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Makala dodges a punch from Sunset. He sees the wall is shattered by the punch. 'Hit 1 time and I can die from it.' Sunset rushes at the red dragon with yellow horn. Makala dodges it again but finds that she has disappeared. Looking around to find the orange dragon and forces from behind cause him slamming into the wall. Turning around, he sees many fireballs are flying to him. Makala raises his claws and takes all the fireballs.

When the fireball's wave is over, the red dragon lowers his claws and sees an orange claw is in front of his chest. No time to dodge, the orange claws hit his chest directly, causing the wall to break and the red dragon flying out of the room, then lying on the floor.

Makala is trying to get up but Sunset puts her foot on his chest. The red dragon coughs and holds her legs. "Are you a monster?'

"We are monsters to other species." Sunset gives him a smirk. "I don't know why many dragons always look at me like that in the first place. So annoying."

Makala tilts his head. "Because you are pretty?" Sunset presses her leg harder. The red dragon grunts. "Hey, hey. You can melt the ice dragon king's heart if you cou...." he feels a pressure from the orange dragon. Makala grins. "At least I buy you enough time."

Sunset feels the floor is becoming liquid, then it changes into lava. Makala quickly dives into the lava and flies up. Sunset feels some grips under her leg. Looking down, she sees the lava hand is holding. Makala quickly breathed fire on her.

The red dragon prepares for anything that happens. He waves his claws below as Sunset teleports under the red dragon and tries to punch him. Makala blocks her punch. Sunset uses her tail to wrap around his tail and throws him by it. Makala gets slammed into the wall and sticks on it. The red dragon coughs some blood and glares at Sunset, then he charges at her.

Icey dodges the fire breath from Spike. The green dragon tries to punch her but the ice shield is created by the ice dragon. Spike jumps aside and the phoenix is charging at Icey. The shield is broken and Icey get hit from the phoenix

The blue dragon rolls backward. "Wow, you don't know how to treat a dragoness, do you?"

"Not an ice heart like you." Spike is balling his fist. "And last time I saw, a dragoness is stronger than any dragon who wants her a lot."

"Nice saying." Icey forms blue balls. "I like that, but can you handle this?"

"Handle what?"

Icey slams the ball on the ground. After a while, the zone around her is completely frozen. Spike and the phoenix look around and see the lava is frozen too. The purple dragon is feeling the cold. Icey sits on the frozen throne and smiles. "Welcome to the frozen world, my boy~"

Spike is going to rush at her but an ice spear is flying to him, cause he jumps back. "This is... magic?"

"You know it? You seem to come from here." Icey folds her claw. "In my land, all of the dragons know magic."

"Interesting. I want to visit there." Spike holds a fireball. "But I need a tour guide."

"Make me."

The phoenix tries to breathe fire around but the ice is still there. Spike charges at the blue dragon and dodges the spears coming to him. When he gets close, Icey raises her claw and many icebergs rise before her to block him.

Spike covers himself on fire and starts melting the ice. The blue dragon admires that and raises her claw, many chains are coming to him. Spike jumps off the iceberg to dodge it as the phoenix drills through the iceberg at Spike's previous spot. Icey has to jump out the ice throne. The blue dragon quickly puts her claw on the floor and many chains are tying the phoenix down.

Icey sighs in relief but he feels a strong grip from behind. Spike is holding the blue dragon tight as the chain is coming to him. Icey is trying to get away from his grip but the chains are already tied the duo up.

Icey huffs. "Pervert. Get away from me."

"Ah.. sorry about that." Spike plucks his tail and a magic circle appears under them. Icey is surprised while Spike whispers. "Is that enough to beat you? I find that ice dragon don't have much fireproof."

"I... give up." Icey turns away and blushes. "You are really abnormal."

Spike rolls her eyes. "Then can you dispel your spell? We will gonna trap here together."

"No. I can't dispel them." Icey turns to the purple dragon. "About... 1 hour."

"Oh right, I will wait until the spell is gone."

Icey sighs and feels the heart is beating. Spike just sits there and waits for the spell to go away. The phoenix just lies there and turns away.

Twilight throws the ice papers to the fenrir but it dodges easily, then it quickly slashes at her, causing her to jump back. Twilight glares at her and summons a giant ice book above its head. The fenrir smiles and disappears. Twilight looks around but the fenrir slashes her back, then it bites off her hoof.

Twilight is stunned from the pain, then she glares at the fenrir. The fenrir feels the air around is colder, then it feels the leg is cold. Looking down, it is shocked when the water and its legs are frozen. Looking at the purple unicorn, it only sees the trees and bushes are rising up from the lake.

Amelia waves her paw and sees a beautiful forest made of ice, which makes her want to add it to her world. Twilight breathes heavily as the fenrir just grins and rushes through the forest. The purple unicorn slams her front hooves on ice and many ice walls are rising around the forest.

