestia is totally understanding of this situation, she knows you well enough after all," Felicia said.

"But, this is still cause for concern," Celestia said.

"Starting with you Felicia," Tony said. "I talked to Celestia, she had no idea that you went to Klugetown."

"Well yeah, I made that choice on my own," Felicia said.

"Do you need to be reminded how The Accords work?" Tony asked. "If you want a mission, you have to get clearance first, especially from me."

"And do you need to be reminded that you are not my boss?" Felicia sassed.

"Watch the tone lady," Spitfire warned.

"I'm just pointing out facts, I work under Princess Celestia first and foremost, if she has a problem with what I did, then I'll leave that for her to decide," Felicia said. "But I think Celestia should know that I was the one who got Peter and Luna the lead they needed to find Celaeno's ship, so I did you all a favor."

"Sister, you can't be alright with this blatant disregard for the rules, can you?" Luna asked.

"Well, it isn't ethical, but she meant well," Celestia said.

"Meaning well isn't enough, you said yourself you want a better future for Equestria, part of that means keeping order," Luna said. "If Felicia is not going to be part of the solution, that makes her part of the problem."

"Why is she even employed by you anyway? Did S.M.I.L.E. want her or is this just some experiment you came up with?" Spitfire asked.

"I recruited her to put her skills to use," Celestia said. "And to keep her under control."

"Well I say she has outgrown her usefulness," Luna said. "If she believes she can do whatever she pleases just because you'll give her a pass, then that ultimately undermines the reason you had for hiring her in the first place."

"We have more than enough heroes at our disposal, in addition to our new recruits that we've been training as of late, I say we don't need her services," Spitfire said.

"Such an ungrateful bunch, you're so focused on your silly rules that you ignore the results my initiative has taken," Felicia said.

"Like part of a city getting destroyed?" Tony asked. "That isn't results Felicia."

"Let's not be too hard, Felicia would not intentionally endanger others, and she was trying to help," Steve said.

"Why thank you Captain," Felicia said. "You always were a stand-up hero."

"Totally sucker for a pretty face too," Tony said, aggravating his friend.

"Like you're one to talk," Steve argued.

"My point stands, I say Felicia should be fired," Tony said.

"I agree," Spitfire said.

"Same, she shall be removed from her position at once," Luna said.

"Uh, yeah, no, that isn't up to you, it's up to Celestia," Felicia said. "She is the Princess of the land, and has the final say."

"Luna, you're a Princess of Equestria too, aren't you?" Tony asked.

"Yes, I am," Luna said.

"At night," Felicia pointed out.

"How dare you, I am just as important as my sister!" Luna said. "She's not the only one who rules Equestria! It's supposed to be a partnership."

"It should be," Came the voice of Carol, the woman having flown in through the window. "Because no one mare should have all that power."

"Carol? What are you doing here?" Peter asked.

"I came once I heard word of the incident at Las Pegasus," Carol explained.

"Wow, news travels fast," Peter said.

"Well I am in usual contact with Cadance, and she received instant messages from Celestia and Luna, so that helps me keep up to date on everything that happens here," Carol explained. "Such as that incident from the other night, where apparently Johnny Storm's inept hero work led to the destruction of Tony's building in Manehattan."

"Bit harsh there, Johnny did his best," Peter said.

"His so-called best resulted in destruction and casualties, just like this past mission," Carol said. "I'm a little surprised that this happened under your watch Peter, but I suppose everyone has their off days."

"Gee, thanks," Peter sarcastically remarked. "Anyway what's with this whole One Mare and Power thing you just said?"

"I'd like to know how this land is governed, is Celestia the sole authority or is it more balanced?" Carol asked. "I mean having one pony making all those choices seems counterproductive to a positive society."

"In Celestia's defense, it's worked well so far," Peter said. "This have only been bad the last year or so."

"Because she finds herself unfamiliar with a lot of the dangers that have fallen on Equestria, and there's only so much she can do with such limited knowledge," Carol said. "We're going to need a change in the system."

"Hold on now Carol, you're not suggesting that we replace Celestia, are you?" Steve asked.

"I am not for that," Peter said.

"No one needs to get replaced, she can stay in power, but I suggest you fix the ranks in this world," Carol said. "Most countries back on Earth have that ranked power system. Take Wakanda, King T'Challa does not make all the choices, he consults with the other tribes and does not force his way all the time. If you allow Celestia to be the sole decision maker, you may not get the best results."

"Well Celestia is letting Tony take control with The Accords, so there's that," Peter said.

"Yes, and little miss kitty here believes she's above the Accords because Celestia seems to overrule them," Carol said. "Because if that's the case, then are the Accords even worth taking seriously?"

"Uh...well," Peter was a bit stumped on how to respond to this.

"You don't need to come up with an answer, it's already clear," Carol said, gesturing to Celestia. "The biggest obstacle to this world being the best it could be, is its own leader."

"Easy Carol, show Celestia a little respect, she's still the Princess," Steve said.

"She should be able to handle a little criticism, it is for the best of her world," Carol said, then turned to Celestia. "You do say your subjects are important to you, don't you?"

"Of course they are," Celestia said.

"Well then, I suggest you try a little consistency," Carol said. "You talk about how you want this world safe, how you're unsure of how well we heroes can keep it safe given the threats that come from our world. Well this time the threat was from your world, and Tony seemed to have it under control by sending only two into a town where ponies are not typically the norm. Smart move on his behalf, something that got jeopardized by little miss kitty here."

"Gonna need you to stop calling me that, it's 'Felicia' or 'Black Cat'," the cat themed thief warned.

"I prefer your last name Hardy, it fits your foolhardy nature," Carol snapped.

"At least no one mistakes me for a man," Felicia snapped back, this causing an awkward silence.

"Aw, kitty has quips," Carol taunted, then focused back on Celestia. "I know you are not to blame for what Little Miss Foolhardy did, but as her 'employer', it is your duty to correct her mistake. She should not be running off on her own."

"Then let's fire her," Spitfire said. "Tony Stark and Princess Luna are in favor too."

"So three of you want her fired, how many of you are against it?" Carol asked.

"I am," Steve said. "While what she did was technically against the rules, she did have good intentions. I say just a small warning is enough."

"A small warning is hardly a good punishment for the destruction she allowed to happen," Carol said.

"So quick to blame me, ever think this could have happened regardless if I was there or not?" Felicia asked. "I had the inside in Klugetown, I brought Peter and Twilight to Celaeno, if it wasn't for me, they would have had a much more difficult time!"

"We would have managed without you, it didn't help that you decided to board the ship with Peter and likely distracted him from apprehending the pirate captain by being a liability," Luna said.

"You're all going off assumptions right now, you have no actual proof," Felicia said.

"Fine, we'll get proof," Carol said. "Spider-Man, tell me. Was she an asset or a liability?"

"Well...define asset and liability," Peter said.

"Don't dodge the question, remember the destruction, how many lives will be affected because of this," Carol said.

"I'm aware of that," Peter insisted. "It's just...I think Felicia deserves another chance, she really did help out."

"Spider-Man, surely you, a Knight and Prince of Equestria, are not trying to make excuses for a woman like this, who has had a troubled past and is a part of the destruction of a city," Carol said. "This is a very poor example, and we know you're better than this."

"I'm not condoning anything, but it's not fair to fault Felicia, I should have been able to prevent that crash too, if you're mad at her, then you should all be mad at me," Peter said.

"Peter, you and I were supposed to be there, Felicia was not," Luna said. "It is unfair for you to take fault."

"It is to me," Peter said. "I'm sorry, I just can't go against Felicia like this, it doesn't feel right."

Felicia seemed almost amazed that Peter was standing up for her like this, despite their rocky relationship, it is reassuring that he does care about her, making her almost feel bad for the situation she got him into.

"Peter don't be stupid, you don't need to take the fall for this lady," Tony said. "You're worth more to Equestria than she is."

"Hiring her was probably one of the worst decisions my sister has made over the years," Luna said.

"Excuse me?" Celestia focused on her younger sister.

"You knew I was against the idea of trusting her, yet you just had to have her on your side because you always get what you want," Luna said.

"That is not true! It's not about getting what I want, it's about utilizing her skills to our advantage!" Celestia said.

"She's a thief! You hired a thief!" Luna said. "By that logic, maybe we should have tried recruiting some of the villains in the dungeon.”

"I'd probably trust Taskmaster more than Felicia at this point," Tony said. "He's shown to have more common sense."

"Alright I kind of find that insulting," Felicia said.

"Felicia may be troubled but she is not as evil as those we have captured over the years," Celestia said.

"I just wish you'd clear some of these decisions with me first before deciding on what YOU want to do," Luna said. "Equestria is my country too!"

"Easy Luna, that's your sister," Steve said.

"Wow Steve, are you always quick to side with Celestia?" Carol asked. "Is something going on between you two or have you just turned into a brown noser for her?”

Steve looked a bit irritated by the comment, he wanted to reply but Celestia spoke on his behalf, "I would advise that you not disrespect Steve Rogers in that manner Miss Danvers, if you want to talk about leadership, keep in mind that he outranks you in The Avengers."

"Exactly, just because YOU call yourself Captain doesn't mean you're more of a Captain than the leader of The Avengers," Felicia said.

"Co-Leader!" Tony emphasized. "As co-leader, I suggest that you, Felicia, watch your tone against a hero who outranks you."

"At least Tony Stark has a good head on his shoulders, maybe he's better off just being the leader over Steve Rogers, but if he needs a co-Captain, I'm always up for that position," Carol said.

"You would never be able to replace Captain Steve Rogers," Celestia said. "If you're done wasting our time, Carol, then I suggest you be on your way."

"I'm not done here," Carol said, focusing on Peter. "Not until Spider-Man admits what happened on that ship. I will get answers."

"Easy Carol, don't do anything rash to Peter," Tony warned.

"I won't need to, because he's a good enough kid to know what the right thing to do is," Carol said. "Peter, tell us, was Felicia the most responsible for the ship crashing into Las Pegasus?"

"Uh...well..." Peter wasn't sure what to say here. True Felicia did cause a bit of a distraction on board but she was trying to help.

"You know what, fine, it was my fault, I got in the way of the fight, and it resulted in the ship crashing, alright?" Felicia said. "You want to fire me, then fine. In fact, I'll do you one better. Princess Celestia, I quit."

"Huh?" Peter just turned to the girl, who had just tossed her S.M.I.L.E. badge on the ground. "Felicia!"

"It's fine Peter, if they can't appreciate my help, it's on them," Felicia said. "I'm just glad you did; you always were dependable.”

"Finally came to your senses huh?" Carol said. "So, you're no longer under Celestia's payroll, or her protection?"

"No, I'm done," Felicia said.

"Good...Now, arrest her," Carol said.

"Wait, excuse me!?" Felicia asked.

"Did you just ask to arrest her?" Tony asked in surprise.

"She technically violated the Accords, and resulted in catastrophic destruction," Carol said. "Now that she quit, Celestia can't protect this little kitty, so arrest her."

"You can't be serious!" Felicia said.

"I am," Carol said. "Tony, you know this needs to be done, you have an example to set for anyone who tries breaking the rules."

"I'm afraid she has a point," Tony said. "As Co-Leader of the Avengers, I hearby place you under arrest Felicia Hardy."

"As Princess of Equestria, I authorize the arrest," Luna said.

"Wait hold on!" Peter said. "You can't do this!"

"Peter, out of the way," Luna warned, then called out. "Guards! Detain this thief!"

Within seconds two of Luna's personal guards had made their way to the cat lady, who looked quite reluctant to go down easy.

"Hey! Stand down!" Peter warned.

"Sorry Peter, they obey me, not you," Luna said. "Even your Royal status cannot overrule that."

"But I can," Celestia said. "Tony this is too much."

"I agree," Steve said. "This is not the proper way to handle the situation."

"Alright, let's put it to a vote then Steve," Carol said. "A good American like yourself should be on board with a little democracy."

"Excuse me but I do have a say in this," Celestia said.

"As do I sister, and we're going with Captain Marvel's idea," Luna said.

"All in favor of Felicia's arrest!" Tony said, raising his foreleg.

"Ai!" Came the voices of Luna, Spitfire and Carol.

"Looks like the favor outweighs the protest," Carol said. "Guards, your Princess's orders if you will."

"No wait!" Peter was about to do something but Carol flew in front of him.

"Peter, I don't want to hurt you, but if you get in the way, that will make you a traitor to Equestria, do you really want that?" Carol asked.

"Traitor seems like a bit much!" Peter said.

"Peter, just stand down, please," Tony requested. "Think of your family, do you really want to cause so much trouble for yourself after your son was just born?"

"I don't want to have to ask them to detain you as well Peter, just be smart, for the sake of Mayday and Benjy," Luna pleaded.

Peter was still reluctant, he couldn't just allow this, but Felicia placed her foreleg on his shoulder, "I'll be fine, just don't throw your freedom away for my sake."

Peter calmed his nerves for the moment, knowing full well if he did something he shouldn't, it would indeed make things more complicated, "Don't worry, I know a good lawyer."

"Sounds fun," Felicia said. "Oh, and you probably already do this, but keep an eye on my daughter if you can."

"You got it," Peter said as the guards escorted her away to the dungeon. Peter looked furious; this was too much in his mind.

"I know this bothers you Peter," Tony said. "But rules are rules."

"Well you gotta work on fixing this rules," Peter said. "Now, if you're done with this meeting, I should get home, see the son of mine you're supposedly worried about."

"Hey if you see Jessica Jones, send her to Canterlot if you don't mind!" Tony instructed.

"Uh-huh." Without another word, Peter thwipped away, leaving everyone mostly speechless over what happened, all except Carol.

"You made the right call Tony, you too Luna," Carol said. "Now, as I was saying before about Celestia's rule, I have a suggestion.”

"We are not overthrowing her," Steve warned.

"Never said that, she can sit on her precious throne," Carol said, side-eyeing the annoyed Princess. "But we need a little balance."

"Like a council or something?" Tony asked.

"I like the way you think Tony Stark," Carol said. "Let's get to planning.”

Tony had left with Carol, Luna following right after the two in hopes of helping them figure things out. Celestia looked a bit concerned, she did not trust what Carol had planned.

"Celestia, nothing will happen to your rule, I'll make sure of that," Steve said.

"Steve, how do you feel about my rule?" Celestia asked. "Do you also think me inept?"

