• Published 3rd Apr 2022
  • 1,326 Views, 484 Comments

Alpha and Omega - Revel Montaro

For every beginning there is an end. Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer stand side by side as the rulers of Equestria, as beacons of hope against those that seek said end, as the darkness closes around them and the walls press in.

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Chapter 21: Gimme Shelter

The train to the Crystal Empire had departed early the next morning as soon as all travel materials were loaded and the entourage had been able to guide an only partially awake Sunset Shimmer to her sleeper car where she immediately passed out once more. Raven had dutifully pointed out to the others that Sunset had been ‘surprisingly’ a good girl and only drank a little bit of alcohol the night before. Twilight Sparkle soon after stated that she too would need a nap, then began to blush profusely when she stated that she and Sunset had not fallen asleep until late. Flurry Heart laughed at her aunt’s beet red face causing the purple alicorn to retreat from the conversation. Swiftly. Twilight bid them all a good day and stayed with Sunset for the first couple of hours of the trip, cuddling her new wife and enjoying the first morning of their week off. Eventually, Twilight's stomach growling finally won and she reluctantly untangled herself from Sunset's forelegs to go find the others and sustenance.

Without Luna to fill in as she had gladly done so in the past, Twilight had hesitantly agreed to allow the nobility council to continue to meet and legislate without a regent. However, nothing was allowed to be passed without her consent and review, which would be taken care of upon her return. With Sunset Shimmer taking half the workload Twilight was not concerned about getting backlogged as she had in the past. Isabella had strongly encouraged the council and merchants' guilds to focus on the needs of the city and their families and not attempt to sneak in new rules or budget changes that either Twilight, Sunset, or especially Raven would find upon their return. The glare that the PAAL driven artificial intelligent robot shot them on the way out of the assembly, even with her illusion in place, sent chills down the spines of many. Raven saved a still shot of their faces and moved it to her personal favorites folder for safe keeping.

“Hey! Sleepy head!”

Sunset Shimmer had snorted harshly and rolled out of bed, missed her step with the train bunk not being the same height as her usual bed, and stumbling to the floor in a heap. Her horn was glowing red and smoking, eyes wide open and searching about frantically for an enemy to blast. Instead, she was met with a satisfied, shit eating grin from a light pink alicorn with mixed, cotton candy mane.

“Flurry Heart!” shouted Cadence. “I said wake her gently!”

“Fire… BAAAAAAD,” added Raven miming a gesture of explosion.

“Fire on train that has just been blown in half, worse,” said Twilight, gently pushing her way to the front carrying a large steaming mug of coffee. “I’m sorry, Sunny. If I knew she was going to do that I would have just handled it myself.”

Sunset Shimmer yawned and scratched at her side grumbling something unintelligible before accepting the cup, taking a long draught. “Just remember, little pony, I know where you live.”

The hollow threat was met with a playful smile. "Little?"

“Anyhow, we are about an hour out from arrival so, it’s time to get up and prepared for departure,” said Cadence with a finality to her tone. Flurry knew it well and said nothing. “Normally, this would not be much cause for change in procedure, but there are four princesses on board this train and two of whom are now married. Sooooo…”

“Media and sneak-a-peek madhouse, got it.” Another yawn escaped the goldenrod alicorn. “Did I sleep all day? I thought it took longer to get the empire than this.”

Twilight happily beamed and nuzzled into Sunset’s cheek. The sensation made them both smile. “Remember, I had this all planned out loooong in advance. That means all the lines that would normally be in our path were diverted to other tracks. We are on the most direct route and traveling light with a rotating engineer crew so there was no need to stop.”

Sunset nodded. “I do love when a plan goes according to… plan. Ugh. That was terrible. Bad Sunset. I’m not awake.”

Cadence giggled a bit and nodded at her cousin. “The empire citizens will settle down after the first few days and things should be normal as far as security presence, but there is no telling how many others were aware of your plans to honeymoon up north. Expect at least a few sneaky dignitaries and a rabid fan or two.”

