• Published 3rd Apr 2022
  • 1,326 Views, 484 Comments

Alpha and Omega - Revel Montaro

For every beginning there is an end. Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer stand side by side as the rulers of Equestria, as beacons of hope against those that seek said end, as the darkness closes around them and the walls press in.

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Chapter 31: Art of the Saber

Prince Alsame Aldhahabiu did not sleep well that night. After arriving alive and unharmed, but unused to teleporting, it took the prince almost two hours for his headache and abdominal discomfort to subside. After feeling stable enough for a light meal, Alsame visited his father who was surrounded by his usual set of advisors and two generals. They each paid their respects to him then went back to bickering on the next course of action. They did not need his report from the Hall of Unity. The plan had not called for it. Sultan Al Hisan Ealia, however, adjourned the meeting to speak privately to his son.

Prince Alsame put on a brave face, but he could see how frail his father had grown no matter how many robes and shawls the servants wrapped him in. His once vibrant coral color had faded as had his piercing blue eyes. His mane and beard had turned white long ago, but what Alsame was most worried about as of late had been his father’s mind. He had been in an unusual state for the last few years. Insistent on him and his brother getting married as soon as possible and that one must be an equestrian alicorn princess. It had at first just seemed like an odd request with some political benefits, but the insistence became royal decree and following his brother’s untimely death, the sultan seemed to take a perverted pleasure in the idea of seeing a princess raped into submission or losing her head. Perhaps even both, after the foal was born, of course. The entire conversation and ordeal made Alsame’s stomach twist again. At least the meal remained down and none had bothered him as he retreated to his own tent.

Regardless of his personal feelings, Alsame reported to his father that the peace talks were doomed to fail, the grand vizier would see to that. As had been the plan and ordered. What Prince Alsame did not relay to his father was the fact that two supposed alicorn gods had attended the talks and tried to rally the nations behind a unification plan against some extra terrestrial monster that was destined to come and destroy them all… or something to that degree. He had only been partially listening as he had been waiting for a proper distraction to leave unnoticed. However, even that had not gone flawlessly.

To both his annoyance and great respect, Princess Sunset Shimmer had managed to track him and found their magical point-to-point use portal before the ritual had finished. His feelings about the daughter of Celestia were… mixed, at best. He knew her by reputation and reports passed to him. He knew her by hearsay and rumor. But then he decided to do a little bit of his own reconnaissance and had seen her in the servant’s lounge the previous night. Ranting about the weight of the world upon her shoulders, the burden of her crown and the station it represented. Something he could empathize with and how it caused many of his own sleepless nights. Much like it had last night. His thoughts plagued him and the images never granted true rest.

Giving up on sleep, the prince found himself slow walking the camp much like the patrols on the perimeter in the predawn hours. There had been a small commotion when one of the guards had sworn he had spotted a flying scout, but had not been able to confirm the sighting. There were a number of large birds native to Equestria as well. Prince Alsame had waved a hoof in dismissal and told them to return to patrols. They were on Equstrian soil, after all. They would not be able to hide their presence once the princesses figured out where he had traveled to and, while he did not agree with the scheme, he was a willing accomplice to it. He could only hope none of his subject or Grand Vizier Muhasib came to harm at the Hall of Unity because of all the subterfuge.

Alsame came to a halt as he sat down and stared out over the water, waiting for the sun to break the horizon. Judging by the ever growing orange and red hues in the sky the blessed sun would be up in a matter of minutes. It would likely be a breathtaking sun rise over the water. A natural treat to behold. Alsame felt he needed something simple and beautiful at the moment just to clear his head of all the questions and concerns weighing upon his soul.

Somewhere behind him, the moon had slipped away and the sun slowly began to emerge. The colors were as vibrant and perfect here as they were from his palace window over the desert sands and life-giving river, Qua, nearby. It was a blissful, several minutes with no worries as the yellow orb rose and the waves crashed rhythmically. Alsame had just turned away when he heard the first gasps from his fellows.

The sandy colored prince looked left and then right, finally following their gazes to turn back to the sunrise. His jaw immediately fell open. Against all logic, the moon was rising again. Far earlier than it should. More than that, it was rising directly under the sun. The commotion and screams of bewilderment and concern only grew louder as the moon began to slip before the sacred sun and block it’s light. A minute later, the sun was nothing more than an eclipsed, fiery corona. Both celestial bodies rose as one and stayed that way. Bathing the world in a semi-darkness that threw eerie, fractured shadows and bathed the surrounding in a blackish, blood red hue.

“What in the-”



Sunset Shimmer’s horn blazed brightly bathing her surroundings in glowing crimson. The red aura looked particularly menacing reflecting off the dark armor of her thestral guards. Their bodies seemed to wave and shimmer like a desert mirage in the strange light of the eclipsed world.

Sunset remembered back to the human world when she learned that the sun did not move around Earth and that the moon orbited simply because of gravimetric forces. It took her weeks to come to terms with such chaotic blasphemy. Sunset remembered when she first saw the moon during the daylight hours and found that disturbing in of itself. The only thing that kept her from having a full on, 'Twilinannas' panic attack was that no one else seemed to notice or care. When she asked why the moon was out during the day she was told by a teacher that it happened sometimes. But if she wanted a real show to wait for the next solar eclipse. She imagined her face was probably about the same as many of the Saddle Arabians below her.

