• Published 23rd Mar 2023
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Starlight Glimmer's Time Travel Mishap - Foal Star

Starlight Glimmer's plan to go back in time had backfired, and she turned herself into a foal and went back further than she intended. Now she has to find a way to return to her own time and into her adult body.

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Chapter one: The Time Travel Screw Up

Starlight woke up, blinking and wondering where she was and how she got there. She rubbed her head. Feeling a numbing headache, she slowly got up on all fours and saw that she was standing on a bed of clouds. She bounced up and down on the foam like clouds; the cloud-walking spell she’d placed on herself was holding up. Now she needed to find out where Rainbow Dash was and prevent her from performing her Sonic Rainboom.

But then Starlight noticed the school foals zipping around. She noticed they were a bit bigger than her. That was no big deal, she could still mess Rainbow Dash up, and her revenge will be complete. But as she was going to trot over to find the filly, she fell face-first into the clouds beneath her. She spat out the clouds in her mouth, and that was when she started to notice that her legs were stubby and she was having trouble walking. Starlight then stuck a hoof in her mouth and felt around, and realized that she didn’t have any teeth! The filly then plopped her flank onto the clouds with a loud poof! The realization hit her: She wasn’t a school foal; she was a baby!

The realization made Starlight start to wail! That was when everypony turned towards her as a mare started to slowly come over. Starlight stopped crying and gasped upon seeing a mare that looked much like Rainbow Dash. But she had a bright orange mane and auburn-colored eyes.

“Oh, you poor thing, where did you come from?” The mare cooed. She then picked the foal up and nuzzled her, making the filly giggle and squirm. The older mare looked around rather confused. “How did you get up here? Heck, how are you standing on clouds?”

Starlight cheeks flushed pink; all of this would seem odd. A foal shouldn’t know the cloud-walking spell; it was rather complex.

“Oh well, it doesn’t matter,” The mare cooed. “I took today off work so I could check out the flight school for my own filly. So lucky for you, I'll be able to care for you today.” She then picked Starlight and plopped her onto the mare’s back. All the filly could do was lay there and hope that she would be at her destination as soon as possible.

It wasn’t long until the two arrived at a quaint home, and the pegasus entered. She turned to see a rather bulky stallion with golden eyes and a short-cut rainbow mane. Starlight didn’t know the pony but could only assume it was her husband. And there was a highchair was a chubby foal with a wispy rainbow mane and tail!

The filly gasped upon recognizing the foal was baby Rainbow Dash! Starlight didn’t want to believe it, but she had indeed not only somehow turned herself into an infant but had gone further back in time than she intended!

The stallion looked over and exclaimed. “Oh, hello, honey. I didn’t expect you to be back here so soon.”

The mare threw up a smile. “Oh, well, my trip to the flight school was cut short as I was watching the foals do their flying practice. And I found this adorable little foal.” She then lifted the infant up as the stallion’s mouth dropped open!

“Woah! A unicorn foal! What is she doing here?!”

“I have no idea,” The mare confessed. “I can only assume she’s someone’s foal down in Ponyville. But she must have quite the magical talent to stay on the clouds all by herself.”

The stallion laughed as he scooped some more mashed yams and began to shove the orange goop into his daughter’s mouth while he said. “I bet her parents put a cloud-walking spell on her since this might not be the first time she’s done this. If she’s anything like our little Rainbow, she probably slips out all the time.”

As the stallion continued feeding his foal, the mare laid Starlight down on a soft pad nearby and then removed a plastic square from a bag. Starlight recognized the object as a diaper, and she wasn’t going to be humiliated in such a manner. The little filly got up and tried to run away, but her new chubby legs and the rather lumpy cloud floor made her trot rather awkward. She stumbled over her hooves and tumbled, doing a somersault until she was on her back.

The older ponies just laughed as the pegasus mare took the filly back to the changing pad, started to powder her flank, and hummed a tune as she went about strapping a diaper firmly around the filly’s waist.