Sunset groaned. “The dignitaries are all Raven’s to destroy, but I wish Gauge was here for the rabid fans.”


Sunset spotted Lieutenant Sprocket behind the crowd of alicorns and winced a bit sheepishly. “Uh, sorry?”

“Nothing to apologize for, Your Highness. Fog Gauge is the captain for a reason and we all respect him greatly. Still, I’m proud to be head of your security detail for the week.”

Cadence gently tapped the thestral on his shoulder. “Have yours and Lieutenant Holder’s team prepare for our arrival. My captain should already have imperial security in place, but I won’t take any chances with my entire family on board.” The thestral saluted and hurried down the train car.

Sunset turned back to Twilight and nuzzled her once more. Once was never enough as far as she was concerned. “Gonna spend the whole week in the library?”

“Probably not the WHOLE week," Twilight said with a giggle, "but as much as I can without being rude. The place is absolutely amazing! You are going to love it!”

“I know I will. Heck, maybe we can just borrow some camp gear one night and stay in the library after closing hours too.”

“That would be so much fun! I haven’t been camping in ages! Though, this would be more like a sleepover camping since it would be indoors and in a library… which sounds even better!” Twilight said, clapping her hooves together adorably. Sunset giggled at the thought as well, settling in next to her wife while finishing her coffee. Flurry Heart had brought over a variety platter to share that Sunset gladly accepted. The remaining conversation had been light and playful the rest of the ride into the train station.

As Cadence had predicted, there was quite the crowd at the perimeter with signs and banners congratulating the two princesses on their marriage. There were crystal ponies and tourist jockeying for the best spots to snap pictures of the diarchs the moment they stepped off the train. What was not expected was the large contingency of yaks that had their own banner that read: Official Sunset Shimmer fan club of Yakyakistan.

“How do I have a yak fan club?” Sunset said through clenched teeth and a forced smile. “I’ve never even been to Yakyakistan even when I was Celestia’s student.”

“At a guess, from what I have read of yak culture, it is either because you are hot, literally and figuratively,” Sunset shot Raven a questionable glance with an arched brow, “or it has to do with your tendency to smash things. Yaks smashing things is ingrained in their culture and your destructive tendencies may be seen as endearing.”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Well, I guess as long as none try to propose to me, I can live with that.”

Twilight shifted a bit and flapped her wings. “Agreed. You know we still have not resolved that ultimatum situation with the Saddle Arabians. The grand vizier left so quickly after we lifted the ban on rail travel in and out of Canterlot he did not even say goodbye. He and what was left of his guards were already aboard their train and then, poof, gone.”

“If it makes you feel better, I will draft a letter to have either the grand vizier or King Al Hisan Ealia visit the empire. I think from what you have said this can be resolved before it escalates with some savvy third party negotiations,” said Cadence, giving both Sunset and Twilight hugs and nuzzles. The crowd cheered and the camera flashes were so constant Sunset desperately wished she had brought some sunglasses. After a few poses and waves, Cadence stepped out front to lead the entourage to the palace while the guards took their flanking positions.

“Thank you, Cadence. I would really appreciate that. The fact that they declined to attend the wedding left a pit of worry in my stomach,” said Twilight with a relieved sigh once she had a moment.

Sunset gave Twilight an extra nuzzle before turning her attention back to Cadence. “Be specific in your intentions in regards to the prince or else he may ask to marry you instead. I got the feeling from the letter the grand vizier flashed us any princess would do.”

“Ugggghhh!” said Flurry from directly behind Sunset and Twilight. “don’t get me wrong, the crown prince was nice to look at, but he was just sooooo full of himself. Even with my head fogged I remember that.”

“Sounds familiar,” said Sunset, taking a moment to wave to the yaks. They immediately crowed and cheered. One smashed a rather thick log across his head making the others cheer even louder. Sunset blinked a few times, but held her smile just in case.

“Regardless,” injected Twilight, glaring at Sunset and then Flurry. Her eyes darted from each of them to the crowd just beyond the cordoned lane of travel. Reminding the two other princesses that they were not in a private setting and that words traveled. “I want the issue resolved as quickly and peacefully as possible. Celestia knows we have enough problems to deal with.”

