• Published 8th Jun 2022
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TCB: Thera - Joe Toon

What happens if the Conversion Bureau came to the wrong neighborhood and knocked on the wrong door?

  • ...

Theran Residential Assessment

Three years before the war

Species Analysis of the current residents of the world of Thera
-By Twilight Sparkle

Before I begin, it is important to note that the purpose of this document is to understand this strange new world we are seeing with our own eyes. Many who are in the know must realise that this world’s residents go well and beyond our intended expectations (especially since this was not the world we originally intended to reach). Therefore, any distribution of this document must be done in caution and must not be known to the general public.

This document is to assess the potential value of acceptance among the residents of the world of Thera once we begin our operations as well as potential threats they could be when hostilities rise to the occasion.

Without further ado, let us begin.


Description: Bipedal, standing a head taller than the average pony, this creature resembles greatly our world’s Diamond Dogs due to their canine features with considerable differences. Their postures stand straighter in contrary to the hunched backs of the average Diamond Dog, they resemble more like foxes rather than the titular dogs (almost sharing a likeness to the Kitsunes), they share a diverse colour of coats as us ponies and are clothed just as much as Humans.

History: Kaldivians are not native to Thera but make up the largest non-human population within their planets, making them 3.5% of Thera’s population and 20% of their extra-planetary colonial population. They come from a Continental planet named Oria within the Caste system. How they came to reside within Thera is due to being one of their first allies within their galaxy, with one of the conditions for their alliance being a series of arranged marriages from a few of each nation’s nobility/elites. Their society is under leadership of a Matriarch (an elected noble mare among the twenty great houses of Nobles), they are scientifically driven and are fanatic xenophiles to a fault where a great number of them prefer the company of other species then their own. They believe in Acceptance and Harmony of all species (dare I say, even more so than Equestria), to a point where they genetically altered themselves to be compatible to procreate with any sapient species. Apparently, according to their rival nations, it was this obsession of xenophilia that spawned the great disaster known as the Kalderin Swarm.

Society and Technology: Kaldivians, just like their contemporaries within their galaxy, are a spacefaring nation spanning across twenty star systems (including black holes, pulsars, etc.) and twelve colonised planets. As impressive as this is, however, their sciences are mostly focused on Genetics, Social studies and sciences, and medicine; forming their galaxy’s best Doctors, Historians, Biologists, Diplomats, Lawyers, Politicians, and in rare occasions, generals. A saying goes that one will find a Kaldivian in every medical centre within the galaxy. Not necessarily true but it is a testament to their influence within their galactic community. They were also noted to be one of the first to document almost every form of life within their galaxy; from plant matter, to animals, to silicon based lifeforms, both sapient and non-sapient. (A feat which I actually admire.)

Final Assessment: The Kaldivians are fairly adaptable to new environments but are enthused to explore new things in general. They are very curious, clingy to anything with a pulse, and easily conform within a new society they integrate themselves to. Their communities within Thera for instance are completely indistinguishable from their host nations’ culture, fully embracing it with a desire to live like them. They are the perfect species to be processed for conversion and would have probably encouraged it within their worlds. If our portal would have opened within their systems of influence, we would have had no problems negotiating a sizable population of them converting into ponies, or even requesting their gene therapy to resolve our Infertility Crisis.


Description: Bipedal, standing a head higher than Princess Celestia, this creature is an avian species with several features resembling Griffons and Hippogriffs, discounting four legs. They have four forward pointing eyes, a sharp curved beak and protruding feathers at the sides of their heads, almost resembling a horned eagle (were it not for the eyes). While they have feathered wings, they seem to be pentadactyl like a bat where it has a forearm, elbow and wrist with a difference being it has three talons and a thumb with a fourth that extends the rest of the wings. Despite this, they are flightless but can glide. They have very powerful legs which allows them to leap to very high places with equally powerful talons at the end (strong enough to crush a pony’s skull apparently). They are covered with feathers (typical of an avian species) that are coloured grey with areas from the head and neck in a shade of dark blue (mostly violet or deep blue). They are clothed just like Humans with the exception of it being more ceremonial with deep roots to their martial traditions.

