• Published 31st Dec 2022
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It takes a Kingdom to Raise a Draconequus - Foal Star

This story is a "What if?" Idea on if Discord was recently born and given to the princesses' of Equestria to raise.

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Chapter Six: Discord Vs Chrysalis, Part 1

Discord was rather excited as the days went by, although Cadance and Shining had tried to keep it a secret. Still, he’d learned quickly that they're getting married. The little lord of chaos couldn't wait, especially since Shining and Cadance were becoming more involved with his daily life!

Cadance then came in to check on him one morning. Usually, she would come in with a smile and seem happy. But this morning she looked angry and annoyed. She loudly scoffed as she stomped toward his crib. "I seriously can't believe I have to change your diaper. You seriously can't just use the normal potty or something?"

Discord looked confused, "Um…but ya said ya was too busy to potty train me? Ya said after ya was married, then we gonna start?"

"Well, why do I need to train you?!” Cadance snapped. “You could just do it on your own! At least you could change your own diapers!" She then laid her charge down and began to change him. Afterward, she placed him back in the crib and snapped. "I have so much to do with the wedding coming up, I don't have time to babysit! Guard!"

A nervous-looking unicorn stallion slowly entered the room and squeaked, "Yes, princess?"

"It's Princess Amore Cadenza to you!" Cadance ordered.

"Yes Princess Amore Cadenza…" The guard bowed.

"You're in charge of babysitting duty today! And you tell him he either has to learn how to use the potty, or learn how to change himself!" Cadence remarked with a humph. She then stumbled out of the nursery and slammed the door behind her.

Discord looked utterly confused and was on the verge of tears as he asked the guard. "Um, is she otay? Did I do someting wong to make her angwy?”

The guard shook his head. "No, she is just a bit nervous about the wedding. Please don't worry about her. She’ll go back to normal when the wedding’s over, I promise."

The guard then placed the baby draconequus on the ground as Discord looked up and asked, "So what do we do? Can we help her?"

"The best thing for us to do is to stay out of her way,” The guard explained. “There really isn't much we can do until the wedding is over."

"Otay," Discord said, then noticed something off about the guard and asked. "Who are ya again?

"Im Thor- Thor!" The guard stuttered, apparently hesitating to say his full name.

"Thor? Tat's a odd name." Discord blinked in surprise.

"Uh…yeah, just… uh… yeah, that's my pony name." “Thor” replied.

"Well, I dun member ya, and I know all ta guards in ta castle." Discord pointed out.

The stallion's ears folded back as he now had this fearful look in his eyes and squeaked. "You do?"

"Yeah! So ya lying!” Discord protested with a growl. “So ya tell me who ya weally are, or I gonna go tell Auntie Tia and Lulu on ya, and ya gonna get in twouble!"

The stallion gulped as he looked all around. Then he whispered. "Ok, you got me. I'm… I'm not a soldier. I'm a …a changeling."

"A what?" The draconequus blinked in surprise.

The guard sighed as he lit up his horn and took off his disguise, revealing himself as an insect-pony hybrid like creature.

Discord was surprised and rose up with wonder! "Woah!"

The creature sighed. "My name isn't Thor: It's Thorax. and I actually am trying to warn you about an invasion."

"Invasion of what?" Discord questioned.

"Changelings! An army of changelings is waiting right outside for our queen to initiate the attack," Thorax explained. “We need to stop it!”

"Are ya sewious!? And why ya tewwing me tis?!" The little chaos maker impatiently demanded. “Ya a changewing too! Why ya twying to stop ya queen?!”

Thorax quivered, seeming nervous as his whole body shook. "Because…because I disagree with this plan. You see: We changelings feed on love, and we've been starving for the last few centuries, roaming the lands, staying beside other creatures, and leeching off what we can get. Queen Chrysalis then found your land of Equestria and hatched a plan to save our species. A really bad one, "He paused, looking somewhat nervous, before continuing. "You see, the reason Cadance is acting so rude isn't because of the wedding. That isn't the real Cadance."

"Sewiouswy?!" Discord blinked in disbelief. No wonder Cadance had been in such a bad mood this morning.

