• Published 3rd Apr 2022
  • 1,329 Views, 484 Comments

Alpha and Omega - Revel Montaro

For every beginning there is an end. Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer stand side by side as the rulers of Equestria, as beacons of hope against those that seek said end, as the darkness closes around them and the walls press in.

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Chapter 18: (Don't Fear) The Reaper

Though it was a mid-spring night it was mild and actually quite pleasant. Not too hot, not too cold with only a light breeze about. A beautiful night all things considered. The front door to the Friendship Castle opened and Smolder dared to stick her head out as most of the noise and yelling had finally settled. Spike ran over to his wife and happily wrapped himself around her and their son in her arms. The baby dragon cooed at the sight of his father and happily drooled on both his parents. Smolder checked Spike over quicky, finding a new laser burn on his back, but he brushed it off. He had experienced worse. Nothing else needed to be said on that matter and they nuzzled one another. The warm reception went instantly still.

When Smolder and Spike exhaled they both saw their foggy breath and shivered from the chill that passed over them, huddling closer to protect their son from the unnatural cold and frost as it permeated about. Spike watched as the ice formation descended the crystal walls and over the door. Without a second thought, he pushed them back inside against Smolder's objections and closed the door. He turned to stand guard despite his shaking from the sudden temperature drop.

The line of creeping chill passed over the ponies and other creatures standing about, each feeling it's stinging bite and each shivered as the cold left bits of frost over their coats. It tried to frost Sunset Shimmer, but her wings unfurled into flame and the chill went deliberately around her. Something that she took careful note of.


Sunset glanced to Twilight, then back to Luna. There was an unexplainable familiarity to this chill even if she could not quite place it. All their eyes came to focus on a singular spot on the grassy ground under the branchs of an oak tree where the cold seemed to be gathering and the darkness began to expand. The circle was so black it made the night seem bright and no light escaped. One felt that if they stared at it for longer than a second it might just pull them in. The oily darkness slowly rose up and began to take shape. Seconds later it formed into a tattered black robe over a large, pony-shaped body that only four black legs could be seen at the base. The opaque hood scanned about for a moment, then turned directly to Datura.

“Samael!” she said with far too much enthusiasm and a nervous laugh. “Been a while, darling. How have you been? You look as spry as ever. New robe?”

“Subtle,” Tempest quipped, floating just to Datura’s right with her husband still standing before her, unmoved by the potential dangers of proximity.

The black hooves reached up and threw the hood back. The face was one that all the alicorns present knew well for different reasons. His fur was a clean and finely brushed umber color with a dark sable mane that was back swept and neat and was framed nicely by the crown just behind his impressive unicorn horn. As before, only the eyes were the wrong color. They were black as coals instead of a warm forest green.

“King Sombra?!” said Flurry in disgust.

“Not just Sombra,” Sunset said with a growl under her breath, her eyes taking on a slight glow of intensity. “Mirror world Sombra. My father.”

“His likeness. He was an exceptionally handsome stallion I will comfortably admit, but I am not him,” Samael said without turning his gaze from his primary quarry.

“Oh, we all know quite well who you are,” replied Sunset, still keeping her wings out and muscles tight and ready to move. Her instincts were screaming at her to stay alert and she knew to trust them.

“Then you know why I have come, Ignis Ferrum Incarnate. Step aside so that I might collect a debt that is mine. One of which is long overdue.”

Sunset settled her wings and gestured to Datura. “She’s all yours. Make sure you put her some place really terrible for all the shit she’s done.”

“Rest assured that I have plans for this particular soul. I have had a great deal of time to contemplate what I want to do with her for the insult and crime she committed against me. I normal would not venture to this living place to collect a fallen. It is a menial task best left to those I have for such, but Datura is a special case.” Samael’s black eyes locked with Datura’s and he smiled in such a way that Sunset shivered uncomfortably despite her personal feelings about the witch. Any thought of asking what he had in mind was immediately discarded in favor of keeping what little was in her stomach in place.

Samael raised a black hoof and all the floating souls were pulled towards him no matter how hard some tried to fight it. Including Tempest Fury.

