• Published 18th Sep 2023
  • 322 Views, 23 Comments

There's a First Time for Everything... - Majestic_Donut

Like two celestial alicorn fillies attending a human school for royalty known as Royal Prep...

  • ...

S1E1: "Never Give Up" (Even if it's easy to do so)

An undefined amount of time after Sofia's Coronation Ball, a pink alicorn teen and a blue alicorn filly could be seen through their tower window getting ready for the school day.

"And I had so much fun! I made up a funny new dance I could do in dance class and Sofia and I talked a lot and Starswirl talked to King Roland about our worlds and then we ate some fancy food and I tried a weird brown chewy looking thing... Tasted kind of funny and salty, but I think I like it. I don't know why Sofia looked at me so strangely, but I guess it's all fine now!" Luna rambled on as she told Celestia about her day for the dozenth time.

"Oh, that's nice. Sounds just as fun as the first six times you told me about that night!" Celestia said, doing her best to mask her sarcasm as well as forgoing telling Luna what she ate... no need for Luna to know just yet. "Speaking of Starswirl, did you remember to do your magic exercises like he asked us to do?"

Luna immediately stopped whatever she was doing and opened her mouth to say something, only to close it after. She opened it again, carefully stating, "Um, not quite yet... I was gonna do it... tonight! Yes, I'll do it tonight. Or even right now! Hold on one second..." Luna immediately began rapid firing her magic exercises. This had no adverse effects whatsoever, nor did it include levitating almost everything in Celestia's room and dropping it suddenly, nor was Celestia's room a complete mess right now. -sarcasm dramatically intensifies!!!-

"... LUNA!!!" Celestia shouted.

"Heheh, oops," Luna said. "I did them now..." -insert Luna's best "I am completely innocent" face here-

"Fillies, it's time to go! You don't wanna be late for school," Ethereal called through the door.

"Coming mama!" Both called back.

When the girls finished galloping down the stairs, their parents lead them to the room that held the magic door. Originally, it was a mirror in design, but there had been a few accidents of ponies leaning against the mirror and falling inside a random world. They were fine and made it back to Equestria, but a door was framed around it to prevent this from happening again. Besides, it made more sense for it to be a doorway to other worlds rather than a mirror to look at other worlds.

Cosmos opened the door and asked, "are you fillies ready?"



"That's more like it! Let's go."

As they entered the first door, they were met with another world full of more doors. To the untrained eye, every door looked exactly the same. But if one were to look closely, they would notice a slight glowing streak twisting and dancing along the grain of the doors ever so subtly. If one were to look even closer, they would notice that no two doors had the same streaks (or signature) on it. Every door had a fingerprint, so to speak. As a result, anyone who could read these lines would never get lost in this realm of doors. When they reached the door with the "signature" of Enchancia and the school, Cosmos wove together the magic code to specify where exactly in that world he wanted the door to open. As a reliable test, he opened the door and, sure enough, it opened in front of the school.

"Have fun Luna! We'll pick you up after school," Cosmos said.

"Bye Mama, bye daddy, bye Tia! Good luck at Royal Academy!" Luna called to her family.

"Thanks!" Celestia said as they closed the door to activate the door to a different location in Enchancia.

The door opened again to reveal another school with older students more Celestia's age heading inside the building.

"Have fun Celestia!" Ethereal said.

"Thank you! I will," Celestia responded as she galloped into the school.

Back at Royal Prep, Luna had just met up with Sofia on her way to classes. When Sofia saw Luna coming towards her, she joyfully said, "Hi Luna!"

"Hi Sofia!" Luna responded.

"Guess what? I'm trying out for the Royal Prep Flying Derby team today!" Sofia exclaimed excitedly.

"Ooooh... what's that?" Luna asked, intrigued but also confused.

"Oh, it's a race to challenge racers' speed and agility in a flying course! Students ride flying horses and guide them through a course to cross the finish line first! It's absolutely thrilling to watch, and I can't wait to try out for the team! I've always wanted to ride in the flying derby," Sofia explained wistfully.