Sunset smirked at the memory as her eyes scanned over the gathered Saddle Arabian forces on the brink of a complete pandemonium meltdown. Yeah, I'm sure I looked about as good as that guy over there, about ready to shit himself. The moon eclipsing the sun in the sky was the stuff of nightmares for pretty much all Equestrians. She, like so many in the world had grown up on stories of the Mare in the Moon and her dark power. Most of the stories embellished what would happen during an eclipse. Some more than others. In fact, Sunset had skimmed through one such short story that had been so graphic and gory that it had been pulled from publication and banned. Judging by the effects, the Saddle Arabians had read similar stories or had created their own. Regardless, Sunset Shimmer had exactly what she wanted. Their full attention.


The entire Saddle Arabian encampment echoed the call and beat a drum to scramble. It was sloppy at best. Many were still awestruck and confused by the sight. Others were shocked to the point of catatonic and unresponsive and even a few others simply fell to the ground completely balled up, muttering prayers for mercy. Prince Alsame shook his head so as to not fall victim as well. The call came from behind, to the west. Had it been a horrible and brilliant distraction? An opening salvo? A warning? Regardless, he would soon find out.

The Saddle Arabians began to recover as their leaders took control and shouted orders. Their forces recovered when Prince Alsame joined his generals and spurred the horses to battle positions. From his command table he could clearly see, even in the painful, low light, the Equestrian banner and a small gathering of ponies on the crest of the nearby hills. Their opponent’s numbers nowhere near their own. But front and center, two burning wings unfurled to join the wickedly glowing horn of crimson. There was no doubt to the identity of their commander. The Lunar Diarch, Princess Sunset Shimmer.

“Orders? My lord?”

Prince Alsame held up his hoof. His heart was still pounding, but he had recovered enough to speak clearly. “Patience. We have been caught off guard and they number barely a company. I do not wish to be flanked or made a fool by underestimating them or their tactics. Have the archers prepared with cold iron arrows and the mage corps in the secondary for shield defense.” The general saluted and passed the orders along.

Prince Alsame continued to watch as what little advantage the locals had diminished by the second, yet they made no move charge. Was it hesitation or was something else at play? Why had they not attacked when his horses had clearly been weak and disoriented? “Your move, princess.”

“How many you think?”

Gauge huffed, his eyes not effected in the least by the disorienting eclipse light. “As predicted, multiple companies, division strength. At least a thousand warriors with additional support staff who may or may not have training, but cannot be dismissed as trivial. Not an ideal situation. I am sure Tempest would have enjoyed that brief window of advantage we had seconds ago.”

“So, we going to do something or just stand here looking pretty?” asked Flurry Heart, stomping her hooves a bit in impatience.

Sunset nodded and retracted her wings. “Now, we do the hard part. I’m going to go talk to them. Flurry, stay at least four pony lengths behind me. Captain, stay right here and keep a sharp eye out. If you see things go sideways...”

“I know my duty, princess.”


The bat pony sighed and finally nodded. “Be prepared to do what you do best, my princess.” Sunset smirked and began to trot slowly towards the potential battlefield. She purposely kept her pace slow so as to not have it mistaken for a charge. About ten paces in, Sunset noted that the Saddle Arabian formations had tighten up considerably and that there was a small commotion about three rows back from their front lines as shouts began to go back and forth between the lines. It would be incredibly easy for a spear or arrow to fly out from the battlelines. One that could potentially be unblockable.

As Sunset had hoped, the crown prince had pushed his way through the lines to the front row. She could see several others had tried to stop or shield him, but the prince was not a dainty slouch and shrugged off their forelegs. Alsame squared himself and began to approach as well, with only one other horse trailing him in a similar fashion. At least he picked up on that I wanted to talk. That's a good sign. Now I just have to hope a rain of mage killer arrows don’t fall down from the sky on us. Cadence will have my head before the Saddle Arabians do if anything happens to Flurry again.

Sunset came to a stop at what she felt was a comfortable distance between the two prepared forces. The prince stopped well out of physical reach, but still close enough to speak without having to yell. Sunset glanced to Flurry and gestured for her to relax. The stout alicorn did so, but only just barely. Her eyes constantly flicking between watching Sunset and the line of horses that were making their final preparations to fight.

“It's good to see you, Your Highness. I was hoping we could talk before this gets worse.”

Prince Alsame turned to squint at the sky. “You certainly know how to grab the attention of those around you, princess. However, I could use a gesture of good faith that you are not here to bring about the end times or drop the moon upon us.” Sunset closed her eyes and lowered the moon, putting it back on its standard orbit for the next night. Flurry had tensed when she saw soldiers begin to shuffle at seeing Sunset light her horn again. Thankfully, they were disciplined and held their ground. The prince took a more relaxed seat as the morning sunlight graced the beach once more and gestured for Sunset Shimmer to continue.

“I have a gut feeling that you know this entire situation is wrong and I’m not just referring to the fact that you have a sizeable hostile force standing on my land, uninvited. You know there are other forces at work, pulling the strings.”

“Perhaps. How do you plan on convincing me of this damming accusation?”

Sunset grimaced and twisted slightly. So many strong emotions and thoughts were pressing on her mental defenses while she tried to feel for the malicious spirit. “I’m not sure if I can. Not without getting closer to the sultan and I’m not sure you will allow that. At least, not without an inhibitor and probably a few kilos of heavy chain on me.”

Alsame shook his head. “Though foolish to admit to you, I will still say he should not have made the trip to come here to begin with. He was most insistent. As you know my father is quite elderly now. My brother and I were making many of the daily royal decisions for the last few years or deferring to the grand vizier if it seemed trivial and unimportant. The level of health he shows comes and goes and he only allows traditional medical examinations upon him. No magical scans.”

“And you don’t find that a little strange? I’m not a doctor nor would I pretend to be one, but a basic medical scan is an easy, noninvasive spell. I’m sure you have mages that know the same or similar spell to check for aura fluctuations or anomalies that may be affecting his mind.”

