• Published 31st Dec 2022
  • 1,031 Views, 43 Comments

It takes a Kingdom to Raise a Draconequus - Foal Star

This story is a "What if?" Idea on if Discord was recently born and given to the princesses' of Equestria to raise.

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Chapter Two: Princess Cadance the Royal Foalsitter

(Three Months Later…)

"Otay, here's ta plan! We need ta get past the giant teddy bears, and sneak past the plush rabbits. Then we find Tia and she tell us we need help! Any questions?!" Shining Armor exclaimed. The once proud stallion had now been reduced to a kindergartener wearing plastic armor. His spear was now made of foam, and he was with a few of his fellow guards,who were all in the same situation (but they were acting much more like toddlers than himself: Picking their noses, others argued or ran around playing, and some were doing potty dances).

Shing groaned, slamming a hoof to his face. "Guards, pay attention! Unless ya want to stay like this all day!"

The guards all scrambled about a clumsy formation. "Yes, Shining Armor."

Shining nodded. "Okay. We rush to ta door on three! One. Two. Um…what comes after two?"

"Three, captain!" A toddler shouted as the others giggled.

"Ugh, three! Charge!" Shining Armor yelled as he and his fellow guards rushed through the army of plush bears. The teddy bears grabbed the kids, tickling or crushing them in a giant hug. However, a few guards were able to make it through with Shining Armor. They paused in their rush, turning upward to see Discord.

The little lord of chaos was bigger now than when the princesses had found him a few months ago. He was adorable, with a thick white diaper between his green scaled left leg and cloven hoof for the right leg. His padded tush was riding on top of a giant plush kangaroo, wearing a cute pink apron tied around her waist.

Discord looked downward, and with a smirk exclaimed, "Give up, Shining! Ya gonna be my playmate today whethew ya like it ow not!"

Shining smirked: Despite the embarrassing nature of being turned into a toddler, he did actually enjoy this “game”. "Well, Discord, I would stay and play with ya, but I got ta get ready for a date with Cady."

Discord crossed his claws and whined. "Oh come on! Ya two gonna get married, why ya gotta go on a date?"

"Well, gotta keep her happy, and we gotta plan ta wedding too!" Shining pointed out. “I can’t do tat if I in diapees.”

Discord gave Shining Armor puppy dog eyes. "Yeah, tat means ya owe me. So come on and pway! Please?!"

Shining placed a stubby hoof over his chest. "I pwomice I'll play with ya this week, otay? But I need to do it when I am not so busy."

"Can you two shut up?! I need to go potty!" One of Shining's guards whined.

"Right, sorry, let's split up; he can't get all of us!" Shining instructed as he began a second charge. But the plush kangaroo scooped the guards up, then proceeded to strap diapers around their waists ( to keep the foals from having accidents on the floor) and plopped the babies snuggly into her pouch.

Through all the chaos, Shining Armor was able to slip through and made it out into the hallway. He then ran down the hall shouting. "Haha! I won tis time, Discord!"

Meanwhile, Celestia was bleary-eyed as she sat on her throne, yawning. She was doing her best to listen to the ponies coming to court so she could settle their disputes. But it was difficult to perform her duties after having spent most of her energy last night (despite Luna dealing with Discord's antics, having turned the moon into cheese at one point!).

"That moon cheese was good, though," Celestia chuckled and shook her head as she tried to pay attention to the court, sipping on a cup of coffee. But the silence was broken as she heard hooves scampering on the ground. Then a tiny toddler with a whisky blue mane and tail came running up to her while wearing plastic armor, making him look like a toddler playing as a knight.

But the alicorn princess simply sighed and asked. "He turned you into a toddler again, didn't he?"

"Yes, Tia." Shining whimpered, then started to do a little dance.

She slammed a hoof to her face. "And I assume he turned the nanny into a plush kangaroo?"

Shining Armor peered down at his hooves with a worried look on his face, looking like a child about to be punished by his parents. "Uh huh. Sowie. We heard a poof sound and went into ta nursery, then we turned into toddlers."

