• Published 18th Sep 2023
  • 327 Views, 23 Comments

There's a First Time for Everything... - Majestic_Donut

Like two celestial alicorn fillies attending a human school for royalty known as Royal Prep...

  • ...

S1E2: The Royal Sleepover! (Featuring 3 born royals, 1 royal by marriage, 2 commoners, and an alicorn princess in a pear tree)

The Castle of Enchancia was abuzz with activity as the preparations for the royal sleepover were underway. A massive cake that no one is actually gonna eat later was rolled by, while some other servants carried wash bins and rugs to their designated locations in the palace.

"Look at all this! Our slumber party is gonna be amazing!" Sofia remarked.

"Oh Sofia, this isn't just any slumber party. This is your first royal slumber party," Amber exclaimed.

"I know! I'm very excited!"

"Oh me too! And I want everything to be perfect!"

Meanwhile, the castle steward, Baileywick, was directing the other servants on their tasks, sending some to the banquet room while others were sent to do other probably important things.

"Baileywick? Did you set up the chocolate milk fountain?" Amber asked.

"It's on its way to the banquet room right now, m'lady," Baileywick responded with a bow.

"Ah, thank you Baileywick," Amber said with a slight curtsy.

"Thank you Baileywick!" Sofia echoed.

The girls then went to the elevator shaft to go to where they'd be sleeping for the slumber party.

"Here, let me straighten your tiara," Amber said, fixing Sofia's tiara.

"Thanks Amber," Sofia said.

"Now wait until you see where we're sleeping tonight!"

As the elevator made its way to its destination, the doors opened to a beautiful and massive observatory! The walls and roof could hardly be considered there since everything was glass and windows. The room's walls and ceiling were in fact one massive dome of glass with several supports maintaining the structural integrity. A beautiful telescope could also be seen in the corner waiting for use by a certain Princess of the Night to do some casual stargazing. The beds look comfy too I suppose.

"Wow Amber! We're going to sleep here?" Sofia asked.

"Yes, we are!" Amber exclaimed with enthusiasm.

"This is amazing!"

"It is, isn't it?"

As they made their way to the beds they'd probably not be sleeping on tonight, Amber continued saying,

"And, there's one more thing: The most important part of any great royal party..."


"The guests!" Amber exclaimed. "I invited Princess Hildegard and Princess Cleo. They're the most popular princesses in the school. Who did you invite?"

"Ruby, Jade, and Luna." Sofia responded.

"Oh, how exciting! But, I don't know Ruby and Jade. What kingdom are they from?" Amber asked.

"Ours! They're my friends from the village!"

"-dramatic gasp- You invited village girls?!" Amber cried.

"They're really awesome!"

"-another gasp- But they're not princesses."

"So? I invited one princess. Besides, I know you're gonna love them! We used to have the best sleepovers!" Sofia reminisced.

"Ugh, Sofia. Must I remind you... again, that this is your first slumber party as a princess. You do want to make a good impression, don't you?"

"Yeees, but Ruby and Jade are so much fun! Wait till you see this dance they do!" Sofia giggled. "They're going to make this the best party ever! I promise."

-Meanwhile, in the Royal Sorcerer's lair-

Cedric was just polishing his crystal ball, when he heard a knock on his door.

-cue ball falling on his foot-

"AAGH OW!!! Oh, what is it?!"

"Cedric," King Roland greeted.

"Oh, King Roland, Queen Miranda," Cedric greeted back, trying his best to hide the pain his foot was still feeling.

"The girls are having a slumber party tonight," the King announced.

"Oh, I can already hear the endless giggling now," Cedric subtly deadpanned.

"And we were hoping you could put on a little magic show for them," Queen Miranda continued.

"... You want me, your royal sorcerer, to uh, entertain the children?" Cedric asked incredulously.

"Well we actually wanted the jester, but he's out sick," King Roland responded.

Of course he is... Cedric thought to himself. Second choice for a rather unwanted job anyways...

"Let's say around eight o'clock in the royal playroom?" Roland asked. "And could you do a few card tricks? You know children love card tricks."

"Oh and card tricks love children. Of course your majesty," Cedric said, wearing his cynicism well.

