• Published 23rd Mar 2023
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Starlight Glimmer's Time Travel Mishap - Foal Star

Starlight Glimmer's plan to go back in time had backfired, and she turned herself into a foal and went back further than she intended. Now she has to find a way to return to her own time and into her adult body.

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Chapter Two: Time Travel Daycare

A month passed, and Starlight Glimmer found herself still in the grasp of Windy Whistles and Bow Hothoof. She had more or less gotten used to being treated as a foal and what that involved: Diaper changes, playing with toys, and drinking milk and formula. The only good thing that had happened was she was staying in their house almost all the time as Bow and Windy decided to keep her there for safety while they went out to search for her parents. But it also limited her chance of being exposed as an adult in a foal body.

So with nothing else to do, Starlight primarily worked on her magic and walking. The filly eventually improved at walking, but her magic was still relatively weak. She could only levitate toys up above her head for a few seconds. She was constantly trying to push herself but was limited to the stamina within her foalish body.

So, for now, there wasn't much Starlight could do but go through the motions. Despite her misgivings, she didn't mind the relaxing treatment of being pampered and coddled while every need was met. It was rather relaxing.

It was now around dinner time, and Starlight was sitting across from Rainbow Dash. The two were being fed mashed yams while chugging down formula-filled bottles. That was when Starlight's horn began to glow rather suddenly, and she sent out a blast causing the yams to erupt and the mush to splatter all over the kitchen! Bow and Windy were somewhat surprised at this; they looked at each other covered in orange goop.

Bow Hothoof blinked. "Dang, this little one has a lot of magical talent, doesn't she?"

Windy laughed, then picked up the foal and squealed. "Oh yes! She's the best little messy magic user!" She then tickled Starlight with a wing making her kick and giggle uncontrollably.

Bow then began to clean up the mess as Windy took the two "Rainbows" to the changing table in their nursery. There she cleaned them up and then set them down in a playpen.

Looking slightly jealous, Rainbow Dash snapped. "How ya do tat?!"

Starlight blushed. "I dun know, I just sneezed, and ten my horn lit up! Ten boom!" The little filly threw her hooves up and shouted. "Giant explosion!"

"Yeah, I see tat, but I thought ya dun know how ta use magic?" Rainbow asked in a suspicious tone.

Starlight sighed as she put a hoof to her face. "Look, ya dun know how to fly that well, right?"

"I can fly!" Rainbow snapped, and she tried to hover, only to land on her padded bottom.

"See!” Starlight pointed out. “Ya can fly, kind of wike how I can use magic a little. We babies, we need ta train!"

"Oh, wike a choo choo train?" Rainbow asked.

Starlight groaned and put a hoof to her face. "No, not wike a choo-choo train!"She then levitated a little wooden block near her, and Rainbow Dash watched in awe. "Oh, I see. It wike how I try fwying but keep fawwing?"

"Yeah, wike tat. It gonna take time, but ta more ya do tat ta better ya are!" Starlight explained.

"Oh, otay. But I learn at my daycare, and they only teach flying." Rainbow explained.

Starlight sighed. "Yeah, there are daycares that teach baby unicorns how to control their magic surges, but I doubt there's one here in Cloudsdale."

Just then, Bow and Windy popped in and shouted together! "Oh, Rainbow Bright, look what we got!"

Starlight turned to the two grown-ups and saw they had an application form she couldn't read (the letters looked like gibberish).

Bow and Windy happily proclaimed! "We got you signed up for magic daycare in Canterlot!"

Starlight's eyes went wide! "What?! How?! Why?!"

"Aww, she's speechless. How cute!" Windy giggled as she nuzzled the unicorn foal.

Bow smirked. “Well, seeing as your magic surges are getting more frequent, it's about time you learn how to control them. Also, since we haven't been able to find your parents, we’re your guardians."

"That's right! You're basically our daughter at this point, a baby sister for our little Dashie!" Windy cooed as she nuzzled Starlight.

Starlight rubbed her cheek, embarrassed and surprised by how much Bow and Windy had done to make her time here in Cloudsdale so enjoyable and how they’d been treating her just as well as their own daughter. It was beginning to make her feel guilty. For now, her goal still remained to return to her original time as an adult, after which she would reconsider her plans.

The following morning, Windy Whistles decided to take Starlight Glimmer to a daycare in Canterlot specifically for magically gifted unicorns. Meanwhile, Bow took Rainbow Dash to her daycare in Cloudsdale. The flight to Canterlot with Windy was quite fun. Starlight was strapped to the side of Windy Whistles as she threw back her head and let the wind carry her wispy mane over her face. They eventually came to the cobblestone streets of Canterlot. And among the relatively rich and lavish-looking manors, they came upon a rather rustic-looking blue brick building with a sandpit and a playground outside of it with a sign overhead that read in pink pastel letters "Rebecca Pie's Magic Daycare"

Starlight was now getting squeamish, knowing she would have to deal with dozens of foals. She’d already had trouble coping with baby Rainbow Dash and hoped no foals would remember her (wanting to ensure the timeline was manageable).

