• Published 18th Sep 2023
  • 327 Views, 23 Comments

There's a First Time for Everything... - Majestic_Donut

Like two celestial alicorn fillies attending a human school for royalty known as Royal Prep...

  • ...

Series Premiere 2: How many things can go wrong today? (Let's find out)

The time to go to school was only an hour away, so Luna would have to play this just right. If her parents didn't buy her lie, she'd have to fake her death! (Okay, so that's actually more of a plan Z than a plan B, maybe she could just go to school and suck it up?... nah)

"I don't feel good mama... -cough cough-" Luna honed in that "dead body" look on her face while she was at it.

"Oh, are you sure? You seemed fine yesterday." Ethereal asked.

"Oh yeah -cough- maybe I shouldn't go to school... -COUGH- :scootangel:" Play it cool! I think I have her convin-

"Oh look at that, your temperature is just fine! I've scanned you for any signs of illness and you are completely fine! And another interesting thing, alicorns don't get sick." Ethereal noted, obliterating all of Luna's not so carefully thought out plans.

"Ah pooey..." stupid immortality... (just a note, my idea of alicorn immortality is age and sickness won't kill them, but an assassin still could...)

"Oh Luna, you're going to have lots of fun! I've heard the teachers are very nice and so are the other students. You could make some new friends-"

"But I have Tia! Isn't that enough friends? I don't want any new ones!" Seriously, why is everypony putting so much emphasis on this friends thing like it's such a big deal?...

"I know you think you'll be fine by yourself, but I really think you could benefit from spending some time with other pon- beings. I mean, yes, ponies too. But in the instance of school, I think if you can make friends with humans, you can make some pony friends as well." Ethereal said.

"So you mean I have to make new friends at school AND at home?" Luna pouted more so than asked nicely.

"You don't have to, but I'd encourage you to at least try. What's the worst that could happen?"

"Dying of embarrassment." Luna deadpanned.

"Alicorns don't die of embarrassment Luna." Ethereal stated just as flatly.

"Then what DO alicorns die of?"

"Um, I think that's a conversation for another day. Just try sweetie. That's all I ask. One day, okay?"

I suppose... "Tia will still be there right?" Luna asked.

"Yes, she'll be at school with you too." Ethereal assured whilst nuzzling her.

"Hahaha, okay... I guess I can try one day. As long as Tia and her mane is there for me to hide under if things go horribly wrong." Luna managed to say simultaneously cutely and cynically... it's a gift.

"Thank you Luna. Now, let's get out of bed. You still have to get ready for school."

After Cosmos set the door portal to Enchancia to open in front of the school gates, he opened it and it was time. "Are you girls ready?"



"I'm getting very mixed messages here..." Cosmos said.

"I change my mind! I don't wanna go!!! Tia help me!" -hides in her tail-

"Oh Luna... deal with it." Celestia said flatly as she dragged Luna within her tail to the gates of the school. "Quick! Close the door while you still have the chance!!!"

"NOOO!!!!" Luna pops out of Tia's tail to realize too late that they are now at school and there's no going back until home time.

"TIA!!!" Luna pouted.

"Oh look, it's time for school! Lets go. We need to find out where our first class is!" Celestia said suddenly sporting a very smug/mischievous/trolling smile readers may be able to envision right about now...

"... You suck." Luna sulked as she followed very closely behind Celestia, stomping with every step. As much as Luna was trying to be menacing and angry right now, she failed dramatically by simply being Luna, Princess of Eternal Cuteness!

"Aw, you're so cute when you're mad." Celestia fawned.

"No I'm not!" Now Luna was even more cranky and adorable.

Just as Celestia was about jab some more at Luna's expense cuteness, three bright orbs floated towards them and materialized into three fairies.

"Welcome!" Flora said.

"You must be the new students Princess Celestia and Princess Luna!" Merryweather continued.

"Welcome to Royal Prep, where you will learn what it means to be a prince or princess." Fauna explained.

"Come now, let us lead you girls to your classes." Flora said as they led them into the school with some of the other new students.

While the girls were walking to the school, they noticed another nervous but eager looking princess with them. She had brown curly hair, sweet blue eyes, and a lavender dress adorned with pearls. Around her neck was a pretty violet teardrop pendant. Though, I believe it was more of an amulet given its size.

"Um, hi! I'm Sofia. I'm a new princess!" Sofia introduced herself. Perhaps if she had been talking to Celestia she would've gotten a response, but because it to Luna she was talking to, Luna simply shied away and hid under Celestia's mane. "Aw, where did you guys come from?"