"Great!" King Roland said.

"Thank you Cedric," Queen Miranda said.

"Yes, my queen," Cedric bowed.

Once they'd left, all curtains fell and smiling masks were recklessly abandoned on favor of long faces with an entire dictionary of sorrows written on the under appreciated sorcerer's face.

"Oh I can't believe this!" Cedric cried with an audible palm to the face. "FIFTEEN YEARS of sorcerer training so I can be a warm up act for milk and cookies!"

-squawk- his raven Woodworm said.

"Indeed Wormy. Well, I'LL SHOW THEM! I'll use this little magic show to steal the Amulet of Avalor from Princess Sofia!" Cedric cried dramatically. "The only question... is how."

As Cedric spotted his puppets, an idea struck him. In short, he's gonna use his puppet show to make an object disappear and reappear right in his hands (Take a guess what object it'll be). Once he has the amulet, he'll take over the kingdom blah blah blah villain monologues etc.

-Meanwhile in Equestria-

"Oh Tia can you believe it? My first sleepover!" Luna cried. "I've never been to a sleepover before. What's it like?"

"Well, I've never been to a sleepover either. But I suspect there won't be much actual sleeping will there?" Celestia remarked.

"How can you when you're having so much fun? I wonder what games we'll play or what food we'll eat... I can't wait to spend more time with Sofia!"

"Didn't you say there would be others at the party too?" Celestia asked.

"Yeah, but I'll still have Sofia, even if I don't really know anyone else," Luna explained. "What should I pack?"

"It's only one night, so maybe just your toothbrush and nightgown," Celestia responded.

"Oh, and Mr. Fluffybear! Can't forget him! Wait, where is he?" Luna asked as she looked around for her Ursa Minor teddy bear. "WHERE IS HE?!"

"It's okay Luna, don't panic! I'll help you find him," Celestia offered as she began looking around Luna's room for Mr. Fluffybear.

"I can't go to the party without him! I'll never sleep if I do!" Luna cried.

"You probably won't sleep anyways..."


"Okay okay! Still looking..."

About half an hour later, it was almost time to go for the party. Mr. Fluffybear was still missing and it was clear he wasn't in Luna's room.

"Okay think, where did you last have him?" Celestia asked.

"Um, I think, um... I don't know," Luna struggled. "Maybe the dining hall?"

"Okay, we'll look there," Celestia said.

"We have to hurry! I can't be late for the slumber party!" Luna urged.

"Okay, you get ready and pack your other things, I'll look for Mr. Fluffybear," Celestia instructed.

So Luna readied her saddlebags and got her nightgown, hairbrush, and toothbrush packed (putting the toothbrush and toothpaste in a separate bag, of course). When she'd finished packing and headed down to the hall where the portal door room was, Celestia was nowhere in sight.

Come on Tia. Where are you? A few minutes later, Celestia came galloping down the hallway, ramming into the wall when she tried to turn the corner too quickly. She quickly recovered and met Luna at the door.

"I'm here! I'm here," Celestia gasped, trying to catch her breath.

"My hero!" Luna cried as grabbed the bear and held it tight. "Thank you Tia!"

"No problem! Now let's get you to that sleepover."

"And from the village of Dunwiddie, Ruby and Jade!" Baileywick announced as their cart rolled up.

"Sofia, Princess Amber!" they cried.

"Jade, Ruby!!!" Sofia cried in excitement. They then gathered together in a big group hug. "Welcome to our castle!"

"I can't believe we're here!" Jade cried. "This is gonna be so much fun!"

"Oh my goodness I'm so excited I couldn't even sleep last night! I was thinkin about bein in a real life castle and wonderin all sorts of things like do princesses brush their own teeth or does someone brush them for you? I brushed mine twice today especially for the party, see?" Ruby rambled on.

Just before anything more could be said, a whoosh was heard as a magic door appeared and opened to reveal a filly about their size on the other side.

"SOFIA I'M HERE!!!" Luna cried loudly as she ran out the door and then tripped. She promptly landed on her face, but ignored the pain as she quickly got back up again. "I'm here," Luna repeated more calmly.

"And from the Kingdom of Equestria, Princess Luna," Baileywick announced.

