• Published 3rd Apr 2022
  • 1,329 Views, 484 Comments

Alpha and Omega - Revel Montaro

For every beginning there is an end. Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer stand side by side as the rulers of Equestria, as beacons of hope against those that seek said end, as the darkness closes around them and the walls press in.

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Chapter 22: Sound of Madness

Sunset Shimmer could always tell when Twilight Sparkle had rolled over to her back in her sleep. Normally, when spooning, Sunset would just cuddle up close and the big purple alicorn would happily snuggle into the embrace. However, there were times when the two would just flop and that often led to rolling. And snoring.

What a mighty snore it was. How she did not wake herself up with it was a wonder for the ages.

Sunset opened one eye from where she was sprawled out on her camping mattress and saw Twilight half on, half off her own mattress, massive indigo and pink striped mane going everywhere, wings askew and legs in the air twitching a bit. Now if only she could take a picture.

“I am so taking a picture of that.” Sunset glanced up at Raven who had been sitting so quietly by Sunset’s head that she had not noticed at first, but her PAAL must have detected the movement and spoke quietly. There was almost no sound, but once Raven looked down at Sunset she knew it had been done. "Perhaps I can use this as blackmail should the good princess ever deny my request for a raise?"

“Pffft," Sunset scoffed. "You are picking up all my bad habits, little filly. Coffee?”

Raven pointed towards the front counter. “Cadence had a catering staff sent over a few minutes ago that I let in. They are setting out a spread in the lounge.”


“Mmmmhrap pfffft luuuuv paancaaake.”

Sunset and Raven turned their attention back to Twilight who had rolled to her side and was drooling all over her pillow. Raven quickly snapped another picture with her eyes.

“It is sometimes hard to believe she is the morning pony and I’m the one who needs caffeine crack just to get going.”

“I personally find you both to be disgusting, leaky meat bags with bad breath and in need of additional hygiene first thing in the morning.”

Sunset stuck her tongue out. “Flatterer.”

*SNOOORE* “Hughuuugh! Whaaa?” Twilight blinked a few times. “Oh, good mor- *YAWN* -ning you two. Is it time to raise the sun?”

Sunset reached out with her celestial senses, which caused her mane to whip about with a bit more gusto. “I’d say just about. I can feel the moon wanting to set.”

Twilight nodded. “We should do that first. Then, breakfast.”

“Which is already waiting for you, Your Highness,” said Raven.

“Thank you and thank the staff as well.”

Twilight climbed the stairs to the second floor where there were windows. Neither she nor Sunset needed to see the sky to move the sun or moon, but it just felt awkward trying to move them without actually seeing where you were moving them to. Or so she said many times while hungry, bleary eyed, and in need of additional sleep.

Regardless, Twilight found an East facing window and reached out with her senses… Senses that were interrupted when she felt wings and a hoof glide over her rump causing her eyes to widen and a small, “eep!” to escape from her lips. Naturally, Sunset giggled at her reaction.


Twilight shook her head and nuzzled her wife. “You are so bad.”

Sunset did not counter argue the sentiment. They both took deep breaths and reached out with their senses and connected with their assigned and kindred celestial body. With a flick of their horns the moon was set to rest and the sun broke the horizon signaling a new day. With that task seen to, it was time for breakfast.

It was strange and at the same time delightfully nostalgic to have ponies either ignore their rank and status or at the very least, just say ‘good morning’ and go about their day but that was exactly what the morning staff at the Crystal Library did as they passed by the lounge and the two princesses eating while they examined some more books in their telekinetic magic.

Sunset chuckled a bit which pulled Twilight from her reading.


“I was just reliving a college flashback. The campus library closed really late and got so used to seeing Twi or me all the way up to closing that the chief librarian once joked about giving us a key to lock up when we were done. And here you and I are after spending ALL NIGHT in the library and they are all like, ‘Eh, those two nerds are still here. Where’s the coffee?’”

Twilight smiled. “It is nice to be just another pony. I forget what that’s like… a lot.”

Sunset nodded and leaned back in her chair, admiring the view of her wife dressing up her pancakes. “It doesn’t matter if I’m popular, important, a nobody, a princess, a queen, an immortal goddess, as long as I get to wake up next to you for the rest of my life I’m okay with whatever the future brings.”

Twilight beamed and pretended to wipe crust from her eyes, but Sunset knew better. When she looked back up her eyes were still shining bright. Twilight stood, walked around the table and planted her lips on Sunset’s. They stayed locked as such, tongues teasing one another for more than a minute. When Twilight released her wife she smiled and whispered, “I had a wonderful evening. Thank you for this.”