"We come from Equestria. Forgive my little sister. She was... reluctant to come at all. I hope you don't mind, she's very shy." Celestia said.

"Oh, wow. I've never heard of Equestria! I've also never seen winged unicorns before. I wasn't expecting you to actually talk..." Sofia marveled.

"Oh. First off, we are alicorns. Second, are they uncommon here? Do we normally not speak?" Celestia was not expecting this type of reaction from another student. Actually, she wasn't sure what she was ever expecting coming here.

"I don't know. I'm new to royalty, so I don't have much experience with magical things. Maybe they do talk? Winged unicorns are rare here, but we do have some normal unicorns and lots of pegasi!" Sofia explained.

"I see." Celestia said as she noted the number of carriages being pulled by pegasi similarly to how they traveled in pulled chariots. "I suppose some things are the same." Then Celestia felt a tug on her mane. Luna was looking pleadingly into her eyes. "I wanna go home!" "Luna, why don't you just say hi to Sofia? Can you manage that?" Celestia asked.

A shaking Luna just barely squeaked out a nearly inaudible "hi" and then tried to climb into Celestia's mane and hide again.

"-sigh- I suppose it's a start. Today is our first day!" Celestia said while subtly trying to wring Luna out of her freshly brushed mane.

"Oh, today is my first day too!" Sofia beamed.

"Well, I hope you do as well here as I hope to do." and believe me, those hopes are unreasonably high...

"Thanks! I hope you do well too! I guess we should head to class then." Sofia said.

Upon coming into view of the school, the fillies received... mixed reactions. Some were amazed that such magical beings were in their midst, while some were just confused. But one student had the most startling (to Luna) reaction.

"Oh my goodness it's two winged unicorns!!! They’re gorgeous!!! Can we pet them?" An amber haired girl in a green dress squealed (she didn't enter with Sofia). At this point Celestia had finally managed to pry Luna out of her mane and made her walk beside her... but now she had retreated back in after hearing the girl's loud voice.

"Ugh! Luna can you please get out of my mane, literally?!" Celestia shouted, her patience wearing thin.

"They can talk?!" A dark haired girl in a cyan dress shouted.

"Quiet class, please! Thank you. I'd like to introduce your new students. Sofia of Enchancia and Celestia and Luna of Equestria!" Flora announced.

"Hi!" Sofia chirped.

"Hello!" Celestia said.

"..." take a wild guess.

Enter series of ooh's and ah's at the new students... namely the non-human ones. And now questions. Lots of them.

"How do you guys talk?"

"Do you use any magic?"

"Do you live in a castle like us?"

"I love your crowns!"

"Where do you live?"

"Did you bring your pets to class?"

Needless to say, even Celestia felt overwhelmed for once and didn't know what to say (Especially to that last one. What even is a pet?).

"Oh, um.. I talk with, my voice? Yes, I use magic regularly. We do live in a Castle in the Everfree Forest in Equestria. Thank you? I'm pretty sure it was just announced to the entire class where we hail from..." Celestia said as she managed to answer all their questions. "Luna? Do you have anything you wanna say?"

Luna shakes her head no.

"Okay, well. Hi again!" Celestia said awkwardly.

"Um, no. These aren't my pets. They're my new friends! And our new students." Sofia answered the last question.

Cue more oohs and ahs as they adore and compliment the three new students.

As much as Amber (that girl who squealed before) loved these new winged unicorn princesses, she was not too pleased about her new step-sister getting more attention than her. Sure, winged unicorns were amazing and deserving of such admiration, but what was so special about her wannabe princess step-sister? She's a commoner by birth and typical at best.

"I'll show her she doesn't belong here..." Amber muttered under her breath.

When the tour had finished, Amber convinced James (her twin brother and Sofia's step-brother) to tell Sofia to get on the magic swing. In a matter of a few moments, the swing gained momentum until it launched Sofia into the fountain... no one laughed except, unexpectedly, Luna.

"Haha, real funny guys. That's a good one! Heh..." Sofia only passably faked being amused. When Luna realised no one else was laughing she stopped. What happened next though was very unexpected by everyone/pony.

"Weeeeee! Hahaha!" Luna jumps in the fountain with Sofia to make her feel better about being launched in.

