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Nightmare Moon festival

Rainbow Dash flies up and boosts her speed to strike the cat but Noleg jumps on her hoof and jumps past her easily. The cyan pegasus glares at the cat and she starts to speed up to fly around Noleg to create a tornado. When she just starts to fly, she meets the wooden sword and it slams into her face, making her rub her nose. Noleg shakes his head and points the sword to taunt her.

"Grrr, You will pay for it." Rainbow Dash fastens her speed and charges at the cat. Noleg tightens his sword and grins, then he charges at her. When the two are getting close together, Noleg slides under the pegasus, causing the cyan pegasus to surprise and recoil back. Noleg sees the chance and quickly charges at her. Rainbow Dash doesn't have any time to react. Noleg appears behind Rainbow Dash's back, making the cyan pegasus confused. "Ha... you." Rainbow Dash is trying to say but suddenly, she gets hit in multiple spots and falls down. Looking back, the cyan pegasus has several bruises on her body as she tries to get up but can't.

Spike drags Rainbow Dash out of the spot. The cyan pegasus tries to retort but she can't move even an inch. Spike puts her near Twilight and sits next to her.

"I can't understand," Rainbow whines, "How can I get hit when this cat just appears behind me?" Noleg jumps on Rainbow Dash's belly and lies on it to enjoy her fur. The cyan pegasus tries to lift a hoof to make this cat get away but she can't. "Ugh, I am feeling humiliated when this cat does this."

"That is when Noleg cheers his victory," Twilight giggles, "you will get used to it soon."

"So... I wonder what Sunset is doing in Canterlot." Spike rubs his chin, "Don't tell me that she comes there to prank the princesses."

"Maybe she won't," Twilight hugs Spike from behind, "If you prank a friend too much, you will lose that friend."

"Anyway, Rainbow Dash..." Spike turns his head to the cyan pegasus, "What costume will you wear tonight?"

"Blah," Rainbow Dash retorts, "I won't tell you."

"Well, it's time to lunch," Twilight looks at the clock, "Do you want to join us, Rainbow? I will make an extra lunch."

Spike immediately gives her a smirk, "I hope you don't poison her. I remember that you poison your parent a lot." Then an ice book drops on his head as Twilight huffs and goes away. Spike takes Rainbow Dash out of the training room with Noleg on his head.

"Come back here, White," Shining Armor is chasing the white dragon with his guards, "You are under arrest for painting the wall. This time I have proof and you can't erase it."

"Catch me if you can," 'White' is flying away from the guard, many spears are thrown at her but the dragon dodges it all. "Aww, look at your cute guards. Throwing the spear without aiming."

Shining blasts the dragon, "I will catch you this time." But the white dragon just dodges and flies into the corner of the building. Shining smiles because that is a dead end. He commands his soldiers to surround that corner. When he walks inside, the dragon is going away, "What...." The captain looks around, "Where is she?" Shining slams his hoof on the floor as he got tricked by a dragon two times in a day. That makes him frustrated. The guards try to calm him down and tell him that he should take a rest. Shining Armor sighs and accepts.

Shining Armor is walking into the royal camp. When he just arrives there, Cadance is sitting on the bench in front of the camp waiting for him. Cadance sees her fiance and smiles at him.

The princess asks, "So, how is the day? Is that good?"

"Not good," Shining shakes his head, "I feel so humiliated when a dragon keeps getting away. Now, I bet that the white dragon has erased the proof."

Cadance pats his back to calm the captain down. "You should calm down. Tonight is Nightmare Night so you have to be calm." Shining Armor takes a deep breath as Cadance press nose to his chin, "How about we come inside so we can talk ~"

Shining smiles nervously and the couple goes inside the camp. When the couple just goes inside the captain's camp, that white dragon is sitting on the table and reads the map. Shining levitates the spear and points at the dragon, "You... How can you be here? This is not the place for any stranger to come inside."

The white dragon licks her claw, "Ah, someone is angry." Then 'White' stands up and walks around, "Your guards are dumb enough to get me inside." Shining Armor tightens his spear and keeps points at her. The white dragon stops and turns to the captain, "I think that there is an incompetent captain, so the guards are incompetent too."

Shining grits his teeth and going to charge at the white dragon but Cadance stops him and shakes her head, then she waves her head to tell that leave them alone. Shining goes outside as the princess of love turns to the white dragon. "White right?" 'White' nods as Cadance takes a deep breath, "Are you in the battle before?"

"A lot," 'White' grins, "Looks like some princess has not been effective with the taunting." Then the dragon points outside, "That captain is not a good one."

"What did you say?" Cadance grasps, "He has the best unicorn in Equestria."

"Best unicorn my ass," 'White' folds her claw, "I doubt that he is still the incompetent one. If I am the captain, I won't use him though until he proves himself enough to be the captain."

"Enough," Cadance yells at her, "Who do you think you are? You just come here and insult my fiance like that."

"The one tricks him twice," 'White' takes the map, "Remember that." Cadance doesn't know what to say as 'White' takes a map, "How about we play a game?"

