• Published 3rd Apr 2022
  • 1,329 Views, 484 Comments

Alpha and Omega - Revel Montaro

For every beginning there is an end. Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer stand side by side as the rulers of Equestria, as beacons of hope against those that seek said end, as the darkness closes around them and the walls press in.

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Chapter 9: Dust in the Wind

Twilight Sparkle had been standing by the palace compound palisade near the medical team that was standing by as the small airship came in for an emergency landing. Tempest Fury had just been briefed on what had happened while she was on leave when the call came through the SunLight network that Princesses Flurry Heart and Sunset Shimmer had been caught in a cave-in.

The guard captain quickly fell back into her role and sprang into action. She had guards commandeer the same airship she had rode to Canterlot before the operator/captain could depart. The ship, which she had been told didn’t have a name so much as just being called Number Twelve, was loaded with a platoon of guards, city engineers with basic excavation equipment, and an emergency medical team. Once again, much to her annoyance and dismay, Twilight was forced to wait on the sidelines while others she loved and cared about were out getting hurt. It burned the purple princess's core and ached her heart as it had always done.

Still, she played her part alongside Isabella, trying to calm and assure the Saddle Arabian grand vizier that they were doing all they could to save everyone at the site of the incident. In truth, while she understood the grand vizier’s concerns, Twilight felt that his paled in comparison to her own. Spike had already been beaten severely that morning and now her niece and fiancé were in dire straits. Twilight felt she was losing her grip on her calm, royal poise and allowed Isabella to handle most of the talking. Now that the ship was coming in and the evening was fast approaching Twilight’s anxiety was spiking, threatening to damage her royal façade.

“I wish you had stayed back inside.”

Twilight glanced down at Tempest who was constantly scanning about for a potential threat. They were deep in the palace complex, and there was nothing beyond the lookout rail but a great view and a great drop, but still…

“Do you really think castle walls would help me feel better right now? I need to see them. I need to know they are okay.”

Tempest sighed, but nodded. “Fog gave me a brief rundown. We didn’t lose any of our ponies, but…”

“No survivors from those she took this morning. I don’t know how I am going to break that to the grand vizier.”

The tie downs were secured and the gangway ramp was latched to the starboard rail. Tempest allowed herself a small sigh when she spotted Gauge giving orders to his guards to bring the injured out first. Luna was standing nearby, horn glowing as she worked her levitation magic. The largest of the stretchers carried Flurry Heart.

“FLURRY!” Twilight hurried to her niece’s side the moment the team had her on solid ground. Much to her surprise and slight incredulous annoyance the castle medical staff pushed her back so the doctor and nurses could begin to examine the damage. They were speaking quickly to one another and wasted no time loading Flurry Heart into the wagon to take her directly to their facilities.

“Please! Tell me something! How is she!?”

Dr. Guiding Light gently touched Twilight and smiled reassuringly. “My nurses say she is badly injured and they are detecting irregularities in her vitals, but she is alive and we have all the supplies and equipment ready to begin treating immediately. I will pass on a full prognosis once I know more, Your Highness.” The wagon took off running the moment the princess was secured. A second wagon was standing by to take the injured guards to the barracks medical wing for their treatment. Fog Gauge said a few words to his subordinates before turning back to speak quietly with Tempest. Luna jumped over the rail with Sable Nimbus not far behind. They both bowed to Twilight and began to walk towards the castle following the second wagon. Clover, with his hood up covering himself as much as possible, said nothing to Twilight. He only bowed as a courtesy and followed after Luna and Sable, but at a considerable distance. It was clear he did not wish to speak to anyone at the moment and the feeling was mutual.

Twilight’s brain suddenly kicked her that someone important was missing. “Wait. Where’s Sunset?”


Twilight turned, examined her fiancé and decided her need for a hug outweighed decorum and whatever injuries the goldenrod alicorn had suffered. Her armor was scuffed, wings and fur were matted and dirty, and her mane did not have much of an energetic wave to it, but she was moving on her own and not a bloody mess. Twilight threw her forelegs and wings around Sunset Shimmer and held her close and tight. Sunset did gasp and wince a bit, but just bore it. Twilight felt her heart calm as Sunset nuzzled into her neck, her body still shaking.

