• Published 23rd Mar 2023
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Starlight Glimmer's Time Travel Mishap - Foal Star

Starlight Glimmer's plan to go back in time had backfired, and she turned herself into a foal and went back further than she intended. Now she has to find a way to return to her own time and into her adult body.

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Chapter Six: Starlight vs Twilight

The next day came rather quickly, and early that morning, Starlight was strapped to Windy's side and flown across the clouds. They came to a lovely home in the clouds with a beautiful garden outside and small clouds hovering over the flowers, constantly watering them. Starlight was somewhat amazed by everything she saw as the mare crossed the front door and knocked on it.

Windy was greeted by a dark yellow coated pegasus mare with a dark red mane, magenta-colored eyes, and sporting a pair of thick-rimmed green glasses. The mare meekly opened the door. "Oh, hello. I wasn't expecting company."

Rainbow Dash's mom gently waved a hoof back with a cheerful smile, then said. "Sorry to intrude, but we've met before. My name is Windy."

The other pegasus mare’s eyes widened and then she cried! "Oh yes, you're Rainbow Dash's mom, right?"

Windy pointed a hoof at her chest. "Yes, that's me!"

The dark yellow coated pegasus mare flew over with a smile and shook her hoof. "Well, Windy, my name is Posey Shy, but please just call me Posey. Now come on in. I was just making some tea," She then led Windy into her house with Starlight bouncing along. As they entered a quaint living room, Posey continued to explain. "My husband is still at the weather factory right now. And Zephyr, my son, is at a daycare nearby. Since we’re going to start potty training Fluttershy soon, we don’t want him to get jealous or feel like we’re neglecting him. So it’s easier to have other ponies watch over him."

"Seems like us moms can have some time to ourselves." Windy chirped as she followed Posey to the kitchen; the two sat across each other and sipped their tea.

Posey then bent her head down and asked. "It seems so. What brought you over today?"

"Well, I thought we could have a playdate,” Windy explained. “But not with Rainbow Dash. In fact, I actually brought another foal by, and it’s very important that she meets with you," She took out the baby unicorn from the foal carrier and introduced her. "This is Starlight Glimmer."

The foal kicked about, her face turning red as the pegasus hugged her close and dawwed, "Oh, she's adorable! You adopted another foal, Windy?"

Windy seemed to be a bit worried as she replied. "Well, until I can find her mother."

"Oh, she's lost?! Oh dear." Posey exclaimed with noticeable worry!

Starlight looked up to Windy, wondering if she'd expose the truth about her and why she was here.

"Well, yes,” Windy continued. “But we’re close to finding her. In the meantime, I think a foal playdate with some other babies would be good for her, and I was hoping to invite your baby, Fluttershy. I know she and Rainbow Dash get along nicely."

"Well, I would be okay with…but Fluttershy is quite shy, and… well…" Posey looked all around and then said. “You don't need to lie. I also found a lost foal."

"Really?!" Windy exclaimed in disbelief as her wings unfolded to either side of her!

"Yes, but be prepared, because she's unlike anything you've seen,” Posey cautioned. “But I love her regardless."

Starlight gulped, wondering who this lost foal was and why they were here. She doubted it was Pinkie Pie (which would make Starlight’s task of uniting the rest of Twilight’s friends as foals easier).

Everypony then went to Fluttershy's nursery with Posey leading the way. It looked adorable, with the walls painted to look like a sunlit meadow covered in flowers and bunnies. The carpet was plush green, with a pink crib and diaper-changing table in the back of the room.

Starlight was plopped onto the ground and squeaked upon seeing a butter yellow coated baby pegasus playing with blocks, alongside a familiar-looking light purple coated foal with a dark purple and pink striped mane. The little filly eyed them as Starlight was plopped near the other babies, seeing it was another Twilight Sparkle! But seeing as this one was an alicorn and giving her a cold stare, Starlight figured this one had to be the one she’d gone back in time with!

Starlight looked agape with her mouth as Posey continued. "There was also this weird egg. Never seen anything like it."

"An egg? How odd,” Windy remarked. “Did you tell anypony else about this by any chance?"