Due to the fall, Luna had more than a few hairs out of place and her tiara was crooked, but she was otherwise fine.

"Did that pony just talk?" Jade said. Ruby just shut up.

"Oh. Ruby, Jade, this is Princess Luna! She's from another dimension! We go to school together," Sofia explained. "Luna, this is Ruby and Jade from my old village!"

"... Hi," Luna said quietly.

Cue the incessant questions for all born royals.

"Wow, Princess Amber I love your tiara! Can I touch it? Do you eat grass or normal food (to Luna)? How many tiaras do you have? How many dresses (both for Hildegard)? Do you live in a castle (Back to Luna)?"

"Absolutely not!" Amber responded harshly.

"Um, sometimes? I but I prefe- okay..." Luna responded before Ruby asked a question to someone else.

"84. More than I can count..." Hildegard answered reluctantly.

"Yes," Luna replied to the last question. This girl sure talks like a whirlwind...

"Aw, what a cute white squirrel!" Ruby complimented.

"Lulu is a mink," Hildegard corrected.

My sister sometimes calls me Lulu... that's not awkward at all... Luna thought to herself.

"I have a pet donkey!" Jade remarked. "Isn't he cute!" Jade asked as she and Ruby started making donkey noises and laughing loudly. Meanwhile Luna was trying to comprehend why you'd have a pet donkey and what on earth those horrible sounds were that didn't come close to sounding like a donkey. To be fair, actual donkey noises were not that pleasant to listen to either so...

"Welcome to the royal sleepover!" King Roland announced.

"Ooh! Come one Ruby! Last one in goes to the dungeon!" Jade cried as they ran to the palace doors.

"Come on in girls. Our castle steward, Baileywick, will help you all get settled," King Roland said.

"Thank you your majesties," Ruby and Jade bowed dramatically. They then resumed their running in, stopping to rap about the fact that they're at a royal sleepover.

"They're coming to our party?" Hildegard asked incredulously. "They're just village girls!"

"Sofia invited them," Amber explained.

"Ruby and Jade are the best! You'll see," Sofia exclaimed.

And what am I? The freak pet? Luna thought to herself as she walked silently in with the others.

As they began unpacking their luggage in the observatory, Luna began to wonder if she'd massively misunderstood something about how long they were staying...

"Luna, where's your things?" Amber asked.

"Um, just here um..." Luna responded nervously as she pulled out her nightgown, toothbrush and hairbrush, and her teddy. "Did I need anything else for one night?" She asked.

"I suppose not," Amber responded.

"I underpacked!" Cleo cried, ironically probably having packed the most of all of them.

"Your luggage, m'ladies," a servant said as he presented Ruby and Jade's bags to them. As they unpacked their things, Ruby asked,

"Jade, did you bring the pinecones?"

"Yep! Sure did!"

Okay, now I know I'm missing something here... Luna thought to herself.

"You look funny!" Ruby laughed.

"La la la! I'm a pinecone princess!" Jade singsonged.

-cue awkward beatboxing-

"We're at a royal sleepover, a royal sleepover, a royal sleepover," Ruby "rapped." Then Sofia joined in.

"We're at a royal sleepover, a royal sleepover, a royal sleepover!"

"What are they doing?" Cleo asked.

I was wondering the same thing... Luna thought as she watched them rap and dance with zero sense of style or rhythm.

"What are they wearing?!" Hildegard asked, referring to the pinecones currently rolled into their hair like curlers. How they ever managed to get them out later is beside me...

"Are those pinecones?" Amber asked. And yes, yes they are.

"Want one? We brought extras!" Ruby offered.

"Uh, thanks..." Amber said dully. Then music started to play. From where? We don't know.

This again? Luna thought to herself. Yet another song and dance routine.

"Our perfect slumber party is just about to begin! And at our perfect slumber party, everybody's gotta fit in," Amber sang.

Where does that put me in terms of "fitting in?" Luna thought to herself.

"There's a certain way we do things. We don't snort and we don't squeal," Amber continued.


"Running around with pinecones really isn't part of the deal."

How are you supposed to get them out of your mane- I mean, hair, anyways???

