• Published 18th Sep 2023
  • 327 Views, 23 Comments

There's a First Time for Everything... - Majestic_Donut

Like two celestial alicorn fillies attending a human school for royalty known as Royal Prep...

  • ...

~The Deleted Chapter~

Author's Note:

Remember when I said I was deleting more than half of what I had for S1:E3 and rewriting it? (Blog post)

Well, turns out it was waaaay more than over half. It was nearly the entire chapter save for 800 words!!! Soooo, I have much more writing to do than I thought, at least 1 ten-page paper due in less than 2 weeks, some books reviews for books I haven't read, a midterm I still have to take (eek...), and lots of other things I've been procrastinating besides writing for FimFiction. So to bide some time, I'm gonna post the redacted chapter anyways and you'll get the real one later.

Enjoy this little (3.8k word) deleted chapter!

It was the weekend now, but it wasn't just any weekend. On the last week of every 2 or so months, the king and queen would take the entire weekend off from royal duties to spend exclusive time with their daughters. They wish they could do it more often, but ruling a kingdom keeps one (or two) very busy. It was all the strings they could pull to get 2 days every 2 months! So when the two alicorn sisters awoke that morning, they awoke to their parents faces 6 inches from their face...

It's tradition.

"Surprise! Guess what day it is?" Cosmos boomed.

"My birthday?" Luna asked.

"No silly. It's pancake weekend! You girls get to spend all today and tomorrow with us," Ethereal said.

"-GASP- YES!!! I LOVE PANCAKE WEEKEND!!! Can I make little faces with the fruit again?" Celestia asked.

"Of course! That's the best part of any pancake," Cosmos exclaimed.

"I just want pineapple and chocolate chips on my pancakes," Luna stated.

"Alright, well let's get out of bed! Those pancakes won't make themselves!" Ethereal announced.

So they got out of bed, brushed their manes and teeth (to get rid of that morning breath), and were ready to make and eat pancakes in a record time of about 60 seconds... They may still have a few tangles in those manes.

"We're ready! Can I add the ingredients to the bowl?" Luna asked.

"Sure sweetie. We need two cups of flour -Luna adds 2 cups flour-, some sugar -adds what may or may not have been a cup of sugar-, and several other ingredients," Cosmos said before lifting his head from the recipe to find Luna had added some of the ingredients already. "Oh, I didn't think you were doing that right now. I was gonna measure out the ingredients for you..."

"Oh," Luna said as she stopped herself from adding the entire baking powder container into the bowl.

"Looks like these will be pretty sweet pancakes, but I think we'll be fine," Ethereal said as she noted the large amount of sugar in the bowl.

"Heheh, oops..." Luna said.

"Let me help you with the rest of the ingredients Luna," Cosmos said as he measured out the other ingredients.

After a decent sized mess in the kitchen was made, the royal family was left with varying sizes and shades of golden-brown/ink-black pancakes before them (they may have let Luna help pour and cook the pancakes too. Despite the seeming failures, it was still good to let her help anyways).

"Hey look Luna! Say hi to Mr. Happy Pancake! 'I'm so happy to meet you! Too bad you must eat me soon...' hahaha!" Celestia said, equipping a silly voice for the pancake when talking to Luna.

"Haha, hi Mr. Happy Pancake! Pleased to eat you!" Luna greeted.

"Don't you mean pleased to meet you?" Mr. Happy Pancake asked.

"No, I mean eat you," Luna said as she grabbed the plate and took a bite out of the pancake.

"Hey wait a second, that was mine!" Celestia cried.

"Luna, you need to ask before you grab something from someone else," Ethereal scolded.

"Sorry Tia..." Luna said as she gave the plate back.

"Here's your plate Luna," Cosmos said as he gave her a plate with a pancake and several pineapple slices piled on top. "Oh, one more thing." He then sprinkled the top with tiny chocolate chips. "Here you go!"

"Thank you daddy!" Luna cried as she devoured her pancake.

Once the girls had finished their pancakes, it was time to play off all those pancakes. So the family went outside to play in the garden.

