• Published 31st Dec 2022
  • 1,031 Views, 43 Comments

It takes a Kingdom to Raise a Draconequus - Foal Star

This story is a "What if?" Idea on if Discord was recently born and given to the princesses' of Equestria to raise.

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Chapter Four: Princess Rainbow Dash, Part 1

Discord was back at Sugarcube Corner again not long after the incident with the Cake Twins, playing with them as they were stacking blocks together, trying to build a tower. The tower was rather massive, with Pumpkin Cake squinting and using her limited magic to keep it upright. The three had been playing almost nonstop for over a month and were having a blast! Not only that, Discord was feeling proud that he had become better at controlling his chaos magic, as he used a simple levitation spell to continue stacking the tower.

Pound Cake did his best to flutter up and stack a block before plopping onto his padded bottom.

The three foals stood back, seeing the tower of blocks towering towards the ceiling, and Discord was the first to clap and giggle. “We did it! We used aww oua blocks to make ta biggest tower ever!"

Pumpkin waddled over and nodded as she took deep breaths. "Yeah, tat was had. I'm so tired."

Pound nodded and flexed his wings. "Yeah, I dun tink I eva flew tat much before."

Discord then insisted. "Well, we gotta show Pinkie Pie when she returns. Dun take a nap yet!"

Pumpkin and Pound Cake then chimed in agreement, even though they yawned. "We won't. Is not our nap time yet anyway."

Lucky for all of them, Pinkie Pie came back into the room. But Discord noticed she looked rather sad as the pink-coated earth pony plopped down next to them. "Hey, sorry for being late to watch you today. It's just that my friend Rainbow Dash got hurt pretty bad, and I was visiting her at the hospital."

The Cake Twins then gasped along with Discord, and they all stood up and asked! "Is she otay?!"

Pinkie nodded. "Yeah, she's fine. It's just that she's rather lonely being in that hospital room alone."

The baby draconequus nodded, then realized he had just learned that he hadn't met the rest of Pinkie's friends yet. He always heard stories about them, but he'd never met them up close outside of seeing pictures. He looked somewhat nervous as he then asked. "Would it be otay if I visit her?"

Pinkie Pie tapped a hoof to her chin. "Hmmm, I would be ok with it. But I should probably ask Princess Celestia,” Turning to Discord, she asked him. “Can you behave yourself while I'm gone?"

"Yeah, I'll behave," Discord replied.

Pinkie Pie chirped, "Good! I'll be right back with an answer." The pink-coated earth pony bounced off as Pound Cake turned towards Discord, then waddled over, hugged him, and asked, "Can ya say hi ta Dashie for me? She said she gonna teach me to fly when I get older."

"Yeah, of course," Discord promised in a whisper and hugged the colt.

Pumpkin, meanwhile, suckled her hoof in thought and then pondered. "What if ya did something better, wike hearing Dashie's wing?"

"Huh, he can do that?" Pound asked his sister.

"Yeah, of course! If he can make a super big cake! He can do anything!" Pumpkin Cake squealed!

Pound Cake got excited and started bouncing and squealing, "Yeah, Discord, can ya do tat? Pwease?!"

"Well, um…" Discord saw the twins’ excitement and didn't want to disappoint them. At the same time, however, he’d never healed anypony before with his chaos magic and wasn't sure how..
He was going to say no, but Pound's desperate look made him take it back, and he said. "Awwight, I'ww, do it."

"Yay!" The twins squealed in delight and hugged him.

Discord just sighed, hoping he could pull it off.

At the Golden Oak Library, Pinkie Pie was deep in thought about Discord visiting Rainbow Dash. She wanted to ensure it was ok with Princess Celestia first, as her most stringent rule with her helping take care of Discord was not showing him to other ponies without her or Princess Luna knowing. As a result, she was meeting with Twilight, who was looking somewhat gloomy while slumped over her desk.

Pinkie Pie smiled cheerfully and exclaimed! "Hey, Twilight!"

"Hey, Pinkie," Twilight mumbled under her breath.

The pink party pony bounced over to her friend and then said. "So…I have a question."

"Yes, what is it?" Twilight asked, seeming not to be in the mood for Pinkie Pie's usual antics.

"Well, you know about Princess Celestia's ward Discord, right?" Pinkie asked.