Windy Whistles then flew through the front wooden doors and came into a rather spacious room that was covered in stars and magic bursts. Starlight had to throw her hooves over her ears as the sound of babies crying and giggling bounced off the walls. Windy approached the front counter, where a unicorn mare was standing behind it. The mare was plump with a dull pink coat sporting a set of thick round glasses on her nose, a curly mane and tail coming from her flank, and a stubby horn poking out from her forehead.

The mare looked up, smiled upon seeing a pegasus, and cried! "Oh my, do I spy another unicorn born into a family of pegasi?!"

Windy couldn't help but laugh as she shook her head. "No," And then she replied, "sorry, but she isn't mine. I came here before, remember?"

The unicorn mare tapped a hoof to her chin and then exclaimed! "Oh yes, you’re the pegasus who found an orphaned unicorn foal! You came by hoping to see if any of my patrons were related to your lost little one, correct?"

"Yes, that is correct," Windy responded with a smile. "We never found her parents. At this point, little Rainbow Bright here is a member of our family. We already filed for guardianship and were approved. We'll still be on the lookout for her parents, but until then, she's technically my new daughter."

"I see," The mare blushed. "Well, believe it or not, another unicorn mysteriously appeared here just recently."

"Really?" Windy asked, and Starlight now had her ears perked up as she listened closely.

"Yes indeed, a patron of mine, Twilight Velvet, had a daughter not so long ago,” The unicorn mare explained. “And then, almost from out of nowhere, she has an identical twin!"

Windy looked surprised by what the mare said and whispered. "A twin sister?"

"Yes,” The unicorn mare nodded. “I found it odd that this new foal came seemingly out of nowhere like yours. It made me wonder if they could be related?"

The two older mares looked downward at Starlight, who just gave them a blank stare trying to look clueless like a foal should. But deep down, Starlight was freaking out. Had Twilight figured out what she was up to and come after her through time? How did she even know Starlight had gone back in time? All of these questions ate at Starlight Glimmer's mind as she was eventually taken through the nursery of unicorns practicing using their little magic, levitating toys here and there, and some teleported about.

Seeing the baby unicorns messing with their magic was rather funny and cute. It also gave Starlight a pang in her chest, remembering how Sunburst learning his talents is what had caused her to lose her friend. The baby unicorn eventually came upon two identical-looking baby unicorns with black and reddish violet wisps of mane and tail flowing from their chubby, light purple coated forms. One was using the wooden blocks and trying to spell words with them; the other was putting them into her mouth and making gurgling noises.

"The one eating the blocks is Twilight Velvet's daughter," The caretaker explained to Windy as she took the book out and plopped a pacifier into the other unicorn’s mouth. She then came to the identical-looking foal who was putting the blocks together and said. "This little smarty pants here is the ‘twin’ Twilight Velvet says she found."

The new foal looked up and babbled angrily as she pointed at the blocks. The adults dawwed as Starlight giggled, seeing the other Twilight was trying to spell her name, but due to missing blocks, it looked like: "My name iz Tw1l8 sparkle & I a n0t a 8a8y."

"Such a cutie, trying to spell already. She’s a little prodigy for sure." Rebecca snickered as she bent down and checked Twilight's diaper, making the filly fuss about even more.

Starlight couldn't help but smirk seeing her nemesis being treated like a helpless foal. But then she felt a hoof investigate her diaper, giving it a few pats and making Starlight whine.

"Oh, you only peed a little. I’ll change you later," Rebecca cooed as she kissed Starlight on the head. Starlight just threw her hooves across her chest and grumbled under her breath. "We'll leave Rainbow Bright to get to know them,” Rebecca then told Windy. “Why don't we get you signed in, and I'll fetch Twilight Velvet and see if we can find any clues as to where these two came from?"

"Oh yes, they do seem quite similar. It's strange they just turned out of the blue." Windy commented as she then followed the caretaker back to the front counter.

Now alone, Starlight turned to face the much smarter Twilight and asked, "So…ya, Twilight Sparkle, right?"

Before the foal Starlight had talked to could say anything, the other foal pointed a hoof to her and cried, "Nah uh, I Twily Sparkle! She Midnight Sparkle!"

Starlight couldn't help but snicker as Twilight rolled her eyes, "Yeah, tats why I called now! But I am Twily; I just got turned back to a foal because I messed up a time spell."

The little grayish-purple-coated unicorn paused, seeing that it was odd that Twilight didn't recognize her. "Um, Twily, how did you get here exactly?"

"Why ya ask?" Twilight asked with a confused look on her face.

Starlight gave an annoyed sigh and then explained, "Well, I messed up on a time spell too, ya see, I was going back in time to…to…" The little filly paused and stuck a hoof into her mouth as she thought about what to say. Eventually, she blurted out. "I was trying out a time spell ta try fix somethin', and instead ended up as a baby in Cwoudsdale."

"How far were ya going back?" Twilight questioned.

Starlight tried to think. "About fifteen years, maybe?"

