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How to court a "love dumbing" dragon? (2)

After the meeting, Artamiel is feeling frustrated for her ability being locked in the negotiation. The zebra seer doesn't know where the source is but at least her kind has some advanced condition. Zeke turns to the seer and wraps his hoof around her, "Look like your ability is not working."

"Please don't tease me," Artarmiel glares at the chief, "Or I will kill you,"

"That's why I read books about the negotiation," Zeke keeps walking to the train station, "You are just too confident about your ability. Who knows there are other seers around the world."

"Meh. I am a best seer," Artarmiel huffs and walks through the street, but she gets hit by a cart, causing many ponies around to panic as the zebra rubs her head. Zeke runs to her and helps her up as the zebra grunts, "I swear that is just accident,"

Zeke teases, "And I thought you are the seer," Artarmiel blushes in embarrassment, then she smacks his head as the male zebra is down. His guards help him up as Atarmiel just walks to the train station. Zeke rubs his head and sighs, "Yeah, she depends on that ability too much."

One of the guards agrees, "You know, Zeke. I just want to see how you get a surprise date for her. She is the seer, you know."

Another guard added, "Honestly, you are braver than we expected."

Zeke turns to his guard, "Just keep walking. We don't have time to explain," the guards laugh at him as they follow him to the train station.

Spike is drawing something inside a bedroom that Celestia gives for him. When he is enjoying the relaxation, a knock on the door interrupts him, "Come in," the purple wonders who is knocking. The door opens and Celestia is walking inside. The purple dragon stands up, "Oh come on, you don't have to tease me like this,"

"Tease you?" Celestia wraps her hoof around the purple dragon, "I'm here to help you," Celestia looks at the paper and sees that it is Sunset's cutie mark with 2 big gold chains connected on two sides. Celestia looks carefully and feels weird when they have two small cuffs in the tip of the chain. The white alicorn admires this design and turns to the purple dragon, "Nice design, but... this is a weird thing. Just like this is not designed for regular jewels."

"Because it is designed for the horns," Spike puts his claw on his cheek, "You know. I don't think the jewel shop sell this thing,"

Celestia grins, "Let me call somepony to make it," then she gives him two tickets, "and these are the tickets for the restaurant tonight in Manehattan."

"What!..." Spike blushes and turns away, "I don't think I can ask her out on a date like this."

"Don't worry, she accepted," Celestia smiles, "I can make her accept. Now, it's your chance,"

"Uh..." Spike blushes so hard, "But... but I'm not ready."

"Then you should be," Celestia drags the purple dragon out of the room, "Don't worry, Amelia and Luna will help you this time." The purple dragon tries to retort but Celestia keeps dragging him away. He just lets the white alicorn drag him somewhere.

Sunset heads to the blacksmith to make the sword. She had ordered the normal material today to make that sword. Amelia follows the orange dragon in curiosity. When they get there, the old green stallion greets her and leads her inside. Going inside, they see Coral is looking at three swords as she is curious about this.

Coral turns outside and sees the orange dragon. The earth pony quickly asks, "Can you help me to make a good halberd, please?"

"What do you define 'good' here, Coral," Sunset points at the sword, "None of my sword is successful here."

"And that failure is being bought with thousands bits," retorts Coral, "I don't know what are you define 'failure' here,"

Sunset sighs, "Fine, but making a halberd needs a lot of money, and for enchantment..." The orange dragon shakes her head, "I don't know what kind of enchantment you want."

Coral rubs her head, "I think I need a halberd that can cause fire and immobilize opponent,"

"Quite greedy," Sunset rubs her chin, "But I can give you that in three days,"

"Thanks," Coral walks outside, "I will see you in three days,"

The orange dragon sighs and she takes the hammer to start to work. Amelia follows Coral to see why she needs a halberd like that. When white cat flies outside, she sees Coral is talking to the old pony. Amelia decides to fly closer and lies on the table to hear their conversation.

Coral smiles, "Finally, I got a weapon for my fantasy. I can wait a good half of all," Lemon Heart gives her a drink as the captain drinks it. Coral feels someone is watching and looks around. She sees a white cat lying on the table, "Aww, this cat is so cute. Did you just get this one?"

"No," Lemon Heart shakes his head, "I don't tend to have a pet,"

Coral picks the cat up, "Look at this face. It's so cute," Coral rubs her face into the cat fur as Amelia just lets her cuddle him. Coral feels like a heaven, "Aw, I just want to have a cat," Amelia feels bored and jumps down the table. Coral puts her hoof on her cheek, "Anyway, I just want to be stronger, so I need a weapon,"

"I see," Lemon smiles, "You're just like your mother."

Coral sighs as she continues to drink, "But I can't be stronger than my mom,"

After two hours, the orange dragon steps out of the blacksmith and sighs, then she picks Amelia up and says goodbye to get back to the library. When they are heading to the library, Amelia asks her, "So... bet that you are preparing the meeting, right?"

"You're right," Sunset takes out the ticket, "I don't know why Celestia asks me to have a beautiful dress, but... anyway, bet that it is just some fancy party or stuff."

"You don't have to say that," Amelia lies on her head, "I bet that you have a costume for that,"

"Well yes," Sunset opens the door and goes inside, "That is the only clothes I have," she turns around and sees Twilight and others are talking about something. The orange dragon asks, "What are you doing here?"

"Oh," Twilight turns to the orange dragon, "We are going to Manehattan tonight to a restaurant."

"Oh...this is a very luxurious restaurant. I can't wait to see it," Rarity lies on the sofa as she continues, "I can't wait to prepare for this event," then she looks at Sunset, "Don't worry, I won't interrupt your date."