They began playtime with a game of what can only be described as volleyball without the net or boundary lines. There was a line drawn on the ground. If the ball fell on your side of the line, that was a point for the other team. There is no out field. Luna and Cosmos played against Celestia and Ethereal.

At first, the game was pretty even with all four volleying the ball back to the other side. But then the parents got competitive. Very competitive. It slowly escalated until the parents were basically dominating the gameplay while the girls sat and watched, volleys getting more and more intense. The ball hadn't dropped yet, and it didn't seem like it would anytime soon with the way the ruling pair were playing (oh the things one can do when the pressures of maintaining a mask of perfection and regality are temporarily removed). Finally, the ball ended up flying out of Cosmos's range and that's when Luna took her chance to volley the ball!

"I've got it!" Lune cried.

"Be careful!" Ethereal and Cosmos said.

As Luna ran deeper into the forest, the ball never came near in sight. Instead, the castle got further away in the distance, until the dense forest trees blotted it from sight. Suddenly, that ball doesn't seem so important anymore...

"Momma? Daddy? Tia?" Luna cried out. Well, there in the tree branches was the ball, but home is nowhere in sight. "Hello? Where are you guys?!" What am I gonna do? I'm trying to look for anything familiar, but all these trees look the same! I think I can from that way... or maybe it's the other way... or over here? "Aaaagh!!! Where they hay am I?!?!"

"You're in the Everfree forest."

"Gaah!" Luna screamed. She turned to face a strange looking bug pony with lots of holes in her body (how does that even work anyways?). "Who are you?"

"I'm Chrysalis, but you can call me Chryssie! Who are you?" Chrysalis asked.

"Oh, hi Chryssie! I'm Luna. Do you live here?"

"Hi Luna! I live a little bit away from here. I felt like exploring today. Where do you live?"

"I live in a castle. It's somewhere outside this forest," Luna explained.

"Outside the forest? Wow. What does the sky look like?" Chrysalis asked.

"What do you mean? You've never seen the sky before?" Luna asked.

"No. We aren't allowed to leave the forest..."


"I don't know. But I think I know how to get you back to the edge of the forest! You should be able to get home from there. I think I've even seen the castle you're talking about," Chrysalis explained.

"That would be great! Oh thank you Chryssie!!!" Luna cried.

So Chrysalis guided Luna back to where she entered the forest and Luna could see her home from there.

"Thank you for helping me Chryssie!"

"No problem Luna."

"Will I see you again?" Luna asked.

"I don't know. Maybe kick your ball into the forest again and we'll see what happens!" Chrysalis quipped.

"Hahaha, I hope I the ball doesn't go that far again. But thanks again! Bye Chryssie!"

"Bye Luna! I hope I see you again!"

Meanwhile, Luna's family was waiting for her back at the gardens.

"Where is she? Luna should've been back by now," Ethereal worried.

"Do you think she got lost?" Celestia asked.

"I sure hope not. Maybe I should go in and look for her. She can't be that far in... Luna?" Cosmos called as he approached the forest.

"I'm here daddy!" Luna cried as she came out of the forest with the ball.

"Oh good! What took you so long?" Cosmos asked.

"I got lost."

"Told you so," Celestia said.

"But then a nice bug-pony named Chryssie helped me get home!" Luna finished.

"A what now?" Celestia asked.

"Surely you don't mean you saw a changeling, do you?" Cosmos asked.

"Um, are they bug-ponies?" Luna asked.

"They're evil shapeshifting creatures who steal life from our ponies to become more powerful," Cosmos explained. "I thought I'd banished them all from our lands, but it seems some still live within our forests..."

"The changeling I met didn't seem evil. She was about my age and she was really nice! And she didn't steal my life," Luna countered.

"That may be, but you can never be too careful. Perhaps this little one is biding her time, until the right moment to catch you off guard," Cosmos speculated.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves now. Perhaps it wasn't a changeling she saw. It could be have been anything else," Ethereal tried to reason.

"Exactly how many creatures in our lands can you describe as a 'bug-pony'?" Cosmos asked.

"... one."

"Exactly. Luna, I don't want you going back in the forest. Do you understand?" Cosmos commanded.


"No 'but's!"

"Yes daddy..."