“Hey, wait a second!” shouted Sunset Shimmer. Her protest was echoed by several others. On instinct, Gauge had reached for his staff. Sunset waved at him to stand down. “You can have the witch, and unfortunately, I think all these others their bodies are dead now too…”

“I can’t believe I’m dead!” cried Prince Khayalium. “This was a terrible idea! I hate Equestria! And alicorns! I just want to go home!”

“Uh, right, anyhow. Tempest Fury’s body is in stasis back in Canterlot. She’s alive! We just need to get her back into it.”

Samael paused, blinked and turned his head. The motion reminded Sunset of a predatory bird examining its surroundings or prey carefully. He stepped closer to Tempest and she flinched as he examined her with unblinking scrutiny. Much closer than any of them were comfortable with. Sunset wanted to order Gauge to step back since he had not moved an inch and was now in touching range of the large alicorn stallion. After a few heartbeats the lord of death spun around without a sound under his hooves and returned to the dark corner he had emerged from.

“I see no difference," Samael finally said without a smidge of sympathy. "She is a soul outside of her mortal bindings. She must come with me for her own good. A lost soul is both a danger to the world and a tragedy.”

Gauge hissed and Luna growled.

Sunset held up her hoof and moved to place herself between Samael and her friends, but not too close in case she needed to jump back from his reach. The little angry demon voice in the back of her head that guided her instincts at 'Fort Shimmer' was running up the biggest red flag in the arsenal. Practically screaming at her to be ready. “That’s not fair! She never crossed the river into the golden city, never left our world. Tempest was pulled from her body against her will. She has a chance to live the rest of her life before coming to see you many years from now. There’s no reason for this.”

“On the contrary, little pony, death is the ultimate fairness. All are equal in my unbiased eyes. As for reason, the moment her body and soul became separated she would have come to one of my reapers and been escorted to me had it not been for the Red Clover. That is the natural order of the world set out by Aine and myself long ago when we began this game we call the life cycle. Tempest Fury's life is over no matter what you have done with the mortal coil. She belongs with me now. Know that she will be taken care of and want for nothing in the golden city like all good souls deserve.”

Sunset summoned her sword and set it aflame, low but still a quick flick from an attack position. “You’re not listening. What she wants is to stay here with her husband and two foals. This was no accident, she was taken from her body against her will. You are NOT taking her away.”

Samael arched a handsome brow, his eyes locking on the burning sword before him. Sunset hated how kind and attractive he appeared and now understood why it upset Twilight so much when he had taken the form of Shining Armor as a means of uncomfortable distraction. “You would dare raise THAT weapon to the ready against me? Have you no manners? A single touch of my hoof upon you, Sunset Shimmer, and this entire conversation becomes moot. Would that be a more preferable arrangement?”

“You will not touch her, unholy, fell creature of darkness!”

Samael glance to Luna and for a moment appeared genuinely hurt by the statement. “Well, that’s just being rude, niece.”

“This doesn’t have to get ugly,” said Twilight, raising her hooves to try and settle Luna and Sunset. “I’m sure this is just a misunderstanding in communication. We, as in all of us, will not interfere in your sacred duty to ferry the souls to rest, but only those we cannot save. Tempest Fury, our friend, her vessel is not dead yet. We have her in stasis and we were trying to rescue her and stop Datura from hurting anypony else. Please, leave Tempest so that we can put her back.”

“I came to collect what I am owed. These souls need to be taken care of. They would require a vessel here and now. Are you offering yourself in trade, Twilight Sparkle?”

“OH, YOU CAN JUST GO FUCK YOURSELF ON THAT!” shouted Sunset. Her eyes glowing bright enough to light up the surrounding momentarily.


“I second the motion!” said Luna.

“Third!” added Flurry Heart.

“You guys are really not helping!” shouted Twilight between clenched teeth and a forced smile.

Samael scowled so darkly that all his fur became blackness before returning, his demeanor once again calm and neutral. “Very well.”

The robed pony raised his hoof in a swift motion and Twilight gasped and fell to the ground unmoving, her eyes rolling back in her head and chest falling silent and still. Above the purple alicorn was a floating ghostly apparition of Twilight Sparkle appearing just as stunned as the others gathered.

