• ...

The race is finished

The Newbie are skiing through the cliff. They ski to the dead end and see the trampolines with a sigh 'jump on' points at it.

Spike feels curious and touches the trampoline. Suddenly, he flies to the sky, much as Twilight grasps. The purple unicorn quickly jumps on it to follow the purple dragon.

Spike is screaming in the sky and tries to swim to catch something. After a while, he lands on something soft. Standing up, he sees a road on the cloud.

The purple dragon is amazed at the cloud road. Looking down, he sees many audiences are watching on the cloud screen. A poke on his shoulder, makes him breathe fire backward immediately, Twilight ducks, then she glares at him.

"Hey, you shouldn't do that."

Spike rubs his head. "Sorry, just caution. Anyway, where is the other?"

"They will be there soon."

After a while, Sunset and Breaker come up to them and admire Amelia's cloud road. There are many hammers with many seesaws to slow them down and many cloud balls are rolling down.

Breaker sighs. "I feel useless to be here. You three do all the things I could do."

"What did you say?" Sunset giggles. "You shouldn't show that face, your Majesty."

Breaker hits Sunset's head but she feels her head is too tough, like a rock, making her jump back. The brown Abyssian rubs her paw and blows at it. "Wow, someone made her teacher feel pain in her head. Was your head made of stone or something?"

"Enjoy it?" Sunset claps her hoof. "Anyway, we will talk later."

The newbie starts running to the road. The seesaw road is just a bit challenging when they just give two teammates at one side. Reaching the cloud ball, Sunset, Spike and Twilight raise their shield to cover all of them, then the Newbie just runs through them.

Amelia spins the microphone and says. "The Newbie nearly finished lap 1. We will have another race in lap 2."

Some of the audience looks at the white cat in curious stares. Craka turns to the white cat. "Can you show us which race in the second lap? We are curious."

Amelia sighs and starts to spoil. "Lap 2 will be a carpet race. Each team has one magical carpet to race with. The first place will be the champion."

"Oh, so... how can we know these carpets will run fast or slow."

"Ah." Amelia snaps her finger and the soldiers reveal 4 carpets on the road, making the audience can't stop looking at it.. Each one has a steer wheel and three lines on it. "You see these lines on the carpet? Each team has to send three members to run on there to make this carpet fly and one member have to use the steering wheel to control it."

"Wow.. this is the best competition ever." Craka looks at the carpets and sees something wrong. "Eh... where did you get these carpet?"

Amelia answers. "In your room." Craka grasps and going to do anything to white cat but the white cat raises her paw. "Your mother agrees to let me do that. She complains you to have too much carpet in the room."

"No... my carpet collection. Why?"

Amelia and the audience laugh at it. After keeping following the competition, they see the Minotaur and the Calendar are chasing on the cloud roads while the Newbie is jumping down from the cloud. Turning to the Rich, they are struggling to get out of the ice castle because they lost their direction.

Amelia lies on the table to wait for the Newbie. For her, this competition seems unfair for others because of the Newbie.

Suddenly, one of the guards comes inside their spot. Amelia and Craka look back. The guard whispers to the white cat. "Lucky cat, Liner is sending assassins to kill you."

Amelia grins. "Can you guard outside? I want us to be safe."

The guard nods and leaves the room. Craka is going to ask but Amelia shakes her head and continues the competition. The fun has begun.

Celestia wakes up and looks around. She can see Canterlot city in her eyes. The white alicorn jumps up and realizes that she is outside of Canterlot. The white alicorn glares at Leo, who is sleeping before the big stone column.

The lion yawns and stretches his body, then he points at a stone column. "Now, you have to use your weapon to chop down this stone column."

Looking up, she sees the column is so big and so high. She turns to the lion. "Are you kidding me? No one can do that."

"Maybe you want your orange dragon's shadow." Leo points at the tree. "Just like this tree. Cover the sun."

Celestia huffs. "Fine. If I chop down this column, you have to tell me what you are and where you are from?"

"As you command, Your Majesty."

Celestia glares at the lion."But do you manage to do that? I want to know."

Leo takes Celestia's halberd and raises it high. The halberd is covered by something as Celestia feels the heat and sees smoke on it. The lion slashes at the stone column hard. After a while, the column is falling down and causing an earthquake around.

Celestia feels amazed for the lion. Leo tosses the weapon to Celestia. "Do the same. I will watching you and sees when you will give up."

"Can you stop teasing and mocking me?" Celestia takes the halberd. "I will do this. Just wait to see it."

Leo yawns and lies down on the ground. He looks at the crystal ball to see if the clone is doing well or not. A mist is flying to him, and reveals a wolf. The night wolf lies on the lion's back and 'pur'. Leo rolls his eyes. "My back is not your bed, Crescent."

