• ...

Before the battle

Twilight and Spike are standing back to back together with a lot of bruises. They get hit a lot since the beginning of training because Sunset shows no mercy to them. The purple duo looks around the smoke to be aware of something. Suddenly, a claw grabs Twilight's front hoof and drags her into the smoke. Spike is trying to pull her back but an ice shard is plugged into his claw, making him jerk as Twilight is dragged into the smoke.

"TWILIGHT," yells Spike as the purple unicorn disappears into the smoke. Spike is panicking and doesn't know what to do. The purple dragon takes a deep breath and goes to cast a wind spell to blow the smoke away, but the chain is wrapping his claws, preventing him from casting the spell. Spike is trying to unwrap the chain but the chain moves up and wraps his body tightly. The purple dragon falls to the ground. When Spike is trying to get out of the chain, Twilight is flown into his belly, making him cough. The purple unicorn is also in the chain.

The smoke is faded and reveals the orange dragon. She looks at the purple duo and giggles, "You all quite cute when in that chain,"

"Not funny," says Twilight as the purple duo glares at her, "When we manage to defeat you, we will make you suffer than this,"

"I will wait," Sunset kneels near the purple duo, "And I will be happy if you can do that."

Spike huffs and looks at the clock, "Wow, it's 1 A.M already? Wow, we have training in 4 hours without rest,"

"And now you can rest," Sunset puts her face nears Spike's face, "In chain,"

The purple duo grumbles. Sunset lies on Spike's back and hugs the purple unicorn. Twilight blushes and struggles to get out of the chain. Sunset hugs her and sleeps. Twilight and Spike give up and they start closing their eyes. A hard day for them.

The trio wakes up and Sunset releases them, then they head to the dining room to have breakfast. Twilight and Spike still worry about the battle because they have to fight each other. When they are thinking, a knock on the door interrupts them as Sunset goes to open the door. She sees Fluttershy, Applejack, and others are standing in front of the door, even Cadance and Shining Armor are coming too.

Sunset feels weird, "Bet that you all come here to cheer them up, right?"

"Yes," Shout Shining, "I am worried about my sister," Sunset looks at him sternly as he rubs his head, "And... her assistant."

"...." Sunset looks at the captain for a while then walks inside, "You all know that the battle is in the afternoon right?"

"What?" Pinkie bounces to the orange dragon, "Why does it take so long? I want it now." Sunset pushes the pink pony out of the library as Pinkie tries to push back, "Hey, that's not nice. I just want to see it."

Twilight and Spike come out of the dining room. When the purple unicorn sees her brother, she immediately hugs him and does her little dance with Cadance. Spike smiles and waves at them. Pinkie Pie bounces around them and glees, "How about we go to the party? The victory party."

"Pinkie," retorts Twilight, "We haven't battled yet. How can you make the party like that?"

"Duh," Pinkie hovers her front hooves around the purple duo, "Whoever wins, you all deserve a party," All of her friends nod in agreement. Sunset smiles and yawns, the orange dragon just wants to see how far they have trained. Pinkie bounces ahead, "Now onward to Sugarcube Corner. The party will be there." The others follow her to join the party.

Flora is suspending herself on the floor. Lucky for her that today she is free from her actress job so she has a lot of time for training. The sliding door is opened and Coral Blade is walking inside the house. The earth pony looks at Flora and falls to the ground, making the ninja giggle.

"Come on Flora," Coral Blade stands up, "You shouldn't hang yourself like that,"

Flora laughs and lands in front of her, "You really know how to avoid my trap, right?"

"Liar," Coral pokes her chest, " There is no trap in your house." Flora huffs and goes inside. After a while, Flora takes out a small table and sits on the ground. The captain sits opposite the ninja and asks, "Anyway, I have a question for you."

"What is it?" Flora is pouring the tea on the cup, "I hope that's not a hard question."

Coral takes the cup, "Okay then. How can you learn these skills? You know your ninja technique is forbidden and nopony in this world remembers them. So where do you learn?"

Flora silents for a while and sighs, "Look like I have to tell you, right? It's a long story." Then she sips the tea, "It starts in the heavy rain..."

Flora was watching the rainy sky and wanted to go out to watch the sky closely. The filly ran outside but her butler stopped her from going out. Flora struggled to get out of his grips but her mother was standing in front of her.

"Flora," asked her mom, "What are you going to do?"

Flora answered, "I want to go out to watch the rain. It's been a long time since I haven't gone out."

Her mother shook her head, "No Flora, a lady shouldn't make yourself in the dirt. You should always clean yourself."

"Yes, mom," Flora looked at the ground, "I just want to go out." The filly went to her room to sleep. When she went inside her room, a shadow with a lot of blood appeared. Flora was terrified about the figure and falled to the ground, she closed her eyes and whispered, "Mommy,". The figure came closer to the filly then it lay on the filly body.

Flora felt the touch and opened her eyes. When she saw the figure, it appeared a zebra in heavy injury, blood came from his head and many bruises around his body. He whispered, "Help me!". Flora didn't know what to do, but she decided to help him. She dragged the zebra under her bed and cleans the blood, then she grabbed the medical box and wrapped the bandage to her hoof. Flora then wrapped the bandage over the zebra's head to stop the blood from dripping.

