• Published 18th Sep 2023
  • 322 Views, 23 Comments

There's a First Time for Everything... - Majestic_Donut

Like two celestial alicorn fillies attending a human school for royalty known as Royal Prep...

  • ...

Series Premiere 1: Are you sure this is a good idea?

Author's Note:

Just some quick need-to-knows:

Celestia: Age 12 (this will come into play later)
Luna: Age 8

Sitting before her now was a sight Flora hadn't been expecting when she received a letter about a king wanting to enroll his daughters in their school. For starters, he was a winged unicorn (though, I believe the term he used was "alicorn") with dark blue fur and a well groomed galaxy looking mane topped off with a very kingly crown. Also he could talk and write and levitate things easily and casually without a wand (more specifically, he was using telekinesis, an upper level spell in this school).

"To what do I owe this pleasure King Cosmos?" The red fairy asked. The midnight king looked towards her after being snapped back into reality.

"Ah, yes. As you may have seen in the letter I sent you, I am here to inquire about enrolling my daughters into your school. You see, we don't have any proper schools for royalty where we live and homeschooling... lets just say we make better rulers than teachers at the moment." Cosmos explained.

"I see. And what classes would you like to enroll them in?" Flora asked checking over the school's list of courses.

"All of them."

quill snaps "All of them?"

"Will that be a problem?" Cosmos asked.

"Well, there may be some... practical issues regarding some of the courses. For starters, there is the royal etiquette class in which there may be some issues due to the differing anatomy-"

"They'll be fine." Cosmos interrupted

"Then there's our magic classes. In the short time I've been in your presence I've noticed magic works differently for you..." Flora stated, noticing how frequently Cosmos used magic (namely telekinesis) for the functions that human hands would have performed, like taking a sip from his coffee mug.

"Different how?" -sip-

"Well, I just don't know how practical it would be to teach your girls our system of magic when it seems your kind operates on a... very different kind of magic system. I'd recommend you teach them magic privately."

"I intended to do that anyways. We already have a very promising tutor ready. However, I'm intrigued about your magic system here. Perhaps my daughters should learn it anyways. After all, knowledge is power, and a little magical diversity never hurt anypony." -sip-

Just as Cosmos thought Flora was done, she said one more thing.

"Your Majesty, I must make one other important note. Our school does not have any, oh how do I say this... non-human students. Your daughters would be the only alicorn students in the entire school."

"And that is a problem because?"

"Our facilities were not designed for... alicorns. Again, there may be several practical issues with having your daughters attend school here... Is there any other possible option for their education?"

"Well, Ethereal and I did check out some other dimensions, but none seemed quite as welcoming and proper as Royal Prep nor as close in the multiverse."

"Wait what?" It's not that this was the weirdest thing she had ever heard.. it's just that she's never heard of a multiverse...

"Oh, I should probably explain. You see, I'm not from here. I used a mirror portal we have back at home to send the messenger here and then met with you. My daughters will be traveling through this portal, so we'd like to keep the distance between the doors as short as possible so they don't get lost in the multiverse. Luckily, your world is only two doors down from our world. There was another school right next door so to speak, but it was also a human school for commoners called Canterlot High, which is not what we needed given that we are royals and my girls are still in elementary school."

"So, let me get this straight... You came through a portal from another dimension to enroll your girls in a school that wasn't in their home dimension because we're the only school nearby in the multi-whatever-you-call-it that is for royals and young ones at that?"

"Yes. My requirements were quite clear and your lovely school 'checks all the boxes' so to speak. Nearby, school for royals, right age group, and from what I've heard you have very kind students here and my daughters are likely not the strangest beings that have ever graced your world."

"... That is true. Well, I suppose if you have no problems and your girls and wife are okay with this, we can enroll them for this semester."

"Oh they don't know I'm doing this. It's a surprise."

"Oh sweet fairy godmother..."

A week later, several things happened... starting with Celestia and Luna finding out they're going to school.

"Oh my goodness really?! I wonder what classes we'll be taking will there be other royal ponies what games will we play when do I get to see some cute co-"

"Celestia darling, calm yourself please. Your words are like a dam that once opened can never be shut again." Queen Ethereal interrupted. "And Cosmos, when exactly were you going to tell me this?"

"Um, I just did. School starts in two days." Cosmos admits sheepishly. That is when the previously silent Princess of the Night let out a cry of panic.

"What?! But I don't wanna go to school! I wanna stay here with you and mama! Other ponies scare me..."

"Well lucky for you, you aren't going to school with other royal ponies, you're going to school with royal humans!" Cosmos said proudly. Surely that solves that problem right? right?...

"So you mean to say we'll be the only alicorns in the school?"


"And we'll likely be the center of attention because of it?"



"Are you okay sweetie?" Ethereal asked.

"I think you broke her." Celestia quipped.

"Oh hush you. I did not break her! Is she breathing okay?" Cosmos asked.

Meanwhile, Luna didn't hear a word they had said.

Being around other ponies and talking to them is hard enough, but going to school without any other alicorns AND being what are probably the biggest freaks they've ever seen?! I'll die of terror... I'm not going to school. They can't make me! I'll find a way...

"Luna?" Celestia waves her hoof in front of Luna's face. "Are you still there?" Celestia asked, snapping Luna out of her downward spiral.

"Huh? Oh, yes. I am completely fine! I'll survive school just fine..."

"If you say so..."

The next day, Celestia was getting ready for the upcoming school day while Luna was sulking on her sister's bed, scheming of ways to get out of going to school tomorrow.

"I wonder what human children are like." Celestia mused. "I'd never heard of humans before daddy mentioned it, but they sound fascinating. They don't have horns or hooves or wings, but they can still perform magic. Isn't that amazing?! Luna?..."

Perhaps I could fake my death by jumping off a waterfall and not coming back up? But then mama and daddy would be really sad and so would Tia... and what if I actually died trying to fake it? No... Maybe I could break the mirror so we can't pass through it, then we wouldn't have to go to school! But then I may get in very big trouble and have to deal with seven years bad luck... darn it. I could fake sick. That's innocent enough! It's not a very long lasting trick, but it can buy me some time...

"LUNA!!!" Celestia shouted in the royal Canterlot voice.

"Gaaah!! What Tia?!?!" Luna cried, violently ripped out of her own mind by Celestia's voice.

"Can you not stare up at the ceiling like that?"


"You look like a dead body the way your face is like bLeGh..." Celestia noted, resting her face like Luna's to have a dull and "dead" expression on her face possibly akin to Wednesday Adams's resting face (Like I'd know, never watched the series...). "Now what I was trying to say was don't you think it's cool that humans have figured out how to harness magic without horns? I wonder how they do it... Where is the magic even coming from?" Celestia continued, slipping deep into her own train of thought (though Celestia looks more like "The Thinker" when she goes deep in thought, not like a corpse like how Luna allegedly looks).

"Oh, yeah... nice I guess..." They can't make me go...

"Celestia, Luna, time for dinner!"

"Coming mama!" Celestia replied as she started down the stairs. "Are you coming?"

"In a second..." Luna answered. They can't make me go...