"No, you rule with kindness and you always look after your subjects," Steve said. "If you're worried about perfection, I advise you put that aside, no one is perfect, but you do your best and that's all Equestria could ask for."

"I'm loyal to you too Princess," Spitfire said. "But, think about this, having a council of sorts would take a lot of weight off you. You might even get a day off or two, because if I may say, you look very stressed out these days.”

"That sounds nice but, it's too soon for me to consider that," Celestia said, standing up from her throne. "I have a lot to think about as well, tell Tony and my sister to come get me if they come to a conclusion."

"Sure thing Celestia," Steve said as Celestia trotted off.

"You two are pretty close huh? Seems like you're always there, worrying about her," Spitfire said.

"I have a lot of respect for Celestia, she's a strong leader, and always does her best to maintain peace and harmony," Steve said. "Of course, even I must agree on one thing Carol said, no one should be a sole decision maker. My reasons are different, like you I also feel like she's overworked and having a council of sorts would be beneficial. Or maybe something akin to the United Nations."

"The United Nations?" Spitfire asked.

"Representatives of different countries coming together, places like America, Japan, Russia and Wakanda. They've even extended an invitation to Asgard, it's all about trying to find peace in the world," Steve said.

"You know, that sounds perfect, if we do this council thing, not only can we get some of the high-ranking ponies in Equestria, but having representatives from non-Equestrian cities can work too," Spitfire said.

"Tony's already got a head start on that, the only ones he's having trouble convincing are Prince Rutheford, King Thorax and Queen Novo," Steve said.

"A Kirin was spotted at Benjy Parker-Sparkle's coming home party, I think that could put us in good faith with Rain Shine too," Spitfire said. "Just a few more empires and that will bring us one step closer to total Harmony across our world."

"There's no such thing as Total Harmony, but we can get as close as we can," Steve said. He took note of Bucky entering the room with Double Diamond and crew.

"Hey Steve, I'm about to put these four through some training, wanna join?" Bucky asked.

"In a minute," Steve said. "We're discussing something important."

"Does this have to do with some incident at Las Pegasus?" Bucky asked. "I heard the guards talking about it."

"Something like that, let's just say that Spider-Man and Princess Luna were busy last night," Steve said.

"Also, a certain kitty got in trouble," Spitfire commented.

"Kitty?" Bucky asked.

"Don't worry about it right now, feel free to take these four to their training," Steve said.

"Actually, before you do," Spitfire focused on Night Glider. "I'd like to see how well you perform while flying, I'm open to new Wonderbolt recruits, and you might have just what it takes to join."

"Wow, really?" Night Glider asked.

"Show me your skills later, if you impress me I'll immediately enroll you in my Academy," Spitfire said.

"Oh wow, uh sure Miss Spitfire ma'am!" Night Glider excitedly stated.

"That is all, you may train with your friends," Spitfire said. "I will be by later to see the results."

"She'll make you proud," Bucky said, turning to lead his friends group away. "To the courtyard!"

As they left, Spitfire turned once more to Steve, "The other day, he and Falcon helped you find some bad guy named Zemo, did everything turn out well?"

"No...I mean he was eventually defeated, but not before causing a major disturbance at the Wakandan Embassy," Steve explained. "He set off a bomb in an attempt on King T'Challa's life, hoping to use his death to weaken his Kingdom and steal some Vibranium, a very powerful ore found only in Wakanda. King T'Challa lived, but many others perished, including some visitors he brought with him."

"Ooh, sorry to hear," Spitfire said. "Maybe Earth needs the Accords too."

Steve shook his head, "This happened because Fury tried controlling the situation, we knew Zemo was somewhere in Manhattan, ready to strike, but Fury figured it would be easier to dispatch some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to help. Everyone tried too hard sticking to the plan and tried controlling every little detail, that allowed Zemo to use the situation to his advantage and carry out his plan."

"Sorry to hear, thankfully we in Equestria are a lot better at coordination," Spitfire said.

"Are you? I mean first Manehattan, now Las Pegasus, casualties are mounting just like they did on Earth," Steve said. "At least on Earth we were able to apprehend Zemo, here both Martin Li and this Celeano woman had gotten away, so I'd say this world is worse off."

"Just a few hiccups, I mean we slipped up in Manehattan, but things could have gone better in Las Pegasus, if Black Cat didn't screw things up," Spitfire said.

"It's because higher ups are too controlling," Steve said. "Don't get me wrong, I want coordination, but too much control can be just as bad as too little control."

"We just need balance, we're getting there," Spitfire insisted. "Tony's a smart guy, he has the Princesses helping him, and we're right there too. The five pillars of the Accords."

"You're optimistic," Steve said.

"I'm just being real, look things will get better, I trust Tony Stark, and you should too, he's your teammate and one of your best friends," Spitfire said. "With this council thing that got suggested too, I'd say we're one step closer to a better society. Plus think about this, if Celestia gets those days off, you might be able to finally take her on a proper date."

"Excuse me!?" Steve asked, looking a little flustered.

Spitfire began laughing out loud, "Sorry, I'm just teasing, but it does seem like she has a thing for you at times, you're both already so informal with one another, so ponies naturally assume that you two are an item."

"That is...no, we're just friends," Steve said.

"Sure thing Cap," Spitfire said. "I'm gonna go check on Night Glider, you should come by soon. That Double Diamond guy looks pretty tough, I bet with some of your personal training, maybe he can use a might shield of his own."

Spitfire flew off as Cap turned to his shield, one he had made for Equestria given it's Equestrian colors, Celestia's Cutie Mark right in the middle. It was proof of his loyalty to this world, just as his other shield is prove of his loyalty to America. Two countries he vowed to protect.

Beyond that, he would protect both worlds, that is what he believes a true American Hero should do, protect his home and his neighbors. Equestria is essentially his second home, that just meant more for him to fight for. But he worried if the foundation of this world could be as wobbly as it is back home, he had to figure out the best method to keep both realms safe, it was his duty after all.

At Ponyville Park, Mayday and Franklin were taking a stroll with Susan and Derpy, another attempt to give Mayday some needed fresh air.

As the filly walked, she heard a familiar voice up ahead. She looked to see Rumble walking and talking with Dinky and Wind Sprint, the boy seeming to be bragging about something.

"Hey! Rumble!" Mayday called, getting his attention.

"May! Good to see you!" Rumble made his way over with his two friends.

"You too, I see you're with Dinky and Wind Sprint again," Mayday said.

"Well they are my besties, having a couple of friends to spend time with is always fun," Rumble said.

Dinky looked ahead and spotted the other two mares with Rumble, one of them of course being her adoptive mother. "Hanging out with Susan again, Derpy? You're not overexerting yourself while you're at the Parker-Sparkle home, are you?"

"I'm fine Dinky," Derpy said, then turned to Susan. "When I told Doc about Twilight getting exhausted, he started to worry about me too."

"Husbands are like that, usually at least," Susan said. "Reed was very attentive when I was pregnant with Franklin and later Valeria, well as attentive as he could be given how attached he usually was to his work."

"Funny how we both ended up with husbands who practically live in their labs," Derpy joked. "Of course I wouldn't trade Doc's eccentric personality for anything."

"Same here, with Reed I mean," Susan said.

"That's true love, just like me and Apple Bloom," Rumble said.

"Rumble was just bragging about how close the two have gotten lately," Dinky said. "It's kind of sappy."

"Not my fault Apple Bloom and I are Ponyville’s cutest couple," Rumble said.

"You're so full of it," Dinky teased.

"Well, I could have some competition," Rumble said, quickly eyeing Mayday. "I see you're with Franklin again."

Mayday turned briefly to the boy, who seemed to be a bit flustered by what Rumble tried to imply, "Oh yeah, mostly because my mom wants me to hang out with him."

"You make it sound like a bad thing, I mean you've known Franklin for a few years now, don't you like his company?" Rumble asked.

"Well he's nice, and a good listener," Mayday said. "But I'm just not much of a talker."

"You were when it came to me, you used to tell me everything," Rumble said, kneeling down to Mayday. "You were such an excitable little girl, now you're a bit different, a bit more reserved."

"You're not traumatized or anything, are you?" Dinky asked.

"Huh? What would I be traumatized about?" Mayday asked.

"Well those villains from Capcom showed up a few years back, some threatened you, one even injured you, then all those villains that showed up afterwards, I mean, shouldn't one of them have freaked you out?" Dinky asked.

"I could never forget those Capcom guys, it was the start of some weird crap for me," Rumble said.

"That stuff was freaky but I wasn't scared, not much anyway," Mayday said. "Daddy was around, and no villain can defeat my daddy. So no, I never have a reason to worry."

"You really have a lot of faith in your dad," Dinky said. "Can't blame you, I looked up to him when I was a filly too. I even got to attend his wedding."

"Lucky, I was around for the wedding but I was mostly in the back with my brother and foalsitters," Rumble said. "At least I got to live with Peter and Twilight for a few months."

"It was because of something involving your older brother, is that right?" Franklin asked.

"Yeah, my brother kind of caused a bit of trouble for himself, he really did not like Peter," Rumble explained.

"Do you know why he used to not like daddy?" Mayday asked. "I mean, they're friends now but I don't think he ever really explained it."

"I really can't tell you, my brother's just been moody since we lost our parents," Rumble said. “I mean I was pretty bummed out too but I learned to move on quicker, I’m just glad he did.”

“That stuff just takes a while, but it’s important to remember that you’re not alone,” Wind Sprint said.

“I can vouch for that,” Susan said.

“It’s all good, at least I have my brother, my foalsitters and now the Parker-Sparkle family, and I will make them all proud when I join the Wonderbolts,” Rumble said.

"Spitfire asked him to join the other day, he accepted it and this weekend he's going to attend the Academy," Wind Sprint explained.

"Tony Stark bragged about me to her, it ruled," Rumble said.

"I've thought about joining myself, but I can't decide between being a Wonderbolt or following my dad's legacy of being a great Buck Ball player," Wind Sprint said.

"You can go for Buck Ball, but only if you want to, not because you think it's what your dad wants you to do," Susan said.

"I know, but I really do love playing Buck Ball, I'm just confused," Wind Sprint said. "It's hard picking one thing."

"Who says it needs to be one? Remember my philosophy, no one should be labeled as 'One Thing'," Rumble said. "I want to not just be a Wonderbolt, I want to be an Avenger and an Element of Harmony."

"Oh yeah, being an Element would be great," Wind Sprint said. "Maybe I can be both a Wonderbolt and a Buck Ball player."

"Yeah, go for it! Do what you want to do in life," Rumble said.

"I still have no idea what I really want to do, I thought about perfecting my magic akin to Princess Twilight but that's a lot tougher than I expected too," Dinky said.

"Why stop at being like Twilight? You could be like Doctor Strange," Rumble said. "You, Dinky, can be the Sorcerer Supreme of Equestria!"

"That does sound neat," Dinky said, then turned to her mother figure. "What do you think Derpy?"

"You can be anything you want, just work hard for it," Derpy said.

"Alright, I'll give it a shot," Dinky said. "I just need somepony to teach me more about magic."

"You can ask Twilight, or that Starlight Glimmer mare," Rumble said. "I bet you can even ask Doctor Strange himself, I mean I'm good buddies with Peter and he knows all the popular heroes, so it can work out."

"Doctor Strange is pretty much to himself though," Franklin said. "And he's very busy so he may not have time."

"Say, what do you want to be Franklin?" Wind Sprint asked.

"I'm not too sure yet, I'm still deciding," Franklin said.

"Well I want to be a scientist, just like daddy wanted to be," Mayday said.

"You are talented at science," Franklin said.

"Thanks," Mayday said, then turned to the mark on her flank. "Wish that was my Cutie Mark, instead of whatever this is."

"That mark is confusing, it's basically a combination of your parents' marks," Dinky said.

"I get that a lot," Mayday said. "I'm just worried that it means my destiny is just being the daughter of Spider-Man and Princess Twilight."

"Don't worry about your Cutie Mark, those things are pointless," Rumble said. "They're the reason for this 'One Thing' society, I say screw your mark, do what you want to do."

"How does Apple Bloom feel every time you say stuff like that?" Derpy asked.

"Oh she doesn't mind, sure she gives me that glare, but it just makes her look even more adorable. It's like Peter says, girls are cute when they're mad," Rumble said. "But part of our relationship is being understanding, and she understands that I don't like Cutie Marks."

"Me neither, I wish I could get rid of mine," Mayday said.

"Can't that Starlight mare do that?" Rumble asked. "I heard she got rid of a lot of Cutie Marks."

"I asked her, then my mom freaked out and lectured me about the importance of Cutie Marks, and how I should be grateful to have one," Mayday said. "It's stupid really, I mean it's my body, I should decide what goes on it, why should I have a mark I'm not happy with?"

“She’s got a point,” Susan said.

"Anyone who doesn't have one is lucky, that includes you Frankie," Mayday said.

"Am I really?" Franklin asked.

"Sure are kid," Rumble said, then trotted off. "Well I'll let you get back to your walk, see you later."

"Bye Rumble," Mayday said as Rumble and his friends continued on.

"Oh, by the way you three," Derpy said, getting their attention. "You haven't been causing trouble for Sandbar and his friends, have you?"

Rumble groaned in annoyance while the two mares by his side seemed to echo his frustration, "No Derpy."

"Alright, good, make sure it stays that way," Derpy said.

"Yes Derpy," the three said and trotted off.

Susan remembered the group of students led by Sandbar, and the rivalry they exhibited against Rumble's group, "What made the two groups dislike each other anyway?"

"It's silly, when I talked to Dinky she insisted they were cramping her style, a sentiment Rumble's friends showed, even the Cutie Mark Crusaders," Derpy said. "Apple Bloom’s the only one who wasn't purposely trying to cause them trouble.

"Rumble just wants to be appreciated, and Sandbar's group is a threat to that," Mayday said.

"That sounds kind of silly," Susan said.

"Because it is, I had a nice long talk with Dinky about it, Thunderlane told me he had a nice long chat with Rumble and I think Wind Sprint had one with Quibble and her mom," Derpy said. "I trust that Rarity straightened out Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo was straightened out by her aunts."

"Let's trust that got taken care of then, hopefully Rumble, Dinky and the others won't cause much trouble after this," Susan said.

"I hope not," Derpy said.

Back momentarily with Rumble and his two friends, the boy was looking a bit frustrated, "What do we even have to prove to Sandbar and his friends at this point? We beat them, fair and square."