Starlight was then placed into a highchair far across from Rainbow Dash (who was giving her guest a suspicious look).

Rainbow’s father then got in front of Starlight, tied a bib around the filly’s neck, and cooed. “Oh, don’t worry, little one. The mare that strapped you up in a comfy diaper was my wife, Windy Whistles. As for myself, my name is Bow Hothoof.”

Starlight groaned as she hid her face behind her hooves, seemingly unable to take being talked down to like a baby.

“Oh, she seems to be shy.” Windy cooed, suspecting nothing.

“Well, she doesn’t know us yet. Just give her time to warm up to us,” Bow responded as he took out a fresh jar of baby food and continued. “For now, we should try finding the foal’s parents. They’re probably worried sick about her.” He then started to shove mashed yams into Starlight’s mouth, who begrudgingly chomped down and ate the orange goop.

“Well, we should take care of the little one, of course,” Windy proposed. “But I think we should also take a picture of her and put up flyers around Ponyville and maybe even Canterlot just to be safe.”

“Good idea, honey. I'm sure we’ll find the baby’s parents soon enough.” Bow responded before shoving another spoonful of goop into Starlight’s mouth.

“Until then, do you think we should call her something other than just the baby?” Windy asked.

“She might have a name; wouldn’t it be rude to call her something else?” Bow asked as he placed a bottle of milk into the filly’s hooves. Starlight, at this point, had resigned to being a foal and started to suckle on her bottle. The little foal noticed how warm and creamy the milk was as it went down her throat.

“Seems the little one has taken a liking to your milk!” Bow observed as he looked at Windy.

“Of course she does!” Windy cooed. “Rainbow Dash loves my milk; we both know how picky she is!”

Starlight’s eyes went wide in realization! She wanted to spit it out, but it was just too good! So the filly reluctantly continued to suckle on the amber nipple attached to her bottle until she was sucking on nothing but air. After she finished her mouth, the filly’s mouth was wiped once more as Bow took out a camera and exclaimed. “Say cheese!”

Starlight looked up at the camera with a look of confusion. Then there was a flash!

Bow soon took the photo and showed it to Starlight. “Aw, look how cute you are!”

Starlight blushed and threw her hooves over her eyes once more upon seeing herself in the picture: A chubby, pink-coated foal with a purple and pink striped mane tied in ponytails (just like how they were when she was a filly), not including with a thick diaper between her thighs. That photo was the final nail in the coffin. She’d screwed up her time spell and wasn't hallucinating. Afterward, her diaper was checked with a hoof. “Well, it seems she's clean; how about Rainbow?”

Windy checked her daughter. “She’s clean too; why don’t the two play and get to know each other?”

“Great idea!” Bow encouraged. “And while they’re playing, we can make flyers! I’m sure our little Dashie will love having a playmate.”

“Wonderful idea, honey! I believe I have a copy machine somewhere, right?” Windy questioned. “I had to have one installed in case of emergencies.”

The two foals were escorted into Rainbow’s nursery, which was covered in toys (mostly Wonderbolt plushies), with her crib having blue bars with a Wonderbolt-styled baby blanket. There was also a changing table with a blue foam top. The walls were decorated the same color as the sky: A bright blue hue with fluffy white clouds. Baby pictures of Rainbow Dash were plastered all over the walls.

Bow plopped baby Starlight and Rainbow Dash in a playpen in the filly’s nursery as he looked over at Rainbow Dash. “Now, Dashie, play nice. This filly might be here for a few days while we look for her mommy and daddy, so get used to sharing your toys.”

Rainbow just pouted, eyeing the filly as the parents left. “Who are ya?” She asked the mysterious foal.

Starlight sighed, seeing that, at this point, she could at least talk to Rainbow Dash in foal babble. “Hewwo, my name is Stawwight.”