Several beings screamed Twilight’s name, loudest of all being Spike, but Flurry Heart was a close second, her horn taking on a bright golden glow. Luna flung more than one scathing insult as did ghostly Tempest who struggled against forces she had no hope of overcoming. Even Clover shouted in protest to the hostile gesture.

Sunset Shimmer, however, just stood there, completely stunned. Her eyes locked on the still form of her fiancé and fellow diarch of Equestira. Those deep amethyst eyes unblinking, mouth slightly agape, and her velvety soft, indigo mane no long waving with ethereal, celestial power. The surrounding world slipped into a background of hollow buzzing. That… that didn’t just happen… No... Not after everything we have already been through. She… she can’t be…


“Sunset!” Her lips did not move, the body lying still, motionless. Sunset heard her name called out in that familiar, pleading voice, but it came from above. Her wide teal eyes finally glanced up to see her lover floating like a ghost, helplessly, terrified beyond comprehension.

“You insult me, child of Celestia. It is unwise to insult a god. But I am gracious. I am fair. I will give you the opportunity to choose. You may have Tempest Fury back. As you pointed out, she is still fairly young and has two foals and a devoted husband. But in exchange I will take Twilight Sparkle for your unnecessary and frankly ugly transgression. Or, I can put the princess back and conclude my business of the evening. Choose and do so quickly. I have things to attend to.”

Sunset Shimmer squared her shoulders, doubled her magical grip on her floating sword, and let out a long, steadying breath from her nose that smoked like a dragon. Her body no longer shook and much of the surrounding chill began to recede from the radiating heat she was suddenly producing.

“Let. Them. Go.”

“Is that your choice?”

“Dammit, Sunset!” shouted Tempest, “I’m not worth the risk! Do the smart thing for once in your life and save Twilight!”

Sunset let out another fiery breath and her eyes had turned solid teal, two glowing orbs shining brightly in the dark. “I’m not choosing. I am in no mood for this cliché villainy shit. You are putting Twilight Sparkle back and you are giving us Tempest Fury right fucking now. I’m not warning you again.” If Twilight could sweat in her current state she imagined she would be now. In all their years of friendship and more she had never heard Sunset Shimmer speak with such dangerous calm before. There was nothing behind those burning eyes except pure anger fueled conviction. Amazingly, Sunset's fur was still goldenrod and not demon red. Was this the weapons golem they had spoken of taking over? Did Sunset even realize what she was doing? A curiosity she would have loved to investigate under better, less life threatening circumstances.


Sunset Shimmer did not dare turn her head. Her eyes were laser focused on the creature before her. She unfurled her golden wings once more and her blade burned hotter and brighter than it had during the battle from earlier. The surrounding area was bathed in sunlight hot energy that burned as brightly as a magnesium flame. Samael growled and squinted, stepping back and shielded his dark eyes from the golden-white ambiance.

“Arrogant, insolent mortal clay. It seems I owe my brother an apology. Void was right about you. You are more trouble that you are worth. You defy the balance that Aine and I so carefully maintained since the last fall. You are an insult to the sanctity of the game and lack even the most basic of respect to your betters. I should have collected you in the In Between when I had the chance a hundred years ago, before you completed your ascension. As was my right. But Aine wanted to be the one to do so. The Incarnate did not need a soul to perform its duty, but she hesitated when she glimpsed your soul and now here I am cleaning up her failure. Typical.

"You, Sunset Shimmer, are a mistake. A flawed creature born from a flawed demigod of a creature to fulfil a purpose that you are unworthy and clearly incapable of shouldering. I will be having a long talk with Celestia about her poor decisions after I drag you and the others below and think of a suitable punishment for such a profoundly disrespectful brat such as you are. I suppose Belldandy and Chaz will just have to be mad at me for all the work I’m about to give them.”

Sunset raised her blade to eye level in preparation to strike. His rant rang upon deaf ears. Only half of it made any sense. She had no idea how fast Death was or if he even played by the rules of normal magic and physics… and he only needed a second or less to kill her. Those thoughts were all quickly suppressed. They did not matter. If he was going to take Twilight against her will then he was an enemy and Sunset would fight all of Tartarus and then some to save the other half of her heart. If this was the end, then at least she would die as she lived. Defiantly. I’ve only got one chance. Mom, if you are watching this, pray for me. And if not, well, I guess I'll see you soon.

