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A weird situation

Twilight is lying on the ground and feels tired. Horn lost, one limb lost, she feels pain and useless against the fenrir. The fenrir is lying on the water and waiting for the purple unicorn. Amelia sits on her belly and shakes her head. "I hope you enjoy this."

Twilight glares at the white cat. "If you want to kill me, why don't you do it now."

"Kill you?" Amelia's paw glowing green and puts it on Twilight's chest. Her horn and limb are growing back. Twilight looks at them and feels amazed. Amelia smiles. "Does that hurt?"

"Imagine you are being ripped off your paws." Twilight holds the white cat. "That's too painful."

Amelia giggles and pats Twilight's head. " I like this whining. Anyway, in a battle like this, what will you do to fight? Lay there and prepares to die?"

"I ... don't know." Twilight looks at the fenrir. "It... too fast and dangerous...I..."

"That's right." Amelia jumps out. "In the battle like this, dead or alive are only in a flash. No matter if you beg for your life, you will die."

"I... then what are you actually? No one can heal like this."

Amelia giggles. "Just a cat who has fought the heroes."

Twilight lies on the ground and sighs. She starts regretting accepting this. The unicorn stands up and looks at the fenrir. The fenrir stands up and they stare at each other, then they charge at each other.

Redheart and Blue Bed take out the mask. They have done the heart recovery opreation. The blue-coated stallion stretches his body while the white-coated is checking the heart.

"Looks like I won the bet." Blue Bed yawns. "It's just a simple operation. You are really a good partner"

Redheart looks back. "... I don't know but ... is this heart bigger than usual?"

Blue Bed's eyes widen and look at the heart. It's bigger than usual. The blue stallion turns away. "How... How can this happen? Prepare to stop the heart beating."

"I disagree." Redheart shakes her head. "If we do that one more time, this old fella will be in danger."

"But we can't..." Blue Bed sees Redheart is taking the knife. "You... you are going to operate on him when the heart is still beating?"


Blue bed puts his hoof on her shoulder. "Are you crazy? A mare who can do it is far fro..."

Redheart slaps his hoof away. "If you don't help me, you can leave. I will do this operation alone."

The stallion tries to retort. "But... you are a nurse, right?"

Redheart puts on the gloves and starts touching the heart, ignoring what he is saying. Blue Bed is helpless and decides to help this crazy nurse to see what she can do.

Closing her eyes, Redheart starts using a pen and marks it on the heart, then she starts cutting the heart on the mark. Blue Bed cuts another part.

After they are done, they sew it and sigh. Redheart checks the machine and sees it is normal. Blue Bed looks at the white-coat mare in amazed.

Redheart leaves the room without any response and returns back to her work. The blue-coat stallion leaves the room and sits next to the operation room.

"You just met our doctor." Blue Bed turns to the voice and sees Slime is walking to him. "Surprised?"

"Yeah..." Blue Bed sighs. "I just thought that she is Black Cross."

"Black Cross? Who is she?".

Blue Bed sighs. "Black Cross used to be our doctor. Being kicked out of the our hospital because doing three illegal operation."

"I see. The patients are saved?"

"Litterally, they through that they will die by a liver problem, heart problem and... infection problem." Blue Bed sighs. "First operation about doing transfer liver from living creature. It's about 20 years ago when that operation was still illegal."

"I don't want to hear." Slime raises her hoof. "You should ask her about the operation." Then he pats his back. "Now get up and smile, there are many patients waiting for you."

"Fine. At least you have a funny name."

Slime rolls his eyes as Blue Bed returns to his room to work.

Sunset and Spike end up in the cave. The dragon duo looks around to see where they are and starts to walk forward. Walking for a while, they see a long hall with lava on the two sides. The dragon duo feels so hot to this kind of lava

Suddenlu, a voice comes from inside shouts. "Welcome to my hall, chosen ones."

Spike and Sunset look at each other, then they head to the voice to see who is talking. They see a big bipedal dragon sitting on his throne. The red dragon has black horns and black claws are looking at them. He stands up and shrinks himself to have the equal size to them

Spike looks at the red dragon. "Okay... eh... who are you and why are you here?"

"My name is Makara." He soars his big wings and causes some gust around. "King of the fire dragon."

Sunset looks around and sees no one in here. She asks. "Eh... is that just your... imagination? Because no one knows you, even Lord Torch? And what kind of king doesn't have anyone inside his 'castle'?

Makara retorts. "Torch knows about me and he is helping me to adjust my work and ..." the red dragon snaps his fingers and many dragons appear on two sides of the hall. "Who said that my 'castle' is empty?"

"I see." Spike points outside. "But why are you teleporting us here?"

"I am not going to teleport you." Makara points at Sunset. "I want to teleport her."

Spike glares at him. "For what?"

"Is that obvious? She will be my queen here." Makala looks at Sunset. "She is a good looking dragon, for me."

"Let's get out of here, Spike." Sunset turns away. "I will find the way to return."