Alsame paused, whispered something to his guardian and then stepped closer to Sunset. Sunset Shimmer took it as a good sign and did the same with Flurry Heart. Now that they were within inches of one another Sunset had to agree with the primal, lustful part of her brain that he was quite handsome. Unlike his younger brother, Alsame took care of himself and had toned muscle with flawless bone structure to his muzzle. His teeth were perfect, his breath clean, and he even had pleasant scent that tickled Sunset’s nose. He would make some mare quite happy someday... Assuming we all get out of this unscathed.

“Here lies the problem before us, “Alsame continued. “Neither of us want our subjects to suffer and die for this fool hearted desire for a new foal of alicorn blood. Yes, my father wants to see his bloodline continued, this I understand, and I shall fulfill my obligation. But I believe you and the other princesses when you say that such a union will not yield an alicorn horse. Still, these were my father's wishes and I cannot disobey my sultan without a better deal to present. I also, wish to admit, I have mixed personal feelings about you, Princess Shimmer.”

That statement caught Sunset slightly by surprise and she arched her brow. Well, this could be good or bad. “How so?”

“My brother and I were not so different growing up. Spoiled princes, rich in every way imaginable, who could have whatever we wished. Food, drink, mares, everything at the call or ring of a bell. Father always provided, mother rarely objected. It was only when I had been told to court Princess Flurry Heart and was rejected that I realized what a spoiled fool I had been. Such denial was new to me and enlightening. I reflected upon my life and how I had lived it and have spent the last few years trying to be a better leader to my subjects. My brother, however, just laughed off the denial. That was, until he saw pictures of you. He was… enchanted. To say the least. infatuated might be more accurate."

Piercing blue eyes deeper than the sky above met powerful teal, as unmoving as mountain stone. “I will admit, you are the very definition of beauty, a fiery desert rose among a sea of dunes. However, just like the most captivating and perfect rose you have dangerous thorns upon you. Not something to take lightly. Hisan, rest upon his soul, was still young and an idiot. He tried to do exactly what I tried to do, but with more force and an ultimatum that he and Muhasib concocted. A plan our father foolishly supported. Because of that, and your failure to see to his protection personally, he is dead. That weighs heavily upon my heart.”

Sunset grimaced. She had been an only child, but had lost loved ones. It was not difficult to fathom the swirling turmoil of emotions within the crown prince. With a respectful bow of her head, Sunset asked, “How do you suggest we resolve this impasse if you won’t let me examine the sultan for outside magical influence?”

“Fight me," said Alsame. It was said respectfully, if terse. "You and I, a one on one duel. If you win, I am at your mercy. You will be able to bargain my life for a chance to come closer to my father and conduct your scan. If I win, your life is mine to do with as I wish.”

Sunset glanced back at her sparce force of dedicated soldiers, her eyes lingering on Gauge for a few heartbeats. The last desperate statement that Tempest said echoing in her ears. They would all lay down their lives for her and outnumbered ten to one, they would likely all die with nothing to show for such loyalty. Many had spouses, foals. It was not a hard choice to make.

“Just you and I, right here? What are the ground rules?”

“No interference of any kind from our subjects, no champions to stand in for us. No armor, no magic, no magic weapons. A fight to the death or until one yields. Acceptable?”

Sunset nodded. “Acceptable. I’m going to go dump my armor and explain to my captain what is about to happen. Be back in a minute.”

Prince Alsame bowed. “I will have a variety of weapons set forth if you do not have one of your choice available. Your followers may come closer if they wish. No harm will come to them, you have my sworn word.”

Sunset turned to Flurry Heart who had shown more patience than expected even if it looked like the younger alicorn was about to burst. Flurry waited until the prince turned away before she fell in next to Sunset as they walked back towards C Company.

“Did you hear most of that?”

“I missed some of the whispers, fill me in.”

“The prince suspects his father’s mind is either going down the drain or he is being influenced, but can’t go against his father’s wishes. There could be political implications as to why, doesn't matter. What does matter is he and I are going to have an old fashion duel to settle this so no pony else gets hurt. Winner chooses what happens to the loser.”

Flurry nodded. “Okay, that’s not so bad considering, but shouldn’t I be the one fighting since you are some grand important universal key to our salvation or something?”

Sunset shook her head. “The prince said no champions, just the two of us. His father approved this whole shit show because he wants a princess to give him a foal or to lose her head and Prince Alsame blames me for his brother’s death. I fulfil both those. And, I have a niggling feeling I need to do this. Just call it another one of my gut feelings.”

“Your gut feelings are not going to mean much if they are laying all over the sand.” Sunset did not respond to that rather vivid image her mind provided for her. Instead, she stepped up to Gauge and began removing pieces of her armor.

Gauge arched a brow. “Why do I have the feeling I’m not going to like what you are about to tell me.”

“I have to duel the prince to end this. No armor, no magic, one-on-one.”

“That… is not as bad as I was fearing.”

“It should have been me,” said Flurry with pouty frown.

“I agree, but I know my princess, she said no.”

Sunset slid her crown helm off last and set it neatly down on top of the other pieces, leaving her only her wedding earrings. “It was part of the rules, but I would have told her no anyway. I'm one of the diarch sitting in the big, cushy chair. The prince's death was my responsibility and I’m supposed to be the perfect flaming sword, the protector of Equestria. Time to live up to all that.”

Gauge grunted. "I assume no flaming swords will be allowed in this duel?"

Sunset chuckled humorlessly. "That would be cheating, don't you think?"