Celestia lit her horn as Shining Armor suddenly turned back into an adult. The stallion sighed in relief as he had been about to have an accident on the floor. He hurriedly dashed off to find a bathroom. Meanwhile, the princess said to herself. "Alright, I'll take care of him, again."

It didn't take long for the princess to arrive at Discord's nursery. She then used her magic to restore her guards back into adults, and the plush kangaroo turned into a plump, pink coated unicorn mare.

Princess Celestia then orders her guards to leave as she proceeds to have a conversation with the nanny.

"I'm sorry, princess. As fun as it was being a plush kangaroo, I have to admit Discord is too much even for me." The nanny admitted.

Princess Celestia gave a slight nod. "Yes, I understand. I did warn you that his magical abilities are rather random and much more powerful than any unicorn."

"Yes, I have previously dealt with bursts of magical powers from baby unicorns. But this is unlike anything I've dealt with before. I'm sorry, but I can’t continue to care for Discord. I just can’t take any more." The nanny bowed before leaving the nursery.

Princess Celestia sighed as she turned to Discord, "Now Discord, how many times do I have to tell you: Don't use your chaos magic and turn ponies into plushies!"

Discord started to tear up. "I sowie Sunny Mama, but I didn't do it on purpose. We were just playing, and I thought she would look cute as a plush kangaroo…ten…ten she turned into one!"

Celestia paused, seeing that it wasn't entirely his fault. Discord was born of raw chaos magic after all. Yes, he has used it deliberately before, but there were times when it would manifest beyond his control. She then asked. "What about the guards?"

"I…I turned them into toddlers…I just wanted some pwaymates." Discord confessed.

Celestia was about to scold Discord again, but that was when Shining Armor cleared his throat to catch his attention. She turned to him as he bowed. "I have to admit, it's partially my fault. I promised him he could turn me into a toddler today for a bit, but I forgot I’d scheduled a date with Princess Cadance this afternoon."

"Oh, I see. Well, try not to let it happen again." Princess Celestia paused. This time she felt more guilty than Discord; She and Luna had talked it over, wondering if it was safe for him to be around other foals. They’d both agreed that until Discord took hold of his chaos magic, they didn't want to risk him turning babies into plush animals or worse. But due to the lack of playmates, he's started to turn her guards into toddlers.

At least for Shining Armor he seemed to be ok with it (perhaps because he was somewhat of a kid at heart himself) and allowed it occasionally, but the rest of the guards were much more reluctant. She knew that she had to find proper playmates so Discord wouldn't feel so lonely, though as he wasn’t yet potty trained and wasn’t up to date on all his shots, she knew it would be next to impossible to get him into a daycare.

So that meant there was only one thing to do: Find somepony to be a suitable foalsitter that could supervise Discord and make sure he used his powers for good.

Just then, Princess Cadance trotted into the room, blushing a bit.. "Um, Auntie Tia… I believe I could be of service."

Celestia turned to her niece with surprise and exclaimed. "Princess Cadance?! What are you doing here?!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt,” The young princess’ blush deepened. “But you know, I have had a lot of experience with foals. And I would love it if my husband-to-be and I tried watching Discord for you for the rest of the day."

"Wait, seriously?! You want both of us to watch him?!" Shining Armor cried out loud. He couldn’t believe what he’d just heard.

Princess Cadance nuzzled into her husband and cooed rather sweetly. “Come now, dear, you have a connection with Discord, and I have foal experience. Besides, it would be great practice for when we have our own foals someday."

Shining Armor groaned. "Fine…but I won't be turned into a foal the entire time. I’ve had enough of that already."

"Of course not. Or at least, maybe only for a little bit," Cadance snickered with her cheeks flushing red. “You do look kind of cute in diapers.”

Celestia felt somewhat relieved. "Alright, fine. Princess Luna and I need to take a break, and I think we need to have a night to ourselves. I want to go on a spa date. I really need some pampering."

"It's alright, auntie. Just go about your duties and have a good night's sleep along with Auntie Luna,” Cadance encouraged. “My husband-to-be and I can take over caring for Discord."

