• Published 3rd Jul 2022
  • 4,477 Views, 201 Comments

Sonic The Hedgehog & My Little Pony The Movie - Idiotboy24

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New Resistance & The King Arrives

Mount Aris: Coast

The group who had walked away from Twilight all sat down, they all looked defeated with all hope gone from their eyes.

But Sonic on the other hand looked crushed he sat there looking towards the open sea with his knees curled up, and his arms sat on top of them with his hands hanging.

Rainbow scraped her hoof across the dark sand, head on her forelegs. Fluttershy brushed her mane for some comfort. “This whole journey was such a mistake. All we wanted was somepony to help us.”

She looked over at the others before looking at Sonic who still sat there, he hadn’t made a sound since their fight with Twilight, the others also looked at the Hedgehog.

They were all angry at him before but now they weren’t so sure. Applejack who had been silent sighed heavily. “Ya think, maybe it's time we talk to Twilight?”

The group were about to respond when a voice broke the abrupt silence. “She's! Been! Taken!!!” Spike came from behind one of the large rocks running.

The group faced him with shock, Rainbow Dash flew over. “What?!” Spike stopped right in front of her and explained. “Twilight's been taken! Tempest! She grabbed her! And took her on her ship!”

Everyone gasped. “We gotta get her back!” Rainbow stomped her hoof down, only for Fluttershy to speak up. “How? We'll never catch up!”

Applejack then further evaluated their dilemma. “And we got no way to defeat those monsters.” Everyone looked down once again.

Sonic only looked at them he was also in shock but didn’t stand, he turned away and looked at the ground, a shadow of a figure appeared before them. “Well, good thing I happen to know of a group of mighty heroes that could handle this easily!”

They all turned to see Capper on top of a rock looking down at them. “Well! Look what the cat dragged in! Himself!” Rarity said angrily.

Capper ignored her and continued. “These heroes have faced the Storm King's army and escaped! I've seen them tackle the streets of the roughest towns, break out of the tightest situations, and inspire others to join their cause!”

Everyone except for Sonic and Applejack oohed, Applejack walked forward with a frown. “Now don't get too excited. He's just talkin' about us.”

They all groaned, Capper smiled and slid down the rock. “They even escaped certain doom at the hooves of Commander Tempest!” He finished with a flip and landed on his feet.

Rainbow Dash smiled. “Yeah. That was pretty great.” Another voice appeared. “Are you kidding me?!” They looked up and saw the Pirates standing tall, they jumped down and landed in front of the group.

“That was awesome!” Squabble squawked in agreement.

“Figured you could use a claw!” Boyle said with his fake hand raised in the air.

“We're on board to help you fight the Storm King! Just not on board our... actual ship.” She explained.

Mullet stepped forward. “That crazy unicorn sunk it. But you got back our argh! And we're ready to kick some booty.” The pirates got out their weapons showing they were ready.

The water of the sea started to ripple as a golden light shined from below, they all turned to face it they then saw a figure appear in the sky as it shot up, and it was none other than Skystar.

She spread her wings out revealing she was a Hippogriff instead of a Sea Pony, Capper was the first to recuperate himself. “Is that what I think it is?” Skystar flew down and landed.

“Hellooooooo!! Me again! I'm gonna get so grounded, but I talked things over with Shelly and Sheldon and they pointed out that you were just trying to help your friends.” Pinkie smiled happily.

“So I wanna help too.” She flew over to Pinkie. “'Cause ya know... one small thing...” She leaned over to Pinkie’s ear. “can make a really big difference!” Spike looked deadpanned.

“That's it, right? We didn't make friends with anypony else?” All of them seemed ready to go.

Pinkie quickly looked over past Skystar. “Sonic you in!” She then noticed he wasn’t there. “Sonic?” They looked around until Spike pointed towards their right.

They all saw Sonic walking away slowly, leaving footprints behind. “Sonic?! Hey where you going?” Pinkie asked catching up to him.

“I’m leaving like I should have done.” He told her, pinkie along with the others followed him. “But we can’t give up now! Don’t you remember, we can save your mother!”