Gauge reached under his wing and extracted his extendable staff, holding it out to Sunset. It had always been his primary weapon of choice. Both ends were capped with magic disrupting ferronite, one side sharpened to a deadly point while the other a blunt striker capable of denting armor and crushing dragon bones. Sunset eyed the weapon and recalled the friendly sparring match they had participated in a few years ago after she had left Earth to come home. Despite the intensity of the situation, Sunset smiled and gently seized the weapon in her levitation grip.

“You can do this. I have faith in you, my princess.”

“You can all come closer if you like, but no pony is allowed to interfere no matter what happens. That is an order, captain.
Understood?” She could feel Gauge bristle more than the other guards at hearing that order, but they all bowed and saluted.

Flurry Heart held up the SunLight crystal and waved it around a bit. “I’m going to call Aunt Twilight, tell her what’s going on.”

Sunset nodded and turned to walk back to the middle ground that was already becoming crowded. As was expected and a bit relieving, many of the Saddle Arabian soldiers had discarded their weapons and shields and began to relax in a large semi-circle. Sunset returned to find a set of blades, hammers and, even a studded spike whip out on the ground waiting. That last one gave her chills of what it would do to fur and skin alike. Prince Alsame bowed his head and gestured to the display.

“I have an assortment of choices set out if you wish to choose.”

Sunset scanned the ground, but found no formal sparring circle. That could be good or bad. “I know you said no magic, which means I can’t use levitation to hold a weapon either, but what about my wings?”

“That is your choice. However, do you feel it would be honorable to continuously fly above me?”

Sunset arched a brow. “Are you going to use that spiked whip on me?”

Alsame glanced at the weapon and flashed a bright toothy smile that would have been flattering in a different situation. “Not if you stay on the ground since I lack a horn and wings, princess.”

Sunset Shimmer retrieved the staff Gauge gave her and extended it, the mechanism locks clicking into place. She then waited for the prince to make his selection. “Fine, on the ground it is. Ready when you are.”

Alsame took a moment to examine the extended staff, nodding after he was satisfied it was exactly as it appeared, and selected a sword with an exaggerated, aggressive curve. It was clearly designed more for slashing instead of thrusting. That gave Sunset a small clue on how he would likely attack. The goldenrod alicorn lifted her staff to ready and waited.

The entire situation reminded her more and more of the first time she had dueled Fog Gauge in the training yard. The lessons she learned from that sparring match whispering in the back of her mind like he was right next to her. Her captain's mental advice calming her racing heart. It was a shame, in retrospect, to think about how she could have spent more time sparring with Gauge to hone the lessons further.

Then, she felt it. A freezing chill passing over her being in the mild morning air. A malicious cackle touched her latent magical senses and caused the finer hairs on Sunset’s neck to stand on end. A powerful entity was watching. They were either cloaked or well hidden, but they were definitely nearby. Sunset’s eyed darted about over the sea of horses. She knew who she was looking for, but the sultan was out of sight. Sunset gasped as the sword slashed down, barley missing her muzzle. They had never agreed on a starting point, so that was as much her fault. She barely parried the next strike away as the crowd began to cheer and clop hooves together.

“Pay attention!”

Sunset knew his voice even among a sea of a thousand whooping and hollering but did not turn her head. It was the same tone of voice he used when scolding guards for lack of focus. It brough her calm and comfort to have a set of golden bat pony eyes on her back. He could not interfere, but they never said anything about coaching and encouragement. He was her captain and loyal without question. Her last conversation with Twilight played through her memory. Sunset imagined her wife standing there with all the others, cheering her on. She was not alone.

Sunset Shimmer spun her staff and charged, going for the prince’s legs with the blunt end, carving a divot in the sandy and light grass soil. He was fast, no denying it. Alsame jumped back and slashed again. Sunset realized at the last second it was a fake, but still took a hard back kick to her left shoulder as she rolled with the blow. Nothing broke, but it stung like hell and would bruise for sure. Once again, Sunset heard the cackle in the back of her head. It was closer.

“You’re faster than I expected for a stallion your size. You must have trained with that obsidian guard that tried to take my head off.”

“The Al Haras are ordered to protect me at all costs. They are useless if they cannot best me from time to time, so we train together. Sabaj is similar to your captain in rank and status.”

“Good ideology. Mind if I discuss something on my mind while I have you here?”

Alsame snorted a laugh. He kicked up a small dirt cloud and slashed rapidly, driving Sunset back, but she blocked and pushed him off with ease. He was fast, but so was she, and physically stronger. Something he took note of after nearly being shoved onto his plot. “Yes, I suppose we are a bit preoccupied at the moment.”

Sunset faked a left then rolled, swung, putting the prince off balance. She saw an opportunity to sweep his legs, but let him retreat instead. Now being closer to the Saddle Arabians she could see through some of the moving gaps in the crowd. There, several rows back, and flanked by unmoving guard was Sultan Al Hisan Ealia on a small throne of pillows that would have made Rarity swoon. He was too far away to get a good read or scan, but at least she had a location.

“What are you planning to do with me if you win?”

Alsame was not fazed by the question in the least and attempted three more quick slashes. The last caught Sunset's billowing hair causing several loose strands to fall to the ground. He smirked in satisfaction. “Does that really matter? By our agreement, you will be mine. Your life will belong to me. If you live, it will be because I wish it. If you die, it is because I feel that is best.”

Sunset grunted and alternated between her blunt side of the staff and the sharpened point. The prince dodged, trying to find an opening. Sunset jumped forward, then ducked, thrusting the staff forward. The blunt end caught Alsame in the ribs and drove the air from his lungs. He grunted and gasped, taking a few steps back. She had pulled the blow and purposely had not used the sharpened end that would have cost him a lung. Still, that had to hurt and may have cracked a rib.

