• Published 23rd Mar 2023
  • 1,278 Views, 14 Comments

Starlight Glimmer's Time Travel Mishap - Foal Star

Starlight Glimmer's plan to go back in time had backfired, and she turned herself into a foal and went back further than she intended. Now she has to find a way to return to her own time and into her adult body.

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Chapter Eleven: The Better Timeline

Starlight woke up the next morning looking rather confused, but she saw she was in the ruins of the princess’ castle. As she stretched her tiny limbs, she heard. “We’re here.”

Starlight turned to Twilight, who was still fast asleep and suckling on a pacifier. The little pink filly nudged her. “Is time to get up.”

“Otay.” The little filly yawned. They were then taken out of the stroller and placed down to get their diapers changed.

Windy fed them breakfast, giving them two bottles filled with milk. As the two foals chugged down their bottles, she started to tear up. “Oh, I can’t believe today’s the day. I know you must go, but I enjoyed being your mother. I hope you don’t forget about me.” She couldn’t talk to her anymore without Starswirl using power to have them be able to talk so she held up her hooves, and the mare gave Windy a hug. The pegasus gave her padded butt a few pats as the two were placed on the massive map with the egg nestled between the two.

And then, in a blinding light, the three were suddenly gone.

Starlight woke up groggy as she maneuvered and couldn’t feel her diaper. In fact, she got up and looked to see she was back as an adult. Then she saw Twilight Sparkle sitting next to her and Spike standing in the throne room, all groggy as they were getting up.

Spike yawned, stretching his limbs. That was weird. "I had this crazy dream. I was back in an egg.”

Twilight blushed, looking around to make sure she was an adult before she then replied. “That was no dream. You really were in an egg.”

“Seriously?!” Spike blinked in disbelief.

“It's a long story,” Starlight whispered as she slowly got up, rubbing her head. Turning to Twilight, she asked. “Are you feeling alright?”

“Well, yeah! It's just, ugh…” Twilight groaned, rubbing her forehead. " Yeah, everything’s fine. It just feels like something is off.”

They then trotted through the castle, seeing tons of pictures of Twilight and her friends growing up together. They came to a dining room where all of her friends were eating breakfast together.

Applejack was the first to notice them waving a hoof and saying, “Hey Twilight and Starlight, it’s about time you two woke up!”

Both mares blinked as they crossed over and plopped down just as Rainbow Dash flew over and hugged Starlight. “Where the heck have you been?! Pinkie Pie almost had a panic attack looking for you!”

“What are you talking about, Rainbow?!” Starlight blinked in confusion.

Rainbow Dash stepped back, eyeing her friend as she asked. “Did you hit your head on a rock or something?”

“Yeah, Seriously! Where were you?!” The two turned to Pinkie Pie, bouncing over, looking rather peeved as she shouted, “You two are late for the baby friendship celebration breakfast!”

Starlight blushed and scratched her mane. “Yeah, sorry, we uh…”

Twilight quickly added. “We're just dealing with a magic incident that caused us some memory issues…And what did you say, Pinkie?”

The rest of their friends all gave them odd looks as Rainbow Dash shouted. “The baby friendship celebration we’ve had every year since forever! We always start with a big breakfast. You seriously couldn’t have forgotten about it, could you?”

Twilight was looking nervous and was somewhat speechless but Starlight spoke up. “Oh yeah, of course we remembered! We just overslept is all.”

Starlight and Twilight then sat back down as they started eating their pancakes. Starlight groaned as dozens of memories rushed into her mind: She could remember her and Rainbow Dash had become best friends. Even when Sunburst left to learn magic in Canterlot, she’d moved to Ponyville and became best friends with every pony. She remembered her mom and Windy becoming friends, and they would have the two go on playdates all the time. She turned to see that Twilight was rubbing her head and talking to her friends about stuff they did as foals, seeing that she was having new memories.

They then reached the dining table, and Twilight picked up a history book as they shared a massive breakfast of pancakes, tea, and coffee. As she read it her eyes went wide as she shouted, "Wait, Celestia never banished Luna?!”

Pinkie Pie laughed. “What are you talking about!? Everypony knows Starswirl the Padded came back from his time travels as a baby and helped the two reunite as sisters.”

Starlight burst into laughter Twilight’s jaw went slack from disbelief, and cried. “Wait, Starswirl the Padded?! Not Starswirl the Bearded!?”