"Well, I did tell Princess Celestia,” Posey sheepishly confessed. “And she's informed me to keep this foal under my protection and a secret from other ponies until she can inquire about the situation. In fact, she told me in advance you might come by."

"And what did you name the filly?" Windy inquired.

Posey flashed a polite smile, "Well, I was recently told her name was Twilight Sparkle, but I like calling her Poofy Shy. It just feels right."

Twilight instinctively threw her wings over her face as this got a laugh out of Starlight, who giggled behind her hooves.

Windy was rather surprised as she had now seen two other baby versions of this pony, and asked. "Oh, why's that?"

Posey threw her hooves in the air and explained, "Because she magically poofs everywhere! She's such a little troublemaker, constantly trying to escape. But she's such great friends with Fluttershy, they're practically sisters."

"Well, why don't we let the foals play together? And we can talk about the situation we’re in,” Windy suggested “…there's much to catch you up on."

"Of course! In fact, we should talk about Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a playdate together!" Posey chirped! “They get along so well.”

As Windy took Posey away and closed the door behind them, Starlight instantly gulped, fearing what Twilight would say. She reluctantly held her hooves up and explained, "Twily, don’t be mad, I can explain!"

But the alicorn flew upwards, lighting up her horn and sending a blast of magic at Starlight, slamming into Starlight’s chest and knocking the unicorn foal into a pile of plushies.

Fluttershy gasped and cried! "Twily, why ya attacking ta other baby?"

"She not a baby!” The alicorn Twilight huffed. “She an aduwt who got tuwned into a baby, and she ta reason why I here and Spike is back in an egg!"

Starlight got up from the plushies, wiped some stuffing off her face, and then shouted. "Stop, Twily, ya gots to listen to me! Pwease!"

Twilight refused to do so, instead trying to cage Straight in a magic bubble.

But Starlight squinted, used whatever stamina she had to teleport, and ended up in the crib. She then brought a plush bunny near her, protecting herself from another blast of magic. She then sent her own shot of magic, knocking Twilight out of the sky as she teleported on top of her.

The baby alicorn replied by teleporting Starlight into the diaper changing cabinet, which exploded with foal powder, covering the two in the powdery substance along with a portion of the nursery. With the powder in the air causing them to constantly sneeze, and with their uncontrolled bursts of magic, they teleport all over the room as they blasted each other with beams of magic.

It didn't take long for the two foals to be tired from their fight; they were now in the playpen, with Fluttershy sitting back with tears, crying a little.

Twilight flew down and then pinned Starlight to the ground as she took out a feather from her wing and growled, "Finally! Now ya gonna talk! Why ya bring us tis far in ta past. Stawwight?!"

The pink-coated unicorn then sneezed and whined. "I didn't! In fact, ya not ta only one twapped hewe!"

"Oh ya?!” Twilight rolled her eyes. “Who else is twapped in time as babies?"

Starlight had to think for a second as she listed off the names. "Well, there's Stawswirl, Dr. Whooves, and there's even yaself!"

Twilight then took her feather and started tickling Starlight's belly, making her kick and giggle uncontrollably. "Why ya tickling me?!"

Twilight smirked. "Gonna make ya pee pee ya diapee unless ya tell me ta truth!"

The unicorn rolled her eyes. "I am! I not lying! Tat’s all who awe twapped with me!"

"Otay, so ya telling me ta greatest sorcerer in Equestria turned himself into a baby?!" Twilight rolled her eyes in disbelief.

"Yes!" Starlight cried out.

"Sounds wike a lie to me!" Twilight tickled her more as Starlight squeaked, feeling some pee hit her diaper. This continued until it was soaked, and she then whined. "How am I gonna make ya believe me if ya keep doing tat?! Now I need a diapee change!"

Twilight paused, then shrugged. "I dun know. Ya an aduwt, so peeing ya diapee is embarrassing fow ya."

Starlight rolled her eyes as she got up. "I've done tat wike a thousand times since being stuck wike tis, pwus going number two! Ya tink I scared of a wittle pee pee?"