“You understand I never wanted harm to come to your brother. Granted, I thought he was being a bit of a pompous prick with his demands, but now that I know that came down from your father and neither of you could refuse him, I have more sympathy for it all. I would never have wished ill will upon him though. Especially a monster like the Red Clover.”

“What you wanted is irrelevant," Alsame spat, pain and anger leaking into his words. "You failed your duty as a princess, as a leader. My only brother is dead and gone. My sisters are useless. Now it all falls to me. The future of my entire kingdom rests upon my back and shoulders.”

Sunset sighed and relaxed a bit, taking a defensive position. “I never wanted to be a princess, not for a long, long time. When I was a filly, I used to dream of the wings and the power, but one day I was shown the darkness in myself and what kind of horrible leader I would have been. I was a monster on the inside and I let it out and it changed me forever. Then, I got the bitch slapping I so richly deserved by a better pony. Many years later, the second time around, I was asked to take up the crown instead of trying to steal it. I was an entirely different mare and even still, I only did so out of love of my friends and for my mother.”

Alsame attacked ferociously. Sunset was starting to regret taking the time to speak to him since it appeared to only be making the prince angry. For some, that could be used to take advantage of a mistake, but his training kept him focused. His movements were precise, his attacks dangerous, and he was clearly fighting to win. Sunset blocked and pushed the prince off again. He was growing increasingly frustrated by her defensive posture.

“And how does that change things? I see no difference and offer you no sympathy. You accepted your role and responsibility. If you failed at it, you should face the consequences. If you cannot see how simple that is then you have no business sitting upon a throne!”

Sunset sighed heavily, her eyes downcast. The cheers and shouts faded as thoughts began to flood her mind. His words rang true.

Fog Gauge growled and hissed in frustration. “Dammit! She had him!”


The lunar captain glanced up to Flurry Heart. If his eyes could glow they would be a bright as the sun in the sky. “Princess Sunset is holding back. I can see it. I have sparred with her enough to recognize it. She had him perfectly faked during that last attack. He was off balance with aggression and she could have bucked him hard enough to break both his forelegs, but she hesitated.”

“What?! Why?!”

Gauge hissed again. “I do not know. But if she will not take this seriously I am going to pull my mane out.”

The Saddle Arabian crowd was much larger, but it would have been unacceptable to completely encompass the Equestrians even if they could have more than once. Still, not all of the ponies could see what was going on. Those that could fly, hovered. Those that could not relied on passed on play by play. Then, the ponies in the back felt a need to move. They did not know why but they felt compelled to part a path. It was not wide, two stallions abreast at most, but they still did so. It seemed perfectly normal to do so. They could not see the dark pony slowly approaching the arena.

Some of the unicorns felt a chill in their magical senses, some earth ponies felt the change in temperature in the ground, but when they turned their heads they saw nothing. They were blinded to her presence because she wished it. The concerns passed and their attention returned to the fight at hoof. If nothing else, it was certainly quite the show to behold.

Fog Gauge felt a chill climb his spine that made him shiver all over. It was a worrisome sensation that meant trouble to his instincts and he turned his head just as a large, familiar pony in a black cloak passed by him and continued to the battleground. He stopped talking and blinked twice, jaw hanging open.

“Mistress?” The cloaked figure paused, turned her head, and smiled briefly. The end of her face the only feature he could see clearly under the protective hood. Why was Luna here? Was he the only one who could see her? Why was she approaching the fight? “Goddess of the Night. No…”

“What? What?!” Gauge ignored Flurry’s fevered inquiries and kept his eyes locked on the cloaked figure who was approaching the two fighters, all others completely unaware she was there. His hoof instinctively began to reach for his backup staff. “What did I miss? Did you see something I didn’t?”

Sunset made no effort to move. She just stood, while holding her staff downward and listened to the words play over and over again in her head. Finally, before the prince launched into his next assault, Sunset threw down her staff. Alsame paused in case it was a trick.

“You’re right.” The large gathering broke into hysterical gasps and shouts. But Alsame only had his eyes and attention on his opponent. If it was a feign to get him to lower his guard he would not fall for it. “I failed to protect your brother and I have no way to show you how sorry I am for that failure other than with my own life. So, I give up. You win. Kill me, if that is what you want. Take my head, but let my ponies go as we agreed upon. Take me as a prize back to Saddle Arabia. Have your way with me until I bear you a foal, if that is what you want. I won’t resist either. But know that no matter what you choose that your actions right here and now have far reaching consequences that will affect the entire world.”

Sunset dropped to the ground, bowing her head. “The choice is yours and yours alone.”

“SUNSET!” Fog Gauge screamed. His heart pounded in his chest. He knew his orders. He would have rather died than dishonor his princess by disobeying them, but his heart screamed at him to help his friend. He loved her too much to do nothing and watch her die.

“This… this can’t be happening. Why did she do that?! Is this part of some plan?” Flurry cried out. “Please, tell me this is part of some grand, elaborate plan!”

“I…” Fog felt his hoof wrap around his staff. He felt his muscles tighten, his wings beginning to unfurl. Now, he understood. Luna was not here for Sunset. She was here for him and all the souls he was about to damn to Elysium for breaking the terms of the duel. Tartarus had come for them all and the soil would be red from the blood he was about to spill. My princess, holy Mistress of the Night, my beloved Tempest, Saber, and Dusk, please forgive me for the sin I am about to commit in the name of love and duty. May my foals forgive me someday for my failure as a father and a lunar guard.