Later after bedtime, Luna snuck into the library to look for a book on changelings.

Hmm, 'ca', 'ch', aha! 'changelings'... Yup, this is definitely a picture that looks like Chryssie! But, it doesn't look as nice as Chryssie. Why?

And back in the Hive, Chryssie was telling her mom about this new creature she met.

"Her name is Luna! She seems really nice. She didn't have any holes in her body and she had wings like us, but there were feathered like a bird. She also had a horn on her head like the unicorns you've told me about! I think she was a princess too. She lives in the castle outside the forest! Mom, are you listening?" Chryssie asked.

"Do you mean to tell me you met an alicorn? And not just any alicorn, but a royal one?" Lepidoptra asked (I know this name has been used before as Chrysalis's "before evil" name, but this is unrelated and I have no idea what else to name Chryssie's mom).

"Um, I guess so. Why does that matter?"

"Those ALICORNS banished us from our original home and have forced us to starve in this forest! We used to feast on love! Now we can barely survive. You are far too young to remember what's it's like to feel full of love, so you do not even miss it. But I want vengeance for you! Tell me, will you be able to lure her here again?" Lepidoptra asked.

"Y-you won't hurt her, will you? I promise she's really nice!" Chryssie asked.

"Of course not! I'm not a monster. I just need her to... help us. Yes. She could help us get out of this forest."

"Then I could see the whole sky? Not just a small sliver of it through the trees?!"

"You can explore all you like if you help me get your little friend to the Hive!"


The next day, the royal family decided to play hide and seek with the kids.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (etc.)," Cosmos and Ethereal started counting.

Okay, now is the time to go see Chryssie again and ask her about this. Luna thought to herself as she pulled out the changeling book from its hiding place. Just as she was about to sneak into the forest, Celestia appeared behind her.

"What are you doing?" Celestia asked.

"Aah! What are YOU doing?" Luna replied back with a jump.

"Please tell me you are NOT about to back to see your little changeling friend."

"Whaaaat? No. Why would you say that?"

"You are literally holding 'The History of Changelings in Equestria' in your hooves."


"For the Princess of the Night, your aren't that great at hiding your intentions and being a sneaky and stealthy," Celestia noteed.

"I'll get there eventually..." Luna responded. "Wanna come with me? We could invite her to play with us!"

"I don't know... Father said they were dangerous."

"But Chryssie wasn't dangerous! Pleeeeeease!" -sweet big baby doll eyes-

"... fiiiiiine!" Celestia caved. "I've got to learn how to say no to you one of these days..."

"Yay!" Luna cried as she began skipping into the deep dark forest like it was a cotton candy trail.

"-sigh- I'm definitely gonna regret this aren't I?" Celestia asked to no one in particular.

Back again at the Hive, Chryssie was coming up with ways she could invite Luna to her home.

What if I play it off as a playdate? Yeah! We can have a playdate! I already have mom's permission and command to invite her over anyways, so it's a plan! We're having a playdate today!

"LUNA!!! YOU IN HERE?!" Chryssie shouted through the forest.

"CHRYSSIE?! IS THAT YOU?" Luna shouted back.

"Luna, can you use your inside voice please?" Celestia asked.

"Oh snap there's somepony else..." Chryssie panicked under her breath.

"Chryssie!!! This is my big sister, Tia! But only I get to call her that. To you she's Celestia, okay?" Luna introduced.

"Um, ok. Hi Luna's big sister!" Chryssie said.

"Hi Chryssie. You don't look quite as scary or intimidating as in our books... You're kinda cute." Celestia noted.

"I am NOT cute!" Chryssie pouted. "But, um... do you two wanna come to my place for a playdate? It'll be lots of fun and my mom said you can come over an-"

"Slow down! Say what now? Your mom knows about us?" Celestia asked.

"Yeah. She said I should invite Luna over today. I think she'd be fine with you too!" Chryssie explained.

"Give me one moment to speak with my precious little sister will you?" Celestia asked. "Luna, I don't think this is a good idea. Chryssie may be okay and innocent, but I'm not sure what her mom is like. She may not be as nice as her daughter is," Celestia whispered to Luna.