As Amber continued her song, it became clear that being royal was a lot of pressure. Not that Luna hadn't known royal pressure before (after all, someday she will be responsible for maintaining the solar cycle and ruling an entire kingdom with her sister!), but it never quite looked like this. This almost seemed like more pressure than knowing someday you're gonna have to run an entire kingdom with your sister... almost.

Then Sofia began singing.

"At a perfect slumber party, why should we all act the same?"

True... certainly more interesting that way.

"Cause at a perfect slumber party, isn't fun the name of the game?" Sofia asked.

She continued her song listing all sorts of fun things you could do at a slumber party, while Amber rebutted everything with "proper princess activities." Quite frankly, Luna didn't know what to do. She was sent specifically to this world to learn how to be a proper princess, but what did that even look like?

I'm so confused! Waltzing? Sing softly, no boisterous noises, can't be clumsy- oh... -reminiscences on her entrance from earlier and the fact that she can't dance- I have a lot to work on...

By the time the song ended, Luna was conflicted.

"Um, Sofia?" Luna asked quietly.

"I'm gonna help them fit in!" Sofia finished as she went to find Ruby and Jade.

"Oh, um, okay..." Luna sighed as Sofia walked right past her. I don't think she even heard me. I suppose I have speaking softly down on the list... "Um Amber?"

"Oh, yes Luna?" Amber responded.

"How exactly am I supposed to fit in?"

"Well, I don't think you'll have any problems, being a natural born royal and all," Amber stated confidently. "While I don't think Sofia's village friends being here is a good idea, at least she did invite one real royal," Amber admitted.

"Yes, I suppose that is good. It is a royal slumber party after all, right?"

"Right, and you're royal."

Jade and Ruby just came back from having a royal makeover.

"They look just like princesses now don't they?" Sofia asked.

"They look the part, but can they act it?" Amber asked. Jade then proceeded to trip and fall in much the same manner Luna did when she arrived. Amber and her friends were not convinced.

"Okay! It's time for the first activity: fan decorating!" Baileywick announced. "Princesses one and all, follow me!"

So they headed to the other side of the room where they had craft supplies and blank fans to decorate. The girls began painting on their fans and filling them with pretty paintings, except...

"What flowers are you painting Hildegard?" Amber asked.


"What kind of flowers are you painting Cleo?"


What kind of flowers are you painting Amber?" Hildegard asked.


"Oh, I didn't know we could only paint roses..." Luna remarked as she looked at her fan. It was decorated to look like the night sky. It actually had a very striking resemblance to the Starry Nights painting by Van Gogh, only the moon was white instead of yellow. "Sofia, what do you think of my-" Luna was interrupted by Ruby as she shouted,

"Say hi to Mr. happy fan!"

Of course Sofia laughed, but then Amber scolded her.


"Ruby, can you just paint roses?" Sofia asked.

"Don't make me Mr. sad fan!" Ruby responded.


"-sigh- okay..."

Do I need to change my fan? I was actually quite proud of it... I'm messing up being a princess already! Does Sofia even know I'm here anymore? Luna thought dejectedly to herself.

"Baileywick? Is it almost time for pin the tail on the unicorn?" Sofia asked.

"Say WHAT now?!" Luna cried.

"It is now," Baileywick responded.

Then he unveiled the poster.

"What is that monstrosity?!" Luna asked.

"It's a painting of a unicorn," Amber responded.

"What's wrong with his face?! That is not any unicorn I have ever seen. I hate it! The picture scares me..." Luna humphed. Yeah, that's gonna be in my nightmares tonight...

"Oh oh oh! Can I go first! Unicorns are my favorite animal in the whole wide world!!!" Jade pleaded.

"Animal?" Luna asked, insulted by the term. Fortunately, no one heard her complaint.

Jade began the game by putting on the blindfold, and then she attempted to pin the tail on the unicorn. Her friends tried to guide her to the right spot. Turn left, turn right, more to the left, no back right! And then she knocked over the model of the solar system...

"Woah!" Jade cried.

"Watch out for the planets!" Ruby warned the others.

"... hahaha, look at me! I'm the princess of Venus!" Jade laughed. Cleo and Luna were laughing too, until Amber made a face that clearly implied "I am not amused so neither should you be." They stopped.

