• Published 8th Jun 2022
  • 2,620 Views, 192 Comments

TCB: Thera - Joe Toon

What happens if the Conversion Bureau came to the wrong neighborhood and knocked on the wrong door?

  • ...

The Equestrian Volunteers

June 14, 2020
New Valletta, Capital city of the Theran Fortress World of Largo
One week after the declaration of war

The 16th Equestrian Volunteers; aka. The Thestral Hellfighters

“Battalion, form up!”

As the thestral ponies of the 16th Equestrian Volunteers assembled on the parade grounds standing to attention, Major Starlight Nightflyer, a female thestral with a swan Cutie Mark turned to salute her superior.

“Colonel Churchill, the 16th Equestrian Volunteers has returned from the front as ordered, sir!” she greeted as loud as she could with her thick thestral accent (for this context, slavic).

“Thera welcomes you back to Largo, Major Nightflyer.” said the human colonel, returning her salute, “At ease, Hellfighters. I had hoped to give you and your battalion a warmer reception, considering your achievements on the front with the Kalderin Swarm, but recent developments dictates the removal of such niceties.”

Nightflyer smirked, “Hmph, on the contrary, Colonel. Compared to the insanity from the front, a quiet welcome such as this could not have been more appropriate.”

While the colonel did return her mirth with a smile, she noticed uncertainty in his eyes.

“Is something wrong, Colonel?” she tilted her head as she asked.

Churchill gave a sigh. “Yes, there is plenty wrong. You Hellfighters are coming home to Thera; for reassignment.”

For a brief moment, a surprised joy was on the faces of the entire battalion before they heard, “reassignment”.

“Don’t tease us like that, Colonel,” the Major spoke in a playful tone, attempting to lighten the mood, “Getting our hopes up with what we would have normally thought for an early home leave, only to be recalled back home for reassignment. Shame on you.” Her mirth died after the colonel did not return her usual teasing with some sarcasm of his own and instead maintained his frown which she now noticed was full of regret and frustration. “So where exactly are we reassigned to, Colonel?” She asked in an attempt to focus on the task, “Is this about the growing marauder activity of the Rixian Corsairs? Please tell me we’re not taken from the front against the Kalderins only to deal with those raiders, not when our forces are finally pushing them back to their core worlds.”

Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Churchill gave another long drawn sigh and passed the thestral a newspaper. “No, Major; it’s worse.”

Nightflyer took one look at the headlines and her eyes widened in shock. “WHAT?!”

“Something wrong, Major?” one of her soldiers braved to ask out of the ranks.

“I’m afraid so,” her voice gave a quiver before turning to her battalion and reading out the report;

“Last week on Friday, June the fifth, due to escalations of committed crimes against Humanity and other sentient life by the Conversion Bureau of Equestria and a failure to meet the demands listed by the League, The League of Nations of Thera has declared war on the Kingdom of Equestria. No sooner was this declaration announced, Equestria launched an invasion force of 700,000 across the continent of Asia with at least a million more in reserve, meaning they have prepared for this conflict for quite some time. Volunteers from across all fronts are to be recalled immediately to defend the Homeworld, with the exceptions of fronts such as the Avalon sector and the Cybrex sector.”

The Battalion erupted with reactions.

“We’re at war with Equestria?!”

“That’s crazy!! How did this happen?”

“What does that mean for us?”

“Are we being decommissioned?”

“Decommissioned?! I’ve spent four years serving the Volunteers, I’m not getting kicked out just one more year before me and my family’s Citizenship!”

“Is that going to matter? They’ll probably kick out the entire pony population out of Thera!”

“They wouldn’t do that, would they? My family has nowhere else to go, and there is no way in Hell we’ll be welcomed back to Equestria!”

“We weren’t welcomed there to begin with, even with Princess Luna back! Why would any of them want us back after our service to Thera?”

