• Published 3rd Jul 2022
  • 4,478 Views, 201 Comments

Sonic The Hedgehog & My Little Pony The Movie - Idiotboy24

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Arrival at Mount Aris

Mount Aris

The group had successfully arrived at Mount Aris after a little crash, they began climbing up the mountain’s stairs slowly but surely, making their way to the top.

Sonic who was following closely behind Twilight, Spike and Rainbow Dash was smiling a little bit, glad that they were finally going to succeed in their mission, but that happy thought was interrupted by Rarity’s whining.

“We had to crash the balloon at the bottom of the mountain! That's it! I simply... cannot... even! I have nothing! The bad guys have won! I'm so sorryyyyyyyy-y-y-y!”

Sonic frowned and quickly sped his way back down the steps to Rarity. “Hey you could’ve asked me to carry you up!” He said with an annoyed tone.

She looked up at him with a frown of her own. “Sorry if I’m whining but we’ve been going up these stairs for so long!” She continued, only receiving deadpanned stares from the others.

“Uh hello, we started going up these stairs three minutes ago!” Before an argument could happen, Rainbow Dash flew above and called down. “We’re almost there!”

Rarity was beyond annoyed. “Will you stop saying that!”

Sonic retorted. “Will you stop complaining.” He earned a glare in return.

“No really! We’re actually here!” Rainbow replied, Sonic smiled and scooped up Rarity bridal style and ran up to the top, he managed to also pick up Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie as well.

They made it to the top and Sonic placed the four Mares down on the ground, Rarity shook in place after experiencing the speed. “What was that?!” She screamed at the Hedgehog who rolled his eyes.

“Listen ‘Drama Queen’ you were complaining the whole way so I made the journey shorter for you, so can you shut it!” Rarity glared heavily but kept quiet to his relief.

“Thank you!” He finished, before looking at the sight in front of them, two Eagle like statues stood tall, with an entrance in between.

“This is it!” Twilight whispered loudly with a wide smile on her face, the others also commented on the sight in front of them as they began walking forward through the entrance.

As they walked forward they had happy and excited faces, but they were slowly changed into looks of uneasiness and fear, this place was abandoned and old, fog was covering the place alongside the worn out structures.

“Are we sure this is the right place?” Rarity asked, Applejack looked at her surroundings. “Hello?! Is anypony home?!”

Pinkie popped out of nowhere. “No Hippogriffies here!” She then started popping in everywhere around the place. “Or here! Or here! Or here or here or here!” Holy crap she’s in my room! Annnddd she’s gone.

“Waaaaaiiit!” She fell from nowhere and landed in front Twilight looking at a rock on the floor, she lifted it up and found nothing underneath it. “Nope! This place is emp-ty!”

Twilight looked on confused and worried, did they come all the way out here for nothing? “But... Celestia... The map. They have to be here.”

Sonic walked over to a Hippogriff statue with Spike following closely behind. “Something bad happened here. Something that turned this whole place into a ghost town.” Spike said, causing Fluttershy to get scared.

“A g-g-g-g-ghost town?!” Then the sound of some humming appeared making Fluttershy gasp and push her mane over her muzzle in fear.

They all turned to face the direction of the sound, seeing an entrance blocked by some rocks that had fallen to cover it up. “It’s coming from over there!”

Twilight moved forward and found a way through below the blocked entrance, she lit up her horn and crawled underneath with the others following suit.

They navigated through the darkness of the cave, looking around at how it all looked broken and lifeless.

They then entered a massive room which had two giant statues that looked like ponies, with water streaming down them, with a giant lily flower sitting in the middle of the water.

It had a bright yellow glow emanating off it, the sound was coming from this lily or whatever was inside of it.

The group saw it and froze in place cautious as to what it could be, Pinkie stepped forward and accidentally broke a part of the stairs causing the humming to stop. “What was that?!” The figure spoke.