Sunset thought about commenting that her mother probably really DID know about all the happenings over the last month. A small pang in Sunset’s heart stung as she thought about Celestia and her daily absence. Sunset simply shook her head, buried her sorrow, and said nothing. It was sometimes best to just keep moving.

The crystal palace was, as always, quite the sight to see. Upon closer inspection Sunset Shimmer could not help but compare the large crystal structure to a robust amplification antenna. Given how the love and light of the crystal heart traveled upward from the bottom of the structure and out across the sky for all to see and experience the comparison was justified. The other part of Sunset's brain pointed out that one had to be in excellent shape to deal with the numerous sets of steep stairs throughout the palace interior. There were freight elevators, but those were primarily reserved for staff and equipment. All in all, the building was a marvel of architectural engineering.

“I find it illogical and yet extraordinary fascinating that the magic of their love and light heartedness is what keeps the frozen north at bay and makes the empire warm and livable,” said Raven, taking a moment to scan the surrounding and commit much of the layout to memory. “Princess Cadence, does the empire experience all four seasons or is it always spring time? I have not had the time to research this curiosity.”

“We have all the seasons, but they are all quite mild. The summer is warm, but never hot and the winter does bring a bit of snow through the shield, but never a blizzard like the frozen lands beyond the border. Spring and Fall are nearly identical other than what color the leaves are. It's easiest to think of the city as an oasis.”

“And even though it is cold out there, other creatures do live beyond the range. That’s the border of Yakyakistan that runs west along the ridge and there are enclaves of reindeer as well,” added Flurry Heart. Raven nodded her thanks for the new information.

“I believe I will also be partaking in the library slumber party. My information on the empire is inadequate and I wish to remedy that.”

“Dinner first, everypony,” said Cadence. “My staff has prepared quite the arrival feast and welcome.”

“Grilled crystal corn with salt, butter, and all spice?”

Cadence smiled lovingly at her daughter. “Of course. They would never forget to include your favorite.”

Flurry Heart squealed happily. “YES!”

Twilight Sparkle glanced to her wife and nuzzled her, ignoring the extra camera flashes from the crowd. She next turned to Cadence and nuzzled her and finally turned to Flurry Heart and nuzzled her niece. They all appreciated the gesture and smiled in turn. Twilight was happy. It made her heart soar being surrounded by friends and family. Even if it was only for a fleeting moment, all was right with the world.

Sunset Shimmer did not consider herself a scholar. At least, not by definition. She did not deny that she was smart, smarter than many, in fact. Part of that had to do with hard work, but most of the credit went to her near perfect eidetic memory allowing her to lock facts and figures away for later use with great clarity. It was something she bragged about as a bratty filly, but that was long ago. Nevertheless, as she stood at the doors, the intellectual side of Sunset's head was absolutely blown away by the sheer quantity of material the Crystal Library had right at a hooftips.

“Now I see why you joygasmed when you mentioned this place. Ichiwawa, this place is HUGE.”

“I know, right?!” Twilight said while flapping her wings and hovering off the ground for a second.

“I mean, the Canterlot archives are impressive, but this place is something else.”

Raven came to a stop next to the reception desk. The elder stallion looked up and had to adjust his glasses, a warm smile creasing his features. “Can I help you find something, miss?”

“Please direct me to the map archives. I would like to get a full lay of the imperial city including topographical surveys. For these last two trips by train, I have had to calculate the distance between Canterlot and the empire based on speed and time of day, which has inaccurate variables. I wish to correct that.”

“All the maps you could ever want are on level two in the Green stacks.”

Raven glanced up and nodded. “Color coded sections. Simple and effective. I like it.”

“Take as long as you like,” Sunset called out. “Cadence says we have the whole place to ourselves now, no interruptions. Guards have been stationed at all the exits to ensure privacy.”