“But… I have brothers in the Night Guard. You can’t expect me to fight them for-”


Major Nightflyer screeched out her best impression of the Royal Canterlot voice, silencing the Hellfighters. Once they settled down, she turned back to the colonel with an apologetic gesture. “My apologies, Colonel, but can I have a moment alone with my troops?”

“Of course, Major,” he curtly nodded, “Take all the time you need. I’ll meet you and your staff in the briefing room in 17:00 hours.” He gave a salute that Nightflyer returned with her own and left the parade grounds.

Major Nightflyer turned to the entire Battalion with the most baleful glare, causing some of the newer Volunteers to shrink from her gaze. She inhaled a deep breath and spoke softly but clearly with her thick thestral accent, “You listen clearly, all of you. It doesn't matter who we are fighting against, it is what we are fighting for. Equestria does not matter to us. Not anymore. We may have been born there but it is no longer home. Thera is our home now, and it has been these past years serving in her Volunteer Army. And by God, I could never be prouder to serve her.

“Equestria has done nothing for me all my life. Not when I was denied by my family. Not when I was denied my dream. Not when I was abandoned by the bastard who I once called my lover. Not when I brought my son into the world. Not when I sold my body to the streets of Canterlot to support him. Nothing. When that portal opened that day, I was one of the first to enter a world scarred and battered, but thriving. When I was offered to serve and protect their worlds from the terrors of their galaxy, I was guaranteed Citizenship for me and my son. And when the community I resided with heard from my son that I was serving the Volunteers, they treated us with more respect than I ever received in all my life. They may not have liked me or my son, alien that we are to them, but they respected us, just for being a sworn citizen for our host nation. The Therans have a saying, “Thera may not be the prettiest girl in the street, but she will make you feel welcome if you treat her right.” I could not think of a better world to call home. And I know for a fact that my story is no different from any of yours.”

She pointed to a post at the entrance to the base for all to see. “When you carved your name on that post, did you or did you not swear an oath to abandon the life you once had? To start anew?! I have taken that oath, I have abandoned the life I once had, even my calling from my Cutie Mark so that my son can live the life I never had. We sacrificed everything to get to where we are now because we chose this path. We chose this destiny. Not fate. Not the Princesses. Not the Therans. Us. We chose to fight for Thera because we chose to have a new life for ourselves and our chosen family. If any of you have second thoughts on the matter, you can leave and forget about everything you have accomplished to be where you are today.”

The murmurs among the ranks after her speech slowly died down as the battalion stood to attention. All uncertainty from their expressions were gone, replaced by resolve.

“Major,” one of the sergeants with a Canterlot accent called out, “we are not sitting this one out. Each of us has a mare, stallion, colt, filly and/or foal waiting for us home. I’ve a wife and foal back in Thera. I can’t back down now, not when they’re depending on me.”

“Damn right, we aren’t Sarge!” shouted out a mare, “We started this gig, might as well go all the way!”

“Amen to that,” another voice called out, this time a stallion, “We’re the Hellfighters; the finest pony Volunteers! We back down now, we’ll be the laughing stock of the Volunteers!”

The whole battalion gave a small hearty laugh at that comment.

I am a Volunteer,” a private announced, reciting a creed, “I gave up my old home, creed and life to serve the Nations of Thera.

My past is forgotten,” another joined the recitation, “My home long abandoned. My beliefs I have forsaken. My sins are now pardoned.

The rest of the battalion joined the creed.

“Beside me are my comrades. Behind are my Kin.
Before me are my enemies. Above me is my God.
Below me is now my home.

What lands I tread shall be Theran soil. The Lord who watches over me protects.
The foes I destroy are to be respected. The lives I save are the innocent.
And the soldiers beside me are my blood brothers.

From the edges of reality to the heart of Thera herself, I swear this oath: I will uphold the values of the nations under God’s Law; to abandon the life I left behind, to be the shield for the righteous, to be the sword against the wicked, and a beacon of virtue.