Suddenly, a door opened as her parents were running inside the room. They found that the filly was still okay, minus the wrapped hoof. Her mother checked her hoof and asked, "Did you do something to hurt yourself?"

"No," Flora shook her head, "I want to practice my medical skill. It's because tomorrow my school has a test about my skill."

"I see." Her father looked at her mother, "See, I told you not to worry too much." Then he looked at Flora, "Sorry for disturbing your sleep. Good night, my daughter." Then her father kissed Flora's forehead and went out. Her mother followed him. The filly sighed in relief and she jumped down to check the zebra. The zebra nodded and he started to sleep. The filly climbed on the bed and went to sleep, she heard the whisper 'Thank you' from the zebra, which made her smile.

"So, your teacher is a zebra?" Coral puts her face on her hoof, "I can see why. I guess ninja are common in zebra territory."

Flora shakes her head, "No, I remembered that he is the last ninja in his tribe." then she sighs, "And he taught me all of what he got until..." Her front hoof is shaking and her tears are falling, "Until..."

"Now now," Coral puts her hoof on the actress's back, "If that is a painful memory, you can tell me later when you are fine,"

"Thank you," Flora wipes her tears as Coral stands up and heads to the door. Flora looks at her, "Hey, where are you going."

"Well, Swift Blue is calling me. I can feel it," Coral rubs her head, "I bet because I skip my work too much."

"You're always lazy, Coral." Flora rolls her eyes and smiles, "Not even a chance since you are still a student." Coral walks outside the door and heads to the station to do her work. Flora sighs and goes outside.

Coral Blade is coming back to her station. When she just got there, she earned many glares from her soldiers, making her smile nervously. Swift Blue waves his forehoof and his soldiers charge at her immediately, the captain gulps and prepares to fight.

Shining Armor is trotting to the guard station, where Coral Blade is working. When he is just coming there, he sees a white earth pony with a pink mane, wearing a nurse hat, and her employees are waiting outside. The white unicorn feels weird and decides to ask the earth pony, "Sorry for disturbing you, but what are you doing here? You should be in the hospital."

"Oh," Redheart turns to the captain, "I am waiting,"

Shining Armor tilts his head, "Waiting for what?". Suddenly, a guard is flying out of the door. Redheart's team quickly carries that guard to the hospital. Shining Armor doesn't know what happens inside.

Sunset just arrived at the guard station to ask Coral to borrow a sword. When she arrives there, many guards are flown out of the station. "Wow," She starts walking to the station as she doesn't know Shining Armor is there. What the orange dragon sees first is many guards are pinning Coral in place. SUnset tilts her head, "Looks like a captain is pinned by her guard."

"Not funny," Coral is trying to get out the guards, "Help me! Please."

"Sure," Sunset walks to the captain and boops her nose. Many ropes appear and tie the captain up. The captain is struggling to get out of the ropes and glares at the orange dragon. Sunset grins, "Bet that you are going to skip your work and watch the arena, right?"

Coral is going to retort but Swift Blue answers for her, "Yes, she is going to do that. Thank you for your help." Swift Blue and Sunset shake their hoof/claw each other while Coral grunts.

Shining Armor just comes inside the guard station and sees the scene, he doesn't know what to say. Sunset is walking out of the guard station, "They are busy. "

"What kind of busy?" Shining points at the tied-up captain, "Is that her problem?"

"Yes, of course," Sunset folds her claws, "I already asked Celly about this captain. She told me that she can be a captain two years ago but due to her skipping work history. Our princess lost two years to persuade others to make her a captain." Coral looks away in embarrassment while others just giggle. Sunset walks outside, "Anyway, should we come to the Diamond Dog mine to watch Twilight and Spike fighting. I'm sure that this will be a good fight."

"I don't know.." Shining rubs his head, "This is the first time I watch my little sister fighting. I don't know if I can accept that." Then he looks at the orange dragon, "How strong is she now?"

Sunset's symbol is shining on her forehead as she just walks to the Diamond Dog mine without a word. Shining feels weird but he decides to follow her.

"Welcome to the semi-final round," introduces the MC as the audiences are cheering, "This year is so surprising when the minotaur doesn't take part in this round." The audience 'boo's and they start throwing tomatoes at him. Flame is laughing while Cadance doesn't know what to say. The MC coughs, "Anyway, we don't waste our time to start the battle. Let the battle begin."

Twilight and Spike are walking to the stage in shouting and cheering in the audience. Her friends are also cheering and Rainbow wants to have a good fight.

Shining Armor and Sunset arrive here to watch them. Sunset's symbol is to start glowing as she knows that something happens in the purple duo. When the orange dragon looks at them, their symbols are also glowing on their forehead. The purple duo steps into the arena and stands opposite. The MC introduces to his audience, "Today is the fight of two creatures, Twilight the unicorn and Spike the dragon." The audience keeps shouting and cheering. The MC steps down the arena and the refugee waves the flag to start the battle. The purple duo nods and they start charging at each other. The battle begins.

Author's Note:

Wonders who will win though?