Pinkie Pie picked out a history book and showed it off with a picture of a pouty. “Yes, it’s common knowledge that after Starswirl came back as a baby, it became his new nickname. Heck he was in diapers for a while due to having bladder issues,” Pinkie Pie chirped excitedly as Twilight just looked shocked. The pink party pony eyed her, then said. “Of all ponies, I never would have guessed you would forget that.”

The alicorn blushed and replied. “I admit the memory issues are still affecting me. Also, did Starswirl really come back as a baby?”

“Yeah, and he came up with an age spell to turn himself back to normal!” Pinkie exclaimed. “He even became obsessed with age spells and learned how to make it easier to do so anypony can turn back into a baby!”

Starlight pondered for a second, then asked. “What about Dr Whooves?”

The mares all looked at each other oddly then Applejack spoke up. “You mean the Doctor Whooves?! The time-traveling hero?!”

“Uh… yeah,” Starlight nervously replied. “What about him?”

“Well he came back from his own time travel adventure and little did we know that he helped fix an issue with a hot air balloon down in Appleloosa, savin’ hundreds of lives,” Applejack explained, before chuckling. “Though when he came back he was a baby, so they made a statue of him in his honor down there. He looks so heckin’ cute.” She showed them a picture seeing a massive stone statue of an adorable earth pony colt, making the two mares giggle.

Twilight then turned the pages of her history book. “Oh so he's back to a stallion…but um…” She showed them a picture of the bashful looking doctor wearing a massive fluffy white diaper.

“Yeah, what's up?” Applejack asked.

“He's in a diaper even as an adult?” Twilight exclaimed. “Shouldn’t he have been potty trained once he went back to being an adult?”

“Oh yeah, didn't I mention?” Applejack blinked. “Starswirl learned that time travel can cause you to have bladder issues. So you have to wear diapers for a bit to keep yourself from havin’ accidents. He’s still workin’ on a way to fix that.”

“You wore them too for a bit, Twilight, don’t you remember? You were in them for so long too.” Pinkie Pie asked with a giggle as the current Twilight’s face turned a beat red.

Starlight snickered. “Awww, that sounds so cute.”

“Yeah uh…well that’s good to know…” Twilight nervously replied, and then hesitantly asked. “Is there a cure now?”

“No, not really. You did so much research, but the only cure was to just repotty training yourself,” Rainbow snickered. “That was so funny, though, your mom still has your potty chart.”

“Rainbow!” Applejack snapped.

“Your memory issues must be serious if you’ve forgotten all of that. Are you sure you don’t need to see a doctor, darlings?” Rarity asked.

“Na..no! Just uh…” Twilight began, then squeaked as there was a small tinkle sound. To her surprise, a fluffy white diaper was suddenly taped around her waist with ease, almost as if by magic.

“Oh stop fussing, I knew you two would eventually return.” Twilight Velvet appeared with a smile as she fixed a diaper around Starlight’s flank as well.

“Oh hello Mrs. Sparkle.” Starlight nervously greeted as she began to blush as well.

“It's good to see you too, Starlight,” Velvet cooed. “Now that you and Twilight have returned from your time traveling adventure, we should discuss some things. And we should definitely get you changed. You wouldn’t want your big day ruined by a diaper rash, now would you?”

“O…okay!” Twilight whined as she and Starlight followed Twilight Velvet from the dining hall.

In a small room nearby the three sat down with both Starlight and Twilight looking rather embarrassed as Twilight Velvet talked. “Now don’t be alarmed. I was told by Princess Celestia to make sure that when you returned to give you assistance and to tell you that everything is fine.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight cried.

“Well you see, first of all due to the nature of time, everything happened as it should from when you both left,” Velvet explained. “First off, as you’ve already learned, Celestia and Luna never fought, Dr. Whooves saved the Apples and dozens of others, and Starlight, you never brainwashed a town and enslaved ponies.”

“Really!?” Starlight blinked as she realized that Twilight Velvet was right. She realized that if she was friends with Rainbow Dash after Starswirl left, she would’ve never felt alone and thus wouldn’t have gone down that dark path.

“Yes indeed, you two still existed, and even when you returned from time, your old and new selves combined, so you’re still you.” Velvet pointed out.

“That's great and all, and I'm glad everything in this timeline is great, but what about this?!” Twilight questioned as she poked her padding. “Please tell me I don’t have to get potty trained for a third time!”

Velvet laughed then said with a wink. “Sorry, Twilight, that's the only hiccup. But don’t worry, it’ll be easy, just need to train your bladder again. It gets easier the more you have to go through it.”