Celestia nodded as she turned to her charge and said to him, "Now Discord, you be a good boy and listen to my niece and her fiance. Be on your best behavior, and only use your magic for good, not for selfish purposes."

"Yes, Mama." The draconequus mumbled. Celestia then kissed him on the forehead and trotted off with Luna beside her.

For hours Princess Cadance played with the baby lord of chaos; she did well knowing when to scold him and keep him engaged in activities.

Shining Armor stood by watching, ensuring his fiance wasn't transformed into anything. But overall, Princess Cadance did an excellent job keeping Discord from causing any issues with his chaos magic.

Near the end of the day, Princess Cadance chased the lord of chaos around the nursery in a game of tag and started chasing the little lord of chaos throughout the room. He was so happy and giddy as he jumped into her hooves, and she hugged him. "Oh, you're not so bad."

"Hehe, ya great, Cady!” Discord happily exclaimed! “Shining lucky he's gonna marry ya!"

"Oh well, it'll be hard to marry him if you keep having him go back to diapers," Cadance teased. “Unless we held it in the bathroom so he could go potty, maybe give him his own ‘royal throne’ so to speak.” She giggled at the mental image.

Discord blushed before apologizing. "Sowie, it just gets so boring here. There are no other babies ta play with."

"Well, that's alright. I’m sure that once you get the hang of your magic and are potty trained, you’ll be able to play with other foals,” Cadance reassured him. “Now come on, let's get you some food." She then plopped the baby down in a highchair already set up and gave him a bottle of Celestia's milk along with a jar of baby food. She then began spoon-feeding him, scooping green glops, putting them into his mouth.

Meanwhile, Shining Armor couldn't help but applaud his fiance. "Cadance, you're doing an amazing job! I knew you were skilled at foalsitting Twily, but I didn’t think you were so good with babies."

“It’s all part of the job,” The princess admitted. “But what Discord said is true. I can watch and care for him. But he needs foals his age to play with," Princess Cadance responded with a sullen smile. "It's not right for him to have him cooped up in the palace all the time. He needs to be able to have playmates so he can learn how to get along with ponies."

"I'm sure that when the princesses feel comfortable that Discord has his chaos magic under control, they'll have him play with other foals." Shining encouraged.

Cadance then asked. "What shall we do until then?"

Shining Armor groaned as he mumbled. "Until then…I.. I'll be his playmate, I guess."

Cadance was speechless as her eyes went wide!

"Really!?" Discord shouted, spitting out baby food all over the place!

Shining Armor nodded as he wiped the green goop from his face. "If it'll help you learn to control your chaos magic. Besides, it's kind of fun being a baby again, actually," He then turned to Princess Cadance with his cheeks now a beat red. "I-if that's ok with you?"

Princess Cadance couldn’t help but burst into laughter. When she eventually regained her composure, she hugged her husband and squealed. "Of course! I would love to babysit you as a foal! From all the baby pictures your mom’s shown me, you were such a cute little foal. I'm honestly more surprised you're ok with this, going back to diapers and all that."

Shining Armor's face was now red as well. "When the princesses took Discord in, I was suspicious of him at first. I mostly stood by, thinking he might become a villain I must stop. After all, I swore an oath to protect the princesses at all costs. That’s what being a royal guard is all about," He then turned his attention to Discord and continued. "But when they were busy one day in the middle of finding a new babysitter, I decided to care for him. After all, I did have to help my parents take care of Twily from time to time."

Shining Armor then nuzzled the baby lord of chaos as he explained. "Since the first time I helped him stack blocks, we became close, and I've enjoyed being there for him. And if my turning into a foal helps, then that's fine with me. Maybe we could both be foals for our wedding and have the bathroom be our chapel. After all, what are a prince and princess without a throne?"

"Ok,” Cadance agreed. “Well before we do th-" But before she could finish, Discord let out a loud burp as swirls of chaos magic wrapped around Shining Armor. When the magic dissipated once where a proud stallion stood now sat a rather adorable chubby foal.

"Discord! I told you not to use your chaos magic without my permission!" Cadance scolded the draconequus as she turned towards her husband-to-be, lifted him up with magic and was strapping his flank in a diaper.

