• Published 31st Dec 2022
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It takes a Kingdom to Raise a Draconequus - Foal Star

This story is a "What if?" Idea on if Discord was recently born and given to the princesses' of Equestria to raise.

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Chapter Ten: Discord's Hearth's Warming Day Present

It was Hearth's Warming Day, and Discord was looking out at Ponyville, which was covered in a thick blanket of snow. He didn't remember seeing snow; it was all gone by the time he could really recall memories.

Fluttershy came over and placed a bottle into his mouth, and as he started to suckle, she cooed. "Oh, you're so adorable. I can't believe we'll finally see Shining and Cadance again."

"Weawwy?!" Discord exclaimed with his eyes widening! "Is that way gonna happen?"

"Yes, really," Fluttershy nodded. "So we better make sure to get everything before they arrive."

After his feeding, Fluttershy gathered all of Discord's stuff: A diaper bag and toys. She then dressed Discord into a cute red and green coat, fluffy green pants, and a red cap with a white puff ball dangling on the end.

Upon seeing Discord dressed up, Fluttershy came over and dawwed. "Oh, Rarity did such a great job with your winter clothes!"

"She did. I wuv tem so much!" Discord chirped as he bounced over and hugged the pegasus, and she hugged him close to her chest. She then plopped the little lord of chaos onto her back as they entered the snow-covered streets. The trot through the snow was quite magical for Discord. They soon reached the train station.

There, Twilight was waiting patiently on the platform. She smiled and trotted over. "There you are!" She then levitated Discord over and nuzzled him. "Oh, you're so cute! How are you, Discord?"

The baby Draconequus nuzzled back and then giggled. "I'm so excited! We gonna finawwy go to ta Cwystaw Empiwe?!”

"Well, Fluttershy and I already went recently when we had to stop King Sombra from taking over," Twilight told him.

"Yeah, tat was a while ago. Ya otay?" Discord asked.

Twilight nodded. "Everything turned out fine, thanks to Spike."

"Wight heard Spike is a big hewo now!" The draconequus looked around with a confused look on his face and asked. "Wait, where is Spike?"

"I'm right here!" The little dragon came up, looking quite annoyed, as he shouted, "Come on! The train is about to go!"

Fluttershy picked up Discord and then apologized, "Right, sorry, it took us a minute to get ready."

The mares then headed onto the train, and they all sat together with baby Discord nestled into the lap of Fluttershy, who covered him with her wings as she gave him a bottle to nurse on, the gentle rocking of the train slowly lulling him to sleep.

Discord slowly woke up when the train came to a stop, and the next thing he saw as Fluttershy was carrying him was the buildings of the Crystal Empire and the shiny crystal ponies walking about. He was captivated by the city and these new ponies he'd never seen before. The best part was every time one of the crystal ponies saw him. Unlike those in Ponyville who were weary of him, these ponies all smiled and waved, and he waved back to them.

Soon, the group reached a massive castle in the heart of the city. As they entered the throne room, Cadance and Shining came over to greet Discord, and he bounced off Fluttershy, toddling right to them to be picked up.

"Oh, Discord, I've missed you!" Cadance hugged and nuzzled the little draconequus.

"I missed ya too!" The little lord of chaos squealed. Shining Armor nuzzled him and, together with his wife, gave Discord a kiss.

Cadance then bowed in front of Fluttershy. "Thank you for caring for Discord for the past few months while we got settled in here."

"Oh, it was no problem, princess," Fluttershy insisted. "We got along so well, and he didn't cause too much trouble. I think he really liked Ponyville."

"Regardless, you were a big help keeping him under control," Cadance smiled. "So please join us. We're about to have Discord open his presents!"

"Pwesents?!" Discord blinked as his ears perked up.

"Yes!" Cadance told him. "And since it's your birthday and Hearth's Warming, you're getting double the presents!"

“Doubwe the pwesents?!” Discord could barely hold in the excitement as he was escorted to a foyer that was decorated for both Hearth's Warming and a birthday: There were streamers and balloons made of green and red, there was holly everywhere, a massive table with a ton of sweets from cookies and pie, and a massive cake in the middle, along with a fireplace. There was a gigantic Hearth's Warming tree covered in lights and ornaments with a ton of presents underneath.

In the middle of the room, standing before him, both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were there, smiling as they came over, shouting together. "Discord!"

"Auntie Tia, Auntie Wuwu!" Discord chirped as he threw himself over and waddled over, and they hugged him close.

