• Published 31st Dec 2022
  • 1,031 Views, 43 Comments

It takes a Kingdom to Raise a Draconequus - Foal Star

This story is a "What if?" Idea on if Discord was recently born and given to the princesses' of Equestria to raise.

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Chapter Five: Princess Rainbow Dash Part 2

Rainbow Dash woke up the next morning to a stir; she lifted the blankets from her and looked down to see that baby Discord was fast asleep. The mare then noticed he was cradled near her nether regions and was suckling something. Then she felt the pressure being relieved around her nether regions. The pegasus cried upon seeing that she was nursing the little baby draconequus!

But despite how awkward this was, she found it relaxing and cute. Maybe this was Discord's chaos magic, making her think more like Celestia. Rainbow Dash laid her head back and relaxed a little, seeing she was stuck, and on top of that, didn't want to disturb Discord, so she relaxed and waited until she heard a knock on the hospital door., "Good morning, Rainbow Dash. May I come in?"

The former pegasus recognized Princess Celestia's voice and started to panic, squeaking. "Uh, yeah, of course!"

The princess of the sun peeked in, slowly trotted into the hospital room, and gave a gasp upon seeing Rainbow! "My goodness, when Twilight told me you were a copy of me, she wasn't kidding."

“Yeah…and…” Rainbow sniffed the air, and her stomach grumbled as she saw Princess Celestia bringing in a platter of pancakes. "Is that for me?"

The alicorn with a pristine white coat smirked. "Yes, I assumed that being a clone of me, you would be craving some pastries right about now," The princess of the sun trotted over and sat down beside Rainbow Dash with a smile. She then looked down at the tiny lord of chaos suckling on one of Rainbow's teats and gasped in surprise. "Oh! You're nursing?"

Rainbow Dash couldn't help but throw her hooves over her face. She didn't mean to nurse Discord, even as she admitted. "Yeah, guess he made me how you were when he last saw you."

Princess Celestia looked rather bashful. "I can take him if you want. After all, he is primarily my responsibility. I'm the one who has to feed him, nurse him, set him down for naps, and of course, change his diapers."

Rainbow paused. Yet, with how awkward and uncomfortable the feeling was, she didn't want to make it stop, so she shook her head. "It's fine; I...um…find it quite relaxing. No need to stop him now," Then she blushed. "I… didn't realize you were lactating."

Celestia gently brushed her mane and admitted. "Yes, since Luna and I became his ward, we have produced milk for him as if he were our child. It's just biology. Besides, there are plenty of spells and pills for mothers of any age and species," Using her magic; she cut the pancakes up. She levitated a fork up to the daredevil's mouth. "Now, since you're nursing my foal, I think it's only fair to feed you in return."

Rainbow Dash threw her head up with a scoff! "I'm not a foal!"

"Yes, but your limbs are much longer now that you're an alicorn," Celestia replied. "And it will be difficult to eat with your hooves because you have never used magic before."

Rainbow wanted to protest but seemed unable to as she opened her mouth and let the princess of Equestria feed her the pancakes (which were surprisingly quite delicious). After Celestia finished feeding Rainbow breakfast, she wiped the speedster's mouth. She then gave her a cup of coffee as Discord continued to nurse.

The two sat across each other as they sipped on their mugs. Rainbow Dash, worried and a bit nervous that Celestia might secretly harbor resentment for her or Discord, asked. "Sooo… you're not mad, are you?"

The alicorn gave a nod. "Well, I was at first. It didn't take me long to learn that Twilight was hiding something from me, and I got her to confess what happened to you and Discord. Needless to say, I was pretty mad that she did such a thing without consulting me first, especially since I would've told her no."

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "I told her that it was a bad idea!"

"I agree," Celestia replied. "However…after I learned Discord was only trying to heal your wings when he accidentally turned you into an alicorn, I realized how foolish I have been."

"Foolish? How so?" Rainbow Dash blinked.