Luna begins to splash Sofia and Sofia splashes back, feeling a little better about the situation meant to cause humiliation. Celestia decides to get in on the fun and jumps in as well, splashing Luna and Sofia as they get progressively more wet and eventually there isn't much water left in the fountain.

"Alright alright girls, that's enough! You still have classes to get to after all." Flora says as she uses her magic to dry them all off.

"Thank you Luna." Sofia says. Luna just smiles and turns back to snuggle under her sister's wing for warmth.

As the class got seated, the first of many problems began... starting with Celestia being unable to actually sit comfortably in the desk chair...

"Ugh, how do you even- ow!" Now was definitely the most convenient time for Celestia's wing to get inconveniently pinched between her and the back of the chair. It also definitely did not hurt and feel like her wing was being lightly severed from her shoulders... -sarcasm dramatically intensifies-

"Oh dear, are you okay? Do you need help?" Fauna asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine! Just let me-" proceeds to rip the back off the chair leaving just the seat part. "That's marginally better..." Celestia smoothed over the spiky edges of the broken wood as best as she could before reseating herself.

"Oh my..." The fairies said in unison.

Meanwhile, the much shorter Luna seemed to do a little better in her seat, but she still wasn't quite comfortable for more trivial reasons...

"This seat is really hard... I wish I had a pillow. Mama always lets me sit on a pillow at home. Or maybe I can try what Celestia did and get rid of the chair and just stand? Now I wish I'd just brought a pillow from home... Maybe I could've if somepony hadn't hastily shut the door on me..." Luna muttered to herself a little louder than she realized she was.

"We'll figure out some better seating for you two as soon as possible. For now though, perhaps hold off on destroying school property?" Merryweather said giving Celestia a very stern but merciful glare. Celestia sheepishly chuckled as she quietly apologized for her actions.

Later after the class day was done, the three fairies stopped Celestia and Luna before they left.

"Um, Celestia?" Flora asked.

"Yes?" Celestia answered.

"How old are you?"

"Oh, um 12. Why?"

"Oh dear... You see, you're actually a little too old for our school program." Flora explained.

"What?!" Both sisters cried.

"Celestia darling, you are supposed to be in our middle school royal program. This school is for elementary students. I'm afraid you'll have to transfer to the next class up. We'll also be discussing this with your parents of course." Flora finished explaining. The following silence was met with what could only be described as a torrent of a thousand ambulance sirens rising to sound all at the same time. This sound, however, was not coming from a vehicle, but a very small and powerfully lunged blue alicorn filly.

"NOOOOOOO! TIA IS SUPPOSED TO STAY WITH ME AT SCHOOL ALL DAY!!!! I CAN'T GO TO SCHOOL ALONE!!!!!" The meltdown was made complete with a large rainfall of tears while somewhere in the distance, the fairies could’ve sworn they heard lightning strike, even though the skies were clear.

"Calm down Luna please! I'll still see you at home all the time. It's okay." Celestia said calmly, trying to soothe the little ball of tears that was her sister.

"IT'S NOT OKAY!!! YOU WON'T BE AT SCHOOL WITH ME I'LL BE ALONE!!!" Luna cried, clearly unconvinced.

"Luna, inside voice please. What's the worst that could happen?"

Dance class.

How the hay is a filly supposed to learn anything in a human dance class.

It had taken quite a bit of bribing and pleading to get Luna to go to school without Celestia the next day. Pile that on top of a less than productive magic lesson with Starswirl and a poor night's sleep, and Luna was about ready to just storm out of the school and wait for her mom and dad to open the portal home (she could theoretically open it herself, but Cosmos and Ethereal chose not to teach her how for reasons just like this... that and they didn't want her to be able to go through the portal realm without adult supervision and get lost...)

"Sofia! Here, use these shoes. They'll help you dance better." Amber said as she gave Sofia some weird looking red shoes.

"Oh, thank you!" Sofia said as she put them on.

When it was time to dance, Luna found her self clumsily fumbling around trying to figure out how to get four legs to do what was only meant for two. Meanwhile, it seemed Sofia was having the same trouble, but not for the same reasons.

"Ahh! Help!" Sofia cried. It was then that she realised the shoes were magical trick shoes meant to make her clumsy. Despite coming to that realization, she noticed too late and fell flat on her face. Sofia threw her shoes off just in time to see Amber snickering in the corner at her demise.

"Oops, I must have given you the wrongs ones!" Amber said fake innocently.