“Anything for you, babe.”

“I don’t mean to be rude or interrupt,” both princesses glanced to see a young crystal pony standing there with a mug, “but that coffee smells really good. May I try some?”

Food was eaten, coffee was drunk, some of it was in fact shared with the staff who lingered by the doorway. Eventually it was time to pack up and head back to the palace. They did not have anything really planned for the day, but it was important to coordinate with the others just to be courteous.

Unsurprising, their escort of Canterlot guards and a few crystal guards were just outside ready and waiting. Lieutenant Sprocket blew a whistle as a command and they fell into formation for the short, but quite pleasant walk back to the palace.

As Cadence had assumed, the waiting crowd was significantly less and most ponies and creatures simply waved or tried to snap a quick photo. They were princesses, but day to day life in the empire moved on. The guards hailed one another and saluted as they changed shifts and the princesses were met by Cadence’s personal assistant, Seneschal Fire Sapphire at the bottom stairs. The lithe, light blue crystal pony bowed as they approached.

“Good morning, Your Highnesses. I assume you found our library pleasant and comfortable?”

“I honestly would not leave for a week if I could get away with it!” Twilight replied with a giddy giggle.

“She’s not exaggerating.” Sunset made sure to lightly hip bump her wife who returned the gesture. The guards managed to maintain their composed demeanor through the antics, but Fire Sapphire smirked and winked. The expression was just too lovely for Sunset and she hid her blush by burying her nose into her wife’s indigo mane.

“Is Cadence available? We were hoping to sit down and talk about what our plans for the day will be.”

“I am waiting here for exactly that.” With a gesture, the crystal guards moved to their positions. “Follow me, please.”

Twilight and Sunset were led to a small dining room. Much like how Canterlot Castle had multiple room for different sized occasions the Crystal Castle had the same. The room was relatively small, no more than eight ponies could fit in it without feeling cramped, but it had good natural light thanks to a row of arched windows lining the top of the slanted ceiling. Cadence was sprawled out on what Sunset would have described as a pastel blue bean bag couch with Flurry Heart on another, larger, lime green bean bag that practically swallowed the stout alicorn. In the center of the oval shaped room was a low oval table with a few pastries and tea set out.

“Good morning, love birds!” said Cadence with a playful wave.

“What’s with the bean bags? Is this the Zen room?” asked Sunset with a sassy smirk.

“Hey, I always liked this room!” snapped Flurry Heart.

“Flurry, you look like you are being eaten by the furniture.”

"Yeah, but it’s comfy!”

Sunset rolled her eyes and Twilight giggled. They both took the remaining bags that were, not surprisingly, placed right next to one another. Like with the seneschal, they had been expected. Raven had no desire to sit on the amorphous blobs that dared to be called furniture and chose instead to just stand in the corner and observe. Once settled, Twilight with some tea and Sunset sprawled out completely undignified, the goldenrod alicorn asked, “So, what’s the plan for today?”

“That is entire up to you. It’s your honeymoon, after all. I have a few administrative duties I have to see to at different scheduled times, but for me this is mostly about spending time with my Flurry Heart. You’re both big fillies. I’m sure you can manage.”

Sunset levitated one of the pastries over to herself and turned to Twilight. When the larger alicorn just shrugged, but continued to smile she said, “Well, I hardly know the place so I’m up for anything. Food, tourism, local art scene. I've got four hooves and they work.”

“There is a permanent exhibit at the museum on the recovered and reclaimed history of the empire,” said Twilight. “I’ve already toured it once, but that was many years ago. I would love to do so again and play guide.”

“Sunset laughed and smiled. “See, this is the part where I would call you ‘nerd’ but you told me I was not allowed to call you than anymore.”

“So, is that a no?”

Sunset was once again reminded at how Twilight Sparkle could weaponize her pouts. Not that she had any reason to say no to a casual outing side by side with her wife and a little knowledge. “That sounds like a great place to start the day.”

Twilight brightened immensely and began clapping her hooves. “You are going to love it! They had a grea-”

Twilight stopped speaking when she felt a strong shift in the thaumalogical magical fields around her and the room as a whole. Such shifts that could be detected without a spell or equipment were generally a bad thing. It meant that someone or something was tampering with the naturally occurring mana flow of their dimension and not in a small way. A fraction of a second later something tumbled from a small tear in reality and crashed onto the table in the room, shattering it.