"Wow, that sounds so cool! I want to try out too!!!" Luna exclaimed excitedly.

"But, how are you going to do that?" Sofia asked.

"I want to fly in the derby! Duh. I'm the fastest and bestest flyer in our entire castle! Besides daddy of course. I think he lets me win sometimes, but that's okay! I'll beat him for real one day! Especially if I raced a bunch in the flying derby!" Luna explained, just as determined as Sofia now to make the team.

"Great then! We can go together," Sofia said.

"I can't wait!" Luna cried.

"Um, Sofia? The bleachers are over here. Sofia?" Amber called, being completely ignored by Sofia in lieu of a mission.

"Good morning Sir Gilliam!" Sofia piped.

"Ah, good morning Princess Sofia. The bleachers are over there," Sir Gilliam responded.

"I'm not here to watch, I'm here to try out for the team!" Sofia announced.

"What?!" cried everyone who wasn’t Luna or Sofia in shock.

"What? What's wrong?" Sofia asked.

"Um, only princes can ride in the flying derby," a dark haired young prince stated, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"So, princesses can't try out?" Sofia asked dejectedly.

"Well, I-I mean, they could, but..." Sir Gilliam trailed off.

"But they don't. The flying derby is just not a princess thing," Amber explained.

Then everyone broke out into song and dance.

... W-what? Luna thought to herself as she watched everything unfold.

By the time the song had finished, Sofia was not gonna let them stop her from pursuing her dreams. Meanwhile...

"Um, Sir Gilliam?" Luna asked.

"Yes Princess Luna?" He replied.

"Can I try out for the team?" Luna asked. "As a flyer of course, not as a rider. I've only ever ridden on my daddy's back and I get the feeling it wouldn't be quite the same here..." she explained before the confusion could unfold.

"Ah, I see." Sir Gilliam said. As he sized her up, one major problem sprung to mind. "Who will ride you?" he asked.


"You will need a rider just like all the other flyers. Quite frankly though, I'm not sure anyone in the school would be small enough to practically ride you." Sir Gilliam explained.

"But, can't I just fly without a rider? I really want to race!" Luna asked.

"I'm afraid not. Flying derby is, in essence, a team sport between the rider and their flying horse-"

"Pegasus," Luna corrected.

"Um... yes. Having a rider is both an added advantage of more eyes and a disadvantage of new weight and requires a tight bond and synchronization. If I allowed you to race without a rider like the other students, it wouldn't very likely be a fair race would it?" He explained.

"I suppose I understand that... what if I got a rider?" Luna asked. She would exhaust every option she had.

"I'm not sure who you could find to ride you..." Sir Gilliam said, noting the fact that Luna was only maybe a head taller than Sofia and didn't have much back space comparatively for someone to ride on.

"I'll find a way!" Luna proclaimed.

"If you say so," Sir Gilliam sighed.

The next day, while both girls were guided to the stables, Sir Gilliam announced, "There is only one horse left, but nobody wants to ride him..."

"I want to ride him!" Sofia piped up.

"You do? -sigh- of course you do..." Sir Gilliam deadpanned.

"What about me?" Luna asked. I wonder of there's a rider nopony wants to carry... I wish Sofia could ride me! Maybe...

"Hmm, maybe see if there's a saddle that will fit you." He responded.

huh? "What's a saddle?"

"Oh... You wear it on your back so that your rider doesn't fall off as easily." Sir Gilliam explained

"Oh... okay!"

While Luna went to find a saddle that wouldn't swallow her whole, Sofia met Minimus for the first time.

"Oh you don't wanna ride me, princess! I-if only you spoke horse I could tell you," Minimus said.

"I can speak horse," Sofia stated.

"AGH! Wow, oh what, how???" Minimus asked.

"Because of my amulet. It gives me the power to talk to animals," Sofia explained (condensed version).