“I was so worried. I was… Why is this happening?” Twilight croaked in her lover’s ears. “First Spike, now Flurry. I thought… Why is this, this witch targeting my family?”

“Bitch,” Sunset said, trying to smirk, “you can say bitch because that is exactly what she is. An evil bitch.”

Twilight nuzzled Sunset more, tears staining goldenrod fur. Neither cared. “I’m so angry I can feel it boiling inside me. I haven’t felt like this since Tirek destroyed my library and hurt my friends. I want to hurt her. I want her to feel the pain that I feel right now. The bitch hurt my brother, my niece, and tried to kill you. I know I should always try to extend the hoof of friendship or at least forgiveness, but I don’t know if I can. Not to her.”

“Yeah, I know the feeling.”

Twilight nuzzled Sunset more until she found her lover’s lips and they shared a blissful moment amongst all the heartache. Their eyes met and Twilight felt her body warm to its core and the anxious quaking subsided. “What happened out there?”

Sunset stepped back, a darkness flashing across her face. “Too much for a short conversation. We should talk inside.”

Sunset moved to step towards the castle, when Twilight’s hoof touched the other alicorn’s armored shoulder. Sunset’s eyebrow arched in curiosity. With a gesture, Twilight pointed to the setting sun with her horn. Reality dawned on Sunset Shimmer. She would have facehoofed if she was not so sore and tired. “Right, sorry, been a long day.”

“I’m glad you’re okay.”

“I’m not. But I’m alive. That’s enough for the moment.”

Twilight let the statement go unquestioned for now as she tended to her duty, her horn blazing with magenta magic aura as she guided the sun the rest of the way below the western horizon while simultaneously Sunset’s horn lit up red and lifted the moon to the eastern sky. They both nodded and smiled warmly to one another and returned to the others.

Luna had already instructed the castle staff to have food and refreshments brought to the secondary dining room. By the time Sunset and Twilight arrived, the staff was setting things on the table. Sable, Isabella, and Raven were in one corner, whispering to one another. The grand vizier was in another, surrounded by his guards while he spoke in his native tongue to someone on his SunLight crystal. Luna was seated at the table, nursing what looked like a large mug of coffee.

Tempest immediately stepped up and saluted, removing her helmet. “All thestrals are on lockdown patrol and the city is in emergency curfew protocol. No pony should be out unless they have a damn good reason to be. Captain Gauge is overseeing the retrofit and redistribution of solar guard helmets with the necessary ferronite plates to protect them from mind control. With all three armor smiths working they estimate they can do about six helmets an hour.”

“That’s not many.”

Tempest grimaced but honestly agreed with Sunset on that front. They were her direct subordinates and she felt angry that they were limited in being able to do their job because some noble bureaucrats wanted to save some coin. “I know. But from what I understand the cold iron is a hard metal to work with and even with the rush job they won’t look pretty. At least they should work. I have all my officers on standby and mandatory combat rest since I was made aware that their helmets are already upgraded.”

“That's a good idea. Thestrals are tough, but even they need sleep eventually. We will need as many fresh faces as available come morning if Datura does not press an attack tonight,” said Twilight.

Tempest nodded and stepped forward, placing a reassuring hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. Nothing else needed to be said as the captain left the room to attend to other duties. Twilight took a deep breath, then moved to her designated chair at the head of the table. All the others in the room took notice and moved towards the table except Sable Nimbus who instead moved to Sunset Shimmer and immediately began brushing her princess’s mane, trying to return some sense of regal dignity to the steward of the moon. Sunset rolled her eyes, but released her connection spell that gave her mane its magical wave so that the bat pony could get the brush through the disheveled mess without it getting stuck.

“I called Princess Cadenza,” said Isabella. “She is making arrangements to arrive as soon as she can and requests updates on Princess Flurry Heart’s condition as soon as available.”

“Thank you, Isa.”

“I have spoken with his holiness, Sultan Al Hisan Ealia. He is… heartbroken. To say the least.”

Sunset nodded her thanks to Sable and moved to her spot at the other head of the table. “I wish you had not done that yet.”

“Your captain confirmed that there was no chance to save the prince’s life, little to no chance to recover his body. His holiness is my sultan and as a father had a right to know what befell his son.”