Twilight used her magic and carefully extracted a book from her bag and set it on the receptionist desk. “I would like to return this to the chief archivist. Please tell him I was able to successfully copy it without any damage. Considering all that has happened recently I am quite proud of that fact.”

The librarian nodded and collected the ancient tome, carefully taking it to the archivist section. Sunset took advantage of the moment of privacy and pressed her lips to Twilight’s, earning a surprised and pleased squeak from the purple princess. Once they separated Sunset whispered, “Cadence also said that we can stay as long as we like and do whatever we want until the dawn. No press, no staff. Just you and me... and Raven, but she knows how to be quiet. It's her other wedding present to us.”

“Private time with my wife in one of the greatest libraries in the world. Now that is an amazing present.”

Sunset smiled and nodded. “Just tell me if you need anything. All we have to do is ask.”

“All I need is you… And maybe that comfy sofa over there after I go pick the first books I want to go through.” Sunset laughed and smiled. She gestured and Twilight was off and running for the shelves. They had all week, but still, a ‘honeymoon campout’ in the library for both quiet privacy and intimacy was the perfect present for Twilight Sparkle. Sunset made a mental note to thank Cadence later for making the arrangements on such short notice. Sunset set her saddlebags down that contained sleep gear and some snacks for their all-nighter in the library. She took in the surroundings again and chuckled quietly. We are such dorks.

“Now, let’s see, what I can find that might be of interest to me.”


Isabella Windsong absolutely loved her job… most of the time. It was safe to say that was still statistically better than most. And not just in regards to being a griffon in Equestria. Though, admittedly, she did not think of herself as a stereotypical griffon. She preferred pony food and rarely ate meat, she loved Equestrian weather and culture, and truthfully, all her best friends were ponies. She was in fact meeting one for breakfast before having to meet with the council later for a light duty work session in a few hours. It should be an easy day giving her plenty of time to relax herself. Maybe get a professional wing preening and back massage done.

Isabella stopped at the wood and glass door before her and looked up. The generic strip center of three individual offices were deceptively larger than the plain brick and stone showed at ground level. These buildings, which were in fact interconnected, were the Canterlot Royal Guard recruitment station, a private school for fillies and colts of the guard, and a daycare for the foals who were still too young for proper schooling. The entire facility was run by the pony she had come to see and hopefully steal away for an hour for both pleasant conversation and because she knew the mare probably needed the change in pace.

Isabella entered the recruitment center, but had a feeling Commander Tempest Fury was not in her office because she rarely sat down long enough. The young stallion who had been at the front desk perked up and stood to greet the visitor. He recognized her immediately.

“Good morning, Miss Windsong. If you are looking for the commander she just stepped out to do an inspection.”

“I suspected as much. Just thought I would start on the left and work my way right.” The guard nodded and pointed to the door that read, “staff access only.” Isabella knew where to go and nodded her thanks.

The middle section, which was the largest by floor volume, housed the school. Given that there were not too many students, the different groups were divided by sectional walls to provide a partial sound barrier and privacy to the different teachers to conduct their lessons. Currently there were six full time teachers, all former guards covering everything that the fillies and colts would have learned at any other public school or academy, but received more individual, hoof on attention and learning from an instructor who understood the difficulties of the job and the stress it put on all family members.

Isabella did not hear the voice of the pony she was looking for and continued to the daycare section. It was here, in the middle of the floor she found the stout vermilion unicorn telling a story to a dozen young foals. They were just finishing up their breakfasts and were completely enraptured, hanging on every word the mare recited from the children’s book. Powerful, jade green eyes looked up from the story briefly before returning to the book she had in her hooves. After another two minutes Tempest closed the book earning a round of cheers and hoof claps.

“Alright, time to head out to the yard for a quick stretch and flex, then Ms. Gale will break you into groups for creative time.” The foals all cheered once more and ran over to the pegasus with the prosthetic wing and hindleg. Ms. Gale happily marched the herd outside. Tempest hung back and kissed a unicorn colt on the top of his head before he joined the others. She had to adjust the golden circlet helm on her head so it would not slide off over her broken horn stub.

