• Published 1st Apr 2022
  • 1,275 Views, 286 Comments

Ideas Entwined - FanOfMostEverything

Sixes_and_Sevens offered a bunch of either/or prompts. I chose both.

  • ...

Bell, Beard, and Candor

Getting to Hollow Shades had been a frantic race against time as dark stars aligned and the hungering void threatened to consume all that was pure and good in the world. As such, Twilight had felt the need to throw a bit of royal weight around in getting the Pillars, the Bearers, and Starlight to the Well of Shade as soon as possible, calling in an entire battalion of Royal Guard air chariots to get them all there.

Coming back, under another hoof, was a much more casual affair. Everypony, the charioteers included, was happy to walk back to the nearby train station. (Some of the Pillars wondered why the wondrous transport stopped by the abandoned village of unspeakable cultists. The Bearers understood that train stations were like branches of the Apple family; they’d show up anywhere that held still for long enough.)

They made the trip in companionable silence. At least, they did until Rainbow Dash opened her mouth. “Hey, uh, now that the world isn’t doomed, I have a question about Star Swirl’s hat.”

“Yes?” said Star Swirl.

“What’s with the hat?”

“Rainbow Dash!" Twilight hissed. She dipped her head to Star Swirl. "I am so sorry, sir—”

“Twilight, I spent years working with Flash Magnus and Somnambula." He glanced up at his companions. "I am thoroughly acquainted with the tactlessness of pegasi.”

“Tact is for ponies who worry about the consequences of their actions,” Somnambula said breezily.

Flash Magnus smirked. “Or as we like to call them, cowards.”

They exchanged a hoofbump.

Star Swirl nodded at the proof of his point. “Precisely. Now, as for the matter of my hat—”

"Each bell represents a spell he personally invented," said Twilight, because the topic was Star Swirl and she only had so much self-control, "and making sure they don’t jingle is a constant exercise in magical discipline. Moreover—"

The great wizard's chuckling cut her off midsentence. "Your pardon, Twilight, but..." Star Swirl shook his head. "Celestia actually believed that?"

Twilight ground to halt for a few moments, staring blankly. Once she got moving again, she uttered a "Huh?"

Applejack cleared her throat. "Uh, Twilight? Speakin’ as our generation’s hat pony, y’oughta let the pony with the hat explain it himself."

"Thank you, Dame Apple," Star Swirl said, adding a tip of his hat.

She returned it, albeit with far less jingling. "Tweren’t nothin’."

“Now, the actual reason for the bells is…" Now Star Swirl stopped short, eyes wide. "Oh! That actually reminds me.” He lit his horn, magic billowing out of from him in waves that sent dust and small pebbles flying away. As his entire body glowed, phantasmal clocks surrounded him, emitting a deep, syncopated ticking. Few of the Pillars seemed surprised by any of this, but Twilight and Starlight traded uneasy glances.

The incredible feat ended as soon as it had begun, Star Swirl chuckling as the power dissipated. “Had to tell Clover about this whole mess. Oh, she’s livid she’ll be missing out on all of this. Changed sex five times in one rant; new record for her.”

All of the modern-day ponies shared confused looks. “You mean Clover the Clever?” said Pinkie.

“Of course. One of my most promising apprentices. Even if Izidora Moonbow is—" Star Swirl shook his head. "Oh, but I shouldn’t give away too much there. But one day Clover complained about my popping out of the timestream unannounced at all hours of the day—as if there were any other way to do it—and demanded that I at least bell myself like a cat if I was going to skulk about like one.

“Well, obviously a collar is beneath my dignity, so I devised the hat. Didn’t help with all the times before that when I went to Clover’s relative future, but it’s largely worked out.”

Silence. The Bearers' reactions ranged from confusion to dropped jaws. The guards, for their part, had the patient, thousand-yard stare seen among all armed forces when confronted with matters far beyond their pay grade.

Star Swirl rolled his eyes. “Hmph. I suppose you had to be there.”

Stygian half-trotted, half-stumbled to Star Swirl's side, eyes wide and body trembling. “You… you could have gone to warn me? Stop me?” He stomped a hoof. “Why!? Why did you leave me to suffer? Leave me to ruin everything I worked to create, become everything I hated?”

Star Swirl turned to him and took a deep breath. “I did not then. I do now." He gestured towards the modern ponies, then at the landscape. "Look at what your ruination has led to. Look at this world, overflowing with the peace and light you sought to bring to a single village." He paused as he considered their less than scenic surroundings. "Not the best example at the moment, but I assure you, Stygian, you could not have made a world more in keeping with your vision if you tried. I know you suffered." Star Swirl shut his eyes and sighed. "I know I do not deserve your forgiveness, and I doubt I ever will. But I ask for your understanding. To go back, to alter the course of history from where it has led… I cannot do so in good conscience.”

Starlight cleared her throat. “Yeah, this timeline’s kind of… delicate.”

“And how, exactly, would you know that?” said Star Swirl, pinning her with a glare.

“Weeeell, it’s a funny story." Starlight offered a desperate grin wide enough to make her jaw squeak. "No hats, though.”

“Hmph.” After a pause long enough to turn deeply uncomfortable, Star Swirl grinned. “Then I don’t see how it could possibly be funnier than mine.”

The tension released, and everypony had a good laugh as they settled on the platform.

“But seriously, Starlight Glimmer, if you ever travel through time again…”

Author's Note:

Prompt 6: Funny hat / “I guess you just had to be there.”

I mean, how can you not do a Star Swirl story with this one? Plus, a more casual approach to time travel explains all the various iterations of him throughout the show, comics, and other secondary materials.

Clover wasn't/isn't/won't be a changeling; it's just that an unstable morphic field is a common hazard among Star Swirl's apprentices. (It also explains the inconsistencies there in canon.)