"They are so not worth our time, just a distraction," Dinky said.

"Totally," Wind Sprint agreed.

"Doesn't matter anyway, soon we'll forge our futures, and in time, we won't have to worry about them ever again," Rumble said. "Once I become a Wonderbolt, those six losers will be but a faint memory, count on it," Rumble said, the two girls feeling just as determined as Rumble. "Well come on, The Crusaders are waiting for us."

"Especially Apple Bloom," Dinky teased.

"Oh you're just jealous because you want me yourself," Rumble teased back.

"I can't confirm nor deny that," Dinky said, following Rumble with Wind Sprint.

Back with Mayday, the girl continued to take her stroll, mentally imagining what she could work on later regarding her inventions, hoping her dad will be around to help.

"Hey Mayday, I was wondering, what is your relationship with the Cake Twins like?" Franklin asked.

"Is this about Pound Cake? Those two are just friends, sort of," Mayday said. "Pound Cake likes me but I don't like him."

"Is there anyone you like?" Franklin asked.

"No, I mean Rumble's cute but I've come to realize that he's too old for me right now," Mayday said. "Anyway I'm not interested in romance, besides I'm only eight years old. Well, I'm almost eight but my point stands, I don't want a boyfriend. Truthfully, I don't know if I'll ever get married, I'm more concerned about my career as a scientist, I may not have time for a relationship.”

"It's possible, my dad makes it work, he messes up sometimes but he always tries his best to be there for me and mom when we need him," Franklin said.

"That's good for him, your dad seems pretty cool, I hear he's an amazing inventor," Mayday said.

"He is, top of the line," Franklin said. "Mom always says he likes to push the limits on what he can do and go as far beyond as humanly possible."

"That would explain why my dad admires your dad," Mayday said. "He talks as well about him as he does about Mr. Stark."

"Have you had many chances to talk to Mr. Stark?" Franklin asked.

"A few, he's nice, but I really like that suit of his," Mayday said. "My daddy had a suit like that, then it got wrecked by that Goku guy, which is why my dad's making that speed suit."

"Hey, would you ever want to be a superhero? Just like your dad?" Franklin asked.

"I’m not sure, I haven’t developed his abilities, but I can be like Iron Man and make a suit, if to spend more time with my daddy,” Mayday said.

"I might try being a hero too, I just need to work on my powers, and develop a cool hero name," Franklin said.

"What are your powers exactly?" Mayday asked.

"You wouldn't believe me," Franklin said.

"A good scientist always keeps possibilities open," Mayday said. "Why don't you show me?"

"Mom says it's not a good idea, I don't always have good control over it," Franklin said. "But basically, I can warp reality."

"Warp reality!?" Mayday asked.

Derpy turned to Susan, "Can he really?"

"Something like that, it's really not safe though," Susan said, then called to her son. "Franklin, don't give too much away, at least not out in the open, you never know who might overhear you."

"Yes mom," Franklin said, then focused back to Mayday. "I can't tell you any more right now, but that's what I can do."

"Well I'd love to study it sometime, it sounds fascinating," Mayday said.

"Uh, sure, I'd like that," Franklin said, feeling flustered.

Suddenly Mayday started feeling strange as she checked her ear, "Why do I hear ringing?" Before she could inquire further, a ball had hit the side of her head. "Ow, what gives!?"

"Mayday! Are you alright? Did it hurt?" Franklin asked, checking the spot she got hit.

"I'm fine, get off," Mayday said, shooing the boy away.

"Sorry about that!" Called the voice of Sandbar as he trotted over. He took a second look at the two foals. Oh hi Mayday, Franklin, good to see you two out here."

"Yeah, real nice," an annoyed Mayday said, rubbing her head.

Franklin could feel a bit of tension already, so he quickly tried moving the topic along, "So, playing a game Sandbar?"

"Yeah, me and my friends came to play kick ball, it was Jubilee's idea," Sandbar said, gesturing to the X-Men member, who was seen waving. "It's not only my friends either, we invited other students from the school to join us."

True to Sandbar's word, many other students were seen present, including Toola Roola and Coconut Cream, the two running over to get the ball as well.

"Want to join us?" Toola Roola asked.

"Sports are not my thing," Mayday said.

"Oh really? Funny something about you strikes me as a sporty filly," Coconut Cream said.

"Maybe in another timeline, but I'm more into science than sports," Mayday said. "Not in the mood to play right now anyway."

"I'm bad at sports myself," Franklin said.

"Nonsense Franklin, you do well in baseball," Susan said.

"Not that well," Franklin insisted. "Besides if Mayday doesn't want to, then I don't either, not now at least. I'm just here to spend time with her."

"Like a date?" Sandbar teased.

"Oh grow up," Mayday snapped. "What's with the game anyway? Warming up to avenge your loss against Rumble?"

"Mayday!" Derpy scolded.

"Nah, he can have that win, it doesn't mean as much to me as it does to him," Sandbar said. "We're just playing for fun."

"That's always a good reason to play sports, or any type of game, it's about fun first and foremost, competition second," Susan said.

"Hey Mayday!" Ocellus said, flying over to the filly. "How has your little brother been lately?"

"He's fine, he just sleeps most of the time," Mayday said. "Normal baby stuff."

"He's really cute, just like my sisters," Ocellus said. "It's nice being an older sibling, isn't it?"

"Sure is, now I know how Rumble felt when he lived with us," Mayday said.

"Yeah..." Ocellus said, Rumble was clearly not her favorite subject, something the little filly picked up on.

"Oh right, you and your friends don't like Rumble much, do you?" Mayday asked, almost in an unhappy tone.

"It's not that we don't like him, we just find him...what’s the word?" Ocellus wondered.

"Bratty?" A Nearby Smolder said.

"Spoiled?" A nearby Gallus said.

"Cute?" A nearby Cozy said, getting odd looks. "What? Rumble's cute!"

"Got that right!" Toola Roola said, Coconut Cream agreeing.

"He's just not too friendly," Sandbar said. "I mean...he seems like he has a lot of issues to work out."

"That's an understatement," Franklin commented, earning himself a glare from Mayday.

"Can it," Mayday said, then focused back on Sandbar. "Rumble doesn't have issues, he's just very passionate about what he wants to be, and he wants to be a hero just like my daddy, and a protector of Equestria, just like mom. Rumble works hard to achieve that goal and maybe it bothered him when six random ponies came along and nearly usurped everything he worked for."

"That wasn't even our intention," Sandbar said.

"Is everything alright over there?" Jubilee asked, trotting over with Nightcrawler and the students.

"We're fine, we're just trying to explain some stuff to Mayday, seems she has the wrong idea about us," Sandbar said.

"My daddy may have had the wrong idea when he compared you to mom and our friends," Mayday said. "Truthfully none of you are like my mom's friends, and if you are, it's usually the worst part of it."

Derpy nervously turned to Susan, "Should we step in?"

"Probably," Susan said, then called out to the filly. "Mayday you should probably dial it back."

"No, let her talk," Gallus said, focusing hard on Mayday. "How exactly are we the worst part of your mom's friends?"

"Well Gallus, you are arrogant and smug like Auntie Rainbow Dash can be, but she backs it up with a positive attitude, half the time I see you, it looks like you have a scowl on your face, like you can't be bothered to be near anyone."

"Aren't you the same way?" Gallus asked.

"At least I smile once in a while," Mayday said, then focused on Smolder. "The only thing you seem to have in common with Auntie Rarity is probably how judgmental you both can be, but at least Auntie Rarity does so because she wants to help in her own way, you just judge because you seem insecure."

"Mayday that's a bit mean," Franklin said.

"I'm just being honest," Mayday said, then turned to Yona. "Speaking of honesty, I can't see you as Auntie Applejack, you're nothing alike aside from brute strength and ignorance of certain social norms. At least Auntie Applejack is a bit more of a realist and doesn't try to force herself to being something she's not just to fit in."

"Unless she's at a party where she has to be fancy," Derpy joked, hoping to lighten the situation, which was for naught.

"And you, Silverstream," Mayday said, getting the Hippogriff girl's attention. "You are way more hyper and more oblivious than Auntie Pinkie Pie. When she's goofy, she's charming, you just come off as annoying."

“I really think you should stop Mayday,” Franklin said.

"Ocellus," Mayday continued, paying no mind to Franklin. "The whole shy thing has been done already, not even just by Auntie Fluttershy, but auntie Pinkie Pie's sister. Even Frankie here went overboard with it the first time I met him."

"Hey!" Franklin shouted, a bit offended.

"As for you Sandbar...I can't see how you're anything like my mom, you're way too laid back while she's a hard worker, the only thing you have in common is just being like a leader, and letting Cozy Glow tag along like she's Uncle Spike," Mayday said, then turned to Cozy. "By the way, you're nothing like Uncle Spike, he doesn't walk around with a fake smile like you do."

Cozy narrowed her eyes at Mayday, looking ready to snap at the young girl, "You really shouldn't talk about fake smiles, Daddy's Little Girl."

"You wish you could have a daddy like mine, I've seen the look of admiration you give him," Mayday said.

"Mayday, you really need to dial it back, you're being mean to them for no reason," Franklin said.

"I'm just telling them what they need to hear, like what makes them so special that they all of a sudden became the talk of all my mom's friends?" Mayday asked. "Is it because there's six of them? Or rather seven!? Is it because they're non-poinies so we must treat them extra nice just to make their home countries happy? Far as I'm concerned, they're just six extra students, bet they don't even have good grades."

"Actually Ocellus is very intelligent," Jubilee said.

"Yeah, she's one of the smartest kids in school," Smolder said.

"Pfft, tell her to call me up when she can invent half the stuff Tony Stark does," Mayday said. "A few ‘A’s isn't anything to write home."

"Aren't you home schooled? What would you know about Academic Achievements?" Cozy Glow asked.

"I'll have you know that my mom lets me take the tests she gives you and I pass them with flying colors, because I'm too smart to be in any school," Mayday bragged.

Cozy Glow turned to Sandbar, "Can you believe her? She sounds so spoiled."

"Watch it you wannabe Parker," Mayday warned.

"Gee I thought you liked Wannabe Parkers, considering you're best friends with one," Gallus commented, this moment surprising Cozy a bit.

Mayday glared at the Griffon boy, "That better not have been a joke about Rumble, actually that's what it all comes down to. You're all jealous of Rumble! Because he's going to be something special! A Wonderbolt and an Avenger! Wind Sprint wants to be Wonderbolt and Buck Ball player! Dinky wants to learn magic like my mom! All three of them want to be Elements! What about the rest of you? What are your goals? Why are you in my mom's school? What can you possibly contribute that is worthwhile? I bet none of you even know what you want in life! Rumble's going places! His friends are going places! Me, I'm going to be right behind them forming my own legacy! Not just as Spider-Mane's daughter, but as my own pony. I, Mayday Gwendolyn Parker-Sparkle, will be the greatest scientist in all of Equestria!"

Everyone just stood there, not sure what to make of this little rant, but they couldn't deny the passion in her voice.

"Your middle name is Gwendolyn?" Franklin asked.

"Is that really all you took from my speech?" Mayday asked.

"It was the only thing worth mentioning," Cozy Glow said.

Mayday turned to Cozy Glow, glaring right at the Pegasus filly, but she didn't back down, the youngest member of Sandbar's friends just returning the glare, both girls looking like they were ready to fight.

"Alright, break it up!" Susan said, stepping forward.

"Don't let this get too out of control," Derpy said.

The two fillies continued to glare, Franklin trying to bring Mayday back while Sandbar did the same for Cozy Glow.

"Easy Cozy, don't let her upset you," Sandbar said.

"Come on Mayday, you need to walk this off," Susan said, scooting Mayday along.

"I'm done here anyway, if I want to be around future success, I'll go find Rumble," Mayday said.

"Enough young lady, march," Susan said. "And you can bet your parents will hear about this."

"Fine by me, not like anything will happen," Mayday said.

"March!" Derpy ordered, assisting Susan in getting Mayday to move. She turned her attention to Sandbar, "Thank you for being mature about this, that is something you have in common with Twilight for sure."

"Thanks, but I should focus on being me rather than somepony else, even somepony as amazing as Professor Sparkle," Sandbar said.

"It's important to be yourself, but taking positive cues from others is helpful too," Susan said. "You know, I could see you being a good mentor to others with your laid back but mature personality."

"Thanks Mrs. Richards," Sandbar said.

"Call me Sue," the Invisible Woman said, then began trotting off. "I'll see you later."

Sandbar waved off the hero as she left to catch up to Derpy, Mayday and her son. "She's really nice."

"Susan Storm is a very kind woman,” Nightcrawler said.

“Hey brother nice too,” Yona added.

Toola Roola grabbed the ball they were playing with earlier, "Let's get back into the game!"

As most of the foals ran back into the field, Silverstream stood still a moment, trying to think some things over. This was noticed by Smolder, "Hey wait up everyone!" As they stopped in place, the dragon girl made her way back to Silverstream, "Hey, you alright?"

"Oh yeah, sorry, I was just thinking about what Mayday said," Silverstream said.

"Mayday? Forget her, she's just being a brat," Smolder said.

"Maybe, but she did have a point, what should we aspire to be?" Silverstream asked. "I mean Rumble is younger than us but he still managed to figure out what he wanted, he's going to follow his goals."

"Last time he followed his goals, he got some lucky win over us and made a fool out of himself five minutes later," Smolder said.

"But what about his other goal? He wants to be a Wonderbolt, and it can happen," Silverstream said. "I saw him talking to Spitfire, I think she wants him to join."

"That'd be super neat!" Cozy said, making her way back with the others. "He'll be the best for sure."

"Another thing for him to brag about," Gallus said.

"Silverstream, it seems like you have a lot you want to consider, I suggest thinking long and hard about what you want in life," Jubilee said.

"I will," Silverstream said. "Maybe we all should."

"When I want to, and not when some punk like Rumble or his little follower Mayday says we should," Gallus said.

"Speaking of Rumble, I just remembered something," Ocellus said. "Gallus, not too long ago, it sounded like you stood up for Cozy Glow."

"I did what now?" Gallus asked.

"When Mayday called Cozy a 'Wannabe Parker', you stood up for her in a way," Ocellus said. "I just thought that was nice."

"Even I was surprised," Cozy Glow said. "Guess you do like me then."

"You wish, I just dislike her more than I dislike you," Gallus said, get a disappointed look from Cozy. "Let's move on, shall we? We have a game to finish."