Cadence and Twilight both gasped and jumped back, Sunset completely torched her bean bag with fire as her wings ignited and she rolled to her left with Godslayer fully materialized in her magic, and Flurry Heart flailed for a moment longer until her horn turned her bean bag into fluffy snow filler that slowly fell about the room.

The door to the chamber opened and a set of Solar and crystal guards stormed in and looked about. Ready to take on whatever caused the crash. Raven had remained in her corner, forelegs up with her ferronite gauntlets ready as sharp, high definition eyes scanned about for what caused the disturbance. The tear in space-time halfway up to the ceiling soon resealed.


Twilight raised her hoof to signal the guards to stay back. Sunset, after a few calming breaths lowered her sword even though she did not disperse it. A battered and bruised bird claw rose from the furniture wreckage. Followed by various other mixed and matched animal parts and whom they were attached to.


The thoroughly beaten and bruised draconequus glanced up and managed to smile through the lacerations and swelling. “Ah. So, I did manage to find you after all. Go me. Pardon me while I just lie here for a few years and recover.”

“Damn dude, you look worse than ten miles on the Road of Bones. Hell, I didn’t even know you could bruise.”

Discord spared Sunset Shimmer a glance before closing his more red than usual, bloodshot eyes. “I can understand that. You have seen me shape shift as well as my many, many parlor tricks, but I assure you I can be hurt just like everypony else.”

“Oh my gosh! Why are we just standing here?! We need to get you to the infirmary! Candence! Which way to the-” Discord gently wrapping his claw around Twilight’s hoof immediately stopping her panicked ramble.

“While I appreciate the sentiment, dear Twilight, the only thing I really need to feel better is to have more than a few seconds of not being tortured and torn to pieces.”

“Who did this to you?” asked Flurry Heart with an aggressive edge to her voice. Cadence nodded, wanting a name as well.

“I know the answer even though I hope I’m wrong.”

“Sadly,” Discord said through pained, clenched teeth, “your assumption is most likely correct.”

Sunset scowled, her wings shifting in agitation, about to set more furniture on fire, but she clamped down on her control and forced the appendages to settle. Teal eyes glanced up to meet amethyst. The word, that was a name, tasted sour and bitter in their mouths as they said it together.


Sunset released her sword and it vanished. Twilight dismissed the guards and closed the door once more, assuring them the situation was under control. Raven straightened her frilly collar and sat ramrod straight as she prepared to record the exchange for analysis later if need be. Twilight gently lifted Discord in her magic while Flurry Heart removed the table scraps and Cadence moved one of the remaining bean bags for him to lay upon. He nodded his thanks and made no attempt to argue or alter the furniture to something more to his chaotic style. That only made Twilight even more worried for her friend's wellbeing.

“Do you want some water? A sandwich? I'm sure the staff would be happy to accommodate. Please start back at what happened after you were taken by that glowing claw. When you feel up to it, that is.”

“Thank you, Twilight, but for now it is enough just to be out of dear old daddy’s clutches.” Discord shifted about. His colors were beginning to return to normal and much of the bruising was already beginning to fade. As he had explained to Twilight many years ago, Discord’s physical appearance was simply a magical manifestation and could appear as anything he so desired. It was only a solid form, in most cases, if he chose to let it be so. Twilight assumed then that the physical trauma was how his mind and soul perceived it. She would inquire later on whether that was intentional or an involuntary psychological reaction to said trauma.

“Well, as you may recall, I sensed the danger that was ravaging Canterlot and came to rescue you.”

“I appreciate you trying at least,” said Sunset placing a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “It was… bad.”

“I’m sure as bad as it was for you mine was worse.”

“I got stabbed in the back and out through my chest,” Sunset said with a deadpan stare. She also intentionally did not mention how it was Twilight, under Datura's influence, who had stabbed her. Nevertheless, Twilight shuddered at the memory.

Discord opened his eyes again and sat up part way to examine Sunset. She continued to glare at him to no effect. “Oh. Well, you look great for shish kabob.”

“Shish ka...?! You sorry piece of shit! We lost…" Sunset felt Twilight lay a comforting hoof on Sunset's shoulder and she sighed, letting out a growling breath. "You know what, I don’t want to get into it or argue right now. Just keep going.”