Twilight seemed to perk up. "Yes, she's spoken about him before. What about him?"

"Well, he's in my care an- " Pinkie began but was suddenly interrupted when Twilight flew up and exclaimed! "Wait, are you saying you’re caring for Discord?!" Appearing to be somewhat surprised by the news.

Pinkie Pie blushed, nervous as she remembered she wasn't supposed to tell any ponies. But she still replied. "Yes, he's been having playdates with the Cake Twins when Celestia is super busy, and they've been great."

"Can I see him?!" Twilight chirped. "I was so worried Princess Celestia would say no, seeing as she wants to keep him a secret."

"Of course! But first, we should probably tell her also…." Pinkie paused, then added, "Discord wants to visit Rainbow Dash, and I was hoping you could send a letter to the princess asking for permission."

Twilight was surprised by this and whispered. "Really? Discord doesn't even know Rainbow Dash?"

"I talk about you and the others all the time,” Pinkie confessed. “He may seem like a chaotic monster, but he's so sweet and kind. Visiting Rainbow Dash might do them both some good.”

Twilight nodded. "Yeah, that's true. I gave her a Daring Do novel, but I doubt she'll read it. However, I don't think Rainbow Dash would want to care for a foal in her condition."

Pinkie shook her head. "Of course not. I'm just saying he should come to visit for a few minutes, that's all."

Twilight shrugged her hooves. "I'll inform Princess Celestia about this and see what she says."

The pink party pony squealed in delight and hugged Twilight, then exclaimed, "Oh, thank you! I promise you're going to love him! In fact, Celestia has mentioned she wants you to help teach him how to use his magic."

"Oh? That would be fun." Twilight snickered. She then started writing her letter to Princess Celestia.

Meanwhile, back at Sugarcube Corner, Discord was practicing "healing" plush animals that the Cake Twins brought as he carefully healed up loose stitching and stuffing from tears in the fabric. As he did so, the Cake Twins just watched in amazement, with Pumpkin squealing, "Ya so amazing! I can't believe ya can heal our plushies!"

"Yeah, ya amazing!" Pound chimed as he clapped his hooves.

Discord nodded as he gave Pound a teddy that he’d fixed, and the little foal hugged him. Discord then said, "Weww, I am gettin' a wot betta at using my chaos magic, but I nervous using it on ponies. I dun know if I can heal Dashie."

Pound lifted up the teddy and exclaimed. "Ya healed all our teddies! If ya can do tat ten, ya can heal Dashie!"

"Yeah, Discord, we believe in ya!" Pumpkin chimed in as she clapped her hooves together.

Discord doubted he could do what the twins wanted, but he didn't want to disappoint his new friends and relented. "Otay, I’ww twy. But no promises."

"Yay!" The twins chimed together!

Just then, the door to the nursery opened, and Twilight walked in with her mouth agape. "No…no way! Is that Discord?!"

"Yeah, I Discord!" Discord confirmed.

Before the draconequus could finish, Twilight scooped up and hugged him while she squealed. "Oh, he is so adorable!" She then gave his diaper a pat, feeling it squish as she laughed, "Looks like he needs a change.”

The unicorn settled Discord down on a changing mat and gently changed him effortlessly. Discord was surprised at this and asked. "Have ya done tis before?"

"Yes, I have,” Twilight confirmed. “I cared for Spike when he was a baby."

"Who’s Spike?" Discord asked.

"Uh, he's a baby dragon and my number one assistant," Twilight replied.

"Oh, a baby dragon. Does tat mean he's still in diapees?" Discord questioned, looking down at himself. “Wike me?”

Twilight couldn't help but giggle, "Oh no, not like you. He outgrew diapers long ago, and I couldn’t be happier. Someday, I’m sure you too will get out of diapers, and so will your friends, the Cake Twins," She then plopped Discord onto her back and gasped, seeing the tower they made! "Wow, you made this?!"

Discord nodded. "Yeah, we aww made tis. Pumpkin Cake used hew magic to twy hold it together while Pound Cake flew up and down, stacking the foam blocks on each other."

Twilight was still amazed as Pinkie laughed. "Seems like the Cake Twins are rather talented, huh?"

