• Published 3rd Jul 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog & My Little Pony The Movie - Idiotboy24

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Downtown in Klugetown

Random Desert

Canterlot was far away from this place and all that accompanied the wasteland, was a bunch of rocks and one massive skull of a creature that had very pointy teeth.

Weird bug creatures even lived in this thing, but other than that was the dunes that covered the place, no matter where you looked.

But climbing up one of these dunes were the Mane six, Spike and Sonic who’ve been traveling for several hours across the land of Equestria, and into the badlands without any real idea of where they were headed.

Everyone of them were sweating heavily, with bags under their eyes and hair sticking out of place, they were all tired and wanted to rest but knew that the fate of their home rested in their hooves/hands.

Pinkie was busy talking to herself panting heavily. “There's sand in my... everything... Heh... Saving... Equestria...” She began to laugh which made Sonic believe she was on the point of breaking her mental stability.

She then looked down and picked up a skull “Oh! Look! Maybe this guy knows which way to go! What's that, friend? We're lost?” After throwing the skull away, she continued to laugh only to start coughing wildly, she then stood up straight with her tail before face planting into the sand.

Spike who was walking alongside Rarity and Rainbow Dash fell to his knees as they walked past. “We could be going in... circles! Endless... sand... (inhales) Nothin' for miles... but sand... (breathes) and this rock... (coughs) and this cactus... (breathes) and this roooooooooaaaaaad.... (breathes, faints, breathes) ...this rooooooad....” He collapsed onto the floor in exhaustion with a cactus attached to his back, Twilight faced him as she realised what he had just said.

“Hmm? A road? Where there's a road, there's a...” She gasped in excitement of what she saw ahead of her, it turned out to be a giant city with factories scattered across along with Airships flying the sky.

The others voiced their awe with Sonic’s mouth dropping in awe, he was excited to see what he could do here with the “Rainbow Ponies” by his side.

Pinkie jumped back up from the sand with new found energy, she also looked normal again. “Oooh! A city! We are doing it, you guys!“ She exclaimed happily making Sonic pump up his fist in victory.

Rarity then voiced her opinion. “You know what they say: where there's a city, there's a spa!” Sonic faced her, with a deadpanned look.

“Um… I’m pretty sure no one ever says that.” Rainbow Dash agreed with him, with Applejack voicing her own thoughts.

“'Case you forgot, we're on a mission to save Equestria.” Rarity was a little annoyed by the reminder.

“I can multitask.” Sonic retorted with his own comment.

“Try playing Table Tennis by yourself.” Rarity glared at him, while Rainbow and Applejack held back their laughter.


A bird flew over them and went inside of the city squawking loudly, before being pulled down by a rope and into a cage by some Pig creatures, who smiled evilly.

They were laughing after commenting on giving the bird to the highest bidder, the Ponies, Dragon and Hedgehog walked in with worried looks as the place felt off.

They walked by a vendor who grew curious at Twilight. “Ooh. Hey! You with the horn, you selling?” Twilight quickly moved away feeling uncomfortable, Sonic stared at him as he walked by with an awkward smile.

They walked past some birds in some cages who squawked loudly when the group walked past which scared Fluttershy, they then came across a turtle who was carrying a barrel onto his wagon.

“Hi there!” She greeted, the turtle placed the barrel onto the wagon which caused the other two barrels to fall out. “Ooh, I'm sorry. Here. Lemme help you with that.”

She then grabbed all of the barrels and placed them perfectly onto the wagon, but a cat nearby wearing a red jacket moved his head slightly catching sight of the group.

The turtle glared at Twilight. “Hey! No magic around my merchandise!” He then raised his hands up and scared the group off, the cat watched on and smiled mischievously.

“Hmmm... Very interesting...” He held his hand to his chin, he then took note of the bipedal Blue Hedgehog with them, he knew that the Hedgehog felt out of place amongst the ponies.

With that in mind he followed them while keeping his distance with a smirk that remained on his face the whole time.

Klugetown: Meanwhile

After escaping the giant turtle the group continued forward with Twilight telling them what they should do. “Okay. We just gotta stick together. Be careful who you talk to. And try to blend in.”

Sonic raised a brow at that but then realised that a certain Party Pony was missing. “Uh… ‘Bookmaster’ I think we have a bigger issue.” The others wondered what he meant but they then heard screaming in the distance, and quickly realised what Sonic meant.