"Yeah you're right, we should get back to whooping you," Sandbar teased.

“In your dreams!" Gallus arrogantly insisted as everyone went back to their game.

Meanwhile Rumble along with Wind Sprint and Dinky had eventually arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, the three searching the club house for the Crusaders, and finding nopony there.

"They're probably inside the house," Rumble said. "Come on."

The trio trotted across to the home in the middle of the farm, Wind Sprint taking in her surroundings, "Such a big place, does this family really farm so many apples alone?"

"Of course, they're a hard-working family," Rumble said. "It's one of the things I admire about them."

"The Apple Family are a big part of our town's past, they're the ones who founded Ponyville, it's thanks to them that we have a place to live," Dinky said. "So we owe a lot to them, and anypony who has the honor of being part of the Apple Family is of the highest prestige in the eyes of many."

"I hope to be as lucky as Miss Cheerilee and Gambit were when they got with Big Macintosh and Applejack," Rumble said. "I hope me and Apple Bloom can get married one day."

"Seems like you really respect the Apples," Wind Sprint said.

"Of course, Apple Bloom comes from a great family of really nice ponies, they're always so warm and welcoming," Rumble said, heading inside the house. "What's up Apples!?"

"It's him!" Remy shouted, grabbing his staff.

"Grab that little varmint!" Applejack demanded.

"Huh?" Rumble asked, finding himself under the glare of Applejack, Remy, Big Macintosh, Cheerilee and Granny Smith. "Uh, what's happening?"

"Rumble!" Scootaloo called from inside. "Run! Fast!"

"Better yet, fly!" Sweetie Belle also called.

Rumble wasn't sure what to do, but the moment he saw the five apples step forward, his instincts took over and began to immediately fly off.

"You ain't going nowhere!" Applejack said, grabbing her lasso and wrapping up Rumble in mid-air, the Pegasus falling to the ground.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, young stallion!" Cheerilee said.

"I don't know what's happening!" Rumble said in a panic as he got pulled into the barn. "Was it something I said!? Or did!? Help me out here!"

"What is happening?" Dinky asked.

"You should go home Dinky," Remy said. "You too Wind Sprint."

"Take Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle with you," Big Macintosh said. "All we need is Rumble."

"Is everything alright?" Wind Sprint asked. "Should we be worried?"

"That's a complicated question right now," Remy said. "Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle can fill you in."

"Come on, we'll explain as we go," Sweetie Belle said, leading the fillies away.

"Wait! Don't leave me here!" Rumble called. "I'm so confused right now!"

"Can it!" Remy ordered. "Make this nice and easy for yourself and don't speak unless spoken to."

"We ain't messing around here Rumble, you goofed up big time!" Applejack said.

"You know Applejack, you've always been one of my favorites, due to your kind and caring personality, I don't suppose that whatever it is I did can be overlooked," Rumble said, hoping to charm the mare into easing up.

"You wish this could be overlooked," Applejack said. "Remy, shut the door, Rumble's gonna be here for a while."

"Make yourself comfortable," Remy said, closing the door behind him. "Or not, makes no difference to me."

Rumble gulped in fear, not knowing what was going on or why the entire family seemed so unhappy. Just as he was trying to figure it out, another Apple came into view, that being his girlfriend Apple Bloom, and she looked a bit stressed out herself. Now Rumble was worried, just the look on her face told him that things were gonna get complicated.

Not too long later, Peter arrived back at home, still in a somewhat sour mood given what had happened to Felicia and trying to think over this whole Las Pegasus incident. He already had the return of Martin Li to worry about, now there's Captain Celaeno to add to that frustration.

"Oh Peter, you're back," Trixie said, getting his attention. Peter could see that she was not along, Scott Lang was present as well.

"Hey web head, how was it in Canterlot?" Scott asked.

"Not the best, first we had the aftermath of that big crash in Las Pegasus," Peter said. "Then a bunch of other things happened because of it."

"I take it Tony Stark wasn't too happy? Scott asked.

"That's an understatement, he basically placed the entire blame on Felicia," Peter said.

"You mean Black Cat?" Scott asked.

"She showed up unauthorized, so she was stripped of her duties and thrown in the dungeon," Peter explained. "Now I gotta figure out how to help her get free and-"

"Whoa hold on, she was thrown in the dungeon!?" Trixie asked. "Like for real? Celestia sent her down there?"

"Not exactly, Luna made the call, and she was backed up by Tony, Spitfire and Carol, they basically voted on it," Peter said. "That reminds me, it seems like things are going to change authority wise for Equestria."

"How much change are we talking?" Trixie asked.

"A lot, first thing's first, I should run this by Twilight," Peter said.

"She's upstairs talking to that new friend of yours from the Kirin Village," Trixie said.

"Kirin? You mean Autumn Blaze?" Peter asked. "She did say she was gonna come back soon, I guess soon is now."

"Well we won't keep you," Trixie said. "Go on and see your new friend."

"Bring peace between the worlds of the ponies and the kirin," Scott said.

"Uh, alright sure," Peter said, trotting upstairs. "Enjoy your stay Scott."

As Peter went up to greet his friend, Scott quickly got Trixie's attention, "So what's a Kirin exactly?"

"I'm new to it myself honestly, there are creatures in Equestria even I have never seen, in spite of my daring travels," Trixie said.

"Always something new I guess," Scott said. "Think there's an Ant species somewhere?"

"I should hope not," Trixie said. "One oversized ant is more than enough for me."

"Hey I could totally befriend them, raise my own army too," Scott said. "I've dabbled with Hank Pym's technology enough to do so."

"And who would you do battle against with such an army?" Trixie asked.

"Next time that Storm King guy comes back, me and my buddies can take him and his cronies out," Scott said. "You'd be amazed how organized ants are, fascinating creatures, hard workers too.”

“If only you worked hard,” Trixie teased.

“That’s just hurtful,” Scott said.

Upstairs, Peter had gone into his room where Twilight and Autumn were seen having a conversation with one another, the former holding her baby in her forelegs.

"Kirin Grove sounds so fascinating," Twilight said.

"Not too long ago, it didn't have any sound at all," Autumn joked. "Luckily some friends of yours happened to be passing by, almost by fate. They convinced us that it's alright to have disagreements, as long as you handle it well."

"That's something we in Equestria value above all, we would never allow such differences to come between us, especially when it comes to friends," Twilight said. "The Princesses along with the Avengers who help them protect our land are perfect examples of this."

Peter sighed in frustration, especially with some of the tension he felt earlier on. Of course it was probably nothing for him to worry about, Twilight did say they work through their problems, not that they never have any, so things might turn out fine.

"I'm home," Peter greeted, getting the attention of the two ladies.

"Oh Peter, you're back," Twilight said, Benjy turning to face his father.

"Hey Twilight," Peter said, trotting over to greet Twilight with a kiss. He turned to his son with a head rub, "Hey little stallion, keeping an eye on your mom for me?"

"Uh..." Benjy had no immediate response, he just stared up at his father.

"Your son is just way too cute Spider-Mane," Autumn said.

"Remember, it's just 'Peter'," the hero corrected. "We are trying to be friends after all."

"Oh right, gotta get to know the pony behind the spider," Autumn said, trying to sound mystifying, though only serving to weird Peter out momentarily.

"Well, that's one way to put it," Peter said. "So, Autumn...is it fine if I just call you Autumn?"

"Totally," Autumn said.

"Sweet, so Autumn I'd love to show you around some more, but I do have something important to relay to my wife, could you wait outside for a bit? I promise not to take long," Peter said.

"That's fine with me," Autumn said, hopping off the bed. "I'll see you later Twilight."

"Bye Autumn," Twilight said. The moment she left the mare focused her attention to her husband, "So what did you need to tell me? Is it related to your stealth mission with Luna?"

"Pretty much, things went downhill fast," Peter said. "It started off so well, then it ended with destruction in Las Pegasus."

"The damage must have been high, those poor ponies..." Twilight said. "Celestia actually sent me a letter last night, she mentioned that Felicia was somehow involved in this."

"Yeah, she stowed away, she wanted to help me and Luna out, and she did have a contact in Klugetown, an Abyssinian named Capper," Peter said.

"She knew an Abyssinian?" Twilight asked. "That's interesting, must have been from her last mission there."

"He was helpful, told us about a pirate captain named Celaeno who works for the Storm King," Peter explained. "She was one tough pirate, and unfortunately she made her escape, but at least part of hew crew got captured, so it'll be harder for her to cause more trouble."

"So the mission wasn't a complete waste then," Twilight said.

"Guess not, but we still need to find Celaeno. I know Luke and Danny are keeping an eye out, wouldn't be surprised if Tony sent more to Las Pegasus, probably why he wants me to find Jessica Jones. Honestly she's better in Manehattan helping Daredevil find Martin Li but that's not my call," Peter said. "Speaking of Daredevil, might need his help for another troubling situation."

"Why? Did something else terrible happen?" Twilight asked.

"Afraid so, it involves Felicia too," Peter said. "Because of what she did, she got blamed for the mission being a failure, lost her job and got sent to the Dungeon."

Twilight had no immediate reaction to that, if anything she seemed completely apathetic, "Oh, is that all?"

Peter furrowed his brow at his wife, "I know you don't like Felicia but what happened to her was completely unfair."

"Unfair how? If it's her fault that the mission went bad, which resulted in part of a town being destroyed, she deserves to be punished," Twilight said.

"I mean..." Peter scratched his head, truthfully he knows that Felicia did play a role in the mission going bad but he didn't want to fault the girl for trying to help, even if he didn't fully understand her reasoning. "I just think Carol got a little carried away with that idea."

"Carol? As in Captain Marvel?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, she wanted Felicia arrested," Peter said.

"Well, she's a smart woman then," Twilight said. "Let Felicia rot in the dungeon, maybe that will straighten her out."

"Twilight, come on..." Peter urged.

"Drop it, you know I am not going to side against the idea of Felicia being incarcerated, maybe this will be the wakeup call for her to stop being such a tactless, manipulative, sneaky skank," Twilight said.

Peter seemed almost surprised by how cold Twilight sounded, but he knew not to push this subject, Twilight was very stubborn when it came to Felicia.

"Well there is another thing I wanted to run by you," Peter said. "Carol suggested a different form of governing power for Equestria, one where Celestia does not make all the decisions. I mean, I get what she wants in hindsight but at the same time, I don't know if I'm alright with how it will go down."

"That's a bit strange, I'm going to need to inquire more about this," Twilight said. This revelation was a bit alarming to her, as a Princess she had to make sure it went down well. "Is there anything else I should know?"

"Not at the moment," Peter said.

"Alright, well you go and escort Autumn around, I'm going to have to get into contact with Celestia," Twilight said.

"Alright, and meanwhile, I should let Thunderlane know what happened to Felicia, looks like their daughter won't see her mother for some time," Peter said. "Not unless I can get some assistance."

"If you're that adamant about it, go on ahead, but it's not like Felicia was going to be a good mother to her child anyway," Twilight said. "If I were you, I'd focus more on what you can do for Manehattan and Las Pegasus."

Peter knew she had a point there too, he had other issues to work out, though just as he was about to leave, he saw some Starswirl books at the edge of her bed. "Hey, um, what's the status on this whole thing with Starswirl and his Pillars?"

"Oh that, Starlight's been helping me look up some information, with a bit of assistance from our friends and Sunburst. It hasn't been easy either, translating a lot of what Starswirl used to write hasn't been the simplest task," Twilight said. "Me and the girls actually made plans to go to each of the hometowns of the Pillars, rumor is that there may be something of interest in each location, then we're going to Pone-Henge."

"A little adventure huh? How long would that take?" Peter asked.

"Not long, I don't want to leave little Benjy without his mother for an extended period of time," Twilight said, ruffling her son's mane. "Babies do need their mothers as much as possible, but this could be such a big and momentous occasion, not something I would want to pass up."

"So when is this going down?" Peter asked.

"In a few days, you're more than welcome to join me," Twilight said.

"That sounds fun but I feel like I'm gonna have my hooves full with everything that's going on," Peter said. "But wait, if you and your friends go, who's gonna fill in for you?”

"Starlight will take over as Headmare in my absence, Trixie can help,” Twilight said. "But I will have to run the whole substitute thing past my friends too. Another alternative is treating this exploration like a field trip for the students."

"I don't think it's a good idea to do anymore field trips, especially given what happened last time," Peter said. "The students already got unlucky once and I don't know how safe it is out there. Truth be told, I'm worried about you going out to look for some old clues about what happened to Starswirl."

"I'll be fine, and so will my friends, but I understand how you feel about the students," Twilight said. "We'll keep them here then."

"I trust you and the rest of our friends to take good care of yourselves, but if things get bad where you are, make them promise not to do anything foolish," Peter said.

"We'll be fine, now hurry, Autumn's waiting," Twilight said.

"Alright, catch you later, make sure you rest up too, you're still recovering from birth," Peter said, going downstairs.

"So, Felicias in the dungeon, and Carol wants to change a few laws," Twilight muttered to herself. "I'm going to have to keep a close eye on what goes on in Canterlot somehow."

Back in The Crystal Empire, Carol had returned to the city, doing a quick scan to make sure everything was alright. So far no trouble and nopony out of place, just the way she expects it.

"Carol!" Kamala called from the balcony of the castle. "Hey Carol Back from Canterlot already!? How was it!"

"Please don't shout," Carol said, flying over to her sidekick. "And the trip was fine, albeit with a bit of difficulty."

"I bet it was nothing you couldn't handle," Kamala said.

"Well I should go see Princess Cadance, there's something she should know that could affect this world's future," Carol said.

"Hey wait, what about that mission from yesterday? Any updates on what happened?" Kamala asked. "More importantly, is Spider-Man alright?"

"I’ll explain later,” Carol said.

"Alright, well Cadance should be in her Throne Room, you can go see her if you want,” Kamala said.

"Actually, you should join me, it is important after all," Carol said, stepping onto the Balcony. "Make sure her daughter is there too, a future Princess should be aware of the changes to the country."

Meanwhile at Wonderbolt HQ, Spitfire was overseeing some drills done by her recruits, especially marveling over the skills of the Barrel Twins.

"Tony Stark should be happy with this new batch, we'll be able to deploy to more cities at this rate," Spitfire said. "Would help avoid another incident like Las Pegasus."

"Hey Spitfire," Soarin said, getting her attention.