Gauge took one last breath and raised his wings. Then, the staff in his grip remained frozen in place and icy cold breath was tickling his right ear. How had they gotten so close without him noticing, Fog wondered. A familiar voice spoke softly and froze his blood as well. He was unable to move. “Stand fast, captain. You are about to witness something few have ever truly seen.”

Fog’s wide yellow eyes turned and just to his right. Far too close for comfort, beneath a hooded cloak, stood Sable Nimbus smiling, flashing her pearl white fangs at him. Vertically slit white eyes against black scleral that had an eerie glow to them gestured back to the fight. His head turned automatically as if an unseen force had seized his jaw and forced him to watch the event unfold. It felt as if time had suddenly stood still. His sensitive ears able to hear a pin drop from across a room were reduced to a constant ringing tone.

“What is happening?” he felt himself say, distant and hollow as if not from his own throat. Maybe he had just thought it and the former thestral was just able to read such from his mind.

Sable smiled more. “The realization and acceptance of one’s destiny.”

Prince Alsame Aldhahabiu narrowed his eyes at the mare laying submissively before him. She had discarded her weapon and was now bowed down, completely helpless, save for her magic. If she used it however, it would be a violation of the terms and even if he was unable to give the order to attack a general or his father would. She had to know that, which would mean it was not an elaborate ploy. And yet…

“You would surrender even though I gave you a fair chance to spill my blood?”

“I don’t want to spill anypony’s blood. I want friendship. I want peace. I want us to come together and prepare for the realization that malevolent creatures are trying to destroy us all and it began just like this, by trying to drive us apart. Lastly, I want to give you the one thing your father won’t. A choice.”

The prince swung his sword around and lifted Sunset’s chin with the tip of his blade. The crowd grew silent as more than a thousand pairs of eyes watched on. “You would give yourself to me? Let me do whatever I want to you without resistance and bear my foals if I so wish it?”

“If that is what you want for the loss of your brother, to achieve peace. As long as that is what YOU want and not your father or the grand vizier or whatever, then yes. Do with me as you will. I submit.”

Alsame expected a quaver to her voice, a lone, manipulative tear. Something to try and sway him. What he got was a strong, resolved mare that stared him down, from the ground, without blinking. Like the goddess that she was often called. His eyes briefly flicked over to the wedding earrings in her left ear. Even in chains, as a prisoner, forced to do whatever his darkest desire could think of, Sunset Shimmer would never be broken. He knew that. More so, that was not the life he wanted for the mother of his foals... When he finally met her.

The sword left Sunset’s chin and cut a small gash along her left cheek that dribbled just a small line of blood. Sunset winched at the sting, but only for a moment.

“You failed to protect my brother. The failure was placed upon you, Princess Sunset Shimmer. I wished for blood repaid for the blood lost. That, is all I wish from you.” Prince Alsame held up his sword for as many to see the thin line of crimson upon his flawless steel blade. “The blood has been repaid. Let this matter be concluded.”

Prince Alsame smeared the blood upon his own cheek to clean the blade then returned the sword to its sheath. He was about to order his soldiers back to the ships when a raspy voice boomed from several rows back.


The Saddle Arabians parted as the sultan, flanked by two large Al Haras guards broke the semi-circle. The old coral colored horse had discarded a number of his robes and it was painfully obvious much of his muscle mass had left him, showing bones barely contained by fur and skin. His blue eyes were sunken in and a bit clouded, but piercing as ever and they were darting between his son and Sunset Shimmer, who was still lying on the ground.


“What do you think you are doing, foal?”

Sunset slowly climbed back to her hooves and carefully gathered her power. Something was pressing on her senses. She took a chance and glanced to her left and had to do a double-take when she noticed the midnight pony in the black cloak casually approaching. Luna?

“Khaya is gone, father. Taking this mare’s life will not change that. And I refuse to force myself upon her against her will. I am a prince and such vile acts are beneath me. There are plenty of beautiful mares from our wealthy and noble families that will provide me with strong, healthy foals. We do not need an alicorn even if Celestia promised one to us.”

The sultan snorted and raised his head. “You dare defy MY wishes? I have ruled our lands for seventy long years! The longest reign of any sultan in our written history! I know what is best for our lands and what is best for you! You will take that princess’s life or I will!”

Sunset narrowed her eyes on the sultan, her horn beginning to glow red. “Your son and I came to an understanding. He achieved a peaceful solution on his own and spared both our nations the horrors of war. Why would you be unsatisfied by this? Unless…”

Alsame glanced back to Sunset, his anger and confusion to the entire situation creasing his features. “Unless?”

“You didn’t care about the results of the peace summit and you didn't arrive with a large enough force to cut across Equestria to Canterlot by force. You set up this trap here for us before we even began, knowing this was the most likely flight path of travel we would return to Canterlot along from Mount Metazoa. You were going to ambush us and have blood and chaos no matter what. Because…” Sunset narrowed her eyes, focusing on a small, star shaped gem along the lapel of the sultan’s cloak. It pinged her spell when she detected an anomaly. Sunset’s horn lit up brighter as she tried to grab the gem in her telekinesis. The sultan hissed, his eyes changing color and features morphing slightly to something otherly before her and the prince’s eyes.

Shaytan!’ shouted Alsame.

The Saddle Arabians scrambled. Many of them grabbing their weapons and shields having only seen part of the exchange. All they knew was that the princess had stood and was now using magic on their holy sultan. The Al Haras charged on trained instinct. Sunset had to release her grip on the gem or risk being stabbed by the guards thrusting at her with spears. She rolled back and glanced over at her own ponies. They were also charging forward. DAMMIT! NO!

