• Published 1st Apr 2022
  • 1,278 Views, 286 Comments

Ideas Entwined - FanOfMostEverything

Sixes_and_Sevens offered a bunch of either/or prompts. I chose both.

  • ...

Justifying the Maze's Means

Iron Will looked around the throne room. It was definitely impressive, in a very pony way. Nothing in Minos would’ve used this much decorative glass. Not where people could easily reach it, anyway. The water features were nice, if very… straightforward. But to be fair, the throne threw all of his expectations out one of those oversized windows like a poorly prepared senator.

“You’re probably wondering why I called you here,” said Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“That and why you’re sitting in an armchair.” It certainly looked like a comfortable chair, but red upholstery didn't exactly scream regal in any sense Iron Will had ever encountered.

“The throne’s getting refurbished after the... incidents prior to my accession.” The wall behind the princess flickered and spat sparks. Will could see clouds through it before her horn glowed and it restabilized. Twilight cleared her throat. “As is most of the throne room, but I don’t want to delay this visit any longer than I have to.”

Will's eyebrows crept up in surprise. “Didn’t think I was that important. Especially after, you know…” He trailed off, a hand waving in the vague direction of the past.

The princess nodded, knowing exactly what he meant. Which wasn't exactly a good thing. “The ‘Cruise of the Princesses Experience’?”

Her arch tone made him narrow his eyes and snort out a breath. "Never let them see you sweat" didn't rhyme, but it was still good advice. “Iron Will will note that the terms of the cruise were spelled out clearly and explicitly in the paperwork Princess Twilight’s parents signed, and he is prepared to defend that in a court of law.”

Princess Twilight met his glare, wholly unimpressed. “Don’t try to hide behind bluster and illeism with me, mister. I’ve worked with the Great and Powerful Trixie. I know Trixie. Trixie is a frenemy of mine. And you? Are no Trixie.”

Iron Will gritted his teeth. He knew Trixie. They'd crossed paths a few times while they were both of on the traveling performer circuit, and it was possible that one of them influenced the other's routine, though no force in the world would get him to say that any less vaguely. “I thought you were the Princess of Friendship,” he grumbled.

“And I would love to be your friend." Twilight's tone softened, but her expression didn't. "That said, friends don’t exploit friends under false pretenses to build notoriety for an airship cruise.”

Will crossed his arms. He had to admit, he did respect the princess for not relenting in some attempt to butter him up. But he wasn't going to come out and say that in the middle of negotiations, whatever it was they were negotiating. “Now I’m really wondering why you called me here.”

“Because this, right now? This isn't the visit I've been delaying, and I really could use your help for the one I meant." Twilight smirked. "Plus, I know you’re looking for a new market niche. I asked you here to offer one.”

Oh. That was what they were negotiating. Will stroked his goatee. “Iron Will is listening…”

The doors of the throne room burst open, nearly knocked off of their freshly reconstructed hinges. Behind them stood an absolutely immense minotaur bull, with fur the color of live muscle and horns as thick as Twilight's hind legs. Every part of him bulged with vitality and possible thyroid problems... save for the almost dainty powdered wig that barely covered the top of his head.

A pony herald would simply announce their master. Minotaurs did things a little... differently.

“Fillies and gentlecolts, are. You. Ready? To meet the Master of the Maze, the Bulk of the Argument, the Kiiiing of the Minotauuurs!? Well I hope so, because he’s in your town and he’s coming for you. You'd better be wearing your big filly horseshoes, because it's time for some knockdown, drag-out, no-holds-barred diplomacy. So give it up for the one, the only, Angus. The. Whiiiiite!

The herald backed away from the doorway, arms still pointed to it like a living semaphore. An entire herd of goats filtered in after him, arranging themeslves in a semicircle in front of the throne. before launching into a bleating chorus.

"Aaaaaaangus. Aaaaaaangus."

As the percussion section started in—admittedly well done in both composition and performance—Twilight leaned to the left side of her throne and whispered, “Is this normal?”

“It’s pretty restrained, all things considered," answered Iron Will. He nodded to the herald, who'd sidled over next to him as the performers had set up. "How’s it going, Chuck Meat?”

“Not bad, Head Cheese," said the herald, who was capable of volume control when not acting in an official capacity. They exchanged a fistbump. "Yourself?”

“Can’t complain. Princess, this is my brother, Great Fortitude.”

Twilight held back her initial shock. “The king’s herald is your brother?”

Great Fortitude grinned and slapped Will on the back with an impact that could probably shatter Twilight's spine. “You kidding? Head Cheese here is heir to the throne. Dad’s just letting him get this big-business cowpie out of his system.”

Iron Will crossed his arms and harrumphed. “A good manager is just a good king on a smaller scale.”

“If you still think that," said a deep voice, "you must be doing a good job.”

Both brothers froze and turned to face the throne. An even taller, if more proportional minotaur bull stood among the bowing goats, two sets of horns curving up and forward, framing the crown on his brow. A ring of platinum went through his nose, and an amused look glinted in his eye.

Iron Will swallowed. “How long has the song been over?”

“Not very." Twilight smiled and gave a very carefully calculated nod. "King Angus, it is an honor to meet you in person.”

He returned it. “And you, Princess Twilight. Celestia told me much about you. And if you can get my prodigal son to cooperate with you, it speaks very well of your capabilities indeed. I think this marks a bright new era for both of our nations." His gaze flicked to the side. "Wouldn’t you say, Will?”

The smaller bull straightened up like he'd been shocked. “Um, yeah. I mean, yes, Your Majesty.”

Angus gave a faint grunt of surprise. “Remind me to stay on your good side, Twilight.”

She smiled. "I hope you remember that during the trade talks."

That got a laugh as Angus cracked his knuckles. "Oh, this is going to be fun."

Author's Note:

Prompt 16: Goat / “Actually, it’s quite restrained, all things considered.”

My take on minotaur culture and Iron Will's place in it hasn't aged all that well, but I'm still happy with it. I admit, it has taken some influence from the democracy/wrestlemania of Estee's Mazein over the years as well.

Similarly, Angus's goat chorus takes some inspiration from Ghetsis's theme. Don't worry, Angus himself has no intention of conquering through mass appeal and legendary dragons. Pretty sure Twilight called dibs on that strategy. :twilightsmile:

And yes, Will and Fort have a third, much skinnier brother named Lightning Reflexes. They call him Jerky.