"Hey, what about us?!" Mr. and Mrs. Cake called as they came over. He flew over, and the two hugged him, delighted to see they'd brought the twins with them.

Pinkie Pie bounced over and joined in. "Hey Discord, do you like your super birthday/Hearth's Warming party I set up for you?!"

The little lord of chaos then ran over to Pinkie, and she hugged him as he squealed, "Yeah! Tis is so coow! Tank you!"

"Glad you like it. I worked super duper hard on it," Pinkie beamed, then bent down and whispered. "Also, could you turn me into a foal today? I would love to be one for your Hearth's Warming present. Just for today, though. I don't think Mr. and Mrs. Cake could handle three foals."

"Of couwse! Just fow today!" Discord replied, then with a snap of a claw, the pink party pony regressed into an adorable, pudgy baby with a poofy diaper. Pinkie Pie then pounced onto Discord, and soon, he and the other foals were running around, chasing each other and having fun together.

Cadance soon came over and caught them all in her magic as she cooed. "Alright, you all can play together later. But we better get to opening presents. That's the main reason why everypony's here today."

The gifts were soon passed out, and Pinkie Pie and the Cake twins started helping Discord open them. Unsurprisingly, most of the presents were cute outfits, diapers, toys, and other foal supplies. But Discord just tore through the wrapping paper like a machine as the thrill of seeing what was in the presents was more fun than getting what was inside of them. Still, he thanked everypony when told who had gotten him what.

After the foals had finished opening the last of the gifts, everyone was seated around the table where they had cake, pie, and cookies, all broken into bite-sized pieces for the little ones and guzzled down various bottles of milk. Afterward, Princess Cadance smiled and led everyone out to play in the snow.

The foals bounced around, throwing snowballs at each other for a bit before Pinkie Pie proclaimed! "Hey, maybe we should go buiwd a snowmare!"

“Yeah, tat wouwd be so coow!” Pound chirped in delight.

But Pumpkin scratched her head. "What is tat, though?"

"Oh, is a mawe made of snow!" Pinkie explained while bouncing on her diaper. "We gots to buiwd her with snow fiwst, ten use bits of coaw fow eyes and ta nose, a cawwot fow a hown, and sticks fow wings!"

Discord started to roll a bunch of snow together as he shouted. "Tat sounds so coow! Wet's do it!" With help from the grown-ups, the foals built the snowmare as best they could. When they were finished, it looked rather lumpy and uneven.

Cadance, however, marveled at the structure. "Oh my, you foals did such a great job! I have to go get a camera! Stay right there!" She then flew into the castle.

After Princess Cadance left, Pinkie Pie whispered. "I remembered tis owd song as a fiwwy about a snowman coming to wife when they put a magical tiara on its head. Bu snowmawes dun come to wife." She plopped down on her padded rump.

The lord of chaos pondered for a second and then snapped a paw as a sparkly tiara made of ice appeared atop the snowmare's head. Then, all of a sudden, a blast of light engulfed the area, and the snow formed into a flesh-like body: The carrot turned porcelain, the eyes glowed a crystal blue, and the mane became a swirl of white and blue as wings flared out, reflective like ice!

The newborn alicorn flexed as it blinked and looked around, seeming to try to gauge its surroundings. The Cake twins and Pinkie Pie were in awe at what had just transpired (while the grown-ups were all staring in disbelief) as the snowmare turned to them and blinked, looking confused at the foals as she asked. "Hello, who are you?"

The rest of the foals weren't sure how to respond at first. But Pinkie Pie was the first to bounce over and waved a hoof. "Hewwo! My name is Pinkie Pie!"

"Pinkie Pie? Names?" The snowman's confusion depends.

Discord blushed and explained. "Sowwy, uh, names are what we caww each other. I'm Discowd, and ya just met Pinkie Pie. She's only a foaw for today," He pointed to the other babies. "The pegasus is Pound Cake, and the unicown is Pumpkin Cake."

The two waved their hooves, and then the snow mare waved back and then asked. "So, um…should I have a name?"

Pinkie bounced up, booed the newborn alicorn in the nose, and cried. "Weww of couwse, is youw biwthday!"

The snowmare's eyes widened in surprise. "Really?"

"Yeah, you were down today," Pinkie Pie pointed out. "Bettew yet, is Heawth's Wawming Day!"

Discord was now getting excited as well and chirped. "Ya has ta same biwthday as me!"

The alicorn's cheeks flushed red ever so faintly as she asked. "Um, what's a birthday?"