History: Zanglads are not native to Thera but are the second largest non-human population within their planets, making them 2.5% of Thera’s population and 15% of their extra-planetary colonial population. Apparently, their world of origin has been lost to history for thousands of years but a sizable population are located on a large Gaia World they named Sabak, which translates to Promise Land. They were the second race to ally themselves to the League of Nations and has since been their most loyal ally due to an ancient prophecy in their holy texts stating that, “the children that bore likeness to the Lord of Creation shall inherit the universe and shall herald a new age of Peace and Salvation to all”, believing humanity to be the fulfilment of that prophecy for their resemblance to their God.

Most if not all of their species worship the religion called “The Shrouded Faith,” the oldest recorded religion within their galaxy, even surpassing our religions like the Faith of Harmony or even the Fausticorn faith. They also have a deep rooted warrior culture within their kind; they value honour, loyalty and respect for all life. Any being that violates that sanctity is to be purged from existence, which led to several Crusades against world-ending threats such as the Kalderin Swarm or the Sim Purifier System. Apparently, their society within their new homeworld resembles more of a Martial Order of Knights than a nation, all led by a Grandmaster who is voted by their Paladins and Chaplains after the passing of their predecessor. Which in turn makes the Zanglad residents within Thera mostly pilgrims visiting what they titled, “Heaven’s footstool” or fanatic religious crusaders volunteering to join Thera’s military.

Society and Technology: Despite being largely a Spacefaring race, the Zanglads are fiercely Technophobes, treating certain technologies such as artificial intelligence to be heretical and/or against their Holy texts. Something they most often argue against the Kaldivians of the Commonwealth of Caste for creating the abominations known as the Kalderin Swarm. Despite that, their military commanders are some of the finest within their galaxy, and their armies, contrary to their disdain for certain technologies, use some of the most technologically advanced weaponry compared to their contemporaries. They also mastered powers known as Psionics which in many ways surpasses even the most talented unicorn with magic, which they use in concert with all of their weaponry. A single Zanglad Paladin can form an energy shield eight times stronger and ten times larger than Prince Shining Armour’s own *shield with not even half the amount of effort. (*See Canterlot Wedding) That said, their numbers are far and few between, with less than eight billion scattered across the known galaxy (small in comparison to other galactic empires such as the Kaldivians) which result in smaller numbers among their military compared to their contemporaries. That said, they are never alone. If one is seen, there has to be another. And if even two are gathered together, they can channel power that somehow closely resembles the Magic of Friendship.

Final Assessment: The Zanglads have to be some of the strongest creatures we’ve ever come to know. They are stubborn, stoic, devoted, and powerful. How Humanity managed to align themselves with this species is well beyond me. Perhaps they were lucky to be mistaken for their prophecy. But if they were correct to assume who their prophecy is meant for, then we might have to consider Humanity as a greater potential than we thought. With that said, the Zanglad species would be ill-suited to convert despite their potential. Due to their powers and beliefs, the risk of converting them into ponies outweigh the benefits for them to further pony evolution.


Description: Bipedal, standing roughly the height of Princess Luna (with a few roughly the size of a young foal), this creature closely resembles the Abyssinians for their feline features with several variations. The most common of them resembles more like Cheetahs, Leopards, Caracals and Lions while a minority resembles Tigers, Jaguars and common cats. They are often clothed from head to toe with loose clothing best suited for hot and dry climates.

History: Valions are not native to Thera and their population within the League of Nations makes roughly 2% of Thera’s population and 13% of their extra-planetary colonial population. They originated from a Savannah planet named Otharia of the Othor system, Homeworld of the High Kingdom of Otharia. While not a military ally with the League of Nations, the High Kingdom of Otharia are on friendly terms with the League due to being one of Thera’s biggest trading partners. Several Valion Merchants built businesses that supported the League's economy though more than often competed with another species that asserted themselves as Thera’s primary trading partner.

