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Starting the race

Celestia stretches her body and gets out of the bed while she is feeling sleepy. The white alicorn hears something loud outside. Celestia takes a look and sees the lion and the wolf are sleeping in the garden while many creatures are looking at them in amazed. Some of them even take pictures with them like a courage challenge.

Looking around, she sees Luna is taking money. Celestia sighs and teleports down the park. Luna waves her front hoof and yells. "Hi Sister, I am making money with these ... creatures."

"I remember that we have enough money." Celestia glares at her sister. "And we don't know if they are hostile or not."

"Well, last night the wolf visited me in my room, which makes me terrified." Luna shudders. "and she offered me to train with her."

"The lion one offered me the same last night." Celestia looks at them. "I don't know what will they do."

Suddenly, the lion roars in the sky, making the creatures around terrified, and runs away from the garden. Celestia and Luna lighten their horn and prepare for anything bad happens. The lion stares at them and points at the table. "Who makes this thing?"

Celestia points at the blue alicorn. Luna slaps her hoof away. The wolf glares at the blue alicorn. "Is that the revenge for annoying me last night?"

"Eh no." Luna smiles nervously. "Nothing in revenge here. I want to make money for our kingdom."

Leo pokes at Luna's forehead with his paws. "Then at least ask our permission.".

The white alicorn giggles while Luna turns to her sister to search for her help. The wolf jumps closer to the blue alicorn and glares. "And you make me angry."

"Eh... Just innocent revenge, right?" Luna turns away. "Is something matter?"

"You..." The wolf points at Luna. "Come with me, right now. " The wolf jumps on the roof as Luna huffs and doesn't want to go.

Suddenly, a shadow mist locks Luna's horn and carries her away. Celestia is going to rescue her but the lion blocks her and shakes his head. Leon comforts. "Don't worry. She will be fine. Just a little suffering." The lion sits down. "Have you decided?"

Celestia shakes her head. "I already answer. I don't need any more strength to protect the kingdom."

"I don't need that half-hearted answer." Leo yawns. "I know you are still jealous about that witch, who used to be your student."

Celestia glares at him, then walks inside the luxurious building to start her work. The lion shakes his head and continues to lie in the garden to sunbathe.

Sunset, Twilight, Spike, and Breaker are warming up to preparing the marathon. Sunset is now the unicorn while Spike is the baby dragon this time. They had some problems when goes to participate in the marathon when the female creatures around wanted to cuddle Spike a lot.

Spike cracks his neck and jumps a little. "I'm ready. Anyway, where's Amelia? I didn't see her when we get there."

"She is being dragged by Craka." Twilight taps her chin. "I remember that she needs her help."

"I hope she will not be an extra MC or something." Sunset giggles. "I will take the picture if that happens though."

Breaker takes out a paper and announces it to others. "All right everyone, this year have 5 teams participating in this competition. This means we have 16 participants to pass to be a champion."

Twilight asks. "Anyway rule? I believe that they have a rule like winged creatures will not allow using their wing, right? Like the falling leaves festival."

"You guess right." Breaker flips another page. "And unicorn will not allow using teleport spell."

"Oh, it means every spell except the teleport spell can use, right?" Sunset smiles. "I like to hear it."

Breaker nods. "If you don't hurt anyone, you will be fine to use those spells of your."

Sunset, Twilight, and Spike smile at each other while Breaker feel something is not right about them. These three can use magic very well.

When the groups come to the participants' zome to ready, the magenta mare wants to come closer to them but her teammates try to stop her. The magenta mare jumps to the orange mare. "You will lose this time, witch."

Sunset looks at the mare with curious looks ."What's wrong with your head, Calendar? You should go to the hospital now."

"Not after I beat you in this competition. Just wait."

Calendar's teammates drag her out of the orange mare. Breaker gives her a smug. "Honestly, I don't know what are you right now?"

"What do you mean?"

Breaker sighs. "The mare just taunts you is the daughter of the richest merchant in this kingdom. I don't know why she and her father are so much different though."

"You mean Calendar?" Sunset points at the magenta mare. "I thought she is someone who just sneak out of the mental hospital or something."

Breaker giggles. "Come on. The competition will start right now. You won't miss it."

Sunset rolls her eyes and prepares the uniform that the refugee gives to them. The race will be fun.

"Welcome to the marathon of the year." Craka comes onto the stage in a long white dress with some golden accessories, making her look so noble. Many audiences look at her with admiring looks. The gray Abyssian sighs. "This year, I have a special guess to introduce to everyone, Amelia."

Amelia flies to the stage. The audiences look at her with a curious look. Amelia waves her paw. "Hi?"

The audience cheers her up immediately. Some of them want to step onto the stage and talk to her but the guards stop them. Craka laughs and announces to everyone. "Today, this cat will be our lucky cat. Wish the competition goes smoothly."

Amelia takes the mic and continues. "Not to waste any time. We will introduce our competition. Today we will have 4 teams come here to race to the champion. The champion will get a price."