The baby alicorn thought about this briefly, then slammed a hoof into her. "Now tat ya mention it, yeah. And is not wike I can make go poo poo," She then looked up and asked. "Why did it take you so long to find us hewe? What have ya been doin’?"

The light purple coated unicorn poked her hoof into her belly and cried. "I a baby now! And I being babied by one of ya fwiends moms! I can't just waddle about by mysewf! I’ve been twying to fix things."

Twilight stopped, then helped Starlight up. "Otay. Sorry bout making ya go pee pee in ya diapee. I just want to get back to being a big pony and get Spike out of his egg." She then pointed to a massive purple egg with green spots in a nest surrounded by two plush geese.

Fluttershy waddled over, sniffling, and explained. "Yeah, ta mama goose is protecting Spikey. He otay."

Starlight looked a bit ashamed as she nevertheless said. "Well, dun worry, we got a plan to help ya and Spike get back to your timeline, and hopefully, you two will be back to how you were befowe we time twaveled. But ta do tat, we need Fwuttershy's help."

"Why? Ya not planning to tell her bout ta futuwe, awe ya?" Twilight questioned. “Ya know what tat couwd do, wight?!”

"Of course I not tewwing hew!” Starlight protested. “We just twying to get ya friends togetha to use the Ewements of Hawmony to make baby Dr. Whooves' time machine work, then we can aww go home!"

"Oooh! Tat;s a cwazy plan." Twilight remarked.

Starlight nodded. "Yeah, and there's awso another you in Ponyville."

Twilight gasped in disbelief! "Wait, does tis othew me have wings?"

"No." Starlight replied.

Twilight's cheeks flushed red, as if she’d remembered something embarrassing., "Oh, I tink I know her…uh…weww. How can I hewp ya aww?"

Starlight then pinned Twilight. "Before tat, ya gettin payback fow what ya made me do!" And she managed to pull a feather off of one of Twilight’s wings. She tickled Twilight's belly, making her kick and giggle. "Stop!"

Twilight tried to teleport away, but Starlight wasn't letting up. They teleported about the nursery until Starlight tackled the baby alicorn, pinned her down, and tickled her belly relentlessly. Twilight started to kick, gurgle and squeak as she peed her diaper, making her cry, "Ugh! Hate when I do tat!"

Starlight let up, then stuck her tongue out and snapped. "Get used to it, baby!"

Twilight looked down at her own soggy padding and grumbled, "I dun tink I eva gonna get used ta being in diapees again. I wish I was at weast potty twained."

Starlight helped Twilight onto her hooves, then whispered. "I do too. But I sowwie for doing tis to ya and Spikey. Twuth is, I was trying to go back to when you were school foals. That way it’d mess with Wainbow Dash and stop hew fwom doing ta Sonic Rainboom tat helped ya six become fwiends. But," She blushed. “It backfiwed.”

Twilight eyed the unicorn. "Is tat because ya was mad we stopped ya from taking ponies cutie marks in ya viwwage?"'

"Yeah, and I'm sowwie,” Starlight sincerely apologized. “Vengeance bwinded me, and I wasn't tinking wight. I twying to make up fow it now."

"Otay, and do ta other time travelers know about what ya was doing?" Twilight inquired.

Starlight shook her head from side to side. "I scared tat if tey find out, tey not gonna be my friends, or tink I just twicking tem."

"Well, as wong as ya pwan to go with me to ta right part of our timeline, I tink we should tell ta other time travelers ta truth. But I sowie fow fightin' ya and making ya pee."

Starlight nodded and hugged the baby alicorn. And Twilight wrapped her wings around Starlight. They stayed like that for a few moments, and then the baby alicorn asked. "So, wanna cwy until we get changed?"

"Is fine, wet ta mommies tawk,” Starlight proposed. “Why dun we play with Fwuttewshy until tey come back?" And the two age-regressed adults then went to play with plush animals with Fluttershy.

Twilight looked towards the pegasus as they played and apologized. "Sowie fow fighting and makin’ ya cwy."

"It's otay,” Fluttershy nodded back. “I just scawed, but I not anymowe. So if ya two awe dun, can we go back to pwaying together?"