Their High Kingdom is led by a dynasty of long lived Monarchs titled Immortal King/Queen due to the ruling class being gifted with long lifespans that could last for a hundred years. Although, the first Monarch by the name Sullamo d’Vhakk who was said to be the one who united the planet under his rule, truly lived to the title Immortal King due to his reign lasting more than a thousand years and his wisdom is said to be unrivalled of any philosopher in his time, or even since then. Most Valions residing within Thera on the other hoof are anything but their fellow species within their Kingdom, usually being thrill seekers, rambunctious youths and Volunteers for the Theran military (such as one member of the Royal family and his entourage of Guild Guards). Those few of better reputation are as mentioned before, Merchants with the occasional Pilgrims of the Shrouded Faith and Teachers of Philosophy.

Society and Technology: While they are a Spacefaring race, the Valions barely have the industrial capabilities to manufacture their own Spaceships and most often rely on importing Ship parts from other nations within their galaxy and assembling them on their own. In fact, their entire military is made up of contracted mercenary guilds across their empire. Despite that, all mercenary guilds are well disciplined soldiers and sailors, willing to serve loyally the King and nation. What the Valions are better known for are their traders, merchants and Philosophers, due to the legacy of the first Immortal King. As one of the oldest surviving Empires within their galaxy, they’ve thrived due to two reasons; the wise leadership of their rulers across the ages and their philosophy called Tamim. It is a philosophy embedded into their culture to seek perfection in everything they do. To perfect their specialised craft of employment and destiny in life. Which is no surprise why most of their society are followers of the Shrouded Faith or for the case of those who reside within the League of Nations, converts to the religion of Christianity.

That being said, their technology, despite being one of the oldest empires in their galaxy, have not advanced since the death of the first Immortal King. Meaning, for the last 10,000 years, their empire had not advanced beyond basic space age technology and instead relies on trade to maintain their empire afloat. It was only in recent events, such as the rise of the League of Nations of Thera that finally ended their dark age of technology. Apparently, their trade with Thera for the unique amber lava crystals known as Arzen kick-started this new age; almost on par with several of their contemporaries.

Final Assessment: The Valions are masters of their crafts, much akin to how a pony specialises themselves with the talents and gifts shown on their Cutie Marks, making them perfect candidates for conversion. On the flip side, they could also be the hardest to control and integrate due to their strong sense of identity and philosophy. They will no doubt be an influencing force within Equestria should they be converted and integrated among us, which in the long run would cause widespread division should they find the path of Harmony incompatible with their beliefs. That in turn would no doubt create civil unrest and in the worst case scenario, civil war. Even if we could convince them to try, they would call everything into question as part of their philosophy of what could be perfected.

And considering the potential of them being converted into alicorns due to their biological trait of longer than usual lifespans further cements the possibility of rebellion, which is why I would have to advise against this species’ conversion.


Description: True form unknown. Within the world of Thera they share an exact same appearance to Humans, right down to their physiology other than within them. In our world, they take the form of an earth pony. They are typically dark skinned or tanned, they glow in the dark, and they do not have internal organs like most biological creatures. They are creatures of raw energy made manifest into flesh. Instead of internal organs typical of most creatures, inside is a swirling vortex of raw power capable of swallowing worlds.

History: Starcatchers are not native to Thera or even in their plain of existence and their population number less than a thousand within the League of Nations and its colonies. From what we were told of them they originate from a world surrounded by stars. According to their legends, they were the descendants of the builders of all reality, a tribe of them at least, all choosing to reside within a world in constant sunlight from a thousand stars rather than rejoining their Grand Architect within their world of origin. Since then, they gained physical form and have since expanded across countless realities across countless worlds; forming an Empire that numbers as endlessly as the stars themselves. Each world they colonise, they take on a form to suit their new environments in order to prevent its destruction by the raw power they could unleash upon it, while retaining key aspects that make up their race. Most of their species has since mingled and bred with the local sapient species of their colonies and has therefore created countless subspecies of Starcatchers. Apparently, their entire empire is connected through a series of Dimensional Gates, one of which is under possession of the League of Nations of Thera.

