• Published 8th Jun 2022
  • 2,613 Views, 192 Comments

TCB: Thera - Joe Toon

What happens if the Conversion Bureau came to the wrong neighborhood and knocked on the wrong door?

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The Ultimatum

June 4, 2020

To Princess Celestia, Diarch of Equestria, Princess of the Sun, Empress of Equis and Protector of the Faith of Harmony,

It has come to our attention that over the past five years since our worlds connected via Dimensional Portal that relations between our respective worlds have soured to hostilities due to what has been revealed.

Five years ago when your world of Equis connected to our world of Thera, I must admit I had my doubts that your kind could pose a possible threat, due to your values of virtues such as Harmony, Friendship and what have you. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined a world of magical talking ponies that resemble a little girl’s dream would have such insidious policies in regards of assimilating immigrants in the most heinous of methods; nor have I ever imagined in my long experience of witnessing horrors that have threatened mankind would creatures that appear so innocent plot such a treacherous agenda against us that rival even the traitors who plunged our world in the hundred years conflict that was the Great War.

I am of course referring to your “secret project” that is the Conversion Bureau. Turning our citizens who trusted you; who put their faith that you are as every bit as harmonious as you claim to be; who believed that for once, an encounter with an extra-dimensional species doesn’t result in bloodshed, into shadows of their former selves; converted into ponies by your perverted science (or as you would call it, “magic”). This act of betrayal of our trust will not stand.

We of the League of Nations of Thera and our respective citizens do not take betrayal kindly. Never again since the revelation of the traitors within our ranks known as the New World Order will we tolerate betrayal of any form. And what you have done against us pales in comparison to any betrayal of trust experienced since.

A general order of mobilisation has been sounded to our colonies, galactic allies and various protectorates to converge on our homeworld to answer to the threat that is your nation, your world. This takes time, you understand; so therefore while we are gathering strength, I’d advise you to do the smart thing and follow our list of demands.

  1. Formally apologise to the League of Nations, its allies, and protectorates for your crimes.
  2. The entire Equestrian military is to demobilise and disarm. A five thousand mile radius around the portal site from the Equestrian side is to be a demilitarised zone.
  3. Revert all converted citizens of Thera back to their original forms without any side effects whatsoever.
  4. Return said citizens to us safely and unharmed.
  5. Pay reparations for damages caused to the converted citizens and the resources that were spent for this incident.
  6. Abdicate from your position of power and dismantle the Conversion Bureau.
  7. All those involved in the project are to be investigated by the Bureau of Inter-dimensional Issues (BIDI) and will be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.
  8. Once all the previous demands are met, close the portal and get the Hell off our planet.

These are our Ultimatum and are non-negotiable. Failure to comply or respond within 24 hours will be taken as an act of aggression and a state of war shall be declared between our two worlds.

Make no mistake Princess, the terms and demands we set before you are generous at best and merciful at worst for such acts of betrayal. Normally, we would demand unconditional surrender and complete vassalisation under our protectorate’s treaty. However, due to the revelation of your dire situation that is your dwindling population crisis now known to us, as well as other circumstances that have come to our attention; we can afford such leniency.

Do not mistake our intentions as a sign of weakness as many have done throughout our long history of tribulations. Thera has endured suffering you couldn’t possibly fathom in your sugar-coated world of hypocrisy. Not only have we survived the Great War, we endured five separate Xenos invasions (three of which are from beyond our dimension of reality), countless incursions and acts of terror at the hands of the traitors known as the New World Order, and are currently holding the line within our galaxy against threats you or your sister couldn’t even dream of in your worst nightmares. The worst your world has endured by comparison is a coalition war from every nation against Equestria that lasted less than a year, which resulted in the brutal subjugation of all member races of the coalition and a mass conversion of half the percentage of each race.

I admit, we were either blindsided or chose to turn a blind eye to the going ins and outs of your nation and ultimately your world. Be it from bribes, blackmail, seduction, abduction, conversion or outright murder, we have long tolerated your treacherous acts against creation itself. No longer. The line ends here Princess, I pray to almighty God that you chose the right decision, less you incur his wrath through our hands.

Signed Riza Truman,
Minister General of the League of Nations of Thera.

23 hours later, Princess Celestia responded.

To Minister General Riza Truman and the member nations of the League of Nations of Thera,

We have taken great care and consideration to your list of demands and must regretfully state that we cannot agree to your demands, thus regretfully, we have gone ahead and passed our formal declaration of war against you.

Now, we understand the gravity of the situation and have taken everything into consideration, which include several omissions you failed to address in your letter in regards to your circumstances of your leniency. While your terms can be considered generous or merciful, we cannot help but note the desperation in your tone that screams empty threats. One has not ruled for thousands of years without noticing a threat to sound intimidating to their enemies to hide a clear weakness. While we admit that your technology dwarfs ours by at least two centuries, your forces currently guarding within your planet are understrength due to your own overextension across your galaxy and protectorates.

You answer to threats constantly that you rely on volunteers across your own galaxy and other realities to supplement your shortage of manpower due to a dwindling population by the aforementioned conflicts such as the Great War and alien invasions. Your paltry Homeguard are trained to respond against small scale incursions and acts of terrorism by this New World Order and other aliens, and are usually led by old, worn out veterans, raw recruits and undisciplined volunteers. Not exactly ideal to resist a full scale invasion.

By the time you received this letter, the entire Equestrian military had launched their offensive and secured the portal site on your end. Perhaps you all should take time to read our list of demands before you sue for peace attached to this letter:

  1. Every branch of the military within the planet of Thera will surrender to the Equestrian military and her allies.
  2. All Theran forces outside of Thera will not engage against the Equestrian military.
  3. The League of Nations of Thera will dissolve and their colonies and protectorates be turned over to the authority of the Equestrian governing body.
  4. All leading authorities of each member nation are to resign and/or abdicate and their nation’s state affairs be turned over to the authority of the Equestrian governing body.
  5. All religious, cultural and scientific institutions are to be closed, converted and/or turned over to the Equestrian governing body.
  6. One half of the Thera’s population are to be converted into ponies.

I hope you will find these terms to be reasonable, considering your situation and as a reply for that insult within your demands from your letter.

Please understand, just like you have pointed out from your letter about our dwindling population due to our fertility rates; when extinction is an issue, all alternatives are acceptable.

Signed Princess Celestia,
Diarch of Equestria.

Author's Note:

So yeah, this is now a thing. It's funny because this fic could not have been conceived were it not for a casual conversation between two authors. "If you were to write a Conversion Bureau story, how would you go about doing it?" And so it started. Thanks for the inspiration Rated Ponystar; now I have two stories and a half to write about. :pinkiecrazy:

Let me know on your thoughts as to how this could go (your comments might influence the outcome) and please, comment all your criticism on how I can improve both in writing and in story and don't be shy to give me your worst (I could use the criticism).