Spike nods and goes with the orange dragon, but the guards around stop them. The dragon duo turns back to red dragon. Makala grins. "Who said that you can get out of here?"

"You should retreat your guards away." Warns Sunset.

"Touch girl."

Makala is disappearing from his throne. The guards surround the dragon duo. Sunset and Spike are ready to fight.

Suddenly, a fire chain comes from inside and drags the orange dragon away. "Sunset!" Spike is going to follow but a phoenix creates is landing at him. The guards charge at him.

Sunset is dragged into the room. Inside the room, there are many pictures of dragons on two side of the walls. Sunset breaks the chain by her strength and stands up, then she starts walking.

Along the hall, she sees many pictures of dragons with many types sitting next to each other. Walking forward, Sunset sees the long pictures of the fights of the dragons. She also sees the thunder dragon is tearing a paper.

"Enjoy the showcase?" Sunset turns around and sees the red dragon is wearing armor. "History of the dragons is told through those pictures."

"Still a pervert dragon?" Sunset sighs. "What do you want now?"

"Become the queen of fire dragon. The Gauntlet of Fire chooses you to become a queen."

"Denied." Sunset turns away. "I would rather marry Spike than you."

"Rule of the fire dragon." Makala is standing in a combat stance. "If a dragon wants to court a dragoness, he has to defeat her and the dragoness has to accept to be his mate."

Sunset counters. "But I can deny it, right?" Makala nods and Sunset starts to leave. "Well, enjoy your daydream. I hope you will die here alone."

A firewall appears in front of Sunset. The orange dragon feels its heat. Makala charges at her and tries to kick the orange dragon, but Sunset ducks and sweeps his leg. Makala quickly spins around and tries to kick Sunset but finds that she is not there, making him slam on the floor.

Suddenly, the red dragon feels someone is grabbing him and flies up. Looking behind, he sees Sunset is holding him and flies to the ground very fast. When they are near the ground, the orange dragon teleports away, leaving the red dragon being slammed to the ground.

Sunset sighs and starts to leave the room. A blast comes from Makala's spot as Sunset quickly jumps aside. Makala makes himself on fire and laughs. "Very good. This is magic, right?"

"Some, but not all." Sunset cracks her neck. "Looks like your blood is boiled."

"Yes. I like this a lot"

Makala stomps his feet on the ground, many fire pillars are rising around room, create the fire pillars forest. Makala jumps to a pillar then bound to Sunset, attempting to punch her. The orange dragon just dodge aside but the red dragon bounce from another pillar and manages to punch her belly.

Sunset grunts and tries to see him but the red dragon kicks back, then legg, causing her to fall on the ground. Makala jumps from the high ground and charges at her at high speed. Sunset rolls asight and the red dragon makes a big hold on the ground.

Sunset stands up and rubs her head. Makala sticks on a fire pillar and asks. "Give up?"

"No..." Sunset stretches her body. "Just want to ask you what kind of fire? Even me feels hot about this."

"My fire." Makala grins. "It can hotter if you want." Suddenly, the fire pillars are changing into blue fire. The red dragon jumps out of the pillar and received a punch into his face. Makala glares at Sunset. "Nice one."

The fire from the pillar is flowing to Sunset's claws, revealing circles of blue fire on her claws, then she charges at him.

Spike breathes heavily and the phoenix is looking at him. The guards around are knocked out while Spike is injured. The purple dragon jumps on the wall to catch the phoenix but the phoenix sways its tail to block him.

Spike tries to get up and breathes heavily. "Too tired?" He hears the voice from inside. After a while, a blue scaled dragon comes and taunts. "You look like a cool guy when you manage to defeat all of the guards."

The phoenix glares of her. Spike asks. "Who are you?"

"Oh mine." The blue dragon walks around him. "My name is Icey. A ice dragon."

"An ice dragon? Okay, that's weird, I thought Torch said that all of the dragons are seperated." Spike folds his claw. "Did you come here without permission?"

Icey puts her face near his ear. "Yes I am, what will you do now, big boy?" Spike is frozen when hearing that voice as the blue dragon continues. "Try to capture me? You should... " the blue dragon wraps her claws around him and whispers. "Know that I am a dragon and have patience."

"And what are you going to do?" Spike takes out the flame orb as Icey is surprised. "You come here to this thing, right?"

The purple dragon throws her away and breathes fire but the blue dragon quickly ducks and tries to sweep his leg. Spike jumps up and throws the phoenix to her, causing the ice dragon to be crushed by the phoenix.

Icey and the phoenix stand up glares at him. Thr blue dragon gives him a smirk. "All right, you win. I just want to take it for my collection."

The ice dragon is going to leave but a firewall appears in front of her. Spike walks toward her. "Where do you think you are going?"

"Mine mine. You don't know how to treat a dragoness." Icey grins and the ground around her is freezing. "Let's see how you can handle me, Spikey Wikey ."

Spike holds a fireball on his claws and charges at Icey. The blue dragon forms a spear and tries to slashes him, but he melt it immediately. Icey kicks him away and forms another ice spread, then charges at him.