"Did someone else want a turn?" Jade asked.

Luna was about to try her luck (mostly so she could try stabbing the terrifying unicorn with the nail in the tail) when suddenly the bell rang.

"The bell! That must mean it's time for a new activity!" Sofia stated.

Already? Luna thought disappointedly.

"Yes indeed! Cedric's magic show is about to start," Baileywick explained.

Oh, magic show? That sounds interesting... Luna thought to herself, feeling a little better about the change in activity.

"Sofia, can I sit with y-"

"A magic show! Doesn't that sound like an activity we can all enjoy together?" Sofia asked rhetorically.

... I must be invisible. Luna mused sadly.

"Ah, in just a few moments, the Amulet of Avalor will be mine!" Cedric said. He practiced his act and it went... it went. Then the girls arrived.

Ruby proceeded to ask more questions to Luna, not catching a single one of the social cues that she did not really want to talk.

"Do you have any pets? Are there humans in your world? How do you get to school? Do you fly with your wings or does someone else fly you places like with our carriages? How many tiaras do you have? What's your castle like? Do you have any siblings? What do you like to do for fun?"

Please, just... stop... please... Luna thought inside. Outside, she was silent with the slightest sweat forming on her head with every added question. Luna was so overwhelmed, she looked like she wasn't breathing (which was probably true). Finally, she just snuck away while Ruby started to ask someone else questions. Amber then whispered,

"Sofia! Do something about your friends!"

"Uh hey Ruby! Did you know there's a chocolate milk fountain?" Sofia asked. "Why don't we get some before the show starts?"

"A chocolate milk fountain?" Ruby cried in awe.

As Amber, Hildegard, and Luna left with some chocolate milk (Luna especially needed some chocolate right now), Ruby said, "Sofia, this is so much fun! I'm having the best time! Thank for inviting us."

Hmph, at least they're having fun with Sofia. I don't think I've been able to say even one word to her since I got here... Luna thought bitterly, heading to sit down at the show.

"Jade! Save me a seat! Front and center!" Ruby called.

As Luna has sat down next to Cleo, Luna called, "Hey Sofia, can you sit with m-" and then Sofia sat next to Ruby and Jade on the other side of Amber. F-FINE! PRETEND I DON'T EXIST! I didn't want to come here anyways... Luna silently screamed within the confines of her mind.

"Now all they have to do is sit quietly and watch a magic show. What could go wrong?" Sofia said to Amber. Amber was not convinced.

"Welcome to the greatest and only magical puppet show in Enchancia!" A puppet with a low voice announced. Then a wizard puppet knocked the other puppet out of the way as he said in a high voice,

"For my first magic trick, I will make an object disappear!"

Is this their idea of magic? I'm bored already... Luna thought, forgoing the cold fact that she was already bored before this (Except when Jade knocked over the solar model. That was kind of funny).

"Now, who will lend me their amulet for this trick?" The puppet then hovered over to Sofia. "How about you little princess?"

"How about a pinecone? Can you make that disappear?" Jade asked as she got right in the puppet's face.

"NO! NO PINE- I mean, no. I need an amulet! Only an amulet," Cedric said, nearly losing his character.

"Do you know any card tricks?" Ruby asked. "I love those!" Then James entered the room.

Finally, another face I know well. Luna thought to herself. She certainly wasn't as close to him as she was with Sofia, but closer than Amber.

"Hey! Mom and dad asked me to tell you that-" James was interrupted.

"PRINCE JAMES!" Ruby and Jade simped cried.

"Remember us?" Jade asked.

"We met you last time we were at the castle!" Ruby said as they ran past the chocolate milk fountain, bumping it on their way.

The fountain began to lean as Sofia shouted, "NO!!" but it was too late. The fountain fell over, covering the two village girls in chocolate milk and getting a spot on Amber's dress. Though Luna put up her wing instinctively, she and the others were left untouched by the sticky chocolate mess.

Sofia gasped.

"Merlin's mushroom!" Cedric cried in anger as he poofed away.

"My nightgown is ruined," Amber said.

"It's only a drop..." Cleo noted.