“KILL THEM ALL!” shouted the sultan, his voice layered with another. One that felt sick to the ears that heard it and dark as black tar oil. It sounded so fundamentally wrong that it even left a sour taste in the mouth.


It was unclear in that moment who shouted it louder. Sunset Shimmer or Alsame Aldhahabiu.

Prince Alsame drew his sword again and blocked the downward slash from one of his own guards that would have cut across the back of Sunset’s neck. Sunset retrieved her staff and blocked the strike from Gauge’s staff that would have crushed Alsame’s skull. The prince and princess were driven back into one another by their own guards, both motivated to fight and protect without hesitation.

Sunset held her breath as the moment dragged. Once she was certain she would not hurt Gauge and before Flurry Heart could barrel through an entire frontline, Sunset unfurled her wings, releasing a massive vertical column of fire. Everyone who was near her was driven back or to the ground to escape the blistering heat.


The heat wash stopped both armies in their tracks, forcing them to back away from one another. Prince Alsame glanced up at the angry, fiery alicorn through squinted eyes and could only lay on the dirt petrified with awe at the destructive might Sunset Shimmer could call forth so quickly. Separate auras of magic seized the black armor pieces that the bat ponies had been carrying causing them to float and spin in the air around the furious alicorn demigoddess. One by one the piece fell into place, interlocked, and reassembled the princess’s black and gold armor set. The glowing fire rubies in the crown and peytral hummed with barely contained power. Prince Alsame realized in that moment that while they would have likely won the battle by numbers alone, it would have cost them nearly every single soul they had. So much blood and loss and for what? A single word echoed in his mind. Chaos.

Sunset turned her glowing red eyes to the sultan. She dropped the smoking, partially melted staff and summoned her soul blade, Godslayer, leveling the flaming tip at the Saddle Arabian leader. For an old horse who was just fur covered skin and bones he jumped back to his hooves rather quickly. Too quickly. What was also unnerving and just a bit nightmarish were his eyes again. Gone were the piercing blue orbs that his eldest son had inherited. Instead, they were larger, peach colored, with cat like, vertical pupils.

“Void I presume?”

“Close,” the creature purred. “Care to guess again, little pony?”

For the second time in Sunset Shimmer’s life she found herself staring down an enemy when a glowing, dark blue weighted chain shot past and wrapped itself around the neck of said enemy. It had been no less surprising the second time around at the swiftness of the attack or its precision. The creature that was possessing the sultan would have agreed had it not been the one on the receiving end.

“Thou doth not need to guess who controls the suffering body of the holy sultan, Cosmos. This one remembers thee well enough.” Luna tugged and the chain became translucent, pulling a creature from the suffering sultan kicking and screaming like a ghostly exorcism. The mixed and matched, feline like spirit of malice struggled against the chain and her hold on the gem that was grounding her power to the host. Luna scowled as she pulled harder. “You messed up my lunar rock gardens.”

Sunset pulled the prince and Gauge to their hooves, using her telekinesis and push them back to the ever growing circle of onlookers behind her. She would not risk either of them accidentally being touched by Luna or if the chain snapped. Alsame fought against Sunset’s magical hold as he reached for his father, who was convulsing and struggling as Cosmos continued to latch on to him like a leech.

“FATHER!” Alsame turned to Sunset with desperate, pleading eyes. “Please, princess! I beg you! Save him!”

Sunset quickly assessed the situation. It was clear that Luna was trying to separate the spirit from her grip on the sultan, but was also trying to not kill the sultan in the process. Because of her caution, she was unable to gain any more ground and it was the sultan who was suffering for it. Sunset glanced down at her own sword.

“I can try separating them, but… it may kill your father no matter what I do.”

Alsame’s eyes were flowing with tears as he anguished over what to do. Sunset understood his hesitation all too well. It was an impossible choice and yet he still had to choose. The prince nodded and finally said, “Please.”

Sunset nodded in turn and stepped closer. One of the Al Haras moved to thrust his spear at Sunset on instinct to protect his sultan. In the blink of an eye, the spear was knocked to the dirt by Gauge’s staff and the prince’s sword.

“My prince?”

“You will hold your place! All of you!” Sunset glanced back and Fog Gauge and he nodded, assuring his princess he had her back no matter what. Cosmos caught the movement and snarled at the approaching alicorn. It was bluster at best given her translucent form and that Luna had an iron grip on the creature with no plans to let go.

“Aunt Luna, I’m going to try and cut the stone free. Be ready,” Sunset called out. Luna nodded her acknowledgement. She next turned to Flurry Heart who had been pacing impatiently on what to do. “Flurry! Be ready with your best shield in case this thing goes boom!”

“NO!” choked out Cosmos. “I will not go back to the moon! I will not be powerless for another century! This was my last chance! He will kill me if I fail again!”

“Do not worry, fell creature, I will not be as merciful as Discord and place you somewhere as serene as my beautiful moon. I have a much darker, deeper pit in mind for you.”

“What do you mean, ‘your last chance?’ Are you talking about Void? What do you know?”

“Sunset!” Luna hissed, “Free the sultan now, interrogate her later!”

Sunset raised her blade, the red flames growing hotter and more intense. She pointed the tip at Cosmos, before lunging and slashing downward at the star gem on the sultan's cloak. The gem broke with a thunderclap of released power. The old horse collapsed to the ground and the prince rushed over to collect him. Sunset shook the sound from her ears and turned back to Cosmos who was now encased in an energy sphere, the chain now wrapped entirely around her body and neck. Luna let out a breath and nodded in satisfaction to Flurry Heart. It was then that Sunset understood that the shield was hers and not Luna’s. It was an incredible shield that only Twilight probably could have done better.

“Nice spell matrix.”