"Yes, she's really our queen in disguise and is planning to start the invasion at the wedding," Thorax explained. “I don’t know all the details, but I know she’s been posing as the bride.”

Discord immediately became alarmed as he put his paws to his face! "We gots ta warn evewypony! We gots to stop the wedding!"

"But how?!” Thorax wondered. "If we tried to expose her, she'll just deny it and make us look like the crazy ones. Even if I show them my true form, they'll probably just arrest me out of fear. The only way to stop her is to find the true Princess Cadance and expose the fake one."

Discord nodded. "Otay, so ya know whewe ta reaw Pwincess Cady is, ten?"

"Sadly, no,” Thorax confessed with a whimper. “I wasn't present when she was kidnapped. But you're her ward, correct? That’s what our queen was referring to when she was complaining about changing your diaper, right?"

"She my foalsitter,” Discord confirmed with a nod. “But Twily is supposed to do it while Cady’s getting weady for ta wedding. Ten she and Shining Awmow gonna adopt me."

"Well, do you trust this ‘Twilight’ to understand the situation and help us?" Thorax questioned with concern.

The little chaos maker puffed out his chest and boasted! "Yeah! If anypony can save Equestria, it's Twily! She done it aww befowe!"

"Alright, well, we should craft a plan before we talk with her," Thorax replied. “Plus, our queen’s probably used her disguise to make it official that I’m supposed to be in charge of you,” He blushed. “So I guess that means I’m gonna have to do things like change your diapers.”

“If ya want ta,” Discord insisted. “Or ya couwd just wet me do it. I wanna start potty twaining with the real Pwincess Cady, she said she know how to make it fun.”

“Well, alright, guess we’ll cross that bridge if we come to it,” Thorax nervously insisted. “Now let’s start thinking of a plan for Twilight.”

Thorax and Discord then started crafting a plan with some construction paper and crayons.

A few hours later, an unaware Twilight was struggling not to lose control of her temper. The entire day, she'd been dealing with Princess Cadance and had been put off by the alicorn not acting like the sweet, kind and caring foalsitter Twilight remembered.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw an unfamiliar looking brown-coated unicorn royal guard, and stomped into Discord's nursery. She wasn't too surprised, the little lord of chaos had made friends with many of the royal guards in the castle. Still, she asked. "Hello. Who are you? Were you assigned to watch over Discord?"

The stallion turned to face her and responded. "Well, only until you came by. Princess Ca- I mean Princess Amore Cadenza is busy with the wedding, so she had me handle watching over the draconequus."

"Ok. Well, you can just call her Princess Cadance," Twilight pointed out, then trotted over and smiled at Discord, who looked nervous. "Are you doing ok?"

The baby lord of chaos suddenly tensed up. "Uh, Twiwight… gotta tell ya something super important."

"Ok, I'm listening," Twilight nodded her head. “What is it?”

"Ya noticed tat Pwincess Cady is acting strange, wight?" Discord asked.

Twilight rolled her eyes, having spent quite some time seeing how Cadance was acting."Oh, I've noticed all right! She's acting way more stuck up than when I knew her as a foal! It’s not like her at all!"

"Weww, there's a reason fow that…” Discord began to explain, then turned to the guard. “Thorax, ya can weveal yourself."

Twilight looked confused, wondering who Discord was talking to. Then suddenly she saw the stallion transforming in front of her from a normal-looking unicorn into a bug-like creature. In fear for her life, Twilight lit up the end of her horn and shouted! "Discord, get back!"

"Wait, hold on!" The changeling cried, waving its hooves in desperation!

Discord immediately rushed over and exclaimed! "Twilight, wait! Ya gotta listen to him!"

Twilight still had her horn lit up, but seeing Discord’s behavior she reluctantly allowed the bug creature to talk.

“I’m a changeling,” Thorax explained. “My name’s Thorax. Our queen’s kidnapped the real Princess Cadance, and plans to launch an invasion at the wedding.”

Twilight softened up. Suddenly, everything made sense. She then asked. "If this is all true, why are you revealing your queen’s plan to me?"

