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Problem in the farm

Celestia and Luna try to dodge the fireballs but it seems impossible. The Sisters look back at Sunset and see that there are like millions of fireballs floating above the dragon's head. The Sisters are amazing but terrifying at the same time. Many fireballs are flying toward them as the Sisters try to dodge. It's too much for them and they get burned by the fireball.

Sunset sighs, "Wow, even the simplest lesson can take you two down," then she claps her claw, "Not even Twilight is this bad."

"Not funny," Luna points at the fireballs that are floating on Sunset's head, "How can we dodge those fireballs? It's too much."

"Maybe we should... eh... decrease the level of training," Celestia smiles nervously but all they receive is two fireballs flying near her face. "All right, all right. I don't do it anymore."

"As I said, mercy is a luxury word in my training," Sunset creates many iceballs on the air, "And I won't decrease the level. No matter how loud you two whining into my ear." The Sisters gulps and they stand up to continue. Sunset smiles and she starts to launch the elemental balls at them.

Cadance and Shining Armor are going to the throne room to ask Celestia about some problems. When they are just coming inside, the room is empty except some maids are cleaning the room. Cadance asks one of them and they said the Sisters are going to train with a secret coach, which makes them feel weird cause Celestia never goes training like this. When Cadance asks further, the maid simply shakes her head and says that they don't allow to reveal what place for training.

Cadance and Shining Armor walk into the hall as they wonder why Celestian and Luna need to train themselves, they can ask Shining Armor to help them. When they arrive at the garden, Celestia and Luna are there with bruises all over their body. Some medical teams are helping them in panic. The couple runs to the Sisters to see what happens.

Celestian notices them and tries to wave her forehoof but she can't. "Eh... hello my niece. Long time no see."

Cadance looks at the white alicorn and asks, "What happens to you? Is somepony attacking you?"

"No..." answers Luna, "we just go for training. A... Tartarus one if I can say. Your idea, Tia. Now, I can't eat normally."

Shining Armor grasps, "Who causes you this? I swear that I will kick him or her into the dungeon."

"No need, captain." Celestia tries to get up, "Anyway, glad you come here. I don't know what to do without you."

"Eh... yeah..." Cadance is confused, "So, why are you calling me here?"

Celestia smiles, "Can you take the court in 2 weeks? We need to train a lot."

"You can refuse the training, aunty." Cadance walks closer to Celestia, "You don't need to put yourself in training. Not even ...."

Celestia puts her hoof on Cadance's lips and shakes her head, "No, this is our training." Celestia looks at her sister as Luna glares at her, making the white alicorn turn away, "Anyway, I hope you can rule Equestria these days. This is a practice when you finally can claim the throne in the Crystal Empire."

Cadance and Shining Armor don't know what to say. Cadance decides to go out of the garden and Shining Armor follows her. The captain turns back to the Sisters then looks at his fiance, "It must be something important to force them to do that."

"I know," Cadance sighs, "And who is this secret coach? No matter who is, he or she is very cruel." Shining Armor doesn't know what to say as he keeps following Cadance to the courtroom. Cadance looks at the captain, "Anyway, follow me to the courtroom. Today is my aunt's court day." Cadance and Shining walk to the courtroom to start solving the problem.

The guard leads Snow Storm to a room. Looking around, there are many chairs in the room with a big board on the stage. When the guard is going to talk about what is usually done in everyday life, Swift Blue comes inside and looks at Snow Storm. The vice-captain looks at her as Snow Storm feels nervous, then Swift Blue waves his front hoof to tell the guard to leave them alone.

Swift Blue walks on the stage, "So, you are our new member huh?"

Snow Storm looks around, "Weird, usually a captain should guide a new guard, not a vice-captain."

Swift Blue facehoofs, "That's my pain. Our captain always finds a way to skip her work, that's why she has the lowest point on the achievement board."

"Wow," Snow Storm rubs her head, "I don't know what to say. How can she not lose her job?"

"That is the mystery thing I will never want to know," Swift Blue huffs, "Anyway, that is the only thing I can introduce for you. How about taking a tour?"

"Sounds good to me." Snow Storm stands up and follows Swift Blue around the station. When they step into the training room, the kirin sees the scarecrows are fighting with the soldier. Snow Storm feels amazed about the scarecrows and asks, "Who makes these things? Even Canterlot doesn't have these things in the training room."

"Impressive right?" Swift Blue gives her a smirk, "But because of this thing, many of our soldiers are straight forward to the hospital." Then Swift Blue coughs, "Anyway, these things are made by a mage dragon."

"Mage dragon?" Snow Storm looks at the vice-captain, "You know the dragon doesn't know how to cast spells, right?"

"Except this village," Swift Blue sighs, "You will meet her soon."

Swift Blue leads the kirin to the captain's room. When they come inside, they don't see Coral anywhere. Swift Blue sighs and sits on the sofa. He waves his front hoof to ask her to sit down as the kirin looks around. There are a lot of books on the bookshelf and don't have any medals or banners, which many captains usually hang them to show themself.

"What do you think?" Swift Blue takes a cup to make coffee, "Coffee?"

"Sure," Snow Storm nods and she keeps looking around the room, "Weird, every time I come from the captain's room, I see a lot of banners and medals hang on the wall," then the kirin turns at the pegasus, "Why didn't she hang any of them?"