"Hahaha!" Luna laughed somewhere around the corner (I laughed when I heard Minimus say "AGH" too Luna), having given up on finding a saddle in her petite filly size. When she came back around to where Sofia was, she said, "Hi Minimus! I'm Luna."

"You speak human AND you understand horse? Wait, when did they start bringing in winged unicorn fillies to the stables? Are you here for flying lessons? You don't want me as a teacher," Minimus said to Luna.

"Heheheh... one, I'm an alicorn. Two, I'm actually a student here. Three, I already know how to fly. I came here to try out to be a flyer in the races! But Sir Gilliam thinks I'm too small to carry anyone..." Luna explained. I'm also bilingual, which I'm pretty sure Tia told me means I speak and understand two languages... but that is beside the point.

"Well, at least you must be a good flyer! I may be rideable, but I've got short legs and these small wings! I don't fly very fast and I worry about everythi-"

"Stop talking now."

"Huh?" Minimus said.

"Sofia wants to ride you, so she will. I made up a bunch of excuses why I shouldn't come to school here, but I actually like it after all. So whatever excuses you think you have, drop them and just get out the barn door already," Luna stated bluntly. Perhaps with more age (and the tact that comes with experience) she would've been less harsh, but we'll get to that character growth later.

"U-uh, o-okay..." Minimus stammered.

Sofia, having a bit more empathy than Luna for Minimus, then said, "I think you're perfect just the way you are!"

So they went on outside and thus began the first challenges. Despite what his name implies, Minimus was still large by a child's standards. Therefore, Sofia had a hard time getting on him. First she tried jumping up high to get on him, but she couldn't gain enough altitude. Then she jumped higher and climbed up, falling off on the other side instead. Finally, James (Sofia's stepbrother and the one tasked by their parents to help Sofia in her efforts to join the team) said,

"Here, let me help you." When James created a step up with his hands for Sofia, she stepped up and managed to get her leg over Minimus and mount him correctly.

"Thanks James," Sofia said. As she tried to get Minimus to start flying, she realized something. "Now what do I do?"

At that moment, Hugo (the adorable jerk prince with the singing voice of a grown man*) approached them on his flying horse/pegasus. "When you're done James, can you help my sister get on her pony? Hahaha!"

After he left, James declared it would probably be best if they practiced in the back area where no one would see them.

As practice began, Sofia could barely stay on Minimus for more than 10 seconds...


Fall on a crash pad


Fall on a crash pad and bounce a few times

Ride again?

Big fall with lots of bouncing around on the crash pads...

"-sigh- what am I doing wrong?" Sofia asked.

"I don't know," James replied. "We can stop if you want."

"I am NOT giving up! I don't care how many times I fall! I am going to try out for the team!" Sofia proclaimed.

"Hahaha, you've gotta stay on your horse first!" Hugo said. "I knew you were a bad racer, James, but you're a worse teacher! Guess flying derby isn't a princess thing after all."

"You can make fun of me all you want Hugo, but not my sister!" James rebutted.

Nearby, Luna didn't know what it was that was happening within her, but something just snapped. What exactly? She doesn't know. But what she does know is that Hugo is about to get the biggest chewing out of a lifetime!

"YOU INSOLENT WHELP!!!" Luna shouted. "SOFIA IS THE MOST CAPABLE RIDER I'VE EVER KNOWN!!!" Somewhere deep inside Luna, a part of her noted that Sofia was the only rider she knew, but she disregarded that thought for the time being...

"FLYING DERBY IS FOR PRINCESSES, AND SHE WILL BEAT YOU AND YOUR STUPID 'FLYING HORSE,' OR I'LL NEVER FLY AGAIN!!!**" Luna finished shouting in the Royal Canterlot Voice, on the verge of tears.

"Is that a challenge? Bring it on! I hope you enjoy your flight ban," Hugo quipped poorly as he left.

"Luna! That's not necessary," Sofia said.

"Oh but it is," Luna stated, slightly more calmly (or at least not shouting or about to cry). "I'll help! With me teaching Minimus and James teaching you, how could we fail?"