"But how will we know if we don't just go see her? It'll be fun! What's the worst that could happen? We could bring mom and dad if that'll help," Luna whispered back.

"You heard them yesterday. They'd never come with us to see them. They'd tell us not to go."

"Which means we're going without them!"





"So you're coming?" Chryssie asked.

"YES/NO" Luna and Celestia said respectively.

"Catch me if you can!" Luna cried as she began running into the forest.

"You can't hide from me!" Chryssie cried as she ran after her.

"Wait, no! Come back here! Luna!" Celestia cried as she ran after both of them.

The three ran through the forest, Chryssie making sure to subtly guide them towards the Hive. A hop skip and a jump later, they had arrived at the Hive.

"Hey look, we're at my house!" Chryssie announced. "Wanna see my room?"

"Yeah!" Luna exclaimed, following suit to Chryssie's "house" (I mean, I guess it's a house).

"Luna wait! Come back! You can't run into the house of someone you just met!" Celestia cried, panicking internally at what their parents would think right now.

"You can if it's a friend!!!" Luna shouted back as she and Chryssie turned a corner.

"Luna what do you even know about this changeling?!" Celestia shouted back.

"You know, I can hear you both VERY well..." Chryssie said to them both, trying to hide the knowing expression on her face. Luna is so sweet and fun! Celestia is right to question my motives... I wish it didn't have to be like this, but mom said she wouldn't hurt them, so maybe she just wants to talk to them? Yeah, just talk and ask questions... but if that's the case... why don't I quite believe that's what'll happen?

"Well, I have nothing to hide. What about you?" Celestia asked.

"TIA!!" Luna cried in embarrassment.

"Uh oh look we're here!" Chryssie said as she stopped outside, presumably, her bedroom door. "Wanna play?"

"Sure!" Luna said as she trotted in with her. "You coming Tia?"

"Um, no. I think I'll just look around if that's alright..." Celestia said timidly.

"Um, ok." Chryssie said.

So Luna and Chryssie played with some of her toys while Celestia wandered around. After awhile, she got the feeling that her surroundings were changing. Have I been through here already? Or maybe not... umm... what's this room? Celestia entered to realize she walked into the throne room.

"Who are you?! What are you doing here?!" a voice boomed. Seated on her throne was Queen Lepidoptra.

"Eep!" Celestia cried.

"You look like the alicorn my daughter described to me, but the colors are all wrong."

"Oh, um, you mean my sister, Luna... I'm Celestia... I guess you're Chryssie's mom?"

"So there's two of you? Interesting..." This could work even more in my favor than I thought, Lepidoptra thought to herself. "Are there more of you?"

"Um, well, I have my parents..."

"And what have they told you about our kind?"

"... I don't know if I should say."

"So nothing good."

"I-I didn't mean-"

"Relax, I won't hurt you little one. My issue is not with you. This is not your battle."


"Though I do hope you forgive me for this. It is what must be done for the good of my subjects." Lepidoptra said sincerely before she encased Celestia in a cocoon.

"Wait- ahh! Lff me oot!!" Celestia cried through whatever that liquid was. How she wasn't drowning she didn't know, but that's not what mattered. Luna is in danger!

"So what's your family like?" Chryssie asked.

"Well, they're really kind! Mommy and Daddy are busy a lot ruling Equestria, but they make time for us every other month or so. Sometimes I wish they didn't have to work so much, but I guess I understand. They said my sister and I will rule one day, and I'm not exactly looking forward to it if it means being too busy for everypony unless you pull lots of strings..." Luna rambled. "... That was more than you asked for, wasn't it?"

"No, it was fine! You sound close with your family..." Chryssie noted.

"As close as we can be. I love love LOVE my sister! When Mommy and Daddy can't play with us, we play together and Tia tells me fun stories and we laugh a lot!"

"Ugh, I hate my siblings." Chryssie grimaced.

"How many do you have?"




"That's a lot of siblings to hate."

"Sometimes they bug me so much I wish I could just kill them!" Chryssie nearly shouted, nearly...

"-gasp- I could never imagine wanting to kill my sister!" (Oh yes you could, Luna, yes you could.)

"Well good for you!" Chryssie suddenly snapped. "Can we get back to playing with dolls now?"