"I'm sowie. When he said it was otay, I just let my chaos magic loose. I didn't do it on purpose!" Discord squeaked in surprise.

Shining Armor turned towards Cadance and babbled. "It's otay, Cady. I said I was fine with tis. I sure it won’t last foevew."

Princess Cadance placed a hoof to her chest and dawwed at her husband’s antics. "Yes, but we must inform my aunts. They're the only ones who can cast age spells after all. They are very high end magic."

"Yeah, I…I honestly dun even know how ta use my magic. I sometimes just think of something in my head and ten it happens." Discord explained.

Cadance then looked at a clock. "Well right now, Princess Celestia and Luna are still on their spa date. We have a few hours until they return." She turned to her husband and asked. "Would it be ok if you stay as a baby until my aunts return? I can pass word along to the guards, but it’ll be a while before they can find the princesses."

Shining Armor was now plopped on the ground, using his padded flank as a seat as he rolled his eyes. "I said I was fine with tis, but its not wike I have a choice. I was kind of hoping you’d be a foal too and we could pway together and do foaw things togethew."

"Alright, well, let's get to playing! Next time, Cadance can join us if she wants. But somepony gots’ to be the gwown-up." Discord replied, then laughed as he bounced upward with his claws in the air. He then levitated a plush dragon, turning it massive as he had Princess Cadance trapped in a jail cell made of plush bricks.

Princess Cadance looked around the room with a confused expression. "Oh dear, am I a princess trapped by a dragon?"

"Yes!” Discord nodded. “I ta lord of chaos,” He turned to Shining. “Ya gotta defeat ta pwush dragon ta rescue her and wive happily evew aftew!"

“Otay ten!” Shining exclaimed he spread his stubby legs out, and with a foam sword in his mouth he charged the plush dragon, wacking at it and trying to topple it over. But the plush dragon simply batted Shining back with its plush claws, being unphased by the colt’s attacks. Shining then went for a full body charge, slamming his tiny body into the soft plush belly of the toy dragon, which then took the opportunity to grab Shining and pulled him into a tight hug.

Shining Armor kicked and squirmed in the plush dragon’s embrace. "Hey, Discord, how do I beat it?! Tis game isn't fair!" He cried.

"Oh, I'm…uh, not sure." The little draconequus responded rather sheepishly.

"Not sure?!” Shining blinked in disbelief! “Ya created tis!"

"Yeah, but like I said, I dun know how my power works!” Discord admitted. “I…I taught ya could knock it over or something?"

But then he watched in horror as the plush dragon took little Shining Armor and plopped him down its gullet. Cadence cried out in fear as Discord in tears started to slam his paws and claw against the plush dragon. "What are ya doing?! Ya was supposed to just play, not eat Shiny!

Cadance became concerned and exclaimed! "Discord! Use your chaos magic to turn the dragon back into a normal toy! Hurry!"

Discord paused. He looked down at his feet and whimpered. "Like I said…I dun know how to control it. What if I make things worse?!"

Princess Cadance turned towards the baby lord of chaos and said with a reassuring smile. "You can do this, Discord. Just take a deep breath and relax."

"Otay… I'll try!" Discord turned to face the plush dragon, and it seemed to know that he was trying to take it down. Discord then concentrated its attention to the giant plush dragon and fixated all his might. His chaos magic rumbled as it swirled around the plush dragon. Instead of turning back to a normal plush however, the toy turned into a massive pink dragon with a white underbelly, and its head burst through the ceiling!

Princess Cadance gasped in horror! "Discord, I said turn it into a plushie, not an actual dragon!"

"I sowie!" The lord of chaos cried! He saw the dragon eyeing the pile of plush animals, take them into her claws, and flew off, bursting through the wall and heading towards the mountain above the palace.

After the dragon left, Princess Cadance quickly gathered foal supplies, set Discord in a foal carrier, and then set off to the mountain to find the dragon. She knew she should be furious with the little lord of chaos for what had happened. But it seemed it wasn't entirely his fault, she had persuaded him to use his chaos magic without knowing how to control it.