"This…this is just amazing!" Twilight exclaimed in disbelief. She trotted over to Pumpkin and nuzzled her, "Maybe I should try teaching you some basic magic soon? What do you think? Would you like that?"

Pumpkin gurgled and clapped her hooves in glee but then let out a tired yawn making Twilight daww. "Seems like they need a nap."

"Yes, they do." Pinkie scooped the foals and started to tuck them into the crib. Then after the Twins were fast asleep, Pinkie Pie and Twilight went downstairs.

The unicorn lifted Discord, placed him into her bag, and told him. "Princess Celestia said you can visit Rainbow Dash, but you must stay hidden until we get to her room."

Discord sighed; he knew his aunties wanted to make sure ponies were ready when they saw him, so he gave a nod. "Alwight, I will." He then dipped into the bag as Twilight strapped it around her back, and then she and Pinkie headed out towards Ponyville General.

When they reached Rainbow Dash's hospital room door a short time later, they heard her cry out in surprise. It looked like she was stowing something away as she greeted. "Uh, hey, didn't expect you two to come back so soon."

"Hey, Rainbow, we just wanted to check on you; how are you doing?" Twilight asked as she slowly trotted into the room with a playful smirk.

"I said I was good; I just can't wait to get out of the hospital and do some flying," Rainbow grumbled under her breath, her eyes shifting about suspiciously.

Twilight opened her bag. "Well, to be honest, we just wanted to show you Princess Celestia and Luna's adorable ward." She then revealed Discord, who waved a paw.

Rainbow went wide-eyed. "Woah, what is that?!"

Discord got angry and snapped. "I not a tat! I am Discowd, a baby word of chaos!"

Rainbow Dash laughed as Twilight lifted Discord over to her. She cradled him and nuzzled his belly, "More like the lord of diapers!" She poked his padding and snickered. "Look how thick that is."

Discord kicked and struggled as he whined. "I may be in diapees, but I am powerful and can use chaos magic!"

Rainbow Dash looked toward Twilight and asked. "What's chaos magic?"

Twilight momentarily looked puzzled, then shrugged, "Honestly, I'm not sure. I would have read more, but I don't think there's ever been any record of anypony being able to use chaos magic."

Discord rolled his eyes. "Is just supa powerful magic! Not like ya need a book ta know tat!"

"Well, in any case, remember what Princess Celestia told you,” Twilight cautioned Discord. “No using chaos magic without her or Princess Luna supervising you."

"I know, I won't use my chaos magic," Discord grumbled, then paused as he remembered his promise to the twins and asked. "Um…c…can I speak to Wainbow alone? I want to ask her something in private."

Pinkie and Twilight looked at each other with unsure looks. Rainbow Dash then casually threw up a hoof. "I can handle him for a few minutes; let him ask me something."

"Ok…But we'll be right outside if anything happens." Twilight replied with a suspicious look on her face.

"I promise nothing is gonna happen." Discord insisted, placing a paw over his chest.

Twilight and Pinkie then left as Rainbow bent her head and asked Discord. "So…what did you want to ask me, squirt?"

Discord turned to face Rainbow, somewhat nervous, before he eventually said. "Weww, I wanted to ask, did ya want me to twy hearing ya wings with my chaos magic?"

Rainbow blinked, surprised by the request. "You think you can do that?"

Discord looked down and nervously mumbled. "Um…maybe. But if ya dun want me to, I wun. I just asking because Pound Cake was worried about ya."

"Wait, you can talk to Pound Cake?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Discord nodded. "Yeah. It sounds like gibberish ta ya, but I understand what tey saying."

Rainbow Dash seemed impressed if the expression on her face was any indication. "Well, if you think you can do it, I say go for it! But you’d better hurry; if Twilight comes back, she'll probably stop you."

Discord nodded, then closed his eyes as he snapped his fingers! Then when he opened them, he saw that Rainbow Dash was much bigger: In fact, her entire body had grown to twice its size, she had a much more produced face, and her mane now flowed outward and waved in the air as if it was enchanted. Her wings had a massive wingspan, and a long spiraling horn protruded from her forehead. Discord just sat there, looking astonished as Rainbow Dash looked almost precisely like Celestia.

Rainbow blinked, then asked, "So did it work?"

Just then, Twilight and Pinkie Pie came nursing into the room, and their mouths dropped as well when they saw Rainbow Dash!