Sunset signed and bowed her head. “I understand. I truly do. I was once a mother of two wonderful girls. I can empathize with his sorrow over his loss. It… was extremely difficult to have to watch them grow old and pass on. I had to bury them both eventually.” Sunset had to take a deep breath to continue. Twilight sat waiting for her fiancé to look up, hoping to reassure her that she was there for her even sitting across the table. Teal eyes met amethyst, even if only for a second. It was enough.

“However, we have an enemy on the loose and the last thing that Equestria needs right now is an angry, grieving world leader who may make a rash decision blinded by that anger. If Datura has a way to listen in on our communications, which she might.” Sunset’s eyes turned to Clover the Clever who had remained quiet to a point he was almost forgettable. “She might use that to her advantage. So, please, your grace, assure your sultan that his son’s killer will not go unpunished. This is the bonded word of BOTH princesses.”

“I do not think she would do that. It’s not her style.”

Sunset narrowed her eyes at Clover and he shrank back under his hood under the harsh scrutiny. “I want you to know, Clover, you are not my favorite pony right now. I have never faced an adversary like her before and though you said she was smart you never mentioned anything, not one single clue about what she had been able to do."

“What did,” Twilight paused, recentering herself. “Would you please debrief us on what happened in the caves and anything you may have learned?”

As they all picked at their food Sunset Shimmer explained what their plan was, how they had split up, and how it had all gone wrong. It was never easy or fun to recant one’s failures, but it helped when those around you were not looking for wrong doing as much as looking for clues how to learn from it and move forward.

“She used Spike’s blood as an explosive catalyst. She took his stolen tooth and carved intricate runes into it and turned it into some kind of explosive drill that bore through the rocks that nearly crushed us all. I had no idea that was even possible! She then stabbed Flurry with some kind of poisoned blade that made it nearly impossible to stop the bleeding. And to top it all off, she knew more about my sword than I did! She called it… a soul blade. I have used it to cut through things I did not think it was possible to cut through. Then, I went to cut through her blade and she met me steel to steel… or whatever magic they are made of.

“Discord once said I was powerful beyond my comprehension. I sure as hell didn’t feel powerful earlier, but I was definitely beyond my comprehension. We leave nothing to chance from here. My arrogance and underestimating her is what got Flurry Heart hurt.”

“Don’t take this the wrong way, princess,” said Isabella, “but how are the two of you not dead?”

Sunset grimace. Hard. She stared at her sparkling water as if it had committed some grand offense. “She had me. She had me dead to rights, I kid you not. She could have killed me any number of ways and instead gave us a chance to escape. The only thing I can think of is that she was either just testing us to see what we could do or she likes to toy with others like a cat playing with its next kill. She had to know we would have come up with something after she escaped.”

“Yes,” said Luna, “you created a small pocket while the rocks fell around you.”

Sunset nodded. “Flurry was losing power and consciousness. I inverted my shield net at the last second. Instead of trying to hold up a mountain, which was not going to happen, I reversed my hold and made a shield bubble. That bought us a few extra seconds, but even that was not enough as it cracked soon after. I had to use my sword to melt and fuse the rocks into a rock dome. Some of them got through and hit Flurry and I. Like I said, we got lucky.”

“So, what is the plan moving forward?” asked Raven, who had remained near the windows, but had been listening intently the whole time.

Sunset glanced up to meet each face in turn. “She’s not done with us. I’m still alive and she said I had to die so Void could do… whatever it is he does. Stupid alicorn god stuff.”

“What chance do we have against a god as you said?” asked Grand Vizier Muhasib.

“We’re not fighting a god. We’re fighting a pony.” Sunset pulled Clover’s hood back with her magic, surprising the stallion. “And right now, we are going to sit here and listen to everything YOU have to say on the matter. Any advantage you can give us you damn well better tell us. I already talked to the other members of Blue team. They all nearly died because you left them leaderless and ran off to sneak up on Datura and didn’t even do that well. Those were MY guards and they got hurt because of you. So, start talking, buster.”

Clover sighed and nodded. “I understand my failure. It has been a long time since I had to rely on others for my mission. Even more so for others to rely on me. One can easily become set in their ways over time from too much isolation and waiting. Ask your questions. I will answer to the best of my knowledge.”