"How is the training?" The night wolf lies next to the lion. "Is she doing well?"

"She's learning fast." Leo watches the alicorn who is trying to chop down the stone collumn. "It is from her jealousy."

"How so?"

"She is standing in the heroes' shadow too much, and she realizes it. Now, she wants to step closer to that witch." Leo giggles. "Such a fun thing."

"Luna has another nightmare too." Crescent sighs. "She is guilty about what she was doing in the past. I feel that she is wanting to punish herself. That makes me want to slap her."

"You still have a hot head like usual." Leo smiles and teases. "Are you really a nightwolf? I thought the night should bring calm and relaxation for anyone."

"Not for you, dumb cat." Crescent huffs and turns away. "You should be a night lion."

"I want to." Leo puts his face near the wolf. "And I want to be one for the night."

Crescent blushes a little, then she coughs. The duo starts lying on each other. Celestia looks at them and finds that cute. A rock is flying to her as she ducks, then she backs to chop the stone column.

The servant is walking inside the casting room, where Amelia and Craka are hosting the marathon. When she gets there, a guard is guarding the room. The servant walks to the door wbd showing the paper.

The guard is checking the paper, then he takes out his sword and puts it near the servant's neck. "Sorry, no one calls the drink here. Please follow me."

"You see. Queen Ametia will be upset if you don't allow me to come in." The servant points at queen Ametia, who is coming here. "You want to argue with her?"

"Eh no." The guard opens the door. "Please come in, your Majesty."

Queen Ametia nods. She and her servants go inside the room. They see Amelia is taking the water. Queen Ametia is falling down, revealing two unicorns out of the disguise. The servant and the unicorns smile. "I thought I would get caught."

"Come on, let.."

When they are taking the weapon, many vines are growing and wrapping around them, causing them to struggle and want to get out but they can't. The vine takes them in front of the white cat, then it shakes their body. There are many weapons and explosions are dropped to the ground.

Amelia shakes her head. "Are you assassins or terorists? I hope that you will have some excuse to in front of queen Ametia."

The assassins glare at her and try to get out but the vines wrap them too tight. They give up and stop struggling. When Amelia is going to knock the door to come inside, a knife is flying to the cat. Amelia catches the knife and sees an Abyssian taking out the sword. Amelia levitates the Abyssian and slams on the ground, making him faint. The guard comes inside and arrests the assassins.

Amelia sighs and sees the Newbie is already in first place while the Minotaur and the Calendar are chasing for the second place. The duo is chasing each other and the Calendar is finished in second place in the mere seconds from the Minotaur.

Craka announces, "we got the champion. The NEWBIE." Everyone are cheering at the Newbie. Spike and Twilight feel embarrassed when cheering like that. Craka continues. "Surprising this year, the Calendar finishes in second place. Congratulations to the Minotaur, they tried their best but they finished in third place. An applause for them."

Ellios is laughing out loud as he is tired. Despite being third place, he is still having fun in this competition. Ellios walks to the magenta mare and raises his hand. "Nice race. I through I am in second place."

"Me too." Calendar shakes his hand. "I am surprised when we are in second place on this crazy road. I think I am going to die."

"Yeah." Ellios sits down. "So what will you do? This competition only participates once per year."

"I don't know." Calendar looks at the orange dragon. "I am going to follow this mage to teach her a lesson."

Ellios rolls his eyes. "Salty mare."

The guards ask them to go up to the award podium. When they get there, Amelia gives the Minotaur the bronze medal while the Calendar is the silver medal. Amelia says that they are real silver and bronze.

The guards are bringing the trophy that have an Abyssian is running on the trophy to make the symbol. Around the trophy, there are many gems that attract it. The white cat gives the librarian the trophy, "Congratulations to the champion. Keep doing right."

Calendar looks at the trophy and feels jealous for it. The audiences are throwing the fireworks on the ground, making the guard have to clean it. Sunset sighs. "We had a good competition." Sunset raises her hoof to the minotaur and Calendar. "You all try your best."

"We are. I will keep practicing to beat you next year." Ellios shakes her hoof. "And you too, Calendar."

"We'll see."

All of them laughs out loud and they wants to race more. Amelia sighs in relief when the orange unicorn doesn't engage them. She flies at high and goes to the castle to meet Ametia. "Did I forgot something?"

Sandy and his team are stuck in the snowball. They are trying to get up, but they can't get out of it. The yellow Abyssian glares at his teammate. "This is all your fault. You suppose fp support me to reach the goal."

"What can we do? This is a new race and thanks to your terrible direction, we will never reach the goal."

Sandy and his teammates start blaming each other. The guards are standing there and sitting to enjoy this comedy. This is good for them.