The two continued up the mountain, following a trail of plush toys until they found a cave the dragon had decided to sleep in. It had a massive horde of plush animals like a pile of treasure and gems piled around her. In the middle of the horde and wrapped around in a pink, scaly tail, was a giant, white egg with Shining Armor's cutie mark printed on it.

Cadance felt nervous, thinking that her husband-to-be would be in it, hoping he was in one piece.The princess then silently levitated the egg (so as to not disturb the sleeping dragon) and brought it towards her as she whispered. "Shining Armor, are you ok?!"

The two waited a few moments until they heard some thumps against the egg and a shout, "Yes, Cady, I can hear ya! Ya gotta get me out of here, I gotta go potty!"

Discord and Cadance sighed in relief, and then they looked around the egg. They poked at it, noticing that it had a tough, hard shell.

Princess Cadance's face turned bright pink. "Shining Armor, you're going to have to hatch your way out."

"How?!" Shining gasped in disbelief from inside the egg!

"Use your hooves to crack it!" Cadance instructed! “Hurry!” And soon, she and Discord could hear loud thumps growing louder by the second. They also saw fissures being created in the shell. As the fissures grew, the shell eventually broke apart as Shining Armor burst out! The little foal plopped on his padded flank onto the ground. Then he turned to see his wife to be and Discord, and gave a sigh in relief. "Oh tank Tia ya two came!"

Cadance bent down and hugged Shining close. "Of course we did. I wasn't going to let a dragon take you!"

Discord then waddled over and whimpered. "I sowie, I didn't mean for ya ta get eaten."

Shining Armor hugged back. "It's otay, Discord, ya came ta save me. Tat’s what matters."

The two hugged then they turned their attention to the dragon. "Well, we got Shining back, but we can't have this dragon stealing plush animals. I assume all of these toys were stolen." Cadance commented.

"Yeah, I gotta use my chaos magic and turn it back to a plush toy again," Discord mumbled. He looked at the dragon and took out his claws. The lord of chaos closed his eyes, concentrating on the dragon turning back to a plush toy. He concentrated as hard as he could. Then when he opened his eyes once more, the giant pink dragon was no longer there. There was just a massive, pink plush dragon atop the horde of other toys!

Discord started to jump up and down in excitement! He then ran over right into Princess Cadance and into her hooves as he exclaimed. "I did it! Ya see, Cady?! I did it all by myself!"

"Yes you did, I'm so proud of you!" Cadance cooed as she took the little lord of chaos and hugged him. They held the embrace for a moment until Shining Armor gave a cough and they both turned towards the rather pouty little foal.

Cadance snickered and then asked. "Now, can you turn my husband to be back into an adult? It’s gonna be hard for him to do a royal wedding in diapers."

The lord of chaos turned towards the pudgy foal and closed his eyes. He did the same as he did before, concentrating on turning Shining Armor into an adult. When he opened his eyes, the colt that was once before him was now a full grown adult again! Discord squealed as he waddled over and ran to Shining, who laughed and ruffled Discord’s spines.

They all then gathered the plush animals and then returned them to the foals the dragon had stolen the plushies from. Afterward, Discord was returned to his nursery, where he had a diaper change and a bottle before tucking him into bed. It didn’t take long for the little lord of chaos fell sound asleep, seeing he was rather exhausted from using so much chaos magic.

Afterward, his two foalsitters two snuck out of the room, and they both went to the hall. When they were way down the hall Shining Armor wiped some sweat from his brow. "Well, that was one heck of a day."

Princess Cadance snickered behind a hoof. "Yes, it was rather chaotic to say the least…and also rather adorable. Your mother was right, you’re the cutest little foal ever.”

Shining Armor responded rather sheepishly. “Yes, I am getting rather used to turning into a foal. Like I said, it’s not all bad. The diapers aren’t even the worst part, really.”

“Well maybe next time, I’ll be the foal and you the caretaker. Might be kind of nice to be cared for for a change instead of always being the one doing the caretaking.” Princess Cadance joked as she gave him a peck on the cheek.