“Goodbye, nuisance. Die knowing your petty mouth killed this entire world.” Samael threw his cloak back revealing his jet-black body and wings, focusing all his attention on the goldenrod alicorn before him.

Flurry was too stunned to move. How had things descended to such a standoff so quicky? Without her full power what could she do other than stare? Even if she jumped in the way it wouldn't save Twilight. She hated being powerless. She wanted to cry, but that anger and determination was fuel as well and she would burn it all if need be. Sunset and Twilight were family. There was no greater sacrifice than for those you love.

Clover had seen many things in his unnaturally long life. He had even dabbled a bit in a few religions that worshipped some gods and goddesses in different dimensions just for curiosity, clarity, and to kill time. Never, not one, single, time had a deity ever appeared before him. Now, here he was, home, back on the most magically charged planet in the known multiverse and standing before him was the avatar of death itself. Brother to Mother Creation. He was caught between paralyzing fear and giddy curiosity. His thoughts lingered to his old mentor Star Swirl and wondered what he would have made of all this. He could practically hear the old stallion huffing and puffing as his little bells jingled about.

Spike flexed his claws in and out. He had been listening intently to every word even if he did not understand half of it. All that mattered to the brawny purple dragon was to save his sister and their friend, Tempest Fury. The details could be sorted out later. He was not sure if dragon fire could harm such a creature, but the moment he saw a chance to unleash a blast on the dark alicorn lord he would try. They had lost enough loved ones over the last few days. They were not losing any more on his watch.

Fog Gauge had faced alicorn gods before, albeit a bit smaller. He had stabbed Aethon the fire aspect and it had nearly cost him his life. He knew his duty was to protect his mistress and the princesses. That should have been his only concern. That fact alone should have been enough to make him cry out to save Princess Twilight no matter what. But he could not do it. Not this time. His wife's life was in the balance and he would face down any god or demon for her.

Gauge glanced to his left and found the soul of his wife still awe struck at the entire exchange and helpless in the living world to do anything. He glanced to his right and found Twilight Sparkle’s soul floating just as powerless not far from Princess Sunset Shimmer who was ready to attack the Lord of Death himself. It was a sight that was terrifying and awe inspiring. She was an unmoving bulwark of raw power and emotion, ready to fight for love and friendship to save both their lovers.

Sunset Shimmer was the very definition of a goddess in that moment, before his eyes. As many had often called her mother, Celestia. She was poised, powerful, beautiful, a being to be revered and respected if not outright worshipped. If they survived this night, he knew who he would pray to each day after as thanks. He would tell his children how he proudly fought beside and served a true goddess worthy of the name.

Fog also knew the moment the fight began he would join. There was no honor in this, no rules, just survival or die. If it came to death, he would throw himself between them if it meant buying Sunset the precious few seconds she needed to slay this creature and save his wife and princess goddess. His heart would accept nothing less. Gauge steeled his fury and prepared to strike against the impossible once more.

No eyes were on Luna. Which was exactly what she had been waiting for as her horn burned blackish blue from the spell she had been quietly conjuring. It was a long incantation, but none of the other creatures on the battlefield were paying attention to her and the longer the standoff the better the chance she had at success. If that was even the right word to use. It should not have come to this.

Luna held the last of the matrix in her mind and opened her eyes. There was no time to second guess, no time to doubt her decision. The alicorn God of Death had made his intentions clear and she had every reason to believe his words genuine. Though it was logically untrue, her heart and soul bore the regret that, in so many ways, she had failed her family and Equestria as a whole.

She had fallen to jealousy and the poisonous words of Scylla long ago and left Equestria without a guardian of dreams for a thousand years. For a thousand years Celestia had to carry on alone. Even after exile Luna felt she had been a piss poor princess when it came to administrative duties and had jumped with almost no hesitation at the idea of retiring alongside her sister when Celestia had chosen to stepdown for Twilight's reign instead of remaining as the lunar diarch. She had failed to save her sister when death came for her. She had sacrificed loved ones to save her niece. No more failures. She would not let her beloved thestrals die for nothing. Sunset Shimmer would live to see the dawn. This, the final oath of the Princess of the Night.