Tempest Fury had visited the Canterlot Armor more times than she could recount. She knew all three master armor smiths by name as well as their favorite foods and off duty drinks. Obscure knowledge for sure, but sometimes it was nice to kickback with a coworker afterhours. Something they were all going to have to do once this latest crisis was over considering that after all these years she had never seen all three smiths working their forges and anvils at the same time. The sheer cacophony of it was almost deafaning.

Tempest hung her helmet on one of the armor stands by the entrance, plugged her ears with the provided foam plugs in a basket, and retrieved the ice cold bottles of water she had brought with her. Without need to bother the two stallions and mare from their hammering Tempest set a bottle down on each of their work stations and then stood back to admire their art in motion. They truly were artist, without a doubt.

“I have the next set of plates tacked into place and ready for you.”

Tempest turned her head, jaw hanging slightly open to find her husband with goggles up on the top of his head and completely devoid of his armor. His fur was slick with sweat and his muscles bulged and twitched from strenuous physical use. His dark mane, which he had been growing out a bit more the last few years, was glossy and stuck to the back of his neck in a way that was far more erotic than it had any right to be. Even his vertically slit, yellow eyes had an appealing underglow to them from the ambient forge firelight.

Tempest was not a mare who regularly got ‘quaky’ in the legs at the sight of a stallion. She had under her command many stallions, many of whom were in top physical shape and prowess with strong backs and tight hindquarters. But there was just something about this thestral that just always ‘tickled her fancy’ as the old saying went. He was just a work of art in her likely biased opinion. Perhaps not so biased, as she recalled Sunset Shimmer admiring him on more than one occasion as well.

Such clean lines, well maintained musculature that looked like chiseled stone sculpture. And considering the trials Princess Luna put them through to become lunar thestrals maybe that was more true than she realized. Combined with his easy going, unquestionably loyal and noble personality and he was everything she ever believed she wanted in a soulmate.

Some days Tempest wondered what she had done to get so lucky as to capture his heart before any other prospects could. Before they had begun dating proper, Tempest had overheard many a snippet of fawning and gossiping amongst the castle staff from mares that swooned at his passing by. They would whisper just a bit too loudly about daring one another to ‘take a bat pony for a ride’ or similarly lewd innuendos. Their failure to take a chance was the solar captain’s gain. In the end those musings and what ifs did not matter. He was hers and she loved him dearly. A love that was mutual without question.

Gauge set the six guard helmets down, two to and anvil station and then dusted his hooves before turning back to his wife. He cocked his head slightly to one side and flashed a fang filled grin at her expression. He knew her face well, having watched it and studied it with great, intimate care over the years. His lover, his wife, his warrior goddess. He knew the expression of lustful desire and heart pounding, loving adoration. It was how he always felt for her when they were alone.

“Problem, my heart?”

Tempest shook her head. “No! Nope, I, uh, just came… I, I, I mean I just came to check on progress and get an update! I didn’t realize you were getting all… hot and, um, whew, it is hot in here with all the hammers and fires going, isn’t it? I should have brought fresh water to drink you, er, for you to drink! You are so, so sweaty. You need water!”

“The smiths needed help prepping the ferronite. I was just standing around, supervising, so I began to help the apprentices. This keeps the masters on task and helps speed the entire process up. The more solar helmets we have done the more troops we have at our disposal.”

“Yes… I agree completely… Damn, you are hot.”

Gauge flashed his pearly white fangs again. He stepped forwards and gave his wife a small peck on the lips. “Last time you said that to me we ended up creating Dusk Wind.” The mentioning of her youngest foal brought a loving smile to Tempest’s face. She imagined Dusk was probably asleep by now and Saber soon to follow. Such good foals. Strong, beautiful ponies and the lights of her life. They needed to call Gauge’s parents to check on them soon. Gauge gladly smiled in turn and nuzzled into his wife’s ear, nibbling on it playfully. She inhaled deeply his heavy scent of sweat, musk, and steel. It should have smelled bad, but for some reason, on him it was perfect and enticing.