Pinkie was out in the middle of the crowd screaming her head off. “Can anypony take us to the Queen of the Hippos?!” a big fish that was walking in her direction, spoke up.

“You want something? You gotta give something!” Pinkie then jumped into his arms, which made him feel uncomfortable.

“Well, how about a big warm hug from a grateful pony friend?” The fish dropped her with disgust before walking away, Pinkie then went up to other strangers.

One of them she tried to give a comb (that she never used) to, another she got a picture of her sister Maud and she even went up to a Pig who she offered a breath mint to only to get burped on, to which she felt sick and fell down.

Twilight and the rest of the group walked over to their Pink friend. “Pinkie, you can't just take off!” She then clenched her teeth. “And you don't need to announce to every...” she tried to explain her frustration only to get interrupted by Pinkie.

“Relax, Twilight! I totally got this!” Then a bunch of the bystanders walked over and surrounded the group.

“How much for the gecko?” A lizard asked, which made Spike feel offended.

“Who you callin’ a gecko?” Twilight put her hoof in front of Spike for protection, “Uh, Spike isn’t for sale.”

Another creature then pointed at Rarity. “I want that fancy purple hair! I'll give ya two storm bucks for it!” She offered with greed only for Rarity to scoff.

“Two storm bucks?! It's worth more than that!” The group were very confused by that but the crowd of creatures kept coming closer, and kept saying they want certain ponies or Spike.

Sonic realised that this was gonna get bad so he did the one thing he could think of. “Uh no offence to any of you, creatures but your breath stinks!”

Everyone stared at him with blank stares. “Yeesh tough crowd, I’m just being honest.” The creatures continued forward backing the group up against a venue, when a figure dropped from above and held his paws out.

“Back up, everyone! Back it up! Y'all in some serious danger! Now you didn't touch any of them, did you? Just look at all those colors! You think that's natural? They're infected with "pastelis coloritis". This new figure whispered the last part getting gasps from the crowd.

Applejack and the others looked at him with glares. “Now, you listen here, fella, there ain't—” she was cut off when he put his tail on her mouth.

“Don't worry, don't worry, as long as you're not covered in purple splotches, you'll be fine. Uh-oh.” He secretly splashed some purple paint into the big blue fish from before who started to panic.

“What do I do?!” He asked scared, to which the cat smiled mischievously, “Enjoy your last moments and don't touch anyone. Because parts will fall off.”

The whole crowd disappeared in a flash leaving the group and the cat alone together, he then walked in front of the group. “Well, all right.” The group walked towards him with Rainbow Dash flying up to him.

“You are awesome!” She exclaimed excited, Sonic then walked up to him.

“That was pretty cool and nice digs.” He said with optimism, Rarity came up to the cat as well.

“And quite charming.” Spike crossed his arms and glared at the cat before letting out an annoyed ‘huh’.

The cat swiped of some dust from his jacket and began his introduction. “Capper's the name. Charming's my game. So... to the Hippos, then?” he bowed down before, turning around holding his jacket with his hands.

He began walking off, to which Pinkie began to follow him bouncing away Twilight’s eyes widen before flying over, she blocked Pinkie from advancing with her wing.

“I don’t know if we should trust him.” Twilight whispered in suspicion, but Pinkie smiled in return. “We could definitely use a friend out here!”

“Yeah plus you trust me, even though we just technically met a few hours ago.” Sonic reminded her.

Capper came back over and gently pushed Twilight’s wing down with his finger. “You know what? Little Cotton Candy Hair is right. And, if I do say so myself...” He trailed off and began to sing.

(Honestly nothing really changes in the song and I’m not putting myself through pain of writing out what happens so enjoy this moment.)

capper: This town is not a nice place
For little fillies, all alone
There are lots of twists and corners
That could lead to the unknown

Let me guide your way
And I'll be sure to help you through
You could really use a friend out here
And luckily for you

I'm the friend that you need
When you're lost and don't know what to do
I'm your pal, your amigo
Useful and resourceful, too

And my help, you'll concede
Is a plus guaranteed
You can call and I'll come running
Just follow my lead
'Cause I'm the friend you need!

