• Published 3rd Jul 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog & My Little Pony The Movie - Idiotboy24

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Meeting the Blue Devil & Call of The King

Sonic’s eyes began to slowly open, everything felt foggy as he couldn’t remember what had just happened before he fell asleep, his vision became a bit better and he was even able to stand.

When he did he saw the group of Ponies and Dragon together facing away from him, he slowly felt more normal as he started to fully come out of his drowsiness.

The Ponies and Dragon turned to face him only to jump back in surprise, “Rainbow Ponies?”

“It can talk. You’re not… you’re not here to attack us, are you?” Twilight spoke with caution.

“You attacked me!” Sonic retorted, making the group lose their cautious looks.

“Okay, that’s a fair point. What are you? Why were you helping us?” Twilight pressed further, with a serious look.

“Because the river would have taken you. Plus you’re Equestria’s only hope “Rainbow Ponies”” Sonic explained.

“Why do ya keep calling us “Rainbow Ponies?”” Applejack asked with caution.

“Because you’re all different colours. Just like a rainbow.” To which the group lost their serious looks, well Fluttershy looked scared and Pinkie looked happy.

“Again, fair.” Twilight spoke up, Sonic then proceeded to touch his chest, only to go wide eyed as he then spun around trying to look for something.

The Mane six and Spike watched in confusion before Sonic, looked back at them with worry. “I lost my rings!”

He then ran back into his cave a lot slower than before, the group listened carefully and heard a bunch of noise coming from inside, before Sonic came back out.

“Okay, okay, okay… My rings are missing!” Sonic yelled, making the girls move back Sonic ran out from under the giant tree above them, and looked up at Canterlot.

“Are you kidding me! Come on, this just isn’t fair!” Sonic yelled once more before sitting on his knees, Twilight walked slowly up to him and tapped his shoulder making turn to face her.

“What’s going on and what’s so important about those rings?” Twilight asked, still confused.

Sonic stood up before beginning to explain. “Listen those are no ordinary rings, as you saw before. They have the ability to go anywhere as long as you can picture it.”

They all listened with interest, with Twilight having a thought come to mind.

“What were you going to do with the one in your hand from earlier?” Twilight asked, with less caution and more interest.

“I was going to use it so we could find someplace safe, to think of a plan but now that opportunity is missing.” Sonic grumbled the last bit, making Twilight feel guilty.

“Look I’m sorry, you just caught us off guard and we didn’t know if you were a threat or not.” Twilight explained, Sonic looked back up at Canterlot with sadness.

“Anyway so what now?” Sonic said to the group which got them talking about everything that happened.

“Well we just got our cupcakes handed to us by the worst party crasher ever!“ Pinkie explained.

“We gotta go back there and fight!” Rainbow Dash said determined.

Spike then spoke up. “Well, you saw the size of those goons. You seriously wanna go back?”

“Listen you do not want to go back there right now!” Sonic spoke up, everyone sans Twilight looked at him.

“Why not?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

“Well… First off there’s Scar lady who just took down three of the four Princesses.” He nearly choked up when he said ‘Princesses’. “Two there are too many guards and finally we have no army.” Sonic explained.

Everyone realised he was right, even though they just met him he was just helping them like a close friend.

“So, now what? We can't hide here forever.” Applejack inquired, which made Sonic look at the ground.

“I know what that’s like.” He muttered to himself, Twilight who had been looking at the water turned to face them, she had remembered what Celestia was saying to Luna.

“The Queen.” She said, above a whisper Pinkie bounced over excited.

“Yeah, the Queen! Uh, what queen?” Pinkie asked with confusion, Twilight looked up a Canterlot which was still being invaded.

“Celestia told Luna to find the Queen of the... "Hippos". Luna can't, so I have to.” She turned to face her friends with determination.

“Uh, hippos? Seriously?” Rainbow Dash asked deadpanned, to which Pinkie spoke up.

“I've heard they're surprisingly graceful for their size. Huh, but they're always hungry.” Pinkie looked upset at the end.

“Hungry?” Spike said aloud.

“Hippos?” Applejack finished.

Fluttershy and Rarity looked at each other confused while Sonic simply stared at the group thinking of a board game.

“They're somewhere south, past the Badlands.” Twilight further explained, which made Sonic stare at her.

“The board game or the actual animal?” Everyone stared at him with confusion but chose to ignore what he said.

“But that means we'll have to... leave Equestria. Oh!” Fluttershy added with fear in her eyes.

Rarity popped up next to her. “I'm not even packed!”

Sonic silently commented to himself. “I’m not wearing any pants!”

Twilight looked at them with a caring expression. “I understand you're scared, and nopony else has to go. But I have to find this queen. She might be our only hope.” Twilight began walking by herself.

The others (except Sonic) looked to one another before smiling knowing what to do, Rainbow Dash then flew over to Twilight’s side.

“Well, you're not getting all the glory. We're in this together.” Rainbow said, Applejack then walked over and put a hoof on Rainbow’s back.

“We got your back.” She added.

“Indeedy!” Pinkie smiled after she bounced over.