"Well, if you're not going to give up, then I won't either," James said as he fist bumped Sofia.

Meanwhile, "Ooooh snap..." Minimus panicked.

While James was helping Sofia learn to stay on her horse, "Royal Flying Boot Camp" began with Minimus.

"Okay soldier, straighten up and chin up! I want to see you standing at your tallest and most noble!" Luna shouted (at least it wasn't the Royal Canterlot Voice, but the filly still has quite the set of lungs in her...)

"A-ah ma'am yes ma'am!" Minimus stuttered as he saluted her with a wing.

"You can just call me Commander Luna. I'm nowhere near old enough to be a 'ma'am'," Luna stated flatly.

"Yes Commander Luna!" Minimus corrected himself.

"First, let's start with something simple. Do 10 laps around the course as fast as you can. I need to see what I'm working with here," Luna instructed.

So off he went. Minimus was doing passable at first, but with every lap he got progressively slower. Hmm... legs causing drag, inefficient use of wingspan, terrible pacing, poor stamina, posture aerodynamically fatal, is he even breathing? Luna mentally noted.


"Huh? Woa-" -crash- "What? Did I do okay?" Minimus asked while trying to recover.

"Tsk tsk tsk, terrible," Luna stated. "You flap your wings like they might fall off if you don't hold them tight enough to you, your legs look like they're paralyzed, you spent entirely too much energy on the first two laps and had none left for the other 8, do they even teach you pegasi anything at all about flight efficiency???**" Luna ranted.

"Well gee thanks, that's exactly what I wanted to hear..." Minimus deadpanned.

"I'm not going to tell you what you WANT to hear, I'm gonna tell you what you NEED to hear. You need help, and if you and Sofia are going to cross that finish line in first, you need to follow my coaching (Second-hand from my dad's teachings of course)," Luna explained.

"Oh, okay," Minimus agreed.

First they started with endurance exercises to build up his ability to fly for long periods of time. Then he did wing lifts (well, he tried anyways), galloped in place for 15 minutes, and then had to carry Luna plus two feed bags on his back while hovering for as long as possible... less than 10 seconds. Luna is fine, but those bags of feed will never see better days... Since Sofia and James were back from their practicing, it was time to work on flight efficiency.

"Minimus, since Sofia will need to practice riding you now, we'll move on to flying faster and with more agility," Luna instructed.

"How did I do on endurance?" Minimus asked.

"... um, it better be a short race," Luna said.

With that, it was James' turn to do the coaching for Sofia. Of course, this didn't mean Luna wasn't still "helping" alongside them.

"Make those wingtips touch Minimus! Tuck those legs in! You are a flying barrel and you have no legs! Neck outstretched straight like a bullet!!! There we go!"

They actually did very well, soaring through the sky gracefully. Also, Luna's advice was actually what Minimus needed to improve his time.

"Alright, it's time you tried the last hurdle," James said. "It's the toughest part of the course, right before the finish line. We go under the gate and through the steeple."

As Minimus approached the steeple, he lost a lot of momentum stopping to staring up at it before flying up. After James flew up to the steeple and rang the bell, Minimus followed suit. However,

"Uuuuugh we're not gonna make it Sofia!" Minimus panicked.

"If James can do it, so can we!" Sofia encouraged.

"Not necessarily!!!!" Minimus replied, ever the pessimist.

They proceeded to spiral back down from the sky, gliding back to the ground. Minimus had given up, Luna noted.

"You'll get it next time," James said.

"I hope so..." Sofia replied.

After Sofia and everyone else left school for the day, Luna asked her parents if she could stay a little bit longer.

"I just need about ten more minutes," Luna said. As Luna walked to Minimus's stall, she asked, "Minimus, what happened today?"

"It was my fault! I was terrible, I'm not good enough, I'm gonna fail Sofia, and-"

"No. You were great. You improved your speed dramatically, you weren't out of breath when you flew, I could tell you sliced through the air more than you did before we started training, and you almost made it up the steeple!" Luna interrupted.