The figure jumped into the water diving below, Pinkie bounced forward. “Hey! Wait up! Cannonball!” She jumped into the water, causing a splash.

The others ran down the stairs and hopped in with Sonic staying out of the water. “Pinkie!” Twilight called to her friend worried.

They all went in to which Pinkie came back up and spat out some water. “She’s gone!” The others were confused but noticed a certain Hedgehog not with them.

“Hey where’s Sonic?” Spike asked.

“I’m right here!” Sonic called to them, they turned around and saw him standing on the edge of the floor, out of the water. “Dude why aren’t you coming in?” Rainbow asked, Sonic looked nervous.

“I uh… let’s just say I’m scared of water.” The others looked at him deadpanned.

“Seriously?!” Applejack asked, to which Sonic nodded.

“Yeah I don’t know how to swim.” Before they could continue, the sound flushing appeared making Twilight groan. “Now what?” They all ended up getting caught in the swirling vortex that appeared.

The lily went down under the water continuing to take them. “I hate epic adventures.” Rarity commented. They all screamed on their way down.

Sonic saw what was happening. “Oh no! I gotta help them! But I really hate water! Uh screw it, if I’m losing a life I might as well go out trying!” He then jumped into the vortex barley before it started to close.

He screamed as well before being sent out into some deep dark water, alongside the rest of the group. He regained his barings and opened his eyes seeing everyone else with their eyes closed.

‘What do I do?’ he asked himself, he then with all of his effort tried swimming to the others, but he only ended up getting to Twilight whose eyes were barely open.

He looked around and saw nothing to help him, this was how they were gonna go. He looked back at the Lavander pony, and hugged her he wanted to have some comfort before leaving the world.

A hoof slowly crawled around his back, he looked up to see Twilight trying to hug him, her eyes were opening and closing trying to keep awake, Sonic was also trying his best to stay awake.

But all efforts were futile and thus both of them closed their eyes and slipped into darkness.


Suddenly Twilight breathed heavily, opening her eyes. She looked around and noticed the object around her head was a bubble, she placed her hooves on it testing it’s strength.

“Way to leave it to the last minute, Twilight!” Pinkie said breathing heavily.

“I didn’t make these bubbles!” Twilight replied, she then noticed the feeling against her body, and saw Sonic holding onto her.

“Oh Celestia are we dead! Is this the afterlife! Can I finally see mom!” Sonic asked to no one, only to open his eyes and see that they were still alive, he also noticed everyone looking at him with confused looks.

He then realised he was holding Twilight quickly letting go and blushing in embarrassment. “Oops sorry!” He then began sinking. “Oh crap could use some help!”

He was grabbed by Spike who helped him stay afloat. “Thanks Spike.” To which the Dragon nodded.

“Who made the bubbles then?” Fluttershy asked. They then saw a figure swim by them, causing them all to gasp and huddle together.

Twilight grew enough courage to speak. “Hello? We’re looking for the Hippogriffs.” A ball of light appeared in front of them.

“How do I know I can trust you?” The ball of light asked with suspicion.

“Please. The Storm King invaded our land. And we need their help.” Twilight answered holding Spike close to him, which in turn had Spike holding Sonic.

“The Storm King?!” The light asked to which it moved forward and changed into a creature that had a yellow coat, blue hair and fins along with red wings of sorts, it even had a pearl.

“I'm so glad I saved you guys! I'm totally taking you to my mom!” she swam up to them and grabbed Twilight’s hoof and dragged her along with her friends in a line.

“Does your mother know where they are?” Twilight asked.

“Ooh! She might have an idea!” The creature replied in a singsong voice. This made Twilight cheer as she and her friends were taken to find out about the Hippogriffs.

Sonic was smiling brightly. ‘We’re so close, don’t worry mom you won’t have to wait much longer!’

Author's Note:

Alright another chapter done this one is shorter and hopefully there are no errors.

Hope you enjoy it anyways

Question Time: Who is your least favourite character from the Movie?