Luna teleported herself to reappear directly behind Samael. She lunged forward and hooked her forelegs under his and pulled him back into her chest. At the exact same moment Luna released the spell she had held and telekinetically pulled Sunset’s sword out of her niece’s grasp, straight through the hearts of a distracted Samael and herself. In her last second of thought Luna was pleased that dying this way did not hurt as much as she had feared.

Sunset felt Luna’s magic wrap around her own on the sword handle. It was a cool and relaxing sensation, much like how Luna's aura felt when they were working together on dream walking. She had no idea what her aunt was planning and just waited, focusing all her attention on what Samael would do. Twilight had been down for a minute already and after more than two minutes would start to suffer damage to her brain if they did not do something quickly. Despite the dangerous calm and simultaneous, barely contained anger, Sunset was also worried she would fail and they were all about to die horribly. The thought of never giving Twilight that dream wedding she wanted so badly just made her all the more furious.

Suddenly, Luna teleported. Sunset gasped with wide eyes as the dark alicorn grabbed her uncle even knowing what touching him would supposedly do. “LUNA!”

Sunset felt her sword move without her and plunged easily through both alicorns. The hot, golden blade buried completely into Samael’s chest up to the hilt. Death looked down upon the blade, his mouth agape in a silent gasp or scream. Both Luna and Samael were then pulled completely into one another, their bodies becoming a black goo that exploded outward for a moment with enough force to throw those closest off their feet or hooves and back a few meters. The goo then stopped in mid-air and imploded back to a single point and melted into the ground leaving the grass dead and soil discolored and sharp like fired glass, obsidian sand. Sunset's sword fell to the ground, flamed out, and disappeared.

No one spoke. What could any of them say? The night had gone completely silent.

Sunset scrambled back to her hooves and checked over herself. She could feel her armor was intact and her heart pounding in her chest. She was still alive. Her scanning about told her others had done something similar. Her eyes finally turned to Twilight, still floating there outside her body, completely dumbstruck at what just happened. Then, finally, back to the blackened soil. All remained quiet. Not even the critters of the night made a sound.

“Aunt Luna.”

“Well, that was most unexpected.” Everyone turned to Datura who had a shit eating grin plastered on her ghostly face. “Congratulations, princess, I think you just killed Death! Got to love those twist endings.”

“Is there a way to smack an ethereal being so they can feel it? Because I really, REALLY want to smack her right now,” asked Flurry Heart.

“Oh, no, sweetie. I’m as dead as dead can be now. But feel free to attempt to beat a dead horse as the awful saying goes.”

“Sunny,” Sunset turned her attention back to Twilight who was trying to move or swim in the air. They were running out of time and they both knew it. “I… I don’t know how to get back into my body! Did you ever read a necromicron? How do I do this?!”

Sunset shook her head and refocused on the situation. “I, I don’t understand. If Death is not holding you here you should just go back to your body, right? I mean, if this is anything like dream walking or deep, interdimensional diving. What are we doing wrong? L-Luna knew more about this than I did! I… She… oh goddess… Luna… my Aunt Luna is gone!” Despite her best effort. Sunset felt tears stain her cheeks. “Gods above... I’ve lost them both.”

“Princess,” said Gauge with great urgency in his voice, “Sunset, you must focus. Place Princess Twilight in stasis if you cannot return her to her body just like you did with Tempest.”

“Right, yeah. That’s a good idea. I, I can do that.”

“I know how to get her back into her body.” Sunset paused her casting and glared at Datura who was floating backwards as if sitting in a nonexistent lawn chair much like Discord would do. “I am, after all, an expert necromancer.”

“I don’t trust you.”

Datura giggled and purred. “Nor should you, dear. However, you are running out of time and I am in need myself. So, fair exchange is in order here, wouldn’t you agree?”

Sunset glanced to Twilight. “Talk fast.”

“I know the necessary spells to put the pretty purple princess back and I now need a new body for myself. Find me one. Living or dead is irrelevant, but I would prefer a pretty mare if possible. I do have standards.”