And in return, wherever the men of Thera treads, I shall be found wanted as will my chosen Kin.

Thera Invicta! Thera Victoria!”

That same day, within the barracks of the 1st Equestrian Volunteer Medical Brigade, aka, Valkari Brigade.

Dear Mom and Dad,

It’s been a while, huh? I’ve heard over the radio what just happened. I hope both of you and the girls are alright and that none of the neighbours are giving you trouble. The guys in our company told me that there is nothing for me to worry about. Aiden even joked that, “If the Volunteers could accept an ex-convict like Alejandre, you would have no problems with the rest of us.” He always was the cool one.

Our colonel did take some of us for questioning if we knew about the several ponies that disappeared just before the war broke out, which made me worry for the girls and their sweethearts. I know the two of you didn’t exactly approve of their relationships with different species, but this is a new life we’ll have to adapt to and I hope you’ll at least respect their choices in life; as for mine.

I know you weren’t thrilled when I didn’t make it to the Wonderbolts and that I messed up spectacularly. Believe me, these last few years made me realise how much of a featherbrain I was. I couldn’t thank you all enough when you recommended that I join the IUVA. At first I thought you were all crazy; that you did it to get rid of me for being an embarrassment to the family. I never really told you how much of a surprise it was when you accepted my invitation to move the whole family to Thera. For the longest time I thought you’d never give me a chance to fix my mistakes. For that, I couldn’t be more grateful.

Anyway, we’re being shipped off within this week and in a few months we’ll be making our way home. Hope to see you all then.

Your awesome daughter,
Lightning Dust.

July 1, 2020
Konstantinople, Capital of the Byzantine Empire, Thera
Three weeks after the declaration of war

Military Bar “Ignis in Foraminis”

Gallus, is that you?

Sandbar!! You son of a mule! Long time no see! (Clasps a talon to Sandbar’s forehoof, followed by an embrace)

What are you doing here, you featherbrain?

Oh, I’m part of the Volunteers. Can’t you see the uniform?

No way! For how long?

Oh, two years. I was stationed with the infamous 49th Light Infantry.

Horseapples! You’re with those guys? Weren’t they on the front months ago?

Yeah, we were. Saw those fungus zombies up close. Picked up a souvenir on the way back. (Taps an automail inplace of his left talon)

Dude, I’m sorry to-

Hey, none of that. You didn’t lop it off so there’s nothing to be sorry about. Besides, I get to have this sweet robot arm in exchange. Only downside is it itches now and then. I mean seriously, how does that happen? It’s mechanical!

(The two of them shared a laugh.)

Radio Broadcaster
We interrupt this program with a newsflash. The capital city of the Kingdom of Jerusalem has fallen into Equestrian hands as the city’s garrison of the 21st Templar Guards were defeated in an attempted counterattack. While most of the city’s population were evacuated, less than ten thousand citizens were still trapped inside once the Capital was occupied by the invading Equestrians, along with several Christian, Jewish and Zoroastrian holy relics left within the temple mount. The Knights Templars’ Grandmaster Joseph Enrico made no comment on this disaster.

In other news, the borders with the Rixian Corsairs exploded with activity when-

Bar Patron 1
Bloody four-legged xeno bastards! Why can’t we just Exterminatus their damned planet?

(Gallus gives a snarl and attempts to approach the patron)

(Stops Gallus) It’s not worth it Gallus. Let them be.

Let them be? That was my home too, y’know! Besides, you of all creatures in this bar ought to give them a piece of your mind.

Have you seen the front against Equestria? I have. I was there in Persepolis while we were evacuating the city. It was messed up Gallus; their airships blew up half the city to Hell. Their heavy infantry tore through our fortified positions. I was part of a squad sent to evacuate a town. When we got there, all we found were stacks of bodies. And that was just a portion of the town. We found out most of them were shipped in carts to Equestria, like livestock. (Takes a drink)

Damn. I mean, we heard the stories of the Unconquered Sun, but damn, never thought they were real.