Twilight blushed. "Well, ya not ta only one, I was trying ta go back in time to tell myself ta stop worrying about fixing a disaster in ta future because I was running myself ragged," She cautiously tapped her diaper and added. "It worked, but ten, I suddenly was sent even further back in time, and my body changed as well." She then hugged her other self and said, "Ta next ting I know, I ended up in my old crib next ta my baby self."

"Yeah, tats what she told me!" The actual baby Twilight laughed as she wrapped her chubby hooves around the time traveler Twilight. "But I bewieve hew, she wike me but smawtew."

Starlight sighed in relief, seeing that the smarter Twilight was indeed one that had not met her yet. But at that moment, Starlight turned to see that not only were Windy and Rebecca coming over, but Twilight Velvet and Princess Celestia were with them.

The alicorn levitated the two foals gently up in her magical aura. She looked over the two, then chuckled. "I think I figured out where your little mystery foals came from."

"You did?!" Windy, Twilight Velvet, and Rebecca exclaimed at once.

"Yes indeed,” Celestia explained. “These two were former adults who happened to be performing rather complicated time spells and got themselves thrown back in time. But it seems that their bodies have reverted as well."

Starlight was now becoming nervous, fearing she was about to be discovered and exposed.
Meanwhile, the time-traveling Twilight was excited as she chanted in her pampers. "Tia is so smart! She figured it out! I'm gonna be a big pony in no time!"

Rebecca Pie placed a hoof over her chest when she saw the time-traveling Twilight bouncing up and down and dawwed. "Aww, she knows you already. It's like when a foal sees their mommy or daddy."

Princess Celestia's cheeks flushed red. "Well, who knows? She could be a student of mine."

Twilight started to shout. "I am ya student! And I'm learning bout friendship!"

Celestia laughed and nuzzled the time-traveling unicorn. "Well, it seems my hunch is correct. Apparently, I can understand you now," She then turned her attention to Starlight. "As for this one, she seems to be rather shy. Did you go back in time to do something naughty, little one?"

Starlight threw her hooves over her eyes as she couldn't help but feel helpless against such a majestic being; who knows what Celestia would do if she found out? She might even leave Starlight like this as punishment!

But luckily for Starlight, Celestia instead turned her attention to the adults. "Well, as you can see, they can understand what I'm saying because their minds are attuned to our adult language. But you can't understand them because they don't know how to talk correctly. But I am certain these two are regressed adults."

Twilight Velvet then suddenly burst into laughter. "Oh my Faust, my daughter from the future turned herself back into a baby!" She then levitated her daughter towards her as she sat on a rocking chair and began to nuzzle her belly with her muzzle. "You're the most adorable time traveler ever! Yes, you are!"

Twilight then began to giggle and squeal uncontrollably.

Meanwhile, Starlight was taken into Windy's hooves as she nuzzled her and whispered, "I have to disagree. I think you're the most adorable time traveler ever."

Celestia suddenly burst out laughing when she got ahold of herself; she said, "We can have a contest for the most adorable time traveler later; for now, I think they should meet somepony very important," She then turned her attention to the adults and asked, "Would you mind if I take these two to my castle? I have somepony who might be able to help them get home."

"Of course!" Twilight Velvet cheered, "But please bring my daughter back if I may ask. I don't mind caring for my daughter from the future for a bit longer."

Princess Celestia couldn't help but chuckle and replied, "Of course, we won't be too long. Your little Twilight will be back in your hooves in no time."

Twilight Velvet bowed once again as Windy had a hoof to her chest and replied, "Oh yes, I'm perfectly fine with that; I'm just relieved to hear that Rainbow Brighy isn't an orphaned foal."

The alicorn princess snickered and replied, "I doubt that's her name, but yes, I am also relieved we don't have a pair of parents searching for their lost foal." The princess then levitated the two foals and plopped them into little foal carriers on either side of her.

The mares gave their goodbyes as Celestia trotted out the daycare doors and gently flew off into the air.

This time the flight was much shorter than the last one, and Starlight soon found herself coming toward the castle. After Celestia went up some steps and down a few winding walls, the princess opened the door to a nursery. It was relatively serene, with the walls painted a dark blue with silvery stars printed on them, and the floor had the same pattern as well, but it was made of foam.

The princess then gently plopped the two foals down, and then they saw a baby colt appear; He had a gray coat and a thick diaper with cute little stars and moons printed on the padding strapped around his waist. The colt had a baby blanket tied around his neck with a rattle in a hoof. He squished a relatively thick diaper between his legs and spoke. "Hewwo, ya two are time travelers, and ya got turned back to foals while doing time spells, wight?"

"Yes…" The baby fillies said in unison as their voices trailed off, being somewhat suspicious of the colt.

The colt continued, "I know how ya two got turned into foals and why ya time spell turned back into babies."

"Why's that!?" Both Starlight and Twilight asked in unison.

The colt held up a hoof. "First, wet me introduce myself. I Starswirl."

Twilight's mouth dropped open, and she babbled. "N…no way! Ya dun mean…!"

"Yeah, my name is Starswirl ta bearded,” The colt confirmed. He then placed his hooves over and mumbled, “Or what Tia calls me: Starswirl ta Padded."