"Because I think this isn't going to solve our problem!” Thorax protested as he stomped a hoof down! “When we take over, we'll have so much love for what you ponies have created already. But that will all eventually go away as we feast. We'll end up back where we started if we continue down this path. We need to find a better way, and I feel this little lord of chaos may hold the key.:

"What do you mean?" Twilight questioned.

"Most ponies would've attacked me as you almost did if I’d revealed what I am to them,” Thorax explained. “But this creature is both an outcast and is loved by ponies. He can bridge the changelings and the ponies, I just know it. That's why I lied to my queen, so I can be her guard and talk with him."

Twilight nodded. "So the real Princess Cadance has been ponynapped. Do you know where she is?"

"At this time, no,” The changeling reluctantly admitted. “But Discord and I were hatching a scheme to find the real Princess Cadance and stop her at the same time…but it's gonna be kind of crazy."

Twilight sighed. "Guess I might as well hear it because I don't have any ideas. The only thing I could think of was confronting the imposter before the wedding starts. But I doubt she’ll just tell us where the real Princess Cadence is. There has to be a way to expose her and get her to talk."

Discord gave a long-winded sigh. "Well, I gots to turn ya into a plushie."

Twilight blinked, taking a look at Discord's mountain of plush animals. "Um…you mean like one of your toys?"

Discord nodded and continued. "Ya see, if ya was a plushie, I could twick ta evil Cady into tinking I’m working with her, and she'll probably take ya to ta dungeon to gwoat. Thorax said she wikes to do tat stuff."

"Ok…” Twilight blinked. “But as a plush toy, I won't be able to do much. Why not just have me captured as is?"

Discord pointed out. "Actuawwy, I gonna make suwe ya can move and talk, ya kjust won't be abwe ta use magic."

"So when you turn me into a plush toy, I'll still be able to see, hear and talk?" The studious unicorn realized.

"Wight!” The chaos maker excitedly explained. “Awso, ya gotta act wike ya can't do anytig when ya with the queen."

Twilight nodded along as she rubbed a hoof over her chin, thinking about the plan, and somehow it was making sense to her. "This plan isn't bad so far…but even if I get Princess Cadance and expose the queen, how do we defeat her?"

Thorax then explained. "Well… while you go and save Princess Cadance, we'll try to tell your friends and the princesses what's happening. If they don't believe me or Discord, then we have no choice but to turn them into plushies as well. Hopefully, they'll realize we're trying to save Equestria. Then, when Chrysalis returns to the nursery, she'll see that all her enemies are just plush dolls and believe that Discord is on her side. But then we'll all jump onto her and clear things up."

Twilight blinked, realizing she would have to allow her friends and the princesses to be turned into plush toys, then cried out. "That is a crazy plan!” Then she sighed and lamented. “But it might be the only way to do this. We can't just talk to my friends, they all think Princess Cadance is being rude due to nerves from preparing for her wedding. And they all think I’m being too possessive of my brother,” She then added. “If we try to reveal Thorax to the princesses, they'll probably just arrest him. I'm not a fan of turning my friends into plush toys… but if you're right, if we don't stop the changelings and their queen, they'll take over."

Discord then waddled over, looking up at her with adorable puppy dog eyes, and asked. "So, we gonna do tis?"

Twilight was still uncertain, but she was willing to do whatever it took to save Equestria. She closed her eyes and cried! "I'm ready!"

The violet coated unicorn then heard the snap of Discord's claw, and she felt herself shrink. The mare could feel her flesh slowly turning into a fabric-like substance as she could feel herself shrinking in size. When Twilight opened her eyes, everything was towering over her, with the crib looking as big as a house and Discord seeming to be a foot taller. She then tried to waddle about, getting used to her new plush body and felt it wobble. She squeaked as she stumbled onto her face.

Then she heard Discord giggle and comment, "Aww, she's learning to walk. Tat’s so cute!"

"Hold on, I got this!" Twilight irritably grumbled. She then got back onto her hooves; she stumbled about until she reached a mirror and gazed at her reflection. The little plush doll gazed in awe at her new form: Her body looking bloated from the stuffing inside, her eyes were clearly sewn in despite her being able to see from them. Overall it seemed that Discord's spell had worked perfectly.