"What is it?" Spitfire asked.

"That Murdock fellow is here," Soarin said, gesturing to the out of costume Daredevil.

"Again?" Spitfire turned to Matt. "Look I've explained before, my decision is final. Torch and Dash stay here until I deem them ready to return to action, especially in Manehattan."

"But Miss Spitfire, you must understand that heroes like them have more value out on the field than regulated to an academy," Matt said. "You can't fault Johnny Storm for what happened in Manehattan, a lot was going on and the villains just had an upperhand. It was a slip up that won't occur again."

"I know it won't, because he's staying right here," Spitfire said.

"If you keep him here that's just one less person to stop Martin Li, you're basically giving him a victory over The Accords if you allow one mistake to affect a decision to this extreme," Matt said.

"Ponies perished that night, because of the heroes there, especially Johnny," Spitfire said, glancing at Matt. "You of all ponies should know, Mr. Murdock, just how bad things got."

"While I do understand the remorse, and I do agree that a hero should always be as careful as possible, the sad truth is that accidents like what happened the other not are not guaranteed to be preventable," Matt said. "This is a good case of overreaction, you can't mean to believe that removing Johnny Storm and his wife from duty would somehow make things safer out there, if anything dangers like these are ten times more likely, heroes like them do more good than bad."

"Look, I've been in Equestria a long time, I think I know what works here and what doesn't," Spitfire said. "Plus Tony Stark seems fine with it."

"That is irrelevant to me," Matt said.

"Well he holds more power than you, now if you don't mind, I have recruits to train, ones who will be more effective than Torch, and those heroes in Manehattan you seem to know so well," Spitfire said.

Matt grew frustrated, he would have to dig deeper into this to get everything resolved, "I am not done with this case, you will be hearing from me again, and so will Tony." Extending his wings, Matt flew off and left Spitfire to her duties, ones she immediately resumed.

"Hey I get shelving Torch but isn't Dash at least better off out there? She didn't cause the explosion with the fire like her husband did," Soarin said.

"If I send Dash out there, she'll just find a way to sneak her husband with her, she is a very Loyal mare after all, and there's nopony she's more Loyal to than her husband," Spitfire said. "It's easier to keep them both here, besides once training here ends, I can send better replacements to Manehattan to find that Martin Li guy."

"If you want, I can fly down there and see what I can find," Soarin said.

"Actually I'm gonna need you here for a bit, while I'm overseeing some more recruits, you need to keep the Wonderbolts in line," Spitfire said. "Though this could be a good task for Fleetfoot instead."

"You're the boss," Soarin said.

"Damn right, go let Fleetfoot know to prepare for a trip to Manehattan, we'll put a stop to that Martin Li guy, then our buddy Matt can stop pestering us," Spitfire said.

Things didn't end yet, that evening was a tough one for the Parker-Sparkle family. After Susan and Derpy had dropped off Mayday, Twilight had gotten word of Mayday's disrespect toward Sandbar and his friends, she was not too thrilled.

Outside the other family members were waiting for this to pad out, while Scott had gone home, there was still Trixie with Benjy on her back, along with Spike, Janet, Hope, Aunt May and Starlight waiting outside for things to finish just as Peter was making his way back with Autumn.

"That was fun, you're a fun guy Peter, I can't wait to tell Rain Shine more about you," Autumn said. "She'll be sure to want to make friends with Princess Celestia and The Avengers, and even join those Accord things."

"I wouldn't worry about The Accords right now, Tony still has a few kinks he should work out," Peter said, then noticed everypony outside. "Oh boy."

"What's wrong?" Autumn asked.

"Probably a family issue, I'll talk to you another time, maybe this weekend," Peter said.

"Alright, thanks again for the tour," Autumn said, trotting off.

Peter made his way toward the house, a look of lament on his face, "So what's happening?"

"Your daughter seemed to cause some trouble today for Sandbar and his friends, apparently she mouthed off to them," Trixie explained.

"Twilight's giving her a lecture, we're giving her the space to do so," Spike said.

"Maybe you should go in and check on them Peter," Aunt May suggested.

"Sure, it's my duty as a father," Peter said, heading toward the door to the sound of Twilight's lecture.

"This is so unlike you young filly, you used to be so warm and welcoming to all ponies, that's how your father and I always raised you, now you're just so...eager to push others away," Twilight said. "Is there something that's bothering you?"

"No mom, nothing's bothering me," Mayday said, sounding completely done with the conversation.

"Something must be up, you were never like this," Twilight said.

"Well mom, ponies change, just like I no longer speak gibberish, I no longer eat baby food and I don't need to wear a diaper to use the bathroom, nopony stays the same," Mayday said.

"What's going on!?" Peter asked, getting the attention of the two mares.

"Mom's getting mad over nothing," Mayday said, earning a glare from both parents.

"It doesn't sound like nothing, I want the full story," Peter said.

"It's nothing, I just spoke my honest opinion to Sandbar and his friends and apparently it was a bad thing," Mayday said.

"Susan said you were being very rude, and she has no reason to make up something like that," Twilight said.

"They say those with invisibility powers usually have something to hide," Mayday pointed out.

"Don't get smart young filly," Peter said.

"I just don't know why mom's mad about it, Sandbar's supposed to be an adult, he shouldn't let the words of a girl my age bother him, otherwise what kind of adult is he?" Mayday said.

"Mayday, it's always bad when you talk rudely to someone, regardless of age," Peter said.

"But they're the same ponies who give Rumble a hard time, and he's like a big brother to me, so why should I be nice to anyone who's mean to Rumble?" Mayday asked.

"Mayday, not once have they been mean to Rumble, if anything Rumble tends to start trouble with them," Twilight said.

"Pfft, Rumble wouldn't start trouble like that, I think you're getting a bit blinded by this newfound favoritism you have for these students mom," Mayday said.

"That's it, to your room now missy," Twilight said, gesturing upstairs.

"You can't be serious!" Mayday said, then turned her attention to Peter. "Dad!"

"Can't help you squirt, upstairs, before you make things worse for yourself," Peter ordered.

Mayday huffed in annoyance as she stomped off, "This is so unfair!" Once upstairs the only thing heard was the sound of a door closing hard.

"This is only gonna get worse when she becomes a teenager," Peter jokingly lamented.

“What's gotten into her lately?" Twilight asked. "She seems so moody now, like so many things bother her."

"Got any ideas why?" Peter asked.

"Probably a lot of reasons, according to Susan and Derpy, when Mayday met with Rumble, Dinky and Wind Sprint, they did inquire to her about her Cutie Mark, and that seemed to be a topic that caused frustration for her," Twilgiht explained.

"The Cutie Mark thing again?" Peter asked. "Is that really it though?"

"Well, and this is something Dinky apparently asked but, she was worried that Mayday may be traumatized from all the terrible things that have happened the last few years," Twilight said. "Mayday denied it according to Derpy, but I can't help but wonder if there may still be some truth to that and Mayday is just hiding it."

Peter of coursed worried about the idea of his daughter feeling trauma from the years of villain attacks, he wouldn't blame her, even he still feels lingering trauma from everything he's been through, especially his trip to the future. No one knows that he still has nightmares about that day, and nightmares about so many other things in his life.

Peter shook it off, he did not want to make it about him, he was more worried about his daughter, "So, you think she's got some lingering trauma, that unfortunately is not impossible. After what Vega and Shocker did to town years back, then that stuff with Annihilus and Mysterio a year ago, any kid would be at least a little bit scared."

"I think we should try to have her examined," Twilight said. "Might be tricky though, she's quite stubborn and won't talk to just anyone."

"Maybe Logan can help, if there's anyone outside this house Mayday might open up to, then Logan's our guy," Peter said.

"We'll see them both at the earliest possible convenience," Twilight said. "For now we should-"

Suddenly came a knock on their door, a curious Peter trotting over, "Who could that be?" He answered to see a somewhat distraught Applejack alongside Remy. "Hey AJ, Remy, is everything alright?"

"Not exactly," Applejack said.

"Come on in," Peter said, gesturing the two inside. He called out to the rest of his house's residents, "It's all good for the rest of you to come in too."

"Is everything resolved with Mayday?" Trixie asked as she went inside.

"Well she got sent to her room due to her sassy mouth so not quite yet, but we're getting there," Peter said.

"Kids will be kids," Janet said, everyone settling in.

"Don't I know from experience," Aunt May joked.

"How often did you send Peter to his room?" Spike asked.

"Not that often, he was a very good boy, but sometimes he could be quite the handful," May said. "Also very sneaky at times as well, and I'm not talking about Spider-Man stuff, that boy used his intellect for his own little mischief."

"Diabolical!" Peter joked, putting on a mock villain face.

"Applejack still has something to tell me and Peter," Twilight said. "Everyone else can go about their business but-"

"Actually, it'd be good if they were all here to hear this," Applejack said. "Saves us the time anyway since we planning on telling our friends in the morning."

"Applejack just needs to get it off her chest," Remy said.

"What's happening?" Peter asked. "Is it bad?"

"Well, sort of, let's just say, I'm gonna be an aunt," Applejack said.

This statement seemed to cause a bit of confusion for many in the house, wondering how this was suppose to be a bad thing. Aunt May seemed to pick up on what might be the trouble, and it seemed like Janet had her own theory but nothing seemed definitive yet. Even Trixie found herself wondering, mostly hoping it wasn't what she thought it was.

"Aren't you already an aunt?" Peter asked. "You know, from Big Mac and Cheerilee?"

"It's not from them, it's from Apple Bloom," Applejack said. "She got herself pregnant."

There it was, Aunt May and Janet had their suspicion confirmed, and Trixie to an extent, but to hear it outright was mind boggling for them.

Janet knew this conversation would probably get weird, so she opted to leave for the time being. "I'm gonna take Hope upstairs."

"I'll go with you," Spike said, quickly following his wife up the stairs, leaving the other adults to their conversation.

"If she's pregnant, does that mean Rumble is the baby's father?" Peter asked.

"According to Apple Bloom, yes," Applejack said. "She wasn't with anyone else."

"I can't believe Rumble and Apple Bloom even got intimate with one another," Twilight said. "I mean, it is to be expected, they've been dating for about four years and they're both basically adults now."

"Ah expected this could happen myself, teens and their hormones after all," Applejack said. "Ah told Apple Bloom to be careful though, not to do something like that when she's in heat."

"She probably couldn't really tell, it can be a bit subtle for some ponies than others," Twilight said. "Plus on occasion, it is very possible for a pony to get pregnant while not in heat, it's low chance but the chance is still there, which is why you must always be careful when getting intimate, regardless of the season."

"What matters now is how Apple Bloom is taking it," Peter said.

"Well she's none too happy, she's actually quite ashamed of herself fer allowing this to happen," Applejack said.

"Poor filly looked devastated, just like that she's getting hit with major responsibility," Remy said.

"Understandable, Apple Bloom is the same age I was when I first got pregnant," Twilight said. "It can be a lot for a young girl."

"Well she won't be alone in this, she'll have us of course," Applejack said.

"And she'll for damn sure have Rumble, that boy's taking responsibility for this or he'll have some hell to pay," Remy said.

"It's really one thing after another with Rumble," Peter said. "I can only imagine how Thunderlane will react, bad enough that his baby's mother got arrested."

"Black Cat? Ain't she on Celestia's payroll?" Remy asked.

"It's a long story, but to put it simple, she messed up, got blamed for what happened to Las Pegasus and now she's in the dungeon alongside whichever villain is still there," Peter said.

"Who is still there?" Remy asked.

"Well there are my old enemies Vulture, Lizard, Scorpion, Sandman and Rhino, same with Taskmaster," Peter said. "Villains like the Weapon X Team, The Leader and recently Scorcher were taken in by S.H.I.E.L.D. shortly after their capture."

"How long are they gonna stay there?" Janet asked. "Why hasn't Celestia sent them back?"

"Yeah, especially after Mysterio made his escape and tried for revenge against you," Remy said.

"Well so far none of them have tried anything, Cap keeps a vigilante eye, and he relays everything to Fury," Peter said.

"I don't think it's a good idea for any of those villains to stay, especially given the advantages of living in Equestria," Remy said.

"I get that, I'll run it by Cap and Celestia again," Peter said. "But given the other possible changes..."

"More changes?" Remy asked. "What is Tony Stark up to with these Accords or whatever they're called?"

"Accords is such a silly name honestly, couldn't Tony come up with something better?" Applejack asked.

"Focus cherrie," Remy said, then turned back to Peter. "What's going on in Canterlot anyway?"

"Well since you're here, might as well lay it down," Peter said, proceeding to tell the Apples everything he knows.

A few days had passed by, by this point the trouble at Las Pegasus was common knowledge in Equestria. As the city was getting fixed through the construction ponies, Jessica Jones was added to their ranking of heroes, it was the best Tony could do for now.

Unfortunately, the limit of Earth Heroes in Equestria had been reached, with them not wanting to risk the planet being too under protected, Tony opted to continue his plan to building a stronger Equestrian society, to make heroes from within the world rather than borrow from his Earth.

Marvel Earth of course had problems of its own, which thankfully there were plenty of heroes that were still able to help, manly Sam and Bucky, with Steve occasionally joining them since he wasn't as busy in Equestria. Of course he kept things balanced to protect both worlds.

Come that weekend though, a few extra changes had started to take hold. It started when Logan had gone over to the Parker-Sparkle home with Fluttershy to pick Twilight up for their planned trip.

"I cleared with Starlight the proper school scheduling for the week," Twilight said, packing some things. "We're going to go to the villages of each Pillar, I have their locations written down so you know where to find us, it may be near where one of the heroes are residing. This hopefully shouldn't take too long, if worse comes to worst, we'll be on the first train back to Ponyville, or at least neat a hero marked city."

"What should I do if one of your students wants to come by for tutoring?" Peter asked. "I mean I can help if it's chemistry but-"

"Just ask Starlight for help, she's going to be staying here the week, I mean she practically lives here anyway but you get my point," Twilight said. "Since I won't be here to personally feed Benjy his milk, I prepared a bunch that I marked in the refrigerator for him. If there's any emergency, do not hesitate to come get me or ask one of the heroes to come and find me. I can come home in an instant, I'm no Rainbow Dash but I can crank up the speed when I need to."

"It'd be easier if you had a phone or something to contact you directly," Peter said, grabbing a device. "Fortunately I made one."

"A phone? Like on Earth?" Twilight asked, taking the device.

