• Published 23rd Mar 2023
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Starlight Glimmer's Time Travel Mishap - Foal Star

Starlight Glimmer's plan to go back in time had backfired, and she turned herself into a foal and went back further than she intended. Now she has to find a way to return to her own time and into her adult body.

  • ...

Chapter Seven: Tale of Two Twilights

The following morning came, and once more all the foals were together having breakfast together, along with the new baby alicorn Twilight everypony was gawking at. Meanwhile, the baby alicorn Twilight was still just staring at her unicorn twin chomping away at her baby oatmeal and being spoon fed by Elizabeth Whooves. Overall, this had been quite an embarrassing experience seeing herself as a baby. "So, I'm gonna take a wild guess ya try to go back in time, right?" She asked the unicorn.

The unicorn nodded. "Yeah."

"And it was when you thought something bad was gonna happen?" Twilight questioned.

"Yeah, I should have gone back in time only a week to try to stop something from happening. The last ting I member was sneaking into Canterlot Castle and using a time travel spell cweated by Stawswirl." Unicorn Twilight answered.

The young sorcerer's cheeks flushed pink as he said. "Hey, dun blame me fow ya tuwning back into a baby."

"Of course not! I pwobabwy did ta speww wong or somethin'." Unicorn Twilight squeaked, as she did not mean to insult her idol.

Doctor Whooves nodded, then asked. "Yes, I agree. So ya know owa pwan, wight?"

"Yes, ya gonna use ta ewements of hawmony to get ya time machine to send us to owa wight pawts in the timewine." Unicorn Twilight explained.

The alicorn Twilight nodded along, then as she was getting spoofed some baby oatmeal, she noticed her already soggy diaper and sighed. "Otay, so tat solves tat problem, but there's one ting you aww seem to be fowgetting," They all looked unsure as the alicorn Twilight flailed her wings and patted her diaper. "We babies! How we gonna tuwn back to big ponies?"

They all paused, and then Starswirl cleared his throat. He raised a hoof. "Tat… tat's a good question."

Dr. Whooves raised a hoof next. "Well, I hate to say tis, but I tink getting back ta owa timewines is mowe impowtant than changing back to aduwts. As babies, we awen't causing too many changes in ta timewine."

"Besides diapee changes." Unicorn Twilight blurted out. This got a giggle from the rest of the foals as Dr. Whooves rolled his eyes. "Except fow diapee changes, yes. Weww, as I was saying, we will cause fewer pwoblems for ta timeline wike tis ten as aduwts. We all gots to find ways to turn into big ponies after we aww weturn to owa parts in ta timeline.”

The other babies all seemed to nod along, agreeing silently.

Starswirl was suckling on his hoof with some drool coming down his chin, deep in thought, and said. "As much as I hate to admit it, the smarty pamps is wight. We have maybe altewed ta fate of Equestria already by being hewe. As babies tough, the impact might be limited compared to if we wewe still adults."

The alicorn Twilight couldn't help but blush at seeing one of the smartest and most powerful unicorns reduced to an adorable, babbling foal.

Elizabeth then went about and finished feeding the foals baby oatmeal. Afterward, they were all set in a playpen together. "Now you all play here while I finish packing for the trip into the Everfree Forest."

The foals all replied. "Yes, Elizabeth."

She then bent down to her son and booped his nose. "You don't call me Elizabeth; you call me Mama."

"Yes, Mama." The doctor whined, making the other foals giggle. Then their caretaker trotted off upstairs, and the foals went about the playpen. Starswirl went towards Dr. Whooves, and Starswirl started looking over some plans written in crayon.

Alicorn Twilight then waddled to her counterpart, and they decided to try reading a Daring Do picture book together. They couldn't read the words but enjoyed looking at the pictures. Seeing that Starswirl and Dr Whooves started arguing about science and magic again, the alicorn Twilight thought about Starlight and her involvement in their current predicament. She wondered if she should tell her counterpart about her and whispered. "I gots to ask. Are you aware bout Starwight?"

"What bout her?" Unicorn Twilight asked.

The baby alicorn paused; she wanted to warn her counterpart about Starlight as she didn't fully trust her intentions. "I guess I'ww let hew explain when she gets back fwom Pinkie's rock fawm. But ya gots to be careful bout twusting hew, otay."

"Um, otay, I'ww take ya word seeing ya me…." The unicorn Twilight started to bounce on her diaper and looked nervous as she asked. "But, um, can I ask a question?"