Celestia looked up and admitted. "Because I realized that hiding Discord from the public was wrong. Well, maybe not entirely wrong. But we protected the public because we loved him but thought his magic could be dangerous. But…Discord really cares for others. He proved that when he tried to fix your wing despite the fact he knew he could be punished for it. If that's not a selfless act of love, especially from a foal his age, I don't know what is."

Rainbow snickered. "He only agreed to do it because the Cake Twins pressured him. They wouldn't stop bugging him until he agreed."

"Even so, it made me realize that almost every time he has used his chaos magic since I started raising him, he's only ever done it for a need or because he didn't have control of his powers," Princess Celestia pointed out. "But this proves that he does have some control and can use said powers for good. So, it's time we reveal him to the public instead of trying to hide him. Not only that, I'm going to have Twilight help me teach him how to use his magic properly," she fondly proclaimed With a glint in her eyes. "Her knowledge of magic is something I haven't seen since Starswirl the Bearded. She amazes me with how fast a learner she can be."

"Sounds like a great idea to me!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed! "Twilight's never met a problem she couldn't solve! And with her help, having Discord on our side means we'll be able to do things nopony ever thought possible!"

"Well, considering you're a clone of me," The sun princess said. "I thought we could spend the morning in my garden. I can show you how to fly with your bigger wings and maybe how to use your horn for a bit before we have Discord turn you back to normal. How does that sound?"

"That… actually sounds like a lot of fun." Rainbow agreed, then felt Discord release his mouth from her teat and sighed in relief.

Celestia chuckled as she lifted her ward and wiped his mouth.

"Auntie Tia." Discord whimpered as he scrunched up his face and his diaper.

"Yes, dear, I'm here," Celestia motherly cooed. "I know everything. Let's get you changed first; then, we'll talk." She laid him down, changed his diaper, and cradled him into her forehooves.

Discord squeaked in shame and fear! "Oh no, ya found out I turned Dashie into a copy of ya!"

"Yes, I did, but I'm not mad at you," Celestia replied.

Discord got somewhat surprised and squeaked. "Really?"

Celestia nodded. "Yes. In fact, I'm so happy to learn you tried to use your chaos magic to heal Rainbow Dash's wing. It's nice to see you're using your magic for good."

Discord kicked about and giggled. "Yeah, I did! But ya know she got turned into ya! Her rainbow mane reminded me of yours, and then I pictured you in my mind, and then boom! She's a copy of ya, Auntie Tia."

"Oh, so that explains it," Celestia replied.

Rainbow put a hoof over her mouth and snickered. "Hey, maybe we could be related now?"

"I doubt it. At best, you could be another one of my adopted relatives, like Cadence and Blueblood," The alicorn with a majestic white coat replied and then changed the subject. "Well, seeing as we're all awake now, why don't I give Rainbow Dash a flying lesson?" She chirped as she plopped Discord on her back.

Rainbow couldn't help but laugh. "Sorry, princess, but I will probably teach you something about flying!"

Celestia gave a playful smirk. "We shall see about that. Want to race me back to my garden?!"

"Oh, you're on!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed! "Princess or not, I will leave you in the dust!"

The two alicorns took off as they flew into the sky, heading straight for Canterlot.

The two soared through the skies, and Rainbow Dash was ecstatic, feeling the currents brushing under her wings and the wind blowing through her long, rainbow-colored mane. She was enjoying her new body and loving the power she had behind each flap of her new wings while soaring toward Canterlot. It was only a short time until she spotted the beautiful garden of hedges and flowers. She then turned to see Celestia gasping and wheezing as she flew by.

"Well, it seems you are a lot faster than me. It took almost everything I had to keep up." The sun princess admitted.

Rainbow Dash threw a smirk at Celestia. "See? I told you. You're a good flyer, but you should work on your stamina. You burned out way too early."

"Thank you for the information," Celestia bowed. "I will keep it in mind for next time." Celestia then lifted her ward onto her back before she asked Rainbow. "Do you want me to show you how to use your horn for the brief time you'll have it?"

Rainbow tapped it with her hoof and asked. "Sure. Um…can you give me a demonstration?"