Starlight blushed. “So, what about Twilight and her friends? It seems they’ve been friends since forever.”

“They have, despite living apart, we had playdates monthly and eventually you all moved in together and became inseparable,” Velvet went on. “You even helped save Equestria from Discord and became heroes!”

Twilight sighed. “Glad that didn’t change…though why do we call this day ‘Baby Friendship Celebration’?”

“Well, that’s a surprise,” Velvet explained. “And as your memories return, you’ll know. Now the other parents should be arriving soon.”

As soon as Velvet had said that, the three heard a door open and heard familiar voices echoing through the castle.

Starlight gasped, getting up and waddling as fast as she could, not even caring that she was in a diaper! She ran right to Applejack’s parents, Pear Butter and Bright Mac, and hugged them, “Oh, I'm so happy you're okay!”

Bright Mac looked confused and asked. “What are you talkin’ about? We had dinner just the other day.”

Pear Butter giggled upon seeing Starlight’s diaper. “Oh dear, did you try using time magic?”

“What?! No!” Starlight nervously insisted, and stammered. “I um…well it's a long story.”

Pear Butter waved a hoof. “Oh hush, come here!” She hugged Starlight and said. “It's always great to see you, Starlight.”

“You have no idea how much I needed to hear that!” Starlight cried and hugged both Apple parents close.

“And where’s my hug?” Windy asked as she came over.

Starlight gasped and happily cried! “Windy!”

“And mine too!” Bow Hothoof asked as he popped out, making Starlight hug them both.

Windy smiled, “I see our little Starlight is still in diapers.”

“Yeah, you know, time travel and all that, though I wouldn’t mind being in them for a-” Starlight's face turned bright red as she admitted how much she enjoyed being in diapers.

This made the two laugh, and Windy dawwed, “You can stay in diapers for as long as you like, as far as I'm aware. Now come on! The real celebration is about to begin!”

They were then led to another room which was a massive nursery and Starlight looked confused. “What is all of this?”

Twilight squeaked as she seemed to remember something and cried, “Starlight?! Th…this is the surprise my mom was talking about!”

“What do you mean?” Starlight nervously questioned.

“Every year since we were three, our moms would turn us back into babies for a day!” Twilight realized.

Then suddenly, Twilight Velvet lit up her horn and cast the spell. Starlight along with her six new friends were turned into little foals, and after being padded up by their parents, they started to play together without a care in the world.

Starlight was amazed at being a baby again! She giggled and squealed as Rainbow Dash flew over. “Hey, wanna wace, best fwiend?!”

“Oh heck yeah! Ta wast one to get acwoss ta nuwsewy is a stinky diapee!” Starlight squealed as she ran down the padded floor, giggling happily and wishing she could be a foal for a few more hours.

Later that afternoon, the foals were all tuckered out, sprawled all over the nursery floor with pacifiers in their mouths. The lights were dimmed, and there was a peaceful quiet in their little nursery.

Twilight and Starlight both were napping together as Starlight whispered. “It’s cwazy, but tis timewine is so much bettew than ouw pwevious one.”

“Yeah, but tis wouwdn’t have happened without you.” Twilight whispered back.

Starlight groaned as she mumbled. “You mean, me twying to scwew it up.”

“Weww, yes, but in a sense, you went on youw own jouwney. Weawning about fwiendship.” Twilight explained.

“Yeah, tat's twue, I guess,” Starlight nodded. “But even when we gwow up we gonna be in diapees again.”

Twilight burst into laughter, and then hugged Starlight and said. “Maybe we can stay in diapees fow a wittwe wongew. No need to gwow up so fast.”

Starlight scrunched the padding between her legs and giggled. “Yeah. Next yeaw, we gotta bwing Sunbuwst.”

“Yeah, and Shining.” Twilight declared.

“And Big Mac.” Applejack giggled.

“And my sistaws, tat would be so much fun!” Pinkie chirped.

“What about ta wittwe Doctor Whooves?” Fluttershy suggested.

“I tink ta pwincesses need to be babies fow a bit. Tey wowk so hawd aww ta time.” Rarity added.

Rainbow Dash waddled over to Starlight and hugged her. “I dun cawe who ewse comes as wong as ya do.”

Starlight nodded as she nuzzled into one of her oldest friends, and they drifted off to sleep together.

Comments ( 2 )

This was ADORABLE.


Comment posted by Zabilac deleted April 16th
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