Aren't they supposed to be sisters? Luna thought to herself. Why is she so mean to her? Why is my sister not here? I want Tia... Just as Luna is ready to cry, she notices Sofia leaving the room and decides to follow after her.

If I want answers, I have to ask for them Luna resolved.

"Sofia?" Luna asked quietly.

"Luna? You're talking to me?" Sofia asked.

"Oh, yes... um, are you okay? Why is Amber being so mean to you? I thought you were supposed to be sisters! Sisters are supposed to be nice to each other and make each other feel better when they get scared and hug you at night and tell you bedtime stories even though they could use some more action at times and and..." Luna said, still trying to prevent the weight of the day from producing waterworks in her eyes. "-whimpering- I miss my sister..." and now holding back that dam is getting harder...

"It's okay Luna, don't cry! We're technically step-sisters, but you're right. Sisters should be sweet to each other and love each other. I don't know why Amber doesn't like me, but your sister sounds really nice," Sofia said.

"-tears falling- most of the time..." Luna added -insert flashback to that time Celestia tricked Luna into getting through the door by dragging her in while she was still inside Tia's tail, amongst other sisterly things that may prove annoying-

"Is there anything I can do to help you feel better?" Sofia asked.

"But I came to help you!" Luna responded.

"We can help each other. I'll help you feel less alone without your sister, and you can help me feel less alone with my sister. We can navigate this new experience together!" Sofia exclaimed confidently.

"Really?" Luna asked.

"Really!" Sofia hugged Luna and wiped her tears away.

As the two continued throughout their day, Sofia invited Luna and her family to come to the ball celebrating her becoming royalty.

"I'm still not sure I even want a ball. But I think if you were there, I'd be a lot less nervous than if you weren't there." Sofia explained hopefully.

Without giving it much thought, Luna said yes and promised to be there! So when her mom and dad came to pick her up, they were surprised to say the least to hear Luna seemed to actually enjoy the school day.

"Today was so fun well actually no it wasn't it turns out I'm terrible at dancing like a human and Sofia's step-sister is really mean to her but that reminds me that Sofia invited me to come to her royal ball tonight and I said yes wait I can go right mama and daddy?" Said Luna now sounding more like a broken dam than her sister did a few days ago.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry. We won't be able to take you then. We have a meeting with the griffin/griffon/gryphon* ambassador that we can't miss." Cosmos said disappointedly.

"Can't I just go by myself then?" Luna asked hopefully.

"No sweetie. We don't want you going through the portal by yourself. It could be very dangerous if you went through the wrong door. After all, you can't read the dimensional signatures yet (otherwise all the doors look the same)." Ethereal explained.

"What if Tia went with me? Would that be okay? I made a promise! I can't break it..." Luna asked, desperate now for any way to turn this "no" into a "yes."

"Hmm, maybe. You'd have to ask her if she can though. We might be okay with that." Ethereal mused.

"Thank you thank you thank you yes thank you!!!" Luna blurted as she ran as fast as her little legs would carry her to her sister's room.

"Wow, I've never seen her so excited to spend time with anypo-, I mean, anyone who wasn't Celestia..." Cosmos noted.

"Tia Tia Tia Tia Tia Tia Tia Tia TIA!!!!!" Luna shouted as she pounced on Celestia's back and bounced up and down with every repeat of her name.

"Ow ow ow! What is it Luna?!" Celestia asked, lifting the blue filly off of her now tiny hoofprint covered back. What did Luna even run through anyways??

"Can you go to Sofia's castle with me tonight and attend her royal ball pleeeeaaaase?" Luna asked, arming her most irresistible puppy dog eyes.

"Oh Luna please no! You know I can't resist your filly face!"

-Expression intensifies-

"-sigh- I wish I could, but I have homework to do and I need to finish it. I'm sorry." Celestia sighed, hoping Luna would understand.

Those hopes were in vain.

"B-but, I promised I'd be there... How am I supposed to tell her I won't be there? She was counting on me to be there so she wouldn't feel scared or lonely! And who's gonna help her stand up to her mean sister?!" Luna cried, the reality of her fate weighing down on her like ten six-foot tall teddy bears.

"I don't know, sneak out?" Celestia burted foolishly.


"I did not mean that..."


"Luna, whatever you do, do not sneak out to go to the ball," Celestia implored. "Are you listening?"

Absolutely not "Uh huh. I won't go. I promise." She said with her feathers secretly crossed.