What is interesting to note is that the Starcatchers and Humanity have not been on good terms due to the former being responsible for instigating the Great War with the collaboration of the New World Order and for the first Inter-Dimensional conflict against Thera. Yet despite all their hostilities, The League of Nations accepted the 900 surviving prisoners of war as well as three billion civilians from three planets from another universe as compensation for the war. Apparently, the invasion was not the will of the entire empire and was instead led by an ambitious Noble who wanted Thera’s resources (particularly the lava amber Arzen).

Society and Technology: While they can be a spacefaring civilization, the Starcatchers are masters of inter-dimensional technology, preferring Gateway travel than space travel. Most of their Technology relies on heat based energies such as laser and plasma as well as several reality warping devices. Due to a preferable climate with endless sunlight such as desert worlds or radioactive worlds, all of their devices and structures are made up of glass due to their ability to melt sand from their natural power. This still does not explain their ability to crystallise an essence of a star after catching one.

Speaking of which, the staple of their technology which is their namesake is the ability to harness a star’s essence and use it either as a food source, power source, or tools to forge their infrastructure and utilities. The crystals themselves resemble either an obsidian-like material or clear glass to contain the aforementioned star essence. It is little wonder they think of themselves as the descendants of the great world builders of creation. Despite their sense of racial superiority, they are surprisingly welcoming of other sentient species, most often assimilating with them instead of the other way around. They are also very technocentric rather than religious despite their belief of their origins, noting it as an established history rather than a belief or legend. Needless to say, no species within Thera’s galaxy, let alone ours, could match up to their power. (Which begs the question, how did mankind manage to not only resist them but invade three of their colonies?)

Final Assessment: To be honest, there is little need to even bother converting this species into ponies due to their adaptation when travelling into another dimension. With that said, of all the creatures listed so far, the Starcatchers are by far the most terrifying. Their abilities are borderline alicorn level terrifying and their technology dwarfs ours by at least thousands of years. Yet what unsettles me is how much their powers and technology seemed very similar to our magic and magical artefacts. Not to mention several legends that predate the three pony tribes of an ancient race of ponies capable of powers resembling the Starcatchers. The implications of their existence within our own world begs to question our own origin as a species. Have they been to our world before? If so, are they the progenitors of the pony species or were they responsible for uplifting us into a sophisticated society? And if that were true and the pattern holds, could they have an Interdimensional Gateway within our world? Something to note and must be explored for the possibilities just to be sure.


Description: Bipedal and typically standing a head taller than Princess Celestia, Humans are primates that share similar features to centaurs, without hooves and other equine body structure. They vary in skin colour from black to light toned pink and are without coat, fur or feather apart from their mane over their heads (with occasional facial mane for males). Like most primates they are four limbed, have five fingered hands and feet, a round head and distinguishable facial structure with a wide range of expressions. They are clothed mostly for modesty and partially for protection from weathered elements of their environment.

History: The Humans are native to Thera and therefore take up the majority of citizens within the League of Nations with a 90% population within their homeworld and a 70% among their colonial holdings. However, if the rumours are to be believed, some humans residing within the League are apparently from other realities, most of whom gained citizenship due to service among the Volunteer Armies.

Humans, or as the Theran born would label themselves as Mankind, have a long history of conflict within their own species that has lasted tens of thousands of years with each era escalating to greater forms of violence and more effective ways of killing. That said, the last great conflict which they named The Great War ended all national and racial hostilities among their entire species after a revelation that the war was caused, escalated and drawn out by the extra-dimensional race known as the Starcatchers with the collaboration of and secret terrorist group called the New World Order. The war ended after every army within the planet led by Commander Paul Andrews revolted against their own governments who were controlled by the New World Order after they discovered an inactive Starcatcher Gateway and made contact with another reality. Since then, each nation formed what they called the Eternal Alliance Pact, promising never again to declare war upon each other and disputed territories to be diplomatically settled with compensation. This alliance ultimately formed the League of Nations whose sole function was to prepare the planet from an impending invasion of the Starcatchers.