"LOOK AT IT! IT'S RUINED!!!" Amber shouted.

"It's ruined," Hildegard echoed.

"We're so, SO sorry!" Ruby apologized.

"So sorry," Jade echoed.

"This was my third favorite gown!" Amber fumed.

"Amber, it was just an accident!" Cleo tried to reason with her.

"Yeah! At least you're not drenched in chocolate milk like they are!" Luna added.

"Who's side are you on?" Amber asked.

"I-I'm not... oh whatever..." Luna mumbled.

"Oh no," Sofia sighed.

"Oh dear oh dear. Okay you two, let's go to the dressing room and get you cleaned up," Baileywick said as he took them to the dressing room.

"Hahaha!" James laughed.

"What are you doing here, James?" Amber asked.

"Hahaha, sorry sorry. Mom and dad wanted me to tell you there's dancing in the ballroom," James explained.

"Let's go. Then maybe we can enjoy five minutes of our party without Sofia's friends getting in the way," Amber said.

But, I can't dance! I thought I was Sofia's friend too, and she was mine... What am I supposed to do?... Luna thought to herself as she went with Amber and her friends, the only ones who seemed to be giving her at least some attention. Luna did contemplate just staying with James if Sofia was gonna ignore her and Amber was gonna divide her. But unfortunately, it didn't seem James was invited to the party.

"Hey, you okay Sofe?" James asked.

"-sigh- No! My friends are ruining the party!" Sofia cried.

"What are you talking about? That was the funniest thing that's ever happened at one of Amber's sleepovers!"

"Oh, it was awful! Jade and Ruby have done everything wrong since they got here!"

"Says who?"

"Amber, Hildegard, Cleo!"

"So? Who cares what they think? What about Luna?"

"Oh my goodness, Luna! This is her first royal slumber party too! Oh, I must look like a complete fool to her too!" Sofia cried.

"I don't know about that, but what do you think?"

"I don't know... I just don't want them to ruin the rest of the party! -sigh-"

"Where is everybody?" Jade asked.

"In the ballroom," Sofia answered. "But can I talk to you guys first?"

"Sure!" Jade said.

"I love to talk!" Ruby piped.

"Yeah, that's the thing. I want you both to fit in with the princesses, and you want to fit in with them too, right?" Sofia asked.

"We look just like them now right?" Jade asked, posing dramatically with Ruby.

"Yes, you do. But now you have to act like them! Princesses don't talk so much or laugh so loud, or make so many messes," Sofia explained.

"We talk too much?" Jade aksed.

"We laugh too loud?" Ruby asked.

"We were just having fun-"

"But we're sorry. We didn't realize we were causing problems. We'll try to act, uh, more like the other princesses," Ruby promised.

"Oh great! Thank you!" Sofia said as they had a group hug. Unknown to Sofia, however, they were not happy.

While Luna was still trying to figure out dancing, Sofia and her friends finally came back in.

Finally, now I can spend some time with Sofia!

And then Sofia started waltzing with Amber while Ruby and Jade tried to waltz with each other.

Can't waltz, don't have a dance partner, don't have any friends... Why am I still here?! Luna mentally cried and nearly started crying outside too. So Luna just went in a corner by herself while she waited for the dancing to be done. This is the worst sleepover of my life!

Meanwhile, Jade and Ruby grew bored as well and sat in a different corner.

"Are you having any fun?" Jade asked Ruby.


As soon as the dance ended, Ruby and Jade went to talk to Sofia.

"Um, Sofia?" Ruby asked.

"We're gonna go home." Jade said.

"What? Why?" Sofia asked.

One of the benefits of someday being Princess of the Night means that she has heightened senses of night vision and hearing. Luna may have been on the other side of the room, but she still heard what was going on.

"We're not having a good time!" Jade admitted.


"But you're finally fitting in! And the best news is, you're not embarrassing me anymore!" Sofia triumphed.

"We were embarrassing you?!" Ruby cried.

"Sofia, I'm sorry if we talk too much and laugh too loud for your fancy new friends! But we like to talk and we like to laugh! And if that's not okay with you now that you're a princess, then maybe we shouldn't be friends anymore!" Jade shouted.

