• Published 8th Jun 2022
  • 2,619 Views, 192 Comments

TCB: Thera - Joe Toon

What happens if the Conversion Bureau came to the wrong neighborhood and knocked on the wrong door?

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Xeno News


Xenonion News Network opener plays out

Anchor Unity Albright:

Breaking News! The Theran homeworld of the League of Nations of Thera has been invaded by the extra-dimensional nation of Equestria. After five years of tolerating the magical extra-dimensional ponies with questionably naive trust, relations between the two worlds turned hostile as recently discovered evidence came to light that the Equestrian Government had been in fact converting Theran citizens into ponies.

As adorable and ridiculous as it sounds, the League of Nations of Thera was at an uproar from this revelation with shared sympathies coming from two of their allies, the Holy Order of Sabak and the Commonwealth of Caste. Tensions escalated to a full scale war as Equestrian Forces pushed through the dimensional portal with little resistance.

We are now going live on the front line with Xakk Nakk. Xakk, what is the situation on the front?

Persian city of Persepolis.

Gunfire and spellfire are seen and heard in the background.

Xakk Nakk (War correspondent):

(Translated Subtitles):

It is absolutely wicked here, Unity! Theran Homeguard and IUVA forces have been pushed back by adorably deadly ponies! (Points to a large, moving object in the background) As you can see there the Equestrians launched a giant mechanical titan, slaughtering the local forces into oblivion! The Therans couldn’t believe their eyes that these cute killers could produce these giant, walking artillery! It’s RADICAL!

Anchor Unity Albright:

Thank you Xakk Nakk. Keep us informed on the developments.

Xakk Nakk:

(Translated Subtitles):

Will do, Unity! Whoooooohoooo!! That’s right you dumb apes! Die!!!!


Commonwealth News opener plays out.


This is Commonwealth News! With Claris E’von

Anchor Claris E’von:

Yesterday at 13:00 pm local time, The League of Nations of Thera was invaded within their homeworld of Thera by the extra-dimensional nation of Equestria through a dimensional portal located within the country of Persia. The League of Nations and Equestria’s relations have declined indefinitely after Theran citizens, who were mostly human, were converted into ponies. Tensions finally erupted as Equestrian military forces overwhelmed the local forces and occupied the portal site.

Outraged by this incursion, Matriarch Gavel Pavin had this to say during a press conference:

The Ivory Tower of the Matriarch, Commonwealth Capital of Bell’adon

Gavel Pavin (Matriarch of the Commonwealth of Caste):

It is shameful! What they have done was absolutely shameful! As a nation that prides itself for Xeno tolerance, we cannot stress this enough that what the Equestrians have crossed the line. We were all deceived by their false promises of harmony and friendship. What has happened is unacceptable! (She wipes tears from her eyes as she breaks down) My niece was one of them!!!

Anchor Claris E’von:

Kaldivians everywhere offered sympathies to their Matriarch for the forced conversion of Velda Pavin who was the Commonwealth’s ambassador for Equestria. The Matriarch’s mate, Tallus Pavin spoke on her behalf declaring that this injustice will not be tolerated and has promised to offer Thera the Commonwealth’s finest doctors, field medics, medical aid and equipment, consumables, basic necessities, and more that they could spare. The parliament agreed that they should aid our ally but debated on how much the nation could offer due to the bulk of our fleets aiding the fight against the Kalderin Swarm.

Up next; The Rixxian Corsairs’ military build up. Another infighting or perhaps something more sinister?


A holo-projector activates to reveal the Holy Order of Sabak’s Orator.


All members of the Order stand by for the announcement of Grandmaster Strigi Yehvan.

Grandmaster Strigi Yehvan:

Templars of the most Holy Order of Sabak and faithful followers of the Shrouded Faith, I speak before you with ill tidings. Not from the frontlines against the foul abominations but from the homeworld of our most trusted ally, The League of Nations of Thera.

Last lunar orbit, at the 14th of Kadon, the year of our Lord 5357, Mankind’s homeworld of Thera was suddenly and dishonourably attacked by the extra-dimensional nation of Equestria. The same nation that shares an inter-dimensional border with the human homeworld. The same nation who claims to be the embodiment of Harmony, Friendship and Unity. The same nation who claims to value the virtues of Truth, Laughter, Kindness, Generosity, and Loyalty.

(Slams the podium) Last lunar orbit, the same nation not only betrayed the same values of which it swore to live by but they have done the most heinous of sins; defying the laws of creation by defiling the flesh of those who resemble the image of the Great Creator and others who are under their citizenship! And wage war upon them to justify their sins! Brothers and Sisters, this cannot stand!

The Humans of Thera have long been prophesied to be the hope for the Galaxy! It was declared by the Great Creator beyond the Shroud that they will deliver us from the great evils of all reality. We have seen their great feats against overwhelming odds time and time again: Proving to the rest of the Galaxy that they are the chosen to herald us into a new age! They are our most trusted allies and most honourable comrades. Therefore I ask you, brothers and sisters; do we abandon them in their darkest hour? Nay, I say!! I feel among you, my fellow Zangalds that you share this sentiment.

And so to fulfil our most sacred duties; to defend the righteous, purge the wicked and obey the will of our creator: We Declare a Crusade against Equestria! This we swear, we will honour our alliance, we will offer what forces we can spare, and we will come to the rescue and the liberation of the galaxy’s salvation! Vaaldak Tun!! (Translation: Deus Vult)