"Sort of, it's more of a two-way communicator that's designed to like a phone," Peter said. "It covers long distances and makes use of those satellites that Tony had built so that the heroes can communicate long distance."

"Oh, clever," Twilight said.

"It also has a tracking device on it so if things really get bad, I can get you myself, or at least send the coordinates to another hero," Peter said.

"I can always count on you to be steps ahead," Twilight said, placing the phone away. "If there's anything else you need to know while I'm away, I guess you can always call me."

"You got it Twilight," Peter said.

"Also, ask Starlight to be on stand-by if you can, especially if we run into more of Starswirl's old horn writing," Twilight said. Suddenly she heard a knock on the door. “Here they are.”
Twilight opened up, revealing her five Equestrian born friends, along with Logan, who was there with Fluttershy, along with their daughter Rina.

"Hey Twi, ready fer an adventure?" Applejack asked.

"You bet," Twilight said. "Are you coming with us Logan?"

"No, I came by because Rina wanted to see Benjy," Logan said.

"Want baby!" Rina said.

"Oh I'd love it if Benjy could spend a bit of time with Rina, nothing like a good childhood friend to set you on the proper path," Twilight said.

"Uh, I'm all for that but isn't Benjy a bit young for playdates?" Peter asked. "He was just born barely a week ago."

"It'll be fine, now that more of my friends have kids we can have a better opportunity for Benjy than we did with Mayday," Twilight said.

"The other day I took Rina to the Apples and she got to play with Oliver and Rebecca," Logan said. "She's even had time to spend with Lil Cheese and Elanor."

"One day we need a big playdate for all of our kids, statistically kids form friendships easier when their parents are friends," Twilight said. "Kind of wish it was working with Mayday though."

"Mayday's just a loner type," Peter said. "I mean Franklin and the Cake Twins do make something of an effort but she's really not that interested."

"She just needs the right friend, and you have a good source fer it," Logan said. "After all, Twilight runs a school of Friendship."

"A lot of the students are older than Mayday though," Peter said.

"Well, maybe some of them have kids, or younger siblings," Logan said. "Maybe just bring Mayday to the school, see if she forms a connection."

"She really doesn't like others that much, so I don't know how she's gonna handle it," Peter said.

"Worth a shot, or do you want her ending up like I was, untrusting and damn near unwilling to form bonds," Logan said.

"I just don't want her to get hurt," Peter said. "That's my biggest worry."

"Even you can't prevent that Peter, best you can do is to at least be there when she does, I'm not saying you have to just throw her to the wolves but keep nudging her out of her comfort zone and I guarantee she'll be a lot happier in the end, might help with her social skills," Logan said. "I mean, after the other day, she could use a bit more practice talking to others. She doesn't need hundreds of friends, but finding a good comrade or two could be highly beneficial."

"Sometimes, I personally want to enroll her in the school, I feel like she needs the environment," Twilight said. "Home schooling her was fun but part of school is making friends after all, I mean maybe I shouldn't talk since I did push away some of my old friends but Mayday might have better luck. I mean, you had some good friends in school, didn't you Peter?"

"Well Harry hates me now, most of my friends do, except for Mary Jane, but we weren’t that close,” Peter said.

"You really should try reconnecting with them, you can start with that Mary Jane girl, she seems nice," Twilight said. "Though, I do have to ask..."

"I have no romantic feelings for her, I mean she was pretty flirty when I first met her, but she was way out of my league," Peter said. "No super model goes out with a nerdy geek."

"You say that, yet you're one of the most sought-after ponies in Equestria, even though you're married," Twilight said. "Even a lot of superhero girls seem to like you. If I never met you then I think it's fair to say that Mary Jane girl could have gotten to you first."

"We'll never know," Peter said. "Anyway, enough about me, let's get back to Mayday."

"You called daddy?" Mayday asked, trotting over with Spike, Janet and Hope beside her.

"Looks like Logan's here," Janet said, then turned to the door. "All your friends are."

"Yeah, we've been standing here for like five minutes," Rainbow Dash said.

"Right, sorry, guess we got carried away with our conversation," Twilight said, blushing a bit.

"It's fine, seems like y'all have a lot to get off yer chest, that's a good thing," Applejack said.

"Hey Applejack, how's Apple Bloom doing?" Janet asked.

"She's still a little down in the dumps over her...condition," Applejack said. "I'd like to be there fer her now but Big Macintosh insisted I don't miss out on this little expedition, truth be told, ah am excited to see where Rockhoof grew up."

"Has Rumble been by at all?" Twilight asked.

"A couple of times, he came by with a bouquet of flowers the other day, hoping to sweet talk Apple Bloom, she did not want to see him," Applejack said. "Of course she don't want to see anypony, not even her friends."

"This is concerning, she might be very depressed about this whole situation, she's going to be a mom in less than a year after all," Twilight said.

"Yeah, by this point I think Rumble's afraid to come back, Big Mac and Remy just look ready to unleash fury on the kid," Applejack said. "Ah mean, so am I to an extent, fortunately Cheerilee keeps us all pretty calm about it."

"Think she'd mind if I try talking to her?" Peter asked.

"Well you'd be our last hope since she sees you as a third older brother," Applejack said.

"Why is Apple Bloom so bothered? She's carrying Rumble's baby, any girl should be thrilled to have his baby," Mayday said.

"It's complicated Mayday, Rumble may be a handsome boy but it don't make this any easier," Applejack said.

"Still, if I had to carry someone's baby, Rumble would be my first choice," Mayday said.

"Young filly..." Peter warned.

“Just saying…” Mayday said.

"Twilight, we're going to be late," Rarity said.

"Gah!" Twilight checked the time. "The train's gonna be here soon!" She quickly turned her attention to Peter, "Take care of things while I'm gone, and if you need help please don't hesitate to ask Trixie, Starlight, Janet or your Aunt May. Even Scott's always willing to lend a hoof, take care, love you." After exchanging a kiss, she turned her attention to Mayday, "Be good for your father and your aunts, and no more trouble, I love you." She kissed Mayday's forehead before turning to Logan, embracing him with a hug, "I'll see you around, and I promise to take good care of Fluttershy and bring her back safely," Twilight broke the hug and to Janet and hugged her as well, "Behave yourself." She pulled away, grabbing Spike and grabbing the rest of her friends, nudging them all away toward the station. "Bye everypony!"

"Wait, I didn't finish saying 'bye' to Janet!" Spike was heard calling.

"Same with me and Logan!" Fluttershy was heard shouting.

Janet looked a bit annoyed at Twilights remark, "Behave myself? What is she my mom?"

"You do act childish sometimes," Logan said.

"I do not!" Janet said. "I'm pretty sure I'm older than her too! So not like she has any place to tell me that!"

"Yeah you're a regular old lady, huh Janet?" Peter teased, getting a glare from the female hero.

"Oh can it, I'm older than you too, but I'm still sexy enough to make it work for Spike at least," Janet said.

"Ew, don't say stuff like that," Mayday said.

"Yeah, please watch what you say around my daughter's delicate ears," Peter said.

"They're not that delicate, I mean I know what sex is after all," Mayday said.

After a brief but very awkward silence, Peter turned his attention to Janet, "Please bring me a bar of soap."

"Oh hell no!" Mayday quickly dashed out of the room.

"Language!" Peter scolded.

"Oh is 'hell' really a bad word? There's much worse than that," Janet said.

"Put a lid on it," Peter said, looking around. "Wait where's Rina?"

"Over there," Logan said, gesturing to the corner where Rina and Hope were playing with some blocks. "I brought her to seer Benjy, but she looks like she's bonding with Hope."

"I can get the little guy to join them," Janet said, trotting upstairs to find Benjy.

"Well, seems like your daughter has quite a bit of knowledge," Logan said.

"I feel so stupid, I restricted some books and kept it mostly educational, but I guess I overlooked biology," Peter said.

"It could be worse, I mean at least she isn't interested in the idea, not counting what she said about Rumble," Logan said.

"I do not need that image in my head," Peter said, shaking it off. "Speaking of Rumble, that dumb kid is really causing a lot of trouble lately, I know he doesn't live here anymore but I still feel responsible for a lot of his mess."

"Don't be, any problem he has is his to deal with, not yers" Logan said. "Kid's like 18 right? Or close to it, so he's basically an adult, he needs to figure shit out for himself. Unfortunately he got Apple Bloom pregnant but in a way this might be his wake-up call, now he has a kid to be responsible for."

"He better be," Peter said.

"Oh, by the way, Twilight mentioned something about Mayday dealing with some trauma," Logan said.

"Yeah, she hoped you could help, you are one of the very few that Mayday would open up to, she thinks you're cool," Peter said.

"Not sure if there's anything I can do honestly, even if I relate to it, it doesn't mean I can help with it," Logan said.

"That's understandable, guess this stuff isn't easy to talk about," Peter said. "I mean, it's a lot to take in, I just hope that she doesn't feel like she's always in danger, or she feels like she has to push people away because she doesn't trust them."

"I'll see if I can get her to talk," Logan said. "But first, what about you?

"What about me?" Peter asked.

"You've been through a lot yerself, I remember that future you went to, and I can tell it messed with yer head a bit," Logan said.

"It's fine, I've pretty much suppressed it," Peter said.

"You ain't supposed to suppress things like that! Do you ever talk with Twilight about how you feel?" Logan asked.

"I really don't want to burden her with my problems," Peter said.

"Keeping them to yourself ain't helping either, remember Twilight loves you and she'll be more than happy to help carry some of your burden, I mean wouldn't you do the same for her?" Logan asked.

"In a heartbeat," Peter said.

"Because you love her, right?" Logan asked.

"Yes, of course I do," Peter said.

"Well she loves you too, that’s how marriage works Peter," Logan said. "But I probably shouldn’t talk. Fluttershy has to nudge me to confessing my worries. To tell you the truth, there was a time I chose to sleep on a couch because I kept having nightmares and waking up with my claws out. Fluttershy hates when I sleep alone but I'm afraid of hurting her by mistake, I did once, she tried waking me up when I was asleep, and I woke up and nearly got her in the eye. Fortunately it just missed but that was a really close call."

"Wait, so that scar she had that one time..." Peter said.

"Wasn't one of her chickens, it was my fault," Logan said. "There's so many things I fear could hurt Fluttershy, and one of those fears is me. But despite that, she still wants me in bed with her because she doesn't want me feeling alone, in all honesty, that does bring comfort to me, just knowing I have a supportive wife does more than you can imagine."

"I...get those nightmares too," Peter confessed. "Twilight knows, she's woken me up as well. Sometimes it’s dreams about my battles, sometimes it's just worry for my family, sometimes it's guilt."

"Guilt?" Logan asked.

"Letting my uncle die, letting Gwen die, the times I pushed my friends away, then there's that night with Sweetie Belle," Peter said. "Lately I've started feeling bad again, I think I got her pregnant that night and...well I guess that baby she had would be living proof of what I did."

“Work this out with Sweetie Belle when you have the chance,” Logan said. “Look, it seems like you have a lot to get off yer chest, and maybe I do too. I mean I know how you feel about loss, Fluttershy isn't my first wife after all. When Twilight gets back, I suggest we round up all of our friends and have a night to just discuss everything that's bothering us. I'm willing to bet even Waps, Torch, Gambit and Iceman have things they want to get off their chests, same with the wives."

"Never expected you to suggest a group therapy session," Peter said.

"Think of it as just seven couples airing some grievances," Logan said. "We'll treat it like a party. Anyway I’ll go check on Mayday.”

"That would be great, thanks," Peter said as Logan went upstairs to check on Mayday. "Got my own stuff to handle now.”

Logan had gone into Mayday's room where the filly was working on what looked like some web shooters, likely helping her dad create more efficient materials. He knocked to get her attention, "Hey kid."

"Hi Uncle Logan," Mayday said, focusing on her work.

"Another experiment blooming scientist?" Logan asked.

"Sure is," Mayday said.

Logan sat beside the young filly, "What made you want to be a scientist anyway?"

"Daddy showed me how fun it was, being able to build things from scratch, or modify already existing things, these are things that are barely common in Equestria too, so I feel a bit more unique," Mayday said.

"What have you made?" Logan asked.

"Mostly stuff for my dad, I'm upgrading a lot of his battle gear so he can continue to keep us safe from all the villains," Mayday said.

"Yeah, those villains...do they worry you?" Logan asked. "I mean, I guess it’s a silly question but how do you feel about them?"

"They're just a bunch of punks for my dad to beat up, nothing I'm worried about," Mayday said.

"Simple as that huh?" Logan asked.

"I've seen a lot of my daddy's fights, even from that crystal ball that showed me his memories, that's how I came up with some ideas for his gear," Mayday said.

"That crystal ball?" Logan remembered that there was a ball that showed the memories of anyone who touched it. He remembers using it to see what happened while Peter was in Equestria, everything up until Sweetie Belle's future. "Uh, how much of it did you see?"

"Pretty much all of it," Mayday said. "I mean, I skipped some of the romantic parts, and I didn't see all of the future one, mainly because it made me uncomfortable knowing that I bit the dust there, and my dad was just so depressed it hurt to see."

"That's...good," Logan said. "Uh, so nothing you saw worried you?”

"A little, but my dad always won so that helped," Mayday said. "And even when he lost, he just tried again, that's what makes him Amazing."

"Wow, yer one tough kid," Logan said. "I feel like a lot of people and ponies would be freaked out."

"Maybe, but like I said, my dad's the best, I never worry when bad things happen because I know daddy will always be able to keep us safe," Mayday said. "I mean, I had a few close calls, like that ninja jerk, the guy who blew things up with this hooves and that weirdo with the bowl on his head, but daddy was always not too far behind to keep everyone safe."

"Well, gotta say, I admire yer bravery," Logan said. "It's great how much you look up to yer dad, and trust that he'll always be there to help."

"Daddy always gets stronger, no matter what happens," Mayday said. "I just wish I could see more of that future so I know how it turned out. Obviously daddy won since he's here."

"Oh he did, really kicked Chrysalis's flank," Logan said.

"Of course he did, he's the Amazing Spider-Man," Mayday said.

"Spider-Man? You don't use his Equestrian name?" Logan asked.

"Of course not, it sounds stupid," Mayday said. "I mean, I have to use it sometimes because that's how native Equestrians call him, but I prefer his Earth name. More importantly, to me, he’s a hero even when he’s just being my daddy.”