"Date?" Sunset folds her claw, "What are you saying?"

Twilight covers her hoof around Rarity's mouth and shakes her head. Rarity nods and steps back. The purple unicorn turns to the orange dragon, "So, do you have any dress for this thing?"

Sunset points at the robe that is drying on the balcony, "you know that I only got that robe?" The white unicorn looks at the robe as she facehoof while the purple unicorn just walks away. The orange dragon is confused as she uses the wind spell to dry her robe.

The moon has risen and the night has come. Spike is wearing a vest while Luna is wearing some dress. They head to Manehanttan by the chariot. Spike looks at the gift and gulps while Luna wraps her hoof around the purple dragon. Luna smiles, "Don't be so nervous. We have Twilight and Rarity to help you."

"What!?" Spike turns his head left and right, "Why did you call them?"

"To help you," Luna grins, "My sister has talked about her and... you know. This is a hard one,"

"Fine," Spike sighs, "Just don't make the situation worse."

"Don't worry, I won't," Spike pushes the blue alicorn, "For calling outside without telling me,"

Luna rolls her eyes, "Fair enough,"

The chariot keeps going to Manehanttan. When they arrived to the restaurant and walks down, many ponies around are looking at them. Luna and Spike look around and see Twilight, Rarity and Sunset are looking at the restaurant. Spike notices that Sunset is wearing her usual black robe and sallet while others go with some fancy dresses.

Spike is going to run to the orange dragon but Luna stops him, then she drags the purple dragon inside. When they enter the restaurant, Spike sees many chandeliers are lightened in yellow light. Many ponies and griffins are enjoying the dinner, all of them wearing fancy clothes. The waiter notices the duo and he leads them to another room.

The waiter leads them to a room with a golden door. Opening the door, Spike sees many ponies are enjoying the standing party in the classical music. Spike notices some nobles are there as they glance at him in contemptuous look.

Twilight and others arrives inside the room. When they are walking inside, all of them look at Sunset and simply step out of her way.

Luna looks at her and sighs, "I admit that robe gives her a lot of power in their eyes though, even if I saw it once."

"Yeah," Spike turns away, "It makes me feel like she is too reach to high,"

"Don't be like that," Luna turns to the purple dragon and smiles, "you live with her long enough to know her."

Spike is trying to retort but Luna pushes the purple dragon to Sunset. Spike glares at the blue alicorn immediately. Sunset and others are tasting a little bit of food and somes wine. When Spike comes to her, Sunset gives him a smirk, "You don't have to wear that suit in this party. This is not gala,"

Rarity and Twilight facehoof when they hear that sentence. Spike retorts, "but this is a 5- star restaurant. I have to wear like this,"

"Good choice," Sunset sips a little wine, "That's why I don't like this place,"

"Well," Spike coughs, "Don't you have any clothes beside this one? I don't see different clothes beside this one,"

Rarity facehoofs at this sentence while Sunset just sighs, "I am not into fashion. Honestly, I don't know why many girls want to have many clothes as they can, but that's just me,"

"Sure," Spike looks away, "Anyway, how about we go to the balcony?"

"Well," Sunset looks at her friends as Twilight and Rarity nod, "I think I have nothing to do here."

Spike leads the orange dragon to the balcony of the restaurant. When they are outside, they see that this is a high place to watch the entire city. Spike is amazed while Sunset murmurs something. After a while, a magic circle appears and creates purl to her claw. Sunset blows it away to creates flash to the city. Spike feels amazed that the city has the purls shining in many colors of flash. Sunset turns to the purple dragon and smiles, "Happy birthday, Spike!"

"What?" Spike turns to the orange dragon, "Today is not my birthday, you know?"

"But two days later, right?" Sunset grabs his claw, making the purple dragon blush. When Sunset releases his claw, Spike sees a small gift is on his claw. The orange dragon turns to the view of the city, "It's a beautiful place, right?"

"I'm sure it is," Spike rubs his head and takes out the gift to give the orange dragon, "Sorry for being late,"

Sunset takes the gift and opens it. She sees the jewel has her cutie mark with some gold chains on it. Sunset looks at him, Sunset giggles, "I thought my balance scales attract on my horn is weird. Now, I see something weirder," the orange dragon takes up, "Is this for the horns?"

"Yeah," Spike is nervous, "Do you like it?"

"I love it," Sunset starts wearing the accessory to her horn, "I assume that you designed this thing?"

"Yeah. And Princess Celestia makes it for me," Spike grins and starts opening the gift. He sees a notebook with some pens. The purple dragon looks at her with a weird face, "Why did you give me this?"

"To recognize what you learn," Sunset points at his forehead and pushes, "You usually forget something that I teach so this is a good gift to do. Payback for giving this gift late."

Spike rolls his eyes, "Fair enough."

The purple dragon sits next to the orange dragon and looks at the sky. Suddenly, many fireworks are fired in the sky as Spike looks at the sky with Sunset and smiles. The orange dragon sighs and stands up, "maybe I will ask a person,"

"What do you mean?" Spike looks around and sees Amelia is firing the fireworks from far away. Spike holds the orange dragon, "Wait wait, you don't need to do that."

"Well..." Sunset lying on the ground, "At least she performs a good firework show. How about we lie there and watch the fireworks together." The purple dragon smiles and he lies next to the orange dragon and watches the fireworks together, but Spike knows that he just fails to court the orange dragon, again.

Author's Note:

Sorry to forgot the robe that Sunset's wear ealier. Here is the only clothe that orange dragon has.