The alicorn Twilight had a feeling her counterpart wanted to know how she ended up as an alicorn, but still sighed and said. "Otay, tat’s fine."

"So I shouwdn't know how ya became a baby awicown?” Unicorn Twilight asked.

The baby alicorn booped herself and then said. "Sowwie, tat spoiwews."

"Wight…but got to ask. Can't ya just give me a hint?" Unicorn Twilight insisted.

"Sowie, but not gonna say anyting about ta futuwe, otay?” Alicorn Twilight pointed out. “Ya seeing me might be messing with a timewine aweady. I dun wanna make it wowse."

"Wight…bu ya gonna hewp find ta ewements tough, wight?" Unicorn Twilight asked again, more uncertain this time.

The alicorn Twilight shrugged. "Seeing Dr. Whooves' time machine, I guess it might be ta onwy way fow us to get home."

"Yeah, tat twue. You tink we have a good plan?" Unicorn Twilight somewhat nervously questioned.

The alicorn Twilight nodded, "It's a good plan, I dun have anyting against tat. It might be owa only chance to get back home."

"Also, I gotta ask, how ya feewing ‘bout being a baby again?" Unicorn Twilight asked her alicorn self.

The little baby's alicorn cheeks flushed pink as she admitted. "I gotta say, is been nice. And I wouldn't mind staying as a foal for a bit longer, even if I gotta go twough potty twaining again."

"Me too! It's been so fun going to daycawe and pwaying with othew babies!" The other Twilight chimed in as she bounced on her padded bottom.

Elizabeth Whooves then trotted back downstairs with a four-seated stroller. "Alright, little ones, it's time to get going!" She declared.

"Yes, Mws. Ewizabeth!" All the foals chimed together.

Elizabeth then strapped the foals into the stroller and secured the buckles with the alicorn Twilight sitting between the other Twilight and Starswirl. As Elizabeth instructed, They were given pacifiers and a plush toy to cuddle with on the journey. "Now, before we go, I want to go over some rules: I know you were all adults before, but remember that you’re foals now, so you have to do as I say." The foals all nodded slowly as she listed her rules, which boiled down to keeping within her sight at all times and remaining in the stroller unless she allowed them to get out.

But the alicorn Twilight was getting rather tired, and her eyes drooped; she then snuggled into her padded seat, and with the gentle rocking of the stroller as it headed through Ponyville, the little filly was rocked to sleep.

As Elizabeth Whooves trotted through the Everfree Forest, pushing her charges through, the howls of timberwolves could be heard from nearly every direction. It was making the foals all tremble in fear. But Elizabeth replied in a hushed tone, "It's ok, they won't hurt you. Not while I'm here." One timberwolf did indeed pop out, but Elizabeth took out a weird contraption on her head. She lit it up and zapped the wolf with a bolt of lightning, and the creature scurried off!

Seeing that Elizabeth could indeed keep the timberwolves away, the foals seemed to relax. But then the mare sniffed the air and took a break for diaper changes and some quick snacking on bottles. As Elizabeth was changing Starswirl's diaper, the baby alicorn Twilight was getting wide-eyed at the baby Starswirl. "I can't believe my eyes! Ya weally baby Starswiwl!"

The colt's cheeks became red (seeing as he was in the middle of a diaper change and everything). "Yeah, and dun teww ponies bout tis, otay?!" He firmly demanded.

Elizabeth chuckled. "Oh, how can we not talk about the adorable Starswirl the Padded?!" She bent down and blew a raspberry into his belly, making the foal kick and giggle delightfully. She then finished wiping him down and strapping him in a fresh diaper, and the colt waddled over, still somewhat embarrassed.

The baby alicorn cleared her throat. "Of cowse I won't teww anypony bout ya being a baby, but I got wots of questions!"

He said Starswirl bounced in his diaper, removing the excess foal powder. "As I towd ta other Twily, I not gonna teww ya anythin'. Ya said it yasewf, we can't be messing with ta timewine."

"But ya can't even tell me bout all ta amazing spells ya cweated?" The alicorn Twilight asked in a hopeful tone.

"Wook, I a baby, I can't even wift baby bwocks with my hown, so I can't weally teach ya anyting wike tis." Starswirl snapped.

"Now Starswirl, stop being so rude," Elizabeth cooed as she trotted over and adjusted his diaper. "Maybe you're just hungry, huh?"