The curtains are pulled out and revels a big golden trophy with some white texture on it. Craka tells everyone. "This trophy is just for the winning. The real prize is bigger than that but I can't tell the detail." The audience is going to start yelling at her but Craka raises her paws to stop. "But don't worry, we will say it when we have the winner. This year, we just want to surprise everyone."

Amelia takes the map and the paper. "Before the race begins, we have some rules and warnings for the competitors." The competitors, except Sunset, start listening. Amelia sighs. "First, one team has just 4 members, no more no less. Unicorns will not allow using teleport skill, and winged creatures won't allow flying." Spike looks at his wings as the guards start tying around them. The white cat continues. "Second, some challenges will be very hard to complete. If anyone is hurt, we will take you out. That's all."

All of the audience cheers out loud as Craka coughs. The audience stops and the gray Abyssian starts introduce. "All right. Let's start with the competitor. First, we introduce the team that always finishes the last. The Calendar team." The magenta mare hides behind her teammate. Many audiences laugh at them.

Amelia continues. "The minotaur team. This team has 3 first place since they start joining this competition." The minotaurs team is warming up and roaring in the sky, making the audience feels excited.

"Next team, we got the champion. The Golden." A yellow Abyssian stands up and waves his paw, then he looks at Breaker and have give her a blown kiss. Breaker turns away and feels disgusting. Craka continues. "This team had many trophies since the beginning. Right now they have around 10 trophies if I remember right." Sandy shows a lot of trophies. The audience starts shouting his name.

Amelia sighs and looks at Craka. The gray Abyssian just gives her a smug. Amelia shakes her head. "Now, we will introduce one more team, who just participate the first time. They don't have a name so I give them one. This team is the newbie." Everyone looks at the new team and sees Sunset sleeping while Spike is on Twilight's back and reading the book. Twilight and Breaker can just leave them be.

Craka shakes her head and announces. "Now, they will get 15 minutes to prepare for the race. If anyone wants to see the highest place." Craka reveals many airships. "Please follow me to this airship. This year, we will make sure that everyone wants can watch all of the race." The audience is going to rush to the airship but Craka raises her paw. "Just one condition, please line up and let us check."

Breaker is trying to wake the orange unicorn up while Spike is taking the bucket of cold water. Sandy sees this and laughs out loud. Breaker glares at the yellow Abyssian. "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing." Sandy points at Breaker's teammate. "Just wondering why did you get these ones. Look at them." The yellow Abyssian points at Spike. "A baby dragon? What is he doing here?" Then he turns to Twilight and Sunset. "and those mares, they don't even look strong."

Sunset wakes up and yawns. The orange unicorn looks around and sees Sandy talking about her. Sunset just stretches her body to prepare for the race. Sunset points at Sandy and asks. "What is he doing here?"

"Are you still sleepy? We are going to race. Of course, he's here to get the first place." Spike pours the cold water on the orange unicorn, making Sunset yelp and glare at the baby dragon. Spike pushes her face away. "That's making sure that you get fully woke up."

Sunset rolls her eyes and hugs the purple dragon tightly, causing Spike struggles to get out of her hugging. Twilight giggles. Sandy shakes his head. "What an incompetent team! I hope I will win this race easily."

Twilight, Spike, and Sunset don't care about what he is talking about. They still play with each other, making the yellow Abyssian quite angry. When he is going to tell more, a brown minotaur comes to the team and asks Breaker. "Is this your team?"

"Yeah." Breaker rubs her head. "They look like they are going to play, right?"

"No." The brown minotaur shakes his head. "I see a good team though. Anyway... " The minotaur raises his hand. "My name is Elios."

"Elios... sound familiar. Anyway... name Breaker." The brown Abyssian shakes his hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, Breaker." The minotaur looks at her team. "I hope we will have a good race. Anyway, be careful with that Abyssian team. They always cheat in the race."

"How did you know?" Breaker looks at the yellow Abyssian. "I'm just coming here for the first time."

"Because he makes my little brother lies in the hospital for one year." Elios balls the fist. "I just want to punch him hard." Breaker looks at his hand as the minotaur snaps out. "Oh sorry. Anyway, good luck with the racing."

"Good luck."

The yellow minotaur comes back to his team while Breaker comes to her team and warns her teammate about Sandy. After a while. The guard come inside and tells all of them to come out.

Outside the stadium, many creatures are cheering at them on the ground. The photographers are taking photos of them. Looking around, they see many airships watching them. Twilight and Spike feel overwhelmed by the very large audience

"Welcome to the race of the year." The pole appears in front of the starting line. Craka stands on the pole with Amelia on her shoulder. The gray Abyssian announces to her audience. "The race will be 2 lines around this capital. Hope you all ready."

The audience cheers out loud. Amelia continues. "Don't worry about two rounds will be the same. Each round will have different challenges." Amelia spins her finger and three orbs appear in front of the starting line. "Everyone get ready." One orb is light red as the competitors ready. "Set. GO" all of them start running fast. The race has begun