Luna had enough.


"Oh yeah! Well fine!" The girls said as they too ran off.

Obviously, Sofia was shocked and heartbroken.

"Don't worry about them, Sofia. You're with us now," Hildegard said.

"But I wanted to be with them," Sofia said. She then broke away from the others and ran up to find the girls. "Ruby! Jade! Luna!" She found Ruby and Jade's princess dresses on the bed, while Luna was nowhere to be found. "Oh no..."

"Sofia?" Queen Miranda called. "Jade just asked me to summon her father. Is everything alright?"

"I told Jade and Ruby to act more like the princesses! I was trying to help them fit in, but I just made them feel bad and accidentally ignored Luna while trying to help them," Sofia admitted.

"It seems to me the only one who needs to act more like a princess, is you," Miranda said.


"Being a real princess is all about how you treat people, Sofia. And if someone is your friend, you should like them for who they are. You shouldn't try to change them, no matter who else is around. Especially if that gets in the way of spending time with your friends," Miranda explained.

"I really messed up," Sofia sighed. "Now it's too late to do anything about it!"

"Well, it's never too late to start acting like a princess. And saying you're sorry is a great place to start," Miranda advised as they drew into a hug. "You know, Ruby and Jade are probably still here, and Luna is likely somewhere around the castle. Go on, you better hurry!"

"Thanks mom!" Sofia said as she ran for the elevator shaft. If I run quickly, I can catch Ruby and Jade before they leave! Hopefully Luna hasn't left either...

Sofia ran out the palace doors and down the steps as fast as she could without falling down and breaking her neck. As soon as she saw that Ruby and Jade were still there, she ran even faster and called out, "Ruby! Jade! Wait!" They continued walking on. "I'm sorry! Please don't leave!"

"Hmph, I thought we were embarrassing you," Jade said.

"And what about Luna?" Ruby said.

"You're not embarrassing me, you guys are perfect just the way you are! You're sweet, and loyal and so much fun to be around! Luna's outburst is my fault. If I hadn't been so busy trying to make you guys fit in, she wouldn't have felt so left out! She doesn't really know anyone here except me anyways, so that just made things worse," Sofia explained.

"We are pretty fun," Ruby said.

"And it does sound like Luna wasn't having any fun either," Jade admitted.

"And, you guys are my best friends! I'm sorry about the way I acted tonight, and I'm really reaaaally hoping you give me a chance to make it up to you!" Sofia pleaded. "We can start over and have our own slumber party, like we used to! What do you say, just the four of us? I still need to apologize to Luna too, and I think you guys would be great friends! She's not like the other princesses."

The two thought about it for a minute, before being in agreement. They then formed a group hug and all was forgiven.

"So where's Luna?" They asked.

"Oh no! I still haven't found her yet. I hope she hasn't left already! Can you help me find her?" Sofia asked.

"Sure Sofia," Jade said.

"No problem," Ruby said.

"She wasn't in the observatory when I first went up there," Sofia said.

"Maybe she's somewhere else," Ruby theorized.

"Like where?" Jade asked.

"I-is that Luna on a cloud?" Ruby asked.

They looked up high and sure enough, a couple dozen yards in the sky was a lone, low lying cloud with Luna cuddling her teddy on top of it.

"How is she doing that?!" Jade asked.

"Never mind that, Luna!" Sofia called as she went outside the balcony.

"Leave me alone!" Luna called back.

"No Luna! I've already been doing that all night! Can we please talk?" Sofia called.

"Why do you care? You've been with your 'friends' all night. Why do you need my company too?" Luna asked bitterly. If they could see Luna right now, they might have noticed her eyes were draconic. But they couldn't see it, so they didn't notice.

"Luna I'm sorry I've ignored you all night! I got so carried away trying to make Ruby and Jade fit in, I completely forgot to spend any time with you," Sofia explained. "Please don't be mad at me!"

"Mad at you? Why would I be mad at you? I'm not mad! I'm heartbroken..." Luna said, starting to cry again.

"I didn't mean to hurt you Luna, honest! Please come down! We're having our own slumber party in my room. No princessly expectations! Just a bunch of girls laughing and having a good time!"