"Almost isn't going to win the race," Minimus stated.

"Minimus, what is it about Sofia that everyone loves so much?" Luna asked.

"Um, well she's sweet and kind and pretty and she never gives up and-"

"Stop. Repeat that last one," Luna interrupted.

"She never gives up?"

"Correct. The only thing you did wrong during that practice race, and I mean the ONLY thing, was that you gave up. When it got difficult and you let fear take a hold of you, you gave up," Luna pointed out bluntly.


"Let's go through the course one more time. I'll race alongside you. Follow my lead and don't give up. Unlike my daddy, I'm not gonna just let you win." Luna smirked before taking off. They went through the course with Luna guiding him through the best way to fly the course. As they whipped and wound through the course, Sir Gilliam noticed Luna's skill.

"Impressive," he noted.

After several turns and maneuvers through the course, it was time for the steeple.

"Are you ready?" Luna asked.

"No!" Minimus responded.

"Wrong answer!"

"I mean yes!"

"Good. Let's go!"

Luna swooped up the side of the steeple, never missing a beat. As she climbed her way up the tower, Minimus followed suit. Luna whipped through the steeple and used her telekinesis to ring the bell on her way. Minimus, however, fell just short of the top while Luna faded from view towards the finish line.

"Huzzah! That was fun wasn't it Mini- Minimus?" Luna looked behind her to realize Minimus wasn't there. -sigh- She walked around the side to see him still on the other side of the steeple looking more dejected than ever.

"A filly raced better than me..." Minimus sulked. -SLAP- "OW WHAT?"


"Y-Y-YES C-COMMANDER LUNA!!!" Minimus shouted/stammered back in shock, rubbing the soreness out of his face and ears.

"Good. I didn't break your face did I? I forgot I have Earth Pony strength as an alicorn..." Luna asked.

"You're asking this now?" Minimus asked annoyedly. "-sigh- I'm fine. 'Push through the pain' you said."

"Okay good. I'll be back tomorrow morning to help you before the race! I know you can do it," Luna said. "But the important question is, do you believe you can do it?"

"I don't know..."

"Well you better know before the race. Sofia hasn't given up on you, James hasn't given up on you, I haven't given up on you, so don't you go giving up on yourself," Luna said. "See you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow..."

Things were going great! Minimus flew what was probably his fastest time and now it was time for the dreaded steeple.

"Up Minimus! Up up up!" Sofia shouts.

I can do it I can do it!!! Minimus tries to convince himself.


"We're not gonna make it Sofia!!" Minimus panics again.

"Oh Minimus..." Luna murmured to herself.

He didn't give up nearly as easily this time, but nevertheless he did eventually give up.

"It's all my fault! You should switch to a bigger horse," Minimus said.

"You're big enough," Sofia said back.

"A faster horse then," he corrected.

"You're plenty fast," Sofia rebutted.

"You can talk to your horse all you want, but it won't get you through that steeple. If you can't even finish the race, why even start it?" Hugo said from behind and then beside them. "You should go back where you belong, with the other princesses."

Luna didn't quite snap the same way she did before, but she came pretty close when she gave Hugo a very dangerously dragon-slitted death glare...

Let's just say the stare was enough to make him go away without another word.

The rest of practice continued to go a little better, but Minimus was still unable to get up the steeple. They tried and tried, but it was no use. If Minimus couldn't find some courage soon, they were gonna lose! And Luna hadn't forgotten about that hasty bet she made with Hugo...

"Minimus, I think you should rest now. You'll need all the energy you can get for the race later today," Luna said.

"How am I supposed to race? I'll never even cross the finish line..." Minimus sighed dejectedly.

"Don't listen to anything that dumb prince has to say, listen to me. Forget everything I ever taught you! If you never remember anything I said, remember this: Don't give up. Don't give up, no matter how easy it may seem to do so. Nothing worth doing was ever easy, but you can do this!" Luna pep-talked.

"I don't know..."