Later that night, a little form of something dressed in all black could be seen alluding to sneakiness as she made her way through the castle to the portal room.

duh, duh, duh duh duh, duh, duh, duh duh duh, duh, duh, duh duh duh, duh, duh, duh duh duh ba da da, (duh duh) ba da da, (duh duh) ba da da, (duh duh) ba dum! (ten points to whoever can guess what I'm humming right now)

"Okay mission control, do you copy?" Luna said to nopony in particular. -Moves a little to the left- "Yes, copy, over." -moves back to the right- "Okay. I think the portal room is just behind this door. Do you copy?" -left again- "I copy. We are ready for action! Over." -right again- "Let's do this."


-bursts open the door- "This is the kitchen..."


"Oh, cookies."


After a much needed cookie break before dinner (gasp!), the mission to find the portal room continues. There is only so much time to spare to get to the Big Event, and we wouldn't want to miss anything important. Our moral support is needed and promised, and when a princess makes a promise, she never breaks it! Unless it was made to their dull older sister who is only sometimes fun and who's mane makes a good hiding spot for escaping all one's troubles... then you break the promise! (I may need to rethink my moral standards...) A door can be seen up ahead gleaming with possibilities! This is it. The moment we've been waiting for! I'm home fr-

"Luna, what are you doing?"

"ACK!!!" Luna squeaked as she visibly jumped in the air with no small help of her wings.

"I do hope you weren't about to go through the portal realm by yourself." Starswirl said. "It would be a shame if somepony such as yourself got lost in there and we never heard from you again..."

"Whaaaaat? I wasn't gonna do that no... I was gonna go to a ball my friend invited me to, not get lost for all eternity." Luna said, being only partially correct about her intentions. She was, after all, still intending to "go it alone."

"I see. Based on those cookie crumbs on your muzzle, I believe this is not the first naughty idea you've had hmm?" Starswirl stated.

"Um heh heh, -wipes off the cookie crumbs- no..." Luna admitted sheepishly.

"Well, if it means that much for you to go and nopony else is available to take you, I can escort you my naughty little student." Starswirl offered.




Just as Starswirl finished inputting the coordinates to Sofia's castle and pressed done, Luna rushed through the door to the castle gates.

"Halt! What are you?" A guard asked.

"I'm Luna! I'm Sofia's friend. I'm not too late for the ball am I?" Luna asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, we have the invite." Starswirl assured as he pulled out the invitation.

"Oops, I almost forgot that..." Luna realised.

"You're just in time. The ballroom is down the hall to the left. You can't miss it." He said, now assured that this obviously harmless filly was actually harmless (for now).

"Yay!" Luna cried.

Upon entering the ballroom, it seemed as if everyone had just woken up or something like that. When Luna spotted Sofia, she ran right over to her and said,

"Hi Sofia! Sorry I'm late. Did I miss anything?"

Author's Note:

And end scene! Woo hoo! This is probably the LONGEST chapter of any story I have ever written on FimFiction 😂 If you're at all wondering about my frequent use of Luna hiding in Celestia's mane, it's based off of this picture:

Is that not just the cutest thing you have ever seen??? I thought it was.

In case you haven't noticed by now, these first two chapters take place during the events of Sofia the First: Once Upon a Princess (the movie premiere of the series). While several things changed significantly (Like the fountain incident and dance class incident), one thing I decided to leave alone was a very major moment in Sofia's development where she fixes things with her step-sister Amber. I figured it'd be best to leave that entire section of the movie untouched just because of how important of a moment it is for the characters' development. I also realised that by changing the fountain scene, Sofia doesn't get her first gift (talking to animals). To fix this, just know that when Sofia and Luna comforted each other after dance class, Sofia got the gift of speaking to animals that don't already talk like Luna does. This throws some things out of order, but we won't address that right now because we've got an AU tag we can use to justify all our issues with canon and continuity :pinkiehappy:

As for the ending, yes, I will be leaving it at that. Watch this become a running gag of Luna just being like

Next chapter: "S1E1: One of the Students"** (A play off of the original episode title "One of the Princes") In which Luna tries to fit in with the other students while also trying to try out for the derby (as a flyer), but oops there's some more practical hiccups she overlooked... This will go great!

Edit: **This is not the exact plot. I changed it.

One more thing: *There's apparently three ways to spell griffon, all of which are technically correct... so yeah. From here on out I'll probably use the spelling "griffon," but I'm keeping that three spellings bit in the chapter cause it's funny as heck to read :rainbowlaugh:*