• Published 1st Apr 2022
  • 1,278 Views, 286 Comments

Ideas Entwined - FanOfMostEverything

Sixes_and_Sevens offered a bunch of either/or prompts. I chose both.

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Media's Sorcery

The camera panned over a brightly lit studio done up in pastels. Even the host was colored to match, a baby blue pegasus mare with a soft pink mane. “Live from ZBS Studios,” said the prerecorded announcement, "it’s Flock Talk, with Sky Morningtide.”

“Good morning, Zephyr Heights,” said Sky, subdued from her normal early morning cheer. “We’re all still reeling from yesterday’s shocking revelations. Princess Pipp Petals on wires, unicorns and earth ponies in the throne room, the outrageous theft of the Pegasus Crystal…" She shook her head, the very picture of troubled sympathy. "I’m sure you’ve all had a sleepless night. Here to help us make sense of it all is ZBS senior political analyst Vicious Cycle.”

The view switched from the head-on camera to one framing Sky along with the stallion on the couch next to her desk. His dark grey coat and cobalt mane stood out like an ink stain against the set’s gentle palette. “Good morning, Sky, everypony.”

“Vicious, everypony is asking themselves what they should do in light of yesterday’s unthinkable events. Should we come together as a community, reaffirm our bonds as friends, family, and fellow pegasi?”

“A beautiful sentiment, Sky." Vicious sighed and shook his head. "Beautiful but completely wrong.”

“You heard it here, folks. Now, more than ever—" Sky blinked as she registered what Vicious had actually said. "Wait, what?”

“With the royal family’s deceit revealed, the lesson is clear: Trust nopony." Vicious sneered. "Yesterday laid bare a degree of corruption as unthinkable as it is obvious in hindsight.”

Sky leaned over her desk and tried to whisper, though the microphone stuck to her collarbone still picked up every word. “Vicious, what are you—”

The enormous flat screen behind them went from displaying a sunrise over Zephyr Heights to a blurry shot of several equine figures, some clearly without wings. “Princess Pipp’s stream from the throne room showed Queen Haven in clandestine talks with major figures in the earth pony and unicorn communities. What were they planning? Why did Haven cut the stream the moment she realized Pipp’s camera was live?" Vicious stomped the couch cushions for emphasis. "What is the meaning of the object on the unicorn’s horn?”

“It’s a tennis—”

Vicious picked up speed with every question. “Could she have used it to enthrall the earth pony? The royal family?" His fidgeting grew until he started pacing around the set. "Every fugitive from yesterday’s debacle is still unaccounted for; could she still be in Zephyr Heights, consolidating her power?”

“Cut his mike!" Sky looked around the studio. "Somepony, please cut his—”

“The royals lied. The other tribes are invading. We are defenseless. Paranoia isn’t irrational; it’s the only reasonable response. They are out to get you. Yes, you!” Vicious thrust a hoof at the camera, then charged at it, foam dripping from his lips. As he shoved his face into the lens, it was impossible to miss his sclera glowing green. “Do not believe the lie of Harmony! Do not accept the fantasy of Equestria! Alone you are strong! Alone you have power! The darkness consumes all! Hate! HATE! HAAAATE!

He flew off sideways, tackled away from the lens by a baby blue blur.

The footage returned, centered on a ruffled Sky, huffing for breath behind her desk. “We’re live?” She shook off her haunted look and gave the best smile she could, moving her shaking, red-flecked hooves out of view. “Sorry about that, folks. We’re all a little shaken from last night.” She cleared her throat, one eyelid twitching, before rallying her smile to a half-mad, lopsided grin. “After the break, find out if your favorite smoothie is slowly killing you. This is Flock Talk.”

Author's Note:

Prompt 12: Spiral / Write a scene from a morning talk show.

Look, I'm not saying the forces of darkness used the 24-hour news cycle to lull pegasi into complacency with propaganda and misrepresentation. No more than any other news channel.

Credit to MuniversalArts for the test card.