He's a friend
Quite a friend
He's a friend, indeed

You need a bud to spot the danger
A pal to stop the creep
A chum and not a stranger to assist
You need a bro who is cunning
That can help you take the leap
A friend who knows what's lying in the mist

Don't fear these darkened alleys
They're scary, yes, I know
Why, you could use a friend
To protect you wherever you go

And such a dazzling beauty
Covered in dirt and muck
But now your fate is changing
Now you are in luck

'Cause I'm the friend that you need
When you're lost and don't know what to do
I'm your pal, your amigo
Lookin' out for friends like you

And my help, you'll concede
Is a plus guaranteed
Just call and I'll come running
We'll say it's agreed

Here, tell Verko, "My place, twenty minutes"
I've got something that will magically erase all my debt
'Cause I'm the friend you need!

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie: He's a friend
Rarity: Quite a friend
Everyone (except Twilight): He's a friend, indeed!

(End Song)

Capper’s House
After making their way up they followed Capper until he pushed open a hatch door that led into his house. “Welcome, my little ponies, to my little manor.” He moved onto the floor to which the group popped out and gaped at the sight.

“Ooh! A sort of a roco-hobo-Bohemian hodgepodge.” Rarity commented, to which Sonic retorted.

“You really like to point out the details, don’t you?” Rarity lightly glares at him, with Rainbow and Applejack snicker a little bit.

They then climbed into the room and looked around, Pinkie and Sonic looked up at a chandelier made of bottles. “Ooh! So many fun breakables!” Sonic nodded in agreement as they continued to look around.

Rainbow and Applejack came across a teapot that had multiple spouts, which surprised Rainbow and made Applejack chuckle, Rarity looked at some sort of painting of a warrior that had Capper’s face slapped onto it.

Sonic then walked over to Twilight who was looking at some books, he faced her with curiosity. “Hey ‘Book Master’ if it’s okay to call you that, uhhh… what are you exactly looking for?”

Twilight looked at him, with a small smile before returning to the book shelf. “I’m just looking at the books to see if there’s anything useful.” Sonic made an ‘oh’ sound which made her giggle a little bit.

She then noticed a certain book that had a map picture on its cover, she proceeded to pick it up and take it to the table with Sonic following closely behind.

But unbeknownst to the heroes they were being closely followed.

Klugetown: Meanwhile

A Storm creature opened up a barrel and found no sign of the Ponies, only food scraps that were thrown away, he threw it away before continuing the search.

Another knocked away some stands and found some of the other creatures and scared them, all of them were being lead by Tempest who marched through the streets slowly, with Grubber following behind her eating some food on a stick.

Thea Storm creatures continued trashing the place. “You really think the ponieth got thith far?”
Tempest sniffed the air before eyeing a string of pink hair, she frowned and responded.

“Oh, they're here. Attention! A little purple pony passed this way. Tell me where she is...” Grubber then jumped in.

“...or thumpin real bad'th gonna happen.” The big fish from earlier walked over which made Grubber walk back in fear, Tempest however was unfazed.

“You think we're gonna fall for this again? I don't know what kinda scam you're workin' with Capper and the rest of your friends, but--” Tempest interrupted.

“Friends?" The fish then continued. “Poison or no poison, you’re gonna pay!” He tried to punch her, but Tempest ducked and kicked the fish in the chest causing him to fly back, she ran over and sweeper his legs with her hooves before jumping into the air, grabbing the fishes tail bringing him up into the air.

She finished the small fight by slamming him onto the ground, leaving a defeated fish lying there. “Ohhhh, Fishman juth got dropped!” Grubber called out.

Tempest walked over and hopped onto the fishes back staring into his eye, he appeared very terrified and began whimpering. “Now... about this… “Capper”…” Her horn charged causing the fish to become more terrified.

Capper’s House

The group were all having a good time laughing and telling stories, Rainbow Dash finished talking about her Sonic Rainboom. “Stop playin' me! A sonic rainboom? That's not a real thang! Is that a real thing?”

Rainbow Dash flew from her spot and readied herself. “I’ll show ya!” Capper immediately rose his hands. “Naw-naw-naw, I don't need you sonic "rainbooming" up in my place, thank you very much. Whoa, hey, hold up now. Whoa.”

His arm got grabbed by magic to which Rarity fixed his jacket sleeve that had a rip, he was actually genuinely shocked. “Here you go. I do apologize. If we were back home, I could've done something truly fabulous.” She then placed to golden buttons onto his jacket which made him feel confused.

He felt a little suspicious about it though. “Okay… what’s the catch?” He walked away from her with his index finger, raised to his chin.