The Invasion came five years too late after the League's establishment, from which the Human race stood ready and waiting for them. While it was a costly war, they stood victorious not only fending off the invasion but also led a counter attack on three of the Starcatchers’ colonies through the Gate. This victory caught the attention of not only their neighbours within their galaxy but from other extra-dimensional powers such as the Administration of Toonworld (see Toonworld files). Many of whom planned to stamp them out before they became a threat to their interests or were impressed enough to form an alliance with.

Since then the League of Nations of Thera has held off four other invasions, two from their own galaxy and two from other planes of existence. All the while sending volunteers across twelve other universes to aid in their defence and establishing them as protectorates.

Society and Technology: While they have achieved rudimentary spacefaring technology, the Humans of Thera mostly excelled at Dimensional Gate travel, largely due to support from the Administration of Toonworld rather than reverse engineering Starcatcher technology. Despite that, most of Thera’s technology is largely steampowered in contrast to most of their contemporaries within their galaxy. Steam age technology was largely considered crude and primitive to most civilizations within the galactic community yet Theran Technology managed to surprise most if not all their contemporaries. This was largely due to Arzen; a unique amber lava crystal only found within their planet and in great quantity.

It is a highly reactive crystal that ignites above 50 degrees Celsius, capable of melting almost anything in contact, and powerful enough to penetrate energy based shielding no matter how thick or strong it is. We even tested it on a unicorn’s basic shield spell and it smashed right through it like it was nothing. It was this mineral that ended their reliance on coal, gunpowder and other alternative sources of energy as they somehow managed to create a more effective industrial infrastructure and weapons development compared to the rest of their galaxy.

Tempered by relentless war, the Humans of Thera are a hardy race with experienced soldiers and officers. Though most of their nations within the League are largely under a type of Monarchy, the humans are largely Egalitarian, fanatically nationalistic while largely xeno-tolerant, and militarily driven. The League itself functions more as an International oversight committee rather than a governing body with each representative voting a First among Equals as Humanity’s representative called a Minister General. Despite all they have experienced, most of Humanity cling to religious traditions, particularly the Judeo-Christian beliefs of One God above all and Ten Laws to live by. Oddly enough after the Great War, these beliefs (although not enforced) were fanatically indoctrinated within their society after an incident of witnessing another version of their reality, although not so much on the belief in a God in general but rather the core values of their beliefs such as the Ten Laws. That said, there have been cases of Humans who claimed to have made contact with their God and developed powers that go beyond magic and even psionics. These Humans are labelled as “Gifted” and have been seen performing feats that are borderline impossible (even by Pinkie’s standards).

Final Assessment: It has been agreed that Humanity is the best candidate for conversion, what is not agreed is which version of Humanity. We originally intended to convert the humans from the mirror portal of which Sunset Shimmer now resides in. (See Sunset Shimmer files) Due to unforeseen circumstances however, we find ourselves in a version of Humanity that is not only more united than ever, but battle hardened and far more advanced than we could ever realise. The potential they have with their compatibility to use magic (as seen in the Sunset Shimmer files) proves that they are capable of integrating. But with this version of humanity, where spell casting outside of magical artefacts is impossible and containing further unknown potential within them, more research is required before we could proceed with the Conversions. I fear if they discover what our intentions are, considering their history, they will come at us with a vengeance that I very well doubt we would win in a long drawn war.

Author's Note:

I know, not exactly exciting. But if this story needs to continue, I thought a short list of species is called for.

I wanted to add portraits for each species but decided not to after not being able to find certain portraits I wanted for some of them. Sooooo, to keep up consistencies I decided against that.

As always what do you think so far? Let me know and if you spot any inconsistencies (or if you think they are inconsistencies) let me know on the comments below and I'll see if I could fix them or explain my reasoning.