"Not hungwy!" The colt whined. Still, Dr. Whooves' mother simply took the baby sorcerer and Dr. Whovoes and had them both have bottles placed into their mouths, and it wasn't long until they were suckling away.

Twilight grumbled as the two regressed geniuses suckled on their milk bottles she waddled off, headed to the other Twilight, and asked. "Can ya teww me why Stawswirll is so mean?"

"Well, he is wike ta greatest Sorcewew in Equestria, who now is back in diapees,” Unicorn Twilight answered. “I tink if we wewe in his hooves, we would be gwumpy too."

"Yeah, but how did he even come hewe?” Alicorn Twilight questioned as she scratched her head in contemplation. “It makes sense that I got pulled here, and maybe yasewf. I dun get why Dr. Whooves or Starswiwrl are hewe."

Unicorn Twilight could only shrug her hooves. "We dun know why we aww appeared here at tis time as babies, we stiww figuwing tat out. Tewe’s a wot we dun know about how time wowks."

The alicorn Twilight plopped onto her diaper and sighed, thinking things over again, wondering if she should tell the other Twilight about Starlight. Then she thought about the map and how mysterious it was, seeing that all she and her friends knew about it was that it directed them to where they had to go to solve friendship problems. She then led her twin away from the colts and whispered. "Wisten, I wanted to wait for Stawwight to say tis, but she stiww scawed bout how ya wiww weact ta knowing ta twuth about hew."

Unicorn Twilight blinked, nervously asking. "Scawed of what?"

The baby alicorn then whispered to her other self. "Tat Starwight is ta weason you all here," She then explained everything that happened prior to her coming here. "...Ten next ting I knew, I was waking up in a cwib with baby Fwuttewshy, and I’ve been babied by Fwuttewshy's mom for a month."

The baby unicorn nodded along as she waddled about, racking her brain. "So, wet me get tis straight: Starwight was a bad pony who I gotta deal with ta futuwe, who got mad that I messed with hew plans, and thus wanted to ruin my life. So she went back in time and twied stopping Dashie from perfowming a sonic wainboom when she was a filly. And that wat caused aww tis?"

"Yes.” Alicorn Twilight nodded back, looking rather exhausted.

The unicorn Twilight stopped pacing and asked. "Ten why did she go back ta when we wewe babies? We didn't meet until we wewe aduwts, and Dashie isn't doing wainbooms anytime soon?" She then snickered. "Unwess ya count the ones in hew diapees."

That got a giggle from the unicorn’s counterpart, who then said. "Weww, it seems she messed up and went fuwthew back in time tan she wanted to. I tink ta map bwought us here ta maybe stop tat fwom happening, ow just to teach hew a wesson."

"Still, tat doesn't expwain why we awe hewe as foaws,” Unicorn Twilight groaned and blinked in confusion. “Now why Starswirll or Dr. Whooves awe here. Tey not connected to ta wainboom."

"I tink again tat ta map bwought tem here," Alicorn Twilight pointed out. “Starswill cause is his speww tat caused all tis, and Dr. Whooves cause he and his mommy know about time twavel and how it wowks.”

"Otay, so we should find tat map ten?" Unicorn Twilight asked, trying to figure out what her alicorn self’s plan was.

Alicorn Twilight nodded back. "Yes, we shouwd wook for it. But wet's get ta Ewements of Hawmony fiwst."

"Otay…but one question,” Unicorn Twilight insisted on asking, adopting a sheepish. “Wha's tis map ya tawking about? Is not a nowmaw map, is it?"

Alicorn Twilight was gonna say something, but then Elizabeth came over. "Alright, you two soggy fillies, it's your turn for changes. Can't have you getting rashes, now." She then laid the two little fillies down for diaper changes. The baby alicorn started to feel a bit embarrassed at having her diaper changed next to her counterpart. Still, she held onto her hoof and flashed a smile.

The two Twilight endured the diaper changes together and afterward had two warm bottles of milk plopped into their mouths. As they suckled the contents, the baby unicorn popped the milk bottle out of her mouth and asked again. "So, ya gonna answer my question, other me? Wa’s this map ya keep tawking about?"

The baby alicorn smirked as she popped the bottle out from her mouth, booped her counterpart's nose, and told her. "Sowie, tat’s mowe spoilers. Twust me on it, otay? Is gonna be good."

"Fine!" The other Twilight grumbled, and after finishing their bottles, she and her alicorn counterpart were strapped back into the stroller. The baby alicorn saw the two colts were fast asleep, suckling on their pacifiers. She laid back and relaxed, dozing off as the stroller continued to roll along.