The lord of chaos groaned and explained. "Is ta day ya was bown! So today is ya biwthday!"

"Oh ok…" The snowmare began to scratch her head with one of her hooves. "But, um, should I have a name?"

Pound then said. "Wight, um… owa pawents named us aftew cake. Dun tink tat wouwd wowk fow ya 'cause ya made of snow."

"Yeah, but she can be Angew Cake! Tat's a coow name!" Pumpkin chimed in with her sentiments.

Pinkie Pie promptly protested. “I dun tink pastwies wouwd make sense, what about someting wike Snowy?”

Discord nodded in agreement as he pondered and thought about what Pinkie had said made sense. "Yeah, ya Snowy."

"Ow Snowbaww?!" Pumpkin exclaimed.

"Ow snowfwake?!" Pound chirped.

But the snowmare just tapped a hoof to her chin, and then a pair of wings made of ice appeared.

Seeing this, Pinkie bounced up and down as she excitedly squealed! "I got it! What about Snow Angew?!"

"That's a great name. Snow Angel!" The snowmare agreed as her wings unfolded. She flew into the air and came back down after a short flight. "I love it!" She then hugged Discord, who squeaked as her hug was quite cold. "Eek! Wet me go!"

Snow Angel placed Discord down and briefly ruffled his spines. Then she asked. "Okay, so I have my name. What now?"

"Well, guess we gotta teach ya stuff," Pinkie Pie proposed. Looking down at herself, she blushed and asked. "Um…do ya need diapees?"

"Diapers?" Snow Angel pondered and blinked. "What are those?"

Discord nodded. "Yeah, ya just born, so ya pwobabwy dun know how ta use ta potty yet. None of us can eithew."

"Actually, I think I still could," Pinkie pointed out. "But diapees mean I dun have to stop pwaying to go potty. Besides," She blushed a bit as she felt her diaper squish. "I tink I awweady went." She waddled over to Mrs. Cake for a quick change.

The snowmare turned around, confused by the fact that only the ones immediately in front of her seemed to be wearing "diapers". "You mean those white fluffy things around your flanks?"

After being changed, Pinkie Pie came bouncing over, happily showing off her fresh diaper as she then thrust it out and cooed. "Yeah, tese! But ya made of snow, so I dun tink ya need one. Ya pwobabwy dun need ta potty eithew."

"What's the potty? What does it have to do with diapers?" The snowmare questioned.

"Is someting the gwown-ups know about, and when tey say ya weady tey make use it," Pound Cake explained. "It's why they dun weaw diapees. But I tink ya good 'cause ya made of snow."

The snowmare seemed to be satisfied with that answer. "Well, alright. But what about those other things on you?" She asked as she looked at their outfits.

Discord looked at his scarf and jacket and giggled. "Ya wight, we shouwd dwess ya up. Howd stiww, pwease!" He snapped a claw, and the snowmare was suddenly dressed in a cute blue jacket with a snowflake pattern on it, a fluffy blue scarf, and a thick diaper around her flank. Discord squeaked in surprise at the last article of clothing and cried. "Eek, didn't mean to add ta diapee to ya!"

The snowmare turned around, scrunched the padding between her thighs and said with a smile. "It's ok. I like the look of it, and it feels nice. It's so soft. I see why you all like them."

Pinkie Pie then bounced over and chirped. "Why dun we go do stuff togethew, Snow Angew?"

Snow Angel then asked. "Like what? What should we do?"

"Wike, go pway at a pawk. Ya alweady a baby!" Pound added.

"Yeah, ta pawk! Wet's go!" Pumpkin squealed!

"Ok, the park it is!" The snowmare then quickly gathered the foals, placed them all onto her back and then flew off.

"It can fly?!" Twilight exclaimed in disbelief. "That shouldn't be possible. Snowmares can't come to life, or talk, or fly!"

"We'll worry about that later," Princess Celestia declared. "For now, we better follow them and make sure they don't cause any trouble."

Mrs. Cake nodded. "Plus, they didn't take anything with them. Who's going to change their diapers or give them bottles?"

The grown-ups then set off in pursuit of Snow Angel and the foals, all of them still astounded by what Discord's chaos magic had done.

It took a little while for Snow Angel to be directed to a nearby park and play with the foals. As she did so, many of the crystal ponies nearby looked over, confused at seeing a playful-looking "adult" pony wearing foal clothes and a diaper, and acting like a child.

Snow Angel looked around while playing, scratching her head in confusion. "Why are the other ponies looking at us so strangely? What's gotten into them?"

