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Preparing the 'wedding'

Twilight is relaxing on Spike's back as the purple dragon is just losing the card game. When the purple dragon relaxes on the sofa, a cough from his mouth and he breathes out a letter. Twilight takes the letter and read, then she sighs in relief, "Finally,"

"What's wrong, Twilight?" Spike looks at her, "Is Shining overdone something?"

"No," Twilight leans on Spike's back, "It's about Shining and Cadance are going to get married. I thought that they will never get married."

"Really?" Spike stands up, "Come on, we have to announce with others."

Twilight is going to retort but she is dragged outside because she is on Spike's back. When they tell this thing to Sunset, she is worried because she is a dragon. After explaining for a while, the orange dragon sighs and accepts the invitation.

After inviting all of her friends, the main 6, Spike and Sunset go to the train station to Canterlot as Sunset doesn't know what will happen to them.

When the group gets there, they see many guards standing in front of the train station as all of them are confused. Coral is walking toward them as she feels very tired.

"You okay, Coral?" Sunset rubs her cheek, "I didn't see anyone who wasn't sleeping enough."

"I'm okay." Coral sighs, "It's just the princesses summoned all of the captains yesterday." Sunset gives her a yellow potion as the guards are pointing the spear at her. Coral raises her forehoof to stop them as she drinks the potion. After a while, the captain doesn't feel sleepy anymore, "Thank you. I need that."

"Remember the side effect," Sunset points at the castle, "Anyway, let us go inside the castle."

Coral leads the groups to the castle. On the way to the golden castle, she sees Cadance and Shining Armor are standing to wait for them. The purple unicorn smiles and does the ladybug dance in front of the princess of love but she doesn't reply. Cadance asks her, "Sorry dear, but what are you doing?"

"What? We always do this since you were tạking care me," Twilight tilts her head in confusion, "Don't you remember?"

"Sorry," Cadance smiles nervously, "I have to prepare the wedding for today. It's a royal wedding though."

"Really?" Spike rubs his chin, "I forgot Twilight's birthday, can you remind me?"

Twilight glares at the purple dragon as Cadance is nervous. When Spike is going to ask more but Sunset raises her claw to stop as she turns to Spike, "Come on, she just tired. Let her rest and she will remember those." Cadance sighs in relief as the orange dragon grins.

"Anyway, can you help me to prepare for the wedding? We haven't done yet," suggests Shining Armor as everyone around agrees with that. Spike is going to ask her but Sunset raises her claw to stop as she shakes her head. The librarian walks to the wedding hall as Sunset knows what happens now.

"All right everyone, ready? I never thought Diana could recover so fast," teases Eldaro as Diana glares at him. She and Amelia prepare to open the portal to come to Equestria as they find a good landing to open. Sabrina has brought the light tank and Silver to aid the journey. After thirty minutes, Diana and Amelia open the portal as the team feels a great force at them.

Looking at each other and nodding their head, the team starts to go inside the portal. When they are going through it, Eldaro looks at his body and he feels normal. The human looks around and sees a city built on the cliff. The old man turns back and calls their name.

The name-calling is normal until... "Sabrina," Eldaro looks around and doesn't see the women anywhere. "Sabrina, I know you here. We don't go here to play hide and seek,"

"I'm here," calls the voice as others turn to it. They see a quadruple bug with holed legs and a holed horn. She looks exactly like Chrysalis, except for the white hair. Eldaro looks around and realizes that the boomerang she always wears as Sabrina is confused and asks, "What are you looking at?" The others don't know what to say as Lance takes out a big mirror. When Sabrina looks at herself, she panics immediately as the others calm her down, "No... I want to be a unicorn,"

"Actually," Matt rubs his head, "You are a unicorn, with bug edition."

"Not funny," Sabrina huffs, "Now how can I suppose to fight with this form?" Natalie takes the picture by her phone and quickly posts it on the internet but she finds that there is no signal in the land. Sabrina shakes her head, "Delete it, please."

Natalie nods and she deletes the picture, then she gives Sabrina an advice, "Well, use your wings to balance yourself. You can use your wings to balance your two-hooves standing."

"Maybe I should practice fast." Sabrina sighs, "If we don't go now."

"Well, we don't go there now, because..." Eldaro points at the castle as it is covered by a large shield. Eldaro sits down, "Lance, can you use your sniper rifle to see closer? We can't go now because it will trigger the ponies to attack us. The others, disguise this tank, we don't want ponies or others to see this."

"Maybe you're right," Lance sets up the sniper rifle and takes a look at it. He sees many changelings around the castle. Taking a look at the ponies, they see the ponies are walking normally as nothing happens. "We have a problem. The bug-ponies are flying around the castle, but the ponies inside don't know what will happen."

"... Look like it is a siege," Eldaro rubs his chin, "But I'm not sure. Let's wait for the shield to be broken or something. I don't know what will happen next. If the challengings attack them, we will join."