"What game?" Cadance glares at the white dragon, "Is this your trap?"

"If that is a trap," 'White' smiles, "I won't come here to tell you." Then the white dragon takes a thick piece of paper and gives it to the princess of love, "Here is the next location I will paint. Give it to him."

Cadance takes the paper and watches, then she grasps as one piece of paper is like the wall of the alphabet and another one has some hole. She turns to the dragon to ask but the dragon is not there anymore. Shining Armor comes inside and Cadance gives it to Shining, making him grasp, "What is this?"

"The next location. She challenges to find it."

Shining takes the papers and it writes like this.


Reading a while, Shining has no idea and sees that this is a challenge for him. He must decode it or else that dragon will paint the wall a lot.

The night has come and ponies around Ponyville are enjoying the Nightmare Night in their costume. In the library, Twilight, Spike, and Sunset are preparing the costume for the event. Twilight is wearing a cape, a hat with a fake beard to make herself look like Starwirl the Bearded. Noleg is wearing the cheese costume and goes inside to check Twilight. When the blue cat sees Twilight wearing that costume, he rolls on the ground and laughs.

"Hey," Twilight glares at the cat, "This is Starwirl the Bearded. You have to know it," The cat laughs even more.

"You know, Twilight," Spike walks to the unicorn in the dragon costume while Sunset is wearing a phone costume. Spike smirks, "You really like an old man in that costume."

"Really now," Twilight rolls her eyes, "Doesn't anyone know about Starwirl?"

"Nope," Sunset turns to the main door, "No one knows,"

"See you later, old man," Spike follows Sunset with Noleg on his head as Twilight grumbles at this.

The door is knocked and Sunset goes to open the door. She sees the CMCs in their costume with Pinkie Pie in a chicken costume, they all have their Jack'o'lanten. All of them yell at the dragon, "Trick or treat."

"Really, Pinkie," Sunset looks at the pink pony while giving the CMCs her candies, "Are you really too old for this?"

"No," Pinkie bounces to the orange dragon, "Not at all." The orange dragon rolls her eyes and puts the candy into her lantern. Pinkie smiles, "Thank you." Then she runs away. The CMCs are following her.

Sunset turns to the purple duo, "Well, I have to go to the guard station. See you later." Noleg jumps on her head as the orange dragon goes to the guard station to visit Coral.

When Sunset just walks to the guard station, a mummy appears inside and 'boo' her. Sunset sighs and pushes it away. The mummy grunts and unwraps its face, revealing that it is Coral Blade, a captain of the guard. Coral glares at the orange dragon and stands up.

"Geez," Coral cracks her head, "You really don't scare at all,"

"No, not at all." Sunset folds her claw, "And mummy is the most laziest costume I ever seen"

"I am tightening my money ok?" Coral huffs, "Just some paper and we got a costume, not like yours. I don't know what that thing is?"

Sunset teases, "I am wearing the future,"

"What kind of future is that?" Coral laughs, "With a cheese on your head, I don't think that is."

Sunset tilts her head, "Eh, that not a cheese,"

The cheese jumps out of Sunset and lands on Coral's head. The captain jerks back a little bit. The cheese reveals that a blue cat is wearing the cheese costume. "Wow, that is a nice costume. I thought you were a cheese," Then she takes the cat and looks at it. She looks at the orange dragon, "Did you eat his backlegs,"

"Hey!" Sunset yells, "If I eat him, I will eat his whole body," Nolegs slap her cheek and Sunset rubs at it, "Ouch,"

Coral giggles, "Come on, I'm just teasing you. Let's get Flora in this. I hope she is not busy."

"Sounds like a good idea."

Sunset and Coral are walking to the Flora house. On the way to arrive there, the dragon and the captain meet Twilight, Spike, and Rarity. Rarity wants to go there to see her face. Sunset denies it at first but Rarity uses her drama techniques, making the orange dragon have to agree with it.

The group has arrived into a simple wooden house with slide doors. Rarity doesn't believe that a famous actress like her lives in a house like this while Sunset knows this kind of house.

"Why is this house so familiar to me?" Sunset rubs her head, "It looks like a house for ninjas."

Coral looks at the dragon in surprise as Twilight asks, "What is a ninja?"

"A ninja is an assassin who can use some special technique," Sunset explains, "I remember that the ninja does not exist anymore and they are now forgotten."

"I see," Twilight nods, "I didn't know anything about them."

"That's right," A voice from behind as the groups look back, reveals that a masked pony with some scarf. The pony takes off the mask and reveals that it is Flora, "That's why I'm dressing as them tonight."

"Oh," Sunset looks at her, "I see."

Rarity's eyes shine as she looks closely into the actress but Sunset drags her out, "Hey Rarity, can you give us a minute? I have a talk with this actress."

Rarity grumbles and goes out of the house. The purple duo follows her. Sunset turns to Flora and asks, "Are you the ninja that guards the prison in the slavery case." Flora jumps back and is surprised. Sunset glares at her, "Are you?"