“Any who have died recently would be because or your magic and hooves,” said Clover without bothering to hide his disgust.

“Yes, yes, husband. Blood on my hooves, blackening of my heart and soul and all that song and dance. Tick tock, tick tock. Alicorns are hardy creatures, but after more than two minutes without oxygen even dear Princess Twilight will start to suffer permanent brain damage. And her brain is an absolute treasure as I have seen myself.”

“Fine,” growled Sunset, “but you have to put Tempest back as well.”

“And then you let me go.”

Gauge hissed, Flurry scoffed, and Spike shouted, “WHAT?!”

“After everything you have done you think you deserve to walk?” Sunset growled the words as much as spoke them.

“Darling, what I deserve does not come into play here. I honestly did not want to come back here and do all this to begin with. I was put into a dangerous corner and tasked with a job with the quasi-metaphorical knife to my throat. So, I did that job to my fullest. And look what it has cost both of us. The dark agendas of gods and monsters go far beyond our station. As I told you before, I do not wish to be a pawn in their game. I want to leave this world again and never return. Is that so much of a price? Is your lust for vengeance against me worth what it will cost you?”

Sunset wanted to smack the living crap out of the Red Clover as much as Flurry had wanted to do it only moments ago. The witch was right and had bargaining leverage over them. As much as she hated to admit it, as long as Datura did what they asked vengeance and justice for all the lives lost were secondary concerns.

Sunset was about to concede when a deep bubbling sound like a tar pit caught all their attention. Every set of eyes, physical and ghostly, turned to blackened spot where Luna and Samael had merged and sank into the earth. The black beyond black circle was expanding once more.

“Oh dear. I suppose it was too much to hope for that even an apex soul blade was enough to destroy an alicorn god.” Datura tapped her chin with a hoof and smiled. “I imagine he is going to be soooooo mad at you. He might even forget about me for a bit… this could be an opportunity.”

Sunset glanced to specter Twilight, then over to Gauge, Clover, and Flurry, then back to the forming, inky blackness that was once again taking the shape of a pony in a long, black cloak. She needed a plan. Any plan. Not good, not good, not good. There is no way he is going to give me a chance to...

Datura’s ghostly spirit moved and reformed as it funneled itself down into Twilight’s body. Suddenly, the purple alicorn blinked rapidly and took a massive gasp of fresh air. When she stood Sunset did a doubletake and realized it was not Twilight in her body, but the Red Clover.

“OHHHHH MYYYYY GOOOOODDESSSS!” The voice sounded like Twilight, but the pitch and accent were all wrong. As was the power hungry, gleeful, smile on her face. “So, this is what being a real, full alicorn feels like? This. Is. GLORIOUS! I should have just done this from the start! SO MUCH BEAUTIFUL MAGIC!”

Sunset growled and reformed her sword, horn glowing with a powerful stun spell. “We had a deal! Get out of my fiancé’s body right the fuck now!”

“Or what? You’ll kill me? No, I think not. Besides, with my arcane knowledge and Twilight’s near bottomless mana well, together we might have a chance at containing this creature. So, hush that pretty mouth of yours and face the greater threat here or I will cut you down and just go back to my run away plan WITH Twilight’s body.”

Sunset snarled, but turned to face the forming black goo that was taking final shape. The goo as dark as crude oil dripped away to reveal a black cloak much as it had before. Two black hooves reached up and pulled the cloak back and Sunset’s jaw slackened. The creature before them shook out her stardust blue mane and leveled an unamused glare directly at Datura.

Hesitantly, with a crack in her voice, Sunset whispered, “L-Luna?”

“Oh. Shit. Well, I’m out!” Datura attempted to teleport, but the spell failed and a painful spike of feedback caused Datura to yelp and stumble about. The imposter Twilight shook her head and dove for the dimensional necklace that was still on the ground where it had fallen. She scooped it up in her hooves, but it disappeared a moment later, appearing around ‘Luna’s’ neck.

Datura slowly stood and raised her hooves defensively. “Samael, darling. I know you are upset, but remember wh-”

The cloaked pony raised her hoof and Twilight’s body fell to the ground again with ghostly Datura once again floating in the air above it. Datura looked down at herself and shouted, “Oh, come on!”