The little lord of chaos waddled over and asked, "So, any pwoblems?"

The plush unicorn turned to face him. "No, your spell worked! And now we wait, right?"

Discord came over and hugged her close. Twilight squeaked, feeling the new sensation from her body. It felt uncomfortable, but also nice to be embraced like this as the lord of chaos continued squeezing her as he whispered. "Yeah, we wait…but I scared."

Twilight then realized how crazy it was that they were putting all this pressure on Discord, who hadn't even turned one yet, and replied. "Don't worry, I'll make sure nothing happens to you. If she tries to do anything, undo the spell and I'll take her down!"

"Otay,” Discord nodded, then asked. “Would it be otay if we pwayed tea party until then?"

Twilight couldn't help but picture herself in some dress, drinking tea with stuffed bears and rabbits. It sounded rather embarrassing, but if it would help calm down the little lord of chaos, she saw no problem with it. "That's alright with me." So Discord dressed her in a cute outfit with a pink frilly dress and booties, then gave her a plastic tiara, sat her down around a small baby blue plastic table, and set down a bunch of his other plush toys. The little lord of chaos then started to pour tea.

Later that day, the disguised queen of the changelings suddenly burst into the nursery, looking rather angry as she angrily trotted over! "Thor- I mean soldier! Ugh, need to find you a good cover name. Get over here!"

The disguised royal guard rose, saluted the mare, and asked, "Anything come up?"

"No, just dealing with a bunch of morons!” The queen groaned and growled. “Now where's the little brat?! Don’t tell me you lost him!"

I'm right here, and dun call me a brat!" Discord snapped as he sucked down a sippy cup full of tea.

"Well, come on, it's your bedtime," The disguised queen insisted. “And I’m not changing your diaper again, I told you before.”

"Actuawwy, I know who and what ya are, and want to hewp ya!" “Cadance” eyed him as Discord picked up the plush doll and exclaimed! "Ta-da! I turned Twilight into a plushie fow ya!"

The imposter became furious and shouted! "You did what!?"

"I turned Twilight into a plushie so ya can invade and take over Canterlot." Discord explained.

The alicorn's furious look turned into a smile. "Sooo, your true colors are finally revealed? For a second, I thought you actually were like these other ponies."

Discord scoffed as he placed his cup down. "No way! I was just pwetending until I found somepony who can help me unleash chaos! Now I can turn all ta pwincesses and Twily's friends into plushies. Tat way, ya can make your invasion of Equestria and no one can stop ya."

She turned to face Thorax and growled. "So my subordinate told you my plans, did he?"

The changeling, still in his Royal Guard disguise, squeaked and lowered his gaze.

Discord, however, quickly got up to defend his friend and said, "Wait! He only told me after I found out he was a changeling!"

"Fine! He'll be the one keeping an eye on you anyways!" Chrysalis snarled, picked up the Twilight plush while chuckling to herself. "I'll take her down to meet Cadence," She then turned her attention to Discord. "Tomorrow, you must turn most of Twilight's friends and the other princesses into plushies before the rehearsal. The sooner you do so, the faster I can move up the invasion timetable. Once my changelings overrun Canterlot, I'll let you pick out whatever land you want to make into your own chaotic playground."

The changeling queen stuck out a hoof and snapped, "Do we have a deal?"

The lord of chaos stuck out his paw and shook it, then chirped, "Deal!"

"Alright now, you know who I really am, so tuck yourself in bed. Since Thorax was the one who spilled the beans, he can change your diaper." The imposter then left with a huff.

After Chrysalis left the room, Discord sighed in relief, seeing the plan was working, and plopped down onto his soggy diaper. "Can't believe tat worked."

Thorax nodded, helped the little lord of chaos onto the diaper-changing table, and went about the diaper change. "Yes, but tomorrow will be the true test. You think that we can convince the princesses and Twilight's friends we're telling the truth?"

Discord looked up at the ceiling and wondered aloud, "If not, tey just gotta be plushies for a few hours. Hopefully, tey will understand after everything is done."