Rarity walked over. “I am ready to save Equestria!” She declared.

Fluttershy silently walked over and gave a quiet cheer. “Yay.”

Spike ran in front of the group. “We're all behind you, Twilight.”

They then heard footsteps come closer which revealed Sonic standing next to Fluttershy. “Till the very end.” He spoke, the group were in silent shock.

This creature who they’ve never met ever is just willing to help them, on the whim even after accidentally attacking him.

Twilight smiled seeing them all willing to help, Twilight faced Sonic and continued to smile. “What’s your name?” Sonic smiled back.

“If this was a little bit ago I would have said “Ryan” but just call me Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog.” He answered.

After being satisfied with the answers they were ready to go, Pinkie then jumped forward. “Let’s go find this hippo!”

The group watched on in confusion Spike broke the silence. “Uh, south?” He pointed to his left, Pinkie then jumped towards where Spike pointed with the group smiling at her antics.

They finally began walking down the path to begin their journey, Sonic looked back at his home still walking before facing forward with excitement filling his body all the way up to his nose.

“Anypony up for a game of “I spy?”” This caused most of the group to groan with the exception of Sonic who smiled brightly.

“Oh I do, I do!” Most of the group were caught of guard by his sudden excitement.

“I spy with my little eye something that is orange.” Pinkie started, making Sonic look around to which he looked at Applejack and guessed.

“Is it “Cowgirl?”” Sonic asked causing most of the group to stop moving and look at him.

Sonic noticed everyone staring at him confused. “What? Is it because I smell from the river?” Everyone kept looking at him with confusion before Twilight broke the silence.

“Uh what do you mean by “Cowgirl?”” Sonic looked at her and began to explain.

“Okay so, I’ve never really knew your actual names so I came up with nicknames for each of you.” The others made ‘oh’ sounds before continuing to walk.

“So who’s, who?” Pinkie asked, making Sonic smile.

“Well first we have “Cowgirl” because she wears that hat and lives on a farm.” He pointed at Applejack who smiled at the name.

He then turned to to Rarity. “Then we have “Fashionista” or “Drama Queen”… honestly it goes either way.” The others slightly snickered while Rarity pouted at the latter nickname.

“We then have “Animal Carer” who gets that nickname for obvious reasons.” Fluttershy blushed a little bit and hid her face.

“Then we have “Cotten Candy Pony” because her hair looks like Cotten Candy.” Pinkie smiles at the nickname seeming to have accepted it.

“Next is “Skittles” the reason behind the name is because of a Candy that I’ve tried before that has the slogan, ‘Taste the Rainbow.’” Rainbow Dash, simply snorts at the name.

“Why I didn’t get a cooler name!” Sonic simply gave her a smirk.

“Unless you want to be called “LGBT”” Everyone except for Twilight and Rainbow gave confused looks.

“What does that mean?” Fluttershy asked.

“You don’t want to know.” Twilight told, Rainbow Dash immediately shook her head before replying.

“Okay “Skittles” is fine.” Sonic chuckled before continuing the Nicknames.

“Continuing forward we have “Scales” but honestly you can take the nickname “Spyro” if you want.” Spike smiled at his nickname's.

Sonic then pointed at Twilight. “And finally we have “Book Master” who knows practically everything about books.” The others giggled at the name while Twilight blushed.

“Okay, okay we get it, it’s funny but we do have names. You already know my name, so I’ll introduce you to the others.” They all stopped moving.

“Howdy there I’m Applejack!” She tipped her hat to him.

“I’m Pinkie Pie! And your so cute better than the original design!” Everyone else gave questioning looks, to which Sonic leaned over. “Is she always like this?”

“Mostly.” Was all Twilight could say, before everyone else continued.

“I’m Rarity and… Oh my! Whatever happened to your footwear!” Sonic looked down at his grey shoes that he’s been wearing for a few years, they had holes and tear throughout.

“Oh yeah that… honestly I don’t see the problem.” Sonic shrugged making Rarity gasp.

“How could you say such things! This will be fixed when this is all over!” She exclaimed, making the others roll their eyes except for Sonic, Pinkie and Fluttershy.

“Anyway I’m Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer around this side of Equestria!” She boasted making the others groan, while Sonic simply stared at her.

“We’ll it’s nice to know there someone who’s also fast.” Everyone stared at Sonic with raised brows, with Rainbow staring with curiosity.

“What’d you mean?” Sonic smiled back.

“I’ve always been able to go fast and I’ve never had anyone to challenge me, so maybe sometime we could race?” Everyone looked at him confusion, he then sighed.

“Hold on I’ll be back in a second.” He then ran all the way back to his cave and came back with a fresh apple, everyone jumped at his sudden speed from running to the cave and back.

“Okay… I’ll think about it.” Rainbow responded with her mouth agape like everyone else’s.

“I-I’m F-Fluttershy.” She spoke quietly but Sonic caught her name, he turned his attention to Spike.

“I am Spike the number one assistant of the Princess of Friendship!” He announced proudly.