How do you think I feel about it? I joined this outfit to see the worlds beyond Equestria. Brought my folks along the road to show off the stars. When the whole Conversion Bureau got exposed, my folks were torn of either making it back to Equestria or staying here.

What did they choose?

When word got out of all the abductions of mares with relationships with humans across Thera, they chose to stay. They couldn’t believe it. Hell, I couldn’t believe it! Luckily, our neighbours were supportive enough to stop a mob from attacking them.

Galahad. Have you heard from the old gang before all this happened?

Hmph, I was flattened on my ass by Yona when I joined the Volunteers, remember? Everypony thought it was the break up of the century. I couldn’t exactly write to everyone when I caused one of us to cry like I just tore her heart out. Which makes me curious, why did you join the Volunteers?

Ah, so you didn’t hear what happened after all.

What happened?

Chancellor Neighsay shut the school down; under Princess Twilight’s orders.


Yeah, I couldn't believe it either. I mean, who sets up a school to teach friendship for all creatures in Equestria only to do a complete 180 when a human tries to sign up. This was a year after you left by the way. Seriously, that Princess has been acting all weird ever since that portal to this planet opened.

Anyway, a few months after the school shut down, Ocellus applied for an internship with the Kaldivians and left for their planet, Yona went back to Yakyakistan, Smolder disappeared leaving a note saying she found something big with author A.K. Yearling, and Silver… We… We split up.

(Does a spit take) WHAT!? How? You guys were like Pinkie and cupcakes!! You two were inseparable!

Believe me, I wanted to know why myself. The night before the break up, she came into my room crying like it was the end of the world. We… We spent that night together. Then the next morning I found a note telling me that she’s sorry and that our relationship just couldn’t work. Last I heard from her was that she moved to Canterlot.

With the school closed, the gang split up, couldn’t stay in Equestria and I didn’t want to go back to Griffinstone; I figured, “what the hell?” I bought a ticket to Thera, made for the closest Recruitment Office and joined the Volunteers. Served in the front against the Kalderin Swarm, lost an arm, got shipped back here to receive this sweet robo-claw in exchange, then the whole damn war with Equestria happened.

Jesus. That’s rough buddy.

Tell me about it. Hmph, at least I wasn’t pounded into a pulp in my break up.

(He lets out a small laugh) Can’t argue with that. (Holds out a glass) Here’s to another broken heart.

(Clinks his glass to Sandbar’s) Sounds like there’s a story to that toast.

Oh yeah, I didn’t tell you my station. I’m part of-

Home Guard 1
Oi Jackass. What the hell are you doing in our bar? Shouldn’t you be in a stable somewhere?

(The two looks back to see a small group of Home Guard crowding around them)

Hey, piss off lackwit. Can’t you see the outfit? (Points to Sandbar’s dress uniform)

Home Guard 2
Oh sure, give a damned xeno a Volunteer uniform and suddenly it makes everything right. We know what you are, you four-legged bastards. Eating our food, drinking our gin. What next, taking our sweethearts from us?

Gallus, it’s not worth it. Let’s just leave.

(The two made for the exit but are blocked by a third)

Home Guard 3
Oi, who said you two faggots can bugger off like that? We’re not done here.

(The group inch, surrounding them)

Look, I don’t want any trouble, okay. And I’d rather not start a fight here.

Home Guard 1
Well, that’s too bad, Jackass. You’ve already started one just by being here.

(A Volunteer named Bernard approaches the group)

Excuse me gentlemen, but would you mind backing off from our comrades?

Home Guard 1
Piss off, Hornswoggler, unless you want us to clobber your xeno-loving arse with these two.

Home Guard 3
(Eyes widened after noticing the chevrons) Reese, shut it! He’s an officer!