Hesitantly, Sunset turned her full attention back to the pony that looked like Luna, knowing full well that Death had the ability to appear as whomever he/she pleased. She gulped the lump in her throat and held her sword firm and in a defensive stance. It thankfully only shook a little.

Finally, after several wordless heart beats, Luna met Sunset's eyes and spoke. “Be at ease, beloved niece. We will do no harm to thee.”

“How do I know it’s you and not Samael just waiting to catch me when I’m off guard?”

Luna closed her eyes and nodded. Her horn lit up, the aura a blackish color, but with flecks or midnight blue mixed in. She once again gestured to Twilight’s body and ghost Twilight, who had been floating nearby, was drawn in. Disappearing within the fallen physical form. A second later Twilight gasped and scrambled to get her hooves under her.

“Twily!” Sunset released her sword and quickly scanned Twilight for any residual traces or traps Datura might have left. As far as she could tell, everything appeared normal. They would have to double and triple check later.

“I’m okay. I’m okay. I…” Twilight turned back to Luna who had already stepped away and approached Tempest and Gauge.

“M-Mistress? Is it really you?”

Luna paused and contemplated the question for far longer than what should have been needed. She flashed a thin smile and nodded to the thestral. “Honestly? Yes… and no. I… I am me, but I am… not as I was. I can feel the entire world. All the lives… the push and pull of the universe itself. It is... loud, chaotic, and yet also frighteningly beautiful. I... I know I am Luna, at least, I know I want to be. I have my memories, but I have his as well. I sense… the ember that was Samael's soul, a dark, black flame that is only happy in the darkest corners. He whispers to me even now. I am not Samael and yet… also not Luna. Not anymore.”

“I… I am sorry, mistress. I failed to protect you.”

Luna smiled motherly. She wanted to wrap her hooves around the young thestral, but knew she could not. Having to stop her once instinctive reaction lest accidentally kill him. “It was my choice, Fog Gauge. I knew what I was doing even if I did not know the results.”

“But, how?” asked Sunset.

“You used my soul cleave spell, didn’t you?” said Datura who had been trying to slip away, but could not control her movements. Her curiosity finally got the better of her and she joined the conversation. None of the eyes that turned to her were pleased.

Luna scowled at the witch, her black eyes sending a shiver down the witch’s nonexistent spine. “Yes. I knew my body would die by touching Death. A price I was willing to pay to protect those I love most. I had hoped that if I separated my soul from my body just before that perhaps I could hold or waylay him just long enough that we would both find ourselves back in Tartarus and I could keep him there. It appears however, that Sunset’s soul blade caused us to merge instead.”

Luna turned her black eyed gaze back to Sunset. It took everything the goldenrod alicorn had not to physically shudder at the unblinking, unsettling gaze. “This. This is the power that Samael and Void feared. The power of the Incarnate blade.”

“I… I don’t understand,” said Sunset.

Luna gestured and created an image of Sunset’s sword. “A soul blade is a weapon that anypony has the ability to conjure should they have the magic and will to do so, but… and excuse the pun, it is a double edged sword. The weapon is powered by three sources. Your will, your special talent, and your soul. Your will gives the blade fortitude, your special talent gives it purpose, your soul gives it power and by drawing upon it, shortens your life.”

“WHAT?!” shouted Flurry Heart. “Well, now I’m glad I don’t use one!”

“But I’ve summoning this thing for years! How much of my life have I expended?!”

“Fear not, beloved niece. Not only do alicorns have long lives augmented by the magic of our world you now have the life energy of three others who gave their lives for you. You will be fine.”

Sunset grimaced and suppressed her sigh of relief, remembering clearly which lives Luna was referring to. “So, what happens now?”

Luna returned her attention to Tempest Fury, who had been waiting quietly and patiently. “Now, we make everything as it should be.” With a gesture, Luna drew all the souls other than Tempest and Datura towards her, gathered them into a small sphere of shifting light. Once together, she passed the sphere to a shadowy figure off to the left that none of them had seen until that moment. For just a second, as the figure turned its black, cloak covered head, Sunset thought she caught a glimpse of umber brown fur and red mane. The shadow took all the souls, bowed, and faded away.