“Let me finish up this last batch and then pass on the work to a few others. Then I can take a shower and a break. It has been quite some time since you and I had an evening just to ourselves without the foals under hoof. It would be a shame to not take advantage of that.” Gauge paused, his playful expression retreating. “Unless of course you are not in the mood given the extenuating circumstances and it has been a long day.”

“No,” commented the solar captain with a sly grin and a lick of her lips. It had been far too many months since they had time to thoroughly enjoy one another. “Finish here, then you will be showering with ME. I need to get clean as well and I agree, despite the dire severity of the situation I NEED my husband right now. I need a break from… everything. Even if only for a few hours.”

Gauge nodded and nuzzled the vermilion mare one more time. “As my captain demands it, so shall it be done.”

His words sent a warm sensation straight through Tempest’s body to her core. She felt like a giddy filly again. Buck me sideways, I love this bat.


Twilight Sparkle stood next to Spike’s bedside. If not for the bruises and the gauze and bandages that were wrapped around his side and mouth she would have sworn he was simply sleeping peacefully. It had been a long time, but Twilight’s mind flashed back to mostly forgotten memories of when her adopted baby brother was still small enough to sleep in a padded wicker basket not far from her bed. Before he had wings… before she had wings too, for that matter. A simpler time. Gently, Twilight stroked the side of his face that was not injured and up along the ridge at the top of his head before bringing it back down around again.

“They told me a few hours ago he is out of the danger zone,” said the bright orange dragon sitting across from Twilight, holding one of Spike’s claws, stroking it with her own. “They sealed the chest wound at his side and his blood pressure has stabilized with no unexpected changes so they think his brain will be okay.”

Twilight smiled and sniffled for a moment before turning it into a sigh. “That’s good. I’m glad. I… I just want him to wake up soon. I want to tell him that I love him and that I am sorry I got him into this mess.”

Smolder nodded and choked down her own sob that she made to pretend she was clearing her throat. “He knows, Twilight, and he will wake up. He’s too stubborn not to. He… He didn’t hesitate for a moment, you know. The second he got the call that you needed him and his help he dropped everything and made his way here. He’s been like that for as long as I’ve known him. Such a good heart and willing to do anything for you. Sure, he is happy to be an ambassador and will gladly serve in that way, but he always wants to be your number one assistant first.”

Twilight nodded, another tear slipping down her cheek. “He always will be.”

Smolder stood and kissed his head. “Unfortunately, now that I know he is going to recover I need to head back to Ponyville.”

“You can’t stay with him?”

“Oh, trust me, I want to with every fiber in my being. But I'm short staffed at the moment. I had to leave Grunt with the school custodial staff with Prince Whitetail and Tule Spring on their own envoy mission out west visiting his relatives. Not to mention I have a responsibility to the school and all the students, seeing to their safety since not all of them can just go home in a case of a crisis. I know he will be fine here. He has you.”

“Thank you.”

Smolder nodded. “Have you checked on Flurry Heart yet?”

“I’m going to go see her now.”

“Message me or Thicket when you get an update so he won’t worry any more than I’m sure he already has been. I'm sure his father is already trying to make arrangements to get him back here, but that will take time. There are no tracks out where they are.”

Twilight smiled and nodded. “Of course.”

With nothing else to say, Twilight glanced back at Spike one more time before exiting to the right while Smolder headed to the left. Now that Spike was stable Twilight decided that she would have him moved back to the castle infirmary for both exemplarily care and to make it easier to see him. She made a mental note to have Isabella make that happen.

A few minutes later, Twilight was back in the safety and familiarity of the castle walls. She nodded her head to every guard who saluted and to the staff that bowed. As she walked towards the infirmary Twilight called out loud, “Raven.”

A voice spoke from above her and along the walls. “Yes, Your Highness?”

“Please inform Isabella that I would like Spike brought back here to the castle for recovery as soon as the doctors say he is safe to be move.”

“Of course, princess.”

Twilight nodded knowing Raven could see her through one of the light blue crystals installed above. She really needed to compliment Sunset on how useful the ocular crystals were, if she had not already. Never hurt to do so again. Perhaps if she could coax Smartypants to stay on long enough she might like using them as well.