"Then I guess you'll just have to do it not knowing."

As the time for the race had drawn near, Luna met her parents and sister in the spectators' booth.

"Racers to the starting line!"

This is it. Nothing to be done now but watch... Luna thought to herself.

"Oh this is exciting! I've never been to a flying derby race before. How creative," Celestia said as she watched the pegasi and their riders began to line up.

"They certainly look like promising flyers," Cosmos noted.

"Aw, that little purple one looks cute," Ethereal said.

"That 'little purple one' is the one we need to win or else I'll never be allowed to fly again..." Luna said.

"Remind me to never let you run negotiations when you're older..." Cosmos deadpanned.

"So, I guess you never found a rider to race with?" Celestia asked.

"Oh, I forgot about that..." Luna noted. But she also realized there was no possible way she could carry anyone bigger than a toddler and still race normally.

"Oh, the race is starting!" Celestia cried.

"Welcome to the Flying Derby tryout race!" Flora announced. "As everyone knows, the first two riders to cross the finish line earn their place on Royal Prep's Flying Derby team! So without further adieu, horses, on your wings, get set, go!"

And the race is off! Minimus is up to a late start, but regains ground quickly. His smaller size makes him maneuverable, allowing him to wind through other flyers and pass them. As Minimus gained ground on Hugo and his horse, Hugo got an idea.

"Looks like we're gonna have to take the princess out of the race." With that, he purposefully stopped in front of Sofia so she'd get thrown off her horse.

"Aaaah!" Sofia cried, nearly landing head first on a haystack. She managed to correct her fall and land on her bottom instead of the more fatal neck snapping option.


"Luna, normal volume please! And NO, you cannot shoot the kid with a laser beam," Cosmos rebuked.

"Hmph," Luna pouted. "GO SOFIA AND MINIMUS!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!"

James helped Sofia get back on Minimus and the race continued on! Despite Hugo's efforts, the two were gaining ground again.

"Sofia and James have caught the pack and passed them! But Hugo still has the lead," The announcer announced.

"There's Hugo," James said.

"And there's the steeple," Sofia continued. "Come on Minimus! We can do this!"

"Oh, I don't know..." Minimus said.

"Well I do!" Sofia remarked. As they rose up the steeple, Sofia chanted out, "Climb, climb, climb!"

"Oh, oh, oh!" Minimus cried out as he rose up the steeple.

~"Never give up! You'll just have to do it not knowing. Sofia hasn't given up on you, James hasn't given up on you, I haven't given up on you, so don't you go giving up on yourself!"~ Luna's words rang in his head.

"Now tuck those wings!" Sofia said to him. Before Minimus knew it, he had passed through the steeple and heard that glorious bell sing its song of victory.

"I did it!" Minimus realized in awe.

"How did she- WOAH!" Hugo started to ask before he nearly crashed into a tree.

"Go Sofia and Minimus!" Luna cheered.

"As they turn down the stretch, it's Hugo, James, and Sofia neck and neck!" the announcer announced.

"Come on, you can do it!" Luna shouted, not in the Royal Canterlot Voice but certainly audible.

The riders were neck and neck, no one having any plans of backing down! Sofia and James continued to gain baby steps towards the winning positions. Moments before crossing the finish line, James and Sofia passed Hugo and gained the winning spots! And the crowd goes wild!

"Princess Sofia and Prince James have won the tryout race and made the team!" the announcer announced.

"We won. We actually won! Wait, does that mean they'll expect us to win the next race? And the one after that?! I THINK I NEED TO LIE DOWN!!!" Minimus cried as he played dead on the ground.

"Oh Minimus," Sofia chuckled. Sofia and James congratulated each other and attributed their wins to each other. When they had finished patting each other on the back (figuratively speaking), Sir Gilliam and the others came to congratulate them.

"Congratulations! I proudly present you both with the official team jerseys," Sir Gilliam announced.

"Wow, thank you!" Sofia said.

"Brilliant," James said.

They put on their jerseys and then their family and Luna and her family came to congratulate them.