"That's really sweet, yer a really great kid Mayday," Logan said. "I really hope my daughter grows up as great as you."

Mayday blushed from the compliment, "Thanks...you're really nice Uncle Logan, you're another reason I feel safe, and I can see why my mom loves you a lot and why my daddy wishes he could be more like you."

"Pfft, if anything, I wish I were more like yer dad, he doesn't let things weigh him down, even when he's at his worst," Logan said.

"Hey, remember when I said that daddy seemed depressed in that future?" Mayday said, Logan nodding in confirmation. "Is he...still depressed? He seemed weird for a bit when he came back, and even weirder whenever he was around Sweetie Belle."

"He's still working out some issues, all heroes have heavy baggage," Logan said. "It's why we were worried about you, if this was tough fer us, then we definitely wanted to know if you felt any distress."

"Well, I'm fine, I really am," Mayday insisted. "I get scared but like I've been saying, I trust daddy to keep me safe, and I trust you too, and mom, and all her friends. I gotta say, it really is nice how much my mom's friends care about her and daddy, and how your friends care too."

"That's why yer mom wants you to make some friends, because she wants ponies that will care about you too," Logan said.

"Making friends is just too much work though," Mayday said.

"What about Franklin? He seems to like hanging around you," Logan said. "You also have Flurry Heart, I mean I know she's already your cousin but you two can still be best friends. Then there's the Cake Twins. Having four good friends is a great start, and if you want, that could be the limit, you don't need to be friends with everyone. But I know how you feel, I didn't want to make friends either, once I did, it was really nice and I wouldn't trade it away for nothing."

"You really think so huh?" Mayday asked. "Alright, I'll try a bit harder with Franklin, and Flurry too, maybe the Cake Twins, but that's my limit."

"Go at yer own pace," Logan said. "Anyway, I should be go-"

"Wait" Mayday called. "You don't have to go, I still want to tell you more things, if you don't mind."

"Sure, I'll make time fer you," Logan said, trotting inside and sitting beside the girl.

"I know I said before I don't get scared much but...I do worry a lot, mostly about my dad, and have bad dreams sometimes...can I tell you about them?" Mayday asked.

Logan placed his hoof on her back, "Tell me everything you're comfortable with."

Peter was making his way toward Sweet Apple Acres, hoping to catch a word with Apple Bloom before he made his own trip to Manehattan to speak with Matt.

"Hey Peter!" Came the voice of Cozy Glow, the filly trotting beside him, joined by Sandbar and Ocellus.

"Hi Cozy, Sandbar, Ocellus," Peter greeted.

"We heard Professor Sparkle was going on a trip this weekend," Ocellus said. "Do you know how long it will be?"

"Probably the whole week, she'll try to be back sooner though," Peter said. "So expect some subs."

"We don't mind," Cozy Glow said.

"Surprised to see only you three, usually you're together in one big group," Peter said.

"Silverstream had to go somewhere today, and everyone else slept in," Sandbar said. "It's pretty unusual, but they were just out of it."

"Quite unusual indeed," Cozy Glow said, almost suspiciously.

"So it's just the three of us, not that I mind," Ocellus said.

"Me and my two best friends, just the way I like it," Cozy Glow said.

"Yeah, you're two best friends," Peter said. "Cozy, you are trying to at least make an effort to befriend the others, aren't you?"

"It's not easy, Gallus is so stubborn, so is Smolder," Cozy Glow said. "And they can be a bit mean."

"They're not mean Cozy, they're all really nice, all you students are," Peter said.

"She's making some effort though, but I have to admit, Gallus is being difficult so we're more working with him than Cozy Glow," Ocellus said.

"We heard Rumble did something naughty," Cozy Glow said.

"Cozy, we discussed this, don't bring up Rumble's...situation," Ocellus said.

"Well he did do something naughty, something downright stupid," Peter said. "Anyway I do have to go and check on Apple Bloom."

"Can we come?" Cozy Glow asked.

"I won't stop you but there's no guarantee she'll want to talk to you," Peter said.

"We'll put on the effort," Sandbar said. "Onward then."

After a few minutes, the four had arrived at Sweet Apple Acres where both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were waiting outside, looking extremely bored.

"Hey girls!" Peter called, getting their attention.

"It's Peter!" Sweetie Belle beamed, excited to see the hero, though that excitement faded when she saw the company he was with. "And those three."

"Remember what Rarity and my aunts said, don't cause them trouble," Scootaloo said.

"They caused it for us first," Sweetie Belle said.

"I know, just roll with it," Scootlaoo said, trotting over to the group. "Hey Peter, here to see Apple Bloom?"

"Yeah, I wanted to see how she was doing," Peter said. "Have you girls seen her?"

"She's not in the best mood to see anypony, she's even turned away Rumble, and he's her boyfriend, among other things now," Scootaloo said.

"Is it true that she really got pregnant?" Ocellus asked.

"Yeah, she did," Scootaloo said. "I take it that this is common knowledge now?"

"Well it's a rumor but not a lot of ponies know for sure," Sandbar said.

"Well she is, and we'd like it if it weren't some form of gossip, this is really bothering her," Sweetie Belle said.

"We won't treat it like gossip, we're just worried about her," Ocellus said.

"If you're worried, imagine how we feel, Apple Bloom is our best friend after all," Scootaloo said.

"Exactly, we've known her much longer than anypony else, and we'll destroy any creature who treats this like a joke," Sweetie Belle warned. "That includes any of your school friends."

"Hey, pull the breaks you two, it's great that you're concerned but you really need to put a damper on this snobby attitude," Peter said. "You're just a few steps away from being like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon."

"Hey they're not so bad anymore, they stopped bugging ponies about their Cutie Marks at least," Sweetie Belle said. "Plus we helped her sort out some issues with her mom, which is how we earned our marks."

"Good to sort things out with others, now try not to make the same mistakes you have before," Peter said. "Remember, we're all supposed to be friends."

"I really wish we could be friends, you girls seem so nice, loyal too," Ocellus said.

"Of course I'm Loyal, Rainbow Dash is like my big sister," Scootaloo said.

"Even Rainbow Dash knows humility," Peter said. "I don't want to lecture you girls, I just want you to be the nice, sweet girls I know you are at all times. You're both much cuter with friendly smiles after all."

This of course got a flustered reaction from the two Crusaders, both turning away with a blush on their face.

"We'll try harder, but only because you asked Peter," Scootaoo said.

"Wow, you're really good with girls Peter," Sandbar said, then leaned in. "Got any tips for me?"

Ocellus's ear twitched, despite Sandbar's attempt to speak privately she couldn't help but overheard that one part.

"I'm not an expert on girls dude," Peter said.

"Peter is just naturally charming," Sweetie Belle said, leaning in to face her childhood crush. "It's one of the most endearing things about him."

Peter took a step back, awkwardly eyeing Sweetie Belle. Nowadays she looks a lot more like her future counterpart, and after his talk earlier, this just serves to further remind him of that one incident he fully regrets. "Thanks, Sweetie Belle."

Cozy Glow found this interaction interesting; she could tell something bothered Peter, even from the look on Sweetie Belle's face, she sensed some familiarity. Seems like these girls are quite close to Peter, especially Sweetie Belle.

"Peter?" Cheerilee called, opening the door. "Oh, didn't expect to see you here."

"Hey Cheerilee, I came to check on Apple Bloom," Peter said.

"Oh, that would be marvelous, she's been quite down, and with Applejack going on that trip, that's one less family member to comfort and console her," Cheerilee said.

"I'd be happy to help," Peter said, making his way inside. "Uh, should it only be me for now?"

"Yes," Cheerilee said, then focused on the others, especially the three other newcomers. "I know you want to be there for Apple Bloom but she's really not in the mood to talk to anyone outside of the family. She feels bad, especially for you two, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. She misses you but she's embarrassed of the idea of you seeing her like this."

"She shouldn't be, she's our friend, Sweetie Belle and I care about her a lot," Scootaloo said.

"Apple Bloom's like a sister to us," Sweetie Belle said.

"You three are close, it's one of my fondest memories as your teacher," Cheerilee said. "She misses you and wants to see you soon, but she wants to be better, for your sake."

"Well, tell her that Sweetie Belle and I love her, and we're not too far away if she needs us," Scootaloo said.

"Of course, thank you girls," Cheerilee said.

Peter flashed a content smile to the two, "That is the sweet Crusaders that I know you two can be."

As Peter went inside, Sandbar took the moment to speak up, "You girls are really nice."

"Thanks, I guess," Scootaloo said. "Look, it's nothing personal against you, we're just trying to make sure you're not trying to replace us."

"We would never," Ocellus said. "I don't see why we can't co-exist."

"Or take up Franklin Richards's idea, and just merge our friend groups," Sandbar said. "All thirteen of us."

"That won’t work out well,” Scootaloo said.

"Is it because of Rumble?" Ocellus asked. “Is he that jealous?”

"He’s not wrong,” Scootaloo said. “Aside from Wind Sprint, we were here longer and were ready to carry the mantle led by Twlight and her friends, yet we couldn't even get into her School of Friendship, that's a rough blow."

"Have you told her this?" Ocellus asked.

"She insists we don't need it, but that doesn't mean we don't want to be part of it, it's just not fair," Scootaloo said.

"Sorry you feel that way, but it just means she thinks highly of you," Sandbar said. "A Princess of Friendship acknowledged your strong bond, that should be something, shouldn't it?"

"I guess..." Scootaloo said. "Still, we still have something to prove, far as I'm concerned, you're still our rivals and we will surpass you in every way possible."

"Well, rivalry can be healthy, it pushes others to be at their best," Ocellus said.

"Alright, then the seven of us will put the six of you to the test," Sandbar said. "If being an Element means that much to you, well we'll just make you work for it."

"Oh, it's so on," Scootaloo said. "You may have one over us, but that may not last long. Rumble's heading into The Wonderbolts, he'll probably bring a whole army of friends. I suggest you make more friends at your own school."

“Already started,” Sandbar said.

"Alright, let's dial it back before things get out of hoof," Ocellus said. "Clearly Apple Bloom isn't ready to see us, so we should probably go."

"Fine by us, we still have some other friends to round up," Scootaloo said. "Isn't that right Sweetie Belle?"

"You know it," Sweetie Belle said.

"And we'll do the same, right Cozy Glow?" Sandbar asked, getting no reaction. "Cozy Glow?" Cozy was still seen observing Sweetie Belle, trying to figure out if this filly had any use at all. "Cozy Glow!"

"Huh?" Cozy turned to Sandbar. "Oh sorry, I was distracted."

"By what?" Ocellus asked.

"By..." Cozy turned her attention back to the filly she was observing. "Sweetie Belle."

"Me?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yeah, I was distracted because of how pretty you look," Cozy Glow said.

Sweetie Belle blushed at the compliment, then started rubbing her mane, "Yeah, I guess I am pretty."

"You're more than that, you're stunningly beautiful, I just really like your mane and how soft your fur tone is, and your sparkly emerald eyes," Cozy Glow said, getting more of a blush from Sweetie Belle. "Do you have a coltfriend by any chance?"

"No, I'm single," Sweetie Belle confirmed.

"Golly, that's a surprise, with your looks, you could have any colt you want, or filly," Cozy Glow said. "Not saying I'm one of those fillies, just speaking in general."

"I'm just looking for the right pony," Sweetie Belle said. "But it's hard to find a decent colt."

"What about Tender Taps?" Scootaloo said.

"No, he's busy eyeing A...nother pony," Sweetie Belle said.

"Well what about Button Mash?" Scootaloo asked.

"Oh heck no," Sweetie Belle said.

"Pipsqueak?" Scootaloo asked.

"...Is that a joke?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Wow, Peter and Rumble really set a high bar for you," Scootaloo said.

"Well duh, no other guy really came close," Sweetie Belle said.

Scootaloo tapped her chin, "Wait, what about the time you were with the Capcom villains?

"Don't even bring him up, I got led on so much it ticked me off," Sweetie Belle said. "So many false rumors too."

"When were you with villains?" Sandbar asked.

"A long time ago, now stop talking about it," Sweetie Belle said. "Look Scootaloo and I are gonna go, we'll catch you whenever."

"Uh, alright, see ya," Sandbar said.

"Yeah, bye girls," Ocellus said.

"I hope to see you again soon, Sweetie Belle," Cozy Glow said, getting the filly's attention.

"You too, also, I really think your freckles are cute," Sweetie Belle said as she left.

"Aw, she likes my freckles," Cozy Glow said.

"Who wouldn't," Sandbar said, rubbing Cozy's mane. "You're just a bundle of cuteness."

Cozy Glow smiled a bright one up at Sandbar, a huge blush on her face, "You're the best Sandy." She flew up and kissed him on the cheek. "I can't wait to see you get a girlfriend."

"Heh, maybe one day," Sandbar said.

Ocellus had a strange feeling in her chest as he said that, one she shook off and followed Sandbar and Cozy back toward the School of Friendship.

Inside the house, Peter had knocked on a bedroom door, "Apple Bloom? It's me, Peter. Can I come in?"

After a few seconds of silence, the door had begun opening up, revealing Apple Bloom, it was obvious she was sad and depressed, but just seeing Peter face to face brought some joy to her heart, "It's nice to see you Peter."

"Same, I was a bit worried," Peter said. "How are you feeling?"

Apple Bloom rubbed her stomach, feeling almost at a loss for words, "I...feel scared, I'm afraid for the future, fer the first time in years, I feel afraid, and-"

Peter immediately brought her in for a hug, hoping to reassure her, "Sorry, I just really wante to hug you."

"Don't be," Apple Bloom said, returning the hug. "Somehow, I don't feel so scared now."

"Well a hero's job is to make others less scared, nothing that the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Mane can't fix," Peter said.

"Spider-Mane is the world's hero," Apple Bloom said. "Peter Parker is mah hero."

Not too far off, Cheerilee had overheard this exchange, feeling some sense of relief, "That was so adorable. Wasn't it Big Mac?" When she got no answer, she turned to the stallion beside her, and saw that he was all teary eyed himself, "Aw, you're such a big, sensitive guy."

"Eeyup..." Big Mac said, wiping a tear as Cheerilee embraced him in a hug.

Remy was behind the corner, not too far away himself, seeming satisfied with how well Peter reached out to Apple Bloom. He could always count on one of his closest friends to help a girl near and dear to Remy's heart. Suddenly the doorbell rang.