“And you know me as Twilight.” She finished, Sonic simply smiled in return.

“Well now that we have names out of the way, let’s do this thing!” He declared, which the group proceeded forward unaware of what was happening at Canterlot minutes prior.

Canterlot: 15 Minutes Earlier

Back in the streets of the now invaded city Storm creatures are everywhere, with a row of them following a chain of ponies who have been captured.

The Unicorns can’t use their magic due to their horns being covered, and Pegasi have their wings bound to the sides of their bodies and to top it off their muzzles are clamped shut.

One Storm creature sees a collection of balloons and cuts the string, causing them to fly up into the air towards the balcony of the castle.

Tempest sees the balloons and comments to herself. “All this power wasted on parties.” She walks into the throne room and past the statue of Celestia, and looks at the reflection of herself.

“When there are far greater uses.” Her horn flared, as she walked past and saw two of the Storm creatures, walk forward with a potion in one of their hands that was making a ringtone noise.

Tempest looked annoyed. “Well? Answer it!” she demanded the Storm creature, pulled of the cap and poured the liquid into the pot that sat there in the room, causing an effect of Blume flames to rise up, causing both creatures to walk backwards.

After some startup noises, a head of a figure appeared. “Where am I supposed to be looking? I never understand how this spell works. Tempest!” He called in anger, to which Tempest looked at him with slight annoyance.

“Over here, Your Excellency.” she said deadpanned.


“Over here.” He looked to his right missing Tempest.

“No.” He looked to the left.

“No, right. Look right.” She continued to look deadpanned.

“My right?” he looked down to his right.


He then finally saw Tempest and began. “Oh. There you are. Here's the deal. I'm in the middle of a big re-brand here. "The Storm King" is tracking well as "intensely intimidating", but you know what? I need to back it up. You know what I need to back it up with? A storm! That would be great! You promised me magic that could control the elements, and right now, I'm holding a what? A branch. A twig. Bleh!” Tempest walked closer unaffected from his outburst.

“Uh, that would be the Staff of Sacanas, Your Excellency, and it will channel the magic of the four rulers of this land, along with whatever caused the Blue explosion.” The Storm King kept on nodding his head not really paying attention.

“You'll soon have the power of a hundred armies.” She finished explaining, to which The Storm King who was still holding the staff faced her.

“So that would be a yes on your locking down the four Pegacornicuseses, or whatever you call them? Along with the thing that caused the EMP? I can’t believe I’m the only one to get that right.” He stared right into her eyes with a bored expression.

“Give me three days. I’ll have everything ready for your arrival.” Tempest requested.

The Storm King then changed his tone of voice from bored to ominous. “Remember, Tempest. Only I have the power to make you whole. Make this twig work, and you'll get your reward. Fail me, and your horn won't be the only thing that's broken.”

Tempest eyes stared deeply into The Storm King’s. “It won’t be a problem.” She replied.

“Good. I’ll see you then with you still being a pony, or as nothing but the stains that cover these walls.” He finished before disappearing.

Grubber stood on the opposite side of the pot with a surprised expression. “Thorry, bad thpell thervice. You want me to call him back?” He asked to which Tempest walked over towering him.

“Do you have the Princess?” Grubber became nervous and tried to explain as best as he could.

“Well, uh, funny thtory. It kinda theemth like she... she might've like, you know, got away... a little bit. I know you're dithappointed, but I got one word for you: "thpongecake". He then got zapped in response by Tempest who glares heavily.

“I need all four for the staff to work” she walked away from Grubber, still glaring heavily at the floor.

“Hey, I know! I want the Thtorm King to fix that crazy horn as badly as you do. It lookth like a crackly chipped tooth on the top of your head. And you know you don't look good in hatth.” Tempest then ran right up to him with her magic going crazy.

“That Princess is not gonna keep me from getting my horn back! Prepare my ship!” Grubber ran from her in fear, she breathed heavily and regained her cold exterior.

“Please. How far could one little pony get on her own?” She then turned her head back to her ‘friend’ who walked up to her before stammering.

“We… also tthound… this.” He opened up his hand to reveal a blue quill glowing brightly, Tempest’s eyes grew wide as she processed this new info. ‘Wherever this blue quill came from, it must’ve came from whatever caused the EMP.’

Grubber looked at her before whispering to her. “Listen whatever you do, don’t try to eat it cause it tthaps you.” He then gave it to Tempest before running outside to the ship.

Tempest stared at the quill and had more questions raised in her head, for what this quill belongs to but she couldn’t dwell on that now. She had a mission to finish, whether she hated it or not she was going to catch that Princess no matter what.

She finally proceeded out the doors of the throne room towards her ship to begin searching for her target, but as she left a portal appeared above the balcony of the castle and a pouch of rings dropped down and landed.

They sat there waiting to be picked up by anybody, but no one came by to claim it, the sound of screams echoed across the city with the only thought on everyone’s minds being. ‘Celestia help us.’

Author's Note:

New chapter out! Sorry if it been a little bit, I just wanted to avoid a burnout.

Hopefully you all do enjoy it.