“Hey you,” Tempest said with a chipper smirk. “What brings you down to the trenches?”

Isabella smiled and held out her claw that Tempest happily hoof bumped. “Needed some exercise and wanted to come see my friend. Thought I might steal you away for a bit so we could have breakfast.”

Tempest nodded. “If you had asked me two weeks ago I would have said no, but I’m all staffed up now and we are getting into a groove as far as lesson plans and operations. I can spare it.”

“I did ask you two weeks ago and you did say no.”

Tempest scratched the side of her head. “You did? Yikes. Maybe I do need to step back a bit. Twilight’s micromanaging is rubbing off on me.”

“All for a good cause.”

Tempest nodded in agreement, a pleased smile spreading across her face. “Yeah. Let me check on Dusk Wind and I’ll meet you out front.” Isabella nodded and exited. While Isabella would gladly admit that Tempest’s youngest foal was absolutely adorable she felt no need to intrude on mother/daughter time.

It was strange and yet at the same time so fluid and natural how the once mighty and feared Captain of the Solar Guard had slipped into the role of being a nurturing mother. Not that the change in rank or position had made her any less formidable in the griffon’s opinion. In fact, when it came to protecting the students and staff Isabella had no doubt her unicorn friend would be even more fierce than she was as captain. Broken horn be damned. Both her foals were there.

Isabella shook her head as Tempest stepped out and smiled.

“So,” Tempest began, “I hope you have some place close in mind. I trust my staff, but it’s still too early to play hooky and take the whole day off even for a friend. Not to mention, I used to think I was going to die under the weight of paperwork leading the solar guard. Now I have three departments under my watch and a school board always ready to breathe down my neck if they think something is not up to their precious compliance. Twilight warned me starting a school from scratch was no small feat, but daaaamn I want to punch a bureaucrat some days.”

Isabella chuckled. “The rank may have changed but you are still a guard through and through.”

Tempest shrugged. It was not the playful reaction the griffon had been hoping for, confirming hers and others’ suspicions and the real reason she was checking in. Captain Fog Gauge had quietly asked Isabella to stay in touch, worried that his wife was still quietly suffering from her out of body ordeal at the hooves of the necro witch, The Red Clover. Many had suffered from the witch's magic, but none possibly worse than those whose very souls had been torn from their bodies. Tempest, sadly was the only one to have survived the dark magic. Still, Gauge knew his wife well enough that she would be too proud to ask friends for help on such a personal matter, but thankfully not too proud to push them away if they knew how to apply the correct amount of leverage. Isabella gladly offered to help.

Isabella gestured and the two began to walk down the street. “Be honest with me, Tempest. How are you really doing?”

Tempest sighed and rolled her eyes. “Fog put you up to this, didn’t he? I love that damn bat, but he just doesn't know how to let it go.”

“He did ask, but I am concerned as well. So are Twilight and Sunset. So, I ask again, as a friend, how are you?”

They walked on in silence for another half block before the unicorn sighed, ran a hoof through her pink and white striped mane, and rubbed the back of her neck. “Mentally, I’m good. Sure, I had some seriously bad nights, we all did, but Sunset helped me tremendously with the nightmares and I haven’t had one in weeks now. I’m enjoying my time with my staff, they are all great teachers, and I absolutely love spending time with and teaching the foals. It’s honestly a travesty that this sort of support for the guards and their families had not existed with royal backing before now. Shock of all shocks! We’re so damn stubborn and proud that none asked for help even though Twilight or even Celestia would have approved this sort of support without hesitation.”

Isabella agreed and nodded. “I’m glad you are enjoying your work. You really are an excellent mother, if I have not said so before.”

“You have, but thanks. It’s still good to hear.”

“However, there is still hesitation in your voice.”

Tempest nodded. “Mentally, I’m good. Physically… I don’t even really know how to describe it. I feel… detached.”