Shining blushed anew at the idea of seeing his fiance turned into a foal. “That’s not a bad idea…”

“But you have to admit Discord is so sweet and kind, he just wants ponies to love him." Cadance went on.

"Yeah, but I see why your aunts don't want him playing with other foals for now,” Shining commented. “But once he has a handle on his chaos magic, they should get him potty trained and up to date on his shots, then they’ll be able to put him in daycare."

Cadance paused. "To be fair, my aunts are always busy. They have so many duties, so it's no reason why they never had foals. They don’t know what foals really need most,” Then she proposed. “Maybe.,..maybe we should adopt him and care for him, at least until he’s a little older?"

Shining’s eyes went wide as he stammered! "Woah…adoption?! I…I don't know! We’re not even officially married yet!"

"Yes, I know we have a lot on our plate with a wedding still being planned, the rumors of the changelings trying to invade, and the signs that the Crystal Empire might return from what Auntie Tia tells me,” Cadance explained. “But once we find time to settle down, we should propose to my aunts to formally adopt Discord. We’ll have more time to care for him than my aunts do.”

“Are you sure?” Shining nervously asked. “You think we can handle every day being as chaotic as today?"

Cadence laughed, "Shining, look at what Discord accomplished in a day. Before today, my aunts had to be the ones to fix all of his messes, but he did it all by himself this time. Discord made a huge milestone today, not only in turning that dragon back to a plush toy but in turning you from a baby back to an adult."

"Right, he seems to have warmed up to us." Shining found himself slowly agreeing with the princess.

Cadance nuzzled him. “We have time to think about it. After all, we’ve got our wedding to plan. And as much as I think we’d look adorable all padded up, the press would have a field day if we did our entire royal wedding as foals, big or small."

Just then, the two elder alicorn princesses returned, both looking much more relaxed. Celestia being the one to opt to ask. "So, how was Discord? Things weren't too crazy, were they?"

"Please tell me the moon is still made of rock and not cheese." Luna squeaked.

Shining Armor looked too embarrassed to say anything, so Princess Cadance spoke up. "Well, I'll give you both a full report of what happened: First, Discord turned my husband into a foal and turned a plush dragon into a real dragon.

"He what?!" The sun and moon princesses shouted at the same time!

Cadance held a hoof to her mouth and let out a "shhh!" and pointed to Discord's nursery.

Shining Armor cleared his throat. "To be fair, I gave Discord permission to turn me into a foal, so that was ok. And He accidentally turned his toy into a real dragon, he was just trying to play a game with me."

The two princesses then turned to Princess Cadance as she continued the story. "Despite all that, we found the dragon on top of a pile of plush animals, and we had to crack baby Shining Armor out of an egg. Discord then used his chaos magic to reverse what he did and we all helped take back all the toys to the foals the dragon stole from."

The princesses were somewhat surprised, but as Cadance finished, they squealed. "Wait, Discord used his chaos magic?!"

Princess Cadance then explained. “Yes, he had some stumbles but overall he seemed to start having a grasp of it.” Then she squeaked as she was suddenly hugged by the two princesses and even Shining Armor.

Afterward, Celestia asked, " Princess Cadance, can you be our royal foalsitter for Discord when Luna and I can't?"

"Of course! My husband to be and I adore Discord and would love to see him grow up right,” Cadance agreed. “Trust me, we'll keep working on his chaos magic."

"That's good to hear," Luna sighed. "I'll go to the nursery and ensure Discord has a good night's rest. Thank you for caring for him."

After Luna left, Celestia let out a yawn. "I'll go get some sleep. Good night Princess Cadance, Captain Shining Armor." And soon she departed too.

Once Celestia left, Shining Armor turned to Cadance and whispered. "You didn't tell her about adopting Discord?"

"Not yet. We should wait: Like I said, we should think about it and be sure they're ready to give him up," Cadence explained as she nuzzled him. "Let's get some sleep, I'm quite exhausted myself."

"Right, me too." Shining yawned as he nuzzled his fiance, and they left for home together.