Sonic stopped moving and faced her slowly. “I can’t, not after I lied to to guys.” They all noticed the amount of defeat in his voice, long gone was the confident and happy go lucky voice.

“Besides I caused him to invade Canterlot in the first place, because I couldn’t keep my powers in check!” Capper, The Pirates and Skystar were watching this unfold, never had they seen someone so depressed.

“And because of my powers I lost my mom, your friend and Longclaw.” The Mane five and Spike didn’t know what to say, he blamed himself for everything.

“Who’s Longclaw?” Fluttershy asked, slightly backing away just in case it was too personal, but Sonic just shook his head.

“It doesn't matter anyway, all I’ve done is mess things up for everyone.” His response was met with looks of empathy.

“But darling you’ve done amazing things!” Rarity countered. Sonic looked up at her with sadness still in his eyes. “Oh yeah? Okay tell me one thing I did right, on this journey.”

Everyone stopped at that question, as they thought back to everything that has happened, Capper was the first to speak. “You helped these little ponies and dragon by fighting Tempest.”

Sonic’s ears perked up, he did do that. “You helped us from being taken by the river.” Rainbow said next, Sonic was starting to smile a little bit.

“You also showed loyalty to us when we went to find the Hippogriffs, by coming after us even when you were afraid of… water.” Fluttershy explained.

“And most of all, you gave us something that is hard for anypony to do.” Sonic was confused by what Spike had said.

“What?” Spike smiled and replied.

“Hope.” Sonic immediately froze, he thought back to everything that had happened over the course of this adventure, he had not only helped inspire others but gave the group hope to continue forward.

“Wow. I-I never thought about it like that.” He admitted, his smile starting to come back slowly.

Then Celaeno came forward and kneeled down to eye level with the Hedgehog. “We also noticed how much fun you were having as well as making others laugh, and that stunt where you played two different pirates was Awesome.

Sonic had a single tear slide down his face, he smiled fully this time Celaeno stepped back as Skystar came forward this time. “Also there is one small thing I can give you, that can help.” She pulled out what looked to be some shoes, they were red and had a thick white straps going across.

“Woah.” Sonic said in awe, Rarity walked over. “I believe it needs a little magic touch.” She used her magic and the shoes changed to be a lot more like a normal shoe.

Sonic couldn’t hide his amazement. “No one has ever given me a gift before.” He quickly took of his old shoes and put on the new ones.

He ran in place a little bit and did a tap dance before spinning around laughing. Everyone else smiled at the sight, his confidence had returned at full throttle.

“All right, y'all! I think our course is clear. Y'all ready to do this thang?” Capper announced, Pinkie stepped forward.

“We’re coming, Twilight!” She declared, everyone cheered ready for this upcoming battle. “As soon as we bake up a plan!”


Back in Canterlot everything was awful, Ponies were locked up, others were being pulled to follow Storm creatures, another pony was a stool and was shaking at the legs while another was massaging the same Storm creature.

In the distance singing could be heard from Songbird who was also locked up. “I am here and I see your pain Through the storms, through the clouds, the rain I'm telling you you can not escape!” A nearby Storm creature came over and knocked on the cage making her stop.

She then heard a wheels squeaking as she saw Twilight in a cage of her own, they both made eye contact for a few seconds but Twilight looked down, she couldn’t bare to look at anyone.

Canterlot Castle: Throne Room

The doors to the Throne room opened as, two Storm creatures stepped aside for Tempest to walk in with the trapped Twilight, both of the ponies pulling the carriage were looking down depressed.

But Twilight was worse after what had happened earlier, she couldn’t do anything to fix this. Twilight looked up and silently gasped at Celestia who was still trapped in stone, she understood how Sonic must’ve felt seeing that happen.

Her cage was placed down in the corner of the flower logo on the floor, she looked at the ponies who were forced to leave her behind, Grubber closed the doors and laughed.

Twilight looked at Tempest who walked up to her. “Tempest, don't do this. Don't give the Storm King—” she was cut off.