"We're here, little ones!" Elizabeth whispered, and the alicorn Twilight woke to see that the group was approaching the ruins of the old castle deep in the forest.

Starswirl gasped upon seeing the ruins and cried! "Woah! Wha happened to tis castwe?!"

The alicorn Twilight gulped as she realized that Starswirl might have guessed that something had gone wrong with Princess Luna still sealed away on the moon. However, this was information from after his disappearance. So she wasn't sure if he should know and frantically whispered. "Um…I would tell ya. But ya know, ta timewine…"

"-Fine, whatever, let's get ta elements," The colt mumbled as they all continued into the castle ruins. As they did, Starswirl was looking more depressed as he looked around at the state of the castle and whispered, "Something horrible happened, hewe. I just know it."

The Twilights looked nervously at each other as unicorn Twilight whispered. "Can we teww Starswirll tat Pwincess Wuna tuwned into Nightmawe Moon, and tat hew battwe with Cewestia destwoyed the castle?"

"No, we can't. If we do, he gonna twy stopping that from happening, and it could make things worse…” Alicorn Twilight frantically protested, and insisted. “If Pwincess Tia didn't teww him, we shouwdn't either…"

"Ugh, tis sucks!” Unicorn Twilight whined. “Thewe’s so much I not awwoyed to know ow ask about!”

“Tat’s how time twavel works,” Alicorn Twilight replied. “I not gonna wisk any further damage to the timeline until we aww back to nowmaw.”

The foals then approached the old throne room, which was now in a state of decay, to the point where vines had started taking over parts of it. There, they found a glowing table, and surrounding it were six glowing rattles of different colors and with cutie marks on them.

"That's odd," Elizabeth whispered, knowing that the rattles shouldn’t be there.

Hesitantly, all came closer as the baby alicorn leaped up from the stroller and landed on the table. She waddled over and saw several cutie marks over Appleloosa.

"So uh, I know ya didn't want to teww me earwiew, but is ta map ya was talking bout, future me?" The unicorn Twilight asked her alicorn

The baby alicorn Twilight groaned and reluctantly nodded. "Yes," Seeing no reason to keep that information secret anymore in light of what had happened. "Otay, so wet me explain. It works like tis: Ta map is telling us tat we gots to go to Applewoosa."

Elizabeth appeared to still be in a confused state judging by her expression, so she asked. "But what exactly are they going to do? They're just babies. They’re not even out of diapers yet, for Celestia’s sake!" But then she paused and tapped her chin as if a light bulb appeared above her head. "Now that I think about it, what if this map is the reason you're all here as babies?!”

Alicorn Twilight gasped as the realization dawned on her! “It probably brought us all of us here for different weason!"

Starswirl crossed his hooves over his chest and asked. "Otay. But if tat’s ta case, can tis take us back home?"

The alicorn twilight shook her head from side to side. "No, tis will onwy take me, Stawwight, and Spike back."

The two colts gave each other confused looks, then asked at the same time. "Who’s Spike?"

"Oh, he a baby dwagon, but he's back in an egg wight now," Alicorn Twilight explained. The two colts blinked with confused looks still plastered on their faces. The baby alicorn added. "The big purple egg tat Windy wrought over yestewday."

"Oh yeah!" The colts exclaimed in unison of their realization.

Dr. Whooves then paused and asked. "So, where do we go fiwst?"

"Sweet Abble Acwes, of course!” Alicorn Twilight beamed, bouncing on her padding. “We gotta give ta elements to Appwejack's parents to keep safe until we can all go home."

Elizabeth picked up the rattles on the table and placed them into her diaper bag. "Alright then. After we deliver these rattles, we can discuss going to those other parts of Equestria shown on the map."

"Wight, but… I'ww be honest, ta map doesn't tell ya exactly what ya gots to do,” Alicorn Twilight sheepishly pointed out. “But most likely, it'ww be obvious once you're thewe. And it’ww probably be bout fwiendship."

The two colts looked unsure, but the other Twilight nodded along, seeming to agree with what her other self had said so far.

"Ok, then, let's get going. After all, we don't want to be here after dark! We’d never find our way out with how deep we are into the forest! " Elizabeth exclaimed. She then picked up the foals, strapped them back into the stroller, and set off toward Sweet Apple Acres.