“Nothing. After all that you've done for us, consider it a "thank you".” Capper froze and he felt different, instead of his mischievous demeanour it was slight sadness.

“Oh. Uh don’t thank me. Really.” He then had a thought. ‘Am I doing the right thing?’ Sonic then walked over to him, to which Capper made eye contact.

“You look really cool, Y’know?” Capper hasn’t interacted with Sonic yet and the Blue Hedgehog complimented him on his look, Capper smiled back at him.

“Your not so different yourself, I’ve never seen anything like you from around here do you come from a different place far from here?” Sonic sighed in sadness.

“Well technically yes and no.” This caused everyone to look at him even Twilight who was busy looking at the map she had found.

He sighed again. “You see, a few years ago I was on a different planet and I was sitting in my cave but then all of a sudden had a vision of sorts. I saw a Pony that stood there and I realised who it was.”

Fluttershy walked over. “Who?” Sonic’s mouth quivered a little bit thinking back to what happened in Canterlot hours earlier. “My mom.” Gasps filled the room, he was here on their world looking for his mom.

“And to be honest I don’t even know why I left this world, and well back at Canterlot I found her but she was already… taken.” Sonic looked at the ground, tears threatening to leave his eyes.

The Group and Capper looked at the Hedgehog in a new light, Capper began to realise that maybe what he did earlier was a mistake, Twilight who had been silent walked over to Sonic and to the Hedgehog’s shock he was hugged.

For the first time in years… 13 years he had been hugged by someone, and it was filled with care and empathy.

He was at a loss for words but fell into it none the less, after a few more seconds Twilight and Sonic parted from the hug and stared at each other. “You feel better?” Sonic nodded in response.

“Thank you, I really needed that.” He then faced everyone else in the room who had smiles except for Capper who had a neutral look, Sonic then strolled over to the table and sat down on a chair.

He then looked at everyone, with a newfound smile. “What are we waiting for, let’s find these hippos.” The others nodded Sans Capper and walked over.

They proceeded to look at the map at all the different places, then Twilight spotted something. “Guys look! We've been looking for the wrong queen! We don't need the Queen of the Hippos! We need the Queen of the Hippogriffs! Part pony, part eagle!” She explained pointing her hoof at the mountain that showed two Hippogriffs standing tall.

Capper became nervous. “Oh! Oh, the Hippogriffs! Now, the trouble with that is... no one knows... where they are...” Twilight got very suspicious of Capper.

“Says here they’re on the top of Mount Aris!” She pointed at the mountain on the map again, Pinkie perked up.

“You mean the mountain right outside the window?” She pointed out the window and in the distance was Mount Aris in all of its glory.

“Objects in windows may be less mountainous than they appear. Heh heh heh...” Sonic caught onto his nervous posture, he was hiding something from them.

Twilight was unamused and grabbed the map with her magic, “Let’s go, everypony.” Capper ran over to the door quickly blocking it.

“Wait! You can't—you can't make it by y'allselves. You need an airship! And lucky for you, I can get you a ride.” He placed his hand on the back of Twilight’s head causing her to grit her teeth, she pushed him out of the way. “I think we can get there on our own.”

She opened the door only reveal a rat on the other side wearing a suit with a bow tie and a top hat. “Here’s Verko!” He began laughing as Twilight gasped walking backwards.

“These ponies better shoot rainbow lasers out their eyes if they're gonna settle your debt! Brought the big cage. Let's load 'em up!” Twilight and the others grew scowls.

“You were... You were going to sell us?” Rarity yelled, Twilight stomped her hoof. “I knew it!” Capper held his hands up caught red handed, he started to feel guilty.

Sonic felt hurt from his trust being broken, some electricity started to form on him but they died down when Twilight continued. “We gotta get outta here!” Before they could begin to leave an evil chuckle was heard causing them to stop.

The sounds of magic started to crackle loudly as Tempest walked forward revealing herself. “Silly little ponies.” She faced them with an evil smile causing the group to feel fear.

“Tempest!” Twilight spoke, causing Spike to scream while Fluttershy put a lamp shade over her head for protection.

She continued to chuckle. “Trusting strangers? Big mistake. Big...” she eyed Capper who held fear, but she refocused on the group.

“Huge!” Grubber finished for her then Verko grabbed Tempest’s face who grew a scowl. “Well, look at you! With your scary broken horn and scowly eyes. What tricks do you know, my little pony-wony?”