Twilight passed another guard station before the infirmary and nodded to the guards on duty who saluted before letting herself into the room where she knew Flurry Heart was resting. A nurse was standing off to the left and bowed as Twilight entered. “Hello Nurse Cane, how is she?”

“Good evening, Your Highness. Princess Flurry Heart is…” The nurse winced as Flurry got angry at not being able to levitate her cheesy bread from her plate and instead knocked it across the room with a hoof. “Frustrated.”

“Of course I’m frustrated! I can’t even lift a piece of stupid bread with my horn! GRAHHH! I hate being powerless!”

Twilight smiled sympathetically while Nurse Cane continued. “We have the princess on a nutrient drip to help with the blood loss and her vitals have mostly stabilized. So far, she has shown no signs of loss of limb control, which was a concern. However, as you can see her magic is still not channeling properly, which the doctor theorizes is also contributing to her slower healing. Some of the contusions where rocks struck her are still swelling with discoloration. We have ice packs and some pain medication ready for her, but she is refusing to take it.”


“I don’t need meds I need my magic! What did she poison me with?!”

Twilight grimaced. “Mage’s Bane if I were to guess.”

Flurry Heart quirked her head to one side. “What is that? I’ve never heard of it.”

“I was stabbed once long ago with a blade coated in a poison that temporarily took my magic away. I was told by Celestia it was an ancient substance called Mage’s Bane that had been confiscated from a witch’s lab. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that said witch turned out to be The Red Clover given all the horrors and crimes she has committed.”

“Okay, so how long did it take to wear off?”

“For me, a little over a day and then another week to fully recover. But that was an ancient batch collecting dust that had been stolen out of the restricted vault. The one she attacked you with was likely newer and stronger.” Flurry Heart’s wings sank as she became crestfallen. “But I’m sure you’ll be fine! And more importantly, you are alive! That’s what is most important.”

“Yes,” added the nurse, “the latest scan of your blood showed the anomalous substance deteriorating so your body and your magic will recover eventually. You just need time, rest, and of course, to eat.”

Flurry Heart sighed. “Sure, okay. Um… can I get fresh bread that… I didn’t knock on the floor?” The nurse nodded and exited the room. A moment later after the silence lingered Flurry grunted and lightly beat her head against the headboard. “I’m sorry I let you down.”

“You did not let me down, Flurry. No pony saw this coming and I am just glad you are okay.”

Flurry did not smile or feel any more relieved by the words. “She’ll be back. You have to know she’ll be back and I’m stuck in this bed for at least a day or more.”

Twilight nodded. “Sunset said something similar. We’re making preparations.”

“Tell Sunset Shimmer thank you for me, you know, for saving my life. She... she really is an amazing pony and I know it's all water under the bridge and stuff, but... I... she's better than me in a lot of ways and earned that throne next to you. And, you know. Plus, you love her and are getting married. I'm rambling from the medicated fluid and light headedness.” Flurry Heart smirked and chuckled lightly. “I guess I should get used to calling her Aunt Sunset now, huh?”

Twilight beamed and giggled in response. “Yes, you should. Plus, I’m sure she would absolutely adore hearing you call her that.”

“Okay, I will then.”

Twilight hugged her niece and kissed the top of her head. “Just focus on recovering. Nothing is more important to me than making sure all my friends and family are safe. Even more so with a monster on the loose.”


Datura mumbled to herself as she consulted her notes she had been scribbling on a piece of parchment. She was currently standing in the kitchen of a farmhouse working on a brewing concoction at the stove. She thought she saw carrots or some other kinds of vegetables outside in the fields before it got dark. It did not matter. Food and drink were fun to taste from time to time, but her body did not need them for sustenance like it had once required. She had other means of maintaining herself. On instinct, her eyes flicked to the bottle at her side. It was nearly full again, having added the foppish prince and a few others to her collection, but she had room for at least one or two more. She wanted to make sure there was still room for her greatest prize yet.

It was a fortunate thing she had such a good memory or else she would have been lost long ago without her notes and tomes that had been left her acolytes. Most of them had been useless ponies that had flocked to her in mindless worship in search of a powerful leader and no desire to bow to the council or their alicorn puppets. And rightly so. She had power they craved, imagination far beyond them, and ambition they could not begin to understand or appreciate. Still, even a genius needed the occasional sounding board for rigorous experimentation… or a sacrifice to test on. Datura’s thoughts lingered on the past when she felt a tingle run down her spine.