"Why is every pony staring at me like that?" Rainbow asked, so confused about why everypony was gawking at her. In fact, she was just happy to see her blue wings and flapped them, but that was when she noticed they were much larger. She then noticed her body was longer. She got out of the hospital bed and saw in a mirror she was an alicorn! And not just like any alicorn outside her blue coat and more pronounced mane and tail, she was the spitting image of Princess Celestia!

Rainbow should’ve been angry, but she was happy and exclaimed! "Woah, you turned me into an alicorn, Discord!" She laughed! “I look exactly like Princess Celestia!" She couldn't stop herself from rolling on the ground, kicking and laughing.

Twilight exited her stupor and shouted, "Discord, we told you not to use your chaos magic!"

The little lord of chaos started to cry. "But she wanted her wings healed, and I did! I didn't mean fow hew to tuwn into Auntie Tia!"

Rainbow looked squeamish as she had never dealt with a crying baby before. "Please don't get mad at Discord. He did heal my wings," She stood up and looked back at her body as she saw how tall she was now. "He probably thought I looked similar to Princess Celestia when he cast his spell, no biggie."

"Yes, this is a huge biggie!” Twilight complained! “We need to turn you back to normal now!"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and then asked, "What for? I think it would be cool to be an alicorn for a bit." She then opened a nearby window and threw her wings out as she prepared to go fly out and try out her new wings.

But Pinkie Pie bounced over and protested! "Wait, Rainbow! If anypony sees you, they'll wonder how you became like this, leading to questions. Ponies will then find out about Discord. I'll break my ‘Pinkie Promise’ to Princess Celestia!"

"So what?” Rainbow Dash shrugged her hooves. “Discord is cool in my book."

"Maybe, but Celestia has a right to keep Discord hidden until she feels ready to pronounce his existence to everypony,” Twilight firmly insisted. “You exposing him before then will just cause her and Discord more problems."

Rainbow groaned and rolled her eyes, and growled, "Ugh! Fine," She then sat back on the hospital bed and grumbled, "So I just have to sit here and wait for Celestia to come to reverse this?"

Twilight groaned. "If she finds out about this, she might never let us babysit Discord again!"

Pinkie nodded, turned toward Discord, and asked, "Um, can you just reverse the spell to turn Rainbow Dash back to a Pegasus?"

Discord yawned and stretched his limbs. "I would, but I used a lot of chaos magic today, and I really tired…” Then he pondered. “I can maybe do it morrow, I tink?"

Twilight rubbed a hoof over her forehead, then sighed. "Ok, here's the plan: I'll tell the hospital staff to leave Rainbow Dash alone…um… I'll just say she went to be early as she really needs her rest," She then turned to Pinkie. "I need you to go to Spike and have him write a letter to Celestia and Luna that Discord is having a sleepover with me, and there's no need to check on him. Then grab some foal supplies and put them in my room."

"Ok, Twilight. But is it a good idea to cover all this up? Remember what happened when you went crazy about your friendship lesson?" Pinkie pondered.

"I know…I know,” Twilight sighed. “But I just need time for Discord to change Rainbow back to normal without Princess Celestia finding out."

"Oh…ok." Pinkie nodded, then followed Twilight out of the hospital room.

Meanwhile, Discord was looking somewhat guilty and started to tear up.

"Hey, don't cry; accidents happen. This isn't your fault." Rainbow cooed.

Discord stopped crying almost immediately. "B…but I messed up really bad. I dun wana does not see ya and ya friends."

Rainbow waved a hoof, "Twilight is overreacting as usual. If Princess Celestia finds out I turned into a clone of her, she might scold you, but I bet she'll get a good laugh out of this."

Discord still looked worried and mumbled. "Maybe. I hope I dun get too in trouble."

Rainbow Dash laid baby Discord into a cradle of her forelegs and then took out the Daring Do book Twilight had lent her. As Rainbow Dash started to read, the story soon memorized the little foal.

Discord could see Daring Do going on her adventures playing out in her head despite not being pictures. He relaxed, stretching his tiny limbs, and started burying himself into Rainbow’s body until his head rested on the mare's chest, able to hear her steady heartbeat. It seemed to help ease the tiny bundle of chaos into falling off into a deep sleep.