"I got it!" Remy trotted to the door, opening it up to meet the new guest. "Sugar Belle, glad you made it."

Indeed the baker filly from Our Town, Sugar Belle was at the door, "Hi Mr. Lebeau."

"Call me Remy, so you here to help us out?" Remy asked.

"Yes, Cheerilee heard that I was a baker and reached out to me after Benjy Parker-Sparkle's coming home party, and with Applejack gone for the week, we figured it was a good time for me to come by and be of help," Sugar Belle said.

"We really appreciate that, things are a little tough right now, if you could help us not only help with preparing supplies for our Baked Goods Kiosk, but gathering some apples, we'd appreciate that," Remy said. "I know you weren't asked to do the second part, and if you can't that's fine but I figured-"

"Oh no, I don't mind, but if I may ask, is everything alright?" Sugar Belle asked. "I mean, is the situation really bad?"

"A little, but it ain't nothing we can't come back from," Remy said, allowing the mare inside. "We really do appreciate you coming."

"Well I want to keep my options open, should my goal of being an Avenger not work out," Sugar Belle said. "Training is fun but I feel like I'm holding my team back. My friend Party Favor is also struggling, so he's also trying to keep an open mind."

"That's smart," Remy said. "If you want I can personally offer you some extra training on the side, I don't plan to join The Accords but I see no reason we can't at least keep our skills up."

"That'd be nice, thank you Remy," Sugar Belle said. "Now, mind showing me to the kitchen?"

"Sure thing, let's go," Remy said.

At Fluttershy's cottage, Laura was seen training with Dinky in dodging, both taking turns being the aggressor while Lightning Dust practiced for some upcoming Washout shows.

"So, with Fluttershy on her trip, and with me going away for a bit, it's just going to be you, Logan and Rina for a bit," Lightning said.

"Probably," Laura said. "I thought about going to the Pie Family farm to see Limestone, I haven't seen her in forever, and she did send me a letter saying she had things she wanted to tell me in pony, either she'll come here or I'll go over there."

"Do you like the farm?" Dinky asked.

"A little, I mean it can be very gray and dull, but it becomes kind of pretty during Hearth's Warming," Laura said.

"How are you and Limestone doing? It seems like you're not together as often as you would expect to be," Lightning Dust said.

"She's going through stuff, doesn't help that last time she came by, we ended up in an argument, and not the fun kind," Laura said. "But it's nothing we can't work out."

"Well I wish you luck on that, I hope you two sort things out," Lightning Dust said.

"I think she'll be fine," Dinky said.

As they sparred, a young stallion came by the cottage, "Hey Laura!"

Laura stopped a moment to spot her dance instructor, "Yo Tender Taps!"

"Tappy, what's good?" Dinky asked.

"Hey cutie," Lightning teased, getting a blush from the colt.

"Hi Lightning Dust," Tender Taps greeted, then focused on the girl he came to see. "Hey Laura, don't forget we have a lesson tomorrow morning."

"Wouldn't miss it," Laura said.

"I still can't believe you've taken dance classes for this long," Lightning Dust said. "I mean, I thought you'd cave after the first few weeks."

"It's fun, and a 'Healthy Way' to process my aggressiveness," Laura said.

"Laura's one of my best students, of course I don't have that many," Tender Taps said. "The only students I've had was Pound Cake, and recently Toola Roola, Coconut Cream, Lily Valley and Bulk Biceps. Oh, can't forget Apple Bloom."

"Heard she got knocked up," Lightning Dust said.

"Dust..." Dinky scolded.

"Oh she did, she really got 'rumbled' that night," Laura joked. "But seriously, to think that Apple Bloom and Rumble finally got it on."

"Well I hope she can make a few more dance classes before she has to take a break, actually good exericize makes for an easier pregnancy," Tender Taps said.

"Worked for Fluttershy," Laura said.

"I'll let Apple Bloom know, right now she's just in a funk but we'll get her out of it," Dinky said. "Don't expect her for tomorrow though."

"Understandable, I'll let you girls get back to it, I just gotta let the other students know," Tender Taps said as he began to trot off.

"Maybe one day you can give me a private dance lesson there cutie!" Lightning Dust said.

"Uh...sure," Tender Taps said, awkwardly trotting away.

"What's with you?" Laura asked.

"Yeah, that was really weird," Dinky said.

"Eh, I could use a pony to be with, I've kept my eyes open, even Thunderlane's been looking good to me, think he needs to release some stress or something?" Lightning Dust asked.

"I bet Trixie would," Laura said.

"I've already tried with her, she's just not interested, bums me out," Lightning Dust said.

"We'll get you some action soon, come on, your turn to spar with me," Laura said.

"My other favorite type of action," Lightning Dust said, readying herself for a battle.

At the Wonderbolts Academy, a newly instated Rumble was proudly wearing his Wonderbolts Gear, standing alongside his friend Wind Sprint.

"I'm glad you got a chance to join as well," Rumble said. "First we gotta pass the trials."

"Nothing we can't handle," Wind Sprint said. "Plus, isn't one of your old foalsitters one of the trainers?"

"Yeah but Cloudchaser won't go easy on me, plus she's pretty ticked off about what happened with me and Apple Bloom, same with Flitter," Rumble said.

"And your brother?" Wind Sprint asked.

"That is a hurricane, I mean he's already upset about Felicia getting thrown in the dungeon, and the shame his daughter might have to live with one day," Rumble said. "Now he finds out that he's gonna be an uncle, I'm basically trying to limit how often I'm around him right now."

"How are you feeling?" Wind Sprint asked.

"A bit nervous, but once I become a successful Wonderbolt, everything will be fine," Rumble said. "I'll have a good career so I can support my kid, and since we're gonna be parents anyway, this only means that I'll be able to marry Apple Bloom."

"You're handling this well," Wind Sprint said. "At least better than the first time, I've never seen you so scared."

"Peter's been through this as well, and he turned out alright, so I can too," Rumble said.

"Rumble! You're up!" Spitfire called.

"You got it ma'am!" Rumble said, making his way to the flight marker.

"Hey kid, just so you know, I may have requested you to join the Academy, but I'm still going to judge you fairly like I do for the others, so give me your best," Spitfire said.

"You got it," Rumble said.

"Alright, ready, set, fly!" Spitfire said, Rumble taking off and flying to a nearby obstacle course. So far she could tell he had good form, great speed. He was nearly perfect, the only issue was that he seemed to be showing off and it nearly cost him toward the end when he clipped his wing, but he rebounded quickly.

Once Rumble landed, the colt arrogantly turned his attention to Spitfire, "That good enough for ya?"

"You're really confident, but that could lead to disaster, a Wonderbolt always has a leveled head," Spitfire said. "Still, you did great, really proud of you."

"Thanks ma'am," Rumble said, trotting off.

"Wind Sprint, you're up!" Spitfire called.

Rumble sat on a picnic table while observing Wind Sprint's pattern. She seemed sloppy at first, which worried Rumble, hoping she would not get kicked off before she even had a chance.

"Hey Rumble," came Night Glider's voice, the mare also in a Wonderbots Trainee uniform.

"Oh, you're Night Glider, from Starlight Glimmer's village," Rumble said.

"That's me, so here for training?" Night Glider asked.

"Yeah, Spitfire heard about my great Buck Ball game, and after an endorsement even from Tony Stark himself, they considered me Wonderbolts material," Rumble said.

"Cool, Spitfire saw me training with Captain Equestria and his sidekicks Falcon and The Winter Solider, so she gave me an opportunity too," Night Glider said.

"Training with one of The Avengers sounds so cool," Rumble said. "My brother trains with them as well, he might finally get into The Wonderbolts too."

"That'd be great," Night Glider said.

"He just needs to work out some stuff in his home life, mainly his daughter and making sure she's well adjusted," Rumble said. "He's like super protective of her, not that I blame him. She's cute though, I love her a lot."

"I bet you're a fun uncle for her," Night Glider said.

"Oh you bet, I have experience as an older brother figure, thanks to me living with Spider-Mane and Princess Twilight, their daughter sees me as her big brother, and in time so will their son," Rumble said.

"Peter and Twilight are really nice ponies, Starlight is lucky to work with them," Night Glider said.

"She took your Cutie Marks once right? What was that like? Does it hurt to have your Cutie Mark taken away?" Rumble asked.

"No, but you do feel kind of weak," Night Glider said. "I'm glad she's not evil like that now."

"I don't see it as evil, she probably wanted to help but went about it all wrong," Rumble said.

"Probably, everypony makes mistakes, and she definitely learned from hers," Night Glider said. "Good that she got a second chance."

"Maybe she can help other ponies with a second chance, if she makes full use of her gift," Rumble said.

"Huh?" Night Glider asked. Before she could inquire more, Wind Sprint had finished her course and stood before Spitfire.

"Not bad, you do need a lot of work, but I think you show potential, I'll assign you to be a Wing Pony," Spitfire said.

"That's not a bad thing right?" Spitfire asked.

"No, it's perfectly normal, lots of greats start off as wing ponies," Spitfire said. She called over to the table, "Night Glider, you did well today, think you can be her wing pony?"

"Sure, you got it!" Night Glider said.

"Aw, I kind of wanted to team with Wind Sprint," Rumble said.

"You can still, just not right now," Night Glider said. "I perfectly aced my obstacle course, so Spitfire probably wants to balance it out. But you did well, so maybe you'll get a wing pony of similar skill to yours."

"That'd be neat," Rumble said.

Wind Sprint trotted over to the table, facing Night Glider, "So I guess I follow you now."

"I'll help you be the best," Night Glider said. "You can count on me."

"You're gonna do great Wind Sprint, I believe in you," Rumble said.

"Aw, thanks," Wind Sprint said.

"Next up! Silverstream!" Spitfire called.

Rumble's eyes widened, "Wait, who!?"

"There's no way," Wind Sprint said.

To their surprise, a Wonderbolt cadet wearing Silverstream was at the starting line and took off to do her obstacle course.

"Wait! Silverstream's here!?" Rumble shouted, trotting over to Spitfire. "Um, excuse me ma'am."

"What is it?" Spitfire asked, not taking her eyes off Silverstream.

"Uh, how can I put this, how did Silverstream get here? Like did you seek her out or something?" Rumble asked.

"No, she came to me, apparently it's her goal to be a Wonderbolt," Spitfire said. "So I gave her a chance, mainly due to Tony Stark encouraging the idea. He happened to be there at the time, and he figured if she was a Wonderbolt, then maybe it would win over Mount Aris for The Accords or something."

"But...she can't...can she?" Rumble looked up, Silverstream did better than he thought.

"She's got talent, that's for sure, but she needs to work on her form, and she seems to be smiling and laughing too much," Spitfire said.

"I don't suppose she's going to fail, is she?" Rumble asked.

"No, she's doing a pretty great job," Spitfire said. "In fact, she's done."

Silverstream landed down before Spitfire, "How was that?" She noticed the colt beside her, "Hi Rumble!"

"Why are you here!?" Rumble shouted.

"Hey, lower your voice kid!" Spitfire scolded, then turned to Silverstream. "You did great, but you need work. You're going to be a Wing Pony...er, Wing Griff."

"Oh, neat, who am I assigned to?" Silverstream asked.

Rumble scoffed, "I feel bad for whoever has to-"

"Rumble," Spitfire said.

"Rumble who!?" the Pegasus shouted.

"You're going to be her lead pony, I think you two have amazing potential together," Spitfire said.

"Uh, that's nice and all, one problem though," Rumble said. "I really don't want to be her lead pony."

"Yeah, I wasn't asking, you're doing it," Spitfire said.

"But ma'am!" Rumble pleaded.

"Are you back sassing me!?" Spitfire shouted, staring down at Rumble, intimidating the colt.

"N-no ma'am," Rumble said, almost in a squeaky voice.

"So you'll be her lead pony, won't you!?" Spitfire asked, mostly rhetorical.

"Y-yes ma'am," Rumble said, very quietly.

"LOUDER!" Spitfire demanded.

"Yes ma'am! Of course ma'am! I love you ma'am!" Rumble said, blushing heavily from that last part. "I mean...that came out wrong, what I meant to say was-"

"Just, stop talking," Spitfire said, feeling just as embarrassed. "I have more recruits to check on, I expect you to be a good lead pony Rumble, don't let me down."

"I won't ma'am," Rumble said, lamenting his position. "Damn..."

Wind Sprint empathized with Rumble, she knew how much it bummed him out to be stuck with Silverstream, and of course she was just as unhappy to see her as Rumble was.

As the colt flew off, Wind Sprint trotted over to Silverstream, “You better not mess this up for him, or you’ll be dealing with me.”

“Wind!” Night Glider scolded, leading her away. “Come on, let’s go.”

Silverstream looked a bit confused and somewhat disappointed, seems like she was going to be busy with a lot of things.

“Hey Silverstream,” Johnny said, flying over. “Congrats on making it.”

“Thanks…” Silverstream said. “I hope I can be the first non-Pegasus Wonderbolt.”

“Technically I’m human, and an Earth Pony flew with The Wonderbolts once, so you’d be the third non-Pegasus, but the first Hippogriff,” Johnny said. “My advice, focus on your merits, not that you're different."

“Alright, sure,” Silverstream said.

“Catch you later,” Johnny said and flew off, leaving Silverstream to herself.

In Manehattan, Daredevil and his team were fighting off the Demons after they were seen terrorizing some citizens. One tried sneaking up on Elektra, the mare ready to get violent, but before anything could happen, the Demon was webbed courtesy of Peter, the hero kicking the gangster out of the way.

“Spider-Man!?” Elektra said.

“The one and only,” Peter said.

"It’s good to see you," Night Thrasher said.

"Hey Peter, little surprised to see you here, did Tony send you?" Daredevil asked.

"No, I came on my own, I'm hoping to find out more about these Demons and see if we can catch Martin Li," Peter said. "Also, Felicia Hardy could use a lawyer, I know you're trying to help Johnny and Dashie out, but Felicia needs help too."

"I'll do my best, and we appreciate your help," Daredevil said.

"Tell me everything you can," Peter said.

Meanwhile with Twilight, she was ready to come across the first of many different artifacts alongside her friends.

The chance to find out about Starswirl was within her grasp, perhaps she can do more than that. Perhaps she can see just where he's gone and just what caused all this in the first place.

Her and her friends' first stop would be the village of Rockhoof, this was going to be a fun week for Twilight, and already a fun moment for Applejack, the first of many excitements.