Discord shrugged. "I dun know, tey did tat a wot in Ponyville. But they dun does it to me here cause my new parents' awe ta loyalty called prince and princess."

"Oh really?" Snow Angel blinked while pausing briefly in her playing. "What does being a prince or a princess mean?"

Pinkie Pie paused in throwing a snowball. "Tey wike ta views of this place, and they saved it from an evil king named Sombwa."

"Wow! That sounds like such a cool job!" Snow Angel exclaimed!

"Weww, technically Spike saved ta Cwystaw Empiwe." Pinkie Pie corrected.

"Who's Spike?" Snow Angel wondered.

"A purple and green scared baby dragon. But he doesn't wear diapers 'cause he's not a baby wike we awe," Pinkie explained. "He sure cool," Then she got an idea. "Hey, wanna meet him and the others?!"

"Oh yes, please, that sounds like a lot of fun!" Snow Angel declared.

"Good," Discord said with a blush. "Cause I just realized we didn't take anything from the gwown-ups before we came here. Whenever grown-ups take us somewhere, they always bring awong this special bag that has things for us. Tings we need. We shouwd pwobawby get back ta tem befowe we need someting."

Snow Angel then flew across the empire, with Discord giving her directions. She headed towards the front doors of the crystal castle and landed outside.

Just then, Cadance flew over, looking quite panicked and alarmed if the size of her eyes was any indication. "There you all are! What do you mean by running off like that?! And who's this… creature you're with?"

Discord hopped off Snow Angel, then waddled over to Cadance and apologized before explaining. "Sowwy, Mama. We made a snowmawe, and uh,.." His cheeks flushed pink as he confessed. "Ten she came to wife, 'cause I made hew come to wife. Pinkie Pie gave me ta idea."

"Huh?" Princess Cadance looked up to see the odd snow-like pony and blinked. "Wait, this pony is just a snowmare?"

"Yeah," Discord nodded. "She came to wife and uh, I wanted to show hew to evewypony."

"Oh, well, that'll be fine," Cadance declared. "But she shouldn't come inside if that's the case."

The little draconequus asked. "Why not?"

"Snow melts when it comes close to something warm, like a fire," The princess explained. "And if she came inside, she might melt. That would be really unfortunate."

"Oh no!" Discord gasped in horror! "I dun want my new fwiend ta mewt!"

Pinkie Pie blushed. "Yeah, tat doesn't sound wike a good idea. It'd be weawwy messy."

Discord then pleaded. "Pwease dun wet hew mewt, Mommy! She's my fwiend! I dun want hew to go away. I won't have any fwiends to pway with hewe in the empiwe if she mewts." He shot her the best pair of pleading puppy dog eyes he could muster up.

Princess Cadance sighed, unable to bring herself to say no. "Well, at the very least, I'll get the other adults and see what they can do." The princess of love then turned to the others as they trotted up.

"You shouldn't be running off like that," Fluttershy scolded the babies. "You could've gotten lost or hurt. You should ask for permission from grown-ups before wandering off with ponies you just met."

"Hey, I technicawwy a gwown-up." Pinkie Pie pointed out.

"But you're in diapers right now. I don't think that counts." Shining Armor pointed out, causing Pinkie to blush anew.

Twilight was the most intrigued by what she was seeing and trotted around Snow Angel, poking the snow. To her surprise, it felt like an actual body and relatively solid. "How did you do this, Discord?"

Discord shrugged. "Dun know. It would be like the statues, just a bit of fun. But she's diffewent she's mowe…well, I think?"

Twilight, meanwhile, eyed the diaper and blushed, "Well, she may have just been born, but I don't think she needs a diaper, Discord. She's not like you and me. I don't think she can go to the bathroom. There's no reason for her to wear a diaper."

Snow Angel shook the padding a little, then chuckled. "It feels great, though," Then she asked. "Do you need a diaper, Twilight?"

This got a giggle from the others as Twilight jumped back and cried. "What?! No, of course not! I'm much too old to be wearing diapers."

Cadance chuckled. "Well, in any case, is she…still made of snow, Twilight?"

Twilight shook her head from side to side. "As far as I can tell, Snow Angel's a living, breathing pony…. And I can't believe I said that; that's crazy!"

Discord gulped. "Did I do someting wong?"

Cadance picked the little chaos trod up. "No, of course not, but…maybe don't use your chaos magic to make things come to life anymore. The next time you do it, what comes to life might not be so friendly like Snow Angel or the statues."