"Because she doesn't like them, that's all." Swift Blue puts two cups of coffee, "Here we go. Anyway, since you are just coming here. You will rest"

"Thanks," the kirin takes a sip on the coffee. Suddenly, the door is opened as Coral steps inside the room. She sees the new guard in her room and sighs. Snow Storm feels weird as she asks, "Hi... Captain Coral."

"Hi, Toothbrush tail." Coral smiles as Snow grasps, "No offense but your tail is like a toothbrush. Ugh... Remind me when I have to take off my teeth when I am still a filly."

Snow smiles nervously, "So... when will we start to train?"

"Oh, you want to train that much? That's the spirit." Coral lightly punches at the kirin, "Then you will train with me." Snow's eyes widen while Swift Blue glares at her. Coral pushes the pegasus away, "Don't listen to him. We will start training now." Snow Storm nods as she follows the captain to the training room. Swift Blue is worrying about the kirin's fate.

"19...20....21..." Fluttershy is doing push-ups to prepare for the tornado in two days. Noleg is standing in front of her and doing push-ups with the yellow pegasus. The blue cat keeps her in training while the yellow pegasus starts breathing heavily. "twenty...five," Fluttershy does the final push-up, then she lies down.

Noleg shakes his head, "Meow meow (Wow, you are weaker than I thought)"

"Umm... yes, I haven't done any of this before," Fluttershy is trying to say, "Because I am not athletic you know?"

Noleg takes out a sword and grins, "Meow meow (Then I will break you, and build you up until you accept the training,"

Fluttershy retorts, "Wait... Can I have a break?" Noleg nods as she sighs in relief, "At least I can rest for a while,"

"Meow meow (You got 10 minutes," Noleg sits on the nearby stone, "Meow meow maow meow (Then we will practice all day. I have to push you until you are ready for the tornado making)" Fluttershy gulps as she knows that there is no way to get out of this.

Twilight and Spike are walking to the cottage with several bruises because they have trained together before. The purple duo meets Applejack on the road and she asks them to help her. The purple duo agrees and Applejack leads them to her farm storage.

Look at the storage, it is heavily damaged. The purple duo walks to the storage and looks around to see if something is suspicious.

"Applejack," calls Spike as the orange pony turns to him, "I never heard a storm or an earthquake from the weather factory."

"Ah' know," Applejack sighs, "That's why ah' need your help to see what happens to mah farm,"

Twilight walks around for a while. She climbs the ladder to see what happens but suddenly, she sees a fluffy foot on the floor. When she looks up, Breaker is there and waves her paw to say 'hi', making the purple unicorn fall off the ladder. Breaker 'oops' and jumps down to see if the purple unicorn is good or not.

Spike looks at the Abyssian, "Breaker, what are you doing here? I thought you and others are building your house."

"Oh," Breaker turns to the purple dragon, "I come here to see if this farm is good for food or not. I got to say this farm is really good for... only apples."

Applejack says proudly,"Ya', that is my family tradition. We always try the best to make the most delicious apple,"

"I see." Breaker takes out an apple and bites it. Applejack sees it and she rushes at the Abyssian but Breaker simply puts her paws to prevent the orange pony. Breaker smiles, "Delicious. I'm going to need those in the future. Anyway..." Breaker turns to the purple duo, "What are you doing here? Investigating the farm."

"Maybe..." answers Twilight, "There is no storm or earthquake so I just think that somepony is trying to break this place." Breaker takes out a big hammer and a drill, making Twilight gasps, "Where did you get those things?

"On the roof," Breaker points at the roof, "It has a symbol that is painted by a blue paint."

"Show me," Breaker nods and she climbs on the roof easily. Applejack takes a ladder as the purple duo helps her. When the trio climbs up the roof, they see "R.G" which is painted in blue. Applejack and others are confused as they don't know what is going on. "It looks like someone wants to destroy your farm."

"Why does the gang do this? I have no influence with this gang." wonders Applejack.

Breaker explains, "Sorry, this gang are mercenaries. They will do anything for money, except killing the royalty"

"I see." Spike kneels down to see the signal clearer, "So, this gang is doing this for money?"

"You can say that." Breaker points outside, "And I see someone is watching us." Twilight and others look outside at the tree. They see a blue pony is running away from them. Breaker smiles, "Easy doing for me this time." Then she takes another apple and eats it.

Applejack glares at the Abyssian, "Hey, ya' stealing our apple too much now."

"I will help you," Breaker kneels down to Applejack's eyes level, "I bet that two apples are not enough for paying, but I will do it."

Applejack shakes her head, "No way I will let you help me. I don't trust you."

"Okay then," Breaker stands up and whistles, "I see that the hirer will not stop breaking your farm until it is erased on the map," Applejack gulps at the threats as Breaker continues, "Hmm... I don't know what you will do when your farm is destroyed. If..."

Appleajack cuts her off, "All right, all right. Please help me. Ah' don't want to hear it anymore."

Breaker shakes her hoof as the purple duo doesn't know what to say. After shaking her hoof, Breaker turns to the purple duo, "Oh, you two come with me. I have a place to get the information." The purple duo looks at each other and sighs. They decide to follow the Abyssian to catch the destroyer. This will be a hard time for them.