"Great job Sofia! I knew you two would win!" Luna proclaimed.

"You must have been pretty sure if you were willing to bet your ability to fly on them winning," Cosmos surmised.

"Heheheh, perhaps I shouldn't have made the stakes higher than they already were..." Luna admitted.

"I think it was wonderful what you did for your friends Luna," Ethereal complimented.

"I'm impressed, I thought for sure Hugo would win," Celestia stated.

"But he didn't have me or Sofia helping him. So he was always doomed to lose," Luna stated matter-of-factly.

"Right you are young princess," Sir Gilliam agreed.

"Sir Gilliam?" Luna asked.

"Your Majesty, your daughter is an incredibly gifted flyer!" Sir Gilliam exclaimed. "I've been watching her fly while she helped Minimus practice, and I must say I would hate to lose such a valuable flyer. Princess Luna, how would you like to help start a racing team solely for racing with flying hor- I mean pegasi? No riders needed since it seems you and your parents can translate everything for us and them," Sir Gilliam proposed.

"Would I ever?! Yesyesyesyesyesyes YES!!! Thank you!" Luna squealed. "Oh Tia I could race against you and Minimus and some of the other pegasi at home, OH! We could race against the other pegasi here too! We could all practice becoming better flyers like the riders practice being better riders!!! Yay!" Luna ranted on excitedly.

"Luna, you know you would obliterate me in a race," Celestia noted.

"I know," Luna said innocently.

"Well I think this is the best end to a race I can imagine," Ethereal announced.

"There's a first time for everything, and we are definitely the first of our kind," Sofia declared as the first princess to be on the flying derby team, with Luna being the first royal student to (someday) fly in the races and make her own racing team.

Author's Note:

AAAAAND end scene! Wow this chapter got long. I don't even know if that much really happened, but I tried to flesh it out. It's 9pm, my back hurts a little bit, and I know the chapter is dialogue heavy, but I'm not mad about it. There were a lot of conversations and I enjoyed writing and reading them, so I hope you do too. Feel free to point out any glaring errors in spelling/grammar/continuity/etc. and like/follow/track/fave!

Like in last chapter, I glossed over the Sofia/James scenes and focused on Luna and Minimus on purpose so as not to interfere with the existing character growth/bond. I didn't mention this before, but if you have never seen the Sofia the First series before (or it's been a long time), I recommend you watch the corresponding episode for each chapter to "fill in the blanks" so to speak (It would fill in the blanks simply because I am leaving those glossed over bits untouched. Therefore, there are certain parts of the original episodes that remain unchanged from canon).

*Like seriously, who was in charge of voice casting for these kids' singing voices?? They're heavenly! Is it wrong that my heart kind of fluttered when Hugo sang the phrase "Suits of armor with lots of spikes,"? That voice! It was just ✨👌🏻✨ The way his voice did a vibrato and the way he ran his notes so smoothly was just 🤯🫠 Disney knows how to cast its singers ❤️ (Also, I forgot what a massive jerk Hugo was in this episode! I also realized I still managed to sing along to the songs near perfectly like 10-12 years later 💀

**If you couldn't tell what was going on with Luna before, here's an explanation:

Nightmare Moon is starting to grow into a more mature state at this time. While Luna doesn't understand what part of her is causing her to do/say the more irrational and bolder things she'd usually never do/say, she will soon. In later chapters, if Luna is acting more quiet and shy, she is her main self. If Luna suddenly gets severely triggered and becomes bolder in her words and actions, then Nightmare Moon has sprung in. Essentially, Luna = Quiet, shy and keeps her thoughts to herself (introverted), while NMM = Bold, confident, speaks her mind, will probably come across very blunt and harsh, but she is not yet evil (extroverted). In an ideal world where the two work in perfect harmony, Luna would be an ambivert. But no such harmony has happened yet 😉

Here's a super adorable image I found on the internet that indicates the current Luna/Nightmare relationship:

Aww, they're buddies! 🥰