It was dusk by the time the group reached Sweet Apple Acres. After a lengthy talk with Twilight Velvet and Pear Butter, Elizabeth Whooves gave them the rattles. She relented to have Twilight Velvet take her "daughters" upstairs to hang out for a bit.

Upon seeing the other two Twilights, the actual baby Twilight was squealing in delight up in Pear Butter's room. Even Twilight Velvet was bouncing in joy by having another regressed adult daughter, being unable to stop babying her "Three Twilights." She was upstairs in Pear Butter's bedroom, hugging them together and blowing raspberries. Pear Butter was with Velvet, looking surprised as she said, "My goodness, so there's three of them?!"

"Yes, can you believe it?!” Twilight Velvet happily cooed. “And one's an alicorn to boot! How did that happen?! Oh, it doesn’t matter! This just means my little Twilight is going to be such a prodigy when she’s older! She’s destined for greatness already, and she’s not even potty trained.”

"I see,” Pear Butter commented. “Though, it actually makes me wonder how bad your daughter is at time travel if she’s ended up back in diapers twice."

This got a laugh from the other mare while the two regressed Twilights both kicked about and whined at the comment.

"Who knows makes me wonder if this isn’t the first time they tried and ended up in diapers,” Velvet cooed further before saying. “Can I ask you to take a picture of the four of us for me?"

"Of course!" Pear Butter smiled. She quickly got out a camera and snapped photos with the two embarrassed, regressed adults (and the baby being super happy). "It looks like you have triplets." She commented afterwards.

"Thank Celestia, that's not the case,” Velvet chuckled a bit. “Night Light and I are at our limit with just two foals, and they are nearly half a decade apart. How would we ever manage five foals at once?”

"Same with us,” Pear Butter confessed. “My husband and I are thinking of having a third foal someday, but we'll wait until Applejack is older before we commit to that."

"Sounds like you have a plan." Twilight Velvet commented.

Pear Butter waved a hoof. "My husband is the planner. He's already ensured that we have enough bits saved up for three foals, just in case. After all, he comes from a big family himself."

Twilight Velvet then placed her three daughters down near her teats on Pear Butter's bed and threw a blanket over herself for privacy as she nursed them.

Afterward, the two mares then trotted off as the three Twilights played for a few hours, running around playing tag; building a tower of blocks, and reading a picture book together. The true baby version of Twilight eventually ended up napping and suckling on a pacifier with the sun's rays illuminating the homely room.

The alicorn Twilight’s cheeks flushed pink as she admitted to her unicorn self. "We look really cute as a baby."

"Yeah, can't believe that we've ever tat small and cute,” Unicorn Twilight commented and then snickered. “It makes me wish we went further back in time; I would love to see Shiny wike tis." They both burst out laughing, imagining their brother so pudgy and cute.

However, as their laughter died, the alicorn Twilight became rather somber, thinking about what Pear Butter had said. She whispered. “Wisten…we gots to talk bout something serious."

"Yeah, bout what?" Unicorn Twilight asked.

"Tat hot balloon touw Peaw Buttew was talking about earlier,” Alicorn Twilight nervously whispered. “…Tat tour has an accident, and well…tat’s when Abblejack's pawents die."

The unicorn Twilight gasped! "And now owa mommy is planning to go on tat tour! We gots to stop hew!"

"I know…but seeing what ta map showed us, I tink Dw. Whooves can save tem." Alicorn Twilight insisted.

Unicorn Twilight was unsure. "How?" She asked.

"He literally built a time machine!” Alicorn Twilight insisted. “If anypony can stop tat hot air balloon fwom blowing up, is him!"

"With the help of his mom, of course, I doubt he can fix anyting with tose pudgy hooves of his," The baby unicorn said, then paused before asking. "But what if tis mess up ta timeline even more?"

The baby Alicorn looked up at a clock overhead and thought about how she had backtracked nearly the entire day from telling Twilight about Starlight and revealing the cutie map. Maybe she needed to rethink how they are interacting with the past and said, "I think maybe I was wrong this whole time. If I wight now, though, maybe ta map is twying to fix tings in ta past."

"Otay, we tell Dr. Whooves about what we talked about tomorrow mowning." Unicorn Twilight vowed.

Alicorn Twilight nodded and yawned. "Yeah, I guess we could just tawk ‘bout it tomorrow. Fow now, wet's get some sweep. I'm super tired." The two then plopped pacifiers into each other's mouths, and as they suckled gently on the rubber nipples. They snuggled under the pile of foal blankets beside the actual baby Twilight, and the three foals all slept peacefully together.