“You let her live. Why did you let her live?”

Datura smirked. She did not bother turning to look. From the sound of his omnipresent voice, Void was projecting or speaking through dimensions rather than making his presence known anyhow. She weighed the logic of why he would do so and concluded that he was too cowardly to show himself should another such as Aine or Samael take notice. A fact she chose not to point out… yet.

“I could have I suppose.”

“Then why not?”

Datura sense the irritation in his voice, felt the hint of warm breath at her mane and neck. So, she concluded, not projecting, just remaining partially hidden. “Because it was not the right moment. And while you did say she was an obstacle to your goal you, quite annoyingly, forgot to mention that she was a damn organic construct with a soul!”

"I do not see why that makes a difference. She lives, she breathes, she bleeds, she can die like all the others. Even the mightiest stone can be worn down to dust under the right pressure.”

“But not easily! She was, by design, made for this sort of thing. I cannot penetrate her mind or skim a clue of her weaknesses. At least not her physical ones. She will be difficult to kill nomatter what I throw at her and can summon a soul blade! The single most powerful type of magical weapon I have found to exist in any universe. Granted, her control is amateur, probably never had a proper teacher on what it actually is and how one can be manipulated, but you were right to fear her as do I. Otherwise, I imagine you would have dispatched her yourself since you were obviously spying on me during our little dance.”


Datura rolled her eyes and adjusted the temperature on the stove of her boiling potion. She added one more important ingredient, the alicorn blood, before slapping the lid on the pot before it could begin to react. The liquids blended and reacted volatilely, as expected, and began to froth and boil over, down the prepared tube in the top of the lid and into the waiting enclosed vessel on the floor. There should be enough for three doses. Datura nodded at her work and turned around. She felt Void’s presence in the room, but could see no bodily form.

“Yes, yes. As you have said before. You are not fooling me and it is perfectly fine. I felt her power, or at least what she was willing to show me, when our blades crossed. She is... unique. While perhaps not the most powerful magical creature in this world certainly one of the most dangerous. With the proper training, conviction, and state of mind I would theorize her blade could kill an alicorn god or goddess. It is for that reason I pulled back. I need to come at her from a position of absolute strength and not with my back against the wall in a cave with a few tricks and trinkets. Also, naturally, Clover stuck his cute little nose in again. As usual.”

“You should have killed him ages ago.”

“Pffft. Now where would the fun in that be? He tries sooooo hard to be the good little savior to all the little ponies. It’s as adorable now as it was then. I would like to know how he keeps finding me. I know the transition leaves a ripple in time/space, but I was in between for longer than I have ever been. And even still, he located me so quickly. E-Prime is a long way from where I had last seen him.”

“I could find the tracker if you let me.”

“Hmm. Tempting, but I don’t trust you or the price you would place on me for such a favor. Besides, he has chased for centuries and never done anything but talk even when he did finally catch up. I doubt he will do more than be a goodie four shoes nuisance like he always is. More so, as you can see, I have a plan.”

“Do not fail me, witch, or I will personally deliver you to Samael just for annoying me.”

“Well, that was uncalled for. You know, for a god-like being you are being rather impatient about this. Worried your sister will take notice and come running home?” Datura felt the breath on her neck again except that this time it was warmer to the point of uncomfortable and she was certain he raked her with teeth or sharp claws as well. Perhaps it was best not to push his buttons too much. Datura inspected her brew and the dark energy that pulsed inside each vial as she carefully transferred them.

“Do not fret so much, my lord. I will have my prize soon and be on my merry way so you can have yours. And of course, Sunset Shimmer will be dead.”

Author's Note:

I'm hoping to have chapter 16 done this weekend. From the looks of how the outline is fleshing out part 1 will likely top out at chapter 17 or 18 if I need to split it. Then, there will be an intermission chapter before we move on to part two. As of right now, the pacing is good and I have enough of a buffer, but I may take a break for a few weeks after the intermission goes up just so I don't get into a rut and run out of buffer. We'll see.

As far as the above. All I can say is... Prepare yourselves.

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