The fenrir is jumping wall to wall, but an ice shard flies to it at high speed and slashes its leg. The fenrir is falling down from the wall and sees many ice shards are flying to it. It catches one of them, then jumps on the ice shard one by one, but an ice dragon slaps it down to the forest. When it tries to get up, the ice vine wraps around it and pins it down.

The white cat stands up and looks at the purple unicorn. She sees her eyes are glowing the light blue light. Amelia rushes at the purple unicorn at high speed. Twilight sees it and forms ice needles to shoot at her but the white cat dodges it easily. Amelia punches the purple unicorn and knocks her down. The ice forest and ice walls are melting, releasing the fenrir.

Amelia takes the purple unicorn to the main room and puts her on the sofa. "That's just dangerous. Mana overloading is never a joke."

Twilight slowly opens her eyes and tries to get up, but she can't. The purple unicorn turns around and looks at Amelia on her chest. Twilight says in a tired tone. "What... have you done to me?"

"Just knock you out." Amelia lies on the purple unicorn. "What do you feel now?"

"I... don't know. All I know is I want to defeat that fenrir, then...." Twilight rubs her head. "I... lost control?"

"You're right." Amelia puts a book on Twilight's head. "You let your mana control your body. If I wasn't there, you and your friends would be in danger."

"What? How can it... wait..." Twilight sighs. "You're right. I felt the great power inside me when I got slashed, so... that is the reason."

"Lie here and close your eyes. You will be better." Amelia jumps out her chest. "I will take care of you."

Twilight closes her eyes and starts feeling inside, then she sleeps without notice. Amelia giggles at her cuteness.

Makala is floating on the lava and sees the orange dragon looking at him. The red dragon sighs, ignoring the lava is becoming back to the floor.

Makala looks at Sunset. "I lost."

"Next time, don't do that." Sunset carries the red dragon to the bed. "Just let someone go when they deny an offer."

Makala smiles. "At least, I finally know a dragon who is stronger than me." Sunset turns away and wants to leave. Makala looks at the orange dragon. "Look at your claw."

Sunset looks at her claw and sees the symbol is appearing on her claw. The symbol is a dragon with the fire on its head. The orange dragon glares at him. "What is this thing?"

"A symbol to be a ruler." Makala grins. "Congratulations your Majesty, you have claimed your throne."

"Wh... wha..WHAT!?" Sunset is shocking. "I think I am not going to be a queen."

"Sorry." Makala laughs. "But you have already fallen into my trap since the beginning."

"Uh huh." Sunset takes a spear. "Then should I kill you already? I hate being a ruler."

"I know you won't." Makala smiles. "Finally I can rest."

Sunset rubs her chin, then she grins. "You wanna play? I command you to work like before."

Makala quickly stands up. "Your Majesty, you can't be serious, right?" Sunset ignores him and leaves the room. The red dragon holds her leg. "No. I don't want to work like before."

"That's for trapping me like a lizard in a tank." Sunset keeps leaving the room. "I think I have to reunite all of the dragons. Thanks to you, idiot."

"You and what army?" Makala rolls his eyes. "Remember the storm dragons really hate us."

"I have my own way. Now, I have to go home. See ya."

Sunset closes the door and leaves Makala alone. The red dragon sighs and lies on the bed to prepare another day to work.

Spike shudders. "So... how long this stupid spell will melted? So cold."

Icey huffs. "Just 15 minutes. That for being stupid."

"Say the one who tries to steal an orb." Spike looks around and sees Sunset is coming out. "Oh Sunset, help us."

Sunset teases. "Is this your girlfriend?" Spike glares at her while Icey just blushes. Sunset points at the phoenix. "And where is this bird come from?"

"Don't know." Spike huffs. "But anyway, can you release us and we can talk."

Sunset waves her claw and many blue fireballs appeared. The fireballs go around and melt the ice down, releasing the duo from the chain.

Icey slaps Spike's arm and goes away. "Idiot."

The purple dragon doesn't know what is wrong with her. The phoenix flies to Spike and rubs its head to him. Sunset giggles while Spike just gives up. "Fine."

"Let's get out of here." Sunset stretches her body. "We done here."

The duo starts leaving the hall with the phoenix. The guards are waking up and looking around. They start wondering what is going on.

Makala sits on the throne and sighs. A pink dragon with fin on ear rubs her head. "What happened?"

The red dragon faceclaws. "Just a new queen of fire dragon has been decided."

All of the guards are shocked. Makala shows the symbol is not on his claw anymore. The pink dragon glares at him. "Who is this?"

"That orange dragon, Bamboo." Makala takes a paper. "She left me for my previous job."

"Hey, she is lazier than you." Shampoo huffs. "Where is she? I have to follow her."

"She is leaving this place." Makala points to the door. "You should ..."

Bamboo has already left the room to follow the orange dragon. She can't believe that Makala is lost to the orange dragon. Now, she will follow her to see what is going on.