Tempest’s horn flared before blasting Verko who had soot all over him he then fell backwards unconscious, when he did Twilight and her friends climbed onto the windmill. “Go! Go!” She flew up to her friends to which Tempest ordered the Storm Creatures to get her.

“Get her now!” They advanced with both Grubber and Tempest staying behind, they then heard the sounds of electricity to which Tempest then saw a Blue Blur fly at her, she didn’t have time to react as she was flung out of the building through the door.

Klugetown Street
She skidded across the floor and looked up to see Sonic staring her down with what looked to be anger, she stood her ground glaring at the being in front of her.

“Get out of my way rat! This is none of your concern!” Tempest ordered, to which Sonic gritted his teeth in reply.

“You made a mistake coming here!” Sonic called back to her, Tempest then noticed his quills and remembered the quill from earlier that Grubber gave her.

They looked the exact same the length, colour and texture were the same. ‘This thing caused the explosion!’ She smiled evily and chuckled.

“Well that’s something that won’t be necessary to find.” Sonic raised his brow, before smiling to himself.

“Y’know for a villain you get the job done pretty well except for the fact, that almost all ponies are adorable including you!” Tempest went wide eyed and blushed from embarrassment, she then growled.

“Enough games! Turn yourself in peacefully or else!” Sonic simply shook his head.

“Not happening chief!” Grubber and Capper who had been watching we’re feeling nervous, thinking about how this fight would go down.

“Fine then enjoy your freedom while it lasts.” Her horn lit, sending sparks flying around. She then leaped forward with intent on kicking Sonic down, but he dodged out the way at the last second making her skid across.

She glared heavily at the Hedgehog who smiled at her with amusement, she tried to do it again only for Sonic to dodge again, This happened a third time only for Tempest to trip form Sonic sticking his foot out.

She quickly recovered and faced Sonic with a snarl. “You are very annoying!” She growled, only for Sonic to retort.

“And you are very bad at hitting your target!” This made Capper and Grubber snicker, while Tempest glares harder at the hedgehog, who was still smiling.

“I took down three princesses with ease eventually you’ll be down as well!” Sonic immediately dropped his smile and clenched his fists while gritting his teeth.

He then launch himself forward towards her and grabbed her by the throat and threw her at the wall, she made impact and fell down. She stood back up and regained her balance, she then faced the Hedgehog who had a snarl of his own.

Tempest then ran over and the two of them locked Hands and Hooves together as one of them tried to gain the upper hand, neither of them gave up.

Tempest then managed to throw Sonic away causing him to slide across the ground, he then got back up before running back over. He dodged over the incoming hoof, before riding on her back.

“Giddy up horsey!” He yelled with a cowboy voice, Tempest then jumped around trying to get him off, after a few moments tempest grabbed Sonic with her mouth before throwing him away.
(End Song)

Quickly getting up Sonic looked back at Tempest with a hard glare. “You annoying pest, why are you even wasting our time with this pointless fight!” She spat.

Sonic then heard a loud ruckus from far before smirking. “I just needed to create a diversion.” Before Tempest could blink he sped up top of a nearby building before calling out.

“Sorry but we’ve gotta run! Don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll get the chance to play again real soon!” He then gave a two finger salute before bolting away.

Tempest growled angrily she had been deceived by this thing, how could it have come to be. “Uh, boss you could’th used your magic.” Tempest gave a death glare but faced the Storm creatures who had returned.

“To the ship now! And bring him!” She pointed at Capper who was grabbed harshly before being dragged of with them.

Tempest thought about the Hedgehog the way he went from joking to being serious was sudden, but that didn’t matter all that did was that she got the last princess.

‘Nothing will stop me even that annoyance of a Hedgehog won’t prevent me from getting what I want.’ They continued back to the docks they had arrived from to interrogate their new prisoner.

Klugetown: Earlier

Verko was currently in front of Tempest preventing her from getting to them, Twilight knew that this was their chance to escape.

She quickly ushered the group out the window and onto the windmill for escape, she didn’t notice Sonic staying behind as Verko got zapped causing her to freak out.

“Go! Go!” She then flew upwards to catch up with her friends, she heard Tempest yell something but didn’t pay attention to it, she reached her friends then she noticed somebody was missing.

‘Where’s did he go?!’ She didn’t have time to think as a Storm creature appeared from the window and began pushing the windmill backwards, Twilight and Rainbow Dash zipped over to the rotor that their friends were on and began pushing back.