“Straight, huh? So how did ya get up here?” Rainbow questioned. “I neva seen a unicown before. Mommy and Daddy say earth ponies and unicorns can’t walk on clouds as we can.”

Starlight paused; she wasn’t sure what she should say first. “Well, I assume ya name is Rainbow Dash wight?”

“Yup, tats me my name, Rainbow Dashie!” The little filly proudly chirped. She then pointed a hoof at the unicorn and asked. “Now, how did ya get up here?”

“Well, tats a wong story…but seeing tat ya parents can’t understand me, I've at least tell ya ta truth,” Starlight replied Ya see, I actually a big pony.”

Rainbow's eyes widened as she softly whispered. ” Really?!”

“Yeah, really, I was a big pony from ta future, and I was trying out a time spell,” Starlight then placed her hooves over her eyes. “But I messed up! Not onwy did I tuwn myself into a baby, I now, way back in time!”

Rainbow paused for a moment, then suddenly burst into laughter. “Tat’s so silly! Ya some gweat magical unicorn?! And instead of returning in time, you turn yaself into a baby?!”

“Not silly!” Starlight pouted. “I tellin’ ta truth!”

Rainbow Dash got up and wiped the tears from her eyes as she asked.“Oh yeah? If ya big pony, why ya wear diapees? Mommy and Daddy dun need diapees, tey big ponies!”

Starlight scrunched the padding between her legs. “Weww, I am a baby now. I didn’t need diapees when I a gown up!”

Rainbow Dash scoffed. “Whateva, I dun care if ya lying or not! I not gonna share my toys with ya! Tey mine!”

“So what?! I dun wanna pway with your stupid toys! I wanna get home!” Starlight snapped. “And ta quicker tat happens, ta quicker I weave ya, and ya dun have to deal with me again!”

Rainbow paused, seeming to realize that maybe the little filly wasn’t lying or playing a game. “Otay, fine, I’ww help ya get back ta ya time. But first, ya need to learn how ta walk.”

Starlight gave a sigh of relief. “Otay, I agwee,” She paused, looking over Rainbow Dash, wondering exactly how old she was. “Um, how owd awe ya anyways?”

Rainbow paused and stuck a hoof into her mouth, contemplating. “Weww, I had my fiwst biwthday pawty wike a few weeks ago. I tink I’m one yeaw owd. At least, tat's what Mommy and Daddy say. They also say I gonna get a big suwpise on my next biwthday, something tat helps me be mowe wike tem and be a big pony.”

Starlight admitted another sigh of relief. “Otay, so ya know how to walk?”

Rainbow threw her stubby hooves over her chest and scoffed. “Yeah, I not onwy know how to walk, I can fly! See, watch!” The little filly flapped her tiny wings and was able to hover above the ground for a few seconds before plopping onto the ground with a poof as her pampered butt hit the clouds below.

Starlight rolled her eyes. “There’s no need ta show off! Does it wook like I have wings?”

The baby pegasus flared her wings and pointed at them, and said. “Just saying, I bettew ten ya!”

“Ugh! Ok, ya can fly! Just teach me to walk!” Starlight bitterly demanded.

Rainbow Dash nodded as she slowly stood up on her chubby hooves. “Otay, I teach ya. Ya dun gotta be such a whiner,” The baby pegasus then assisted Starlight in getting onto her hooves and instructed. “Otay, when I was wearning ta walk, Mommy and Daddy taught me ta shift my weight. Ya gotta walk with ta clouds and not against tem.”

Starlight gave a nod and then started to toddle across the clouds. She was having an easier time getting used to the clouds than solid ground, but it was still wobbly and felt awkward with her stubby hooves. “Tis so hard! How ya pegasus do tis aww day?!”

“We get used ta it,” Rainbow Dash blushed. “Awso, ya wearing Cloudies diapees. Tey much better ten normal diapees but tey make it harder ta walk.”

“Why can’t I get put in ya diapees ten?!” Starlight shouted.