Starlight now felt bad about making the pegasus cry. "Hey Fwuttewshy, I sowie too. Twily had evewy wight to attack me….I didn't come back in time with hew fow any good weason."

Fluttershy stuck a hoof in her mouth with a confused look and asked. "Ten why ya did tat? Did ya want to be a baby again?"

Twilight and Starlight looked at each other, and then Twilight replied. "Uh, we can't tell ya, we fwom ta futuwe. We can't tell ya too much ow that might cause pwobwems. But I tink tat Stawwight weawned her wesson."

The baby unicorn gave a few nods, showing off her diaper. "Yeah, I paying fow my actions now."

Fluttershy giggled and clapped her hooves. "Ya two are funny! Ya so wowwied bout diaper changes. Just cwy and ya mommies wiww come by to get ya cweaned.”

"We will, but tey talkin and owa diapees can withstand another soak,” Twilight explained. “So why dun we just pway and wait untiw tey come back?"

The unicorn with a light purple coat was happy to be getting along with the other foals, and she bounced on her padding. "Yeah, wet’s build a castwe fow our pwush animals!"

"Sounds wike a gweat idea!" The pegasus squealed as she clapped her hooves together.

The three foals then started to build little houses of blocks for their plush animals.

An hour later, the two motherly mares came back into the nursery, happy to see the foals all placing their plush toys in houses made of baby blocks. But they also became concerned upon seeing foal powder everywhere and the walls covered in blast marks.

With a sheepish grin, Windy blushed. "Seems like the foals are getting along well."

"Yes, it seems so,” Posey commented. “But it looks like they had a battle too, didn’t they?"

Windy shrugged her shoulders. "They probably just tested their magic. Seems like only a few containers of foal powder were harmed. It reminds me of my little Dashie, she loves to practice her flying everywhere. She’s always making messes and getting into trouble, and I’ll bet it’s the same for these little magic users," Then she sniffed the air and said. "I believe they need diaper changes."

"Yes, let's get that done," Posey agreed. The two mares then went about giving all three foals diaper changes. And Posey was wiping down her daughter, she asked Windy. "So remind me again, this big playdate is set for Friday?"

"Yes, and thank you for coming to help get these little time travelers home." Windy chirped as she wiped down Starlight.

"Alright, but it amazes me that so many adults turned into foals have traveled this far in the past,” Posey commented with concern. “Has Princess Celestia figured out why this happened yet?"

Windy was powdering Starlight's flank and shrugged. "Well, I’m not sure. It's strange but I feel as if my daughter might be in the middle of all of this."

"Interesting theory." Posey mumbled as she started changing Twilight's diaper.

"Well, this all started when Starlight here appeared, and after that, I've been caught up in this age regression time travel spree." Windy explained.

Posey was finishing Twilight's diaper change, then started tickling the filly's belly, making her giggle and coo adorably. "Well, they can all appear on my doorstep if they’d like. Twilight here has been nothing but a bundle of joy."

Rainbow Dash's mom was looking around the nursery and asked. "Is she always this destructive?"

"Trust me, I'm used to it," Posey chirped as she gave Twilight a pat on her padded bottom, then had her spit up. "She always gets gassy after using a lot of magic."

Starlight burst out into a fit of giggles, and Windy herself couldn't help but chuckle under her breath. "Crazy, there's three baby Twilights now."

"Three?!" Posey squealed in excitement, and started bouncing up and down as she cried, "Oh my gosh, can I come to see the other two?!"

Windy was also still surprised by this information and squeaked, "Yes, of course you can, you should come to Ponyville soon!"

Posey paused and tapped a hoof to her chin. "Well, I should talk this over with my husband and make sure we get a sitter for Zephyr."

Fluttershy's mom returned Twilight to Windy. "Hopefully you'll remember me, because I'm never going to forget you," She tickled her belly as she giggled and cooed. Posey then gave Windy the egg wrapped up in a sack and then escorted her out to the front door. "Have a safe flight, and please bring Rainbow Dash next time!"

"I will! I can't wait to see Rainbow Dash make so many new friends. And please come by Ponyville as soon as you can!" Windy chirped as she flew through the skies.