"Um, sure..." Luna replied, not a little surprised at Chryssie's outburst.

A little later, there was a knock on the door. Then, without any permission or announcement, Chryssie's mom waltzed in and made herself at home (I mean, it is her home, soo....).

-Awkward silence-

"So, you must be Luna," Lepidoptra stated.

"Yes ma'am," Luna responded.

"-sigh- And this is my mom, the one who always forgets to knock before entering," Chryssie subtly seethed.

"Oh like I'm not allowed to enter whatever room in MY castle whenever I like!" Lepidoptra shouted. "Are you enjoying your visit, Luna?"

"I was..." Luna responded.

"Was?" Lepidoptra asked.

"... You're kind of scary," Luna stated bluntly.

"Well, forgive me for being what I am. I hope your parents don't mind if you stay over for awhile,"

"Well... they don't actually know... I guess I should tell them I'm here..." Luna admitted guiltily.

"Oh that won't be necessary. I'll let them know."

"Really?" Luna and Chryssie asked.

"Yes, really. You two have fun and don't leave the castle without my permission. Wouldn't want you parents to come and realize you aren’t here now would we?" Lepidoptra asked.

"Of course not. Thank you!" Luna said. She was about to get back to playing with Chryssie when she noticed the look on her face. "What's wrong?"

"I don't think my mom is gonna let you and your sister go," Chryssie said.

"What?! Why would you say that?"

"She had that glint in her eye. Her 'scheming' face if you will. She's up to something, and I don't think it will be good for you two. We need to get you home, now!"


"I AM! But my mom is a different story! Let's go!" Chryssie opened the door to find herself face to face with her mom.

"You know, these walls are rather thin," Lepidoptra mused.

"Uh, mom... I didn't mean-"

"Such a shame when you can't trust your own family. I would have let you play quietly with Luna in your room, but now I'll have to take her with her sister."

"Wait what?! What did you do to Tia?! Where is she?!" Luna cried.

"Oh you'll know soon enough."

"Mom no!" Chryssie cried.

But it was too late. Lepidoptra took Luna who knows where in the hive and Chryssie was alone... again.

Meanwhile, back at the palace it was utter chaos.

"How could you lose the girls?!" Ethereal cried.

"Hey you were looking for them too! We both lost them!" Cosmos cried back.

"Please tell me they did not go into the forest!"

"We've looked everywhere else! Knowing Luna's curiosity, she probably DID go into the forest..."

"-sigh- and knowing Celestia, she probably tried, and failed, to stop her..."

"Let's go. I think I know where in the forest they are."

But before they could take another step, a letter appeared in front of them with the Changeling Royal seal on it. The Rulers looked at each other in deep fear before opening the letter.

King Cosmos and Queen Ethereal,
If you ever want to see your two daughters alive again, you will allow my subjects and I back into open society. You know what we want, what we NEED. If you refuse our terms, your daughters will be terminated. Don't take too long to think about it. I don't have all day, and neither do they.

-teleports to the Hive immediately-

"3... 2... 1..." Lepidoptra counted down.

"WHERE ARE THEY?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH OUR DAUGHTERS?!!!" Both rulers shouted, fully clad in armor and ready with swords.

"Took you long enough. Relax, I've done them no harm. You really need to learn to loosen up, take a joke! I won't kill them, but you won't get them back if you refuse my offer." Lepidoptra warned nonchalantly.

"Some sense of humor you have. You know why we can't accept your terms!" Cosmos announced.

"Ah yes, because your precious ponies are more important than my changelings' need to eat," Lepidoptra noted.

"Eat?! You were sucking the very life out of our ponies and killing them! Why would we ever allow you to continue doing THAT to ur subjects?!" Cosmos shouted incredulously.

"If THAT is what you think we were doing, then you are right, you'll never accept the terms and you'll never see your daughters again. Leave! Or I may do well on my written words."

"No, you won't." Ethereal said.

"You're right, I won't. But the threat still hangs in the air does it not," Lepidoptra said, subtly angling her hoof up.

Cosmos and Ethereal look up to see their daughters suspended in chrysalises hanging from the ceiling…