“Well, as you can surmise, that glowing claw was Void. I need to pause here for a moment and explain what Void is for the folks who did not do the backstory reading. Yes, you may be aware that he is Aine’s brother, but more than that, he IS pure chaos. I like to call myself the ‘Lord of Chaos’ mostly because it just rolls off the tongue so much better than Prince of Chaos. Loooooord of Chaaaaaaooos. However, even as powerful as I am. I am to him what you and the rest of the alicorns are to Aine. While not infinite they are significantly more powerful than little creatures like you and me.

“The universe as you know it is a delicate thing. As fun as it is to bend and twist reality for a good laugh, I always make sure there is a certain… restraint to it. Need I remind you happened when Cosmos was once again on the loose?”

“Who?” asked Sunset.

Twilight grimaced and twisted uncomfortably at unpleasant memories. “I’ll tell you later, Sunny. Please continue.”

“The only thing that restrains Void… or should I say, DID restrain Void was Aine.”

Sunset felt a chill and goosebumps pass over her, a deep pit forming in her stomach as a big set of puzzle pieces fell into place with a resounding, ominous click. Sunset went pale as bile churned in her guts and up the back of her throat as she had to fight down the sudden desire to throw up. “Annnnnd I told her to leave us alone or else I would try to kill her. Shit.” Sunset shook her head and snarled as she fought down her tears. “Shit, shit, SHIT! DAMMIT! This… all of this… All those hurt and killed by Datura and Discord and.... Sable and the others… this… this is all my fault.”

Twilight wrapped herself and her wings around Sunset and pulled her in as close and tight as she could. She waited until her wife stopped shaking before daring to do anything else. Twilight whispered quiet words of comfort and encouragement, nuzzling Sunset’s left ear that held her wedding earrings. The platitudes were comforting even if they did not make Sunset's heart feel any less guilty.

“I don’t understand,” Twilight finally said, “Why did Aine have to keep Void restrained? And if she did why did she NOT say anything about it before?”

Discord sighed, his paw and claw swishing back and forth as he stared tiredly at the ceiling. “It’s all a game to them, Twilight. This is not their first rodeo when it comes to making the world.”

“I heard,” Twilight said flatly with bitter undertones. “Aine supposedly created a world that was too perfect and her siblings got jealous and destroyed it. At least that was what she said.”

“I was not there, but I heard a similar, if albeit more chaotically skewed version. So, when she tried again they each set rules on how the game of life would be played. Aine’s new world would not be perfect. She appeased Samael by ensuring that there were no immortal creatures beyond her four helpers she created from natural elements and they were intentionally left soulless so as to never grow or evolve. Thus, everything else would live and eventually die. New life would rise up and around and around we go. Aine and Samael called themselves the Outer Ring Orbit. They would watch from a great distance, but if one made a move to change things, then the other was allowed a move in turn. An example would be the corruption of the life cycle in some creatures and the creation of mortal alicorns. Those were drastic for sure.

“Harmony and Void were given more freedom to interfere directly. They were the Middle Ring Orbit. Harmony chose to stay closer to Aine while Void preferred Samael. Thus, balance was maintained. With their given freedom they moved pieces in a means of trying to either upset the balance or maintain it. Sometimes they would use proxies, like myself. Other times they would act directly, like Harmony destroying herself to form the tree and keep chaos at bay.”

Sunset growled and snorted in disgust. “I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but Datura was right. We are nothing but goddamn pawns to them.”

“Mmmm… I’m not sure how well the chess analogy fits, but to each his or her own. As mortal alicorns, you are both far more valuable and more empowered than your average Red Shirt.” Discord snapped his claw and all four alicorns were wearing fitted, long sleeve uniforrm shirts. Twilight’s was gold, Cadence’s was light blue, and Flurry and Sunset were wearing matching red shirts.

Sunset deadpan stared at the draconequus that was starting to look better by the minute. The fact that his magic was apparently working again was a sign of his recovery. “You know I understand this reference. I can’t believe you do though.”

“I watched some of your shows and read some of your books while you were out. Raven was quite accommodating, actually.”

Sunset glanced to her left and the robot behind the sophisticated illusion simply shrugged. “He asked nicely and I was bored.”

“It’s dangerous to leave you two alone and bored.” Both Raven and Discord nodded without an inch of shame.

“Anyhow,” said Twilight, trying to bring the conversation back around, “where is Void now and how did you escape?”

“I didn’t escape.”

The simple response and downcast eyes spoke volumes. Sunset and Twilight exchanged glances of confusion and concern. Sunset was first to ask the next obvious question. “Then how did you get here?”