Silver looks at them, "Lucky that we got mortar in our equipment."

"No," Eldaro shakes his head, "That's the worst idea because you can make those ponies into our enemy," Sabrina sighs as she is trying to stand on two back hooves to fight in the future. The others just check the tank to see if something is wrong. Eldaro turns to Natalie, "Can you make a magic circle that can communicate between us. This is very important."

"I'm on it," Natalie takes out chalk, "Give me some minutes,

Sunset is preparing the wedding in Cadance's bedroom as she has a surprise for the pink alicorn. Suddenly, the door opens as the purple duo walk inside the room and sigh.

Sunset looks at them and asks, "What's wrong?"

"Well, I am doubting that this is not real Cadance," says Twilight sadly, "But Shining Armor is protecting her."

"I agree," Spike rubs his head, "But we have to investigate her to see if she is real or not."

Sunset puts the lamp down, "Or you should find where is Cadance," The purple duo's eyes widen as they don't believe what they are hearing. Sunset folds her claw, "I am sure that Cadance is fake."

"You believe that?" asks Twilight as Sunset nods, "I can't believe it."

"That's mean... There are some of them out there. So I suggest we need a password." Sunset opens the door, "It will be Golden Oak," and goes out. Spike and Twilight nod as they run to Celestia to ask what place is abandoned over time.

Sunset sighs and decorates the hall. When she finishes, the pink alicorn comes to her room and asks, "Oh Sunset, you don't have to do this."

"Just another extra gift for you," Sunset points at the decoration, "I'm sure that you and Shining Armor will have a good time."

Cadance looks at the maid and asks them to prepare something for her, then she turns to the orange dragon, "Well, can you go, please? I have a job inside." Sunset nods and she goes outside.

When the door closed, the orange dragon looks around, then forms a water ball. Inside the water ball, she sees Cadance is changing back into the big changeling. She laughs and grins, "Yes... Everything is perfect. No one suspects me. Soon, Equestria will be mine." The changeling laughs as Sunset dispels the water ball. This is going to be fun.

Twilight and Spike are walking in the crystal mine as this one is forbidden because of its danger. When the purple duo looks around, they see many crystals shining bright as they want to collect some to decorate the library. The purple duo goes deeper into the cave. They see two changelings guarding in front of the . The purple duo nods and they walk into the changeling.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The changeling points the spear at Spike, but it is burnt immediately. The changeling whistles as many of them appear. All of them point the spear at the purple duo. The changeling grins, "You are trapped here. Now, you will die,"

Spike looks at the purple unicorn as Twilight nods. They form a big ice and fire aura as the changelings step back, then they charge at them. After a while, all of the changelings are knocked out as Spike sighs in relief. There is one changeling who tries to escape but Twilight creates an ice wall to block him. The purple unicorn walks closer to the changeling as he is trembling. The purple unicorn levitates the terrified changeling and says, "Lead us to the princess of love, or you know what is more terrified." The changeling nods furiously as Spike is looking away. Twilight turns to the purple dragon, "Do I too scary."

"Yes." Spike nods, "No wonder no one follows you," then he receives an ice book into his face. The purple duo follows the changeling to rescue the princess of love.

Lance is watching the castle as he doesn't see anything strange. Suddenly, he sees the shield is fading as the changelings are going to strike. Lance shouts, "Hey, the shield is fading. I suggest we should go now."

"Not yet," Eldaro turns to the changeling and the robot eagle, "Silver, you and Sabrina will go there and see what's happened. I have to make sure that they are in danger."

Sabrina, who manages to walk on two backhooves with the support of the wings, sighs, "Come on. I was just successful at doing this. Do I..." not finish her sentence. Sabrina is grabbed by Silver as the duo fly above the castle. "I hate you, Eldaro," yells Sabrina as the old man takes out the scope to see closer.

Sunset walks to the hall of the wedding and sees Rarity, Pinkie and Applejack are preparing for the big day. When Rarity sees the orange dragon, she walks to her and asks, "Have you seen Twilight? I don't know what's wrong with her today?"

"No," Sunset shakes her head, "She is ... kinda going out today. What's wrong with her?"

Applejack finishes her decorate and walks to the orange dragon, "You know, she kinda doubts Cadance that she isn't real, while I see that she is there."

"Yeah," Pinkie jumps down, "I am worried about her because she just told me that Cadance is draining Shining's magic. I don't see why she should do that."

"You know. There will be a surprise for this wedding." Sunset points at the chair, "Let's finish this quickly before Cadance and Shining are waiting," then she goes outside and sees the shield is fading. Looking more, she sees a robot eagle is flying above the shield with a white-haired changeling as they manage to drill through the shield without others changeling knowing, then they mend the shield and land on the roof of the castle. Sunset looks at them and sighs, "Very surprising," The dragon flies up to meet the duo.