“I don’t know if it’s the broken horn or having to relearn how to channel my power flow or because I was outside of my body for so long, but everything just feels… dulled. It’s so damn frustrating! I will my body to move a certain way and it does, just like always, but my reaction speed is so much slower than it used to be and often it is accompanied with either muscle fatigue or light pain. And it's not getting any better. That’s ultimately why I stepped down as captain. I know doctors and the guard medics have all told me that I just need physical therapy and time and I’ll be back in shape, but that’s not it. They just don't understand. When I touch things with my hooves or nose, heck, when I tried to make love to my husband. It just feels off. I’m... I'm not sure if all of me came back from that bottle prison when I restored.”

“I can see why that would be troubling.”

“I’m not the best anymore and it pisses me off, sure. But, worse than that… I feel like I’m failing Fog as a wife because he is trying soooooo damn hard to be there for me to pick up the slack and, and… He was going to accompany the princesses to the Crystal Empire for their honeymoon and I asked him not to go, but not for the right reasons. I know he loves me with all his heart, but… I have doubts in myself, if I’ll ever feel right again. I don’t know if I can be the wife I was. I don't know if I can... He does everything he can to pleasure me and, and... I’m afraid, Isa. I hate being afraid.” Tempest had to fight down the tears and sniffle that tried to escape. “So, I’m throwing everything I have left of myself into being a good mom and post commander. I have to. Otherwise, all I think about are the things I can’t do and how I'm letting those I love down.”

“I do not know how to fix this. But I do know how to listen and to be here for you, Tempest. I only wish you had said something sooner. You know that the princesses would make the time to help you if there is a way to correct this with magic.”

“Yeah, sorry. That’s the soldier in me. 'Whatever doesn’t kill you, only kills you slowly. Gives you time to finish the mission.' It was something my dad used to say.”

Isabella blinked a few times, wrinkling her beak. “How crude.”

The incredulous expression on the griffon’s face caused Tempest to burst out laughing. It felt good to laugh. Had she not been in her dress uniform Tempest would have hugged the griffon tightly. Instead, she settled for the more common, friendly hip bump. Isabella smiled and gestured to the Manehatten style bagel shop.

After a delightful breakfast and some light workplace conversation that had no consequence, the pair started back towards the school. Isabella’s side pocket on her vest began to vibrate. She rolled her eyes and extracted the Sunlight Crystal. Sunset Shimmer said that the next generation crystals would have an identifier that she said was called, “Caller ID.” Until those were available, she would just have to speak and listen to find out who was disrupting her.


“Miss Windsong?”

Isabella recognized the voice as the supervisor of the castle cleaning and maintenance staff. “Yes, Mister Tidy, go ahead.”

“A courier just stopped by the guard check station at the front gate and left a message that appears to be closed with an official diplomatic seal. He informed us it was for the princesses.”

“I understand and thank you for holding it. I will be there shortly.”

Tempest arched a brow. “Problems?”

Isabella chuckled. “Always. However, these are of the political variety. I can handle it.”

Tempest nodded. “Thank you again for breakfast and listening. I guess that was all weighing on me more than I realized. I probably owe Fog an apology and we will have a lot to talk about later, but that's just married stuff. We’ll have to do this again soon.”

“I am but one call away and you are always welcome to visit, my friend. Even bring the little ones, I enjoy seeing them.” They exchange a friendly hug before heading back to their respective duties.

Isabella arrived at the front of the palace minutes later. The guards at the gate nodded and recanted the story of the messenger. What they mentioned that the staff supervisor did not was that the messenger was a Saddle Arabian. That fact gave Isabella a pang of worry. Surely, if it was something important he would have waited to ensure it was delivered properly. Hopefully just a standard congratulations on the wedding and a call for a summit at some point. So much was left unfinished.

Isabella entered the castle and found Mister Tidy waiting near the grand staircase. He had obviously been pacing. “Good morning, Carver.”

The balding pony with the small mustache nodded politely and quickly passed over the scroll the guards had entrusted him. It did indeed have the royal seal of the Sultan of Saddle Arabia on it. Hesitantly, Isabella took the scroll. While she had the authority to open it herself, given that the princesses were away, it might be best to wait until she was in the meeting with the council in an hour. With that decision made, the griffon left the entryway for the conference room and waited.