Home Guard 1
Like we give a damn! You Volunteers are nothing but xeno-loving poofters, taking advantage of our planet’s hospitality! Our ancestors spilled their blood defending this rock from the likes of those xenos, while you lot go off galavanting into some far off reality from nowhere, wasting valuable taxpayer’s money!

(A Zangland Volunteer named Yurulek walked in)

You will hold your tongue, boy. And show respect to the rank and uniform.

(The Home Guards look around to see that they are surrounded by Volunteers)

Name. Rank. Now.

Home Guard 1
Reese Lockland. Private. 53rd South African Home Guard.

How long have you been in the army, Private?

Home Guard 1
S-seven month ago, sir.

Seven months. Private Sandbar, how long have you served?

Four years, Captain.

You, bird-cat. What’s your name?

Gallus. Just Gallus, sir. Private first class.

Gallus, a fine name. How long have you served, son?

Two years, sir. Three in a couple of months.

Two years. Yurulek, how long have you served for Thera?

Sixteen years, Captain.

Sixteen years. (Leans closer to the Home Guards) Every Volunteer here has served longer than you have. Every one of us shed blood for the defence of this planet and its interests. Everyone of us here knows of one who has fought, bled and died for the defence of this rock, longer than you have donned that uniform.

But I’m not here just to berate you on your lack of experience, boy. Every last one of us gave up the lives we once knew for every citizen under the banner of the League of Nations. As the good book says, “Whoever is not against us is for us.” We signed up to hold the very gates of Hell from breaking loose to harm everything we stand for. If you can’t tell the difference between our brothers in arms and our enemies, then take those uniforms off gentlemen, because you are dishonouring everything that uniform stands for!

(Home Guardsmen lower their heads in shame.)

Home Guard Reese
My apologies, sir.

Apology accepted, private. Now that you’ve cooled your heads down, how about you get better acquainted with these two? I’m sure if you ask where they served, you’ll be thoroughly impressed.

Home Guard 2
Um, where have you two served?

I served with the 49th Light Infantry. I was in the frontline against the Kalderins and was stationed in Fort Arthur in the Avalon Sector.

Home Guard 3
Wait, Fort Arthur? Wasn’t that the Habitat station that was hammered by those monsters?

Eeyup. I was there when they besieged the place. Thought I was a goner til the Iron Fleet came to lift the siege. That’s how I got this. (Taps his automail)

Home Guard 2
You actually survived that God-forsaken siege? Well, damn. Now I’m impressed. (Turns to Sandbar) What about you?

(Smirked and pointed to the rest of the Volunteers) See these guys? I served with them. We're from the 52nd Heavy Infantry.

(The Home Guardsmen stared at the group dumbfounded)

Home Guard Reese
The 52nd?! (Turns to Major Bernard in recognition) Bloody Hell, you’re Captain Bernard Falkner! Other known as Grampa Falkner. You lot are the infamous Heartbreak Company, aren’t you? The most experienced unit of the IUVA!

So, our reputation precedes us.

Home Guard 3
They barely do you justice! You were one of the first formed units after the Great War, and the first to engage the Starcatchers in Verdun. You were also one of the first to travel across dimensions such as that reality locked in a Galaxy-wide civil war.

How are you here? I thought you were still stationed in our Protectorate in Toril.

Oh, we were actually. We were stationed on this ship called a Spelljammer patrolling the Sword Coast, holding off an Illithid invasion. It was wild. We were relieved and recalled here after tensions escalated with Thera and Equestria.

When the war broke out we were in Persepolis, assisting the evacuation.

(Idol chatter spreads across the bar as other patrons join in the conversation. Drinks are passed around, followed by laughter and singing)

Radio Broadcaster
We return to your radio broadcast with a live performance from the 2nd Mount Aris Volunteers aboard the Cruiser Damascus.

Ulm system
Battle Group, Copper Fleet
Asteroid-class Cruiser, IUVAS Damascus

“Captain, please? Can’t we sing it one more time?”