"You really mean it?" Luna asked.

"Really. We can just have fun without having to act like proper princesses. Would you like that?" Sofia asked.

"... I would, actually," Luna responded as her eyes reverted to normal and she came down to the balcony. "I'm sorry too, for my outburst earlier. I suppose I can't have really blamed you two for Sofia's actions."

"It's fine, we understand! You were kind of right to be mad at us too. We at least had some fun before we had to act princessy," Ruby admitted.

"We promise we'll show you what it looks like to really have fun at a slumber party!" Jade proclaimed.

"I would love that!" Luna admitted.

"-sigh- Finally, some peace and quiet," Amber said.

"Now this is a perfect slumber party!" Hildegard stated.

"-sigh- No. Sofia's friends were kind of fun..." Cleo sighed.

From the observatory, music and laughter could be heard from Sofia's room.

-In Sofia's Room-

"Hahaha, that's a silly dance!" Jade laughed as Ruby did a silly dance while Sofia and Luna also laughed at the silliness before them.

"Oh oh wait, I have one too that I did at Sofia's ball. Watch!" Luna said as she began kicking her left front and back legs out and then putting them down and switching to the right legs, and repeat.

"Hahaha, I love it!" Ruby and Jade cried as they got down on all fours and did the same thing Luna was doing. Sofia then began singing a wacky song to go with the new dance as the just giggled and laughed.

Meanwhile, Amber, Hildegard, and Cleo were outside their door, listening in on the fun. Finally, Amber decided to peek in and see what they were up to.

"Sofia? Can we talk for a second?"

"Sure Amber. What's up?" Sofia asked.

"W-well, we heard a lot of laughter and noise coming from downstairs.. a-a-and we were just wondering if, everything was... alright?"

"We're fine! In fact, we're having a blast!"


"Yeah! How about you guys? How is your slumber party going?"

"Oh, us? W-well it's going... it's kind of a different kind of- a-and w-well... it's... different..." Amber struggled to answer.

"Amber, it's no fun without us is it?" Sofia asked point blank.

"Oooh... YES SOFIA!!!! We are so bored without the four of you!" Amber admitted.

"Well, would you like to join in our slumber party?" Sofia asked.

"We've got extra pinecones!" Jade offered.

"Really? That would be great!" Amber cried.

"We can worry about how to get them out later," Luna said. "Right now, I'm having fun!"

And so they danced on and forwent all royal formalities as they just enjoyed being kids!!!

Too bad someday they'll have to grow up and rule nations...

Author's Note:


I'm surprised how quickly I wrote this... I don't know if it's even been a full week between posts... oh well :twilightsmile:

My back hurts (A sign I've been sitting with horrible posture for too many hours) but my heart is happy!

The idea of the mood behind this chapter is "You invited your introvert friend to a party but then forgot about them and hung out with your fellow extroverts leaving the introvert alone in a world of strangers." (I am personally guilty of this... please forgive me!)

The next episode is "Let the Good Times Troll," but let me just say I will be skipping the events of that episode. I honestly hated that episode and honestly don't know how to incorporate it into the story, since it's an episode more aimed at Sofia's personal life (Like, what would Luna have to do with any of that?). So, I'll be having a slice-of-life chapter instead that just focuses on Luna and her family going about their normal weekend (Kind of like how "Let the Good Times Troll" puts more focus in just Sofia and her family). Because the entire chapter will be original instead of an episode rewrite, it will take longer to write and will probably be waaaaaay shorter, but there will be a chapter S1E3 (Just not involving any trolls or Sofia).

My usual picture!

I wonder if I'll run out of these by the time I reach the end of the series... Nah :pinkiehappy: (Pretend the horsey is an Ursa Minor teddy)

Like, follow, fave, and all that other stuff! Feel free to let me know if there are any glaring grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors from me typing too quickly and not always checking my work because I'm too impatient to post :scootangel:

(Y'all would probably catch them easier anyways since I've been staring at this story for about 8 or more hours intermittently :pinkiecrazy:... I have been sitting for far too long going back and forth between writing this chapter and rewatching "The Big Sleepover" episode and generally goofing off on YouTube...)