• Published 3rd Jul 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog & My Little Pony The Movie - Idiotboy24

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This is Equestria


‘This place my friends is Equestria, a land of magic, friendship and so many species that would be considered fiction. But as you can see they are real enough for me.’

‘But the place we see now is known as Ponyville, only the best place to live in all of the universe! Heck, the reason I love this town so much is because of the people or ponies in this case.’

‘They gave me so much inspiration a lot more than the donut lord who was pretty cool. Oh that’s right before I came here, I lived on Earth for ten years because of the Echidna tribe finding me and Longclaw.’


Random Planet: 13 years ago

Longclaw is holding Sonic trying to fly away and escape but gets hit by an arrow to the side of her body, she then falls down to the ground while still protecting the Blue Hedgehog. They quickly got up back to their feet.

“Listen carefully Sonic. You have a power, unlike anything I’ve ever seen. But that means that someone will always want it.” Sonic looked down in sadness.

“The only way to stay safe is to stay hidden.” She then grabbed a ring from her pouch and threw it causing a portal to open up into a forest.

“This world is on the far side of the universe, you should be safe there.” Longclaw panted heavily, Sonic realised he was going by himself.

“I don’t wanna go without you!” He opposed

“You must!” Longclaw gave the pouch of rings to Sonic.

“These rings will be your most important possession.” She explained, before looking up to see the Echidnas running towards them weapons at the ready.

“If you’re ever discovered use one.” She then pushed Sonic softly toward the portal. “Never stop running! Now go!” Sonic ran through and made some distance before looking back to see Longclaw gets ready to fight the tribe.

“Longclaw!” He dropped the pouch and began running back for her. “Goodbye Sonic.” She spoke one last time looking at him before facing the tribe.

“No!” Sonic screamed almost reaching the portal before it disappeared. “NO!” He slowed down and breathed heavily before silently crying to himself, he returned back to his rings and began walking slowly away from the area.

End Flashback

‘Ever since that day I had to navigate Earth, it was fun for a while but afterwards I was getting really, really bored and lonely until something happened.’

Flashback #2

Earth: 3 years ago

Sonic was walking back into his cave with a sad look plastered all over, he sat down and began rubbing his quills until he felt something he grabbed hold of the object.

‘It was a white feather of sorts, I didn’t understand where it came from but somehow it was there, but then something in my mind snapped.’

Sonic then fell over with his knees and hands being placed onto the ground, he held his hand onto his head trying to ease the sudden pain. He then saw something so bizarre, it appeared to be a white horse of sorts from what he could tell, it was blurry and he couldn’t make out the figure.

But then everything cleared and he saw the Figure a lot more clearer. She had a flowing rainbow sort of mane along with wings, a horn, golden footwear, a golden chest plate and a Sun symbol on her flank.

Sonic then saw a flash of images appear at a rapid pace before he was then pulled back into reality comprehending what he had just witnessed, but he could only mutter one word. “Mom.”

‘I somehow remembered my supposed mom and began to plan, I knew going against Longclaw’s instructions was bad but I really badly wanted to see my mom.’

‘After finally getting ready, I just thought of the world my mom lived in, after throwing the ring I ended up in another Forest and began searching for where she could be.’

End Flashback

‘Three years later and I have figured out where she is but, I don’t want to cause a ruckus with the guard and considering the fact there are bad guys who steal power I decided to stay in hiding for now. But it hasn´t stopped me from finding some cool ponies, which leads me to my favourite group.’

The towns folk are all going about their lives being normal. We are then shown The Mane six and Spike at the Train Station.

´I like to call them the “Rainbow Ponies” simply because they all are different colors go figure, heck they even have a small dragon which makes them even cooler. I even gave them their own names, First is “Fashionista” or the “Drama Queen”... it goes either way. She loves to make clothes and dresses but at some points, she gets dramatic when her hair or clothes get ruined.´

Rarity is seen making sure her Mane was done right by holding a mirror up to her face.

´Next we have the “Animal carer”, she loves all kinds of animals and protects them with her very life a lot of the time, but she is also very scared of lot´s of things if she wasn´t I would´ve immediately gone to her. Next is “Cotton Candy Pony”, she is really hyperactive and funny but I have the slightest suspicion she knows I´m here because she looked in my direction and smiled at me, she can also pull stuff out of her fluffy hair.´

Fluttershy is talking with Applejack while Pinkie just waves at... Wait hold on a second did she just wave at me. Huh? Guess it is impossible to write a story without her breaking the 4th wall.

´Next we have “cowgirl” (How Original) who lives on a farm of apples, she wears this really cool looking hat and loves her family so much, I´ve taken a few apples off one of her trees a while back and she´s still to this day wondering who took them. We then have “Skittles” who can fly extremely fast and make this thing called a Sonic Rainboom from what I´ve heard, kind of makes me want to race her someday.´

Applejack is talking to Fluttershy about some critter that took some apples a few years back, while Rainbow Dash floats above the group minding her own business.

´Next we have “scales”, who is the dragon I mentioned earlier he can do many things like breathe fire and um... breathe fire. But he also can carry tons of books and he really loves comics, with his favorite being Power Ponies and the Secret Rings, which i´ve read as well. Finally we have my favorite member of them all who I´ve dubbed as “The Book Master”. She is nice, caring and overall is the one I relate to the most.´

Spike is holding a checklist with a quill in hand, while Twilight is seen counting the items she brought with her, they then hop aboard the train with everything they brought in tow. Twilight looks out the window and sighs.

‘She feels very alone at times and wishes she can be a normal Unicorn again, which makes me want to just hug her already. But even though I’m supposed to be in hiding, I do send her secret letters to try and make her happy, so that way she won’t have to feel alone.’

She then grabs out a note she had in her saddlebag with magic which read ´Don´t give up, cause the future is brighter ahead.´ She smiles and puts it away in her saddlebag once more with a thought lingering on in her head. ´I really hope I can meet whoever is sending these notes.´

Random Places

‘As for me I’ve been living in a cave next to this stream that’s right below the city of Canterlot, the reason I live down here is that I’ll always know that my mom is up there, and it’s the only place that feels closest to home.’

Sonic sleeps in his bed of random items.

‘Even with everything happening, I know for sure one day I’ll be able to walk amongst the citizens of this land but for now, it’ll be just the same routine of checking out the place alone… Oh yeah I forgot to mention, that there is one Pony onto me her name is Lyra or in this case “Crazy Lyra”.’

Lyra in another part of the train is talking to her friend Bon Bon about this creature that she saw with excitement in her voice while Bon Bon rolls her eyes with a ´Here we go again´ face.

‘She’s been going nuts over me, ever since I accidentally revealed my eyes to her once behind some bushes. She even gave me a nickname called the “Blue Devil” but as far as I know, no one believes her which makes me feel bad but Y’know the rules by now.’

Sonic then wakes up and stretches his arms cracking them into place. He walks out of his cave ready to begin the new day ahead of him, he breathes in deeply before exhaling and smiling at the slow rising of the sun. “Canterlot! Here comes Sonic!”

He then zooms off towards the city of Canterlot ready for what awaits him today.

Author's Note:

An informative chapter who saw that coming… absolutely everyone because every story needs one (not entirely true).

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter.