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The main 6 and dragon duo are preparing to watch the dragon's migration. Spike is serving the cake and drinks for the watching. After 15 minutes of preparation, the dragons are finally here and are flying above them. All of them, except Fluttershy, are watching them in amazement as Sunset just watches without emotion. She turns to the purple dragon and sees that Spike is sad about something.

"What's wrong?" Sunset calls him, "Aren't you happy?"

"Oh yeah.... yeah, I'm very happy to watch this moment," Spike is trying to say but Sunset's claw is already in front of his lips. Spike glares at her, "What's wrong with you?"

"I don't blind, dummy," Sunset sits down, "So, tell me. What's wrong with you?"

Spike sighs, "Fine," then he looks at the sky, "I wonder ... where is my parent?" Sunset points at Twilight. He quickly retorts, "Not Celestia, My real parent. Where are they now?"

Sunset looks at the migrating dragons as he smiles, "Should we go together? I am curious about Dragonland though." Spike's eyes widen as Sunset raises her claws, "Stop giving me that look. You will make me uncomfortable."

"Then... how about Twilight?" Spike turns to the purple unicorn, who is still amazed at the dragon watching, "I don't know."

"Your choice," Sunset spins the staff, "not mine."

"Heh," Spike rubs his head and turns back to watch the dragon flying. Sunset smiles and hugs to comfort the purple dragon, making the purple dragon blush as he pushes the orange dragon. Sunset doesn't know why he pushes her away.

Celestia wakes up as she yawns and stretches her body. When she looks around, Luna is already cooking fish at the campfire. Celestia feels something on her head. Looking up, she sees Noleg is standing on her head. She sighs and sits down next to the blue alicorn.

"Aww.." Luna huffs, "I want that cat so much."

"Not a chance, my sister," Celestia gives her a grin as Luna tries to reach the cat but Noleg slaps her hoof away. Celestia giggles, "Look like somepony doesn't have animal attraction."

Luna rolls her eyes and takes out the stick while Celestia is reading a book. Luna turns to the white alicorn, "what are you reading, dear sister."

"I am reading a book about building a simple house." Celestia takes a bite of the fish, "I will make sure that the house will not fall on our head."

Luna smiles, "You are.." Suddenly, a roar from the sky interrupts them as the Sisters are looking up. They see the dragons are flying above them. Luna rubs her chin, "I wonder what is the dragon doing up there?"

"I think they are migrating," answers Celestia as Luna turns to her. Celestia sighs, "I just want to have a peaceful discussion between dragons and ponies, but due to the dragon hunter, they seem too far from us."

"I see..." Luna points at the logs, "But anyway, shall we build our own house?"

"Sure." Celestia and Luna start tying the logs together. With the help of the vines, the logs seem close together as the Sisters put them down. They find that they are making the floor. Celestia and Luna look at each other and nod as they start making a house.

Flora, Snow Storm, and Coral are heading home. Coral is hugging the kirin like a pillow while Snow Storm just huffs and lets the captain hug her. When they nearly come back to Ponyville, the trio sees the dragons are flying above their heads, which makes a beautiful scene for them.

"I've never seen so many dragons in my life," Snow Strom takes the scope and looks at the dragons closer, "It's fun to watch the dragons flying."

Coral gives her a smug, "Sure, you are half-dragon anyway," the kirin glares at the captain and she gets up, ignoring Coral falling down. Coral stands up, "Well, I don't know if your dad or mom is a dragon."

"I wish I could meet them."

When the trio arrives at Ponyville, Flora says goodbye to the duo as Coral and Snow Storm walk back to the station. When the duo is just opening the door, Coral meets every single guards' angry gaze. Coral gulps as Swift Blue walks toward the captain.

The pegasus asks, "Where did you carry our newbie, Madam?" Coral steps back and smiles nervously. The vice-captain waves his front hoof, "Everypony, get her." Everyone in the station charges at the captain as she just stands there and gulps.

The battle between 15 minutes and Coral is completely on the ropes. Snow Storm gives her a smirk and carries her to Coral's room, then she puts the captain on the sofa and leaves her there. "Look like you didn't get any love from your soldiers, right?"

"I wish I could make them like me," Coral gives the kirin a smirk as the kirin just puts the tea on the table. They start to relax after a long case. 30 minutes later, Flora steps to the room and puts the cake on the table. "Oh hi Flora, I thought you have work today."

"I'm free," Flora continues to put the pie on the table, "Even if I am busy, I will make myself free."

Snow Storm looks at the actress, "Anyway, I don't know how an actress like you can take the guards so easily."