“Thanks. Everything about shields I learned from my dad.”

Sunset nodded then lowered her sword, letting much of the flames die down but did not extinguish it yet. Her eyes turned to Luna first. “Not that I don’t appreciate the assist, but what are you doing here?”

“I am always pleased to help you, beloved niece, but as you surmised, that is not why I am here. I am acting in my official capacity at this moment. Removing that malignant spirit was just part of the process.”

Sunset shivered. “Official capacity” was a nice way of saying she was here to collect. Given the situation, Sunset would have guessed Death was here for a bloody battlefield. Failing that… Her eyes turned to Sultan Al Hisan Ealia, then back to Luna. “All this way for one soul?”

“A special soul deserves special treatment,” Luna said casually as she strolled up to the father and son.

Alsame glanced up at the tall, dark alicorn who smiled softly at him. “They said you were dead. Are… are you real? Ruh Almawti?

Luna bowed her head. “’Ana huna liltakhalus min alamih.

“Please,” choked out the sultan, lifting a shaky hoof to Luna. “That foul muskha has hurt many. It cost me my little colt. Everything hurts so much. Please, I beg you, rahim alqumar.”

Luna took the extended hoof and deftly lifted the sultan away so that he was now resting in her forelegs. His shaking stopped immediately and he sighed with relief. Alsame shuddered a sob, but smiled when his father turned his head and smiled back at him. His cloudy eyes clear and blue once more.

“My son, my first born. I never worried about the stallion you would become. Always so strong. You were a gift from the heavens and a miracle to my heart and nation. Your mother and I tried for so long to have foals. As you know, your sister were adopted. We had all but given up. Then, I was blessed with two sons. Blessed sun in the sky, I missed your mother and brother so much.” The sultan turned back and looked up at Luna, a small, serene smile never leaving her midnight blue face. “It feels so good in your embrace, princess. No fear, no pain. Have I done enough good in this world to earn peace? Will I see my family again?”

“You have lived well, Al Hisan Ealia. Son of Faras Jamil and Al Hisan Al’abyad Aleazimi. Be at ease, your family will greet you upon the golden shores with smiles and open forelegs.”

With one last sigh the sultan closed his eyes. Luna set him down gently then rose with a small glowing sphere that Sunset knew was his living soul. Luna bowed to the prince and stepped back where another cloaked figure, that Sunset had not notice earlier, was waiting. She passed the sphere to the waiting reaper, Sable Nimbus.

“See that it is done.” Sable bowed, turned to Sunset Shimmer for just long enough to show her face and wink, then disappeared.

The prince retrieved his father’s body and stroked his face while quietly whispering a prayer or last rites. Several others fell to the ground crying and joined in the mourning prayer. Either way, Sunset did not wish to intrude and had another creature to deal with.

Quietly, Sunset stepped away from the scene with Gauge falling into place just to her right. She came to a stop a short distance away and glared up at Cosmos who growled defiantly. “Talk.”

“And what do I get if I do? Hmm, princess? Maybe a prison in the ground would be preferable to solitary confinement on the moon. Scraping for magic scraps to try and form a new crystal to hold my power together. I fail to see the benefit for me in all this.”

“If Void put you up to this then he must be keeping tabs on you. If you know where he is or how to find him I can negotiate for something better than what Luna has in mind for you. That’s got to be worth something to you.”

Cosmos tapped her chin and glanced to Luna, not an ounce of compassion in her dark, hollow eyes. “Well, I suppose having the Goddess of Death in my corner does give me a certain layer of protection. And who knows. Perhaps I can even get Discord to come visit me. I do so miss my cute, wittle draconequus. He had the most adorable snaggle tooth smile and squeezable haunches.”

“Oh, GAG!” said Flurry Heart.

“I would turn you into a head of cotton candy flavored broccoli for that if I had the *HURK!*”

Sunset arched a brow then glanced to Luna. “Luna! Don’t strangle her!”

Luna narrowed her eyes before swiftly glancing about. “This is not my doing.”

Flurry shook her head violently. “There’s… something…” Her eyes shot open wide. “It’s inside my shield!”

Luna growled. Her horn flashed and the illusion melted away revealing a massive claw reaching through the energy shield, strangling Cosmos. The massive claw continued up the arm to a shoulder. Two gold and orange eyes flashed. To Sunset, she saw what appeared to be a large red dragon nearly three stories tall. Flurry Heart saw a blue draconequus with massive deer antlers and a ring in its nose like a bull. Every one saw something else. Only Luna saw him for what he really was. The Alicorn of Chaos.

“VOID!” Sunset brought her sword to bear once more, the blade flashing from red to golden light.

Then, the creature chuckled sardonically and nearly every creature in the surrounding fell to their knees holding their aching ears. “Pathetic. I am so tired of pampering my failures. Though I suppose in this case, it does not really matter. The end is near, the omega beast will find you all.”

“You… *cough* promised me… power…”

“Coward! You will not be able to hide from us!” Luna shouted. “Aine knows of the beast. We will find you and make you help us stop it.”

Void held up his large bear claw, thumb touching middle finger. Sunset had seen Discord make the same gesture and knew exactly what he was going to do next. “You are right, Cosmos, I did promise you power. Take all the power you could ever want.”

Sunset shook off the ringing in her ears and launched herself at Void, sword in hoof and belting out a ferocious battle cry.

The alicorn god snapped his fingers.

Author's Note:

Whooo boy. I think I added 2k more words to this just in the last read through. Mostly trying to add to the intensity and over all description. I think it worked well. I probably changed the title to this chapter 3 times maybe 4.

So what just happened? You'll see. It's not over, not yet.

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