Rainbow shrugged. “Mommy and Daddy buy tat stuff, not me.”

Starlight sighed and decided to just focus on getting used to her new body. If she wanted to have any chance of returning to normal and returning to the future, she would need to learn to walk first.

An hour went by, and Starlight was finally getting the hang of walking as she was now giggling, toddling around the edge of the bright blue fence that made up the playpen.

Rainbow Dash sat back, clapping her hooves and shouting! “Ya can do it! See, it not tat hard!”

Starlight giggled as she trotted around the playpen before she heard a photo snap and saw Rainbow Dash’s parents standing over them with smiles and whispering. “Rainbow is teaching her how to walk; isn’t that just precious?”

Bow walked over and lifted his daughter, making her giggle and squeal in delight as he cooed, “Yes, it is! Our little Dashie is a natural teacher! She’ll be teaching pegasi how to fly in no time!”

Starlight groaned as Windy picked her up and squeaked in surprise as she felt the mare’s hoof check her diaper, which made squishing noises. The little unicorn’s cheeks flushed red, seeing her diaper was now sodden. The worst part was she hadn’t even noticed she’d been peeing herself. That meant her bodily functions were also reduced to that of a foal’s!

Rainbow’s parents then set Starlight and their daughter down on the changing table. There, the two foals had their diapers changed.

Starlight didn’t bother fighting or fussing. She did squirm a bit when the wipes hit her bottom, but she felt much better when a fresh diaper was strapped snuggly around her waist. Windy and Bow then tucked the two into the crib for a nap. Starlight wanted to protest as she wasn’t tired, but a pacifier was plopped into her mouth before she could say anything. She wanted to cry and spit the object out, but her foalish instincts instead had her suckle on the rubber nipple, which sent a soothing sensation throughout her body.

It wasn’t long until the pair of foals continued to suckle away on their pacifiers together, making adorable suckling noises as they did so.

Windy then turned on a spinning mobile overhead with clouds and lightning bolts attached to the toy above. Music gently played out as she then turned towards her charges and whispered. “Now get some sleep, sweeties,” She kissed Rainbow on the forehead. “Best napper ever,” She whispered, then turned to the unicorn and whispered, “I thought things over and thought of a name until we find your parents.

Bow and Windy looked at each other, then shouted in unison, “Rainbow Bright!”

Starlight whined, seeing it was such a silly (and embarrassing) name. The older ponies both gave sheepish grins seeing the foal’s reaction, and Windy cooed in response, “I know it's not your real name. We thought to name you something until we found your parents and learned who you really are.”

“Yeah, it’s no big deal,” Bow insisted. “Besides, if it turns out you're an orphan, we might adopt you.” He nuzzled Starlight's belly with a wing. The filly couldn’t help herself as she kicked and giggled as she was tickled by the stallion. After the tickle session was over, the filly couldn’t help but be amazed at the two, seeing them willing to adopt her without any hesitation.

The two pegasi then slowly trotted out of the nursery, keeping the door ajar just in case the foal cried out for something.

The moment they left, Rainbow giggled. “Tey named ya Rainbow Bright?! Tat's so silly!”

“Not wike I can tell tem tat not my name!” Starlight whined through her pacifier and then threw the blanket over her face as she wanted to sleep. The little unicorn closed her eyes, hoping that maybe this could be some crazy dream and that when she woke up, she would be back at the hotel she’d been staying at in Ponyville. But she knew deep down that wasn’t the truth.

At this point, Starlight didn’t even care about getting revenge on Twilight and her friends, seeing she couldn’t do much to end their friendship with them as babies, knowing that most ponies can’t remember things until they're about three. So, for now, her goal would somehow grow back up into an adult. Then she’d go forward a few years into the future and stop Rainbow Dash from performing her Sonic Rainboom. She just had to be patient and endure some humiliation, and hopefully, the flyers Bow and Windy were creating won’t reach her real parents.