Flora puts her front hoof on her lips, "Secret," The kirin grumbles as she takes the newspaper to read. She sees the case that they have solved yesterday on the first-page newspaper. Some of the nobles have been responsible and have been stripped away of the title. Flora eats the cake while feeding the captain, "Like what you read,"

"Maybe..." Snow Storm rubs her chin, "What is the noble world like?"

"Cruel, full of liars and many dumb," Flora leans on the sofa, "If you don't have a stony spirit, you will be their pawn."

"I see." Snow Storm sits on the sofa, "Well, time to relax cause we work hard today."

Spike sighs as he doesn't know what the dragon world will be like. He wants to go to Dragonland so hard. Looking around, he remembers that Twilight and Sunset are busy with their work. Spike silently prepares his stuff and walks out of the library. "Going somewhere," A voice behind him causes the purple dragon to stop as he looks back. He sees the orange dragon is standing on the stairs.

Spike sighs and looks at the ground, "Don't stop me. I will go to Dragonland."

"Who says I will stop you?" Sunset tilts her head as the purple dragon turns to the orange dragon, "Why don't you invite me to your journey? I am curious about dragons there too."

"Really?" Spike's eyes widens, "Oh thank you so much. We will go there together."

"By what?" Sunset grins, "By your two feet?"

Spike rubs his head and blushes, "Well... just go to the train station and ask somepony to see if they have a ship to go to Dragonland."

"Sounds like a good idea. Let's go."

The dragon duo walks out of the library and starts their journey. When they arrive at the train station, the train director says that they have to go to Manehanttan and take a ship that has to go past the land. The train director also knows that the ship is in the Solar Harbor. Sunset buys two tickets and goes to the Manehanttan.

After two hours, the dragon duo manages to go to the Solar Harbor. Sunset asks if they can go with them. The captain of the ship needs some money to treat his wife. Sunset gives him money and goes to the ship. The ship goes on and goes to Dragonland. When the ship nears the land, the captain of the ship gives them a small boat and gives them a good luck

Spike drives the boat to Dragonland as Sunset looks at it. When it touches the land, Sunset stretches herself to enjoy the moment of peace while Spike just looks at the volcano. Sunset pats his shoulder to calm him down.

Spike looks around, "So... where did we start?"

"I don't know." Sunset looks at the volcano, "The only thing we can go to is that volcano."

Spike rubs his chin, "You're right. I think we can head to it."

Sunset and Spike start walking to the volcano. On the way to the volcano, they see many plants and gems are around. Spike tries to pick up a green gem and eat it, then he gets many polka dots on his body as the orange dragon laughs at that. Sunset cures the purple dragon and keeps going to the volcano. When they arrive at the volcano, they see many dragons lying on the stone ground. Some of them are bathing with lava.

Spike is amazed about these dragons while Sunset just looks around. "Hey, you." A voice comes from another way. The dragon duo turns to the voice and sees a red dragon is walking toward them. The red dragon looks at the orange dragon and smiles, "Hello lady, you seem not around here, right?"

"You guess right," Sunset points at the purple dragon, "I'm coming with my friend to solve his problem."

The red dragon looks at the purple dragon and finds that he doesn't have any wings, even if he is a mature dragon, "... This one seems to come from pony town, right?"

"How did you know?" Spike's eyes widens, "You didn't know me yet."

"Well... I look at your back and see someone like that without wings." The red dragon gives him a smug, "I don't know if he can fight as a dragon."

"Look... I just want to find my lost parents." Spike rubs his head, "I don't know if I can find them."

The red dragon is trying to say something but a blue dragon puts her hand to him, "Enough Garble, I thought you have a job to do?" The red dragon grumbles and goes away, leaving the blue dragon with the dragon duo. The blue dragon turns to them as she realizes the orange dragon, "Oh, you are the one who suddenly appears from the sky." Sunset whistles away while the blue dragon smiles, "My name is Ember."

"Name Sunset," The orange dragon shakes her hand, "nice to meet you."

Spike rubs his head, "I'm Spike. I just wander here."

Ember suggests, "Seem you two are news here. How about taking a tour? I'm sure that you will like it,"

Sunset nods, "Seems like a good idea." Ember nods and she leads the dragon duo there as Spike doesn't know what to do this time.

Twilight is walking home after taking a visit to Rainbow Dash. The cyan pegasus had been in an accident when practicing to join the Wonderbolt. When the purple unicorn opens the door, she doesn't see anyone inside, "Weird," Twilight decides to walk around to find the dragon duo. Going to the kitchen, she finds a note that sticks on the fridge as it writes, 'Twilight, me and Spike will go to Dragonland a little while. You stay there and watch the library for me'

Twilight reads the note and gasps. She throws the note away and runs out of the library to call her friend. Now the journey will be fun