"Otay…I wun do tat again." Discord promised.

Twilight then began to shiver. "Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I think it's getting cold out here. We should go inside…but first!" She then turned to Spike, who came out looking just as surprised as the others. "Hey, Spike. Why don't you produce a small flame for me really quickly?"

Spike, though confused, burped a small spout of flame as instructed, and Twilight caught it in a bubble. She brought it near Snow Angel, who stepped back. But as it went around her body, all Snow Angel did was sweat a little, no melting.

Twilight then had the flame dissipate. "Well, this proves she won't melt. She still looks like she's made of snow but doesn't melt like it."

This got a cheer from the foals, and then they all escorted Snow Angel into the castle.

As the others all went inside the castle together, everypony, including the princesses, just stared in disbelief. Princess Celestia asked the snowpony. "So, um, what's your name again? In all this excitement, I've forgotten it."

"Snow Angel." Snow Angel replied.

Luna then interjected. "Right, well, this is all unprecedented. Are you aware you were created by snow, Snow Angel?"

"Snow…yes," Snow Angel nodded. "That's what Discord called me, a snow mare."

Cadance then asked. "And you do understand that you are just born?"

"Yes, it's my birthday!" Snow Angel chirped in delight.

Celestia sighed as she explained, "So, um, this leaves us with an issue, as you need to be cared for. You need somepony to teach you right from wrong and ensure you don't get into trouble." She then turned to Cadance, who bristled in excitement.

"Which means it would probably be best if you started over as a baby." Princess Cadance declared.

The snowmare blinked and then asked. "A baby? Me?"

"Well, the little ones that created you are babies," Cadance explained. "If that's okay with you." She pointed to the smaller foals, all still gawking at Snow Angel.

The snowmare then gave a nod of approval, "I see. So I'll be smaller?"

Luna nodded. "Yes, you can grow and learn about our world and enjoy a childhood; it would be much more difficult to do so in an adult body."

Snow Angel nodded along. "Oh, that sounds fine!"

Celestia and Luna both gave Discord an approving nod. Then, with a flick of his paw and claw, the adult mare was turned into a pudgy baby alicorn. He then hugged her as she hugged back and then giggled. “Tis is ta best pwesent evew! I just got a sistew!"

Cadance let out a slightly exaggerated but annoyed sigh. "Oh dear, I wasn't expecting two foals."

Shining nuzzled his wife and added. "The more the merrier, I say. Why not? We've got a castle, and I'm sure we can hire a nanny if we have any more. But I think we should see how we handle two. Especially one that's going to go into potty training soon."

Later that evening, Pinkie Pie was turned back into an adult after a lot more fun playing together. "Being a foal again was fun! I hope I can do it again sometime!" She said to Discord.

Then, after a heartfelt farewell from Fluttershy and the other birthday guests, Discord and Snow Angel were taken upstairs by Princess Cadance to Discord's new nursery, which had a yellow and green puzzle piece floor mat. The walls were painted sky blue and in hues of bright pink. There was a diaper-changing table, a wardrobe full of clothes, and a treasure chest full of toys.

The little lord of chaos waddled about, admiring his new room with Snow Angel waddling by him. "Wow, what is tis pwace?"

"It's my nusewy. Ya, and I gonna be doing a wot together." Discord explained.

"That's right. Now come on, it's late," Cadance scooped the two up and had them both dressed in thick night-time diapers and some cozy sleepers. She tucked the two babies into the crib and left them with a baby monitor turned on.

Snow Angel whispered as the two foals cuddled up in the crib. "Discord."

"Yeah?" Discord whispered back.

"Tanks fow making me," Snow Angel told him. "Sowwie if tis causes pwobwems."

"I dun tink so," Discord replied. "Besides, ya seem to be different from other babies. Ya, dun cwy and seem aware of things, like me. I tink Cadance and Shiny won't mind. And besides, if they adopts ya, ya will be a princess."

Snow Angel blinked slowly. "Pwincess?"

"Yeah! Member, I told ya princesses awe super cool? Ya Pwincess Snow Angew.” Discord declared.

"I like tat…" Snow Angel nodded before whispering again. "Discord?"

"Yeah?" Discord asked her.

Snow Angel then cuddled beside him and wrapped her wings around him as she whispered. "I wuv you."

Discord nuzzled back and then whispered. "Wuv you too." They then snuggled together and slowly fell asleep together, with Discord smiling. Seeing his first Hearth's Warming Day and birthday was the best he'd ever have.