Captain Zhou Chen frowned at the young sea-green maned hippogriff Volunteer in front of him. “Private Terramar, this is the third time your company requested that song today. Either pick another song or make your way back to the barracks.”

“Please Captain? You know how catchy it is and it really does wonders for morale.” Terramar begged with his best puppy-dog eyes, with the rest of his company offering the same look.

The Captain winced, avoiding looking at them in their pleading gaze. He sighed inwardly and made for his communications officer. “Let me contact the Admiral and ask his permission.”

Damn those eyes. They should be illegal.

An hour later, broadcasted across IUVA Radio

We return to your radio broadcast with a live performance from the 2nd Mount Aris Volunteers aboard the Cruiser Damascus. As a gesture of commitment that not all Equestrians support Celestia’s war, these brave hippogriff Volunteers have offered to perform the old Space Shanty, “Fish from the Sea.”

(Verse 1)
Come all you young spacefarers, listen to me
I’ll sing you a song of our fish from the sea

And its windy weather, boys, stormy weather
When the wind blows then were all together, boys
Blow ye winds fringeward, hey! Blow ye winds blow!
Out to the galaxy steady she goes

(Verse 2)
Up come the solar winds taking us far
All through the space lanes and out through the stars

And its windy weather, boys, stormy weather
When the wind blows then were all together, boys
Blow ye winds fringeward, hey! Blow ye winds blow!
Out to the galaxy steady she goes

(Verse 3)
Up comes the great dragon in search of our home
Through space to a place that's beneath wave and foam

And its windy weather, boys, stormy weather
When the wind blows then were all together, boys
Blow ye winds fringeward, hey! Blow ye winds blow!
Out to the galaxy steady she goes

(Verse 4)
Up comes the Tiyanki the king of deep space
Racing our ships in a hyperspace chase

And its windy weather, boys, stormy weather
When the wind blows then were all together, boys
Blow ye winds fringeward, hey! Blow ye winds blow!
Out to the galaxy steady she goes

(Verse 5)
Up come the leviathan tentacles grasp
Choking our ship as we shiver and gasp

And its windy weather, boys, stormy weather
When the wind blows then were all together, boys
Blow ye winds fringeward, hey! Blow ye winds blow!
Out to the galaxy steady she goes

(Verse 6)
Up comes the lithoid, all hewn from their stone
Those boulders are bolder when they’re not alone!

And its windy weather, boys, stormy weather
When the wind blows then were all together, boys
Blow ye winds fringeward, hey! Blow ye winds blow!
Out to the galaxy steady she goes

(Verse 7)
Up comes the necroids, all fearsome and great
You can't kill them mateys, they'll reanimate!

And its windy weather, boys, stormy weather
When the wind blows then were all together, boys
Blow ye winds fringeward, hey! Blow ye winds blow!
Out to the galaxy steady she goes

(Verse 8)
Up comes swarms of robots, get ready to run
Fight one, ten, a dozen, 1101

And its windy weather, boys, stormy weather
When the wind blows then were all together, boys
Blow ye winds fringeward, hey! Blow ye winds blow!
Out to the galaxy steady she goes

(Verse 9)
We rose from the ocean and reached for the sky
We’re building an empire that never will die!

And its windy weather, boys, stormy weather
When the wind blows then were all together, boys
Blow ye winds fringeward, hey! Blow ye winds blow!
Out to the galaxy steady she goes

Volunteer reinforcements ETA: Five months.

Author's Note:

G'day all.
I know it isn't necessary to put the full lyrics of the Space Shanty, but I thought, "What the Hell?" Loads of Stellaris players didn't even know this existed within the game apprerently.

Special thanks to Author Flint-Lock for allowing me permission to borrow the character of Starlight Nightflyer from The Mare of the Night.

As always, let me know your thoughts, critiques and more in the comments below.