Lord Grand Gesture was the current chair of the council and merchant’s guild. They were the “check and balance” to the royal court. Or so that was the line that they sold to the public and their fellow merchants when the topic arose. The reality was their power only extended as far as the princesses allowed it. A fact that Sunset Shimmer reminded them of whenever they needed reminding. At the end of a flaming sword if need be.

The portly green stallion was the first to arrive at the meeting and was surprised, but only just a bit, to find Isabella Windsong waiting with a cup of tea. He nodded and took a seat at the center of the half moon table and the two waited in silence, shooting one another the occasional glance. It was not that they did not like one another, they just stood on opposite sides of the ‘fence’ and a certain level of separation was seen as necessary to remain objective. Appearances were sometimes terrible things, especially professional relationships.

Five minutes later the remaining eleven members of the council entered and took their seats. Even in the last few years the demography of the council had changed. What had once been only Canterlot elite and old unicorn families now included two griffons, a wealthy pegasus who owned more than one hotel, and Huff, the dragon merchant and landlord. His daughter, Sulfite, was at ground zero during the final battle against the Red Clover at the School of Friendship. From the look on his yellow-green face he was doing much better, stress-wise.

“Good morning. Before we begin with where we left off, we received a scroll early this morning from the Sultan of Saddle Arabia,” said Isabella standing from her seat. She held up the scroll for the others to see.

“Since I can still see the seal, I assume you have no idea what it is about?”

Isabella nodded to Lord Gesture. “I have many assumptions, not all of them good. Since it was addressed to the princesses and they are not currently available I thought it more… diplomatic to open it before all of you.”

“An unnecessary, if appreciated gesture of cooperation, Miss Windsong,” said Lord Sterling Platinum. “The crown, oh, pardon me, CROWNS, are not always so forthcoming with sharing information.” The jab was noted, but not worth delaying further over.

“Which is their prerogative. Nevertheless, here we are. Let us all find out how bad the news is.”

Isabella broke the seal and unrolled the scroll. She silently read until one of the nobles cleared their throat. “Oh, pardon. The first part is standard pandering of title and acknowledgment of the control of the celestial bodies. Saddle Arabians are, as I understand, highly superstitious on these matters. I will read the rest aloud.

“Having been informed of the events in Canterlot by Grand Vizier Muhasib and the most unfortunate loss of my son on diplomatic envoy we, the nation of Saddle Arabia, call upon our Equestrian neighbors to pay tribute and penance for such grievous loss and damages. As Sultan, my personal loss is great and I demand a price equally as great….”

Isabella stopped reading and her claws began to shake, tearing the edges of the paper.

“Miss Windsong?”

Isabella looked up at the gathered nobles and merchants with wide gold speckled eyes. “E-Equestria will pay a life for a life. I demand that one of the princesses of Equestria marry my eldest and only remaining son, Prince Alsame Aldhahabiu, for the intent of bearing a foal and heir of the purest noble blood the world has ever known. Refusing this most reasonable demand, I then demand, on penalty of open war and the blood of many, the execution of one of the princesses. To restore honor and peaceful, balanced relations.”

Isabella dropped the scroll. She was sure the rest was just a time frame or outline on when and where such was to take place, but her heart had started beating so fast she had almost thought it had stopped. “I… I need to contact the princesses at once. Please, excuse me.” She quickly scooped up the scroll and ran from the room.

Author's Note:

Goooood evening. So, as was pointed out. The Saddle Arabian sultan was not done trying to throw his weight around.

Slumber Party in the Crystal Library! Books! Snacks! Possible bits of naughtiness, but not too much because it interrupts the reading of books!

Chapter 26 should be done this weekend, plus, I think I may try my hand at one of the many writing contests up right now. Got an idea that I think would be fun. I think I can squeeze out 4-10k on a side story without much interruption.

Questions? Comments?

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