Celestia nodded and lit her horn as she started to show Rainbow how to levitate some nearby rocks. "It's all about concentration."

Rainbow Dash lit her horn, and she did as instructed to the best of her ability, concentrating on the rocks. She struggled to lift one a few feet up in the air. It soon landed with a few clicks, and she sighed, exasperated. "That's the best I can do. Any more and my head would start hurting really bad."

Celestia clapped her hooves, almost like she was a teacher and Rainbow, a student. "Not bad, actually. Seeing as you've never used magic before, it's incredible you could do that much."

"You're just saying that!" Rainbow groaned in annoyance. "Twilight and Rarity make it look so easy to move things around!"

Discord scoffed! "Oh yeah?! Watch tis!" He then lifted the rocks with a claw and then piled them on top of each other. He turned to Rainbow Dash, who was pouting, feeling peeved a baby was better at her than using magic and asked. "So, is that it?"

"Not as exciting as you thought it would be?" Celestia asked with a barely suppressed snicker.

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Yeah, guess so, not that I was expecting much. Just thought I would have more power."

"Well, you might; you just need practice." Celestia pointed out.

"Like with flying…right…." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. She tried using her new horn, surprisingly shooting out rainbows from her horn as they arched into the sky! Upon seeing the spectacle, Discord clapped and giggled.

Meanwhile, Celestia laughed! "Oh, wow! Didn't expect that!"

Rainbow's cheeks flushed red seeing the sky now had a massive rainbow overhead and squeaked. "Ok, let's not do that again."

"Why not? That was beautiful." Princess Celestia encouraged.

Rainbow scratched her mane and shook her head. "Uh, maybe it's just a little too girly for me. A little rainbow here and there is nice, but if I do it all the time, it stops being awesome and cool."

Celestia snickered. "Alright, suit yourself," Then she asked. "Now, before we turn you back to normal, do you want some cake?"

"Of course! But where can we get somewhere no pony can see us?" Rainbow Dash questioned.

Discord smirked as he threw his hands up, and storm clouds soon came over the alicorns! Soon, the cake was raining from the sky, making and splattering everywhere.

Rainbow Dash laughed, flying up and snapping one in her jaws, then Celestia followed by licking up some cupcakes. "Wow, that's amazing!"

Discord teleported onto Rainbow's back. "See?! Ya, gots Mama's cake addiction!"

Rainbow placed her hooves over her eyes and groaned. "Guess I do. Hopefully, it goes away when I turn back into a pegasus."

"I'm sure it will," Celestia replied and then questioned. "Worried about your weight?"

"Of course!" The brash speedster replied. "If I'm going to be a Wonderbolt, I gotta keep off the sweets. Too many and… well, I'm sure you know what'll happen."

Celestia's cheeks were a bit pink as she wiped frosting from her face. "You do have a point. Personally, I've never worried about my weight. We alicorns have pretty active metabolisms, after all. But even so, it's unhealthy for a princess always to eat cake."

The rain of cake ended with Discord shoving his face into a massive pastry before he asked Rainbow. "So…ya wanna go back to being a pegasus now?"

"Yeah, I'm ready." The brash speedster replied.

Celestia produced a picture of Rainbow Dash as a guard and then hoofed it to Discord. The little lord of chaos looked at it and seemed to memorize it. He then looked up and aimed his little eagle claw at Rainbow Dash, who closed her eyes as she felt the magic start to change her. She then blinked. Upon opening her eyes and seeing that she was shorter than the princess again, she flew up in joy! "Yes! I'm back to normal!" She then squealed, seeing her wings were healed and working, and hovered over Discord as she gave him a pat on the head. "Hey, thanks for healing my wing."

"Yeah! Just swing by Pound Cake and show him you are otay," Discord insisted. "He ta one who wanted ta make sure ya was otay."

"I will," Rainbow agreed. "keep working on your chaos magic; it's pretty cool."

"I will!" Discord promised.

Rainbow smiled at Celestia and then said. "Well, I better get going…should inform the hospital I'm all better."

The sun princess nodded. "Of course. Send me a letter about your experiences, and keep well."