Luna next drew Tempest towards her but then raised her up and blew on the soul like a filly would do to a dandelion. Tempest felt herself turn to mist, which floated in the sky towards Canterlot. She nodded the moment it was done.


“Go, my child. Fly to her and be there when she awakens. She will need you greatly after such a traumatic ordeal.” Gauge bowed deeply to Luna, spared one glance to Sunset who nodded without hesitation, before jumping and flapping as hard as his leathery wings could manage. The silence once again lingered... until all the attention was now on the only out of body soul remaining.

Luna once again turned to Datura and smiled. It was NOT a pleasant smile. “And so, we now come to the final problem of the evening. I know what Samael had in mind for you, Red Clover. I think it is a fitting punishment and I will admit to taking great pleasure in seeing it carried out.”

“Luna, great princess of the moon and night. There is no need to make this so personal. Just let me drink of the river and I’ll throw myself into the well and that will be that. As I understand I will forget everything I have ever known and will gladly step into oblivion. It's clean and simple and you will never see me again… please?”


“Little moon?” Luna turned her eyes to Clover who had remained back and quiet. “May I ask what will become of her?”

“You are better off not knowing if you value getting a good night’s rest ever again. Your wife is gone, Clover the Clever. This cancerous shade that remains is that of a twisted monster and will be dealt with appropriately. Swiftly and without mercy.” Luna carefully levitated the dimensional slider back to Clover and released it to him.

Clover looked down at the device and sighed heavily. “Would… May I ask that you take me as well? So that I can at least be closer to her? I have already lived many live times past my due. Am I not also so profane as she?”

“No. Your punishment for your failure to bring this to a close sooner and for your blatant inability to see and accept what a monster she had become is to live out your stolen years. If you attempt to end your life prematurely, I will know and you will not like what I will do to you.

“I sense decades of energy in you. Life that belonged to others so as to keep yourself young and fit. More than enough time to reflect upon your decisions and make amends. This is my decree. Live your life, Clover the Clever. Find penance in good deeds as you once did. Aid and serve Equestria in whatever fashion you feel is most effective. Only then, will I allow you peace upon the golden shores.”

“I… I understand. T-Thank you, little moon.”

Luna wrapped a glowing blue-black chain around Datura’s neck. The Red Clover tried with futility to break the chain and struggled at being dragged closer to the dark alicorn. Luna took a step back towards the circle of dead grass and met the eyes of all those that were standing before her one at a time, finally settling back on Clover. “I am no longer your ‘little moon.’ I… am now Death.”

Luna sank into the blackened earth dragging Datura with her. “Clover! Stop her! PLEASE! Someone! Somepony! ANYPONY! Merciful Goddess Aine, Mother Creation above, I’m sorry, I’M SORRY! Please! Don’t let it end like this! NOT LIKE THIS!”

Clover closed his eyes and turned around, his ears flat and head bowed in shame. Never, even in all the many years he had lived had he expected it to end like this. His heart broke, tears that he thought long shed finally dripping down his muzzle. His thoughts lingered on the memories of when they were young. So long ago, so innocent. Or so he always thought. Ignorance truly was bliss.


The screaming ceased with a bubbling gurgle, the sound of someone drowning. Nothing else was said on the matter. Nothing else could be said. Twilight turned to Sunset who met her gaze. They bowed their heads and crossed their horns sending small pulses of love and comfort energy to one another as they often did when they knew the other was upset.

It was warm and reassuring. A small comfort of solace after so much loss. Finally, once they knew for certain it was over, they spoke together. “Let’s go home.”

Author's Note:

Bye, bye Datura.

What becomes of her? Honestly, whatever you think she deserves that is what she is getting and then some.

One more chapter next week then the intermission probably a few days after that. And, sadly, a small hiatus. I have been running raged at work going 6 days a week and probably will continue to do so which has cut into my energy and Saturday writing time. So I will need to build back up my chapter buffer. I prefer to run with at least a 6 chapter buffer that as I get near the end I can drop them all or for if I hit a snag. As of right now I have chapter 22 done and 23 started. So I'm hoping I only need about 2 weeks off 3 tops and then back in action.

Questions? Comments?

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