“I would like to say he let me go, but even that is not correct. He just… stopped. Hours, days, what felt like years of endless tearing, squeezing, rending. I just blocked out most of the pain under the hope that it would either end or he would grow bored if I just did not give him the satisfaction of total victory. But then, something caught his attention and he simply left without a last word.”

Discord paused to gather his thoughts and finally sat up fully, making sure to fluff the bean bag a few times. “From the moment my father grabbed me and pulled me to some corner of the In Between we struggled and fought, as much with words as chaotic magic. But I had no chance, not in his domain. However, I never gave up trying to escape. So, he had to constantly fight me, diverting his attention away from the rest of you here. I suppose that was the least I could do.”

Twilight, and a moment later Flurry Heart wrapped their hooves around Discord and hugged him. He smiled at the gesture.
Cadence gladly joined in and nuzzled the draconequus. Sunset Shimmer stayed put and simply crossed her forelegs, still wanting to be rid of her cursed uniform.


“He made me a red shirt, Twilight.”

“I don’t know what that means, but it can’t be that bad.”

“He knows what it means and yes, it can. He gets no hug from me.”

Discord rolled his eyes and snapped his paw and all the shirts disappeared. “That’s fine. I’d rather not be set ablaze by Incarnate fire. Anyhow, as I was saying, Void stopped. He just… stopped everything. Then he was gone. I do not know where he went. Once I finally had enough strength I retreated to my own dimension for a spell, if you will excuse the pun. Then, finally, I reached out and found you here. I’m sorry, I guess I missed the wedding, judging by the new bling.”

“I’m just glad you are okay,” Twilight wrapped her hooves around Discord again.

“You think it was when Datura failed that made him stop?” asked Flurry with more than a little hope it was something that simple.

Sunset shook her head. “If I had to guess I would say it was Luna stabbing Samael. Discord just said those two were tight and they were brothers.”

Discord gently pushed Twilight aside and leaned closer to Sunset, causing her to bend back at his sudden, too close proximity. “What did you say?”

“Luna…” Sunset swallowed the lump in her throat and shuddered a bit. “Luna used my sword to stab Samael… and herself. It somehow merged them. Now Luna is apparently the new Lord of Death.”

Discords jaw dropped nearly to the floor. “Oh… dear. Lulu is… she is now true immortal and carries the mantle of… oh… oh this is very, very bad.”

“Well yeah, she’s… It sucks for everypony involved!” Sunset shouted. “I didn’t know she was going to do that! I would have stopped her! I would have… I don’t know what, but anything other than that!”

A knocking at the door drew all their attention. Cadence called out for them to enter. A moment later Seneschal Fire Sapphire entered and bowed. She gasped at the sight of Discord, but quickly recovered and held out a SunLight crystal. “I apologize for the intrusion, but I have a priority call from Isabella Windsong for the diarchs.”

Twilight took the crystal in her magic and brought it over. Sunset pressed the ‘speaker phone’ setting so they could both hear. “We’re here Isa, what’s the problem?”

“To begin with I greatly apologize for interrupting your honeymoon vacation, but this is of the utmost urgency.”

“It’s fine, please tel-”

“The Saddle Arabian sultan sent a priority ultimatum that demands that a princess marry and bear a royal foal to the crown prince as repayment for the loss of his son or that one of the princesses must willingly forfeit their life. If we refuse, he will declare war and not cease until they have taken the life of a princess… no matter the cost.”

Twilight nearly dropped the crystal, but Sunset caught it in her magic as all the color suddenly drained from the purple alicorn’s face. “No… that… why?”

“Are you… you have gotta be fucking kidding us with this?!”

“I really wish I was, Your Highness.”

Author's Note:

Good afternoon!

So I know I usually pump these out on Friday, but I in a conversation last week with a friend of mine who actually pointed me to this website. He has been a member here for a few years longer than me. Anyhow, he pointed out a writing contest going on that had a cash prize and basically said, "Hey, you are pretty good, maybe you should try it!" I first said, "Nah, got my own thing going, I'm good."

Then my brain said "Oh yeah? Well how about THIS!"

Annnnnd so I wrote Garden Hose. That required some editing time so I got back to chapter 22 late.

It is not based in Incarnate even if I did use some of the aspects like Micro Chips hooking up with Wallflower Blush. It's totally just smut, if you don't like it don't read it.

Anyhow back to what we have here. Discord is free! And all the good times are coming to a screeeeeeching halt as things are going from bad, to really, bad, to OMG we are all going to fucking die, bad. And our heroes don't even know what Void has actually done yet.

Going to take some serious leadership to work their way out of this one. Good thing they are not alone.

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