• Published 8th Jun 2022
  • 2,620 Views, 192 Comments

TCB: Thera - Joe Toon

What happens if the Conversion Bureau came to the wrong neighborhood and knocked on the wrong door?

  • ...

The Escalation

Author's Note:

You asked for it, here it is.
Happy New Year.

Note: This chapter might get some constant edits with other suggestions of violations to the Geneva Convention(s) (You monsters). Just nothing vulgar or grotesque.

July 13, 2020
One month after the start of the war

Breaking News: Jerusalem Desecrated!

Following the capture of Jerusalem’s Capital, Equestrian forces are reported to have forcefully relocated Theran citizens to so-called refugee facilities within Equestria’s borders. Jerusalem’s government in exile demanded the transfer of the civilian population and prisoners of war within Theran soil to ensure none are magically converted into equines, as well as the return of plundered artefacts and works of art, such as the holy relics within the Temple Mount. The Equestrian Diarchy and their allies denied such acts of war crimes are being committed and have given their word that no conversions are sanctioned by the crowns while the war is in progress.

To the Equestrian Diarchy and their allies,
While a state of war exists between our two worlds it does not mean for the war to escalate any further than it is now. Your desecration of Jerusalem’s numerous holy and cultural sites; from stolen artefacts to vandalising ancient tombs is in direct violation to Section 5 of The Theran Rules and Regulations for Conducting Warfare. The same treaty you signed during our trade agreement five years prior to your betrayal of our trust.

Furthermore, you continue to violate Sections 1, 2 and 3 by abducting both military personnel and civilians across your occupied territories for the purposes of your vile, perverse science. While it may be the objective of this war, it would be in your best interest to cease your efforts to convert our peoples immediately.

Here are our demands;

  1. Return all stolen artefacts, relics, artwork, valuables, fossils and more back to Theran hands; undamaged, uncorrupted, unedited, unchanged, preserved.
  2. Cease all archaeological activity on all holy and cultural sites on Thera.
  3. Repair all damages done to all vandalised holy and cultural sites (you have the magic to do it, so we suggest you do so)
  4. Cease all abductions and other unlawful treatments of all military personnel and civilians.
  5. Return abducted citizens taken from Thera following the course of the war. This includes non-humans and Equestrian immigrants with and without dual citizenship.

Failure to comply will force us to take drastic measures and will inevitably escalate the state of the war. Do not force us to do something we both will regret.

Grand Marshal of Thera
Paul T. Andrews

A day later, Equestria sends their reply.

To the Marshals and Generals of Thera and her allies,
We understand the moral guide and reasoning for your rules of warfare. We understand that the rules are written with the intent for the best interests for all involved. Mercy and Honour in war supports a righteous cause for all participants within this war after all. However, we are also aware that the rules were written in your favour as a bargaining chip within your Galactic Council. We understand that the rules apply to you and everyone else involved until it is no longer convenient for you to follow. A common joke heard among your ranks is the “Geneva Suggestion,” as they put it.

Put it simply, we understand that your “Rules” are nothing more but “Guidelines” to be taken only when it suits you and serves as nothing more but a delaying tactic against your enemies to mobilise a larger and better equipped force to counter them. Do not take us for fools for we know about the reinforcements of millions of soldiers, equipment and more within a few months time. Taking a page from your “Sun Tzu's Art of War”, we will use every advantage we have against you to finish this war as swiftly and as possible. That includes the use of our superior weaponry, numbers and tactics.

If you truly wish for these actions to cease, surrender before we decide to truly escalate the war.

Steward of the Moon, Guardian of Dreams and Diarch of Equestria,
Princess Luna

Two days later, Thera sends their reply.

To the Equestrian Diarchy and their allies,
As a so-called “peace loving” nation I would have thought better of you to realise why our nations chose to implement those rules when conducting warfare. But it appears that just like every other empire within our reality before our League of Nations joined the galactic stage, you believe that these rules were merely implemented to benefit Mankind. While I admit that most if not all the rules do offer Humanity an advantage against our foes, their sole purpose is to ensure that Thera and any other empire who signed that treaty restrain themselves lest they be classified as a Galactic Menace.

When we first offered the draft of the treaty to the Galactic Community, we were at war with The Bright League Federation led by the Mauradan Imperium against our allies. This treaty was agreed by the community in exchange that we end our Total War Initiative. Something unheard of from the Galactic Community until then.

If you fail to comply with our demands, you and your allies will be deemed as a menace and will no longer be protected by the rules. In turn, we will initiate Total War and there will be no going back. No more negotiations. No more correspondence. No more Parlay. No Mercy; unless Unconditional Surrender is met. I pray to Almighty God that you take this into serious consideration.

Grand Marshal of Thera,
Paul T. Andrews

July 25, 2020

No replies were received from Equestria. Reports on continued violation of the treaty escalates.

Grand Marshal Paul Andrews enacts the Total War Initiative.

July 27, 2020
Antioch, outskirts of Alexandretta

“Alright ponies, look alive! Get ready to move out! Pegasi air support have cleared the skies!”

“You heard the captain, make ready! The city is just up ahead!”

“Hey, was there supposed to be fog in the weather schedule?”

Breaking News: Gas Attack in Alexandretta; 15,000 Ponies Dead

Twenty kilometres from the outskirts of the city of Alexandretta, the Equestrian advance was halted by chemical warfare. The 53rd South African Home Guard along with the 49th Light Infantry Volunteers launched hundreds of litres of Chlorine Gas into the Equestrian army of 40,000 strong and commenced a successful counter attack, driving them back to the border of Jerusalem. 15,000 Equestrian troops are dead from the attack with another 20,000 captured, mostly suffering from the gas’ effects.

July 29, 2020
Nepal, base of Kansatiya River, outskirts of Chilakiya

“RUN!!! Run for your lives!!!!!”

“W-what’s going on?!”

“They opened a dam!! We need to get out of here!!”

Dam them all: Equestrian forces flooded by Nepal rivers

Armies of the Napali Home Guard opened all their dams in an attempt to push back the Equestrian Army. Equestrian forces were devastated by the ensuing floods as they tried to push through the mountainous region via the river ways. Napali Home Guards with the assistance of locals opened the floodgates of four dams to drown out the enemy from their country.

July 29, 2020
Russian-Armenian Border, Caucasus Mountains

“Get out of the caves!! Get out of the caves!!”

(Flames burst into the caves, driving the burning ponies out)



Equestrians halted by the Caucasus

Equestrian forces have been held up by Russian and Armenian Home Guards in the Caucasus Mountains. The Iron Wall of Russia holds against the invaders as Equestrian forces have been driven back several times to the base of the mountains.

August 1, 2020

To the Marshals and Generals of Thera and her allies,
I believe you’ve made your point and would humbly request parlay to discuss terms on how we shall conduct this war.

Signed Princess Celestia,
Diarch of Equestria

A day later, Thera sends their reply

To the Equestrian Diarchy and their allies,
You were warned: No Negotiations. No Correspondents. No Parlay. No Mercy; unless Unconditional Surrender.

Grand Marshal of Thera,
Paul T. Andrews