The struggle for victory became apparent to both parties as they continued pushing with all their might, they didn’t notice the windmill slowly getting loose from its spot.

The rotor that the Storm creature held broke and smacked him in the face, the Mane six and Spike spun around in circles at a fast pace before the windmill detached from its holding point.

This caused it to start bouncing down the road, with Applejack expressing her inner thoughts out loud. “I'm... gonna... be... sick!” After a few more spins and bounces they let go of the rotor and landed on a wooden path.

They began immediately running with Twilight and Rainbow Dash flying behind, the windmill was destroying everything behind them making the pressure even more intense.

They jumped to another wooden path and continued forward, they barley managed to make the jump to safety as they were all running with fear, except Pinkie who… For god sake she waved to me now of all times.

They then exited the tunnel like area they entered and looked around, Twilight saw a ship on the docks. “We have to get there! To the docks! Hurry!”

On their way up the stairs they felt a gush of wind pass them to which they faced to their left to see Sonic running alongside them, smiling.

“So what did I miss?” None of them responded, to his question with the only focus being to get onto the ship.

They arrived at the docks and saw the ship leaving, Sonic and Rainbow Dash zipped over to the rope that was hanging form the ship, Sonic began running backwards pulling with all of his might.

Rainbow Dash was also doing the same, the others quickly made it across with Fluttershy flying across, Pinkie then jumped onto the rope causing it to fall.

Spike who was traversing the rope managed to hang on, with Sonic and Rainbow Dash falling downwards as well, Sonic held on for dear life now wishing he had his rings.

Pinkie unfortunately wasn’t lucky and began falling into the clouds below. “Pinkie!” Twilight shouted, she dived for her friend and managing to catch her right before they hit the ground.

Twilight carried Pinkie up to the ship and fell onto the deck exhausted, Pinkie then shot her head up. “Best... escape... plan... ever!” Twilight‘s eyes shrunk had her friend really said that right before her potential death.

“WHAT?!” They then got lassoed by Applejack when they landed Spike shushed them, as they looked up and saw two shadowed figures approach each other.

“Did you hear something?” The one on the right asked to which the other squawked, they began moving away. “Eh, probably just the rats. If we find 'em, we'll eat 'em.”

The group became terrified after he mentioned eating them, Rarity took note of what he called them. “Rats?”

“Oh come on that’s the second time that someone’s called me a rat!” Sonic whispered in equal tone.

The group faced him with looks of fear while Twilight glares at him. “Where did you go?!” She whispered, to which Sonic smirked.

“I fought with the scar faced pony, that’s all.” The group became silent to which Twilight groaned in annoyance. “Never do that again!” She hissed.

Sonic simply crossed his arms and looked at the floor frowning before whispering to himself. “Gee thanks mom.” No one picked up on it. But what they didn’t know was some good luck was coming their way.

Klugetown docks: Meanwhile

Capper landed on the ground with a thud after being pushed by one of the Storm creatures, he went wide eyed when the shadow of Tempest loomed over him.

He looked up to see her face staring back at his own. “Now... where are they going?” Her horn charged up causing intimidation to fill Capper’s face.

He then stood up. “Okay. No need for violence. Uh, they're headed...” He was about to say where they were going but the golden button on his jacket dinged, causing him to look at it remembering what Rarity did earlier.

He also remembered about how Sonic was looking for his mother, the kid was lost and alone he needed help.

Capper then made his mind up. “They headed east! Yeah, to... to Black Skull Island.” Tempest and Grubber looked at each other before focusing on Capper who was walking away.

“So, uh, glad I could be of service to His Majesty, the Storm King. I'll just be on my way.” He was then blocked by the Storm creatures and faced Tempest.

“When I get my Princess. Until then, your fate is still... up in the air.” Tempest smirked at him before walking back to the ship.

“Oh, you're gonna go in the thkiff! Which ith a boat! Thpethifically, a air-boat!” Grubber added while laughing.

He turned around and caught up with Tempest, Capper was pushed forward to which he gave up and slumped forward.

‘I really hope they make it, especially that kid he reminds me of how I was back when I was younger.’ Capper thought, making him remember his younger years.

But right now he just had to hope that his lie goes smoothly and if doesn’t he’ll be roadkill.

Author's Note:

God damn over 5,000 words how fun. Sorry for not updating just a lot of personal stuff that happened.

Hope you enjoy this chapter.