• Published 1st Apr 2022
  • 1,278 Views, 286 Comments

Ideas Entwined - FanOfMostEverything

Sixes_and_Sevens offered a bunch of either/or prompts. I chose both.

  • ...

Sunlit Stroll

“So. Let me see if I understand you correctly.”

“Uh huh.”

“The forest terrifies ponies because it can look after itself.”

“I got used to a lot after going to your world, Twi, but I still can’t get over your lack of weather control.”

“Well, not intentional weather control.”

“Turning every dial on the hurricane generator to maximum doesn’t count as ‘control.’”

“Especially not when we’re not even trying to… We’re getting off topic.”

“Sorry. Yeah, the Everfree is one of the few places in Equestria that just… doesn’t listen to pony magic. It’s unnatural.”

“By being natural.”

“To you, sure.”

“Fair enough. Though there’s also all the monsters that inhabit it.”

“Well yeah, but monsters you can deal with. In theory, anyway. Ponies can be pretty tough when push comes to shove.”

“You’re living proof of that.”

“I mean, for good or for ill.”


“I know, I know, I’ll put a quarter in the guilt jar when we get back home. But yeah, cornering a pony ends nastily for the monster more often than you think. And hey, even if worse comes to worse, we’re poisonous.”

“I knew that was why you’re all so brightly colored… I know that smirk.”

“What smirk?”

“How much of that did you just make up?”

“One or more things.”

“I swear, the moment I get my fingers back, I’m using them on every ticklish spot you have!”

“Promises, promises.”

“Argh. Okay, just… Look, I’ve been avoiding the question I really want to ask because…”


“Well, I admit that once you’re in here, with the heavy foliage and all the mysterious sounds and a much more sensitive nose than I’m used to…”

“Hey. It’s okay to admit you’re scared of the spooky woods. I’m a little nervous too.”

“I just feel like a child. Or some superstitious villager who’s going to ruin the lab of the poor, misunderstood soul who actually wants to learn how the universe works.”

“It’s okay, Twilight. We both know you’re the one cackling that you’ll show them all, with all your dry ice and inaccurately colored chemicals.”


“So, you actually want to put the question out there?”

“May as well. Why exactly do we need to go out into the spooky horse woods the horses are afraid of?”



“I will die on this hill, Twilight.”

“That’s what you said when they nerfed your favorite character in that one MOBA.”

“There’s nothing wrong with being passionate.”

“Please just answer the question. The other me was too busy panicking to do more than babble and whinny.”

“Right, like that one long weekend when Spike couldn’t get you to sleep and I found you making distressed ape noises at a whiteboard.”


“… Please don’t take this the wrong way.”

“You realize that that’s only going to encourage me to take it the wrong way.”

“So, there’s this… sort of pocket dimension. Thing. It was poorly understood back when I was studying under Princess Celestia and they haven’t exactly learned much more since.”

“Kind of like what you told me about Tartarus?”

“Kind of. Tartarus is firmly attached to Equestria. The Immersturm wanders around the multiverse. Occasionally it bumps up against another world and, well… demons come pouring out.”


“Usually in unnatural places like the Everfree, where reality has already gone a little… soft and unreliable.”

“Like actual demons. Not just misguided teenagers with enchanted items.”

“There’s a way to repel them, but the wards need to be refreshed, and, well, you need a piece of a demon to make them.”

“I can’t help but notice that we weren’t given any such components.”

“Well, it kind of snuck up on Princess Twilight. Big surprise, Celestia forgot to tell her until about a week before the current wards expire.”

“Is she still crashing on your couch?”

“You kidding? I threw her out last week. If I hadn’t. Equestria probably would’ve been invaded before she said something. I can’t tell if retirement’s been really good or really bad for that mare.”

“So, would I be wrong in assuming that we don’t have any manner of demonic tissue because we don’t need it, given our, ahem, particular experiences with magic?”

“You would not.”

“I see.”

“Twilight? You okay?”

“I mean, the fact that Midnight left enough of a metaphysical scar that I’m considered demonic by the standards of another world’s thaumatology… It’s a lot to take in.”

“Careful! Sorry, I know you’re processing a lot, but those blue flowers are not something to mess with.”

“Duly noted. But all things considered, if you’re still considered demonic after the Friendship Games, I suppose it can’t be that bad.”

“That’s… definitely one way of looking at it.”

“You are considered demonic, yes?”

“Kind of? Apparently the official term after all I’ve been through, good, bad, and timey-wimey is, uh…"



"Didn't quite make that out."

"... Deific.”

“… Ah.”

“Don’t read too much into that.”

“I was going to wait until we were done to ask about the wings.”

“Please stick to that plan.”

Author's Note:

Prompt 2: Into the Woods / Dialogue only

I let the characters wander with this one. It was fun to see where they ended up.

And okay, one more MtG reference. I'm not made of stone.