“Your magic? Did you think you'd keep it all to yourself? Time to share.” Tempest turned around. “I'd love for everybody out there to know what I can really do.”

A silhouette appeared in the door behind them that lead to the balcony. “Ooh, fascinating! What can you really do?” They both turned to see The Storm King walk into the room.

Tempest quickly gained composure and stood up straight. “Your bidding, of courth, Your Mighty One.” Grubber bowed, but felt awkward he made his way to the door and left the room.

“Bidding sounds great but I couldn’t care less for it from, a simple minded creature.” He looked down and saw Twilight. “Um, what are you supposed to be?“ He asked losing his serious tone.

“I’m the Princess of Friendship!” The Storm King reeled back in laughter wiping a tear from his eye. “Oh good one and I thought Grubber being part of this army was a thing… wait your being serious!” He couldn’t believe it.

“Well then.” He faced Tempest with anger. “Why is this one still moving?”

Tempest was quick to respond. “She and her friends put up a bit of a fight, but she's alone now. She won't be a problem.”

The Storm King nodded, and walked past Tempest. “Alright now the one thing I’m wondering is how to extract the magic from these pests.” Twilight felt fear, this guy didn’t care about anyone else.

“Your majesty I thought you would of had to is figured out?” The Storm King snapped his head towards her. “And your lucky I won’t have to place your remains around the room.”

Twilight knew what he meant by that and slowly walked away from The Storm King in her cage. “Deliver the punchline, Tempest, because this has gotta be a joke!” He slammed his staff into the centre of the flower causing it to glow.

The glow traveled through Celestia up through her wings and into her horn, it glowed a yellow colour before it blasted towards the crystal on the staff.

The same happened with Luna and Cadence before making its way to Twilight who felt it, her eyes glowed purple as her magic was draining from her. “No!” She screamed.

The Storm King laughed maniacally, he was gathering so much power from these Princesses. It not only affected the four Alicorns, but all of Canterlot as it lost colour and became lifeless.

After a few more seconds it stopped and Twilight felt weaker than ever before, this was worse than when Tirek had taken her magic, because she was first off defenceless and secondly she was trapped.

Twilight fell down exhausted, the colour on her body was faded. “Now give me the quill.” Twilight looked up slowly, what did he mean?

Tempest grabbed the quill she had been holding onto since leaving Canterlot, The Storm King grabbed it and placed it onto His staff and its energy made the staff even more powerful.

“Now let’s get this Storm started!” He announced, he faced Twilight who had fear in her eyes. ‘That much power in one quill!’

She didn’t have time to notice the blast that came at her.

Canterlot Castle: Balcony

She was sent flying out onto the balcony and slid across, her cage dismantled into parts that surrounded her, The Storm King stepped out.

“That was good, I might as well have fun with this before officially be ridding you of this world.” He said to Twilight.

“Your Excellency, you promised to restore my horn and give me—” He waved his hand in front of Tempest. “Okay, let’s see here.” He aimed his staff around at the sky and saw the sun move, he looked over and moved his staff again.

The sun moved wherever he pointed to. “No way! I can move the sun! Now I have more reason to have fun!” He walked next to Twilight and dropped something on her.

“Think of this as your last parting gift.” He moved over to the balcony’s edge, Twilight looked at what he had dropped on her, she couldn’t believe her eyes right now.

It was Sonic’s pouch of rings, she remembered how Sonic told her about using them and got an idea of using one of the rings to escape. ‘But if I use one now they’ll catch me! I hope my friends come back.’

“Why would you give me this?” Twilight asked, The Storm King faced her. “Why would I need silly gold rings, when I have all of this power in my grasp!” He utilised the staff’s power and started to play some music.

He began to dance to it while moving the sun and moon, he did many cool moves such as skiing, robot dancing and so on and so forth.

Twilight faced tempest who looked unsure about this, why couldn’t he just give her horn back?

She walked past the Alicorn behind her master and watched him continue to dance, Twilight looked behind her with a thought on her mind. ’Sonic I’m so sorry.’

(End Song)

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Question Time: What was your favourite scene from the movie