• Published 1st Apr 2022
  • 1,278 Views, 286 Comments

Ideas Entwined - FanOfMostEverything

Sixes_and_Sevens offered a bunch of either/or prompts. I chose both.

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The Leading Edge

Doctor Quixote de Cervantes y Caballeron II was many things. An archeologist. A linguist. An employer who was duty-bound to look after the welfare and livelihood of his employees, at least to the extent that they wouldn't find somepony else in need of acceptably capable henchstallions. But above all else, he was a stallion of principle, and one of the principles he held closest to his heart was to never let a slight go unanswered. Thus his seeming obsession with Daring Do. If she would only let him settle the score once and for all, he would gladly wash his hooves of her.

But she just. Didn’t. Quit. Ever since she double-crossed him after learning his true intentions for the Griffon's Goblet, she had been an unrelenting thorn in his side. Thus his principles compelled him to avenge his honor time and again, and time and again, just as he thought he might be free of her, she thwarted him anew and the cycle continued. Learning that she had made a novel series out of their exchanges had merely been yet more insult to his injured pride.

Yet it had also provided opportunity. Reading the series, distorted and exaggerated as it was, offered insight into Daring’s mind. Even the inaccuracies did so in their own way, revealing her biases and beliefs in a way fleeting clashes with the mare never could. Dr. Caballeron could begin planning around Daring Do, anticipating her, preempting her.

Granted, a cunning disguise and a few moments to take photographs of her notes also helped, but he’d have never gotten that opportunity without knowing Daring better than she knew herself. In this way, Dr. Caballeron was confident he would fully, definitively have his revenge.

Sadly, that didn’t mean the rest of the world always cooperated.

“What do you mean, ‘the bridge isn’t there’?”

Biff sighed and pushed back his hat. “Look, boss, we’re here, yeah?”

Dr. Caballeron made a point of looking at the copy of Daring Do’s map, complete with an almost piratical X, then at the corresponding part of the Forbidden Jungles where they were having this conversation. “Clearly.”

“An’ those’re the Cliffs o’ Cama-whatsis, yeah?”

That prompted another exaggerated glance at the landmark that proved they were in the right spot, a hill erupting from the foliage, rising like a petrified tidal wave just before it crested. The stone rose in an arch like some wind-carved natural sculpture in the buffalo lands before suddenly stopping at the apex. The majesty of the natural wonder was only slightly hampered by Rogue and Withers looking over the edge like a pair of tourists on a skyscraper's observation deck. “The Cliffs of Camazotz, yes. Why do I even bother trying to teach you stallions Nacatl if you refuse to use that knowledge?”

“Ain’t my fault my tongue don’t bend that way, boss. Point is, we’re here. They’re here." Biff swept a hoof along the Cliffs and over the empty space beyond. "The bridge ain’t.”

Dr. Caballeron glared at him, then at the peak. Frustrating though it may have been, it was clearly true. The fabled Bridge of Dreams that Daring had been researching led to nothing but a long drop. And, alas, even his principles could not give him a way to revenge himself against geography. Not without much more dynamite than they had brought.

That determined, he took a deep breath and settled for what he could do. “Well then. We will check the slope of the mountain for signs of wreckage, but I will not demand results. This may well be a case where the legends really are nothing more than old stories. We have encountered them before and shall no doubt do so again.”

Biff offered a grin as he followed Dr. Caballeron up the rise. “Least Daring Do’s gonna come up as empty-hooved as we are.”

The doctor allowed himself a nod. “There is that, yes.”

Two days later, as the full moon hung over the Cliffs of Camazotz, Daring Do double-checked her notes by the light of a firefly lantern. She was in the right place, that much was clear. A comparison between the sky and the star chart confirmed that the planetary alignment was in place. And the last piece of the puzzle was still firmly around her neck.

Daring tried not to think too much about that last part as she trotted up the slope. She hated working with other ponies on these missions. Yes, an extra pair of eyes sometimes helped against ambushes, but far more often any other ponies would turn out to be hostages, backstabbers, or just dead weight she’d have to drag around for the whole expedition.

Rainbow Dash had been one of the good ones, but Daring had had no idea just how well connected that mare would turn out to be. Yes, being friends with an alicorn had implied that, but Daring had seen plenty of strange things in her adventures. She’d even had a horn of her own once or twice. Twilight Sparkle had seemed like nothing to write home about.

A cloud drifted past, filling the air with silvery moonlight. The amulet around Daring’s neck matched the glow, steadily cooling in the thick jungle air. She stood at the edge of the Cliffs, watching the other half of the Bridge of Dreams grow into visibility like frost creeping across glass.

But this was no natural rock formation. Crescent-moon and bat-wing motifs covered the guardrails, constellations studded the cobblestones, and great statues of a far more imposing alicorn flanked the entrance into the great city beyond.

The bat-winged sentries on the other side glowered at her, crossing their spears to bar entry. Sure, Daring could have tried flying over them, but that would’ve led to an unnecessary two-on-one dogfight. Maybe something she could use to spice up the book, but she’d gladly avoid any fight she could in real life.

She simply held up the amulet, shining blue in the moonlight, and said “I come in Princess Luna’s name. She has been indisposed for some time, and would have words with the current High Priestess.”

The guards narrowed their eyes, leaning in to examine the amulet. As the seconds dragged on, Daring feared she’d have that fight scene anyway. But in time, they nodded and turned, silently leading the way to the towering temple in the distance.

Twilight wasn’t much, no. But a mission given by Princess Luna herself was enough for even a jaded potsherd duster like Daring to sit up and take notice. Especially if it led to a site sealed in starlight and dream magic that nopony had seen for over a thousand years.

Caballeron would be furious when he read about it, and would assume that she’d laughed at him the whole way there. But the truth was that, amazed as Daring was by the living ancient civilization surrounding her, she didn’t give him a moment’s thought.

Author's Note:

Prompt 20: Precipice / "X Marks the Spot"

Credit for Caballeron’s full name goes to Ninjadeadbeard.

The language of the Aztecs was actually Nahuatl. I just couldn’t resist one more Magic reference. Presumably some of those jungle ruins were made by ancient Abyssinians. :raritywink: